Freakshow (2013) s01e06 Episode Script

Strongman Competition

What you guys up to? You wanna check out our strong-man competition today, Venice Beach freakshow? Do you wanna see me lift a weight, real quick? - You should do it.
- Okay.
All right.
Here we go, in the eyes.
Twenty pounds.
Ugh Give him some encouragement.
You know, it helps.
- Wow.
- Whoa! Oh, God! [Laughter.]
Woo! Folks, today, you will witness the strangest creatures on Earth, the living wonders of the world, and the most amazing people on the planet.
They're all inside.
What you thought was a myth, you will see with your own eyes.
Welcome to the "freakshow".
- What's going on? - Hey! Good to see ya, dude.
- Yeah, dude.
- How ya been? I've been good yourself? - You've added some new stuff to the place.
- Oh, yeah, you wanna check it out? - Let's go check it out.
- Come on, let's go.
So, what weird stuff am I gonna see? - I wonder.
- More two-headed animals.
Hey, everybody, look who just arrived, the Illustrated Penguin.
- Oh, hey! - Hi, guys it's a been a while.
So, uh, I was wondering, uh, any new things that you got? Watch this.
This freaks the little kids out.
Ah Ah! - That freaks me out a little bit.
- I know, me too.
What, you're not supposed to be freaked out.
- I know.
- You own a freakshow.
I know.
All right, everybody.
What I'm thinking about for this next event is a Strongman Competition.
Ooh! The Strongman has always played an important part in the circus sideshow.
You see The Strongman.
He's liftin' the huge dumbbells.
He's picking up so many people on his shoulders or doing something that you never thought was possible.
This event I wanna do things that they've never seen in their lives, so I wanna do it freakshow style.
- Yeah! - Right? A Strongman Competition the way we would do it.
- So, you ready? - Yeah, I'm ready.
What do you think you could do for The Strongman event? I can lift stuff with my ears.
Well, how much weight do you think you can lift with your ears? I'm liftin', uh, like, five to ten pounds.
Yeah, because I was about to say they look pretty stretched.
- Yeah.
- Did it hurt to do that? - Everything hurts.
- Yeah.
If it didn't hurt, and you didn't feel anything, you wouldn't be human.
Cool, yup, that's why I wanted you to come.
I want all different types of strong men.
So, um, I've also got another guy that I want you to meet.
- Okay.
- Uh, my friend Billy Owen.
- Wait till you meet this guy.
- Okay.
There's something he does that will shock you.
So, um, Morgue, let's work on your thing.
Uh, okay.
All right.
Oh, Lord Yeah! - Woo! - Yeah.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Yeah! That looks sick.
- Hey, guys.
- Hey, man! How'd you get in here? Man, you just scared me.
- Thought I'd sneak up on ya.
- How ya doing, dude? - Hi how you doing? - Nice to see you.
Hey, Creature.
This is Billy I was telling you about.
- What's up, big dog? - This is Ali.
- Hi how are you? - Hello.
And the Illustrated Penguin, as he goes by.
Nice to meet you.
What's really amazing about this man is his story.
It's a story of strength, a story that you won't ever forget, once you hear it, and a man you will never forget, once you see it.
If you don't mind, this might be a good time for you to take center stage and - Well-well.
- You know, tell 'em your story.
- And take your time, okay, take your time.
- All right.
We'll, we see how this works.
Yeah, go ahead.
Well, hey guys, my name's Billy Owen, and I'm a cancer survivor, a bit of a medical miracle.
I was a motorcycle mechanic.
I was a mechanic my whole life.
That's all I knew.
And I was working my way along.
Started a family.
Then, on February 13th, 2009, I went in to see the doctor, uh, dealing with some sinus issues.
They did a Biopsy.
They told me there was a tumor in my sinus.
Less than 1,000 reported cases, at the time, less than 100 survivors, so I had a less than 10% chance of making it through.
When I was diagnosed, I had a six-month-old son.
You know, it was like, and they told me my odds, and I looked at my boy, and it was, like, I had to be his father.
