Jake and the Fatman (1987) s01e06 Episode Script

Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?

I'll say this about the
Fatman: He's a sweet guy.
Listen, creep, I'm going to
take you apart like a clock.
JAKE: He can be
tough when he has to be.
J.L.: Jake Styles?
Don't ask me how
he can live the way he
does on a cop's salary.
Some people do seem
to like him, however.
But he's a damn good
investigator, and he's mine.
(theme playing)
He's a good guy.
Don't you forget it.

(car door closes)
I thought you were
meeting with Mitchell tonight.
Shawn I told you when you
wanted to move back in here,
no sneaking around.
You promised that you were
going to meet with Mitchell
and talk about my allowance.
I hung around the
office till almost 7:00,
but, uh, his
meeting didn't break,
and then I tried to
get a game at the club,
but when that didn't work out
It's not like it's not
my money. I mean,
Dad left it to me.
But he left Mitchell in
control of it, didn't he,
your trust?
Just like he left him in
control of everything else.
I think if it was up
to our older brother,
he'd have us both
out there on the street.
No. No, he can't
do that, can he?
No. I won't let him do that.
Don't worry.
Why don't you go up to
your room, watch some TV?
NEWS ANCHOR: The city's
ongoing campaign to stop violence
against the homeless took a
step back with a brutal stabbing
late tonight on
the city's Skid Row.
The name of the
victim is unknown,
but residents of the area say
he was a white male
about 35 years of age.
The mayor announced
tonight formation
of a special task
force on the killings.
Added foot patrols are
planned for this part of town.
(phone rings)
(ringing continues)
(scrambled high-pitched
voice): It's me again.
Who is this?
Don't you recognize my
voice? I'm insulted. I
I thought I'd made
more of an impression,
or do you get calls
from killers every night?
Well, yes, I
recognize your voice.
I was just confused because
you sound further away
than you did the last time.
Oh, I'm, I'm right
where I've always been.
Just far enough away
so that you can't catch me.
Well, you're too smart for me.
All I want to do is
talk to you anyway.
Then you'll have to play fair.
Why don't you ask
me what I did tonight?
Because I've been very busy.
You went out
with your knife,
and you killed
another innocent.
Innocent? What do you
know about innocent?
You put me in jail for
years to rot my life away.
Wh-What was your crime?
I mean
Oh, no.
You think you can trick
me, but I'm very smart.
I'm gonna get even,
and every time I slice one
of those bums, it's for you.
Well, then, why don't
you come after me?
You want to get even?
Come after me!
No. I'm going to watch
you sweat, Mr. Fatman.
(phone cradle clicks)
You forgot to say good night.
Sleep well.
I will.
(Jake groans
contentedly, then chuckles)
You got great feet.
Anybody ever tell you that?
(contented groan)
Great feet. Ooh!
(Jake chuckling)
(sighs contentedly)
This is much better.
Oh, yeah?
Prove it.
(jazz playing loudly
in another room)
Don't move.
You stay right here.
(loud jazz playing)
(music stops)
What's that?
Oh, Jake, you in so early?
Well, number one, I live
here, and number two,
it's nearly midnight,
and number three,
this music is knocking
my fillings loose.
What's going on?
You know, I've been
meaning to ask you.
Can't you find a decent
apartment somewhere?
What do you want?
What do you want exactly?
I had another phone call.
He knifed somebody else?
I just came from there.
Some poor creature
who never had a chance.
The slime actually said he's
doing it to get even with me.
Can you believe that?
I've seen sickos, but
this guy's one of the worst.
J.L., is this, uh
is this somebody you put away?
I got Derek going
through my conviction file.
I'm pleased to say that it's a
rather lengthy list, however.
What do you want me to do?
Oh, nothing, nothing.
You don't think I came
here to talk business, do you?
Well, I assume this
visit is pure sadism
unless you're hungry.
You want an omelet
or something or?
It usually improves
your disposition.
Ah, gee, no thanks, Jake.
Too much cholesterol
this late in the
evening, you know?
Okay. All right.
How-However, maybe
some of your pasta.
Pasta. Good.
You'll feel a lot better.
(J.L. laughs)
Oh, uh, Yeah?
Let me ask you something. Sure.
Uh, how about a couple
of those hot Italian sausages,
if you got any?
Okay, sure. Jake?
And would you warm up
some of that great garlic
bread that you make?
