Kingdom (2007) s01e06 Episode Script
Episode 6
He doesn't phone.
He doesn't write.
Don't you wanna hate hIm after all he dId? I'm tryIng hard not to.
you should stop carIng.
TooK everyone for a rIde and then tooK the easy way out.
I thought I was selfIsh.
That was our brother.
You should let hIm go.
He'll ruIn your lIfe.
It's tIme to move on.
Come on.
There's more where that came from.
Get away from my house.
ThIs place Is a health hazard.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
-and we have a court order.
what do I care? You get me my solIcItor.
You get Roger KIngdom.
Who the hell's Roger KIngdom? You Know.
BeatrIce was rIght.
I feel more exuberant already.
I should have done thIs three months ago.
who dId they asK for? They asKed for your dad.
Roger KIngdom.
Dad? They are out of touch.
DId they leave a name? A Mr NarbutowIcz.
RIngs no bells wIth me.
NarbutowIcz? Oh.
hang on.
Somewhere In the darK recesses Lyle! (LYLE CHUCKLING) -No.
don't! Don't -You seen thIs? It's brIllIant.
-Carrot's got a wIlly.
stop It.
You can mate It wIth thIs parsnIp.
I'm sure It's very.
very funny If you're 1 1 years old.
-But have you got nothIng better to do? -No.
-What's up? Are you embarrassed? No.
of course I'm not embarrassed.
It's just that I have to judge the Rudest Vegetable CompetItIon.
I'm not allowed to see the entrIes.
I'm sorry.
I dIdn't Know he'd been out there playIng.
-I'll taKe these away.
-Would you.
please? ThanK you.
I don't Know If It's global warmIng or pestIcIdes.
but for some reason.
I swear.
we're gettIng more dIsfIgured vegetables every year.
Though why the vIcar regards me as the best judge of such vulgarIty.
-the Lord alone Knows.
-I'll do It.
you won't.
TaKes a certaIn detachment and maturIty.
QualItIes you have yet to exhIbIt.
what I need you to do Is to occupy yourself In a manner befIttIng an artIcled clerK and taKe thIs box up to the attIc.
It's my brother's papers and effects.
And see If you can fInd one of my father's old clIent fIles.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
You're joKIng.
rIght? FaIr enough.
LIcK your boots clean as well.
shall I? (MUTTERING) Bloody hernIa.
we're not redecoratIng agaIn.
are we? BlacK Is out.
BlacK Is the old me.
I need to move up the spectrum.
What do you thInK of lavender? Lavender's good.
It's more fragrant.
more optImIstIc.
More joyful.
-ObvIously not that one.
It's lovely.
It's the new you.
You should be gettIng out more.
you Know.
Out? Out where? I've been out! I'm so bored of beIng alone.
He's the TInKer of ShIpborough.
Mr Snell.
Hmm? Oh.
I Know.
We all grew up wIth the legend.
I Know It sounds a bIt daft.
but I had the exact same dream as he dId.
you dreamt that If you went to London BrIdge.
you'd meet a man who'd tell you where to fInd wealth and glory? Yeah.
Except mIne saId I had to go to Cromer PIer.
what have you got to lose.
Mr Snell? Bus tIcKet to Cromer? The TInKer followed hIs dream and wIth hIs fortune he buIlt thIs church.
BIg thIngs are buIlt on dreams.
Mr Snell.
ThanK you.
My dear Lyle.
have I done somethIng to upset you? No.
It's just that you came to the rIght man.
There aren't many people wIth four A levels.
a law degree and the Law SocIety fInals under theIr belt who could have found a bunch of dusty old fIles lIKe that.
We also need some bIscuIts.
and some prInter InK from the statIoners.
Mr NarbutowIcz? Go away! I told you.
I need to speaK to my laWYer.
I am your laWYer.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
you're Impostor.
You're not Roger KIngdom.
He dIed three years ago.
-I'm hIs son.
-Prove It.
1 964.
a three-legged cat called Albert.
-I suppose you want tea.
-Um Everyone always wants tea.
I'm fIne.
Don't let me stop you.
(CAT MEOWING) -You lIKe cats? -Not overly.
More of a dog man.
You should.
You can trust cats.
They come here.
they want to destroy my house.
You should have had notIce.
(GRUNTING) You do open your post? SometImes.
It depends.
thIs would have come In the form of a letter about 28 days ago.
I last opened my post In 1 994.
What dId your father dIe of? He had AlzheImer's dIsease.
Not good.
Not the worst.
all they want to do Is clear your house and garden.
-They don't want to taKe your home away.
-For why? Well.
they thInK It's a health hazard.
I lIve here.
I'm stIll alIve.
(CHUCKLING) -Your father.
good Lord.
-Where was thIs taKen? -West Runton.
1 952.
ThIs Is not your mother? No.
thIs Is my aunt.
-She lIves? Very much so.
-You Keep It.
-ThanK you.
They clear thIs house.
they do It over my dead body.
I'm not leavIng here for no one.
Are we? PooshKa says no.
Excuse me.
SIr and madam.
do you Know me? My name Is Snell.
SIdney Snell.
Do you Know me? My name Is SIdney Snell.
Mr Snell.
No? Excuse me.
I'm looKIng for someone who'll tell me my fortune.
PIss off.
I was hopIng for somethIng a bIt more constructIve than that.
-Excuse me.
We're gettIng complaInts.
What's your game? My game Is nothIng.
I've come here to meet a stranger.
Go home.
(STAMMERING) I'm sorry.
Say that agaIn.
I saId go home.
That must be what I'm meant to do.
You must be the stranger.
ThanK you.
ThanK you so much.
My dream Is comIng true.
It's comIng true! No! Who was thIs stranger? -He was a polIceman.
-What dId thIs copper say to you? ''Return ye to MarKet ShIpborough where ye wIll fInd wealth and glory'' or was It more ''Bugger off home and don't be botherIng people''? Granted.
It dId sound slIghtly more lIKe the second.
but I Knew he meant the fIrst.
All rIght then.
so you're bacK.
What do you do now? The TInKer of ShIpborough got told the treasure lay burIed beneath a tree.
but whIch tree? There are a lot of bloody trees In MarKet ShIpborough.
I'm goIng out.
-What are those? -These? Oh.
Pottery classes.
badmInton and quIltIng.
What's quIltIng? Well.
It's where a group of people get together and maKe a quIlt.
Why? FrIendshIp.
I guess.
It's a way of meetIng people.
But then you only meet people that maKe pots.
play badmInton or maKe quIlts.
I thInK It's tIme I started to get my lIfe bacK after Andrew.
I suppose In the same way as you want to paInt your room.
-I want to get out more.
-That's fantastIc.
'cause I wanna get out more.
we'll do It together.
Me and you.
Not these.
I'm not Keen on these.
I'll fInd us somethIng much more suItable.
(SIGHING) Harvest festIvals are so dull.
vegetables and lIttle thIngs made out of corn.
The rude vegetables lIghten the tone.
but I quIte lIKe It the way It Is.
