Jekyll and Hyde (2015) s01e06 Episode Script

Spring Heeled Jack

Come on, people! Come and get your Daily Truth! Read all about it! Spring Heeled Jack claims another victim! Read all the details here.
Come on, they're selling fast! Bodies found with missing organs.
Daily Truth! Get your Daily Truth! Spring Heeled Jack.
What'll they think of next? Frankenstein and the Wolfman? People like you and me, we're the victims here.
There's a monster out there and he's murdering our family and friends.
- Yes.
- That's right! Now, the police have assured the public they're doing something about it.
- Let's not waste an opportunity.
- We're gonna hunt him down! - Rich pickings.
- It falls to us to flush out this animal.
It falls to us to make our streets safe again, to take charge.
- Yes! - To root out this vile scum! You can leg it, copper.
We look after our own round here.
- Who's with me? - Me! Oi! You little thief! Argh! Stop! Stop that girl! Stop her! Come back! Oi! We're not gonna take it no more! Oh No.
Oh Dead end! Where you gonna go now? Argh! You picked the wrong mark today, darlin'! Give it up.
Want to have a word, Hils? He died because of me.
Better than dying for nothing at all.
He really lived these past few weeks, because of you.
I think they must be from Max's club.
Keeping a respectful distance.
Giving his loved ones some privacy.
- Hey.
- Oh, gosh.
Here I go, spoiling a perfectly lovely view by crying all over the place.
Max was a very special man, Hils.
Oh, dear.
This is all becoming rather mushy.
- Is it time to bring him in? - I think it is, Mr Hannigan.
We've killed Captain Dance, Tenebrae's on the back foot.
With this new monster on the loose, frankly, we need him.
Set a thief to catch a thief.
Set a monster to catch a monster.
And the beauty of it is we have the means of controlling him.
Let's get to work, gentlemen.
Thank you for coming today, Lily.
I hardly knew Max but I know what he meant to you.
Well, if it wasn't for him I wouldn't be here.
We would never have met.
Then I'll light an extra candle for him.
If I'd never come to England he'd still be alive.
How did he die? Er, ah, his heart He was born with a problem, apparently.
Like someone else I know.
While you were away, I worked on your medication.
- Have you made more? - No, I don't have the right chemicals for that.
- I'm going to run out soon.
- That's what I've been working on.
A more efficient way of getting it into your bloodstream.
Will you be needing this for now? I sincerely hope not.
Can I borrow it? No Lily, it's Without it I'll bring it back later.
I promise.
There's another victim.
If you won't do something about it, we're gonna make the streets safe.
Coming through! Out of our way! She's one of mine.
Are you daft, as well as deaf? Look, there's another victim and you've done nothing.
- What a terrible thing, Ginnie.
- What happened? Spring Heeled Jack.
Oh, it was horrible! I never believed he was real.
You all right, Gin? He didn't hurt you? No.
Not here! Did you see his face? Did you see which way he went? - We'll get the scum.
- Oh, leave her alone.
Can't you see the poor girl's terrified? Why don't you heroes go and have a drink in the Empire? God knows we need the business.
It's the monster.
It's Jack.
People are scared to leave their houses.
Not surprised, with you drunken mobs in the streets.
Get this body moved.
- All right, girl? - Yeah, you all right? Let's get you home.
You need a stiff drink.
Come on.
You'll be all right.
Are we ready for the off? Train won't wait.
I was just getting to know Robert and now you're sending me away.
It's for your own good, Maggie.
Robert's caught up in a world of violence.
He needs to know that you are safely out of it.
Oh, Robert.
I didn't want to bother you before.
Then this arrived at the office.
There's no sender's name.
Or return address.
That's odd.
Did you see where it was sent from, though? Ceylon.
That's all working, Dr Jekyll, sir.
Welcome to the modern world.
- Thank you.
Thank you.
- What is it? It's Kali.
She looks like she'd be fun at a party! She's the goddess of change.
Her name comes from the Sanskrit word "kala", meaning "time"or "death".
Death? Charming! I wonder who sent it.
Is it a threat? - I don't want to go.
- You're going.
You're going.
