Hotel Cocaine (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Homeland or Death

We're at fucking war.
[MARISOL] Your daughter is
living in a drug dealer's house.
She's enjoying the spoils of a man
- who kills people for a living.
I borrowed money from Ray Dorado,
and she was auditing his bank.
He had her killed.
I've already spoken with Ray,
and he's got an airtight alibi.
I'm on the verge of making
the biggest deal of my career.
I'm gonna sell my bank,
and I'm getting out of here.
Come with me.
[HOWARD] I bet there's a lot
of coke hanging around.
Around here?
[HOWARD] Your uncle's the
biggest coke dealer in Miami.
I bet he's got that shit
all over the place.
My clients are counting on you
for safe passage into Miami.
I don't want a war on my streets
while I'm running for Governor.
We're fully aware you're working
with Nestor Cabal.
I'd choose my loyalties carefully.
[YOLANDA] I'll meet Nestor Cabal
at Haulover Beach.
If he plays it straight,
this will be the deal of his life.
There's no way
we can trust that desgracia.
Have you considered that this
deal makes your family safer?
Where's Valeria?
You're a first class marksman.
Don't stop shooting
until they're all fucking dead.

- [SCREAMS] Move it!
Mi amor, just checking in on you.
Get the fuck out! Get out!
Leave me alone. Go!
You want me to tell Marisol
where I really was yesterday?
Our sources say the murders
involve Colombian crime syndicates
trying to muscle into Miami.
Well, I can't divulge
these things,
and you understand, but I will
say that stopping the violence
is the central platform
of my campaign for Governor.
I can stop it,
and I will stop it.
Yolanda's fronting for someone,
and we need to find out who.
Ask for a meet.
How's Valeria?
She's shaken.
How could she not be?
What she saw
is gonna make her stronger
I have to get her as far away
from this as possible.
Do you understand that,
right, padrino?
I'm only interested
in making her life
and all of ours
as safe as possible.
And that's done by showing strength.
Peace through war.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Last time I saw something like
this was the fall of Saigon.
Three bodies on Haulover Beach.
Now this.
[ZULIO] I got some intel
from the Columbia station.
These men were sent to take
over Nestor Cabal's territory.
I guess Nestor didn't take
too kindly to that.
- Yeah ♪
- Hotel Cocaine ♪
- Yeah ♪
- You ready for more? ♪
- Whoo!
I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
- Exotic, you got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You ready for more? ♪
Curious, furious,
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪
Curious, furious ♪
Sensual, chemical ♪
Mysterious, delirious ♪
Baby, why so serious? ♪
It ain't what it seems ♪
Your secret's safe with me ♪