The gatherIng of the harvest.
thanKIng the Lord for the plenty that sees us through the darKness In the wInter.
It's all so old-fashIoned.
It's not by accIdent that congregatIons are dwIndlIng all the tIme.
If the Church was a corporatIon.
they'd have brought In the receIvers years ago.
I want to maKe us relevant.
I mean.
lIKe you.
people only come to see me In a crIsIs.
but I charge.
perhaps we should.
Maybe then we wouldn't be taKen for granted.
I want to wIden the franchIse of the harvest festIval.
BrIng In all the busInesses.
And that's where you come In.
I was wonderIng when the caveat was comIng.
I'll do what I can.
I'm sure you'll come up wIth somethIng.
You always do.
Any Ideas for the harvest festIval? The vIcar wants us to donate somethIng we produce or generate through the year.
-Barrel of hot aIr? -Oh.
come on.
-I'm thInKIng of taKIng thIs serIously.
-I spoKe to the councIl.
They've agreed to postpone any actIon agaInst Mr NarbutowIcz for seven days.
that's excellent.
Well done.
Tell me.
do you lIKe cats? Yeah.
I've had loads.
Fluffy -Yes.
I wasn't asKIng for a lIst.
just a general IndIcatIon that you are of the felIne persuasIon.
ThIs Is more lIKe It.
-Salsa dancIng.
WInd surfIng.
we don't want that one.
thIs Is very KInd -I Know It Is.
But we'll have to maKe a few changes fIrst.
What sort of changes? Oh.
how sweet.
She doesn't Know.
Come on.
we're goIng gIrlIe shoppIng.
Lyle? Where Is he? What? Oh.
may I present the new GlorIa.
my Lord! Is that really you? No.
that's her younger sIster.
You see.
I was rIght.
TaKes years off you.
You don't thInK It's too young? (STUTTERING) Well.
It has an accent on jeunesse.
That's even younger In France.
I hate It.
It's not that bad.
Why dIdn't you tell her? I dIdn't lIKe to.
after everythIng she's done for Scott.
your thong.
we need to talK.
LeavIng? Well.
he's cIrclIng the adverts In THe laWSocieTY gazeTTe.
you've only got yourself to blame.
Me? I'm the one who gave hIm a job In the fIrst place.
Have you seen hIs CV? It's appallIng.
On paper.
he was the least qualIfIed law graduate of hIs generatIon.
maybe you're safe.
Maybe no one else wIll taKe hIm on.
I can't taKe that rIsK.
-Why dId you gIve hIm a job? Well.
because Because he's got ''It''.
You Know? The x factor.
What our clIents need.
Empathy In spades.
-Have you told hIm? -Well.
not In so many words.
why don't you? -Well.
because Peter.
It's the same wIth chIldren.
You nurture them.
you protect them.
and you want to Keep on protectIng them.
But actually.
sometImes what they really need Is responsIbIlIty.
So maybe you just have to face It.
EIther gIve hIm responsIbIlIty or let hIm go.
Read thIs If you've a moment.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
1 964.
feral felIne ownershIp dIspute.
That'll gIve you an Idea.
And then I want you to go round and have tea wIth hIm.
-Tea? -It's all rIght.
You can taKe your own cup.
and an umbrella.
Mr NarbutowIcz? I thought you were from the councIl.
they won't be bacK for seven days.
I've got you a stay of executIon.
What have I saId? I thought you'd be pleased.
What Is the dIfference? KIll me now or In seven days? It just gIves us tIme to maKe representatIons.
WIth people lIKe that It maKes no dIfference.
They wIll never understand.
to be honest.
you could do wIth a bIt of a tIdy.
Who Is to tell me how I lIve my lIfe? Do you Know what thIs Is? Yes.
I do.
How do you Know? Are you jewIsh? -I dId hIstory at school.
Too many people forget.
-WhIch concentratIon camp were you In? -AuschwItz.
just before the uprIsIng of the Warsaw Ghetto.
I was 1 4.
I'm sorry I used the phrase ''stay of executIon''.
You were not to Know.
You're a good boy.
somewhere I have some warm clothes for you.
You lIKe cats? Yes.
I do.
You've had a phone call.
ChrIstopher Waller's parents.
GLORIA: THeY WanTYou To ParK DoWn loWer lane, Go THrouGH THe HeDGe, oVer THe sTile anD inTo THeir GarDen.
Who Is It? It's Peter KIngdom.
Not so loud.
-We thInK we're beIng watched.
-By whom? -We don't Know.
-Our bIn has been raIded.
that's probably foxes.
Foxes don't go through It metIculously and remove all the paperworK.
that'll be badgers.
It's just that your brother always saId to us that If ever anythIng odd happened.
we should -get In touch wIth you.
-Get In touch wIth you.
Odd? When dId he say thIs? A few months afore he KIlled hIs self.
-It's IdentIty theft.
-What Is? What they're after.
They get hold of your name and address and before you Know where you are someone.
somewhere Is runnIng around pretendIng to be you.
thIs KInd of thIng Is much less lIKely than you mIght suppose.
You wanna bet? Your brother warned us about It.
He saId we should even be careful who we told ChrIstopher was dead.
I dIdn't wanna say anythIng In front of Heather.
but I dId see a man In the garden yesterday.
BIg bloKe.
I wanted to tell you afore I called the polIce.
just when I thought I'd let you go.
Come on.
Lyle? You Know that box of stuff on my brother that I asKed you to store away? Unstore It.
And pull out everythIng on ChrIstopher Waller.
would you? But you told me to taKe It In future.
don't lIsten to anythIng I say.
(SIGHING) What's the booK? It's about lIfe In the Warsaw Ghetto under the NazIs.
InterestIng? -Very.
these need your sIgnature.
Is there anythIng you'd lIKe me to stay and do? -No.
not that I can thInK of.
I'm not sure.
-Peter? -Go.
Don't waIt up.
Car Keys.
please? My car? It's for the welfare of a member of staff.
-just drIve carefully.
yes? -Oh.
I'll drIve carefully.
move! (TYRES SCREECHING) -BeatrIce.
looK out! -Whoa! Whoo! Oh.
I love It that we're able to share thIngs.
Come on.
GlorIa! I can't manage It.
-Push! -I am! (GLORIA GRUNTING) Are you gIrls havIng trouble? -Yes.
-Get the bacK there.
-All rIght.
-Come on.
-Come on.
We're gettIng there.
yes! Oh.
don't be so borIng.
It was only a bIt of sand.
You always get everythIng out of proportIon.
what proportIon should I get It In.
eh? How does half a ton of HappIsburgh Beach up my exhaust -sIt wIth your vIew of thIngs? -We were havIng fun.
-Weren't we.
GlorIa? -Oh.
stupId me.
Of course.
Abu DhabI has less sand In It than my 1 967 AlvIs.
but you were havIng fun.
I only dId It for GlorIa.
-If you remember.
I dIdn't -And It worKed.
dIdn't It.
GlorIa? You met Kurt.
To be honest.
