Gokusen (2002) s01e06 Episode Script

Don't let bullying get to you!

(Episode Six)
Missy, you'll be late.
What the heck? It's you two?
Good morning
Good morning.
Oh, no!
Why didn't you wake me up earlier?
(Shirokin Gakuin)
Good morning!
You're energetic
so early in the morning.
Ladies, morning is the beginning
of the day.
You should be refreshed, with
a cheerful smile when you wake up.
That was dangerous!
Oh, that was dangerous.
I'll throw it back.
Thank you.
Oh, sorry
There are so many more people here
than usual.
The ball game tournament is coming,
I guess they're practicing.
Ball game tournament?
I didn't know!
How careless of me!
You're exaggerating.
If it's a tournament, is it
an inter-class competition?
There's soccer,
and doubles table tennis.
The champion is the class that gets
the highest total score.
What will we get if we win?
- Nothing, just the trophy.
- What a let-down!
The champion's trophy, huh?
We are the champions!
When it comes to competing,
I can't sit and do nothing!
A ball game tournament
will be held next week.
Yes! It's the ball game tournament!
Guys, you're all enthusiastic?
Let's get fired up and
get sweaty and teary together!
Hey Guys!
We hate getting sweaty.
Exactly. Sweaty and smelly guys
are old-fashioned nowadays.
But you guys were delighted
just now.
They're delighted because there are
no lessons that whole day.
He is right
Is that so?
Yankumi! Why am I playing
table tennis?
What "super beast"?
I put everything, like your aptitude
and personality, into consideration,
and I grouped you into
your strongest groups.
Hey, you're participating too?
You saw that?
It's obvious, isn't it?
We are one member short,
so it's only right.
I'll join!
- There's no way I'm doing it.
- I don't want to do it now.
Hey Guys
(Ball Games Tournament)
Good morning.
Good morning, Miss Yamaguchi.
What happened afterward?
We don't have ball game tournaments
every day, so I personally
- No, Miss Yamaguchi
- Yes?
That's not what I meant.
It's "the matter".
Your family's
Oh, you mean that
You can't let anyone know that you
are the Oedo Family's successor?
I won't tell anyone.
Could you have
No, nobody has found out.
I see. Glad to hear that.
Please continue to be careful.
Yes, I will.
This is bad
Go for it
Mr Iwamoto, we've done
the stretching.
Good! I'm coming.
Everyone, we, Class 3B, will be the
winners of the ball game tournament.
Let's go!
Go for it
What a strong rival!
Let's get Sawada to participate in
both soccer and basketball.
Oh, isn't the number of
students enough?
Yeah, there are only 26 students
in our class,
so we're one person short.
But there are 40 in our class.
There are fewer students in
Class 3D than in other classes.
They are all problematic students
who are about to be expelled.
It's where the dropouts gather.
Well, there is one more student.
Sorry, Mr Ando, did you
just say something?
There are 27 students in 3D.
That's impossible! There are
26 students in the class.
Class number 26, Yagyu, is
the last one on the list.
Besides knowing the hobbies of
all the students in my class,
I know everything about them,
from the food they hate
to the types of girls they like.
But there is one more student.
But it is impossible
(Masato Yuki)
(No. 27, Masato Yuki)
Who is he?
You didn't know this until now?
I can't believe it.
There are two pages?
Why didn't you narrow the spacing
and just put it here?
It's May already, though.
You should have realized.
I'm ashamed of myself.
Well, he doesn't come to school,
after all.
What? Since when did he
stopped coming to school?
When Yuki was in his second year
here, his class teacher was
Well, I think he stopped coming to
school since the third term.
Why did he stop coming to school?
Well, I don't know.
You don't know?
It must be that he doesn't want to
study and just wants to fool around.
The number of days he attended
school was barely enough to
let him move up to the third year.
That being said,
I think it's time to tell him to
quit school voluntarily.
Quit school?
He is likely to be the first student
in 3D to quit school.
What? You can't do that!
This is it.
Excuse me, how may we help you?
I am Shirokin Gakuin Class 3D's
class teacher,
Kumiko Yamaguchi.
He says he doesn't want to see you.
But I have to see him, so
Please leave him alone.
Hey, make my coffee now.
I'm your class teacher,
Kumiko Yamaguchi
Sorry, Masato. I'll make your coffee
now. Please wait upstairs.
Please go.
Do it now.
