Kaala Paani (2023) s01e06 Episode Script


[in Oraka] Father
Can we please stop?
No one stops till we reach the village.
Keep walking!
[eerie music playing]
[flies buzzing]
Cross the valley and never come back.
-But, Father
-[tribals yell]
The infected animal
has contaminated the water
and now it's inside you.
Nothing can be done now.
[somber music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[breath trembling]
[dramatic music playing]
[thunder rumbling]
[music intensifies]
[insects trilling]
[leaves rustling]
[birds chirping]
[water flowing]
[intriguing music playing]
The first The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher
of the illness has arrived!
The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
[all chanting] The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
The first vanquisher!
[knob clicking]
[Ritu] Sir, LK-37,
the peptide we were looking for,
the Oraka system has it.
So, did he consume the plant recently?
Not he, sir, his ancestors did.
Sir, Orakas have consumed the plant
for generations,
and they have developed
an immunity against this disease.
-That would mean
-Yes, sir.
The Orakas are not our guides to the cure.
They are the cure.
[theme music playing]
[static over radio]
So, what you mean to say
is that the plant may be extinct,
but the pesticide is still present
inside the Oraka?
Uh Peptide, sir. Peptide.
Yeah, that's what I said.
So, does this mean that if we take out
the, well, peptide from the Oraka
and put it into the patient
Cisternal puncture, mass spectroscopy
and intravenous infusion.
Uh, but, yeah, right.
So, will that save the patient?
We can't make any definite conclusions,
but that's our theory.
[sighs] Hypothesis.
Then what are we waiting for?
Why don't we do this right away?
Because this procedure is very risky.
From a region close to his brain, the CSF
I I mean, we will extract a fluid.
And Orakas are neither immunized
nor do they have
pharmaceutical resistance.
This could be very dangerous
for a man like him, sir.
[Bhowmik] Meaning?
Meaning, he he could die, sir.
And what about us?
I hope we both
won't be at risk by this procedure.
Are you pregnant?
I hope that's not an issue.
Uh, I don't think so.
I don't think
we can tell the LG about this.
We all know about his love for the Orakas.
He will scrap this procedure,
but not let any harm come to them.
But, sir, someone's life is at stake here.
Five thousand lives
are at stake here, Dr. Mahajan.
If anything happens to Mrs. Shaw,
not a single person
can get off this Kaala Paani.
And, Dr. Mahajan, your real problem
is not the LG, okay?
Your real problem is that girl
who wants to do this procedure.
You had yourself said,
she informed the mainland
at the wrong time,
then wasted resources in search
of an extinct plant.
She has failed you every single time.
Do you really think
Well, forget you, Doctor.
Does she think that she can do it?
I can't do it. How can I win
when I don't have any good cards?
Well, this game is only played
with cards, beta.
But it is won with your brain.
Would I take a break if my brain worked?
I'd study for the unit test.
That's tomorrow, right? Should I help you?
[chuckles softly]
Papa, you were a topper of economics,
mine's a DNA and Genetic Code test,
not GDP and production cost.
[chuckles] So you think that's hard?
DNA is just like baggage, beta,
that is like inheritance
received from ancestors.
Sometimes good things come out of it,
like good looks or a good physique.
[water pouring]
And at other times,
you get diabetes or less height.
Really, what did you get from Grandpa?
[juice pouring]
I got a voice.
[pensive music playing]
His voice that
still rings inside me saying,
"You are a born loser."
"You will always be inferior to others."
Why would he say that?
Well, it was generational conditioning.
He was a Dalit,
but he swore by the caste system.
He used to feel that I too
would stay inferior in society.
But I believed that the cards we get
is never in our control,
but what we do with those cards
is something we choose.
And I chose to
[groaning] Papa.
What? Your cards are worse
compared to what I have.
-[horn honking]
[man] Kuldeep sahib!
-[honking continues]
-Oh, Kuldeep!
Kuldeep sahib!
[bike engine idling]
[engine stops]
This is his house, right?
-What a weird guy. He's come here.
-[Ritu] Who is it, Papa?
-[man] Kuldeep!
-There's a 100-year-old tree on his land.
He's been told the Municipal Corporation
cannot give permission to fell it.
-[man] Oh, Kuldeep!
-But he just doesn't give up.
[man] Kuldeep sahib!
[tense music playing]
Don't say anything, all right?