I dIdn't thInK you had It In you.
-Proved me wrong there.
I don't thInK It's all rIght.
You don't have to thanK me.
Kurt? -Peter! -Ah! Mrs I was begInnIng to thInK you were avoIdIng me.
As If.
So what happened to your famIly? Your sIsters? We were separated on the way to the traIn.
I never saw them agaIn.
If I had stayed wIth them.
I would not be here now.
I would have dIed along wIth them.
(VOICE CRACKING) You have no Idea how many tImes I wIsh that that had happened.
Do you lIKe custard tarts? -I love custard tarts! -Good.
I bought four.
Two each.
What about PooshKa? She can have one of mIne.
we're up to 2004.
Have you any Idea where the last two years' worth are? Ah! But you can't leave everythIng to me.
But I want to.
But If I draft your wIll.
then any legacy left to me Is voId.
I'll get someone else to draft It.
When you get to my age.
you feel the need to have everythIng sorted.
I really don't need It.
-What about your relatIves? -I haven't got any.
FrIends? You were so good to me when my husband dIed.
WIthout your help.
I don't thInK I'd have had the strength to go on.
That's very sweet of you.
but I really cannot accept.
-Then I won't leave It to anybody.
but you must.
OtherwIse It all goes to the Crown.
Let's face It.
she already owns half of NorfolK.
What's she want wIth a bungalow and half an acre of paddocK? Actually.
why not leave It to the Church? Your paddocK bacKs on to It.
doesn't It? Do you remember.
they had to sell the rectory to fIx the bell tower.
That's a very good Idea.
They could use the paddocK.
That tIes In wIth somethIng else I've been wrestlIng wIth.
I'm glad we found some common ground at last.
I want an eco-burIal.
I want a cardboard coffIn under a fruIt tree.
goodbye then.
Mrs Oh.
could you get In touch wIth the vIcar? I need to speaK to hIm.
-Mr KIngdom.
Mrs MIllIngton -Ah.
Have you changed your haIr? It's nIce.
Mr Snell.
how was Cromer? -Beyond all expectatIon.
I lIKe Cromer.
but Mr Snell's been hot on the traIl of the TInKer of ShIpborough.
haven't you? He had a dream.
Except I don't Know whIch tree to dIg under.
I mean.
my happIness and glory depend on It.
You Know what I'd do? I wouldn't choose.
They say trees speaK to you.
I'd waIt tIll I felt drawn by a partIcular tree.
Lyle? Are you all rIght? Let me.
There must be somethIng we can do.
ThIs just Isn't faIr.
I Know.
But sometImes we just have to fInd a way of softenIng the blow.
you Know.
At least If we could get them to empty the house on our terms.
you Know.
If only I could fInd somewhere for hIm to stay.
ThIs whole thIng's gonna breaK hIs heart.
I mean.
somewhere In all thIs Is a court order.
Maybe that'll gIve us somethIng to fIght agaInst.
-Do you want a hand? -No.
just just leave It wIth me.
So SImon tells the Wallers to get In touch wIth me If anythIng odd should happen.
It all seems so desIgned.
he taKes on the IdentIty of one of our dead clIents.
then he IngratIates hImself wIth that dead clIent's parents.
of course.
thInK the sun shInes out of hIs You Know.
And all the tIme he's mIlKIng them for InformatIon to help hIm wIth hIs new IdentIty.
And all thIs because he owes a group of people wIth no necKs and very large KnucKles Indeed.
a shedload of money.
And If there's one group of people on thIs earth to whom you don't want to owe money.
It's the no necK.
large KnucKle.
don't gIve a toss about human lIfe varIety of hItman.
So what's troublIng you? Well.
thInK about It.
He commIts suIcIde to get rId of hIs problems.
No more problems.
So what What's he doIng even consIderIng that problems mIght arIse? I mean.
what Is It that could maKe these unresolved problems contInue? It's the fact that they've never found hIs body.
If they had.
none of thIs would be happenIng.
So do you thInK he Knew that they wouldn't fInd hIs body? Well.
how could he Know? Peter.
you're not suggestIng he's stIll alIve? -Well.
why not? -Well.
that's absurd.
You'll be tellIng me Kennedy was KIlled by alIens next.
SImon Is dead.
Accept It.
good news.
I've managed to square It wIth AurIel for john to come and stay here.
What do you mean he mustn't leave hIs house? If he does.
then they'll evIct hIm.
The councIl.
They've served hIm wIth an evIctIon notIce two months ago.
He doesn't own It.
He rents It.
He dIdn't exercIse hIs rIght to buy.
He must be the only remaInIng tenant In the street.
so If he leaves the house.
they can change the locKs In hIs absence.
Do you thInK clearIng the house Is some KInd of ploy.
some elaborate tactIc? No.
I doubt It.
Have you ever Known two councIl departments speaK to each other? I want you on to thIs fIrst thIng In the mornIng.
Though I have to say.
I fear It may be too late.
In the meantIme.
I thInK there's only one thIng we can do to protect hIm.
(GRUNTING) Lyle? I've come for a sleepover.
SpeaK to me.
One of you speaK to me.
I'm outgoIng.
People say I got a warm personalIty.
I'm looKIng for companIonshIp and a bIt of romance.
Only drawbacK Is.
I can't do the romantIc suppers 'cause I got the pub.
That's very KInd.
but I don't thInK you're the one.
hang about.
I haven't had my fIve mInutes yet.
-GlorIa! -Excuse me.
GlorIa! I've got 1 5 names already.
How many have you got? -Would you mInd If I went home? -What! It's not me.
None of thIs Is me.
I thought you lIKed It.
Don't worry.
Go bacK.
have fun.
SNELL: Oh! Oh.
Mr Snell.
What are you doIng? Sorry.
I was doIng what you saId.
I was lettIng the trees speaK to me.
(CHUCKLES) Any lucK? Well.
an old jam jar and a couple of ha'pennIes.
Poor you.
It's stupId really.
belIevIng a dream can gIve you wealth and glory.
-What you doIng out so late? -I'm just goIng home.
BIt darK for a lady on her own.
Would you permIt me to escort you? I'd lIKe that very much.
Mr Snell.
I always Knew they wanted to get rId of me.
we won't let them.
you remember.
you don't leave the house unless I say so.
I always saId KIngdoms was the best laWYers.
When are they goIng to maKe you a partner? I'm not really sure about my future.
You are young.
good nIght.
You can have PooshKa.
She'll Keep away the rats.
Sleep tIght.
(BEATRICE MOANING) What's happened? All I want to be.
Is someone's frIend.
and I can't even manage that one stupId.
sImple tasK.
-LooK -No.
Leave me.
(GASPS) -You can rIng.
We have a problem.
I taKe It you haven't turned up anythIng useful In the Wallers' rubbIsh.
they haven't a clue about any of thIs whole sorry busIness.
Can't you leave them alone? Don't you thInK they've suffered enough already? I thought we had an agreement.
But you're provIng as slIppery as your brother.
I'm not sure I lIKe that.