Oh, Yuki!
There's going to be a ball game
tournament this Wednesday.
I'm not going to school any more.
(Shirokin Gakuin)
(Masato Yuki)
Excuse me!
Excuse me
We decided to do some voluntary
training starting today.
We'll win the competition
as a gift for Miss Fujiyama!
Thank you, everyone! Give it
your best shot and win!
We will
I thought you weren't interested
in winning the competition?
The boys in 3C have been running
and singing some weird song.
Weird song?
Something like,
"Kiss me on the cheek," I think.
Kiss on the cheek?
Kiss Kiss me on my cheek
Did you promise to kiss them
on the cheek if they win?
You really did?
I don't know.
So you did, huh?
You have to seduce them. Seduce
I see.
Kiss them on the cheek
If you win, I will kiss you
on the cheek!
Okay I can't just stand here
and do nothing too.
(Aim for the championship)
You'll receive special training from
today for the ball game tournament!
What special training?
We don't have time for that.
Of course, I won't make you
do it for nothing.
You'll give us a reward?
If you win
I'll kiss you on the cheek!
Who will?
I will, of course.
I see. They're not happy
because it's on the cheek?
That's more of a punishment!
What? A punishment?
You are too noisy!
Be quiet in the homeroom period
when Miss Yamaguchi isn't here!
I am here.
And they're still noisy
Sorry, I was trying to get the class
united for the ball game tournament.
United, huh?
They're not interested anyway,
are they?
That's not true.
They are very eager.
Maybe 3D should just not participate
in the ball game tournament.
They wouldn't win anyway.
What's the point?
Why do you assume that?
- Miss Yamaguchi, listen.
- What?
They don't even care about rules.
They'll commit a foul and lose
before the game is over.
Trash class.
Trash class?
What did you say, huh?
What if we win?
Okay, then.
If 3D wins the tournament,
I'll use honey instead of pomade
and stand in the flowerbed
for a day.
You promise?
Yes! We are going to win!
Miss Yamaguchi,
only one person can participate in
one kind of ball game.
Well, about that
Of course, teachers are not
allowed to participate.
- Yeah, I guessed that.
- Yeah.
We are one person short to
participate in the basketball game.
We can't possibly win!
It's a dirty trick! No wonder
he was so cocksure.
Don't worry.
We have another person,
Yuki, in our class.
Who's that?
We don't know him!
You don't know him?
He hasn't been coming to school,
but I will do something
to get him here.
Are you sure that it's okay to
say something so irresponsible?
Listen up, guys!
All 27 students of Class 3D
will settle the matter properly
in the ball game tournament!
"Settle the matter"?
I mean, you should be like men.
The plan for making Class 3D win
the ball game tournament starts now!
(3D wins)
Okay, it's done.
Thank you!
Oh? 3D are going to practice too?
Of course.
Well, work hard at it.
Of course we will!
We will show you the abilities of
the boys in 3D.
Sorry, I am late.
Mr Shinohara
Thank you for coming.
You're welcome.
I love to exercise too.
Why are you here?
He was on the basketball team
in high school,
so I asked him to be our coach.
That's not fair! Mr Shinohara,
please teach our class too.
Yeah, sure. Let's do it together.
Of course not. Mr Shinohara is
Class 3C's coach.
Well then, I will teach
your class, Kumiko.
We are not talking about this!
- Let's go, coach.
- Okay.
I'm going too. Wait for me.
Oh, you're in my way.
See you, Miss Yamaguchi!
Let's go.
Now she's really done it
I will do anything to win!
- That was amazing!
- You're so cool!
They seem to be having fun.
Do it once more
This is not working.
Hey! Is Yuki home?
Will you stop shouting?
You're bothering the neighbors.
You will be playing basketball in
in the ball game tournament
(Soccer Basics)
Good lord!
I give up. We are one student short.
I wonder if Mr Shinohara
will coach our class
No I didn't say anything.
Darn that Shinohara!
Are you guys practicing?
Yankumi, well done!
Who'd have thought such an
awesome coach would come?
Listen, guys.
Your group's honor is at stake
in this battle.
Have guts in the match.
Do not be defeated by 3C!
Yes, sir
Oh, darn
Hey, what are you doing?
Don't worry, we said that he was an
acquaintance of your second cousin.
But still
I mean, has Tetsu even played
basketball before?
Who knows?
Listen. First, go to where
the judge's blind spot is.
