Karamora (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Let's show the light of the sun to the poor.
Long live the proletariat!
Down with authority!
O Lord!
The opera "Boris Godunov", aria "Death of Boris". At the time it was performed by the famous and popular opera singer Fyodor Chaliapin.
O Lord, I implore Thee,
look down on the tears of a sinful father.
It is not for myself I implore Thee,
not for myself, my God.
Have you renounced your former beliefs?
I have.
Yusupov Palace
No matter what may happen to you, you must have the courage to overcome it all
if you are determined to join the Retinue.
Why did you come here? Do you have an understanding of the goals of the Retinue?
Why are you here? What do you want from us?
I want to fight against evil.
Do you swear to keep the secret of the Sacred Retinue?
I do.
Do you swear to give your life and all you have for the holy throne?
I do.
Do you swear to resist with all your might the evil
that reigns in the world?
I do.
Pyotr Arkadyevich, this is urgent.
Another terrorist strike.
In St. Petersburg, the house of Klyaz A.A. Meshchersky
was blown up, the owner of the house was killed and the butler was wounded.
Terror gained a second wind.
I thought we had struck down the Esers and it was all over.
But this is the third attempted attack this week.
Ah, Mr. Bogrov! Just a moment.
As for Rasputin Put him under surveillance.
So, my savior?
Your sister was a wonderful person, sensitive, decent and kind!
May those who killed her burn in hell.
Sashenka, how many times have I asked for your forgiveness?
And you kept on forgiving me.
I feel so guilty before you!
You were able to kill Stolypin. My congratulations.
Now I am sure that you are not a spy.
But nevertheless, I am confused.
We had such a heart-to-heart talk on the phone!
You sprinkled me with such warm and tender words!
And then for some reason you killed Verde.
On your knees.
You no longer consider me your god?
Verde blew up the Aptekarsky Island. There was my
Someone close to me. I gave in to my emotions.
Karamora is such a sensitive mosquito!
You came to save your friend, and got revenge for your old girlfriend.
Here is our situation.
You killed my best men - Volkov, Franz, Verde.
You owe me three lives. You killed Stolypin, I'll count him as one.
Your loved one is dead, God rest her soul, so let's count her as second.
You owe me a third life.
You can take Verde's place and be my right hand.
Go to hell, Karl! You're a psycho!
All right, then, option two.
Someone from your group must die.
You owe me a third life. And then we are even.
I'll give you an opportunity to choose yourself.
Vote. Or how do you do it?
My arm really hurts, I cannot stand it.
Please, forgive me.
It's alright. By joining "The Riders", you'll burden your soul with every deed they've done. It's alright.
Seriously? You would kill a one-armed old man?
We need an alliance.
We killed four vampires in a month, and we could have killed 104.
While we are at war, vampires continue
to drink the blood of the common people every day.
Shit, it wasn't "The Riders" who killed Alina!
Yusupov Palace
Fragments were found at the site of the explosions.
They're silver, so are the bullets.
They knew. They killed four of our own. They know we're vampires.
Stolypin was right.
We should all turn to people as soon as possible with the help of this Rasputin.
Or no matter how.
Are you kidding me? This is the time when we need our strength.
We were attacked and we want to take off our armor?
You think if we become humans, the terrorists will spare us?
Is that what you're hoping for? Should we kiss their asses as well?
Gentlemen, our primary task
is to choose a new head of the Sacred Retinue to replace Peter Arkadyevich.
Until then, we will not reach an agreement, and our disputes will not subside.
An unexpectedly sensible idea, Prince.
I propose my candidacy. Sergey Yulievich Witte.
Count Sergei Yulyevich Witte, Russian statesman and politician. Witte's activity led to a sharp acceleration of industrial growth in the Russian Empire. Author of the Manifesto of October 17, 1905, which envisioned the beginning of transformation of Russia into a constitutional monarchy. He was an opponent of starting war with Japan and the main Russian negotiator at making the Portsmouth Peace Treaty, as a result of which half of Sakhalin was ceded to Japan after Russo-Japanese War.
Earl of Half-of-Sakhalin woke up. We are in need of a whole leader.
And you are a half-wit, Dashkov!
All right, fine, let me take the lead.
Mr. Kokovtsev, you are both Minister of Finance and Minister of the Interior.
A head cook and a bottle-washer and go fuck yourselves!
How many jobs do you need to be happy?
The Retinue should be led by a man of high moral character.
As principled, intelligent, and energetic as the late Stolypin.
Someone who will lead us out of the current crisis.
I suggest Vladimir Mikhailovich Svechnikov.