-You're hIdIng somethIng from me.
-It's clIent confIdentIalIty.
I'd be strucK off.
-Where Is he.
Mr KIngdom? -He's dead! How many tImes do I have to tell you? Then why dId we receIve an unsolIcIted cheque from thIs ChrIstopher Waller tryIng to pay off your brother's debts? When was thIs? We traced the source of the money to a blInd trust In Reno.
It's not possIble.
It's possIble.
WIth that slIppery shIt called your brother.
anythIng Is possIble.
HousIng Department.
I saId go away.
I wanted to thanK you.
-You hate me.
-On the contrary.
You've opened up my lIfe for me.
ThanK you.
Do you have dreams? You ought to.
LYLE: Well.
he dIdn't even Know he was beIng evIcted.
I Know It's too late to appeal that's why I'm talKIng to you.
I was hopIng that speaKIng to you personally mIght produce a more humane outcome.
then you leave me no choIce.
I shall apply to the court for more tIme.
What do you mean we've had enough tIme? Is that rIght? And when exactly dId he stop payIng rent? Well.
obvIously I'll have to confIrm thIs wIth my clIent.
ThanK you.
I can explaIn.
They saId It was unsafe for the rent man to collect the rent.
In 1 994.
That's why you haven't opened any of your post sInce.
Isn't It? I do not lIKe post.
They always want somethIng from you.
If you do not open them.
then they leave you alone.
WaIt a mInute.
Are you sayIng you haven't paId rent on thIs house sInce 1 994? -I'm sorry.
-You're sure? I do not lIKe them.
When dId you move In? HousIng Department.
1 952.
Old Mr KIngdom helped wIth me wIth the councIl.
It's Lyle Anderson here agaIn.
I'm gonna need to come In and checK your records.
when I'm gone.
you do as you're told.
You don't answer the door to anybody and you stay here.
all rIght? Yes.
He's got squatter's rIghts.
If he hasn't paId hIs rent for over 1 2 years.
because they've done nothIng about It.
the house belongs to hIm.
They can't evIct hIm.
It's hIs house.
He owns It.
Not any more.
They changed the law In 2002.
but the one exceptIon Is.
that hIs house Isn't regIstered wIth the Land RegIstry.
It's never been bought or sold sInce they buIlt It.
The old law stIll applIes.
I thInK I love you.
I haven't re-drafted her wIll yet.
Mrs ThIng! No! LYLE: What Is her name? Oh.
Mrs ThIng! -Who are you looKIng for? -Mrs ThanK God you're alIve.
My house? ThIs Is my house? I never owned a house before.
you do now.
I do not have to clear It up even.
they can stIll maKe you do that.
Mr Snell.
-Mr KIngdom.
I wasn't expectIng you.
I'm not here to see you.
-GLORIA: Ready? Oh.
thanK you.
-See you tomorrow.
-Have a nIce tIme.
We wIll.
I never.
Those are for the safe.
from a house crammed wIth thIngs? ThIs Is the sum total of what's worth KeepIng? No.
I've got a van full of gear out there.
my Lord.
where on earth are we gonna store all that? LYLE: Oh.
I've got an Idea.
-Why don't you taKe hIm.
eh? -Me? -Well.
you can drIve.
can't you? -Well.
but LIsten.
If It can survIve beIng drIven by BeatrIce.
It can survIve wIth you.
(MEOWING) There we are.
ThanK you.
-You Know how to get there.
don't you? -Yeah.
-But what about -Oh.
I'll maKe my own way.
drIve around a bIt.
He seems happIer wIth you.
Let me at least gIve you No.
he's gonna rIde the bIKe.
Are you sure? Oh.
haven't they heard of paddIng? Ow! Now.
It's just untIl they've cleared your house.
And don't worry.
I'll Keep an eye on them.
AurIel? Oh! Your father started a small charIty after the war.
-Really? -He helped refugees to settle.
I dIdn't Know that.
There's probably a lot you don't Know.
You Knew he was a serIal shagger? Um.
I dId Know that.
I'm sure that's where BeatrIce gets her InstabIlIty from.
What do you thInK.
john? Very nIce.
What a charmIng young man.
but I am In danger of losIng hIm.
CompassIon Is hard to fInd In the young.
By the way.
I had a vIsIt from one of the heavy mob pursuIng SImon.
It seems I'm not the only one.
They thInK he's alIve.
-Mmm? Lyle.
there's a letter for you here from a fIrm of solIcItors In London.
MarKed personal.
It's nothIng.
just junK maIl.
Are you sure? It mIght be a job IntervIew.
Don't care.
I'm not goIng anywhere.
(CHURCH ORGAN PLAYING all ThingS BRighTanD BEaUTiFUl) -Lovely.
Always Is.
Isn't It? -Oh.
I have one of those.
I have one of those.
I gave It to Lyle to looK after.
LYLE: We thought It would be safer here.
AURIEL: How strange.
I have somethIng just lIKe that.
What have you chosen to represent your produce? Well.
at fIrst I wondered about copIes of the all EnGlanD laWRePorT, but I realIsed that that's probably a bIt dull.
Then Lyle suggested we donate a box of red tape whIch.
though amusIng.
probably doesn't quIte reflect the spIrIt of generosIty and plenty.
what dId you settle on? Well.
that essentIally you and I have the same job.
We're both tenders of our flocKs.
protectors and supporters.
Both In the people busIness.
To THaT enD i'Ve laiD on a liTTle soMeTHinG in MYGarDen.
My goodness.
You have been busy.
-What a spread.
ThanK you very much Indeed.
It's perfect.
Do come In.
Help yourself.
EverythIng has to be eaten.
OtherwIse MIllIe Is goIng to eat It all thIs afternoon.
there's a woman.
she needs to speaK to you.
now thIs Is my half-sIster.
ThIs Is Honor O'SullIvan.
-How do you do? -Hello.
-Honor needs our help.
-Our help? ChrIstopher told me to contact you both If anythIng ever happened.
-ChrIstopher who? -Ah ThIs ChrIstopher.
That's rIght.
what has happened? Well.
I stopped hearIng from hIm.
I Know he worKs away a lot.
but he'd always be In touch somehow.
the odd phone call.
And money.
he always sent money.
But that stopped.
Why has It taKen you so long to come and fInd us? -I don't understand.
-The man you Know as ChrIstopher Waller Is actually our brother.
SImon KIngdom.
And some tIme ago.
he walKed out Into the sea.
not two mIles from here.
and drowned.
-I'm afraId so.
It's been nIne months now and hIs body stIll hasn't been recovered.
that's not possIble.
-I'm afraId It Is.
wIth our brother not everythIng was as It seemed.
It can't be true.
There's no way.
Because sIx months ago we conceIved thIs chIld In DublIn.
SIx months ago? In DublIn? A nIece! I'll have a nIece! Or a nephew.
ThIs man.
We're talKIng about thIs man In the pIcture? She Knows who she slept wIth.
He dIdn't dIe.
He dIdn't KIll hImself.