I've explained to you
that you will not get permission.
What are you doing? Stop making me run!
What do you mean? Why are you yelling?
Ay! Show me some respect!
You are being disrespectful.
Harassing me at my house.
Listen, you! I'm calling you sahib,
but remember your place.
-What do you mean?
-I'll show you.
[man] You got this job
because of your caste, okay?
Else, like your ancestors,
you'd be serving at our feet.
How dare you?
-That is your true place.
-Papa, you all right?
-[man] Let's go.
[engine starts]
Papa. Papa.
-[Parth] Papa!
-[gasping] Guchhu.
[breathing heavily]
[indistinct chatter]
[man 1] Wait, wait, wait, wait
By Waheguru's grace you have recovered,
but you still badly need to rest.
Where am I?
-[man 2 singing Punjabi hymn]
-[devotional music playing]
[man 1] While looking for Oraka tribals,
forest officers
had gone deep into the jungle.
Or no one would ever have found you.
These people?
There were so many LHF cases
in the nearby hospitals
that they ran out of space
for other patients.
Now, if Waheguru won't help the helpless,
then who will?
Really? Then why didn't he help me?
[crying] I called out to all the names
of the gods that I knew, but
[hopeful music playing]
-What's the matter, beta?
-Uh, uh
Ay, bhaiya,
where did you find this bottle?
[Jyotsna] Basu Uncle!
[door thuds, creaks]
[somber music playing]
[somber music continues]
[engine starts]
Jyotsna Miss, why did Bhaiya and Mr. Basu
leave long before we did?
Didn't I tell you, Kaddu,
that there are many like us
who also want to leave?
They went a little earlier
to secure seats for all of us.
Yeah. Mummy, Papa will also be there.
The two of them, Bhaiya, me and you.
-We'll need five seats in all.
-No, Kaddu.
I have to wait here
to meet a friend of mine.
I won't be able to come with you,
but I will drop you
to where your mummy and papa are. Okay?
[Kaddu] Okay.
There is someone
who will be able to help us get there.
You used to ask
why she did so much for them.
What did your amma get from the Orakas?
She got you.
[pensive music playing]
When she got you,
your amma felt so indebted
that throughout her entire life,
she kept serving them.
And you,
what did you do?
What did you do to them?
I made a mistake.
I made a terrible mistake, Thatha.
What do I do now?
[Chiranjeevi sobbing]
Stop stinging like the scorpion,
be a frog and help someone.
[knock at door]
-[Kaddu] Jyotsna Miss
-I need to talk to Aunty about something.
[Kaddu] Jyotsna Miss.
What is it, Kaddu? What is it?
[gentle music playing]
[siren wailing in distance]
So, uh, that means, uh,
in order to save Mrs. Shaw,
we do not need any kind of plant?
Right, sir. Once we have consent,
we can start the trials.
Uh, I don't understand.
The Chief Secretary
has already given his permission,
the patient and doctors are both ready.
Whose consent do we need now?
[monitor beeping]
[Shashi] If we do carry out
this procedure on you,
it could help many more people
with a chance of survival.
However, uh
[clears throat]
your survival is almost impossible.
Therefore, think carefully
before you answer.
[speaking Oraka]
[tense music playing]
[speaking harshly]
[in English] Brother, don't talk
so harshly to him, please.
What did you say? You got a request
from the Tribal Welfare,
that's why I let you stand here.
But don't teach me
how to talk to this Oraka.
His name is Enmae.
Before you decide to claim a man's life,
at least learn his name, brother.
[speaking Oraka]
[speaking Oraka]
[in English] He is ready.
What they believe is,
sacrificing their lives for someone
is the best kind of death.
He is willing to help you,
but only on one condition.
What is it?
[speaking Oraka]
[door opens]
[Nandan in English] He's saying,
"Do whatever you like with me,
but you must make sure
no harm should come to my tribe."
Don't worry. We have no reason
to cause harm to the people of your tribe.
[speaking Oraka]
[in English] And you had no reason
to bring back this disease either.
[Enmae speaking Oraka]
[in English] Didn't you even destroy
our ancestors' homes and upset them?
[Ketan] Hang on.
What did he say?
Sir, he feels that this disease hit
because his ancestors are angry with us.
No, not that.
The last word that he spoke. Repeat that.
"Attavous." Atta-vus
She put her own life at risk to help me.
You can be assured
that if your children are with her,
she'll take good care of them.
