Gogol (2019) s01e06 Episode Script


Previously on GOGOL
It can't go on this way.
For me it's unbearable to think
that you don't belong to me.
Vasilina was born with a flaw.
Vakula, it's not about devilry.
Don't tickle me!
She'll live on without her tail.
Our witch isn't that simple,
she can live without her tail.
What can you see?
Lisa? She's in danger!
I knew you'd come here.
Mr. Gogol!
- What are you doing?
- Saving you, fool. Not for you, for him.
Well, horseman, take your silver bullet!
And then he just
Devised by
turned and rode in the forest.
Excuse me, Mr. Gogol,
but it's hard to believe you.
Directed by
I'm telling the truth.
Please, send people to the well
to get the body
of Mrs. Danishevskaya.
Well, I won't send people
as there's no need.
Сostume director
She's alive, safe and sound.
Makeup artist
Today at dawn local women saw her going
out of the river near the old mill.
She went home.
Where is she now?
I sent a person to ask about her.
The count said she'd come back.
But after such a stress
she can't speak to anyone.
What amazes me in this story
is that the horseman
turned out to save you or something.
Yes, it's true.
Don't you think that such a sympathy
isn't typical of a murderer?
I have no explanation for this.
Neither do I.
So far.
Mr. Binkh, Mr. Gogol.
It's the horseman, again.
Nobody saw who left these marks?
These marks were found
on seven houses.
Gentlemen, this is not paint.
It is blood.
Right, everyone to their homes!
Nothing to see here.
How fascinating.
It's very similar to dog fur.
It must have been a warlock.
Grandma told me in my childhood
that they send messages in dog blood.
Warlock or not,
seven houses have been marked,
all of them home to young girls.
These girls have been chosen
as the horseman's victims.
But why leave these marks?
Perhaps he has an accomplice
who helps him identify victims.
Ulyana, have you seen my dog Serko?
- I haven't.
- Where the devil is he?
Did you hear
what has befallen us of late?
The horseman has branded
seven girls with his terrible mark.
- You don't say!
- I swear it is true.
Come now, old lady,
you cannot believe he is real?
At your decrepit age, too!
Laugh all you like.
When he comes for your soul,
you'll laugh even harder!
He is welcome to it!
I do like to laugh.
Off with you, reckless girl!
Why did you come here?
Dear, good morning.
How are you feeling?
How are you without the tail?
I need to get used to it.
I've cooked some breakfast.
Toasts with honey, just as you like.
I must go to work.
After breakfast please bring
this jacket to Balabanikha
to repair it.
Papa, let me repair
clothes for you myself!
When you grow up, you'll have
someone to repair clothes for.
I don't understand.
The horseman killed
peasant girls.
I see why he marked village houses,
but a noble estate?
I suppose a servant girl
is to be taken victim.
The horseman
marked not seven, but eight girls.
The eighth is Lisa.
Mrs. Danishevskaya.
Tomorrow is a feast day.
Mokos Friday.
This means the horseman
will start to act tonight.
We must hide all these girls.
Where can we do so?
Should we lock them in jail?
They're in danger in the village.
There's an abandoned farm
near Dikanka, a perfect hideout.
Just what we need.
Well, the idea is sensible.
Before dark, we must gather
the girls and send them there.
- Nobody can know except us.
- Right.
Very well. We shall see.
So, Mr. Binkh,
shall we gather the girls?
Hold off for now. That can wait.
I must think.
How do you feel?
I really do not know.
These marks,
murders, the horseman
I am just glad you are here
and I am no longer in danger.
Sadly, Lisa, that's not the case.
We need to speak
about your safety.
Don't be afraid!
I botched a deer shoot,
had to finish it with a knife.
Mr. Gogol.
A pleasure to see you.
Dine with us.
This time I won't accept a refusal.
To the man who risks his life
for our safety.
To you, Mr. Gogol.
- I must ask something of you.
- I'm listening.
It concerns Mrs. Danishevskaya.
I believe
that she is not safe here.
- Why so?
- The horseman is not caught.
We are sending the village girls
whose houses were marked
to an abandoned farm near Dikanka
under escort for the night.
And I absolutely believe that
your wife should join them.
- For what reason?
