Freud (2020) s01e06 Episode Script


So? Are your boots cleaned and polished?
Are they in front of the door?
Really? Who else is in front of the door?
- Were you virtuous all year long?
- Yes.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Krampus will notice if you lie.
And if you lie
he'll get angry.
He will eat you!
- The children were virtuous all year long!
- Yes, thank God.
- No Krampus!
- No Krampus!
In that case you'll get gifts.
- They're so big.
- Look.
So nice.
- What's in there?
- Look!
Do we have to leave?
- Keep sleeping. I just wanted to look.
- Because you're scared.
I'll fix this.
Good morning, Doctor.
This looks terrible.
Good morning.
He was in the mental home.
I enquired.
In my clinic?
He hanged himself there.
The ghosts are dancing in this house.
They never should have built it.
Four hundred dead people
in just one theater fire.
The doors couldn't be opened.
That's what the police said.
The people down in the stalls
managed to escape.
But the poor devils up in the gallery
burned alive and suffered wretched death.
I knew one of them. Franzl. I liked him.
And the Emperor?
The Emperor with his bad conscience.
He started having a house built
on the ruins the very next day.
A tenement, which didn't help him,
as nobody wants to live here.
At this cursed place.
And everyone who lives here goes mad.
I never should have
let you into this flat.
Just look at you, Doctor.
Go to sleep!
Come on.
No! No! No! Come here.
What do you notice?
I don't know a lot about pianos.
But you know about dirt.
The mechanics
The felt!
Well, some are not as dirty as others.
have to go to the clinic.
Where is Fleur?
An imperial ambassador is waiting.
Viktor, Viktor! Wake up!
What happened? What happened?
She's gone.
She's gone.
Viktor von Szápáry?
That's me.
His Imperial Highness,
Crown Prince Rudolf, wants to talk to you.
I'll come as soon as
Of course.
Is she with him? With Rudolf?
- What did she do?
- Stay calm!
- She's somewhere out there.
- Stay calm!
Are you here?
Have you seen Karli or Willi?
- I'm talking to you!
- What is it?
Have you seen Karli or Willi?
Why? Is something wrong?
I saw them.
Where are they?
It's a simple story. When people
want to harm me, I harm them.
- I don't want to harm you.
- Tell me who paid?
Everybody pays.
Nothing's for free, you know?
In that case, I have no choice.
Just leave, I'll do it on my own.
Come here!
- Calm down!
- It's none of your business!
If you want to harm him, you
first have to harm me. Simple story.
No, it's okay like this.
Get lost.
Karol Szpilman. Do you recognize him?
Yes, the pianist.
I know that he survived the theater fire
and committed suicide here, but
What else?
We said he was the last victim.
More than two years later.
He thought he set the fire himself.
I know this might sound absurd, but
can you remember whether he ever
mentioned Fleur Salomé
or Countess Szápáry?
But you should ask Professor Meynert.
He was the doctor in charge.
I'm sure he'll be able to help you.
I think he's in the basement
with the criminals.
- With Mucha?
- Yes.
- Thanks a lot.
- No problem.
Come along.
The crown prince is awaiting you.
Viktor von Szápáry.
Your Imperial Highness.
Szápáry, take a seat.
Thanks, Your Imperial Highness.
One doesn't thank servants.
I'm sorry, Your Imperial Highness.
I don't know the customs
at court too well anymore.
Your invitation surprised me.
Learn them, Szápáry.
The customs.
You'll need them.
The Imperial Court requests presence of
the Szápáry family at the Peoples' Ball.
You'll be the first Hungarian who will
have his hand shaken by my father.
You now belong to us.
Your Imperial Highness,
I, Hungary and the peace in Europe
thank you.
Thank Fleur Salomé.
She impressed me.
I'll forward that message,
Your Imperial Highness.
Did Fleur foretell the future?
In the brightest colors.
Do as you please.
Szápáry, I have to tell you
over the last few days, I've been unwell.
But since my mother
encouraged me to invite you
I hate exaggerations, but I can say
that I've become a different person.
A good-looking, lonely man? Sit down.
Nobody wears hats in my house!
Heinz is already waiting for you.
He wants to talk to you. Downstairs.
Is there a problem?
Kiss is alive.
He killed two of my guys.
And now?
You have to help.
He already was at mine.
He wants to know who wants him dead.
I didn't say a word.
I didn't, but I know him.
When he wants something
There's nowhere I can go.
Next time he'll get me alone.
We have to get rid of him.
Give me a glass.
You have many soldiers to order.
We need some of them.
Just to make sure.
You can keep the money.
But you won't get back the prepayment.
Come on then.
Dear Fleur, where are you?
She wasn't with him.
So what did he want?
We're invited.
The day after tomorrow.