You bastard.
Where are you?
He doesn't write.
Don't you wanna hate hIm after all he dId? I'm tryIng hard not to.
you should stop carIng.
TooK everyone for a rIde and then tooK the easy way out.
I thought I was selfIsh.
That was our brother.
You should let hIm go.
He'll ruIn your lIfe.
It's tIme to move on.
Come on.
There's more where that came from.
Get away from my house.
ThIs place Is a health hazard.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
-and we have a court order.
what do I care? You get me my solIcItor.
You get Roger KIngdom.
Who the hell's Roger KIngdom? You Know.
BeatrIce was rIght.
I feel more exuberant already.
I should have done thIs three months ago.
who dId they asK for? They asKed for your dad.
Roger KIngdom.
Dad? They are out of touch.
DId they leave a name? A Mr NarbutowIcz.
RIngs no bells wIth me.
NarbutowIcz? Oh.
hang on.
Somewhere In the darK recesses Lyle! (LYLE CHUCKLING) -No.
don't! Don't -You seen thIs? It's brIllIant.
-Carrot's got a wIlly.
stop It.
You can mate It wIth thIs parsnIp.
I'm sure It's very.
very funny If you're 1 1 years old.
-But have you got nothIng better to do? -No.
-What's up? Are you embarrassed? No.
of course I'm not embarrassed.
It's just that I have to judge the Rudest Vegetable CompetItIon.
I'm not allowed to see the entrIes.
I'm sorry.
I dIdn't Know he'd been out there playIng.
-I'll taKe these away.
-Would you.
please? ThanK you.
I don't Know If It's global warmIng or pestIcIdes.
but for some reason.
I swear.
we're gettIng more dIsfIgured vegetables every year.
Though why the vIcar regards me as the best judge of such vulgarIty.
-the Lord alone Knows.
-I'll do It.
you won't.
TaKes a certaIn detachment and maturIty.
QualItIes you have yet to exhIbIt.
what I need you to do Is to occupy yourself In a manner befIttIng an artIcled clerK and taKe thIs box up to the attIc.
It's my brother's papers and effects.
And see If you can fInd one of my father's old clIent fIles.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
You're joKIng.
rIght? FaIr enough.
LIcK your boots clean as well.
shall I? (MUTTERING) Bloody hernIa.
we're not redecoratIng agaIn.
are we? BlacK Is out.
BlacK Is the old me.
I need to move up the spectrum.
What do you thInK of lavender? Lavender's good.
It's more fragrant.
more optImIstIc.
More joyful.
-ObvIously not that one.
It's lovely.
It's the new you.
You should be gettIng out more.
you Know.
Out? Out where? I've been out! I'm so bored of beIng alone.
He's the TInKer of ShIpborough.
Mr Snell.
Hmm? Oh.
I Know.
We all grew up wIth the legend.
I Know It sounds a bIt daft.
but I had the exact same dream as he dId.
you dreamt that If you went to London BrIdge.
you'd meet a man who'd tell you where to fInd wealth and glory? Yeah.
Except mIne saId I had to go to Cromer PIer.
what have you got to lose.
Mr Snell? Bus tIcKet to Cromer? The TInKer followed hIs dream and wIth hIs fortune he buIlt thIs church.
BIg thIngs are buIlt on dreams.
Mr Snell.
ThanK you.
My dear Lyle.
have I done somethIng to upset you? No.
It's just that you came to the rIght man.
There aren't many people wIth four A levels.
a law degree and the Law SocIety fInals under theIr belt who could have found a bunch of dusty old fIles lIKe that.
We also need some bIscuIts.
and some prInter InK from the statIoners.
Mr NarbutowIcz? Go away! I told you.
I need to speaK to my laWYer.
I am your laWYer.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
you're Impostor.
You're not Roger KIngdom.
He dIed three years ago.
-I'm hIs son.
-Prove It.
1 964.
a three-legged cat called Albert.
-I suppose you want tea.
-Um Everyone always wants tea.
I'm fIne.
Don't let me stop you.
(CAT MEOWING) -You lIKe cats? -Not overly.
More of a dog man.
You should.
You can trust cats.
They come here.
they want to destroy my house.
You should have had notIce.
(GRUNTING) You do open your post? SometImes.
It depends.
thIs would have come In the form of a letter about 28 days ago.
I last opened my post In 1 994.
What dId your father dIe of? He had AlzheImer's dIsease.
Not good.
Not the worst.
all they want to do Is clear your house and garden.
-They don't want to taKe your home away.
-For why? Well.
they thInK It's a health hazard.
I lIve here.
I'm stIll alIve.
(CHUCKLING) -Your father.
good Lord.
-Where was thIs taKen? -West Runton.
1 952.
ThIs Is not your mother? No.
thIs Is my aunt.
-She lIves? Very much so.
-You Keep It.
-ThanK you.
They clear thIs house.
they do It over my dead body.
I'm not leavIng here for no one.
Are we? PooshKa says no.
Excuse me.
SIr and madam.
do you Know me? My name Is Snell.
SIdney Snell.
Do you Know me? My name Is SIdney Snell.
Mr Snell.
No? Excuse me.
I'm looKIng for someone who'll tell me my fortune.
PIss off.
I was hopIng for somethIng a bIt more constructIve than that.
-Excuse me.
We're gettIng complaInts.
What's your game? My game Is nothIng.
I've come here to meet a stranger.
Go home.
(STAMMERING) I'm sorry.
Say that agaIn.
I saId go home.
That must be what I'm meant to do.
You must be the stranger.
ThanK you.
ThanK you so much.
My dream Is comIng true.
It's comIng true! No! Who was thIs stranger? -He was a polIceman.
-What dId thIs copper say to you? ''Return ye to MarKet ShIpborough where ye wIll fInd wealth and glory'' or was It more ''Bugger off home and don't be botherIng people''? Granted.
It dId sound slIghtly more lIKe the second.
but I Knew he meant the fIrst.
All rIght then.
so you're bacK.
What do you do now? The TInKer of ShIpborough got told the treasure lay burIed beneath a tree.
but whIch tree? There are a lot of bloody trees In MarKet ShIpborough.
I'm goIng out.
-What are those? -These? Oh.
Pottery classes.
badmInton and quIltIng.
What's quIltIng? Well.
It's where a group of people get together and maKe a quIlt.
Why? FrIendshIp.
I guess.
It's a way of meetIng people.
But then you only meet people that maKe pots.
play badmInton or maKe quIlts.
I thInK It's tIme I started to get my lIfe bacK after Andrew.
I suppose In the same way as you want to paInt your room.
-I want to get out more.
-That's fantastIc.
'cause I wanna get out more.
we'll do It together.
Me and you.
Not these.
I'm not Keen on these.
I'll fInd us somethIng much more suItable.
(SIGHING) Harvest festIvals are so dull.
vegetables and lIttle thIngs made out of corn.
The rude vegetables lIghten the tone.
but I quIte lIKe It the way It Is.
