Get Even (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Get a Clue

Now, just do as I say ♪
Keep your lips sealed ♪
Walk away ♪
Now, just do as I say ♪
Keep your sweat cold ♪
Don't betray ♪
Someone took me by surprise
I was cast among the stars ♪
Read my lips, I'm lost for words
Felt just like another jerk ♪
I bumped into rainbow walls
Heard a million voices call ♪
Why didn't I understand?
Someone's hand was holding out ♪
Now, just do as I say ♪
Keep your sweat cold ♪
Don't betray. ♪
I know all your secrets ♪
I know all your lies ♪
Your secrets and lies. ♪
Come on, you've got to see this.
What's this?
It's for the memorial, apparently.
Isn't it a little?
Don't get me started. Hey, guys!
Come on. No.
-What's up?
-This isn't your gig.
-Well, technically, it is our first gig.
I'm kind of nervous about it,
Right, OK, but it's for a dead student.
So maybe choose something
But death is pain.
It's, likethe most pain.
Amazing, isn't it?
Might get popcorn.
I've been trying to get hold of your dad,
but he's not answering.
I'm shocked.
So we called your second point
of contact instead.
Hi, Bree.
You still haven't been able
to explain how
one of your origami cranes ended up
in Ronny Kent's house.
I always make cranes. Maybe Ronny
found one and took it home.
We'd like to show you something.
What can you tell us about that?
Rex made fun of a ginger kid,
so DGM got him back.
Or so I heard.
How about this?
Welcome to
Bannerman Independent School,
a breathtaking establishment
which sits in 100 acres of
To be or not to be.
It's our positive values that drive us.
You get the gist.
It's funny,
whenever DGM strike, we seem
to be able to link it to you.
How's that?
Well, for example, when a student
had his hairspray switched
with pink dye, you apparently
had a dentist appointment,
though we can't seem to find
any record of that.
It's a family friend.
It's kind of unofficial.
A lot of DGM's pranks need an access
to certain rooms in Bannerman.
Mrs Baggott, I assume,
you have a key card.
I do, yes.
How long would you say you've known
Mrs Baggott for, Bree?
A long time.
So I suppose, theoretically,
you would have access to that key card.
The prospectus
came from a scrambled IP,
which means whoever did it
is very technically savvy.
I know squat about computers,
so should I just go?
We've been going back and forth.
You know, is DGM one person,
two people, a team?
See, it's possible that whoever
DGM is, or are, they started out
with good intentions, in dyeing a
bully's hair pink. It's quite funny.
But, somewhere along the way,
it got out of hand, didn't it?
And they ended up in a bad place.
A hashtag isn't going
to convince anybody
that DGM did not kill Ronny.
We can get a warrant out
for your house, if we have to, Bree.
But it'll be much easier for you
if you cooperate.
Go ahead.
-My room's a mess.
-You don't seem like a bad person.
Be honest.
Are you DGM?
We'll be closing this for now.
Mr Derringer,
we tried to contact you.
Either charge my daughter,
or this is over.
Told you.
You were really hardcore back there.
"Charge my daughter,
or this is over!"
You OK?
I think I'm just going to head up.
Lie to the police,
but do not lie to me!
Oh, here I go again ♪
Breaking like I was unbroken ♪
If I knew I'd see you here ♪
My friend ♪
I'd erase all of the words spoken ♪
Cos the clouds break
and hearts break ♪
That is a blue thunder ♪
And when souls sift and seas shift ♪
You can feel the thunder ♪
You can feel the thunder. ♪
What did the police say?
-Did you tell them anything that could?
-What, drop you guys in it?
I just sent them your addresses
and copies of the messages
that we send to each other.
She doesn't know anything.
She kind of thinks that I'm DGM
and wants to search my house, but
She thinks what?!
-See? I told you.
-They don't have anything.
They found this paper crane
that I left at Ronny's.
-That doesn't prove anything, so chill!