You know, I couldn't imagine him growing up without a father.
So, that gave me the-the will to go.
What this has left me with is, like, a really, really unique feature.
What I have Ah Wow, oh, man! What this has left me with is, like, a really, really unique feature.
What I have is, is they had to remove my complete right eye.
- Wow.
- Ah oh, man Even more, they had to remove half my mouth.
- Yeah! - Yeah! Now, I'm trying to rebuild back.
Uh, you know, where do I fit in life, now? And one thing I've learned is, go make the best of it and just-just run life, dude.
Every day I wake up, I thank God for blessing me with another day I can have, because this is me.
This is the full Billy this is what I got.
- Yeah! - This is what I'm giving.
We love you, Billy! - Yeah! - Thanks, guys.
Dude, I'll tell ya what.
This next event is The Strongman event.
And I don't know if there's a stronger man - Oh, man.
- Than you.
Thanks, man.
I appreciate that, I really do.
Well, let's give it up for Billy Owen! [Cheering.]
- Oh, bro, this - Man bro, that's amazing, bro.
- Beautiful story.
- Thank you.
- Love it God bless you.
- Thank you so much.
When you touch somebody like that, dude, that's what it's all about.
This guy set the standard.
- Pretty good, right? - Yeah.
So, uh, how'd you hear about this place? Well, um, actually, I was in a DJ Swamp video, and, uh, Todd saw that and like, "hey, how do I get a hold of this guy?" And, uh, he wanted me to come down and try to do the show.
It seems right.
I don't know.
So, how long have you been performing? I've been doing it for, like, ten years.
- Ten years? - At first, I wasn't too sure about it.
But, back in the day, people that were different, like me and you, we were the stars of the show, the people that belonged doing this stuff.
That's basically what the sideshow is about, is like, people would pay and be like, "oh, you're different".
- "I wanna hear about your life and" - Yeah.
" How do you do things during the day?" And I was like, "all right, this might be kinda the life for me".
This new world opened up for me, and I've gotten more comfortable.
There's no reason to be ashamed or afraid of who you are.
That's cool, dude.
That's cool.
It's a really good feeling to be able to see people's emotions and facial expressions.
It's a weird feeling, and I can't explain it.
- Yeah.
- You'll feel it.
And then when you feel it you're like, I can't let go of that feeling.
- Right.
- I gotta keep doing this.
[Doorbell rings.]
- Hey! - What's up, doc? - What's up, dude? - How you been? - You made it okay? - Yeah.
Come in, we're just about to have dinner.
- All right, great.
- Hey! - Andrew made it.
- Oh, hey.
Ah! Have a seat.
So, Andrew, are you really gonna do what you told me you were gonna do? Yeah I'm gonna be pullin' a car with my eye sockets.
- What? - Yeah! - Oh, wow! - Yeah! What is the set record? I'm not even sure what it is.
It's about 900 pounds.
- Whoa! - Nine hundred pounds? Well, what will you be pullin'? Probably maybe double, triple that.
- Yeah.
Dang! - Oh, my gosh! How did you even get started, like, in sideshow and everything? Hmm I'm gonna blame my dad.
There we go blame my dad.
That's what I that's what I do.
So, is all the pain worth all the people clapping? I use it for therapy.
If I'm not performing, then I start to go stir crazy.
I think a lot of us performers A little bit socially awkward growin' up, and that's kind of the only time we get to connect with people is when we're onstage.
That's a really good point.
No, I love it.
I think it's all about expression.
When you're onstage, people really get to connect with you in a way that they can't any way else.
I agree with that.
In a way, it's kinda like getting that approval that you never got.
And being onstage, and people going, "yeah, yeah!" It's, like, "sweet!" "I'm getting that approval that I always wanted," "but it's from someone else other than my parents".
I'm really excited about you guys being here and addin' to the show.
And, uh, we have one more person, who hasn't shown up yet.
- Dom-dom-dom.
- I know.
This amazing man has the strongest nipples - Oh! - In the world.
I'm like, "who who?" The Great Nippulini.