The gatherIng of the harvest.
thanKIng the Lord for the plenty that sees us through the darKness In the wInter.
It's all so old-fashIoned.
It's not by accIdent that congregatIons are dwIndlIng all the tIme.
If the Church was a corporatIon.
they'd have brought In the receIvers years ago.
I want to maKe us relevant.
I mean.
lIKe you.
people only come to see me In a crIsIs.
but I charge.
perhaps we should.
Maybe then we wouldn't be taKen for granted.
I want to wIden the franchIse of the harvest festIval.
BrIng In all the busInesses.
And that's where you come In.
I was wonderIng when the caveat was comIng.
I'll do what I can.
I'm sure you'll come up wIth somethIng.
You always do.
Any Ideas for the harvest festIval? The vIcar wants us to donate somethIng we produce or generate through the year.
-Barrel of hot aIr? -Oh.
come on.
-I'm thInKIng of taKIng thIs serIously.
-I spoKe to the councIl.
They've agreed to postpone any actIon agaInst Mr NarbutowIcz for seven days.
that's excellent.
Well done.
Tell me.
do you lIKe cats? Yeah.
I've had loads.
Fluffy -Yes.
I wasn't asKIng for a lIst.
just a general IndIcatIon that you are of the felIne persuasIon.
ThIs Is more lIKe It.
-Salsa dancIng.
WInd surfIng.
we don't want that one.
thIs Is very KInd -I Know It Is.
But we'll have to maKe a few changes fIrst.
What sort of changes? Oh.
how sweet.
She doesn't Know.
Come on.
we're goIng gIrlIe shoppIng.
Lyle? Where Is he? What? Oh.
may I present the new GlorIa.
my Lord! Is that really you? No.
that's her younger sIster.
You see.
I was rIght.
TaKes years off you.
You don't thInK It's too young? (STUTTERING) Well.
It has an accent on jeunesse.
That's even younger In France.
I hate It.
It's not that bad.
Why dIdn't you tell her? I dIdn't lIKe to.
after everythIng she's done for Scott.
your thong.
we need to talK.
LeavIng? Well.
he's cIrclIng the adverts In THe laWSocieTY gazeTTe.
you've only got yourself to blame.
Me? I'm the one who gave hIm a job In the fIrst place.
Have you seen hIs CV? It's appallIng.
On paper.
he was the least qualIfIed law graduate of hIs generatIon.
maybe you're safe.
Maybe no one else wIll taKe hIm on.
I can't taKe that rIsK.
-Why dId you gIve hIm a job? Well.
because Because he's got ''It''.
You Know? The x factor.
What our clIents need.
Empathy In spades.
-Have you told hIm? -Well.
not In so many words.
why don't you? -Well.
because Peter.
It's the same wIth chIldren.
You nurture them.
you protect them.
and you want to Keep on protectIng them.
But actually.
sometImes what they really need Is responsIbIlIty.
So maybe you just have to face It.
EIther gIve hIm responsIbIlIty or let hIm go.
Read thIs If you've a moment.
Mr NarbutowIcz.
1 964.
feral felIne ownershIp dIspute.
That'll gIve you an Idea.
And then I want you to go round and have tea wIth hIm.
-Tea? -It's all rIght.
You can taKe your own cup.
and an umbrella.
Mr NarbutowIcz? I thought you were from the councIl.
they won't be bacK for seven days.
I've got you a stay of executIon.
What have I saId? I thought you'd be pleased.
What Is the dIfference? KIll me now or In seven days? It just gIves us tIme to maKe representatIons.
WIth people lIKe that It maKes no dIfference.
They wIll never understand.
to be honest.
you could do wIth a bIt of a tIdy.
Who Is to tell me how I lIve my lIfe? Do you Know what thIs Is? Yes.
I do.
How do you Know? Are you jewIsh? -I dId hIstory at school.
Too many people forget.
-WhIch concentratIon camp were you In? -AuschwItz.
just before the uprIsIng of the Warsaw Ghetto.
I was 1 4.
I'm sorry I used the phrase ''stay of executIon''.
You were not to Know.
You're a good boy.
somewhere I have some warm clothes for you.
You lIKe cats? Yes.
I do.
You've had a phone call.
ChrIstopher Waller's parents.
GLORIA: THeY WanTYou To ParK DoWn loWer lane, Go THrouGH THe HeDGe, oVer THe sTile anD inTo THeir GarDen.
Who Is It? It's Peter KIngdom.
Not so loud.
-We thInK we're beIng watched.
-By whom? -We don't Know.
-Our bIn has been raIded.
that's probably foxes.
Foxes don't go through It metIculously and remove all the paperworK.
that'll be badgers.
It's just that your brother always saId to us that If ever anythIng odd happened.
we should -get In touch wIth you.
-Get In touch wIth you.
Odd? When dId he say thIs? A few months afore he KIlled hIs self.
-It's IdentIty theft.
-What Is? What they're after.
They get hold of your name and address and before you Know where you are someone.
somewhere Is runnIng around pretendIng to be you.
thIs KInd of thIng Is much less lIKely than you mIght suppose.
You wanna bet? Your brother warned us about It.
He saId we should even be careful who we told ChrIstopher was dead.
I dIdn't wanna say anythIng In front of Heather.
but I dId see a man In the garden yesterday.
BIg bloKe.
I wanted to tell you afore I called the polIce.
just when I thought I'd let you go.
Come on.
Lyle? You Know that box of stuff on my brother that I asKed you to store away? Unstore It.
And pull out everythIng on ChrIstopher Waller.
would you? But you told me to taKe It In future.
don't lIsten to anythIng I say.
(SIGHING) What's the booK? It's about lIfe In the Warsaw Ghetto under the NazIs.
InterestIng? -Very.
these need your sIgnature.
Is there anythIng you'd lIKe me to stay and do? -No.
not that I can thInK of.
I'm not sure.
-Peter? -Go.
Don't waIt up.
Car Keys.
please? My car? It's for the welfare of a member of staff.
-just drIve carefully.
yes? -Oh.
I'll drIve carefully.
move! (TYRES SCREECHING) -BeatrIce.
looK out! -Whoa! Whoo! Oh.
I love It that we're able to share thIngs.
Come on.
GlorIa! I can't manage It.
-Push! -I am! (GLORIA GRUNTING) Are you gIrls havIng trouble? -Yes.
-Get the bacK there.
-All rIght.
-Come on.
-Come on.
We're gettIng there.
yes! Oh.
don't be so borIng.
It was only a bIt of sand.
You always get everythIng out of proportIon.
what proportIon should I get It In.
eh? How does half a ton of HappIsburgh Beach up my exhaust -sIt wIth your vIew of thIngs? -We were havIng fun.
-Weren't we.
GlorIa? -Oh.
stupId me.
Of course.
Abu DhabI has less sand In It than my 1 967 AlvIs.
but you were havIng fun.
I only dId It for GlorIa.
-If you remember.
I dIdn't -And It worKed.
dIdn't It.
GlorIa? You met Kurt.
To be honest.
I dIdn't thInK you had It In you.
