Kaalkoot (2023) s01e06 Episode Script


The investigation into Manav Gupta
began from Parul Chaturvedi's phone.
During the questioning, it was
established that Manav Gupta
had not carried out the attack.
Manav Gupta was in the cinema hall
during the incident.
The CCTV footage proves
the same.
Ashish Avasthi had called
Parul to the incident site,
on the same day
and at the same time.
Ashish Avashti's whereabouts
at the time
were not known.
The rest is fine.
Erase this line.
Which line?
'Ashish Avashti's whereabouts
at the time
were not known.'
No need to write that.
In his suicide note,
Ashish Avasthi wrote,
'Sorry, Parul.
I've hurt you a lot.'
'Because of my weaknesses
I kept bothering you.'
You bore the brunt of my frustration.
I've never obeyed you.
But I'll obey this last time.
Please forgive me.
Love, Ashish.
Are you in a hurry?
- No, no. Why?
- No?
In that case, tell me,
we'll make a run for it.
No. We'll walk slowly.
I'm sorry.
To be honest, I didn't
feel like talking to you.
But then I received your text.
I read it.
Then I read it again.
That's when I felt
that I should call you.
Thank you.
You are welcome.
Didn't you sleep well?
I slept a bit.
There must be a lot
mosquitoes, right?
At the police station.
Yes, it's not the case now.
We had problems earlier.
- Then we
- I wanted to know something.
Do mosquitoes really burst?
While drinking blood?
- No?
- No.
I often find them on my pillow.
Dead mosquitoes,
along with my blood.
If a mosquito was sitting on
your head while you were sleeping
and you turned
over onto your side,
the mosquito would
burst against the pillow.
It doesn't sit on my head
but my cheeks.
Why did you message all of
a sudden and call me here?
I thought that
you should get done
with the inquiry.
Your inquiry was awfully boring,
by the way.
You haven't done anything wrong.
I was simply wasting time.
I'll do it after marriage.
No, I mean
Tell me what I can rectify.
I'll tell you.
Ravi, anyway, I always
speak the truth about myself.
You're the one
who can't open up.
You don't even say
what you feel.
You're not a fool.
At least you don't look.
But you put on a good show.
Ravi, it's important
to speak your mind.
In fact, I
- Since a few days
- You are right!
- What?
- I can't speak my mind.
Be it anyone.
I wonder when
I spoke my mind last.
Perhaps when I was a child.
It's very difficult. I mean
If I speak my mind
I wonder what will happen.
What will happen?
There was an issue at home,
I wanted to speak about it.
I went to dad's room
at night.
He was asleep.
I couldn't wake him up.
I should've spoken.
You are right.
Do this.
Look at how boys
and girls talk.
Then next time
when you come with someone
to such a beautiful place
it'll be helpful.
- Ravi sir!
- Yes, coming.
- The boss is calling you.
- Coming.
You forgot to mention
in the report
that the indecent photographs
uploaded on the website
were found on Ashish's phone,
and Parul went to meet him at the
incident place regarding the same.
Case over.
Stop the investigation now.
But in the suicide note. Ashish
didn't say he threw the acid.
He did apologize for hurting her.
- Yes, sir. But
- Is the girl in pain or not?
No, sir. But
She's not in pain?
She's making her
boyfriend serve her.
She's getting her nails cut,
along with massages.
The poor girl is in a lot of pain.
Sir, Parul has no idea
who has done it.
Ashish didn't say
that he threw it.
We've got no witness.
If not witness,
we do have a motive.
The girl complained to 1090.
The boy got upset.
He called her under
the pretext to throw acid.
Yes, he mailed her to come
somewhere, threw the acid
and didn't even
make a plan to escape.
He already escaped!
How much more will you
make him run?
- Sir
- Yes?
Sir, it's a missing child's case.
The parents are sitting outside.
Call them inside.
Why were you interfering?
- I spoke the truth.
- Truth, my foot!
Get the fan fixed.
How much
Since when is she missing?
Sir, she went to
school this morning
She went to school. Then?
The rickshaw driver
even saw her go inside.