Did she tell you anything about her?
Where she stays? Where I can find her?
She said she worked
at the Holy Spirit Hospital.
Holy Spirit. Where is it?
It's in Port Blair, sir,
and we're eight hours away in Diglipur.
Apart from emergency services,
only people with permission can go.
That could take two to four days.
What did she say her name was?
Jyotsna Miss, when will Mummy, Papa come?
Did Uncle say anything?
Kaddu, as soon as I get to know anything,
I will let you know, okay?
Until then, you keep drawing.
-What's that you're drawing?
-Jalebi leaf.
Jalebi leaf?
It's there in this.
This is Basu Uncle's journal, right?
Why did you bring this with you?
For Guchhu Bhaiya.
He used to read it everyday.
When I'll give it to him,
he'll be very surprised.
[Chiranjeevi] She doesn't know
about her brother?
[somber music playing]
Nor about her mother.
[Chiranjeevi exhales]
[Jyotsna sighs]
This is what you wanted from Amma, right?
Here. Take the car and go.
You can leave tomorrow
along with the kid, okay?
And if you speak to Veenu, don't tell him
anything about Amma, please.
God knows where he is, how he is.
It will break him.
And you?
What will you do now?
[sighing] I don't know
Someone else is paying the price
for my mistake.
I just want to go to that Oraka and beg
for his forgiveness with folded hands.
But I can't do it.
-And why not?
They're saying it's a secret or something.
He's admitted
to the upper floor of the hospital.
Only doctors are allowed there,
we common people can't see him.
A nurse?
Will a nurse be allowed there?
This pregnancy will be
an added complication for us.
So, please finish all the required tests
and checkups by tonight.
Tomorrow morning,
we start with the procedure, okay?
-[doctor 1] Sir.
-[doctor 2] All right.
[Shashi] Dr. Vasi, Ritu.
[pensive music playing]
Ritu, Dr. Vasi and I
can handle the cisternal puncture,
but peptide sequencing expertise
is something only you have here.
You're sure you'll be able to oversee it?
Yeah. Yes, sir.
You have done this before, right?
Uh, yes, sir. Many times.
But back then, so many lives
were not depending on it.
Dr. Mahajan, I'm so sorry,
but Mrs. Shaw Mrs. Shaw just
[monitor beeping]
Wasn't there some time
before I went into LHF, stage two.
Will this affect my child?
Um, Mrs. Shaw,
Dr. Swaroop here
is one of the best gynacs we have,
and she'll be with you all the time.
[tense music playing]
[door opens]
You guys know what this means, right?
She has only a few hours left.
We can't wait till tomorrow.
If we have to save the mother
and the child, it has to be done tonight.
The most difficult and the most important
part of this procedure is yours.
Can you do this by midnight?
[hesitates] I I don't know, sir.
I can
-I can try.
-[Shashi] You have to be sure, Ritu.
Are you sure?
No, I'm not sure.
Why would I call you had I been sure?
Kuldeep, I'm sorry,
you cannot file a complaint.
It hasn't even been three months
since you became department head.
How will it look, huh?
Such a senior officer
cannot even handle an ordinary man?
So, what do you want?
I let him be?
He abused me, yaar.
-He made a casteist remark at me.
-[man] Yeah, so?
So what, Kuldeep?
[pensive music playing]
Look, Kuldeep, you and I have been
hearing such remarks since we were kids.
And we'll always
keep hearing them, forever.
The only difference is the position
that you have reached today,
no one in your family
has ever reached that position.
Today, people know you,
regard you, they respect you.
They can all see the name
you've built for yourself.
But if you take on
such a small-time ordinary guy even today,
then all they'll see ever again
is your surname.
So, my father was right.
It's my surname that will decide my fate.
It will never make a difference
as to what I think is right!
[man] Kuldeep.
No, I don't
I don't think
I don't think I can do it, sir.
Sir, she's in the final stage now.
In this condition, for me,
it'll be impossible
to save both her child and her.
If what I'm saying is wrong,
please correct me.
Oh, sorry. Sir.
"You people destroyed our ancestors' homes
and disturbed their peace."
"Which is why their spirits were enraged
and they brought back this disease."
Is that right?
Sir, this is what
he keeps saying all the time.
"Attavous" means ancestors' home.
[intriguing music playing]
These Orakas, uh,
they bury their dead, don't they?
