Frikjent (2015) s01e06 Episode Script


1 Released after one year in prison -You told me they had nothing on you.
-Tonje saw me.
There's no way I could've done it.
-He lost control.
-I know my husband.
He's not a violent man.
-Why did Erik change his testimony? -EvaYou're dwelling on this too much.
-What are you doing here? -Leong is worried.
-What are you doing? -I saw that you were here.
Murderer's son! Did you kill her? -They were together all through high school.
-She was in love with you.
-Why's that important? - Because it makes her testimony useless! -But you didn't murder anyone? -I don't know.
Is William home? No.
I wonder if I could get to ask one thing.
Why wasn't TÃnje's evidence checked? It wasn't customary then.
We had no reason to doubt it.
I worked round the clock for a year.
I followed up every tip.
It ought not to be too late.
You are the only one I can turn to, Finn.
Aksel? I thought it was me.
All that silencethe mood swingsThose damn walks at night.
I had bruises all over me.
My arms were all scratched.
I just don't get itWhere did I fall like that? The mayor's.
that's where she saw me.
It's just endless fields.
What if I didn't go home? -You're not a murderer.
-If only I could remember I know you, and you're not.
I've been thinking.
Maybe this will turn out to be a good thing for us.
We have a chance to start over.
Let's go home.
Let's go home.
Yeahlet's go home.
How can you not remember? -Surely you remember something? -No.
ButTonje Which Tonje? A childhood friend whosaw me when Karine was murdered.
-Then you didn't do it.
Obviously not.
But you were crying.
YeahI don't Yes? Why? When then? OK.
-Who was that? -Police.
They want me to come down there.
I don't know why.
-But you don't have to go.
-I need to know what he wants.
See you.
-Why? -It was never examined.
-Are you saying I lied? -I was acquitted.
I don't get it.
You're reopening the case? It wasn't solved and not formally closed.
We all want to know what happened that night, right? When you say reconstruction What does that mean practically? We try to recreate the conditions and see if Tonje could really see what she said she saw.
Are you going to Laila and my house? For just a few hours.
You'll hardly notice that we're there.
-Why? Why now? -Eva.
You're not legally obligated, but I advise you to cooperate.
Aksel! I won't do it! You don't need to either.
We have to.
Otherwise, they think I've been talking shit for 20 years.
I can't take it.
-We're leaving now.
-Home? Yeah.
You knowwork and school and all that.
-Good trip, then.
And good luck.
-You too.
-Shoot anything? -I'l put my gun away.
-There'll be a reconstruction.
-I'll put the birds in the freezer.
We could go away together.
Somewhere warm.
-The Maldives.
Don't you want to go there? -Idiot.
Let's make it easy.
Split 50-50.
Is it money? And your little hotel adventure with Inger? Seriously 50-50 is more than fair.
You are not part of the company's capital! Is that the way it's going to be? You should not have to destroy everything again.
Caviar? Quinoa.
Lots of proteins.
Have a bun.
Marianne baked them.
-Long lunch? -No, we're just about to finish.
Necessary cuts.
Svein -So you're suggesting we let all these people go? -No, just the managers.
They're always a waste of money.
-No way.
-You prefer to cut in production.
-I need to run this past Aksel.
I'm acting on PWG's orders.
And so is he.
And may I remind you, we are the majority shareholder here.
I'm still the CEO.
I have my board to answer to.
It comes and goes.
That's what we call them back home.
-We can stay here the night if you want.
We'll go to a hotel.
I love you.
-I should say it more often.
-I love you too.
Let's go.
BANG RUNNING STEPS -Who was it? -I don't know.
This was on the doorstep.
Is that Karine? Someone must've been obsessed with her.
-Who took these? -You need to take these to the police.
-It could be him.
The guy who killed her.
-You don't know that.
-I need to know what happened.
-No, you need to let this go.
Let's go home.
Aksel -Sorry.
I have to do this.
-What? -I gotta stay.
-And what about us? I have to find him.
Are you leaving? -Are you OK? -Yea.
-What was he thinking? -Your boyfriend? I don't know anymore.
Do you have to go? -Will you come back? -I don't know.
I should go.
What do you want to share? You should see this.
In the past, we could talk about anything.
We sat here, you and me.
Do you remember? What happened? It wasn't me.
Look at these.
She was with me and the others.
Did you know she what she was doing? Tonje lied for your sake, just like Erik.
What about Erik? Small, fine Erik.
Do you understand how loyal he has been? You're crazy.
You shouldn't show these! Tim turned around and took the ferry back.
What was I supposed to do? This is your fault! -Sorry.
-What is this really about? -The truth.
-I don't believe you.
-Mom's really upset.
-I've got school holidays.
I decide who I want to be with.