She made it.
- Fleur made it!
- She made it.
The police were here because of Fleur.
I know where she is.
- Professor Meynert.
- Dr. Freud.
- I'm asking you to talk to me.
- Of course you are.
Szpilman, Karol.
One of your former patients.
I have reasons to think that
he's an interesting case study.
You don't know it yet.
We have a new patient.
Freud, get away from her!
Professor, you mustn't do this.
Don't cause an artificial fever
in this patient.
Her temperature is too high
when the second personality
The Szápárys did this.
They sent her here, right?
Professor, let me explain.
- Fleur Salomé is
- An insane criminal!
She attacked and injured
a guard last night.
At the Mölker Bastion.
With foam at her mouth.
Really dangerous.
She isn't dangerous anymore.
Obviously, here and now.
- Please free her.
- I prescribed 48 hours.
- That's torture.
- That's therapy.
Thermo-therapy! Approved over centuries.
Therapy, Dr. Freud.
Maybe you should think
about what that means.
It's torture.
Torture for me.
We were right about Leopold.
Top of the class at your school.
A maniac.
And Clara?
Which physiological reason
was there for her state?
Which organ was sick?
- What did she lack besides her toes?
- I'm warning you, Dr. Freud.
You won't find out. Clara is gone, saved.
By her mother, from you.
And Mucha?
Another physiological impairment
of the brain?
- It has to be an epidemic.
- Shut up!
I warned you, Freud.
You're fired!
Fleur? She's down here?
In this darkness?
Fleur? Where is she?
Cell number four.
Dr. Freud!
What are you doing to Fleur?
- Are you Professor Meynert?
- I am.
This man has been harassing my family
for days without a break.
- He has an obsession.
- What?
- No! No!
- My niece is a sick woman.
His presence is poison for her.
Please remove him.
- You're the poison!
- He's mad, Professor.
Are you crazy?
Stop! Don't, stop it!
Professor Meynert, they're the poison.
The two of them!
They poisoned Fleur and are
using her to poison others.
Mucha and Leopold.
Leopold is one of their victims.
He knew the symbol. And Mucha knows
the same melody that Szpilman knew.
- Freud!
- Professor.
They're using hypnosis.
She knows
an extreme version of suggestion.
You were at my home.
You hypnotized me, so I'd kill myself.
I want to see my niece now.
Don't make it this difficult.
- Make way!
- Professor, I beg you.
It's your own fault.
- Get him and carry him away!
- Karl!
No, don't!
Don't let her go to Fleur.
Please, Professor!
Don't let her go to Fleur!
Please, don't leave Fleur alone with her.
Private. Thanks.
How does he know all this?
- Szpilman! He knows about the fire.
- Be quiet.
My child!
My dear child.
The day I found you
The day you were revealed to me
was the day that your gift became my task.
And it has been fulfilled.
You've made it, my child.
Forgive me.
Freedom for Hungary!
Is she still here?
I can feel it. I have everything with me.
No, no, no! She's gone!
It would be too conspicuous.
Izom shall take care of it.
What about Freud?
He doesn't know anything.
You heard it.
And nobody will believe him.
- Don't resist.
- Keep going.
This can't be true.
I will sedate you, Dr. Freud.
I will then take you in as a patient
and have you strapped to your bed
for your own safety.
Alternatively, you'll leave.
Leave this building right away.
And never enter it again.
It's your decision.
Show Dr. Freud the door
and inform the porters
that he's banned
from entering these premises.
My door is always open for you, Theodor.
You know the office hours.
Look at that!
What have we got here?
Who did that?
A hussar.
What did he look like?
Handsome, young.
He had a scar on his cheek.
Would you repeat for the record
that you saw Lieutenant Riedl?
Inspector, where are you going?
Where would I be going?
Were you not listening?
Inspector, please stop.
I've survived other things.
I'll survive Riedl, too.
I think so, too.
But if you go to Riedl now,
whether you kill him or not,
General Lichtenberg would know that
we're after him. He'd have to act then.
We then won't only have to deal with
Riedl, who bribes some whoremongers,
but a company of hussars will be
at your door. Is that what you want?
we have a witness.
We now need a strong ally.
You know who I mean.
I'm begging you.
He respects you.
Take over Fleur's treatment.
He'd love to give her away.
He hates being down there.
Breuer, you took the Hippocratic Oath.
Like I did.
The damage Meynert is causing while we're
standing here and you're staying silent
Fleur Salomé is the greatest
discovery in the history of medicine.
She's living proof
of how much even Charcot,
you and me underestimate
the power of hypnosis.
Post-hypnotic suggestion.
Fleur can do it when she dissociates.
And the Szápárys are using that
ability to make people submissive.
Damn it!
I experienced all of this
with Bertha Pappenheim.