Her attendance is marked as well.
- The rickshaw driver said
- Ravi!
What did the driver say?
The rickshaw driver said
that she didn't leave school.
Do you remember
the number on the rickshaw?
Yes, sir.
- Did you bring her photograph?
Yes, sir.
She's 9 years and 3 months old.
- This is her diary. She forgot it.
- Ravi.
Help them out.
Sir, I have to go
and submit the evidence.
Give it here.
Start working the new case.
- Go with him.
- Okay, sir.
Come, this way.
Thank you, sir.
- Thank you, sir.
- You are welcome.
- Sir
- What?
Get going!
There's a time to eat.
Bastard is entering
while eating a banana!
Where's Anu?
Where is Anu?
Bastard, are we your servants?
Where's Anu?
I'm asking you a question!
The other day I dropped off all
three children to the school gate.
Then I bought candy floss
worth Rs 5
and I even teased Anu
that I'm eating.
Then she got upset
and went inside.
Then I waiting at the gate.
I fell asleep for a few hours.
You mean, you dozed off
before or after the gate was shut?
I remember the second bell.
I heard it.
I don't remember
when the third bell rang.
You'll be charged with kidnapping!
She's a little child!
Why would she go with anyone?
Child marriage is a crime.
Don't you know that?
Yours was a child marriage, right?
- Right or wrong?
- What?
Child marriage?
Then who taught you
to eat candy floss?
What will we do with
the IP Address?
What will we do?
Give me the address.
Your wife taught you, right?
This will take another month
Mine was not a child marriage.
I listen to the Sage.
- Tell me his name.
Sage Bheemrao.
Yadav, let's go to the hospital.
Forget him.
- Don't you know Sage Bheemrao?
- Let's go!
You'll get me suspended.
I’ve run away to bunk
school as a kid several times.
There is no case here.
They're calling after a month
and just provided the IP address!
Then didn't even think
about getting the address.
What happened, sir?
Deepak Mishra from
Cyber Cell called.
They found an email
in Parul's phone.
'There has been some unusual
activity in your account.'
I mean, Parul is in the hospital.
If someone opens her mail,
a notification will be
sent on Parul's phone.
Sir, the ones who have
those indecent photographs
are bound to have
the password too.
It's possible.
But she's lying in the hospital.
Why would anyone open her mail?
Last. Just one sip.
You're better than before.
Your father's poem
is completely about you?
There's a poem
in your dad's handwriting.
Sister got it photocopied.
- She told me to give it to you.
- Really?
I have never done
It's dad's.
He fought the Dean?
Dad? For what now?
Yes. He fought so
girls could wear jeans.
He loved to fight.
Don't you write poetry?
- Poetry?
I just write FIRs.
I wanted to ask you
a few questions.
You must have heard about Ashish.
Before his passing, he has
written out a few words.
It’s because of this boy’s whims
we're in this very state!
- Ashish's dad?
- Is he okay?
No. He must be fine.
I haven't met him.
So he has written that
'I didn't obey you.'
'I'm obeying you one last time.'
What was the last thing
you told him?
Do you remember?
Get out or go die?
Did you share your email
password with anyone else?
Manav or Ashish or
Your email has been hacked.
There's some
activity going on there.
Fine. Then
We will investigate.
You take rest.
Take care.
Sister said that she has no idea
who threw the acid,
but she knows the reason
why it was thrown.
Keep quiet!
Don't talk rubbish!
What is the reason?
Why did he throw it?
Sister said the reason
lies in this poem.
This poem?
Oh I see.
Excuse me.
Could I have a word in private?
- With me?
- Yes.
How do I even tell you
I can't even speak
to anyone at the hospital.
If her dad finds out
he will commit suicide
and kill us as well.
What happened?
If I ask Parul,
all she does is nod.
What do you want to tell me?
It's a family issue.
Tell me.
Parul experienced a delay of
15 days in her menstrual cycle.
You are aware that
her indecent photographs
are circulating everywhere.
We shouldn't be defamed.
- Huh?
- Do something.
Tell a nurse
to get her tests done.
The matter must not
be shared publicly.