We think you need to take a step back.
You're kicking me out?!
No, but we can't afford
to be reckless right now.
-You don't trust me, that's what this is.
-It's not your fault.
You couldn't have known Ronny's place
would be a crime scene, it's just
Why would you leave a crane
in a house that you broke into?!
What she means is, eyes on you
means eyes on us.
Just lay low a bit,
until things calm down.
Fine. Whatever.
Bree, wait.
New burner.
What are you doing here?
Wasting my dad's hard-earned money?
I thought
You were taken yesterday by the
police. Why did they let you go?
Because I haven't been charged
with anything, you moron.
Are you OK?
Sleeping all right?
Oh, come on, Rex.
You've got to be on top of things.
Your ego won't overinflate itself.
No, but they have evidence.
-I know that you left the
Can I have a word?
Jeez! Watch where you're going!
Rex knows about the crane.
What?! How?
Maybe it was him
I heard in Ronny's house that night.
Misra was speaking to him earlier and we
don't know what he was saying, so
-I'm on it.
The thing is,
at this point in the play,
you're meant to be sympathetic.
The audience are supposed
to like you.
-What are you trying to say?
-Er, run lines with me?
-I'll do it.
Er, no. It's OK. Don't
Sorry, I just kind of need Margot.
-Right, as I was saying
-I'm so bored of listening to this.
That's why your performance isn't getting
any better.
-Where from?
-Er, act four, scene one.
-I'll comfort to your grace.
-Pray thee, why dost though?
Rex was in the house that night.
Your elder brother,
the Lord Ferdinand,
is come to visit you
and send you word.
What do you mean?
At his pleasure.
Take hence the lights.
I mean, he knows about the crane!
Enter Ferdinand.
Where are you?
Here, sire.
He was there at the same time
that we were.
This darkness suits you well.
We need to give the police evidence
that they can't ignore. How?
Er, I mean
I would ask your pardon.
You have it, for I account it
the honourablest revenge where
I may kill to pardon.
I'll hack into Ronny's
Wi-Fi router.
I'll know if Rex was there that night
and if he was, we got him.
Um Whom?
God, you really are a genius,
aren't you?
Margot! Come down here! One sec.
-You didn't tell me you were going out?
You also didn't tell me
you had a boyfriend.
It's not exactly.
Yeah, I was just passing
and I thought maybe you
wanted a lift to the
-To the gig.
-Oh. I wasn't going togo.
Hold on.
Give me five.
You look amazing.
But you know, it's not too late
to change your mind.
All I've done since what happened
happened is feel bad.
Going to have some fun tonight.
At Ronny's memorial?
You get the irony, right?
Well, yeah, but I'm going to spend the
whole night not thinking about Ronny.
So, you and Donte. Spill.
I've had enough hopeless crushes.
-I know love when I see it.
Well, no, we're just friends.
-How many followers does he have?
I have no idea.
Why would I know that?
You're crushing hard!
No, I'm not.
Yes, you are.
Hey, do you want to stop off
and get some doughnuts?
Doughnuts? Sure thing!
Sorry, you look
You look stunning.
You've been practising
your compliments!
You know, I really have, actually!
I've been taking online courses
and everything.
Go on, say one back to me.
Why, Logan, you look like
..Tom Hiddleston.
Wait, what does that mean?!
You know, like you're about
to play cricket and drink tea.
Not sure quite how to react to that,
-It's a compliment.
-OK, well, thank you.
-I'll be two secs.
Hey! Logan!
I, er, I didn't really know Ronny
so I asked around to see what people
would miss about him
and I've been told by his team-mates
that he was a really good thrower.
So, wherever you are,
keep throwing, Ronny.
Keep throwing.
Thanks for that, Ed.
Next up, we have Jemima,
reading the poem On Death,
by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Who telleth
the tale of unspeaking death?
Who lifteth the veil
of what is to come?