- As a precautionary measure.
I take a different view.
- Forgive me, but I insist
- You insist?
Mr. Gogol, in this house,
only I may insist.
Should you wish to do so,
insist freely in your own home
with regard to your own wife.
Ah, sorry, I forgot.
You're not married.
Thank you for lunch.
I must go.
Mr. Gogol
Please forgive Alexey, he is too
proud to accept another's help.
Will he risk your life
for the sake of pride?
Perhaps he is right,
and I am indeed safe here?
Good day, Vasilina,
have you seen my dog Serko?
No, I haven't.
I'll drag that mongrel by the ears!
Sniffing around, are you?
I'm just taking Papa's overcoat
to be repaired.
Don't you want to come inside
and taste my dumplings?
No, thank you.
I have to run.
Run along, my little witch.
Why didn't you give my overcoat?
Papa, do you know Ulyana?
I know of her, but no more.
A truly wicked woman.
Why do you ask about her?
Is Ulyana
an evil spirit?
Why do you say that?
Come on, speak up.
What is Ulyana doing in Dikanka?
She came from Poltava a year back,
as a modest widow.
We took her in, gave her a home,
before she revealed her true nature.
She clouds others with sin.
Lord forgive me,
she even flirts with the priest.
Could Vasilina have made this up?
We don't lie in my house.
If my daughter says she saw
dumplings fly, then she did.
And there was the dead dog, too.
A dead dog?
Streaming blood.
It is possible that Ulyana
is the accomplice.
Where does she live?
Turn left and go past three houses.
Go and fetch Mr. Binkh.
We will meet outside her house.
Disperse, everyone!
There is nothing here to see!
Could you really
not have seen the killer at all?
- Nothing that may identify them?
- I could not.
So, you let the killer escape,
and remember nothing of them.
Dr. Bomgart
do you know what language this is?
"Sumito dolis ongis"
It resembles Latin.
But I cannot understand
a single word.
My good man, help me lift her.
My dear God!
What is it?
Look. A nail.
It is no simple nail. It is silver.
- Look at this, gentlemen.
- May I?
Such cursed nails
are used to crucify witches.
So Vasilina was right.
Ulyana is a witch,
and perhaps served the horseman.
I still fail to understand
why the devil you came here alone.
I was afraid of scaring her off.
Mr. Gogol, are you sure
that you did not imagine this killer?
What are you implying?
I am not implying anything.
I am merely clarifying.
So you want to say
that I murdered Ulyana?
For what reason?
For what reason would I kill her?
I don't know.
But let's speak purely theoretically.
If Ulyana was indeed
the horseman's accomplice,
along with you
then she could betray you,
so her death would benefit you.
But that is purely theoretical.
While you invent baseless theories,
a new killer roams free.
I saw him with my own eyes.
You saw him, but cannot recall him.
Careful, I must still dissect her.
We must search the entire village.
And if you don't find him?
Right now, it is imperative
we send away the girls.
I still want to weigh up
the pros and cons.
Can you do it any faster, then?
It'll be dark soon.
What then?
Mr. Binkh, do we take
the girls to the farm?
I still have my doubts.
But you yourself said
the investigator's idea is sound.
My doubts are with regard him.
Open the gates!
Our deceased
did indeed give me a surprise.
No signs of decomposition,
tissues remain firm.
If she had blood,
I would think her still alive.
The stake was driven into the heart,
as if someone wished
to slay a witch.
Not that I believe such nonsense.
Including resurrection.
Strange to hear from a man who
drags people back into this world.
Come now, Mr. Gogol.
What's the use?
Sooner or later
each of my patients will succumb
to that figure with a scythe.
Never to return.
Once, I attempted
to resurrect a child
who had died during surgery.
I used electrical shocks.
It didn't work.
There was a big scandal.
It was that experiment
that led to my exile.
We cannot conquer death,
which means life has no meaning.
Your time is wasted, Mr. Gogol.
Nobody is spared.
I cannot agree,
God gave us life for a reason.
I do not believe in your God,
just as I don't
believe in resurrection.
Your lack of belief
does you more harm
than your drunkenness.
To your health, witch.
I will go.
You know what? I forgive you.
I will not think of your Lisa.