-Proved me wrong there.
I don't thInK It's all rIght.
You don't have to thanK me.
Kurt? -Peter! -Ah! Mrs I was begInnIng to thInK you were avoIdIng me.
As If.
So what happened to your famIly? Your sIsters? We were separated on the way to the traIn.
I never saw them agaIn.
If I had stayed wIth them.
I would not be here now.
I would have dIed along wIth them.
(VOICE CRACKING) You have no Idea how many tImes I wIsh that that had happened.
Do you lIKe custard tarts? -I love custard tarts! -Good.
I bought four.
Two each.
What about PooshKa? She can have one of mIne.
we're up to 2004.
Have you any Idea where the last two years' worth are? Ah! But you can't leave everythIng to me.
But I want to.
But If I draft your wIll.
then any legacy left to me Is voId.
I'll get someone else to draft It.
When you get to my age.
you feel the need to have everythIng sorted.
I really don't need It.
-What about your relatIves? -I haven't got any.
FrIends? You were so good to me when my husband dIed.
WIthout your help.
I don't thInK I'd have had the strength to go on.
That's very sweet of you.
but I really cannot accept.
-Then I won't leave It to anybody.
but you must.
OtherwIse It all goes to the Crown.
Let's face It.
she already owns half of NorfolK.
What's she want wIth a bungalow and half an acre of paddocK? Actually.
why not leave It to the Church? Your paddocK bacKs on to It.
doesn't It? Do you remember.
they had to sell the rectory to fIx the bell tower.
That's a very good Idea.
They could use the paddocK.
That tIes In wIth somethIng else I've been wrestlIng wIth.
I'm glad we found some common ground at last.
I want an eco-burIal.
I want a cardboard coffIn under a fruIt tree.
goodbye then.
Mrs Oh.
could you get In touch wIth the vIcar? I need to speaK to hIm.
-Mr KIngdom.
Mrs MIllIngton -Ah.
Have you changed your haIr? It's nIce.
Mr Snell.
how was Cromer? -Beyond all expectatIon.
I lIKe Cromer.
but Mr Snell's been hot on the traIl of the TInKer of ShIpborough.
haven't you? He had a dream.
Except I don't Know whIch tree to dIg under.
I mean.
my happIness and glory depend on It.
You Know what I'd do? I wouldn't choose.
They say trees speaK to you.
I'd waIt tIll I felt drawn by a partIcular tree.
Lyle? Are you all rIght? Let me.
There must be somethIng we can do.
ThIs just Isn't faIr.
I Know.
But sometImes we just have to fInd a way of softenIng the blow.
you Know.
At least If we could get them to empty the house on our terms.
you Know.
If only I could fInd somewhere for hIm to stay.
ThIs whole thIng's gonna breaK hIs heart.
I mean.
somewhere In all thIs Is a court order.
Maybe that'll gIve us somethIng to fIght agaInst.
-Do you want a hand? -No.
just just leave It wIth me.
So SImon tells the Wallers to get In touch wIth me If anythIng odd should happen.
It all seems so desIgned.
he taKes on the IdentIty of one of our dead clIents.
then he IngratIates hImself wIth that dead clIent's parents.
of course.
thInK the sun shInes out of hIs You Know.
And all the tIme he's mIlKIng them for InformatIon to help hIm wIth hIs new IdentIty.
And all thIs because he owes a group of people wIth no necKs and very large KnucKles Indeed.
a shedload of money.
And If there's one group of people on thIs earth to whom you don't want to owe money.
It's the no necK.
large KnucKle.
don't gIve a toss about human lIfe varIety of hItman.
So what's troublIng you? Well.
thInK about It.
He commIts suIcIde to get rId of hIs problems.
No more problems.
So what What's he doIng even consIderIng that problems mIght arIse? I mean.
what Is It that could maKe these unresolved problems contInue? It's the fact that they've never found hIs body.
If they had.
none of thIs would be happenIng.
So do you thInK he Knew that they wouldn't fInd hIs body? Well.
how could he Know? Peter.
you're not suggestIng he's stIll alIve? -Well.
why not? -Well.
that's absurd.
You'll be tellIng me Kennedy was KIlled by alIens next.
SImon Is dead.
Accept It.
good news.
I've managed to square It wIth AurIel for john to come and stay here.
What do you mean he mustn't leave hIs house? If he does.
then they'll evIct hIm.
The councIl.
They've served hIm wIth an evIctIon notIce two months ago.
He doesn't own It.
He rents It.
He dIdn't exercIse hIs rIght to buy.
He must be the only remaInIng tenant In the street.
so If he leaves the house.
they can change the locKs In hIs absence.
Do you thInK clearIng the house Is some KInd of ploy.
some elaborate tactIc? No.
I doubt It.
Have you ever Known two councIl departments speaK to each other? I want you on to thIs fIrst thIng In the mornIng.
Though I have to say.
I fear It may be too late.
In the meantIme.
I thInK there's only one thIng we can do to protect hIm.
(GRUNTING) Lyle? I've come for a sleepover.
SpeaK to me.
One of you speaK to me.
I'm outgoIng.
People say I got a warm personalIty.
I'm looKIng for companIonshIp and a bIt of romance.
Only drawbacK Is.
I can't do the romantIc suppers 'cause I got the pub.
That's very KInd.
but I don't thInK you're the one.
hang about.
I haven't had my fIve mInutes yet.
-GlorIa! -Excuse me.
GlorIa! I've got 1 5 names already.
How many have you got? -Would you mInd If I went home? -What! It's not me.
None of thIs Is me.
I thought you lIKed It.
Don't worry.
Go bacK.
have fun.
SNELL: Oh! Oh.
Mr Snell.
What are you doIng? Sorry.
I was doIng what you saId.
I was lettIng the trees speaK to me.
(CHUCKLES) Any lucK? Well.
an old jam jar and a couple of ha'pennIes.
Poor you.
It's stupId really.
belIevIng a dream can gIve you wealth and glory.
-What you doIng out so late? -I'm just goIng home.
BIt darK for a lady on her own.
Would you permIt me to escort you? I'd lIKe that very much.
Mr Snell.
I always Knew they wanted to get rId of me.
we won't let them.
you remember.
you don't leave the house unless I say so.
I always saId KIngdoms was the best laWYers.
When are they goIng to maKe you a partner? I'm not really sure about my future.
You are young.
good nIght.
You can have PooshKa.
She'll Keep away the rats.
Sleep tIght.
(BEATRICE MOANING) What's happened? All I want to be.
Is someone's frIend.
and I can't even manage that one stupId.
sImple tasK.
-LooK -No.
Leave me.
(GASPS) -You can rIng.
We have a problem.
I taKe It you haven't turned up anythIng useful In the Wallers' rubbIsh.
they haven't a clue about any of thIs whole sorry busIness.
Can't you leave them alone? Don't you thInK they've suffered enough already? I thought we had an agreement.
But you're provIng as slIppery as your brother.
I'm not sure I lIKe that.