-Hungry? Hawaiin burger? -Hawaiin burger? -With pineapples.
Shit good.
-No thanks.
-Are you just going to sit here? -I'm waiting for someone.
A girl? Tell her I said, "Hi.
" -See you at home -OK.
Something wrong? I have to let Svein go.
Oh, Lars I shouldn't have listened to Aksel.
I shouldn't have listened to you.
Mom was right.
-Do you want to go? -Yes.
-Now, we're connected.
-And? -Our families hate each other.
-And? -I don't know how long you're staying.
-So? -I don't know you.
-So? Hi.
Sorry for all that with I shouldn't have said that to your wife.
Beer? Who else was in love with Karine? You hung around us all the time.
Everyone wanted Karine.
-Get it together.
-Per-Olav was the most serious.
-Per-Olav? -He was the craziest about her.
-How? -He was always around her.
-Check this out.
-What do you think? -Where did you get these? -Did he take them? -They mean nothing.
-Where did you get them? -They were left on the steps.
Someone's messing with you.
I don't know, but they're messing with you.
-Could it be Per-Olav? Yeah, it could be Per-Olav.
Look at them.
It was you who took them.
Are you stupid? You were in love with her.
She was afraid of you.
She would call in the middle of the night.
She had nightmares about you.
That night in the boathouse, Karine wanted me to take her home.
She was hysterical.
I tried to comfort her.
And so did you.
You saw me with Karine.
You looked me straight in the eye.
You came at usAnd ripped the window sill.
-The sill? -Yeah, the window sill in the boathouse.
You remember fuck all! -I remember -How can you can know anything at all? -I went home.
I went to bed.
-Yeah, yeah Yeah, that's what Tonje said.
Hey, Tonje! I looked for you at Solar Tech, but you were on your way home.
I just wanted to say We've had our feuds, you and me But I have never wanted any of this to reflect on you.
I know how persuasive he can be.
It is not too late.
I understand it is scary.
But it's better to admit now than to be convicted of perjury? Perjury? I didn't lie.
I have also been in love.
It can overshadow everything.
You want to believe.
EvaI know what I saw.
OK? Watch out, Lars, so you don't have a heart attack.
The neighbour was riding his bike, and he fell down the slopes with an infarction.
What's going on? -The Chinese want to downsize.
-Staff? -Many? -No -Should I be nervous? -No, no.
Obviously not.
People know you're just doing your job.
Just keep us informed so that we know what's coming.
Hi! How nice! It's been a while.
-Staying for dinner? -Well -We have plenty of food.
-Ribeye's with bearnaise.
-That sounds very good.
-I'll set a place.
Is there anything that you don't do around here? Are you just going to stand there? Did you see me? Are you sure you saw me? I have a visitor.
We'll talk later.
-She doesn't want you here.
-Stay in there! You lied? For me? How do you know that it was me you saw? -I just know.
-"Just know"? Did you see me or not? -It was your way.
-Answer me! I knew it was you.
Did you see me or not? Well? I don't know.
I don't know.
-Hey, Erik.
Problem? -Nah, it's justit's not working.
Working fine.
Roll down the window! Ase! Window Please.
-I'll send money later.
-It's alright.
I talked to a lawyer.
Eva can stall, but we have to make a decision.
-Are you sure? -Do you want this place? Absolutely! But the riskEva.
Steinar Lavik, a school friend, is backing me.
I'm obliged to do this now.
Why should I join? What if her testimony is wrong! -What are doing? -You're not the boss of me! Yes, as you as live here! What will Grandma say? I don't care! He's not like his father! You can't just assume he murdered her! -Yes, I can.
-If we're together, then? No! You will not see him! You can't be together.
Forget it! -Are you ready? -No, one of the marshals is missing.
Everyone's in place.
We're ready to start.
-Ready? -Yes.
Send the first marshal.
Marshal 2.
Marshal 3.
AkselIt's over.
I saw everything.
You saw me? I don't know why I began to doubt.
The whole situation When everyone says you're lying, you begin to believe it.
I saw you.
I remember everything crystal clear.
I saw you.
It wasn't you.
You're not a murderer.
How did it go? We have no reason to doubt Tonje's witness statement.
She saw Aksel.
There's nothing to build a new case on.
I'm sorry.
I know it's difficult for you.
Do you know what was tough, Finn? It was to see Karines head smashed like a like Do you understand? Seeing her hair smeared with blood.
It was tough.
I want him to be hurt.
I want him to stand trial for what he has done, that's all.
Am I a bad person for it? What? Don't leave me.
William, don't leave me.
I'll call the bank tomorrow.
Do what you want, but don't leave me.
We need to talk.
It was you who put the photos on the steps.
Get inside.
Now you've gone too far.
Ase! Come here! What the hell are you doing? Come! He's killing you!
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