Frieren: Beyond Journey's End (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Mura no eiyû

So this was the aftermath
of his training, huh?
You aren't going to
fight the dragon, right?
Then why continue your training?
When I came to this village,
everyone looked dreary,
and they were terrified of the dragon.
But now, those same people
are laughing happily.
They say, "This village is safe
because Master Stark is here."
Even though I haven't done anything.
The only reason the dragon hasn't attacked
is because it's not in the mood.
If the dragon attacks the village,
will you fight?
I'd rather die. But you know
to the people of this village,
I am a hero.
I'm Stark, the hero of the village.
I have to be the one who protects it.
That being said,
I might run away
when the time actually comes.
Even this scar on my forehead
is from an argument I had with my master
over not wanting to fight monsters.
That was the first time he ever hit me.
I'm sure I disappointed him.
In the end,
my master didn't praise me even once.
Master Stark,
I don't think you will run.
- What do you know about me?
- I don't know a thing.
But I remembered how scared I was.
The first time I fought a monster.
I had gone through
more than enough training up until then.
But I became
weak in the knees out of fear,
and I ran away.
The monster kept chasing me.
And for some reason Mistress Frieren
would not help me.
Oh, that's how my master is too.
In the end, when it caught up to me,
I strengthened my resolve
and my body moved.
All I needed was resolve.
Everything you've acquired up until now
will not betray you.
You may be a hopeless coward,
but I am sure that your resolve
to protect the village is genuine.
Resolve, huh?
How was it?
I don't know.
I don't know,
but I'm sure it'll be all right.
He's not here. He ran, huh?
And I had high hopes for him too.
Oh well.
Fern, it's time to play tag
with the dragon.
You need me to buy you 30 seconds, right?
You're late.
Can you promise me one thing?
Even if I die in the middle of it,
will you make sure to kill the dragon?
Okay, I promise.
But why are you going this far
just for the villagers?
Oh, I just thought
it was a strange question.
I've been in this village
for three whole years.
- Not very long, huh?
- It's very long.
All right, let's get this done!
- Your hands are shaking.
- It's scary, okay?
You don't have to laugh.
You're just like Eisen.
My master?
We've got ourselves a strong opponent.
Eisen, your hands are shaking.
Are you scared?
You admit it so quickly.
Feeling scared is not a bad thing.
This fear
is what got me this far.
You guys even tremble the same way.
I see
So Master
was also scared.
All I need
is my resolve.
He's within the dragon's reach.
It's not attacking yet.
It's acting cautious.
So I was right
No wonder the village
was never attacked again.
Dragons are smart animals.
They aren't foolish enough to willingly
pick a fight with a strong opponent.
The reason why Eisen hit Stark
was not because Stark was weak
or because Stark disappointed him.
We had a fight and parted ways.
You hit him?
My body reacted by reflex.
I feel bad for what I did.
I was scared.
I was scared, Frieren.
He truly is an amazing guy.
My apprentice
will become an incredible warrior.
Okay! Shoot it now!
Come on! Why aren't you shooting?
I did everything you asked!
You're making me fight alone?
Don't you dare, you stinking hag!
- You're just like Master
- It's already dead.
"Stinking hag," huh?
That's not going to end well.
Did I
do it?
I killed a dragon
on my own?
good job.
You exceeded my expectations. Well done.
A mountain of treasures!
We can't take all of that.
You're only allowed three.
It really is nonsensical.
How can you become engrossed in this?
It's a mountain of treasures.
Master said that the adventure
of the party of heroes was
completely nonsensical because of you.
He said it was
a nonsensical yet extremely fun journey.
Wow! Shaved ice is really coming out!
Wasn't it worth the search?
And this is the fluffy kind,
not the crunchy kind!
You're right!
What nonsense.
Are you okay with this?
What's the harm?
Our journey has just begun.
Even the Hero of the South, who is known
as the strongest of mankind,
was killed by the Demon King's
Seven Sages of Destruction.
We don't know if we can
return alive either.
Eisen, do you want to go
on a difficult and painful journey?
You know,
I want to go on a fun journey
that we can call nonsensical
and laugh about once it's done.
Look at this!
It melts the moment you touch it.
- Don't touch it. It's food.
- Nonsense
By the way, where's the syrup?
I don't have a spell that produces syrup.
- You don't?
- This is seriously nonsensical.
How is it? Can you see through it?
I can see.
But it's not a very interesting spell.
Well, I'm sorry my body isn't interesting.
- So small
- It's not small!
Well then,
what are you going to do now, Stark?
You can return to Eisen's place too.
Master told you to take me along, right?
I want to go on
a nonsensical journey too.
The monsters are very active
in the northern lands.
Currently, we are not allowing
anyone through the checkpoint.
When will the checkpoint open up again?
Who knows?
For as long as I've been assigned here,
I have not allowed
a single monster or man through.
Excuse me.
Captain, the castellan is asking for you.
I'll be there.
