Free! (2013) s01e06 Episode Script

Shocking No Breathing!

1 This is a work of fiction.
Any resemblance to real persons, groups or events is purely coincidental.
Swimming in the ocean at night is dangerous.
Please do not imitate what you are seeing on screen.
Shoot! Huh? Rei? It's raining hard.
H-Help! Rei! Rage on, until you have to look away from the blinding light You showed me a city as in a twisted mirror I dive toward the faint blue With my hand I felt a world I had known nothing of When we race I feel I'm pulled into a maelstrom I only chose the drop point Show me the truth Now's the time for our dreams, but we're ready for grief Say goodbye r Freedom machine r Rage on, until you have to look away from the blinding light The sun is blazing on my world I don't feel like turning around On your mark There's no going back on our path Get set, here we go No Breathing Shock ! Rei! Haru? Did you hear that? Hear what? That voice.
Huh? Makoto? What's wrong? Huh? They're gone.
It's still warm.
Did they go to the restroom? What is it? Hel— Rei! Rei! Ma— Ma— Is that Haru! Contact Ms.
Amakata! Huh?! Wait! Hold on, Haru! It's not safe to go in alone! Makoto! I'll get Rei! Please! Rei, I'm coming! No way! Makoto Makoto! Wake up! Someone Is anyone there?! Nagisa? Rei! It's beating Is he injured? No His breathing is so weak Makoto! Makoto! Haruka Are you okay? Where are we? I'm guessing this is Sukishima.
The island facing the tents.
Where's Rei? You shouldn't be moving around! Rei! You need to rest! But Rei's in trouble! Nagisa's taking care of it! Don't worry.
Nagisa? Here, Rei.
Thank you very much.
Are you okay? Yes.
I'm very sorry about this.
It's okay.
But it's my fault that everybody's That stuff can wait.
Right now, we should go look for the other guys.
I'm sure that they're fine.
But I saw Makoto coming to help me, but he didn't seem like his usual self.
Have you calmed down? Yeah.
You're still scared of the ocean, aren't you? I thought I'd gotten over it.
But when I saw Rei drowning, I completely froze.
The memory of that day immediately surfaced.
Sorry I dragged you into this.
It's not your fault.
But I was the one who decided to hold a camp.
And I chose to start the swim club.
But that was because I wanted to swim with you again.
I wanted to swim in a relay with everyone again.
But if you're not there It's meaningless without you! I want to swim with you! Oh, there they are! Haru! Mako! Rei! Nagisa! Fantastic! You're both okay.
Rei Sorry that I couldn't save you.
Don't say that! I'm the one who should apologize! It's okay.
I'm just glad you're fine.
It's not okay.
Why were you swimming in the ocean at night? You were practicing, right? He wants to catch up to the rest of us.
Yes Besides, Rei wasn't the only one at fault.
Mako, you shouldn't've tried to save him by yourself! And you just dove into the water without thinking, Haru! So did you.
Well, at least everyone's okay.
Anyway, isn't it kinda cold? Yeah I wonder if we can find shelter from the rain somewhere.
Sukishima Rest House Rest howse? What's a rest howse? It's a rest house.
Let's go inside.
Wait, we're really going inside? Makoto.
Are you okay? Yeah, I'm fine.
Hey Stop talking like a couple about to enter a haunted house.
Did you see that shadow? Oh, sorry.
I-It's okay.
I'll take a look inside, so wait here.
I'll come with you.
It'll be fine since we're all together.
Wow, it's so dark.
I have a feeling something's going to pop out.
Whoa! What?! A flashlight.
Don't scare us! Nothing here.
Looks like this was a kitchen.
Oh, then there might be food.
I'm starving.
How can you be thinking about food in this situation? Aww That wasn't a compliment.
Okay, let's look around! I'll check the cabinet over here.
Haru and Mako can check under the sink.
Rei gets to check the dubious-looking fridge.
Wait! Why do I get stuck with the worst job?! Because Rei is for refriger-rei-tor! That's a bit of a stretch! I-I refuse! I have a feeling something is going to ooze out if I open the door! Stop it.
Then we'll use rock, paper, scissors to decide who checks the fridge.
Do we really have to open it? It's the most likely place to have food.
There's no power though.
The fridge is our only hope right now! Rock, paper, scissors, shoot! See? It's still Rei! Good luck! Whew It's empty? That's too bad.
Okay, everyone! Put these on! Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Sukishima Rest House Why are we wearing these? I couldn't find anything else.
Don't complain.
We're dry now, so it's not necessary.
And once again Pineapple mackerel Looks like we lucked out.
Uh, can't you at least eat them separately? This water hasn't expired yet, so we can boil it and drink it.
Pineapple mackerel and hot water You should be grateful that we found anything edible.
True, I just have to use my imagination.
This isn't water.
It's rich consommé soup.
The ultimate soup, glistening gold.
Doesn't that just make you feel worse? This is the problem with people who have no imagination.
At least it warmed us up.
It's still raining.
I guess we'll have to stay here until morning.