When you're there,
guard with your right arm and
elbow your opponent with the left.
There is just one thing you can do
if you're still disqualified.
Go to the judge
- We'll take a three-minute break.
- Okay.
What are you doing here?
I came to teach 3D the strategy
that will help them win.
The strategy to win? It's pointless
if they win by cheating.
Is that so?
Yes, of course!
Mr Shinohara!
Have we met somewhere before?
This is the first time we've met.
- Stop it.
- Okay.
I'm starving!
Is Yuki playing basketball in
the ball game tournament?
We are going to win
by default, then.
If he is on the same team as
you two and against us,
Yuki won't possibly come.
You're wasting your time
practicing, aren't you?
- What did you say?
- Don't, Kuma!
Well, do your best.
- We
- Guys.
I'm not Yankumi, but
I think you should settle the matter
properly before then.
What's the matter, guys?
Are you going to Yuki's house?
Yes, I am.
What's wrong?
Oh! Are you going with me?
If we go, he'll be even more
unwilling to come to school.
What? Why?
When we were in the second year,
we bullied him with 3C's Abe.
Hey, lend us some money.
We'll give it back to you later.
I think we did it for no reason.
- I've bought them.
- Thank you.
It just happened to be Yuki.
It could've been anyone else.
It's our fault that he stopped
coming to school.
I know the reason now.
You're not angry?
You understand that you did
something wrong.
- Stop it
- Don't Watch it!
Oh, you're so annoying.
Guys, we are going to win!
Good. Let's go!
Mr Shinohara!
He is so handsome!
Hey, Minami!
Watch it!
(Basketball team players)
Come on, Kuma.
- Faster.
- One, two
Run faster.
Hey! Yuki! Can you hear me?
That student you told me about
still isn't coming to school?
I see.
you can do it though. Right?
I think you are the one
who can help him.
What the heck? Gosh
Yuki! Don't run away.
Do you know where Missy is?
We should start practicing now.
I think she's gone to Yuki's house.
I see.
I think it's useless
even if she goes though.
Missy can't just do nothing
about it.
Why, may I ask?
Will you keep what I am going to
tell you to yourself?
It's not just Abe and Kumai's fault
that I stopped going to school.
Nobody in the class, including the
teacher, helped me when I needed it.
I was defenseless.
If nobody helps me,
of course I'll get bullied!
You have always
blamed other people for everything
and run away from it, haven't you?
I am the victim here, why should I
take any blame?
And what do you know anyway?
Don't talk like you do!
I do know.
Someone taught me this too
in the past.
When I was bullied.
Missy lost her parents
when she was seven years old,
and Boss adopted her.
(Oedo Family)
I heard that soon after she came to
the Oedo Family
every day when she
came home from school,
there were wounds all over her body.
Is the boss of a yakuza group
a bad person?
Who said that?
My classmates
Stupid kids I will go
and settle this!
- Don't go.
- Boss!
An adult shouldn't interfere
in a kids' fight.
But Boss
Listen, Kumiko. When you stumble,
it is easy to just lend you a hand.
But the important thing is
to stand up for yourself
and face the trouble.
If you don't become strong
by yourself,
no matter how many people
lend you a hand,
you will never be able to stand up.
Grandpa, I want to be strong!
You do?
You do, huh? Good girl.
After that,
Boss started to train Missy
every day.
That's it.
Not good enough. Come on
Listen, Kumiko.
It's not just your body,
but what you have to train most
is this.
My heart?
Both your mind and your body.
If both of them are not strong,
you are not really strong enough.
Okay, Grandpa.
I will be really strong!
You will?
Stand up, Kumiko!
Oh That's it
Every day Missy would strike
and be defeated
Not good enough.
and stand back up.
Come on!
That's why Missy is so strong.
So she can't just do nothing
to help Yuki.
I think I've said too much.
I wonder if Yuki will come tomorrow.
What are you doing?
Can't you stand up on your own?
Do not wait for someone
to lend you a hand!
If you do so, you will be
a coward forever!
Duty and sentiment,
and the rules of this world
only apply to those who
walk firmly with their own legs
and live with their heads
held up high!
The world is not so kind
that it will lend a hand to people
who only run away!
Is that all you can do?
Every day Missy would strike
and be defeated
and stand up again
Get serious and strike
with all your might!
When something unpleasant happens,
everybody wants to escape from it.
But it's over if you run away,
isn't it?