What happens will happen.
Mr. Jagdish is calling repeatedly
and asking
about the child's whereabouts.
- We should What happened, sir?
- I need to buy medicines.
But listen
I have a headache!
Give a headache pill.
Prescription please.
Who is your doctor?
There's no doctor. Look,
we're cops.
- Just give me a pill.
- Is Parul pregnant?
I have no idea!
Sir, this is the whole issue.
After the engagement,
they had a nuptial night
and then he must've
wanted a child
but she had other plans.
So he threw acid.
Throwing acid
will deliver the kid!
If he was that smart,
would he ever go after Parul?
He would've enjoyed and left.
- Mr. Mishra
- Note down the address.
Just a minute.
Give me a pen.
Yes, tell me.
No, it's their file.
Excuse me, sir!
I have a request.
As soon as you get any notification
in her email or phone,
Sir, I don't keep her
phone near my headrest.
I'll tell you whenever I find out.
Who is the owner?
Where is he?
Yes, sir.
- Where had you gone?
- Sir
See this IP Address.
Tell me which computer has it.
Sir, this is number 3.
- You mean, that one?
- Yes, sir.
Take out your register.
2nd June, around half past one.
There were only four
people at the time.
Who was sitting in
which cabin at the time?
Sir, we don't keep a record
of the cabins.
Do you take a
photocopy of their IDs?
- Yes, sir.
- Show it to me.
Mr. Yadav
I've come to the cyber cafe.
I'll send your four IDs.
Fetch their details quickly.
I even hid the car keys
that day.
So he didn't leave home
that day?
Sir, after the complaint
on 1090
we used to keep a
close watch on him.
So that he doesn't go
anywhere unannounced.
He fought a lot that day.
He kept repeating
that he'll go to meet Parul once.
I locked him inside the room.
He kept crying.
I told him to cry as much as he
wants, but he won't meet that whore!
One day he said
that he'll forget about Parul.
He will succeed in life.
He will earn a lot.
He will meet many others
like Parul.
Is this his computer?
His new office
Computer, internet.
It was fitted with everything new.
'I'm in great pain.'
'You ruined my life.'
'I can't laugh, talk or eat.'
'You've wronged me.'
'You said that you'll
always listen to me, right?'
'Then listen to me
one last time
and go die somewhere!'
It wasn't Ashish,
somebody else mailed
it from Ashish's ID.
Change your password.
It's possible he knows yours.
Yes, sir.
Mr Detective, come to the station!
Yadav, you bastard!
What are you doing here?
Get up!
I'll tell you!
Rascal, your uniform will be
peeled off along with your skin!
You didn't even attempt
to find the child!
Sir, we found a new lead
in Parul's case.
I sent you to end the case,
- not solve it. Got it?
- Sir
Ashish and Parul's
email ids were hacked.
The hacker knew
everything they spoke.
He was using them both.
Ashish's parents said he
didn't leave home that day.
- Really?
- Yes.
You think the parents of the
accused will testify
his innocence in court, right?
Start showing the girl's
photograph from Ram Lohia Park.
I want a report by night.
Toil a bit!
Sir, before the Cyber
Crime Cell could tell him,
I informed him.
Hence, he didn't cause
much of a scene.
Get your own ride!
"When will you rise up?"
"How are the demons roaming
so freely out there?"
"When will you end them?"
"How are they throwing out
acid on the streets?"
"What are these shackles of
dumb silence?"
"What has trapped the voice
of rebelion ?"
"Rise Tripathi!"
"Now you rise Tripathi!"
"Now you rise Tripathi!"
Ravi sir!
Ravi sir
Forget it, sir.
Come on, sir.
You're panting as though
you ran here.
I've been searching for you
since a long time.
Any update?
I feel something is fishy.
Listen, whose bottle is that?
- It's mine.
- It's mine.
Whose is it?
It's ours.
Have you seen this girl?
- No.
- No.
She has the same bottle
as you guys. Look.
Anyone can have such a bottle.
Tell me,
what were you saying?
- Sorry, sir.
- Sorry?
- What happened?