A little red wine wouldn't hurt.
But don't go to any trouble.
No trouble.
Look, uh, you got
any leads on this guy?
He's got to make a
mistake eventually.
He already has.
He made me mad.
Didn't he, Max, hmm?
MAN: Everything under here
looks okay far as I can tell.
Most likely the battery.
You want me to
call the Auto Club?
No. Let him worry
about it in the morning.
I'll tell you what.
I'll hike over to the
hotel and catch a cab.
I can call you one.
No, don't bother.
I'll be at the hotel before
they can get here,
but thanks anyway.
Real sorry, Mr. Thompson.
Hey, any change, mister?
I ain't had anything to eat.
Uh, get a job.
Come on.
PANHANDLER: Hey, mister,
can you help a hungry man?
Aw, come on. Give me a break.
MAN: Mitchell.
Mitchell, over here.
David, is that you?
David, is that you?
(grunting) (groaning)
(car alarm wailing)
Come on, come on.
We got to get out of here!
(alarm stops)
(tires squeal)
(indistinct conversation)
MAN: I didn't know
what was going on.
'Morning, Eddie.
What have we got?
Hey, Jake. What's the problem?
The discos close early?
Well, it's still a secret,
but discos have been out
for about five years now.
Myself, I like to
stay home and cook.
Is this the same
M.O. as the others?
Yeah. From what we can
tell here from the entry marks,
it looks like the same knife.
One difference on this victim
This time the killer
didn't kill a bum.
Who was he?
Mitchell Thompson,
CEO, Thompson Projects.
One of the ten
richest men in the city.
What about the family?
Two brothers.
We'll send
somebody to tell them.
I wonder what he
was doing down here.
We found these in his pocket.
J.L.: His car is parked in the
garage of his office six blocks away.
We don't even have a guess as
to what he's doing here on foot.
You mind if I take
these for a while?
No, no, no, no, Jake, Jake. Why?
These can't leave
the crime scene, okay?
We gotta log these
in the property room.
How about a special order
of the D.A.'s office, huh?
How's that grab you?
Okay, but it's on your head.
You'd better check
out the car, Jake.
I'm on it.
And maybe you should
tell the family, huh?
Right. (groans loudly)
What's the matter with you?
My stomach's a little upset.
What's wrong? Must
be something I ate.
MAN: Hey!
How about giving a
handout to an unfortunate?
You got something for me?
All right, here.
What have you got?
Last night Yeah.
I'm catching my Zs in
my usual spot. Right.
I hear this terrible noise.
A car alarm.
A car alarm? In my alley, too.
What'd the car look like?
Big. Black. Shiny.
A couple of punks were
giving it a custom look.
They also were very
busy lifting its hubcaps.
All right. Thanks.
(dog barking)
David Thompson?
Yes, I'm David Thompson.
Jake Styles.
I'm with the D.A.'s office.
I'm an investigator. Hi.
This is my brother, Shawn.
Shawn? Shawn, hi.
Is anything wrong?
I'm afraid so.
Your brother was
murdered last night.
But why?
I mean who?
How did it happen?
Apparently, he was walking
through Skid Row last night
on his way to a
hotel to catch a cab.
That's where he was stabbed.
You mean somebody mugged him?
Well, we don't think
it was a robbery,
but we do think it
was the same person
who killed two other
men down there.
I don't understand.
I mean, I read
about those killings.
They were both bums.
Well, I think when you, uh,
walk down there at night,
you're really taking
your chances.
I'm very sorry.
But if somebody's
murdering bums,
you don't go after somebody
that looks like Mitchell.
It's just totally Who gives a
damn if the killer was confused?!
Mitchell is dead.
Your brother is dead.
And I want you to
catch him.
MAN: You don't need to
bother looking under there.
I checked it out from last night
before he walked out of here.
Do you have any idea
where he was going?
Of course I do. He told me.
But first, I tell him I can get the
Auto Club down here to start it.
Then he says no.
He'll walk to the
hotel and take a cab.
Always so impatient.
Never could wait two
seconds for anything.
That's why the battery's dead.
The lights were left on.
Don't that beat all.
Man worth two, maybe
three hundred million.
Makes the same
dumb mistake we all do.
Um, listen, anybody
else drive this car, wash it,
gas it up, anything like that?
Easy to check.
Mr. Thompson
came in at 10:30 a.m.