Why anger myself?
It's not like you'll ever be together.
She is married. But I am free.
I'm like a cool stream.
- I can quench your thirst
- Stop it.
Can you read this?
How should I know?
I'm just a miller's daughter.
Then do you recognize this?
What's wrong?
Put it back! It is a holy
weapon against evil spirits!
You are torturing me,
you monster!
So it really was a ritual killing,
and Ulyana really was
We searched from top to bottom,
but did not find our demon.
Shall we gather the girls?
Or not?
Tesak, you've been
annoying me all day!
Mr. Binkh, I've worked it out.
The killer will return
to complete a ritual.
- Return where?
- I'll show you.
I need your help.
We were here fighting like lions,
and that old soak doesn't stir a bit.
Mr. Gogol, I cannot deny
I had suspicions concerning you.
Please forgive me.
I accept my error.
It is not your first.
Who are you? Name? Title?
Will you be silent
as a lamb all day?
You will answer our questions!
From what I understand,
Ulyana was a witch,
and you killed her for something,
a kind of ritual or rite?
Witches, rites, rituals!
Mr. Gogol, can't you see
he's a common murderer?
Do you recognize this?
It is very clear.
He is simply mocking us.
It is dark Latin, for casting spells.
You won't understand.
When the blind lead the blind,
both shall fall into the ditch.
The Gospel of Matthew, 15:14
Who is blind here?
Wait, how do you
know the scripture so well?
My name is Khoma Brut.
theologian by education,
exorcist by trade.
An exorcist? You?
While you catch criminals,
I am called on
by the church to fight evil.
I wander, seek out the possessed,
and conduct purification rites.
What brings you to Dikanka?
I have chased this witch
for almost three years.
She was always on the move.
I almost got her, then you came!
Goodness gracious!
Hunting evil spirits, eh?
I see right through you, scoundrel.
You only wish to justify
your acts of murder!
Fighting evil? Who will believe you?
I do not need your belief.
- Wait until you get hard labor!
- Let us return to the inscription.
If you know this language,
tell me what it says.
If you move, he's dead!
Get in the cell.
Lock the door.
If but one hair
falls from Mr. Gogol's head,
I will hang you from a post!
The keys!
I will not hang you,
I will bury you alive!
Lower your hands.
The Lord said,
"Fear not: thou shalt not die".
Judges, 6:23.
How did you free yourself?
A wooden hand,
just like a real one.
A craftsman made it for me in Kiev.
What do you want?
I need your help.
I must complete the rite.
You and I both know
Ulyana's a witch.
Are you not curious
as to what is going on?
I am.
Easy, easy
- Mr. Binkh? What?
- Where are they?
- Who?
- Let me out. The keys are there.
- Right away.
- Gather the Cossacks.
Send some to search
for the criminal Khoma Brut.
Take care, he has Gogol hostage.
The others can take
the marked girls to the farm.
Stop right there.
There's no escape.
Mr. Gogol, thank God you're alive.
- Vakula, let us past.
- What do you mean?
Mr. Binkh is in a rage.
The whole village is on alert.
I need this man.
And how should I understand that?
Look, we need to
complete a rite in the church.
Trust me.
And please, not a word to Binkh.
Hurry up, get moving.
There, there.
Where are you taking her so late?
We're under police orders.
I can say no more.
Is that all of them?
- Yes, sir!
- Excellent.
Have the felon
and Mr. Gogol been found?
We're looking.
Let's go.
This will be dangerous.
The last time I encountered Viy,
it ended like this.
And who is this "Viy"
of whom you speak?
A demon from hell.
He gives power to evil spirits.
I have been hunting him for years.
Will you use Ulyana as bait?
Yes, she is a strong witch.
If she summons him,
he will come.
And I will destroy him!
Why are you so sure
you'll defeat him?
You've already lost a hand.
Want to lose your head, too?
Your paper
is a spell written in dark Latin.
And it's the only thing
that can stop Viy.
And if it doesn't work?
And if Christ be not risen,
then is our preaching vain.
Corinthians, 15:14.
God willing, we'll manage.
Enter the circle.
Quick, enter the circle.
What's wrong with you?
Inside! Quick! Hurry!