What you got there? The modern world, Garson.
I think I can use this to separate the chemicals in my grandfather's old potion and make a new one.
It brought it all back to me today, what Hyde carries with him.
Violence and destruction and and death.
A Hyde killed Max.
Not your Hyde.
You've hurt no-one.
Well, it's only a matter of time.
I have to get rid of him.
The only way to kill a Hyde is to kill a Jekyll.
All the science in the world won't help you.
What's in you is something ancient.
I can do it! No more Hyde.
No more violence, no more destruction.
Science and rationality.
That's what we need.
- Argh.
- Here! No! Here! Think maybe someone's trying to tell you something? You know, I think you might be right.
Modern science it's no match for good, old magic.
A vision.
Two angels come down from heaven.
Let's see how drink affects this little situation, shall we? What the hell are you doing? Thank you.
Oh, come on.
Cheer up.
- It might never happen.
- Go easy, Hyde.
It did happen.
Ginnie had a run-in with Spring Heeled Jack.
What exactly is this "Spring Heeled Jack"? He's not human.
He can jump over buildings.
He's got claws for hands, fire for eyes.
He rips people to pieces.
Well, he sounds terrifying.
But don't worry, you're safe with me.
Best stay close.
Bella's gonna kill you.
She's in a foul mood.
This Spring Heeled Jack thing's bad for business.
That's why she's puttin' on a show.
To get punters in.
Well Why don't you and I liven this place up a little bit, Adelie? Let's dance, Adelie! You are a peculiar particular - I know.
Mr Hyde.
Put her down, Hyde! Sorry, Bella.
I ain't got time for your nonsense.
People are terrified.
My girls are terrified.
Ginnie attacked.
Well, we can't have Bella Charming in a tizz, can we? So how about you let me take care of this Spring Chicken Jack for you? About time you did something useful.
- This is my promise.
- Mm! This is what I do.
Oi! That's him.
Returned to the scene of the crime.
You think it was me? Spring Heeled Jack himself.
I'm not your Jack.
I'm something much worse.
So I think you should probably all just leave.
Go on, boys.
All right.
Yargh! Don't hurt me.
Go home to your mother.
Argh! You shot me.
What was that? A little present from Captain Dance.
You're Tenebrae.
Quite the opposite.
We're your friends, Robert.
Oh, of course.
My friends always tie me up after they've shot me.
That dose of monocane could have killed ten normal men.
Were you trying to kill me? - Do you watch cowboy films, Robert? - What? Where the men in the white hats fight the villains in the black hats.
Well we're the men in the white hats.
We know everything about you, Jekyll.
We've been watching over you ever since you set foot in England - keeping you safe.
You? It was you who shot Captain Dance? Tenebrae are our biggest enemy.
- The men in black hats.
- We are MIO.
Military Intelligence Other.
We look after the interests of the country in all matters unmaterial, you might say.
We hunt monsters.
And that's why you've captured me? We restrained you for your own safety.
You see, Robert, we have a problem.
And we want you to help us solve it.
I am the Home Secretary, and I'm not used to being kept waiting.
I'll have to call you back.
I've got that idiot Home Secretary coming in.
Home Secretary.
How good to see you.
What's that awful smell? They're digging up the drains again.
All this up here, so clean and modern and ordered, and down there, a nasty, chaotic tangle of filth.
So, tell me, what does your government need from me today? This Spring Heeled Jack story's got out of control, Protheroe.
Vigilante mobs on the street.
Fear and panic.
It's not good for business.
Anyone's business.
It sells papers.
We need you to take the heat out of the situation, maintain law and order.
Assure the public that the police are doing a tip-top job.
That would seem to be contradicted by the facts.
So, what story would you have us tell instead? Well, it's up to you, of course.
You're so much better at this kind of thing than we are.
Just no monsters.
There's not a surgeon in the land that could remove both adrenal glands through a hole in the belly, without spilling a single drop of blood.
We just about managed to keep this one out of the papers.
So there are others that the public don't know about? 11 others, all with organs removed.
Part of our job is to limit public fear by keeping these matters under wraps.
- But harvesting human organs? Why? - Why, indeed? And when he does this, his victims, are they dead or alive? We don't know.