Gentlemen, I am too old for this.
We need someone young and energetic here.
And even though Prince Yusupov is not a model of behavior,
lately he has been working closely with Pyotr Arkadyevich and with me.
He is aware of all our affairs. And he is able to lead the Retinue.
Good point.
Prince Yusupov comes from an ancient and noble family.
It's a pretty compromise option.
And if Svechnikov vouches for Yusupov
Well, shall we vote?
Who is in favor of Yusupov?
Peter and Paul Fortress
From the foregoing it follows:
by the order of His Imperial Majesty, the criminal Dmitry Grigorievich Bogrov
is sentenced to the capital punishment by hanging.
Nice loop.
Changed your mind? If you tell us who prepared the assassination,
we'll change your sentence to hard labor.
I'm an anarchist individualist, I single-handedly
killed a tyrant and a hangman.
If you think the worst is over, I'm going to have to disappoint you,
it has only just begun.
Don't care. He's going to kill you all anyway.
Who is 'he'?
Comrade Karamora, at your instruction
we prepared something for close combat.
A hideout apartment
The mace is light enough, but the silver tip is quite high-powered.
One more thing.
If you need anything else, the organization's budget is on the table.
Karl invites you to celebrate your initiation
at six p.m. at the Vienna restaurant.
Well, I don't mind eating properly for the first time in a long while.
Only I'll take my group with me.
This miracle is taking a long time!
It helped. He' s a Saint. Everyone should know about him.
I'm not a vampire anymore, I can feel it.
Save us, man of God.
I have read much about the saints and righteous
who saved the barren wilderness.
But what about the worldly people?
Here they want to save their souls.
They need help, we need to give them a hand.
Reach out, teach us.
Is it true about the monk?
Why, have you decided to think of your soul too?
But I heard that John of Kronstadt himself acknowledged Rasputin.
A Russian Orthodox archpriest and a member of the Most Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was known for his mass confessions, numerous miracles, charitable work but also for his monarchistic, chauvinistic, antisemitic and anti-communist views.
It's only rumors.
Is this true? Is Yusupov in charge now?
We must pay our old debts.
Did you interrogate Stolypin's murderer?
Do you remember the group that Alina was in?
Their leader back then dived down the tube.
The one you've caught and killed?
You have to tell her. She will help you find him.
Are you afraid she'll defect back to him?
Are you jealous?
She's one of us now.
Why do you always gather here?
For conspiracy.
Out of habit.
Your initiation is a great celebration. It's a new life.
Let's celebrate.
Let's go to the "Vienna", Vladimir Mikhailovich.
Go by yoursel.
The phrase has a double meaning, depending on the context. Svechnikov on the one hand told Runevsky to go alone, but on the other hand told him to leave him alone.
Vienna restaurant
Comrades, don't be shy.
Here only us are comrades, and over there are only masters.
And here I was beginning to miss a wealthy lifestyle.
We lost our combat brother Dmitry Bogrov.
He died for a righteous cause.
Now we'll have a lot of men, things will go faster.
Victory is near.
I got some sketches from the famous physicist Tesla.
Soon we will have a surefire weapon against vampires.
Am I interrupting? It's a celebration for me too - I've got a new right hand.
Would you be so kind as to pour me this one, please?
That's enough, thank you.
We have a list of people - all who were close to Stolypin.
It' about 30 families in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Warsaw.
We know how to check whether they are vampires or not.
Pardon. I agree. We have branches in every major city.
I'll give you men, no questions asked.
Good evening. Mr. Karl!
My dear!
- Good to see you! What about my question?
- Greetings.
Tell me, how are things progressing on my issue?
- It's okay, it's being settled.
- Thank you.
Gentlemen, good evening. Bon appetit. Mademoiselle!
Yusupov Palace
Why are you pushing me out of my mind?
That's the only thing you got on him?
That he likes women and drinking?
Who the fuck doesn't?!
After Vyrubova's healing, he was introduced to the Empress.
Rasputin can't be removed so easily now, he's too famous.
Dig something up, get it out of him or those connected with him!
Find me an unequivocal reason to execute him,
before he completely infiltrated the royal family
and didn't convince the Emperor to cure us all!
Stolypin almost ruined us with his delusional ideas.
But that's fine, I'll fix it.
My lineage goes back to Edigu and Söyembikä.
Edege is a Tatar Muslim emir of the White Horde who founded a new political entity,
which came to be known as the Nogai Horde. Söyembikä of Kazan was a Tatar ruler, xanbikä. She served as regent of Kazan during the minority of her son from 1549 until 1551.