I got it ♪
- Erotic ♪
- Yes ♪
Exotic ♪
- You got it ♪
- You got it ♪
- The yayo ♪
- The yayo ♪
- Perico ♪
- Perico ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
- Polvo blanco ♪
You know where we at ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Might just maintain ♪
- Might just do the thing ♪
- Whoo!
You know where we at,
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Hotel Cocaine ♪
Are you ready for more? ♪
Ready for more? ♪
I'm actually staying home
from school today.
[HOWARD] You're not feeling well?
It's not that. I'm fine.
I'm just resting.
Are you sure?
Sounds like something's wrong.
Come on. Why are you acting so weird?
I'm not acting weird.
- You are.
- Look, I'm just tired, okay?
- I gotta go.
- V
Oh. You're not dressed yet.
Eh, we're making breakfast.
Do you wanna come?
I'm not hungry.
Look, I know things are
a bit strange right now.
But I'm sure we'll be
going back home soon.
And you'll be back in your room.
Right after our plumbing issue is fixed.
What's wrong, cariño?
Did something happen?
I'm fine.
Is everything okay?
I'm actually kind of hungry.
Can I have some pancakes?
- Shh, shh!
Hey! Hey!
Hello? [GRUNTS]
So, we're gonna decorate the stage
with red, white, and blue bunting.
Your office delivered the signs.
We're gonna give you a really
big show tomorrow night.
I don't like it.
- I love it.
Well, you picked the right place
to attract the Cuban community.
I'm sorry. No me speaky
Español, por favor.
Ah. Sorry.
Man, I'll say this.
You got some first class
poontang in this place.
They're hard-working girls.
We like to treat them with respect.
Well, this all looks very,
very grand, I must say.
You Cubans have done an amazing
job for yourselves here in Miami.
Yeah, you're good folks.
You know, there's one more thing
I want to go over with you, Congressman.
Of course.
A message from Nestor Cabal.
I'll say it in English
so you'll understand.
Nestor knows you've received
campaign donations
from Ray Dorado at Ocean Grove Bank.
If there's a new player in town,
Ray's bank is in on it.
Get word to Ray
that Nestor wants to meet
with a woman named Yolanda,
whoever's behind her,
here, tonight, table eight, 10:00 p.m.
It's a little weird, you throwing
a Republican fundraiser
in this fucking den of iniquity.
Yeah, it's a one-night-only thing.
What'd you want to see me for?
I don't trust the cops to
find out who killed my sister.
I thought maybe you could help?
I read about that.
You have my condolences.
- Thank you.
- I'm listening.
So, I very mistakenly took out a loan
from Orange Grove Bank, which in turn,
caused my sister to audit them and me.
You know the banker Ray Dorado?
- Mm-hmm.
- I believe either he
or one of his clients
had my sister murdered.
But the newspapers said
it was a robbery.
I'm a Greenberg.
We have sway over the newspapers.
No one in my family
wants it linked to drugs.
After she died,
the forensic accountant
she hired to do the audits
stopped working, but
Imar, por favor.
I rehired them.
- What the fuck is this?
- What they gave me.
Do you mind if I smoke?
Sure. You, uh, mind if I?
Yeah, I do.
Oh, right.
What? Come on.
These are all bank transfers.
Thousands of them.
Small denominations. Huh.
I'm gonna have to have my guys
unravel all of this.
- I'll get back to you.
- Thank you, Agent Zulio.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Thank me later. [GRUNTS SOFTLY]
[ALL] One, two three
I'm your boogie man ♪
That's what I am ♪
I'm here to do ♪
Whatever I can ♪
Be it early mornin' ♪
Late afternoon ♪
Or at midnight ♪
It's never too soon ♪
To want to please you ♪
To want to keep you ♪
To want to do it all ♪
All for you ♪
I want to be your ♪
Be your rubber ball ♪
It was all I could take not to shoot him
sitting at the fucking table.
You're the one who called the meeting.
It was an opening offer.
You should have played it cool.
You know what, little brother?
When you grow up, maybe you can
negotiate cocaine deals.
Till then, let me handle my business.
I'm your boogie man ♪
That's what I am ♪
I swear I am not a human being
until I've had at least
two cups of coffee.
Two cups?
No, I'm I'm already jittery enough.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Your family is safe here.
But we should not worry about that
because you and I are gonna go shopping
for new dresses
for the fundraiser tonight.
Everyone who is anyone
is going to be there,
and we have to
look like a million bucks.
No, Alejandra, I'm not going
to that fundraiser.
No, I don't
Marisol, you have to
get out of the house.
I'm taking us to shop for new dresses.
My treat, by the way.
- Hey, looking for a fine cigar?
I would suggest
a Partagas Serie D quattro.
Beautiful cigar.
Or maybe you're more of
a Montecristo girl.
Whichever one you recommend.
I just really like the smell of them.
Or maybe you just wanna try cocaine.
I don't use it myself.
But I noticed some of it was gone.
I keep it filled to the top for guests,
but there's probably
about two grams missing.
I'm so disappointed in you.
Well, I know you have it lying around
because you're a drug dealer.
Okay. Well
Let's talk like grownups then.
- Have a seat.
When your father and I
first came to this country,
we worked as dishwashers.
They paid us $1.10 an hour.
Blacks would do it for $1.25,
but we undercut them,
so they hired a bunch of us Cubans.
Roman chose a path
in the hotel business.
And I went a different way.
I chose a different path.
I saw fellow Cubans who were
selling this white powder
to Americans who liked it.
They all had houses
and bought new cars
I wanted that.
That's the American dream,
Valeria taking risks,
grabbing your slice of the pie
even if you're an exile.
You think your boyfriend's dad
comes to my parties
because he likes me?
I fund his campaign.
He wants to take back Cuba
as much as I do,
and in that, we are bonded.
That's my dream
to take back our homeland.
And that, kiddo, requires money.
And that's why I sell cocaine.
[GASPS] Marisol.
Ah! You have to try this one.
I love this color for you.
Come, come, come.
Oof! No.
Ay, Dios mío, no,
this is way too fancy.
Oh, come on. What are you talking about?
This is gonna look beautiful on you.
- It's just so gorgeous.
- I don't have the body for this.
[SCOFFS] Okay,
now you're being ridiculous.
We're talking about your waist,
your shoulders.
This is gonna be so flattering for you.
You have to try it on.
Let me get you some shoes for those.
- Uh, what are you? A size 6?
- Uh, six and a half.
Don't move!
- [SOBS]
- It just happened so fast,
we couldn't really see anything.
I know, baby.
If that Colombian pig fucker
wants a war,
I'm gonna give it to him.
You brought this on.
He was testing you,
saying you'd be his employee.
Well, fuck him!
he knew you'd never accept it.
It was the start of a negotiation.
If he wanted them dead, they'd be dead.
This was just a warning.
They want to bring you
back to the table.
- Why are you so fucking calm?
- There'll be time for war.
But right now, we need peace.
If what happened to Valeria
at Haulover Beach
doesn't convince you, today should.
We need to make peace.
How do you propose we do that?
I need you to send a message
to Ray Dorado.
Tell him, despite the little wrinkle,
there's every reason to have
hope a deal could be made.
You're arranging coke deals now?
Can you even hear yourself?
If it means keeping Valeria
safe, I'd sell rat poison.
I'm just worried about you, Roman.
I don't want you
getting in over your head.
Of all the people in my life,
I trust you more than maybe anyone.
I need your help, Janice.
I know I've asked a lot of you.
If you don't want
to be involved, I understand.
Don't worry, I'll do it.
Who is it?
[JANICE] Janice.
Come in.
What, uh
What are you doing here?
Never thought I'd get you here
in my room.
Going somewhere?
Yeah, well [CLEARS THROAT]
All those, uh, those clients
of mine I talked to you about,
the deal was going down?
It doesn't seem like
it's going down no more.
So, I figured it's a great time
to take a vacation.
You wanna come?
Those nasty little clients of yours?
Want a drink?
You know [SNIFFLES]
the funny thing is
I saw dollar signs, you know?
Lots of 'em.
Can you blame me? Right?
Maybe I'm just being
a little paranoid right now.
You know what's gonna happen to me?
I'm Ray Dorado. I own this city.
Maybe you shouldn't have done
business with them in the first place.
You know, forget about all that.
You know, we still got
a chance right now.
We can go through that door,
we can start fresh.
- This is our shot
- Ray. Ray.
I came here to give you a message.
Message? A message from whom?
An emissary of Nestor Cabal
who wants to meet with Yolanda.