- What happened?
What happened?
No, you continue.
- Please continue.
- Ravi sir!
We found the child.
- Found her?
- Where?
- Gradtech Centre.
- Gradtech?
- Yes.
- I'll follow you in a different vehicle.
- No, come along!
Parul also used to go to
Gradtech to study.
She's with the teacher.
Sir, she was standing near
the guard and asking questions.
- Where is she?
- She's inside.
You want a chocolate?
I'll perform magic
and make it appear.
Just watch.
One, two, three
And four! Chocolate.
Yes, unwrap it.
Open it. Like this.
Open it now.
Wait. I'll open it using magic.
Mr. Yadav
What was the child
doing outside Gradtech?
Forget about it, sir.
She's a child.
We found her safe and sound.
Come on, eat sweets.
- Should I open it
using magic?
I won't eat sweetmeat,
but chocolates.
No way!
No, I want chocolate.
- No, that's not for you.
Eat the sweetmeats.
Let's perform magic
and open it.
Close your eyes.
We'll use magic and open it.
One, two, three, four.
Did you open?
It's not opening.
What should we do?
Are you fine, dear?
Your shoes are torn.
Didn't your dad buy you new shoes?
How did this tear?
I didn't tear it.
No, that's not what I meant.
Who tore it then?
It didn't tear, but it got burned.
- Sir, actually
- She is talking, right?
Let her speak.
Yes, tell me, dear.
How did it tear?
Don't be afraid
to speak the truth.
'I have never let this happen,'
'That a match doesn't light
under a working fan,'
'That the tightly
closed knot doesn't open,'
'That I slip on a wet floor,'
'That you come to mind
and I melt away.'
'I have never let this happen'
'That I lied and got caught,'
'Then lowered my
eyes and got berated.'
'That I want to say something,
but I hold back.'
'That If you come into view,
then my words fail me.'
'I have never let this happen'
'starting a fight and
then giving up midway'
'That my heart feels heavy,
So I avoid the question.'
'That I hum a tune of the
night during the day.'
'That I forgive you and
even forget the mistake.'
'I have never let this happen'
Ever since that day,
she keeps asking
if that girl recovered.
So, I told her the other day
that she has recovered
and is now resumed school
Perhaps that's why she
went there to meet her.
Your sister will recover soon.
Her treatment is underway.
The doctor said
she will recover quickly. Okay?
Did you see
who hurt sister?
Do you remember anything at all?
What is that?
The number plate.
Do you remember it well?
3 times 4 is 12, right?
3412 was the number
on the scooter.
Get to work.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
What's cooking?
Is it your night duty today?
No. I'm here today.
Shivani is cooking food downstairs.
- Is it okay?
- Yes.
What happened?
Dad used to pick fights
with the whole world.
Didn't it bother you?
He was not quarrelsome.
- He was obstinate.
- Obstinate.
He used to say,
If you say yes to everyone,
you'll end up with a sore neck.
Mom, have you ever caught his lies?
Yes. Many times.
he secretly went to
watch Ardh Satya.
When he took me along
he was acting as though
he was watching it
for the first time.
But he gave himself
away during the interval.
He told me,
'Just see what Om Puri does now.'
'The story will change
in no time.'
I scolded him a lot.
You scolded him?
When I scolded him,
he started smiling.
He said,
'Sudha, you are too naive.'
'You should be
scolding me because
I saw the film without you.'
'Instead you are scolding me
because I lied to you.'
I wanted to sit and have
a conversation with dad.
He always told me
but I couldn't do it.
'The food is ready.'
'Taste it.'
Go on.
You go!
Taste it.
Go on.
It's good.
It's not spicy.
It's a bit salty.
It's too watery.
It should've been finely chopped.
I'm speaking my heart out.
Go on, I'll fix it.
Didn't you say
So, I even spoke
my heart out to my sir.
I really felt nice.
You've learnt to speak,
but what about listening?
Yes, Mr. Yadav.
No, no. Not today,
in two days.
Mr. Yadav, did anyone tell you
to do this?
Did anyone tell you?
Did you
Don't let me turn around.
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