We've found them unresponsive to questioning.
They say that dead men tell no tales.
Except of barges with red sails, and sailors mad for nightingales.
But I'm hoping this body will tell us a few.
We collected this from around the wound.
Odourless to ordinary humans.
Organic, but not produced by any creature known to science.
So, you're saying that whatever's out there is A monster, Dr Jekyll.
Exactly what extra measures are you taking to catch this thing, Sir Marian? - We're currently trying to recruit a specialist.
- What kind of specialist? Detective? A big-game hunter? One of those psychology chaps? A specialist.
I still don't know what you want from me.
You have unique abilities, Robert.
We want you to help us find the monster and we want you to help us kill it.
Oh, no.
It's not me you want, is it? It's him.
You want Hyde.
Of course.
Even if I wanted to help you, I can't.
I can't control him.
He can't be trusted.
No, I won't help you.
Not this way.
We thought you might need a little persuading.
- Ravi! - Robert! Ravi! - We've been looking after him for you.
- I thought he was dead.
- Now, you let him out of there! - All in good time.
You scratch my back, and all that.
Oh, so that's the kind of operation you run, is it? Kidnapping children, blackmail.
Sadly, yes.
Sometimes our hats come back from the cleaners a little grey.
We'll carry on looking after him, if you like.
Let him out.
Now, I really must be off.
I'm having dinner with the German Chancellor.
Decent enough chap.
He's a blasted vegetarian, though.
They're recruiting a specialist.
Well, we have to find out more.
- I can't believe you're still alive! - Neither can I! Listen, but But if you're here then Mother and Father are they alive, too? I'm so sorry.
I can confirm that.
I, too, am genuinely sorry.
You do know it was Tenebrae? Yes.
We're on the same side, Robert.
Now I've given you your brother to seal my side of the deal, but I'm not a fool.
I'll hang onto these for the time being, as security.
Your brother helpfully brought them all the way from Ceylon.
They make very interesting reading.
Your medical files.
Family documents.
This one for your eyes only.
What might that contain, I wonder? This you can have back.
- These we'll hang onto, though.
- You Jekyll! The monocane we shot you with will keep Hyde at bay a little while longer.
But when it wears off, you'll want control.
You're gonna have to do a lot better than that.
We're not amateurs.
We're a government department.
I will guarantee you a regular supply of pills, Robert.
Simply call us from that telephone box when you need more.
Oh, I can't believe it! If I'd known you were still alive, I'd have come back for you.
- I'd have swum all the way if necessary.
- I couldn't let you know.
I promised Father before he died not to talk to anyone, not to trust anyone - not even Mr Utterson.
Well, you're here now and that's all that matters.
I'm going to look after you.
I promise.
I've done rather well by myself, thanks.
You shouldn't have given in to those people.
I would have been all right.
I wasn't going to leave you there, Ravi.
Not my little brother.
God There is so much I need to tell you.
Not too much.
Those files they kept.
It was a long journey from Ceylon and I had nothing else to read.
I know all about you and what's in you.
I always knew that you were ill but now I know what happened in Rambukhan.
How you were able to lift that lorry.
I know that you change, Robert.
I know what's inside you.
Well, if you read the files, you probably know more than me.
What else did you find out? Anything about my real family? There was the file Bulstrode showed you.
For your eyes only.
But all the others everything's in here.
- You were always cleverer than me, Ravi.
- And cleverer than Bulstrode.
Are you really going to help him? I have no choice.
He has my pills.
Oh, er, careful with that.
I don't quite know what it is, exactly, or who sent it.
- Oh! - I told you I was cleverer than Bulstrode.
- You sent it.
- Bulstrode has no hold over you now.
What was that? Put that down, Garson.
It's all right.
It's all right.
This is my little brother, Ravi.
All the way from Ceylon, safe and well.
- This is Garson.
- Hey.
- Hello.
- I'm very pleased to meet you, son.
Sorry about the Hey While you were out, we had our first telephonic communication.
It was Bella.
She didn't sound too pleased.
"It is my promise.
" Mmm.
"This is what I do.
" What do you do? Apart from cause trouble.