Car sat right there until 11:40
p.m. Whoa, whoa, wait, wait.
He came in when?
What time did he come in?
10:30. Why?
10:30. Mr. Thompson
always came in around then.
Well, he must've been very
cautious behind the wheel,
driving in broad
daylight with his lights on.
You sure you're a cop?
Oh, you mean the car.
It's just transportation.
(engine starts)
Here are the
Broadhurst depositions.
Derek, your father
was governor, right?
Yes, sir.
And you had the benefit
of an overpriced
education, correct?
Yes, sir, very expensive.
Then you tell me
quickly, will you?
Do you think I'm stupid?
Limited intelligence.
Diminished capacity.
Well, speak up.
Is this is a leading question?
Just answer it.
No. No, sir. You're brilliant.
You're the smartest
man I've ever known.
I'll accept that.
Then why the hell are you trying
to put something over on me?
Me? Don't lie to me,
Derek. You're not up to it.
Me? I Yes, you!
Now we both know
that my birthday
is two days from now,
and I smell a party.
And I don't want people
jumping out of the closets
yelling, "Surprise! Surprise!"
Is it really your
birthday? (chuckling)
Derek, if I see even so much
as a cupcake with a candle on it,
I'm going to hand you your head!
What are you guys running
here, a charm school?
Don't interrupt me.
I was making a vivid
impression on the boy.
Will there be anything
else, Mr. McCabe?
I'll let you know.
You know, you ought
to try yelling at Max.
At least he can't hear you.
You come in here
dressed in clothes
no honest public servant
could possibly afford,
you molest my dog, and then
you give me that idiot smile.
Well, let me tell you something.
You'd better have
something really terrific for me.
How's this?
I know who did it.
(car alarm blaring)
Hi, Shawn. Is your brother home?
What is it?!
Well, you know, I was
checking your car out here,
and, and the alarm went off.
How do you turn this thing off?
What's this all about, Styles?
Well, I've, uh I've
got something for you.
I have a murder one
special I'm running.
(car alarm stops)
It's a present.
Well, they're not
just any hubcaps.
As a matter of fact, they're the
very ones missing off your car.
Now, don't tell me the
cops aren't efficient.
Um, listen, it's, uh, it's not
that I don't appreciate a favor,
but these aren't mine.
Mine were all scratched.
Are you sure about that?
Oh, I'm positive.
That's why I got rid of them.
You know, David,
you outsmarted me.
You see, I was
hoping you'd say yes
because whoever owned those
hubcaps murdered your brother.
I thought I had you nailed.
I really did.
Son of a gun.
What is this, some kind of joke?
No, it's no joke.
You see, I talked to a bum
in that neighborhood,
and he told me that he heard
a car alarm go off that night
in the alley where
he was sleeping.
He said he saw a couple of
kids run off with a set of hubcaps.
Now, cars that nice that have
an alarm don't park down there.
Another bum told me that he
saw a big, black car drive away
right after the killing.
So, I went and talked
to a friend of mine
who deals with hubcaps
in the neighborhood.
That's where I got these.
So I figured if these
belonged to your car,
then you killed your brother.
That may not be
conclusive proof to a jury,
but I find it very persuasive.
Except for one problem.
I have an alibi.
I was here all evening.
I was working upstairs.
Shawn can vouch for that.
What about it, Shawn?
David's right.
Just like he says.
Well, I guess that's it.
(car door opening)
Oh, anyone else
with you that night?
Anybody call you at all?
I guess no alibi is
ever really perfect, is it?
(engine starts)
You did it, didn't you?
You actually
murdered our brother.
You killed Mitchell.
Look, I know this has
been tough on you.
I know you're under a
terrible, terrible strain
Don't give me poor little Shawn,
high-strung, incompetent
Shawn, because I know.
I listened on the phone
when you spoke to the D.A.
Why didn't you
call the police then?
David, please
don't do this to me.
You killed Mitchell.
Just tell me the truth.
All right, I'll tell you
because I trust you, Shawn.
I did kill Mitchell.
I had to.
I did it for you.
I did it for us.
Don't you see? No, I don't.
Well, you have to see.
As long as Mitchell was
alive, we couldn't do anything.
We were trapped.
He had all of Dad's money,
just handed it out
whenever he felt like it,
making us live our
lives the way he wanted.
He was always getting his
way, just like when we were kids,
and he used to bully us.
Now, you remember
that, don't you?