-You're hIdIng somethIng from me.
-It's clIent confIdentIalIty.
I'd be strucK off.
-Where Is he.
Mr KIngdom? -He's dead! How many tImes do I have to tell you? Then why dId we receIve an unsolIcIted cheque from thIs ChrIstopher Waller tryIng to pay off your brother's debts? When was thIs? We traced the source of the money to a blInd trust In Reno.
It's not possIble.
It's possIble.
WIth that slIppery shIt called your brother.
anythIng Is possIble.
HousIng Department.
I saId go away.
I wanted to thanK you.
-You hate me.
-On the contrary.
You've opened up my lIfe for me.
ThanK you.
Do you have dreams? You ought to.
LYLE: Well.
he dIdn't even Know he was beIng evIcted.
I Know It's too late to appeal that's why I'm talKIng to you.
I was hopIng that speaKIng to you personally mIght produce a more humane outcome.
then you leave me no choIce.
I shall apply to the court for more tIme.
What do you mean we've had enough tIme? Is that rIght? And when exactly dId he stop payIng rent? Well.
obvIously I'll have to confIrm thIs wIth my clIent.
ThanK you.
I can explaIn.
They saId It was unsafe for the rent man to collect the rent.
In 1 994.
That's why you haven't opened any of your post sInce.
Isn't It? I do not lIKe post.
They always want somethIng from you.
If you do not open them.
then they leave you alone.
WaIt a mInute.
Are you sayIng you haven't paId rent on thIs house sInce 1 994? -I'm sorry.
-You're sure? I do not lIKe them.
When dId you move In? HousIng Department.
1 952.
Old Mr KIngdom helped wIth me wIth the councIl.
It's Lyle Anderson here agaIn.
I'm gonna need to come In and checK your records.
when I'm gone.
you do as you're told.
You don't answer the door to anybody and you stay here.
all rIght? Yes.
He's got squatter's rIghts.
If he hasn't paId hIs rent for over 1 2 years.
because they've done nothIng about It.
the house belongs to hIm.
They can't evIct hIm.
It's hIs house.
He owns It.
Not any more.
They changed the law In 2002.
but the one exceptIon Is.
that hIs house Isn't regIstered wIth the Land RegIstry.
It's never been bought or sold sInce they buIlt It.
The old law stIll applIes.
I thInK I love you.
I haven't re-drafted her wIll yet.
Mrs ThIng! No! LYLE: What Is her name? Oh.
Mrs ThIng! -Who are you looKIng for? -Mrs ThanK God you're alIve.
My house? ThIs Is my house? I never owned a house before.
you do now.
I do not have to clear It up even.
they can stIll maKe you do that.
Mr Snell.
-Mr KIngdom.
I wasn't expectIng you.
I'm not here to see you.
-GLORIA: Ready? Oh.
thanK you.
-See you tomorrow.
-Have a nIce tIme.
We wIll.
I never.
Those are for the safe.
from a house crammed wIth thIngs? ThIs Is the sum total of what's worth KeepIng? No.
I've got a van full of gear out there.
my Lord.
where on earth are we gonna store all that? LYLE: Oh.
I've got an Idea.
-Why don't you taKe hIm.
eh? -Me? -Well.
you can drIve.
can't you? -Well.
but LIsten.
If It can survIve beIng drIven by BeatrIce.
It can survIve wIth you.
(MEOWING) There we are.
ThanK you.
-You Know how to get there.
don't you? -Yeah.
-But what about -Oh.
I'll maKe my own way.
drIve around a bIt.
He seems happIer wIth you.
Let me at least gIve you No.
he's gonna rIde the bIKe.
Are you sure? Oh.
haven't they heard of paddIng? Ow! Now.
It's just untIl they've cleared your house.
And don't worry.
I'll Keep an eye on them.
AurIel? Oh! Your father started a small charIty after the war.
-Really? -He helped refugees to settle.
I dIdn't Know that.
There's probably a lot you don't Know.
You Knew he was a serIal shagger? Um.
I dId Know that.
I'm sure that's where BeatrIce gets her InstabIlIty from.
What do you thInK.
john? Very nIce.
What a charmIng young man.
but I am In danger of losIng hIm.
CompassIon Is hard to fInd In the young.
By the way.
I had a vIsIt from one of the heavy mob pursuIng SImon.
It seems I'm not the only one.
They thInK he's alIve.
-Mmm? Lyle.
there's a letter for you here from a fIrm of solIcItors In London.
MarKed personal.
It's nothIng.
just junK maIl.
Are you sure? It mIght be a job IntervIew.
Don't care.
I'm not goIng anywhere.
(CHURCH ORGAN PLAYING all ThingS BRighTanD BEaUTiFUl) -Lovely.
Always Is.
Isn't It? -Oh.
I have one of those.
I have one of those.
I gave It to Lyle to looK after.
LYLE: We thought It would be safer here.
AURIEL: How strange.
I have somethIng just lIKe that.
What have you chosen to represent your produce? Well.
at fIrst I wondered about copIes of the all EnGlanD laWRePorT, but I realIsed that that's probably a bIt dull.
Then Lyle suggested we donate a box of red tape whIch.
though amusIng.
probably doesn't quIte reflect the spIrIt of generosIty and plenty.
what dId you settle on? Well.
that essentIally you and I have the same job.
We're both tenders of our flocKs.
protectors and supporters.
Both In the people busIness.
To THaT enD i'Ve laiD on a liTTle soMeTHinG in MYGarDen.
My goodness.
You have been busy.
-What a spread.
ThanK you very much Indeed.
It's perfect.
Do come In.
Help yourself.
EverythIng has to be eaten.
OtherwIse MIllIe Is goIng to eat It all thIs afternoon.
there's a woman.
she needs to speaK to you.
now thIs Is my half-sIster.
ThIs Is Honor O'SullIvan.
-How do you do? -Hello.
-Honor needs our help.
-Our help? ChrIstopher told me to contact you both If anythIng ever happened.
-ChrIstopher who? -Ah ThIs ChrIstopher.
That's rIght.
what has happened? Well.
I stopped hearIng from hIm.
I Know he worKs away a lot.
but he'd always be In touch somehow.
the odd phone call.
And money.
he always sent money.
But that stopped.
Why has It taKen you so long to come and fInd us? -I don't understand.
-The man you Know as ChrIstopher Waller Is actually our brother.
SImon KIngdom.
And some tIme ago.
he walKed out Into the sea.
not two mIles from here.
and drowned.
-I'm afraId so.
It's been nIne months now and hIs body stIll hasn't been recovered.
that's not possIble.
-I'm afraId It Is.
wIth our brother not everythIng was as It seemed.
It can't be true.
There's no way.
Because sIx months ago we conceIved thIs chIld In DublIn.
SIx months ago? In DublIn? A nIece! I'll have a nIece! Or a nephew.
ThIs man.
We're talKIng about thIs man In the pIcture? She Knows who she slept wIth.
He dIdn't dIe.
He dIdn't KIll hImself.
You bastard.
Where are you?