I have men here, too.
Mm-hmm. Of course.
You look lovely today.
You shot at my girlfriend
and Nestor's wife.
You're fucking animals.
That's all you are.
[SIGHS] I know.
Life is fragile, isn't it?
- Here today
- That doesn't bother you?
Shooting at women?
I'm a feminist.
Women deserve to die just like men.
Don't you think?
I need you to get Don Henao
back to the table.
I'll work on Nestor.
Let's end this war, you and I.
It's in Don Henao
and Nestor Cabal's interest
to work together.
Mm. You know what I think?
You can do much better.
If you mention her again,
bodyguards or not,
I'll make sure you don't
leave this table alive.
That's it.

[ROMAN] Look,
this is the only way, Nestor.
We can't keep this going.
They need you more than
you need them. Trust that.
Meet him with Landon and come to terms,
for our family's sake.
And if I don't, I lose you, too?
Okay. I'll meet with Landon.
- Gracias.
- I'll talk to you later.
I'm not going to the fundraiser anymore.
My dad said it's too dangerous.
that shit's lame anyways.
Me and my mom aren't even going.
Really? Not even for your dad?
He's just gonna be schmoozing
dickhead politicians all night.
Let's meet up.
I don't think I can go anywhere.
The place is surrounded by guards.
Can't you sneak out?
No, and honestly, I'm scared, too.
Just find some more
of your uncle's blow.
You're in the house, right?
There's gotta be
tons of that shit around.
Do you remember how you said
your classmates were
a bunch of assholes?
- Yeah.
- Well, you're the fucking same.
- V, what'd you just say
I'm just checking in on you.
What? What's wrong?
What happened?
What's wrong?
I love you no matter what, okay?
I love you, too.
I love you, too.
I'm sorry we put you through this.
The movers and shakers of Miami
are gathering here tonight
at The Mutiny Hotel,
and you can already feel the excitement.
It's the first fundraiser
for Congressman Landon's
bid for Governor,
and he's focused
on Miami's Cuban community.
Well, there's no such thing as
bad publicity, I guess, right?
Hey, hey. We need to talk.
Uh Yeah. Come. Right this way.
I'll be back.
Wait, wait, wait, wait. Smurfing?
What the hell is that?
It's a way of
it's a way of making bank transfers
without being detected by
the government because the
the amounts are so small,
it doesn't trigger
any of the bank's
reporting requirements.
Okay, so what does that tell you?
[SIGHS] You'd have to be
out of your mind
to transfer hundreds of millions
of dollars in tiny amounts,
unless you had something to hide.
Okay. Okay, I get that.
- Where is Ray Dorado?
- Uh, if he's not in the club,
then check the Aquatic Erotic suite.
Who comes up with these stupid names?
I do.
And Roman?
Uh, he he should be
around here somewhere.
He's working this godawful fundraiser.
[LANDON] I know you've both
suffered losses
money, product, people
and yes, yes, some pride.
Both of you esteemed gentlemen
need to come to some terms,
work this thing out,
and stop the goddamn violence.
This motherfucker opened fire
in a store where my wife
was fucking shopping!
Maybe I should have your wife killed.
Hey, hey, hey. Who the fuck
do you think you are?
You think you can come to Miami
and slaughter the Cubans
who've worked so hard
to set up distribution
with minimal violence?
You give this man fair terms,
or I'll have the DEA
crawling up your fucking ass
like a goddamn tapeworm.
How much does Escobar
sell you a key for nine?
- 10,000?
- From you
- I'll pay seven.
- Fuck you.
And, not only will I distribute
in Dade County,
but all of South Florida.
I suggest you take that offer
if you want my help.
Now shake.
Who is it? [SNIFFS]
[ROMAN] Roman Compte.
What do you want, Roman? [SNIFFS]
[ROMAN] I just need
a minute of your time.
Dominic Zulio.
Drug Enforcement Administration.
You and I are gonna need
to have a little chat.
Am I under arrest?
Not yet. We just need to talk.
Okay. You can go if you want.
I'm sorry, Agent Zulio,
but this man's a guest at our hotel.
It's our policy that I remain present
during any police inquiries.
Want to tell me
what the fuck is going on?
Okay, shit for brains,
you can stay if you want.
But one little peep out of you,
and you try to get in my way,
I'll bust you as an accomplice.
An accomplice to what, exactly?
