Geek Girl (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

["Outer Space With You"
by Danny Connors plays]
[camera shutters clicking]
I got it. That's the
"Waiting for the bus."
Well, actually,
it's the, "Waiting for the boat."
- Obviously.
- [chuckles]
No one told me we were getting in a boat.
I'm in outer space with you ♪
'Cause we don't know what's there ♪
The office asked me to give you this.
Everyone is talking about her.
It appears your new face
has made quite
the first impression, Wilbur.
A high-fashion crash landing.
It's certainly an impactful entrance.
This is a lot. For anyone.
I just wanna make sure
that Harriet doesn't get overwhelmed
by all the noise.
Dispose of these.
[birds chirping]
Are you looking forward to tonight?
Uh sure, yeah.
Huge fashion party,
full of cool and glamorous strangers.
Plays right into my skill set.
Well, Fenzi usually
throws some pretty fun parties.
And I'd imagine after your grand entrance
to the fashion industry,
I'd imagine everyone's
gonna want to talk to you.
Doesn't sound like fun at all.
Well, it will be if we go together.
Well, I mean, you're an Infinity new face,
I'm an old one
- I figured it just made sense.
- Me and Dad are being
picked up by a car, so if you wanted
a lift, you could just jump in with us.
Oh, right, a lift.
Um I might actually just
need to go with my aunt.
I'll catch you there, though.
- Okay.
- Okay.
[Harriet] What did I say wrong?
[rhythmic music]
[theme music]
["Technicolour Dreams"
by Emerson Ware & Tiguan Jones]
[phone ringing]
How are we doing in here? Okay.
I'm not ready.
I'm not very good at parties.
I've been researching
how to make small talk,
but a lot of the advice
has mainly focused on office jobs.
There is not a lot of information
out there about how to mingle
with the fashion industry elite.
Well, have you eaten? You should eat.
Maybe we'll get room service.
What do you fancy?
No, it's all got weird stuff on it.
Like, what is hibiscus gel?
Or, or lemon pangrattato?
Or bacon jam?
I don't really think I fancy
a savoury jam right now.
Or ever, for that matter.
- Thanks, Dad.
- [knocking on door]
Ah! That will be the crate
of hibiscus gel I've ordered.
[Wilbur] Your gown, Miss Manners.
[Harriet] Try to look excited.
[sighs] This won't do at all, will it?
Uh, anyone who doesn't need
to be here right now,
please leave us. Thank you.
- Move, man!
- [gasping]
[rhythmic music]
I'm sure she'll be here in a minute.
Okay. If you're sure
I mean, it's all just about
fashionably late.
[elevator dings]
I smell that smell ♪
It's that time of year again ♪
I can taste the air ♪
The clocks go back railway track ♪
Something blocks the line again ♪
And the train runs late
For the first time ♪
Harriet Manners.
You're just like your mum.
Am I really like her?
More and more every day.
She would be so proud of you.
This doesn't feel real.
I don't feel like a model at all.
I'm a geek.
You can be both.
You can be everything.
Not to be a drag, but
I'm sorry, shall we?
["Wicked Ones" by Dorothy]
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
This night ain't
For the faint of heart ♪
For the faint of heart
For the faint of heart ♪
This night ain't
For the faint of heart ♪
'Cause the faint of heart
Gon' fall apart ♪
Ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ♪
Ah, ah, ah ♪
We the wicked ones ♪♪
- [overlapping chatter]
- [camera shutters clicking]
She's just adorable, isn't she?
That's a tad patronizing.
I just mean
it's sweet she's come to her first
big industry party with her dad.
I just hope she can handle all this.
It's a lot of pressure.
- Especially after yesterday
- She'll be fine.
Alright, Nick.
Miss Manners! It's Linda LaCroix
from Queen Magazine.
- Can I have a few moments of your time?
- [overlapping chatter]
Go, fly.
[overlapping shouts]
Actually, can we go over there?
It's got better lighting on that backdrop.
I'm just gonna stay right here.
Nick, it's five feet.