We were vampires even before Peter,
and my ancestors led hordes from sea to sea.
I am the only one left in the family.
I cannot become human.
I cannot allow a line to end on me. I just can't.
Are you sure we don't have better things to do right now?
We deserve a little rest.
The initiation is not only your celebration,
but mine as well. I am your mentor.
Ladies and Gentlemen, right from the American tour
Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin.
I'm sorry, it's just really ridiculous.
But there is one moment.
You need to finish Verde's business.
To execute the traitor. Today would be better.
When I see such prices, an old revolutionary ardor awakens within me.
By the way, your revolutionary experience
could help us in catching Stolypin's murderer.
Tell me, how was your revolutionary group organized?
What is there to tell?
We had a small unit of six people. Petya brought us together.
Was he in contact with other anarchist groups, parties?
Never. We were absolutely independent.
Petya did not trust the big parties, such as the Essers.
He thought there were a lot of provocateurs among them.
So no informants sympathizing with your cause?
- Is everything all right?
- Huh?
Yeah. Just a moment.
Excuse me, ma'am, is there anything I can help you with?
Why didn't you inform me of your visit, Count?
I'd at least put some powder on.
You are lovely as you are, Anna!
All thanks to the cure.
And how exactly did he cure you?
He performed blood-letting, released the bad blood.
He said that all vampires came from bad blood - that's how we suffer.
The whole time, me and him We were reciting a prayer.
We asked St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for
You sweat, your pupils dilate, a chill runs down your hands.
There is a slight pull in your stomach.
How dare you?
You still react to blood as a vampire.
I'm just horrified by your antics!
Get out of my house! I will inform the sovereign about this!
He didn't cure you, no, my vampire lady.
But he convinced me that he had cured me!
I'm sorry, but I cannot help but ask.
Did you first fall in love with your Peter
and then become an anarchist?
I was always looking for ways to make the world a better place.
Well, yes, hand on heart, he appeared at the telegraph at the time.
And he just guided me along.
I caught his every word, believed in his every idea.
- Did he love you?
- And how do you understand that?
I mean, did he introduce you to his relatives, his friends?
Did he introduce you as his fiancée?
You're a very curious today. No, he hasn't introduced me to anyone.
Why are you asking about Petya? What's the matter?
Well, I just suddenly thought I knew so little about you!
I cannot comprehend it. What did they kill you for?
Not "they", it was Bram. All because of him.
He accused Petya of having a police connection
with some colonel Simonov.
It was nonsense, of course.
What if it's not nonsense?
Take me home, please.
What a load of crap! For the umpteenth time!
Simonov's office
"The murder suspect, Bronevich,
struck twice with a blunt" it's Brantsevich!
You scared me.
What's you bussiness?
I am a special advisor of the new First Minister Kokovtsev.
To what do I owe the honor?
We need information about one of your double agents.
Peter Karazin, party nickname - Karamora.
I'm sorry, but I can't give information
about my agents even to ministers.
You see, a possible leak of information
can significantly shorten their lives.
And yet We suspect him of organizing
an assassination attempt on Stolypin.
I’m sorry to disappoint - or perhaps you'll be pleased
but agent Karamora is dead.
He had exploded with his whole group here in St. Petersburg.
All the newspapers wrote about it. Excuse me.
How is your precious health, Colonel?
I hasten to inform you that I'm close to my goal.
Yes, Mammy, everything is fine.
I told you not to bother me on duty, Mommy.
You haven't even introduced yourself.
Karamora, you have a phone now?
I have a lot of things now. I have also some good news,
but we'll talk about that when we meet.
I'm afraid there might be a problem with that.
A man from the Ministry just came to ask me about you.
Do you know him?
I don't, but he knows you.
What does he look like?
Dressed in black, had a bald head and a tattoo
on his wrist in the shape of a skull, I think.
He'll be watching you.
I don't doubt it.
I want all our people who are nearby. Immediately.
He didn't say anything, of course.
You never know who works for whom in the Special Department.
Whether the provocateurs are working for them
or they are working for the provocateurs.
I wasn't hoping for that. The most important thing is that you stirred things up.
The colonel will now seek to meet with his ward
and to warn him of the danger.
Follow him. Do you need any help?
With one underdog terrorist?
Go into the colonel's office and look through
his files. Maybe you'll find something.
You should have told Alina.
Excuse me.
Is adultery a terrible sin?
If you don't sin, you can't repent.
Count Dashkov, we were not expecting you.
Where you going, you dog?
God moves in mysterious ways.
I'm not talking about the Lord's. I meant yours, you scum!
I know you don't have any power.