Does he still have both nipples? Well, you just perked my interest.
Now folks this is Andrew S.
He's about to show you something you'll never forget, as long as you're alive.
All right give me some noise, people.
- Yeah! - Come on, folks! [Cheers and applause.]
- Oh, my God! - Oh! What? Oh! Oh! [Cheers and applause.]
Oh, my God! - Come on what do you got? - Come on, folks! Give him a round of applause! [Cheering.]
Wow! Andrew S.
! - Is that who I think it is? - I think it is.
Oh how's it going, brother? - What's going on? - Good to see ya.
How ya doing? - Nippulini himself! - In the flesh.
Can we see the nipples of death? I'll give ya a little-a little tease.
Oh, ho-ho! And is the other one there? - The other one? - Oh! Lefty and righty.
Well, come on in, man.
I'll show ya around.
- Let's do this.
- Let's see grab your bag.
- Hey.
- Guess who just arrived.
- Oh! - Hi! There he is, world-famous Nippulini.
- Nippulini! - The strongest nipple - Oh, my bad, how do you say it? - Oh, my God you have to practice it.
- Larry should say it.
- Oh, no-no-no.
I'll go like this.
The world-famous Nippulini! The Illustrated Penguin, you've heard about him.
Now, you're gonna see him, live.
The amazing Andrew S, watch what he's gonna do in front of your eyes.
And, uh, we've got a s another special guest.
We're gonna have Billy come on stage, and for the first time, do his thing.
Nips, what can you do? I like to take a four-wheeled cart, and have As many people load up on it as possible, and hook them up to my nipples, and then pull them around.
Yeah, that might work.
Larry's been extremely curious about your nipples.
Uh, come look, Larry.
You've been wanting to see 'em.
I wanna know, what kind of exercises are you're doing? Like, one, two, three, four, five.
Like like this.
- Oh! - Oh, yeah! Okay that explains a lot.
[Collective laughing.]
I feel like I'm at a family reunion or something.
- Yeah! - It is a family reunion.
Venice Beach freakshow, guys! Come check out The Strongman.
- Freakshow! - Strongman Competition! I'll just be keeping an eye out for you guys.
Um That must be the chains, right here.
All right.
I'm gonna sit because I don't want - Okay.
- Ha-ha-ha.
I don't want them to, like, throw me out for, like, walking on their counters.
- Hi how y'all doing today? - Hey, good how you doing.
Good can I help y'all? We need some chain, but we're not sure what kind.
- Right? - Yeah-yeah-yeah.
What are you doing with this chain? Someone's gonna be pulling heavy things from their eye sockets and their nipples.
- Can I tell you what they're pulling? - Yeah.
- They're pullin' a car.
- Wow! - So, it has to be - It's pretty heavy duty.
- Whoa! - Wow I felt that! [Laughter.]
It's light enough to, you know, if you double it up, you can pull, say, a small car.
So, it has to be a chain strong enough to pull a car - But also small enough - Light enough.
To fit around on someone's nipple.
Yeah, yeah yeah.
- All right.
We ready? - Yeah, let's do this.
Okay, so we got the chains.
- We got the chains.
- Yeah.
- For the nipples to the cart.
- To the cart.
- And the eye sockets to the car.
- Eye sockets.
- The ears - The ears to the bucket.
Oh, my gosh! How weird do we do we sound weird? Very weird.
- Thank you so much.
- You have a nice one.
- You, too.
- Bye-bye.
- All right, you guys.
- All right yeah.
Now, folks, we're about to have a major event, right here, in front of the freak show.
Today, we have a Strongman Competition Unlike any other seen in history.
Are you ready? [Cheers and applause.]
Yeah! And starting the whole thing off Here he is, the Illustrated Penguin.
There's a metal anvil in there.
- How heavy is that? - Ugh! Now, folks, watch what the Illustrated Penguin's about to do.
- Look at the stretch of his ears.
- Woo! [Chanting "penguin".]
Penguin! Penguin! [Cheering.]
Oh! Now, folks, watch what the Illustrated Penguin's about to do.