It's just you and me now,
and that's the way it should've
been from the very beginning.
Oh, Shawn, you mean more to
me than anything else in the world.
I had to do it for us.
I know you'd understand.
Come on. Let's
go into the house.
It's over now, I promise.
Mr. Thompson
Mr. Thompson, I tried
to reach you at home,
and you'd already left.
I tried the car phone,
and there was no answer.
These men were in the office
when I got in this morning.
I didn't know what to do.
They told me that they
had to go in the office
and look for some things.
What are you doing?
Pursuant to this subpoena,
which I presented to the
proper custodian of record
Get to the point.
We're taking your records.
We have the right, you
see, under this subpoena.
Who are you? My
name is Derek Mitchell.
I work for the D.A., the
district attorney, Mr. McCabe.
Yeah, well, I don't think
your district attorney has
has the right to come in here
and take whatever he wants.
Lydia, I want you to get
my attorney on the phone.
Do you mind telling me
what's the point of this search?
The probate court
has some questions
about your brother's death.
Off the record, the D.A.'s
looking for a motive for murder.
In our papers?
Yeah, well, Mr. McCabe
said if you had any questions,
feel free to give him a call.
Yeah, well, I'll do a
lot better than that.
J.L.: How are you, huh?
Ah, you're the best
dog a man ever had.
I love you, Max.
No, Max. No, Max!
(barking ferociously)
No, Max.
I'm sorry. He's half deaf. Max!
That's it. Now calm down.
Be a good boy.
It looks like Max doesn't
like you, Mr. Thompson.
Well, maybe you
should have him trained.
He could use some manners.
Oh, I don't think
that's necessary.
He's an excellent judge of
character, aren't you, Max?
Now go to your bed.
Go back to your bed. Go on.
Go on.
You know, Mr. Thompson,
I'm not particularly interested
in seeing that you'll
get comfortable,
but why don't you sit
down anyway, huh?
Are you enjoying all
of this, Mr. McCabe?
Oh, not with the crime
rate this high. No, sir.
You know
I was very angry
when I left my office.
But on my way over here,
I realized
I was angry at the wrong thing.
It doesn't matter that you
subpoenaed my records.
It doesn't matter that you make
preposterous allegations.
How interesting.
What matters is that
you have no leads.
You're grasping for straws,
and I want you to
catch my brother's killer.
Well, don't worry,
I'll catch him.
(intercom buzzing)
I thought I told
you to hold all my
Oh, I'm sorry.
This is for you.
It's your lawyer.
Hello? Joseph?
Well, something
happened to my call.
Oh, it got cut off?
Okay. Well, let's
see how we did.
(tape rewinding)
JAKE (on tape): Hello? Joseph?
Well, something
happened to my call.
Is there some point to all this?
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
I have another selection
I'd like you to hear.
(scrambled high-pitched
voice): You think you can trick me,
but I'm very smart.
I'm going to get even,
and every time I slice one
of those bums, it's for you.
(click) Well, what do you think?
About what?
The voices.
You think they sound similar?
Well, what if we ran
the second recording
through a filter? You
think that might do it?
That's ridiculous.
Even if you could, you
couldn't use it in court.
Well, lie detector
results don't get in, either,
but the police find them
encouraging just the same.
You know, I hope you have more
than innuendo and speculation,
Mr. McCabe, because right
now, catching my brother's killer,
it sounds like wishful thinking.
Well, Mr. Thompson,
the message units the phone
company keeps them on all calls.
I thought you'd like to know
that we've subpoenaed
your telephone records,
and if you were foolish
enough to make a toll call to me
from your home, well,
we'll know it, won't we?
If I was foolish
enough, we would.
Bye. (door closes)
How'd it go?
Ah, the only real pleasure
in this damn business
is catching the stupid idiots
who think they're so clever.
Come here, kid.
Level with me, will you, huh?
You haven't heard
anything about, uh uh
well, you know, uh
a surprise birthday
party for me, have you?
No, sir.
Y-You sure?
Yes, sir. I asked around.
Everybody knows how
much you hate them.
Hate them.
Don't worry.
You're safe.
I'm safe.
Hey, Shawn.
How you doing?
Hey, where are you going? Wait.
Come here.
What's the matter?
A little tense?
Most people who
lie to the cops are.
Don't you know how
this is supposed to work?
Look, you're supposed
to claim you didn't lie.