Why do I feel like I'm the only one
who's trying to curate
the perfect aesthetic for our content?
Look, I was trying to get to Canada
so I didn't mess this up for you.
Poppy, I meant what I said.
Not this again.
Hey, I'm sorry,
but I don't wanna do this anymore.
[overlapping shouts]
- [reporter] Harriet!
- Uh, hello, again.
I was just thinking, your moment
on the catwalk had quite the impact.
- Was it planned?
- What?
Did you and Yuji orchestrate
the whole thing?
To create more press for her new campaign?
Um, no, I-I fell over
because my heels were too big.
You can't walk in heels?
Uh, I can. I well, I'm getting better.
So, let's have a mindful social media
break from the Boba Match stuff.
We can reset our creativity levels
and come back happier and healthier.
Okay. I don't want a break.
I'm done.
Listen, it could be a whole thing.
A captivating plot twist.
Everyone loves the drama.
We're like Ross and Rachel.
We're on a break, and then, we're back on,
bigger and better than before.
- [chuckling]
- [camera clicking]
So pretty when you pout.
[reporter] Harriet, over here!
So, Yuji Lee sent
a brand new model down the runway
who can't yet walk in heels,
in the tallest heels.
- Is that what you're saying?
- Yes.
Um no.
Um may-maybe.
I just
[indistinct chatter]
My perfume shoot.
I want Harriet.
Alongside the previously contracted
Poppy Hepple-Cartwright?
Wilbur, I said I want Harriet.
Of course.
I'll let you know
and we'll firm everything up.
[guest cheering]
Great party.
- I I just um
- [overlapping reporter chatter]
Oh, I-I I can see my dad over there.
He's looking for me. Sorry, can I just
You don't need me or Noppy.
You know that, right?
Okay? You can just be Poppy.
I mean it.
[reporters shouting]
- Nick Park!
- Over here! Over here!
[reporters shouting]
Why made you laugh on the catwalk?
[muffled soundscape]
- [muffled shouting]
- [cameras clicking]
[Harriet] It's happening again.
Who keeps turning the world up to 11?
What's wrong with me?
[stressful music]
[muffled shouting]
[sounds return to normal]
[reporters shouting]
There you are.
Darling, Yuji Lee is just woo!
Oh, honey.
Less regal, a little bit more chic, no?
Oh, honey, too much?
So much. It's just
too many people,
and I have to talk to all of them.
You don't.
You don't.
Look at Kate Moss.
She spent 20 years not talking to anyone.
Part of her brand. [chuckling]
So, I don't have to give
all the interviews and
and talk to the managers and stuff?
I can just walk?
Well, please don't talk to managers.
I'm literally fighting them off
with sticks.
Well, not literally, literally.
[muffled music in the background]
What I'm trying to say is
there are just as many ways
to be a model as there are models.
You just have to find your way.
Of course, I'll help.
Can I stay out here for a bit?
In the quiet?
Of course you can.
I'll give you a moment.
No, even I've heard of Bazcar. Um
Massive fundraising
event in London, am I right?
Big designers. I mean,
I could never wear the shoes, personally.
I haven't got the ankles.
[Richard chuckles]
Sorry to interrupt. Uh
Richard, can we have a petit tête à tête?
Well, it's a bit late to eat, but alright.
- A word.
- Oh. Yes! Yes, of course.
Um, back shortly.
- Do make sure you are.
- [chuckling]
- Fabulous woman.
- Yes.
Um, between us for now,
Yuji Lee wants Harriet
for her perfume campaign.
Hats! Wow!
And it's huge news, I know,
but um I haven't told Harriet just yet.
Why? Where is she?
She's just taking five.
I just wanna make sure Harriet gets
everything she needs.
Hmm? Chocolate?
She likes chocolate.
[chuckling] Quite.
No, I I meant more in a holistic way.
- Oh, Richard, what I mean
- Yeah, no, I know what you mean.
You know, at first, I thought
it was just a coping mechanism.
After her mum dying, but
Bit more than that, isn't it?
Harriet will always be my little girl.
And I will always,
always be there for her.