What are their graveyards like?
Sir, actually, they
After they bury,
they scatter seeds over the soil.
Then years later,
trees grow in that place,
and that land becomes part of the jungle.
So that's why it's hard
to locate their graveyards.
Is it possible that Jenkins Island
has one of their graveyards?
[Nandan] Definitely, sir.
Before the British arrived,
only Orakas lived in Jenkins.
The administration
created a bio park there
to protect their jungles.
If they had a graveyard there,
it should be
near the Jenkins Biological Park.
-Jenkins Biological Park.
-[Nandan] Yes, sir.
The plant that Ritu ma'am was looking for,
what was the name?
-Andamani Echinacea.
-Shouldn't that have been found there?
-It should have, but it wasn't.
Inform the Coast Guard.
Tell them today the SDPO
will go to Jenkins.
-[guard] Your full name?
-[Jyotsna] Jyotsna Dey.
-[guard] Age?
-[Jyotsna] Twenty-seven.
Okay, you can go. I'll make a note of it.
Please get me the other register.
That lady is my mom's friend. Ghosh Aunty.
She works right here.
She can help me meet the doctor assigned,
but for not more than two minutes.
As soon as I know anything, I'll tell you.
[monitor beeping]
[medical apparatus clanking]
Sir, there's someone outside to see you.
Sir, just once, please.
Let me meet him just once.
Listen, uh
-Chiranjeevi, sir.
The procedure has almost started.
Which is why you cannot meet Enmae.
I'm really sorry. Sorry.
But, sir
Sir, because of me, will he
Is he going to die?
[sighs] Look, it's the procedure.
It's not your fault at all.
It's not my fault?
It's totally my
It is totally my fault, sir.
I caught him and brought him here, sir.
He was living his life
happily with his people,
but I snatched him and his life, sir.
-[crying] I I have murdered him, sir.
I have murdered him.
[Shashi] The CSF
that we're going to extract from him,
there's a possibility
it can cure this disease.
And I know listening to this
will not lessen your grief,
but his death will not go in vain.
[Chiranjeevi crying] No, no.
Uh, please take him away.
[Chiranjeevi] I murdered him.
And make sure you keep your mask on
in the hospital, please.
[Jyotsna sniffling]
Sir! Sir, I don't I don't require a mask.
This disease doesn't affect me, sir.
-Yes, sir.
Actually, my
My biological mother was an Oraka.
Just like Enmae, I won't get this disease.
Why don't you
Why don't you test me also, sir?
Whatever you're looking for inside him,
you'll find inside me.
You can take whatever you want
from inside me, sir. Just let him go.
Let him go, sir.
Chiru Chiru, do you even realize
what you're saying?
-It's dangerous. You could lose your life.
-Let it be. Let me die.
When I meet my amma in heaven,
at least she'll be able to say that,
"Yes, you did a good job.
You're my good son."
Or else, what will she say?
My poor amma,
she could die for the Orakas, but I
Why can't I die, sir?
[solemn music playing]
Please, sir.
Please admit me, sir.
-I can test you.
But please think about it.
No more thinking, sir.
To save someone else's life,
you're going to give up your own.
Sir, I
All my life, I've only been taking
and taking from everyone, sir.
From my amma, from my brother,
from my friend, from my tourist,
I've only taken, taken.
I've never given anything back.
Sir, please, this is my only chance
to give something, sir. Let me do it.
[crying] Let me give it, sir.
Please, sir.
Please, sir. Please, sir, please. Sir
-Let's go.
-[Santosh] Bhaiya!
Dhanmeet ji wants you upstairs.
-[man 1] Dhanmeet ji?
-Yes. Over there.
[man 1] But for what?
-About some payment?
-[man 2] About payment?
But, uh, we weren't told anything.
[suspenseful music playing]
[engine starts]
-[man 1] Hey! What are you doing?
-[man 2] What are you doing?
-How can you take the vehicle?
-[man 1] Stop!
-[man 2] Where are you going?
[man 1] Let's go! Come on!
-Where are you going?
-[man 2] Stop the vehicle!
[both] Hey!
[man 1] Stop!
[gripping music playing]
[man wheezing and coughing]
[brakes squeal]
[tense music playing]
[breathing heavily]
I have to reach Diglipur Hospital, beta.
[Santosh] Uncle,
I have a really long way to go.
Please forgive me, if you can.