The loss of judgment and dignity.
I should have kept you away
from that Fleur.
From the very beginning.
If need be, with violence.
You won't help me.
"I will use treatment to help the sick
according to my ability and judgment.
I will protect them from harm
and deliberate wrongdoing."
- The Hippocratic Oath.
- Yes.
So what?
I won't break it.
Especially not when the person in question
is a friend.
Me neither.
Close the door behind you when you leave.
It was clearly Lieutenant Riedl.
I recognized him.
- Because of the scar on his face.
- Wait outside, please.
You want me to arrest
a lieutenant of the Imperial Army
because of a whore's testimony?
Of course not!
- So what do you want?
- It's not about arresting him.
You shall summon him as a witness.
Yeah, right.
So he can say, "No, I didn't stab
the whoremonger in the wine cellar"?
So we can look under his helmet.
The murderer of Heinz Konrad was injured
in a way that will be visible for a while.
One look under his helmet.
One look!
- It was worth a try.
- Yes.
The law applies to everyone.
That's an imperial edict.
I'll summon Lieutenant Riedl as a witness.
I promise.
Doctor! Doctor!
My penis only speaks Latin now,
we can't understand each other anymore.
Can you help me?
Your message sounded urgent.
And it promises an adventure.
Sit down.
Quietly the evening bell rings
Nature goes to sleep
Birds sing farewell songs
The sun sinks westwards
Quietly a nun in a black habit
Walks through the monastery
Quietly praying for the soldier
Wounded in battle
Who is knocking at the gate?
An old man walks in
My son is here He's wounded
I'd like to care for him
The nun says, "Poor father
Your son is not alive anymore
He just took his last breath
His wound was too severe"
Kiss is here. He's alone.
What are your orders?
Let him come here.
I told you.
He knows how to defend himself.
By attacking.
What do you want here?
I just wanted to see your face
when I ask you this question.
Did he or did he not stab
the Horváth girl?
What do you think?
Of course he's innocent!
He's a man of honor.
Why don't you kill me then?
Because I'm a man of honor as well.
Georg died in a duel.
I respect tradition.
This might have been a misunderstanding.
Why don't you yourself kill me?
When a man of honor wants to
kill someone, he does it himself.
But you'd rather send
some stray dogs after me.
You know, I have a friend.
He's a little odd, but a good guy.
He'd say
that you'd rather send a whoremonger,
because you unconsciously have doubts.
You're not sure.
Was Georg really innocent?
I will kill you, Kiss.
Not now.
Not here.
One more thing before I go.
This is a summons,
signed by General Inspector Janecek.
For Lieutenant Riedl.
Tomorrow, at 9:00 a.m.,
you have to be at the police office.
It will be for a witness interview
concerning the murder of Heinz Konrad.
Thanks, that's all. You may leave.
Oy vey, oy vey, oy vey!
What's going on here?
- Oh, it's Dr. Schnitzler!
- Don't stand around. Come and help.
- I'll die!
- What's wrong with the lady?
She dislocated something,
if even that. A hysteric.
- Grab her, please!
- Yes.
It certainly won't work that way!
- Was that necessary?
- Yes, sure.
Please calm down, madam!
I'll help you.
- Wait, I'll grab you by your arms.
- Now!
Oy vey, oy vey, oy vey!
Let me go. Let me go now!
I think I feel fine again.
- Yes?
- Yes, it doesn't hurt anymore.
You're a real doctor.
We can drive home now.
- Of course. Sure.
- Let's drive home.
Oh, it still hurts a little bit.
- Professor Meynert.
- What?
Sorry, but two policemen are here for you.
Professor, it's an honor.
We received a tip that a criminal escaped.
What kind of tip?
And you simply believe it?
Nobody escaped. Now stop wasting my time.
The person who gave the tip knew Fleur
Salomé is here. That isn't known publicly.
Word gets around, the woman is famous!
We'll take a look.
So you need a guide? It's an honor.
I'll get you out of here.
it's their hubris
that drives these people.
Their vanity
reaches a pathological level.
Right, here we are.
You see? Locked.
Everything's fine.
Look for yourself.
As you can see, Fleur Salomé
is in secure custody.
Such anonymous tips are
symptoms of a lack of attention.
I'll show you the other patients.
Now I'll bring you to my place.
We can make it.
Pavel, why isn't this door locked?
Please go ahead, gentlemen.
The doors of the cells are, of course,
locked all day and all night.
Such pleasure to see beautiful eyes
A blossoming bosom, new life
- What is this?
- Agatha.
Come, Agatha!
Go on!
Stop or I'll shoot!
Lenore, have you got a light?
Look, they're coming.
- Do you need help?
- It's fine.
My goodness, the state she's in.
Oh, my God.
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