Come on! Hurry!
Tell me,
do you ever experience strange things?
Mysterious dreams or visions?
- Why do you ask?
- I feel your dark side.
And who knows,
it might help us tonight.
I am sure you are mistaken.
I am sure I am not.
How long must we sit here?
"In your patience
possess ye your souls"
Luke, 21:19.
Enough. Binkh was right.
You were not to be trusted.
- I committed a crime for you.
- You're not leaving!
We both will survive,
no matter what.
Which gospel is that?
The Gospel of Khoma Brut.
Hey, Stepan!
What's so funny?
You never know with girls!
Help me.
Don't go there!
Be quiet!
I'll pull this witch hunter
from under the ground if need be.
Vakula, did you find anyone?
Not a soul.
Mr. Binkh!
The farm!
I know who you are.
You are just like me.
God Almighty!
In all that is holy!
What have you done?
The horseman has celebrated
Mokos Friday.
I felt it from the start.
Mr. Binkh,
what does all this mean?
We brought the girls here
to be slaughtered?
That's what he wanted.
He marked the houses
so we would bring them
to one place.
But how did he know
we brought them here?
Let us ask the man
who planned it all.
I need Gogol, and I need him alive.
I know where he is.
You left the marks on the houses!
I did.
- Do you serve the horseman?
- I do.
Tell me his name!
Tell me his name!
You are a dark one!
Read on! You can do it!
You must wait for Viy!
I summon Viy!
Lift my eyelids.
Don't look him in the eyes!
Don't look!
Look at him.
Look him in the eyes!
I see.
He's not breathing.
He's not breathing.
What will we call him?
Nikolai Vasilyevich
So, do you know who'll be
our next director?
They say it's a trendy
director from the capital.
Wait, but what about our Dubinin?
He left for Moscow.
No way! He's taken the Moscow Art Theatre
by storm?
No, he's in prison.
He reposted a meme.
God! I can't bear another director!
Don't stir things up.
It doesn't matter who the director is.
I've seen 5 of them change.
The troupe makes the director.
- As you like, with frothy milk.
- Fine.
Egorych, wait.
You're a shitty actress.
But you're the best at making
coffee and other things.
I'll wait for you at 6 pm. Bye.
You can go.
- In those stockings!
- Who's going? Where?
So, where are the actors?
I see.
We're going to stage Gogol
in a modern interpretation.
The girl.
The devil.
The demon.
The ghoul.
Sorry, but who'll be Viy then?
- Viy? You'll be Viy.
- Me?
- Why me?
- Because you're fucking ugly!
So, Tamara Petrovna, you
won't need a costume?
Shut up!
And the main part
of the narrator and Gogol himself
will go to an outstanding actor
I'd like to introduce
Daniel Kislitsky.
Sorry for being late.
So, Gogol's A Terrible Vengeance.
Let's get started!
Excuse me! Who am I?
What's your name?
Innokenty Petushinsky.
You'll play a tree.
Excuse me, how many branches do you want?
Egorych, fuck off.
What tree?
A fat elderly asp.
That's it!
What? Don't wanna say "hi"?
You mad, old timer?
- I'm at a loss for words.
- Sure as shit.
Have you seen any talking trees?
Well, I'll give you MY terrible vengeance.
With a tender bitch, a deviless,
whine like a thousand bitches.
Silver moonlight will pour on your face.
Raise, raise anything but my eyelids!
Call me, call me Viy!
Raise, raise anything but my eyelids!
Call me, call me Viy!
Turn up and turn down the volume.
Stun me with silence.
Be my pocket vampire.
Bite a piece of my soul.
Raise, raise anything but my eyelids!
Call me, call me Viy!
Burn my second volume
when I come to your place.
Be a naked moon for me.
Burn all my thoughts.
Burn line after line, page after page.
I want to see the flames.
Laugh, don't hide your fangs.
Raise, raise anything but my eyelids!
- What the fuck is wrong with you?
- Oh, hey boss.
The main actor is fucking drunk!
The mayor is here! Fuck, it's a screwup!
- Petushinsky!
- What?
Now you're Gogol.
- Here's your mustache!
- Egorych, no
Raise, raise my eyelids!
Call me, call me Viy!
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