- Cos you sure don't help.
- Please, Bella, let me explain.
You're different.
Something's changed.
You're going to have to get used to seeing me like this, Bella.
As Dr Jekyll.
I'm sorry, but I don't want Jekyll.
Right now, I want Hyde.
Everybody does.
And then they resent him when he shows up.
Well, he's not going to show up, not this time.
I'm going to sort this out.
Dr Robert Jekyll.
It's too late for doctors.
What happened? Is she dead? Let's dance, you and I, Adelie! You are a peculiar particular, Mr Hyde.
We found her out in the corridor brought her in here.
Weren't no blood.
Just that.
Two small incisions in her back.
I was talking to her only a few hours ago.
She was so young, so full of life.
Not any more.
How did he get in? Through the window, we think.
Suppose you'll be climbing over there again? Showing off.
No, I, uh I think I'll use the stairs.
Well done, boys.
We got him.
Now, one of us is gonna have to go down there.
It's all right, mate.
We know it ain't you.
How do you know it's not me? We saw the real killer.
We saw Jack.
He's gone down there.
Hey! Hey, wait! Wait! Hey! Stop! Stop! Wait! Wait, wait, wait! Stop! Just talk to me.
Oh! No, no, please.
What are you? You're no monster.
- Don't hurt me.
- Why not? You tried to hurt me.
I thought you were a vigilante.
Please! No.
I have a promise to keep.
No! Argh! Argh! No! What is that? This is a promise kept.
What are you gonna do? Oh, what's the matter? I thought you liked flying.
I've always found landings tricky.
- You'll break his neck.
- Well, that is the idea.
You asked for Hyde, well, here I am.
And Adelie's killer is ready for the drop.
No, please! I ain't done nothing! I'm no killer.
Oh, do shut up.
No! No! - No! Oh - Hyde, listen to me.
Why have you been stealing body parts? It wasn't me, yeah? Ladies and gentlemen for your entertainment for one night only, the Empire Music Hall proudly presents The Fall Of Icarus.
Argh! Argh! Will you listen to me for one moment? While you've been out chasing whoever that poor sod is the real killer struck again.
The penny drops.
You nearly killed an innocent man.
Innocent? My name's Burton.
I'm an engineer's apprentice.
- What were you doing down the tunnels? - Following the killer's trail.
What were you doing? Well, if you're not the killer then who is? Bella do you have somewhere safe for you and your girls? Do I? What shiny buttons you have.
I like that.
My dad built it.
During the war when the Germans were bombing London.
So come on, then.
What's with all your Spring Heeled Jack clobber? When all these killings started, newspapers said it was him, come back to haunt London.
I knew it couldn't be cos Spring Heeled Jack was my grandfather.
Long dead.
- Your grandfather was a monster? - No, he He was like me.
He hunted monsters.
And with all this talk, I thought it was time to revive a family tradition.
Prove that Spring Heeled Jack weren't to blame and catch the real killer.
Don't know if I've got what it takes, though.
Especially after seeing him in action.
So, do you know who the real killer is? Well between you and me, I'm not sure it's even human.
Well, between you and me, I know it's not.
Bella you stay safe in here.
You You come with me.
- What you got there? - It's a family album.
All the monsters we've known and loved.
From Abaddon to zombies, we've slugged it out with the best of them.
We should work together.
We'd make a great team.
Both our families have a history of fighting evil.
Well, I'm not exactly what you'd call a team player.
Now which one of these beauties would want to steal body parts? Did you see anything of the killer? No.
That's what I can't make sense of.
If it looked like one of them, how'd it get about without being noticed? Without its victims hardly even screaming until it's too late? Well, Ginnie - the girl from the Empire, who was attacked - she described seeing you.
Yeah, I was there.
- Just not in time to see the monster.
- What happened? She was being chased by a man.
There was a copper on their tail.
Then the monster must have attacked, killing the man.
- What happened to the copper? - Never saw what happened to him.
- He disappeared.
- Why didn't he see the monster? Why didn't anybody see the monster? Because it didn't look like one.
Sometimes monsters are hidden inside.
I read about you in Father's files.