I'm not gonna let you
or anybody else define her
by a label.
I would never.
Richard, that's what I'm here for.
I'm here to help and you can talk to me.
Thank you, thank I'm sorry.
No, it's okay.
She's just on the balcony.
Uh, Richard, sorry, before you go
Boring stuff.
But Yuji's overly efficient assistant
is about to send
all the paperwork through,
and we need your signature.
Perfume contract, model contract stuff.
It's all done.
I'll sign anything Harriet needs.
[muffled music playing]
You okay, Hats?
I just needed a minute.
Yeah, pretty intense in there.
[sighing] Very.
But Wilbur said I don't have
to talk to anyone if I don't want to.
Absolutely right.
You want to head back
to the hotel at any point,
you just let me know.
Thanks, Dad.
I think I'm gonna do back down there.
I want to go back down there.
- I can do this.
- Of course you can.
Are you not coming?
No, no, you head down.
I'll join you in a minute.
[muffled voices]
[muffled music playing]
[phone vibrating]
[utensil clinking on glass]
Thank you for joining us tonight.
Please let me introduce Yuji Lee.
[crowd cheering]
Thank you, Serena.
It has been an honest and earth process
collaborating with Fenzi.
This collection is a deeply rooted
personal exploration for me,
with an undercurrent
of fragility throughout,
a moment in time.
Which is why I would like
to take this moment to announce
that after a considered deliberation,
Yuji Lee will be the headline partner
for this year's Bazcar event in London.
[crowd cheering]
To Yuji Lee.
[all] Yuji Lee!
I've been wanting to say
hi to you all night.
- Really?
- Really.
You never got to see Albertine.
I know.
Next time, I guess.
Or we could go now.
I want you back by 11:30 sharp,
not a second later.
- Thanks, Dad.
- And I want updates.
I promise.
Mr. Manners.
Have fun. Look after each other.
Thanks, Dad.
Go on, get out of here.
[Wilbur] Dare I ask?
I think I just agreed
to my teenage daughter
going on a date in a strange city
with a male supermodel.
That's alright, isn't it?
A different teenager
wouldn't have asked permission.
- Mmm.
- Mmm?
["New Moon" by Birdie]
'Cause tonight there's a new moon ♪
Tonight there's a new moon ♪
It'll fall into place ♪
Tonight there's a new moon ♪
Tonight there's a new moon ♪
And it's all gonna change ♪
- [Harriet] I got it.
- [Nick] You got it?
- I think so.
- I hope so!
[laughing] Maybe if I stick to the rail.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
They hurt so much.
- Ow!
- I got an idea.
[Harriet] Starting to understand
why Cinderella abandoned her shoe.
Thank you.
They're not Jimmy Choo,
but they'll do the job.
I think they are perfect.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
I like the colour.
- Good choice.
- Thanks.
- [Harriet chuckles]
- I thought it'd go with the dress.
Not quite, but nice try.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Do you ever get used to those things?
- The parties?
- Mm-hmm.
Ask me in 20 years. I haven't yet.
It's just, I don't understand
how people do it.
All the talking.
About nothing.
I find it exhausting.
Poppy could probably give you some advice.
Although I I think I kind of ruined
things for her tonight.
I feel bad, but I just
I can't keep doing this fake Noppy stuff.
I thought you enjoyed it.
And I thought you liked her.
Well, I like her, just as friends.
Uh, do you mind if we take a minute?
I just
I think I need a pause.
Yeah, of course.
How do you feel about
a pause plus fried dough?
I feel very good about that.
[insects chirping]
It's good, right?
- So good.
- [distant car honking]
So how do you keep in contact
with your friends?
I don't really
I don't really have that many.
Says the guy named
Most Popular Model of the Year.
[laughing] Yeah, by a gossip website.
What about your old friends?
I had a friend when I was younger,
his name was Davie.
And we used to do everything together.
You know, but uh
I'm never really in one place
for that long,
so we kinda just lost touch.
What what about you?
Nat. She's my only friend.
Oh, I don't believe that.