I need to ask you some questions, Ray.
That's just too fucking bad, isn't it?
I'm not answering a fucking
thing without my lawyer.
Oh. [CHUCKLES] I think you will.
We've got marked transfers
from your bank.
Smurfs coming from the Cayman Islands.
We both know that's bullshit, right?
I can't fucking breathe. [GASPING]
Where they coming from? Tell me!
- You're gonna fucking kill him.
He should have learned how to swim.
Roman you're just fucking
stand [GURGLING]
- Okay, Ray.
Obviously, you've got
something big cooking.
What are you hiding?
Where's it coming from?
Who's behind it?
I want every last fucking
Fuck you. [GURGLING]
- Come on now.
Tell me.
Fuck you. [GURGLING]
Fuck me, huh?
Fucking guy's got balls.
Tell me!
Okay. Fuck.
Where's that money coming from?
It's coming from
it's fucking coming from Cuba.
It's Castro's money.
Fucking money's coming
from fucking Cuba.
It's fucking Castro's money.
Brother, I finally made a deal
with that scumbag Henao
which assures the safety of our family.
I have something to tell you.
It's not a great deal,
but it's good enough and
- Nestor, listen to me.
- Well, have a drink first.
I know how Henao is able
to bring in
tons of perico to Miami.
He ships it from Colombia through Cuba.
Cuba? [SCOFFS] Man, no fucking way!
Yes! Look, he has contacts in La Habana,
an Air Force Colonel in Castro's circle,
and your Congressman Landon's involved.
Landon? That's impossible.
He would never
Admit to it? No, you're right.
He wouldn't.
Look, this deal not only
benefits Landon and Henao.
There's no telling
how much Castro's making.
Who told you this?
How do you fucking know?
I'm your eyes and ears at The Mutiny.
I have multiple fucking sources.
And I know the difference
between bullshit and facts,
and these are fucking facts.
[BURTON] "Let's make it a Landon slide"?
Maybe this wasn't such
a good idea after all.
You think these Republican folk
ever seen a Black man
- besides Bill Cosby?
[IN DEEP VOICE] Hey, hey, hey!
Oh, shit, that's good.
I'll be in my suite, throwing up.
Henao and Yolanda will be here tonight.
[ZULIO] Good.
Great, so you can arrest him,
and we can put an end to this shitshow.
Hey, man. Come here.
Look, man, I can't bring
the Cuban connection
in front of my supervisor
without something more
than a coerced confession.
I'm gonna be watching
this two-faced fuckhead
Congressman like a hawk.
He's talking about
a national scandal here.
I don't give a shit
about national scandals.
Look, you need to arrest
Henao and Yolanda tonight.
On what charge? Wire fraud? Murder?
The Colombians that killed
Solis, Amas, and Adamo they
they're already back home.
Wire fraud's nothing more
than a slap on the wrist.
I see what you're doing.
I have to keep risking my life
while you dream
of fucking medals you'll get
- from some big bust.
- Calm down.
- That's some bullshit.
- Calm down. Patience.
Once we get these Colombians
selling tons of cocaine,
they're gonna go to prison for life.
Huh? Cheer up, man.
You've done good.
We're a hell of a team, you and me.
[LANDON] I've just seen the
line outside, and it is packed.
And Anita Bryant's
doing my introduction.
What's wrong?
The product we're bringing in
benefits Fidel Castro.
What the hell are you talking about?
Ray Dorado admitted right to my face
that Henao and Yolanda
are shipping the product through Cuba.
You knew this deal
was enriching Fidel Castro,
and you never saw fit
to fucking tell me!
Touch me, you gusano spic,
and I'll have you arrested
and dragged out of here
in front of everyone.
- His true colors come out.
- Do you have any understanding
about politics, you fucking busboy?
- Fuck you.
- Fuck you.
Both of you, calm the fuck down.
I'm as anti-Castro as you are,
and I won't rest till we put
that commie cocksucker in a grave.
So, wipe your fucking tears,
and let's use the profits
from this cocaine
to get me elected Governor
and then President.
Then I'll be in a position
to fuck Castro!
I can cancel your landing spot
with one fucking phone call.
We're good.
- And fuck you.
We need to rethink this.
You begged me to make this deal.
But there's something I'm gonna do.
What's that?
Those Colombians are in for a surprise.
Call Hal. Tell him to send the gift.
Yes, boss.