Even if something horrible happens,
regain your footing by yourself.
It's what you should do
in your life, isn't it?
Isn't it?
You can do it, right?
Don't forget this.
Like what you just did,
you just have to stand up
by yourself and face it.
Come to the ball game tournament
Make sure you come!
We are expecting you!
You were here?
Why do you look so gloomy?
It's his own problem now.
(36th Ball Game Tournament)
- We'll win
- Win even if we lose.
Kiss on the cheek
We will give Shizuka the victory!
He's not here
We will do our best.
If Yuki doesn't come, I will
disguise myself and join the team.
Okay, let's do our best!
Assemble here!
Let's do our best
(Softball Match Venue)
We will not go easy on you.
Bring it on.
Let's begin!
Let's do this!
Hit that ball, Ouchi
Pitcher, do your best!
Do your best!
Hit by pitch.
You did that on purpose!
Guys! Hey!
3D disqualified!
We still have the soccer match.
- Right?
- Yeah!
Yes, we do.
Guys, is the soccer match over?
We were disqualified.
I was going to kick the ball,
but I got it wrong and kicked
the judge instead
You guys too?
Well, don't worry about it.
We still have the
table tennis match.
How did it go?
We got angry
and flipped the table over.
3D is disqualified!
I see
We have only
the basketball match left
(3D's Final Weapon: basketball)
(Basketball Match Venue)
3C, do your best
Kiss on the cheek
Okay, both 3C and 3D,
give it your best shot!
I don't know why but I'm nervous.
I wanted to see how they'd do,
so I sneaked out to watch.
I want to root for Kumiko.
- What?
- Big Bro!
It seems that 3D's team is
one person short.
There are two minutes
until the match starts.
You should just give up.
- Shut up, jerk!
- Wait, Kuma
Far from being the champions,
you'll get the lowest score now.
Okay, time's up.
Okay, so now, 3D just lost
by default.
We have five members now.
Please start the game.
Well, I guess I have to.
the match of Class 3C versus
Class 3D starts now.
Bow to your opponent.
You're alive?
We thought you were dead.
Come back
Do your best!
Guys! Do your best!
Kiss on the cheek
Guys, do your best!
Show them some guts! Those jerks!
3C, do your best
Kiss on the cheek
Guys, pull yourselves together!
You can do it!
Yuki, go!
He committed a foul!
He tripped Yuki!
- Abe tripped him!
- You have to watch!
Can't you stand up by yourself?
If you don't stand up,
you will be a coward forever!
Come on.
Even if something horrible happens,
regaining your footing
by yourself
is what you should do in your life,
isn't it?
I'm okay.
Okay, guys!
Time to get rid of those
nasty bullies in 3C!
You can win!
Do your best!
Go, guys!
Go, Yuki!
Well done, Yuki!
The game is over!
Did we win?
We did it!
Good! Well done! Amazing!
Well done!
3D won the game
Well done.
It's youth!
I am so moved by them, Tetsu!
Thank you.
I am sorry.
Don't do this.
It was over long ago.
(36th Ball Game Tournament)
I knew the championship was only
the dream of your dreams.
It's okay, we won
the basketball match.
But it was just one match.
And Yuki participated.
Miss Yamaguchi, about that
When I counted carefully,
the number of days of Yuki's
attendance is not enough.
You are a bit too late, I guess.
I am sorry, but Yuki has to
quit school voluntarily.
Hey, wait a second!
If only you had realized that
Yuki was in your class sooner.
- Excuse me
- Yes?
Well, Yuki says that he would like
to start over from the second year.
Really, Yuki?
- Yes.
- What?
That means he does not
have to be expelled, right?
It's okay, right?
Well, if that's what he wants,
then we have to let him.
Do your best!
Thank youYankumi.
What are you guys doing?
Okay, guys!
You only won one match,
but I'll give you a special treat.
I'll kiss you guys on the cheek!
What? Hey!
Wait! I'll kiss you
I'll kiss you guys! Kiss!
- She's my younger sister.
- Sister?
You incited Natsumi to do this!
I didn't!
- Shin
- Hello? Natsumi?
I'm expelled from school, right?
I guess it's impossible for our
whole class to graduate together.
- This is none of your business!
- I said, stop!
Why are you just staring at it?
They'll eat up everything.
Don't have anything to do with him.
You can't do anything this time.
Why don't you trust
your own children?
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