[Harriet] Well, and Toby
in a very unofficial way.
A lot of people seem to hate me.
No, I'm not buying that.
[Harriet] I literally have
to keep a list, it's so true.
Trust me.
Well, you have Nat.
I do. And she's amazing.
I mean, she's popular.
She's funny, pretty and smart.
And she has an answer to everything.
- She sounds awesome.
- Yeah.
Yeah, she is.
Okay, um pop quiz.
Where is your favourite city?
Favourite city. New York.
No, Shanghai.
Maybe Paris?
[laughing] Now you're just showing off.
Um best beach?
Newport Beach, California.
- So, home?
- Home.
Amandari, in Bali.
Um best view?
Uh, it's a quick-fire round,
you gotta be fast.
Alright, quick-fire round.
Um best view?
There's this limestone arch in Mexico
and it rises up and out of the sea,
and then the sun sets behind it.
It's pretty incredible.
It sounds it. [chuckling]
What is your favourite
thing you did as a kid?
[rhythmic music]
You hung out at museums?
You? The world famous supermodel?
Please, tell me more.
Ah, sarcasm?
I'll show you.
[bright rhythmic music]
This is
[mimics Harriet's accent] Superlative.
Okay, now who's being sarcastic?
This Plateosaurus!
This plato-what?
She was an earlier cousin
of the Tyrannosaurus rex, if you like.
Oh yeah, definitely. She.
This is really cool.
There's something else
I wanna show you, though.
Come on.
["Brimful of Asha" by Cornershop]
They're just incredible, aren't they?
I mean, there are so many
different types of sharks.
And they're all different.
The mako shark
can swim up to 46 miles an hour.
The dwarf lantern shark is small enough
to fit in the palm of your hand.
And the megamouth lives so deep
that less than 100 have ever been sighted.
I did read you were really into sharks.
Oh did you, now?
Um, I Uh, just somewhere on the int
I think I clicked on it by accident.
Oh, by accident, huh?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
And that story is not true, no.
Yeah, right.
They said I wrestled a shark for this.
- You didn't?
- [scoffs]
Don't believe what you read
in those magazines.
I found it on a beach in Australia.
Sharks have thousands
and thousands of teeth.
They're pretty easy to find
if you're in the right place.
And if you're a massive shark geek
who knows everything
about his favourite sharky friends.
A shark geek?
Oh, how dare you? I'm not just a geek.
I'm a mega-geek.
[laughing] Like the megamouth!
- Rude.
- Sorry.
[chuckling] I'm joking.
[Harriet] Is he going to kiss me?
Please kiss me.
Kiss me, kiss me.
Oh, there
there's a lot of other stuff to see.
- Come on.
- [Harriet] Ugh
- Can you hold the bear?
- Okay, wait. Like this?
- There you go.
- Yeah. Okay, wait.
- Perfect.
- Yeah?
- Is this about it? Am I getting it?
- It's perfect.
You know, it must have been a difficult
decision where to put that, actually.
Yeah, well, technically speaking,
polar bears are marine mammals.
So, she could have easily
have been in with your shark friends.
Oh no, she's missing out.
Maybe she's happier here, now that
she's got all the other bears to talk to.
What if the other bears
don't wanna talk to her?
Well, she should definitely
go hang out with the sharks, then.
It's pretty superlative, right?
That is an excellent way
of describing it, Nick, yes!
See, you're learning.
It is indeed superlative.
[soft music]
She's the largest mammal
in all of Canada, actually.
[girls whispering] It's Nick!
If she is a wood bison, specifically.
Afraid my specifics
in bison are not very good.
Shall we?
[girl] Okay, quick, quick, go, go, go, go!
- [woman] Girls, come on!
- [girls laughing]
["Silent Sigh" de Badly Drawn Boy]
People moving to the moon ♪
Stop baby don't go stop here ♪
Never stop living here ♪
Till it eats the heart from your soul ♪
Keeps down the sound of your ♪
Silent sigh ♪
Silent sigh, silent sigh ♪
Silent silent ♪♪
[rhythmic music]
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