Send my regards to the person who sent you.
St.Petersburg. Runevsky's Mansion
Alina Sergeyevna!
He promised me 100 rubles before his death.
Runevsky, are you all right? Runevsky!
It's a silver bullet
Bring me a knife, a basin of water and bandages! Quickly!
We've got to remove the bullet. All right, hold it right there.
Pay the coachman, I'll stay with him.
That's the thing I told you about in the restaurant. It takes
a long time to recharge though, but I'm working on it.
But it shoots with the highest discharges of electric current,
which can burn the vampire on the spot.
Did I tell you? Hello-oop!
It needs to be refined, but overall
We'll win without it, our cause is right.
How is he?
Better now. He's breathing evenly and not so pale anymore.
What happened?
He was wounded. With silver.
Alina Sergeyevna, be sure to let me know
when he regains consciousness.
And I'm going straight to Yusupov's right now.
After all, we have to take measures.
Can you at least explain what this is all about?
The terrorists have learned our secret.
Sasha, why would you scare an old man like that?
Alexander Konstantinovich, why didn't you tell me anything?
When will you start trusting me?
I'm with you, I'm on your side, please understand.
Alina, I have long had feelings for you. I was scared of losing you.
I know.
Karazin, stop, I am begging you. You are becoming Dracula.
You impaled a man on a bucket, had a shooting
rampage in an apartment building.
Innocent residents could have been killed
simply by entering the entryway.
It was the perfect place to attack, an enclosed space.
And he got away anyway, the vampire who got Aliena killed!
I'm not getting anywhere.
Then stop, you have crossed the line,
you are no better than those you wanted to fight.
On one side are the vampires, and on the other side
are "The Raiders". I have no choice.
There is, Petya, there is. It is always possible to die in time.
To kill myself? Is that what you're suggesting?
No, to pretend to be dead. Just hear me out.
Dracula was surrounded by the Turks at Castle Bran,
and his warriors staged a mutiny.
He was surrounded on all sides, just like you are now.
But when the soldiers burst into his room,
Dracula was dead and lying in a coffin.
There was no breathing, no pulse, he looked like a dead man.
There you go again with this Dracula
He pretended to be dead in order to escape. And so should you.
I'll help you.
I wish I had prepared it
before "The Riders" caught me! But now the elixir works.
What was it all for? For what? To throw it all away and forget?
And what's worse? To give up everything or to serve that bastard Karl?
We drove ourselves into a trap.
We fought one evil and became a slave to another.
Believe me, sometimes death is the only right answer.
Maybe you are right, Tkachev.
Maybe you're right.
Yusupov Palace
We are being hunted, Yusupov!
Stolypin, Vampires at the Ball, Runevsky.
You are now the head of the Retinue, so take action.
We have information about "The Riders".
Gather everyone up and we will strike them.
Listen to me, you fucking layabout! You won't fucking
get me, you piece-of-shit motherfucker!
Let go of me, you idiot!
Let me give you a kiss!
This is shit. I got shit all over me.
This is shit. It's shit. Where did you get the shit?!
I suppose it's his own.
Where am I? What time is it?
I'm sorry, he made me do it.
That Rasputin son of a bitch
Are you out of your mind? How did he make you?
He knows how to bend to his will.
Immediately gather all the men and capture this Rasputin.
And find me an excuse to execute him.
To hell with him! Did you hear what I told you before?
Shut up, Svechnikov. Do you have any idea what's going on?
Do you see what he can do to any of us?
Or with the emperor?
Death by a bomb is martyrdom,
but such humiliation is worse than death.
Will we lose our power in favor of the village sorcerer?
Destroy Rasputin.
What, is Karl afraid of his right hand?
Did you enjoy It?
To lead and no longer hide?
You are a curious man, Karamora.
What is your fight?
In justice. Some drink the blood of others with impunity.
I want to free people from it.
I suppose you believe Hobbes' theory
that people themselves gave up their own rights
and freedoms in favor of the state.
So that it would protect them and take care of them.
And some evil ghouls broke the social contract and became tyrants!
Wolves do not vote to choose the pack leader.
A lion kills the cubs of another lion and
does not hold a referendum before doing so.
Humans have always thought of themselves
as some kind of unique creatures.
Smart people like Darwin, Marx, Nietzsche have not yet
proven that we aren't animals either.
And beasts don't know good or bad, they only know one basic instinct.
The will to power. Your favorite breeding is just a way for the organism to expand.
Everyone thirsts for blood, but not everyone has the strength to do it.
Translation done by kapyushonchan. Special thanks to KTP.
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