American woman ♪
Stay away from me ♪
American woman ♪
Mama, let me be ♪
Don't come a-hangin'
Around my door ♪
I don't wanna see your face
No more ♪
I got more important things
to do ♪
Than spend my time
Growin' old with you ♪
Now, woman ♪
I said stay away ♪
American woman ♪
Listen what I say ♪

American woman ♪
Get away from me ♪

American woman ♪
Now without further ado,
let me introduce the man of the hour.
Because a day without Byron Landon
as Governor of Florida,
is like a day without sunshine.
[LANDON] To all the hardworking
Cuban Americans here tonight,
to all my other supporters,
I welcome you to The Mutiny Club.
Let me get straight
to the most pressing issue,
the one that concerns us most.
[LANDON] It's got to stop.
We've got to get rid of Castro
and hell, while we're here,
let's get rid of Jimmy Carter, too.

[LANDON] One day we will free
the people of Cuba,
your friends and relatives
who were left behind,
from the stranglehold of Fidel Castro!
[NESTOR] Thank you
for what you did today,
helping to broker that deal.
Nestor, you're my oldest
and most trusted friend.
Without you, I wouldn't be here.
Pretty soon you'll get rid
of the Colombians.
He lies to all these people
about taking Cuba back
when he's helping Fidel get stronger.
And I helped him get elected.
But let's just say
he no longer gets my vote.

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