[engine starts]
[dramatic music playing]
How dare you?!
How can you even suggest
something like that?
Ma'am, right now the LHF bacteria
is spreading to your lungs,
kidneys and liver.
The meds to stop your organ failure
can't be given to you
owing to your pregnancy.
And if we don't
administer those drugs soon,
then then you will die.
Then let me die!
Nothing should happen to my child, okay?
What exactly should happen
to the other children here?
Ma'am, our people have made it very clear
that if anything happens to you,
then no one will leave this island.
Thousands of families and their kids
will probably not get another chance
to escape from here.
-Uh, but you can get that, ma'am.
[breathing heavily]
I won't get it either.
This is my last chance to
It [hiccups]
took 12 years for me to get pregnant.
[somber music playing]
[crying] And I
I can't let it just go like that.
I I can't let it go.
But, ma'am, the truth is
that your baby won't make it.
Either we terminate the pregnancy now
or it dies with you.
I dream of him, you know?
I can see him clearly.
And he has my eyes.
Every time,
each time I see him, he he smiles at me.
I won't be able to see him again.
Please, can I have this baby?
Sorry, ma'am, we're running out of time.
You have to make a decision now.
You know what you're doing, right?
For thousands of strangers,
you're asking a mother to kill her child.
It's not right.
Ma'am, I know.
I know what I'm asking you to do
is not a good thing.
But it is the right thing.
[Swasti sniffles]
[melancholic music playing]
[policeman] Stop the car.
Stop the car.
[tense music playing]
[brakes squeal]
[engine stops]
-Salaam, sir.
-[policeman] Srikant Mondal?
-Yes, sir.
Why is there no photo attached?
Uh, there was a photo, sir.
Maybe it just came off.
[inspector over radio] Veera?
Veera, any update?
Yes, sir. Yes, yes. I think we found him.
[inspector] Okay, do what you have to do.
Get down.
[grunts softly]
Okay. So tell me the truth.
Who are you and where're you headed?
I'm telling the truth, sir.
I'm an ambulance driver
and I'm going to
Holy Spirit Hospital, sir.
Holy Spirit Hospital, huh?
Hospital, huh?
Holy Spirit Hospital?
Back at Sanjeevani, there are two families
waiting since the past three hours,
along with their dead bodies, huh?
And for your own dirty business,
you're going to Holy Spirit.
-No, sir. No sir
-Hey! Take him and lock him up!
-No, no, no, no, no! No, sir! No, sir!
[sputtering] I will come.
Wherever you want me to come, I will come.
Come. Move.
[Nandan] But, sir, the Oraka graveyard
won't be on such barren land.
I have no idea what we are doing here.
If you had an idea,
you would be the SDPO, brother.
This is the place, sir.
Echinacea plants
were last seen in this very place.
No, sir. Had they been seen,
they would be here.
You can't touch the vegetation
around here.
This is an environmental buffer zone.
[policeman] Sir! Sir!
We found a ditch here.
Come on.
[suspenseful music playing]
Sir, there's something here.
Take a look, sir.
Collect all the soil samples here quickly.
Not just top soil,
about four to five-foot deep.
And send the samples to the lab. Quickly.
But, sir, what are we checking here?
Not checking. We need to confirm.
That this is the place.
This is the ground zero of LHF-27.
[music intensifies]
[vehicle approaching]
[brakes squeal]
[Basu] Are you people insane?
Where the hell were you?
Sir, this ambulance driver
was going somewhere else.
-I had to bring him here.
-[Basu] Hello, hello.
Hello, I'm talking to you.
Show some respect for the dead, at least.
Getting here was difficult, sir.
But now that I've come,
I'll take them away.
Don't you need a copy
of the death certificate?
New on the job?
No, sir. Yeah, sure. Give it to me.
[Veera] Load them in the vehicle.
-Who is this?
-He was my father.
-Okay. You carry on. I will handle this.
-[man] Okay.
Who was your family member?
[Basu] He was not family,
but was like family.
Poor boy was just 16.
[Veera] He had no family?
[Basu] No, just a younger sister
besides him,
but we didn't tell her about it yet.
By now, she must have
reached the evacuation center.
[Veera] And parents?
[Basu] They were stuck on Neil Island.
But thank God, at least,
they'll get to meet their daughter.
[suspenseful music playing]
[breathing heavily]
[Veera] Okay. Come on, guys!