[Chanting "penguin".]
Penguin! Penguin! Oh! Yeah! Yeah yeah! Look at that oh, my gosh! Oh, no! I don't want his ear to pop off.
Make some noise! Come on, folks! [Applauding.]
My next special guest You've read about him in "The Guinness Book of World Records".
Give a round of applause for the man with the world's strongest nipples The world-famous Nippulini! [Cheers and applause.]
Okay, so, Nippulini, he's got this cart, over here With four young women on top of it.
One, two, three Come on! Make some noise! Come on oh, there he goes! Don't stop you can do it! You got it don't stop! He's doing it, right here! Look at those nipples! Look at 'em stretching oh, my God! [Cheers and applause.]
It's unbelievable! There he is, the world-famous Nippulini.
My next special guest, give it up for Andrew S.
Here he is! This man is about to do what no other man will ever do, in your life.
Performers here at the freakshow, when they get in front of the audience, uh, they give 'em so much energy.
The audience just bursts out with excitement, and it gives them a strength to push themselves even where they thought is impossible.
Thirty-eight hundred pounds! Folks, that is almost two tons that this man is gonna pull with his eye sockets.
Are you ready? [Cheering.]
Thank you so much.
All right, Andrew, let us know when you're ready, brother.
We're gonna listen for you.
Okay, folks here he goes.
In his eye sockets, they go.
Thirty-eight hundred pounds He's trying to get it to begin, now.
Take your time, Andrew take your time.
Make some noise, folks come on! Make some noise make some noise! [Cheering.]
It's starting to move! I can barely see it moving.
Come on, Andrew! Come on, brother! You can do it! Oh, my God! It's starting to move it's starting to move! Make some noise! Make some noise! Come on, folks! Look! Look! There it goes! Oh, my God! It's a world record in front of your eyes Thirty-eight hundred pounds! Wow! That's enough, brother you've pulled enough.
Don't hurt yourself give him a round of applause! [Cheering and applause.]
Wow! All right, folks make some noise! [Cheering.]
Let's give it up for Andrew S.
! This amazing man has done it, again.
Thank you, brother that was unbelievable.
Folks, you think you've seen something strange, so far? Wait till you get inside.
You're gonna see another strong man Who has a story that you will never forget.
You're gonna see something today That is gonna shock your mind, because you'll never forget this, ever.
Everybody, get in line, now.
The show is about to begin! Now, folks, I'd like to introduce you To someone who might be the strongest And definitely the luckiest man alive.
Give a big round of applause for Billy Owen, folks.
Here he is, Billy Owen.
Woo! Uh, folks, uh, thank you.
Um Okay well, I was brought here to make you think a little bit.
What I had in my life, uh, I suffered from, uh, Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma.
I had a tumor in my sinus.
What it has left me with is a remarkable scar that you're never gonna see on anybody else, ever, in your life.
What I have is, uh, I'm missing this eye, right here.
And what it's left me with, I'm kinda like a human jack-o-lantern.
So, I can put this little light in my eye and, you know, shine it on the world.
So, I'm here to show you guys what it's all left me with.
- Yeah.
- Wow! Whoa.
You gotta love yourself, and you gotta be able to just spread the love, and it'll come back to you.
I promise I have lived that.
The last three years, since this has been going on, and now, here I am, center stage, Venice Beach freakshow wow! - We love you! - Who'd have thought it? [Applauding.]
The freakshow has always been about meeting others that are different than you.
They push themselves to the limit.
They show their differences.
It's a place where we can celebrate their differences, where people get excited that you're different.
My lovely wife here, Dana.
[Audience cheering.]
She's, uh But, also learning The majesty of what makes us all so special.
Give 'em all a big round of applause, folks.
- Thank you so much.
- Woo! Nipples nipples! [Chanting "nipples".]
Make some noise! [Cheering.]
But, wait that's not all.
Are you ready, folks? - Yeah! - Woo! Here it comes! Oh! Are you all right? Give her one more round of applause, folks! Asia Ray!
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