What do we do next? Sleep.
What?! But we're stranded on a deserted island! Aren't we supposed to harpoon fish and search for edible mushrooms? We're not on a TV show.
Still, it's hard to go to sleep in this situation.
I know.
That's what we can do! Who's it gonna be? Who's it gonna be? It's Rei! Uh, my name's on three of the faces.
Because you're Rei.
What's that supposed to mean? Okay, Rei! Tell us an embarrassing story.
Why does it have to be an embarrassing story? Go ahead! This happened when I was in fifth grade.
I was on a school field trip Huh? It's not here.
Hey! Someone left this in the bath! Whose is it? Gross.
Oh, it was your underwear.
Don't rub it in.
Rei, uh Don't worry.
If you leave your underwear in the locker room, I'll grab it for you.
I won't! Oh, Haru's up next.
Tell us about a romantic encounter you've had.
Or in short, a love story! Love story? Go ahead.
My turn? Haruka's been in love before? Er, I have no idea.
When I was in grade school, my parents took me to climb a mountain nearby.
That was where I had my fateful encounter.
I couldn't look away.
That intensely beautiful, positively vibrant, sparkling and pristine waterfall.
Waterfall? That doesn't count as a love story, Haru.
Okay! I'm up next! I've got a performance for you.
What are you doing? You can't tell? That was a rockhopper penguin imitation.
It was? I couldn't tell.
Wh-What?! Why couldn't you tell?! Just look at this! Oh, Mako! You finally smiled.
Huh? That's good.
You seemed a little subdued.
Sorry for making you worry.
Uh I've been wondering When you tried to save me, you were acting strangely.
We're not gonna discuss it.
But Just drop it! Thanks, Haru.
It's okay.
This is something I want to tell them.
I suddenly felt scared.
Scared? Scared of what? I'm scared of the ocean.
When I was little, I would often visit this small fishing harbor in the next town.
There was this old fisherman who was really nice and would sometimes play with me.
During the summer, there was a festival near the harbor.
I wanted to scoop goldfish, but I had already used up my allowance.
Instead, I just watched the goldfish swim.
But then, the old fisherman showed up with some goldfish for me.
I was really happy! But later that summer, there was a big typhoon, and the old fisherman's boat sank.
Many of the people on board drowned.
The boat sank about three kilometers away from the harbor.
We swim three kilometers every day.
I wasn't so much sad as I was scared.
I fed the goldfish and changed the water in the bowl, but they still died.
Ever since, I've been scared of the ocean.
It feels like there's something unknown hiding in the water.
That's enough, Makoto.
But you still tried to save me.
Hey, can I ask you something? If you're scared of the ocean, why'd you participate in this training camp? Because I wanted to swim.
Because I wanted to swim with you guys.
When the four of us swim together, I feel like we can go anywhere.
The rain stopped.
Wow! It's gorgeous! The sky is nice and clear.
That's the Summer Triangle.
There's Vega from the constellation Lyra.
Deneb from the constellation Cygnus.
Altair from the constellation Aquila.
Is that a squid constellation? Where's the mackerel constellation? Neither of those exist.
Is that the rockhopper penguin constellation? No such thing.
What? That's no fun.
Let's pretend there is one.
Look at this.
It's not that far away.
If we wave, Ms.
Amakata or Gou might spot us.
They're probably still asleep.
Hopefully, they notice we're missing when they wake up and send a boat.
I'll swim over and let them know.
Huh? Don't be stupid! He's right! But the ocean is so calm right now.
Plus Everybody's here with me.
I'll come with you then! I'm coming as well.
Okay, let's see who can get there first.
A race, huh? Fine with me.
Hurry up, Haru! Let's go, Haru! We're almost there.
Hang in there, Rei.
What are they doing? You're falling behind, Nagisa! I'm falling asleep Nagisa! Wake up! Oh, dear What are you guys doing? Hung out to dry overnight? Okay, okay.
Time to start practice! Um Are you listening? Wake up! Make us feel the splash Bathe in the radiant light Let's be free and enjoy the day This is our private pool Be ready for love Kick as suits you I want to feel the pool I can feel the splashes I cry that I can't see the evening sun I can feel the butterfly Our chances of winning are based on trial and error (in the future) Let's jump in later (take it easy) Our throat is wet (throw water on your face) with the surge of emotion (and feel your breathing go rough) Let's do something leisure mode (I stay cool) Show your heart Make us feel the splash Bathe in the radiant light It will never end Look hard at summer Be ready for love, love I held out my hand and felt the splashes 5 Days Until the Prefectural Tournament!! I wanted to hear more embarrassing stories.
I have an embarrassing story about Rin.
Really? Let's hear it.
Back in grade school, Rin accidentally called the coach Mom.
0 Days Until the Prefectural Tournament!! It's Today!! Don't tell them! Haru, you're the one who said, "I'm home!" when you arrived at our swimming school! Never happened! It totally did! Next time: "One Style Final!" One Style Final ! Will Haru win or Rin win?!
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