Got that, adventurers?
Make sure that you don't
cause any trouble in this city.
That wasn't a very nice welcome.
Yeah. He is a very capable guard.
Being strict to outsiders
is how a true guard
who protects the citizens should act.
And so
This city seems safe,
so let's wait it out here.
I can finally take my time
and study magic again.
I'll drop my luggage off at the inn
and go to the magic store.
The checkpoint isn't open,
so we have no choice.
All right, we'll split up here.
I'll go book an inn.
Want to go get food?
Never mind, I'll go by myself.
So scary
I heard you can't even go
by sea these days.
They say an army from the northern lands
is being deployed,
but it'll take at least
two years for the checkpoint to reopen.
It's terrible for businesses.
This brings back memories.
The Jumbo Berry Special.
The last time I came here, I was a kid
so I couldn't eat it all
and I shared it with Master.
But was it this small?
You feel that way
because you've become an adult.
I see.
I'm the one who grew, huh?
Everything seemed so big when I was a kid.
But even Master's broad shoulders
started looking small after a while.
Eisen is up in years now.
You better be a good son to him.
I'm trying to right now.
But really, was it always this small?
The passage of time
is very harsh, isn't it?
What? Don't judge me.
I bought it with my own money.
Excuse me, can I have milk please?
Coming up.
Uh, what?
Why are you mad?
Master Stark
Fine, I'll give you half.
That's not what I want.
If I told you that we might have to
stay here for over two years,
how would you feel?
Huh? I'd hate that.
- Right? You'd hate that, right?
- Yeah
What's wrong with her?
I'm so relieved.
So you are normal after all.
Hey, did I do something wrong?
A way to pass through the checkpoint, huh?
Sure, I'll help you find one.
Thank you.
We can't just jump and fly over it?
You can't cross the border facing
the northern lands because of
a powerful barrier that stretches
up to its highest possible limit.
That makes sense.
Otherwise, it'd be open
to monsters who can fly.
That can't be helped.
Let's check the merchants guild.
It might be open for trade at least.
Trade has been completely blocked.
They won't even allow guarded caravans.
The northern lands
must be pretty dangerous.
I guess we'll have to wait
until things settle down.
Let's try the black market
and thieves' guild.
Isn't that too dangerous?
Don't worry. I come across pretty strong.
And I'm good at faking it.
- You do have a villain's face.
- Shut up.
No success, huh?
I guess it's to be expected.
This is basically a defensive war.
You can't do anything
unless the gate opens.
All right.
Next, let's try the guard station
just in case.
- What?
- Nothing
I'm just surprised at
how cooperative you are.
You're the one who brought it up.
You didn't want to wait, right?
You look more desperate than me.
Well, I don't have much time after all.
What do you mean?
This is a nice view, isn't it?
You can see the northern lands.
When I was small, Master brought me here.
We departed from this city
and headed to the northern lands.
What kind of journey was it, Master?
You want to know?
At the time, we
He never talked about himself at all,
but he eagerly talked about
the adventures of the party of heroes.
He treasured that adventure
more than anything
even though it only accounted
for ten years of his long life.
I'm sure Frieren is the same way.
I don't know
Master is too old to travel now.
But he told you two
to take me along with you.
That's why I'm going to experience
a nonsensical yet fun journey in his place
and bring back stories to share with him.
This is about the only way
I can repay him.
If I take too much time,
Master is going to die.
Well then, we can't waste time
in a place like this.
But then again,
I'll bet he is going to live for a while.
Mistress Frieren.
What are you doing here?
Shush, be quiet.
I'm being chased.
Wh What did you do?
I don't know.
I was only going from
one magic store to the next.
I am terribly sorry!
Mistress Frieren, please forgive me!
Wait I'm getting a very bad feeling
It seems the captain of the guards
treated you disrespectfully.
As the castellan appointed to this city,
I apologize.
Uh, it's nothing.
He was only doing his job as a guard.
And I am in no hurry at all.
Actually, I want to
You are going to embark on a journey
to the north again, right?
I hear that the northern lands
are constantly fighting against
the remnants of the Demon King's army.
I'm sure you are heartbroken
by their situation.
Your willing spirit
is indeed that of a hero.
I am sure it will delight
the people of the northern lands.
Please pass through
the checkpoint as you wish.
Who knew we could pass through so easily?
Maybe we should have mentioned
your name from the start?
I thought it would be useless
even if I did.
I wanted to take my time
And plus, I don't like
these kinds of things very much.
This view makes me feel uneasy.
I'm glad I got to see this view.
Master must have departed
for the northern lands like this too.
I wanted to study more magic
She's still whining.
We went through a lot of trouble,
you know.
- Right?
- Yes.
- It hurts.
- Humans make such a big deal.
- Tonight is
- Mother.
the Liberation Festival.
There is a word.
- I'm interested in that mage.
- What a pain.
"Like a Fairy Tale."
Subtitle translation by: Kiko Morita
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