I was scared that when you changed you would have fangs and devil horns.
- Oh.
- But you're still my brother.
Your brother the monster.
It was the policeman.
It had to be.
There was no-one else there.
The policeman was the killer.
That would explain how he could approach them without scaring them.
I know very well that people are not always what they seem.
I need to sleep.
Soon as it's light, we'll go back to where Ginnie was attacked.
Now that we know it's the policeman, we need to look with fresh eyes.
- What for, exactly? - Well Last time I was here, there was some of that slime.
The killer leaves it all over the place.
But it don't last long.
Robert! There's something up there.
What is it? It's the policeman.
He's been sucked dry.
Well, that sinks that notion, then.
He can't have been the killer.
Oh, his mouth's been forced open.
Jaw's broken.
Throat horribly distended.
I never had much of a penchant for coppers, but I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
I hope the poor devil was dead when this happened.
Dead now.
It looks almost like someone ate him from the inside.
Like trichogramma minutum.
That's exactly what I was gonna say.
It's a parasitic wasp.
It lays its eggs inside of a live body.
When they hatch, the larvae eat their way out.
Ain't nature wonderful? - But there's no insect large enough to do this.
- No.
Nothing natural.
It's Kephri.
The Egyptian God of creation and rebirth.
Creation? It's nicking body parts.
What if it's stealing them for something or someone else? What? You mean putting them into someone else's body? - Bringing them back to life? - It's the god of creation and rebirth.
Also known as a Reaper bug.
But there isn't a giant beetle wandering round out there.
No, it must get inside people.
Like a parasite.
Control them in some way.
Get 'em to do its dirty work before moving on.
So let's say it was inside the policeman.
It killed the man with Ginnie, took what it needed And then what? Did it come out of the policeman? The only other person there was Ginnie.
Ginnie? Come on, pick up the telephone.
I'll strangle Ginnie when she gets back.
Where is she? Why's she still not home? Maybe she met a boy or something.
Or maybe she met a monster.
No, I can't stand this.
Hiding here when she's out there by herself.
She might need me.
I'm gonna look for her.
Keep trying her.
I'll have to go over there.
- I'll come, too.
Let me get my equipment.
- No.
There's no time.
Hands up! Ah Oh What is that? - An old perfume bottle of Mother's.
- Yes, but why? It's an inhaler.
To get your medicine into your system quicker.
And it'll give your arteries the sweet scent of lavender.
- Um what exactly did you spray me with? - Some of your medicine.
Only a tiny amount.
- You need to draw it right into your lungs.
- This really isn't a good time, Lily.
Uh, as soon as I'm back, I'll come and see you.
I promise.
Why do I feel like you're always hiding something from me? Me? I'm an open book.
The Empire, please.
That's my taxi! Bella, open up! It's me - Ginnie.
Bella, open the door! Bella! Get in here! Where the hell have you been? I told everyone to stay put.
I saw him, Bella.
Who? Spring Heeled Jack.
He was chasing another poor girl.
Black wings Fire in his boots, he had.
These claws.
I need to see the girls.
Let me get the phone.
How about a drink before we go up? I don't know about you, but I could do with one.
- Let's make sure the girls are safe first.
- They're all right up there.
Bottoms up.
Too strong for you? Argh! Bella.
Are you all right? Oh, I'm fine, champ.
How are you? Well, that hurt.
Don't tell me you've turned up as the nice one again! Can't you change? Not as long as I'm smelling of lavender.
And lilac.
Rargh! Argh! Robert! Yargh! - I told you we'd make a good team! - Burton, get out! It's too strong.
Who's supposed to be saving who? Maybe we can force the parasite out of her.
Yargh! Yargh! I don't know what it is, but it can't take its drink.
Bottoms up! Who's saving who? That answer your question? - What just happened? - Nothing I ever want to see again.
Has she gone? Ginnie! Ginnie! - Argh! - Wha What about the creature? Is it dead, too? What? - Oh! - Burton! Burton? Burton, wait! I can help you! Burton! We can help you! Burton! I'll let you get on.
I don't need to see this.
I thank you, Kephri.
At last we have the parts we need.
You will wake soon, my love.

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