I lean on you, you crack,
you tell me the truth.
That's how it works.
We can cut through all
that if you just level with me.
David told me how
you're trying to frame him.
I'm not gonna say anything
you can use against him.
The Mozart clarinet concerto
It's one of my favorites.
Huh? It's what the
Philharmonic was playing
the night your
brother was murdered.
You were there.
Imagine a classical music lover
who claimed he was at
home watching television.
So? I left early to
meet David for dinner.
I talked to the Levins.
You know, the nice people who
have seats by yours every week?
They're very fond
of you, by the way,
and they said that you stayed
for the whole show,
including the encore.
David said you might
try something like this.
He said I shouldn't talk to you
unless our lawyer's with me.
(clarinet concerto by
Mozart playing in background)
David, he was so sure.
He was so positive.
He really knows that you did it.
Maybe even more than maybe.
His problem is,
he can't prove it.
But I'm telling you,
he knows that I lied
about being with
you that evening.
Shawn, I am innocent
until I am proven guilty.
It's called justice.
David, but he's not gonna quit.
He's just gonna chip
away and chip away
until he finds something.
This was our father's desk.
Too bad you didn't
really know him.
Now, there was
a man of decision.
You know what he always said?
Seize the moment.
Go on the offensive.
That's exactly what
you're gonna do, Shawn.
I'm not doing anything.
Look. So, the police are
convinced that I'm guilty.
That's their wonderfully
narrow point of view.
Well, just to make
you feel better,
I'm gonna let you
prove that they're wrong.
No, I can't.
I'm not gonna.
We're in this together now.
You're an accomplice.
The police are gonna believe
that you're just
as guilty as I am.
David, I can't.
I'm afraid.
You don't know how afraid I am.
You are my brother.
Haven't I always
taken care of you?
Haven't I?
Well, now it's your turn.
You have to take care of me.
DAVID: I lost my temper
when I was here earlier.
I'm very sorry.
I'd like to apologize.
Just what do you want?
You really think I
did it, don't you?
I know you did.
Think you can prove that?
We're putting the pieces
together one at a time.
Not more auto parts?
But guess what I
found in your records.
You found out I was broke.
More than broke.
You owed Mitchell more
than two million dollars,
and you know what all those
little zeroes add up to, David?
Very shrewd.
You're really
You're really very good
at digging out the facts.
In fact, I salute you.
Let's just say, you're right.
Let's say
I killed my brother.
What about those other poor men?
You think that I murdered
a bunch of Skid Row derelicts
so it'd look like
a serial killer?
And then you called me,
claiming to be somebody
that I had sent to jail.
You don't really want to hear
how sick I think
you are, do you?
Let me bet how
smart you really are.
I'm gonna offer a reward,
$100,000, for any information
that leads to the conviction
of my brother's killer.
MAN: It's Dewey.
Hey, man, it's Dewey, Dewey!
Hey, get off of him!
Why don't you let me
play Mr. District Attorney?
Here's my case
against you, all right?
You killed your brother,
you got millions of dollars.
The only problem is,
my only evidence is
Are you a nervous defendant?
I don't think so.
Can you imagine a jury
convicting the Hubcap Killer?
I doubt it.
(intercom buzzing)
Are you sure?
All right, I'll be right there.
Must be important.
Urgent call on
your private line.
A knifing on Skid Row.
Same as the others?
Except this one didn't
work The victim's still alive.
This happened just now?
While we're here?
It doesn't change anything,
if that's what
you're getting at.
You want to bet?
In fact, I'm gonna
raise the bet.
The reward is now $200,000.
Because certainly,
this time I've got the
perfect alibi you.
Shawn, why didn't you kill him?
David, he was
too strong I tried.
But when we hit the sidewalk,
he almost got the knife, and then
Did he see you? Did
anybody see you?
I don't think he did.
I-I mean, I just don't know.
Who? The bum?
Did he get a good look at you?
He was too drunk I
don't think that he did.
I think we'll be
all right, then.
David, I don't care
how much money it is,
I just can't take any more!
Shawn, it's over!
I promise.
It's over.
(doorbell rings)
Mr. Thompson,
you're under arrest.
For what?
For attempted murder.
You have the right to remain
silent. It's gonna be all right.
You don't even
have to talk to them.
I'll be down there with
the best lawyer in town.