[breath trembling]
Come on. Hurry up.
Lift it carefully.
[thunder rumbling in distance]
Come on.
[melancholic music playing]
[wailing and grunting]
[crying] Please forgive me.
Forgive me, beta.
[Veera] Hey! Come on out!
What the hell are you doing in there?
What happened?
What were you doing in there?
Nothing, sir. Just adjusting it.
Come on. Off to the crematorium. Quickly!
Listen [clears throat]
Keep this with you.
I cannot accompany you,
but please conduct his last rites
as if he were your own.
[melancholic music playing]
Please take good care of Guchhu.
-[ambulance door closes]
-[engine starts]
[Ritu breathing heavily]
-[clicks tongue, sighs]
-[water trickling]
[tense music builds up]
[sinister music playing]
[heartbeat thumping]
[music intensifies]
-[music fades]
-[heartbeat thumping]
[water trickling]
Ritu, Mrs. Shaw is losing consciousness.
Her BP is not stabilizing.
Dr. Mahajan needs you.
Papa, what is it? Are you okay?
Well, he cut that tree, beta.
[somber music playing]
To take revenge on me
[breath trembling]
he cut down that 100-year-old tree.
He said,
"You couldn't even complain against me."
"How can you take action?"
[monitor beeping]
-[Shashi] She just had a seizure.
-[Ritu] What?
How can she have a seizure?
[Shashi] The fever's rising.
Her heart rate is dropping,
and now this seizure.
We have to stop.
Was it a seizure or convulsion?
What? I think I know the difference!
But, sir, she's supposed to.
If the AMPs are spreading in her system,
then she's supposed to have convulsions.
Sir, I I think
she will stabilize for sure.
We just need to stay put.
[Vasi] Ritu.
[somber music playing]
Papa all will be fine.
Nothing will be fine, beta.
All will stay the same.
No, Papa, don't think like that.
[crying] Neither your grandpa
could make it,
nor could I,
nor will you make it.
What is point of all this education?
Throw these books in garbage.
Papa. Papa! No, Papa!
[Vasi] He's having painful headaches.
He vomited twice.
We were about to give subfalcine
No, sir, this procedure
can't cause a midline shift.
[monitor beeping rapidly]
Extreme sensitivity to light.
Uh, who's the on-duty anesthesiologist?
Dr. Burman.
Call him and ask him to check
for a CSF leak. He'll know what to do. Go!
I'll be right back.
-Papa, no! Please leave my books alone.
-Leave me.
-[Ritu crying]
-Chemistry! This Bio!
[crying] Papa, please.
Papa, no. Papa, please.
You'll become a scientist?
-You'll become a doctor?
-Papa, please.
Do as many PhDs as you want,
but nobody will ever read
the "Doctor" attached to your name!
Papa, please. No.
All they'll ever read is the surname
attached to your name!
[crying] No, Papa.
You won't be able to
achieve anything just like me.
[monitor beeping rapidly]
Ritu, it's getting worse.
Should we call it off?
Sir, trust me, she will stabilize.
Her heart rate is nearing 150.
We must do something.
[Kuldeep] Didn't I do it too?
All the injustice that I faced,
I just passed it on to you.
[solemn music playing]
Now at each tough moment,
you too will hear the same voice
that I kept hearing.
[monitor beeping rapidly]
Antipyretics. We just give her
some antipyretics.
That's it? That's all we do?
Are you sure about this?
Don't listen Don't listen to that voice.
Whatever you achieve will be decided
by your training and your efforts alone,
not by your family.
So, always have faith in yourself, beta.
[monitor beeping rapidly]
I'm sure, sir. Very sure.
And I take full responsibility of it.
Your ancestors' burden
is not for you to bear.
You have to become what you want to be.
[both crying]
[door closes]
[breathing heavily]
[door opens]
[door closes]
Mrs. Shaw is stable now.
[sighs in relief]
And so is Chiranjeevi.
Congratulations, Dr. Gagra.
Now you have a theory.
[chuckles softly]
[solemn music playing]
[Jyotsna] Are you okay?
But that means you found the cure to LHF.
But at what cost?
And anyway,
the plant we needed
for a long-term sustainable treatment
is probably extinct by now.
[intriguing music playing]
This plant?
Echinacea, that's the plant.
Then let me tell you,
this plant is not extinct yet.
[dramatic music playing]
[theme music playing]
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