Who painteth the shadows
that are beneath
The wide-winding caves
of the peopled tomb?
-Er, what's a Ronbomb?
-A Diet Coke and Lilt, Ronny's fave.
I'll just get three lemonades.
It's not an option, sorry.
We have Ronnyade, Ronbomb or Ronpop.
OK, I'll take three Ronnyades,
then, please.
Did you get the police onto Rex?
If all goes to plan, he should be
being questioned as we speak.
Well, I guess things
went more to plan
when you had the reckless one
It was this or Ronny in Speedos.
That is the most disturbing thing
I've ever seen.
I think we're about to be blessed
with some interpretive dance.
Oh! OK, this should be fun.
Hello, everyone. Thank you. Hi.
Meera, Jemima and I have our own
little tribute for Ronny.
Ronny loved this dance.
He even tweeted about it.
This is for you, Ronny.
I think my night has
officially been made!
Don't you have some kind of dark hole
you should be crawling back into?
Soyour mum hates me.
Mum would never hate you.
You're the weird emo daughter
she never had.
It's fine, I swear. It's just
..she has some questions
about the key card that disappeared.
You know, before DGM pulled
that prospectus.
She trusts you.
And she knows you would never do
anything to jeopardise that.
What do you think?
You didn't meet me this morning.
I think I know you.
And you don't have to explain anything
for me to trust you.
Are you wearing Shane's eyeliner?
It works for Shane, so I thought
Yeah, it works for Shane
because Shane is cool.
I will have you know,
Shane has asked me
for fashion advice on more
than one occasion!
Whoa! That wassomething.
Now for something
completely different.
John and Shane.
Shut up!
Um, we're John and Shane.
Wait, I'm just Shane.
-Where's John?
-Oh, that's me.
We, um,
don't have a name for the band yet.
Um, I was thinking the name Tuesday,
cos I was born on a Tuesday.
But John wasn't.
So that's not going to work.
-If you have any suggestions
Hello, how you doing? ♪
How's your new place? ♪
A year since you left school ♪
I hardly even remember your face ♪
But I'm still hooked on you ♪
-All right?
-Yeah. Um, sorry, I just
I was wondering,
do you want to dance with me?
Oh, um, I don't really dance.
Right. Yeah, no, that's That's cool.
Hello, how you feeling? ♪
Have you found somebody new? ♪
Some gym class hero ♪
While I'm still hooked on you ♪
OK, I can't let you do that.
Thank you for saving me.
You don't seem like the kind of guy
who needs saving.
Mm, I don't know.
I read Sleeping Beauty.
I really identify
with the girl in the coma, so
In that case
Memories. ♪
How's the not thinking
about Ronny going?
Kind of harder than I thought.
I shouldn't have left you
at the party with him.
I'm sorry.
No, I'm sorry.
You didn't do anything wrong.
I was just angry.
-Another Ronspritzer?
Anyone else want to say anything?
I will.
This is beautiful.
A touching tribute to someone you're
all describing
as an emotional team player.
But that wasn't Ronny.
Ronny was a bully.
Get down!
He targeted people,
vulnerable people who trusted him.
What the hell is she doing?
He used people. He used me.
He even pretended to be someone
he wasn't,
just to play with people's feelings.
He lied to people,
blackmailed people,
had secrets you wouldn't even believe.
We shouldn't romanticise someone
just because he's dead.
We should remember the truth,
so we don't hurt people
the same way Ronny did.
That was brave.
To the future.
Hey, didn't know you
walked this way.
You should've got a better bed
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye ♪
You should've got out of the red ♪
In the red, you're better off dead ♪
Deader than the red Dead Sea ♪
Promise it to me ♪
Promise me the sea ♪
People, all the people with big bellies
banging bigger drums ♪
They beat down on you,
they beat the pulse into your shoes ♪
You should've got a better bed
Better for your head ♪
Better heads need shut-eye. ♪
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