If you give up that
right to remain silent,
anything you say can and will
be used against you. David
You have the right to speak
with an attorney David
DAVID: It's gonna be all right.
JAKE: and to have the attorney
present during questioning.
SHAWN: David
It's gonna be all right.
Okay, McCabe, what the
hell do you think you're doing?
'Evening, Charlie.
Well, if you stick around,
you might like our chorus line.
I'm representing Shawn Thompson,
and I want to know
why you're charging him.
J.L.: Well, for starters,
I've got a very powerful motive.
You got a weapon? Not yet.
A witness?
I'm about to find out.
Hello, Charlie.
Easy money tonight.
We're gonna nail your boy cold.
Here you go, Mark.
You're kidding.
You're gonna put
him on the stand?
To get a positive I.D., that's
exactly what we're gonna do.
Take a seat.
Well, all I can say is,
I can hardly wait.
We're ready.
Please face front.
Now, sir, I want you to look
very carefully at these men,
and you tell me if you
recognize any one of them.
Please turn sideways,
turning to your right.
Please turn in the other
direction, turning to your left.
No, I no, I-I never
seen 'em before, man.
No, you don't have
to decide that quickly.
Is there anybody that you
want to see step forward
so that you can
take a closer look?
No. Nobody looks
right, you know?
You mean we came all the
way down here for nothing?
PETE: I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, okay?
I tried.
Then you'll release my client.
No, not so fast, Charlie.
You're gonna have to
earn your $5,000 this time.
How so?
We're going to keep your client
for further questioning
That's how so.
I'm glad I ran into
you, because
I got something to say to you.
I know your
brother did it tonight.
You put him up to it.
You set it up,
only now you got
a big problem
Shawn's a boy and he's weak,
and I think sooner or
later he's gonna break.
I mean, if you were there,
that would be different,
but alone, with the heat
turned up, he's gonna fold.
A lawyer like Charlie's
gonna advise him
to throw you to the dogs,
cut a deal and protect himself.
And you know where
that leaves you?
I'm gonna get you, David.
I'm gonna put you away.
(bell dings)
Good night.
Oh, David
don't tell anybody I was
smoking in the elevator, huh?
(J.L. laughs heartily)
Can you at least tell
me how my brother is?
Look, how long can
you just keep him there?
When my, when my lawyer
comes out of the room,
have him call me, all right?
(slams down phone)
(doorbell rings)
Aren't you gonna ask me in?
Who are you?
I know you saw me tonight.
Why don't you just
make yourself at home?
Look, what do you
want? Money, man.
What? For my performance.
You see, Your Honor,
I was so scared.
I recognized him in the
lineup, but I was afraid
they were gonna kill
me if I told the truth.
But I am now.
And he's the one.
I saw his face,
and I saw the knife.
He's the one did the killing.
How much?
Hundred thousand. Tonight.
I'll do better than that.
I'll throw in a plane
ticket to Florida.
It's warm there
You'll like it.
I like to travel.
Come back in two hours.
Not a chance.
My turf.
The same alley
where your brother
tried to slash my partner.
No, no, no, no, no.
What's wrong? What's wrong?
I thought you
liked it down there.
PETE: Thompson.
You scared me.
That's good.
Thought we were
gonna meet in the alley.
It'll be all right.
I'll take the case.
I'll give you the money,
but I'll keep the case.
Yeah, no problem.
Freeze! Don't move!
Right there!
(continues laughing)
(indistinct radio transmission)
David I'm surprised
at you, David.
You know, I'd have
bet my salary that
you'd never have
gone for this trick.
But Jake had you
pegged, all right
He said that you
wouldn't see through it.
He swore you wouldn't
guess that I sent Pete to you.
I said, "No, he's
too smart for that."
But you must have
been rattled, huh?
Worried that your
brother might talk?
That must've been
why you went for it.
There's only one other reason.
You're not as smart
as you think you are.
(engine starts)
Hey, J.L., listen,
you want to go over
to Holly's and get a steak?
It's on me, we'll celebrate
What do you think?
(laughs loudly)
Somebody finally let
the cat out of the bag,
and you did it,
Jake Thank you!
We get to the restaurant,
and everybody jumps out
and yells, "Surprise!
Happy birthday!"
What's wrong with
you? It's 11:00 at night.
People have to
work in the morning.
And they know if they're
late, you'll fire them.
You know something?
They're right.
Let's go and see how many
of 'em we can fire, huh?
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