Law & Order: Trial by Jury (2005) s01e06 Episode Script

Pattern of Conduct

In the criminal justice system, all defendants are innocent until proven guilty, either by confession, plea bargain, or trial by jury.
This is one of those trials.
I went to dinner with my boyfriend.
Then we went to his apartment.
He dropped me here around 7:00.
I saw Lauren's door was open.
She's not an early riser, so I looked in.
Her eyes were open.
But I saw blood and I knew right away.
When was the last time you spoke to your sister? Yesterday.
Around noon I called her cell.
She said she was seeing Ken for dinner.
That's Ken Jackson, the all-star forward.
Apparently Lauren had been dating him.
They weren't really dating.
He's married.
They were involved? Yeah.
But she knew it couldn't go anywhere.
It's not a suicide.
I wouldn't bring you down here for that.
Lady Derringer? I hear they make earrings to match.
So convince me.
- Women rarely shoot themselves in the head.
- Some women are too vain.
It's not evidence.
A model who bunks in a Soho loft with her kid sister.
Hangs with celebrities.
Let's talk about the wound.
No powder burns or stippling.
And there was no visible blowback on the weapon.
I'd say she was shot from over five feet away.
What's this on her hand? "Spin"? Hot new night club in the meat-packing district.
Caters to A-list celebrities.
That brings it back to Ken Jackson.
How many miles to the gallon you think that thing gets? If you have to ask, you wait for the hybrid.
Ah, here we go.
- Mr.
Jackson? - Sorry, guys, no time for signings.
- Ain't about autographs.
- We're from the D.
's office.
Lauren Ford? You know her? Women.
Look, they all claim they know me.
Yeah? Right, right, right.
Well, you know, I don't wanna jam you up with a tabloid thing.
- It ain't a great place to talk.
- Look, I don't know her.
Okay? Okay, why don't you come down to the station with us, answer a few questions, and we'll straighten everything out? Look, I saw her a couple of times.
You know what I'm sayin'? - And the last time would've been - Couple of days ago.
- So tell me what she said.
- The last time you had sex, right? Look, man, you know my wife will kill me if she knows I was talking like this.
We're not gonna tell your wife.
All right, so how do we fix this? Look, how much she want? Money's not gonna help Lauren Ford.
She's dead.
So I better get a lawyer.
Or we could keep talking, make this go away.
Yeah, right.
Law and Order Trial by Jury Episode 1x06 - Pattern of Conduct Every major paper.
Plus, USPN, Fox, CNN.
Blood's in the water and the sharks are out.
Well, we're not spreading any rumors.
Jackson is interviewing heavy hitter defense attorneys.
That's the leakage.
Couldn't even wait to be indicted.
The M.
report says, "In view of lack of stippling at the site of the entry wound, "the bruises, and minor vaginal abrasion, "possible rape and homicide should be considered.
" Damn, could he be any less committal? That's an M.
I'll never put on the stand.
The latent prints on the gun are hers, but they're in her own blood.
How could she shoot herself, get blood on her hand, and then pick up the gun? Bits and pieces that'll never get a Grand Jury to indict a celebrity.
They'll want something that could be a tabloid headline.
The M.
found semen in the victim.
A DNA match could put Jackson at the scene.
But we have no probable cause to get a sample from Jackson.
Well, it's all in the news.
We gotta do something.
Shake the trees.
Welcome, I'm Rex DaSilva.
First, let me level.
I'm pursuing this case.
Usually it's the other way around.
But your situation intrigues me.
Hey, there is no situation.
I'm completely innocent.
Not completely.
Now, we talked all that out.
Ken? Ken, in a perfect world, innocence would assure acquittal.
It's not perfect.
So tell us what will.
For starters, perceptions.
Tiffany's beauty.
Wherever you two go, there will be a focus on Tiffany.
But, Tiffany, when you glare at Ken with those hard, lovely eyes, you're telling the world he's done something bad.
You don't know him.
I do.
That ruby ring six carats? - Seven.
- A recent gift? From now on, before you look at Ken, look at that ring.
It's magnificent, and Ken gave it to you.
Feel good about that.
Now the world knows Ken's a good guy.
A loving husband.
You're saying, "I know he's innocent.
" This Grand Jury, can I go in there and just clear all this mess up? - Not if I'm your lawyer.
- Forget if.
You are his lawyer.
So what does he do? He speaks to no one who isn't now in this room.
He goes about his life with caution.
They'll be after Ken's DNA.
Don't spit, chew gum, or leave behind a locker room towel where they can get it.
And keep your secretions to yourself.
His secreting days are over.
Mebane, you were, at one time, a teammate of Kenneth Jackson's? Yeah, before I was traded.
Did you know Lauren Ford? No, I never knew her.
I just know about the reporter.
Did Mr.
Jackson date a reporter? I think it was more than date.
Last year, there was talk some reporter might sue him.
Sue him for what? It was on the down low.
But I heard they like to play rough.
You know, I guess it got out of hand.
Do you know this reporter's name? No, just that she worked out of Philly.
Okay, thank you, Mr.
Are there any questions? Yes, sir? Mr.
Mebane says that he got traded.
Didn't Ken Jackson force you off the team? No one forced me off the team.
Come on, anyone who reads the sports page knows that these guys hate each other.
Yes? When do we get to meet Ken Jackson in person? I don't care what some ball player said in a Grand Jury.
I meant what I said on the phone.
I won't discuss Ken Jackson.
You wasted a trip to Philly.
Well, we don't plan on eating cheesesteaks and going home, so So subpoena me.
That's not what we'd prefer.
This is the upside.
The information you give us is of no value, and we go away.
Was she raped? She had sex shortly before she was killed.
Now Ken Jackson claims that it was consensual.
He threatens, she submits.
To him, that's consensual.
- Obedient.
- Is that how it went? Two months into my job, our head of sports news said that Ken Jackson would do a one-on-one interview.
He asked specifically for me.
He saw you on the news.
Liked what he saw.
And I was flattered.
After the interview, he asked me for a drink in his hotel room.
Ken opened some champagne and started to lay out some coke.
I knew where it was going and I wasn't up for it.
I started to leave, suddenly he had a gun.
There was no menace in his voice.
He just aimed at me and said get undressed.
When he was done, he asked if he could call me.
Like we'd had fun.
I'd like you to talk to our D.
It's his word against mine, and he's a star.
There must be others.
Find them.
First of all, to my teammates and my fans, and mostly to my beloved wife, I was unfaithful.
It would be a lie to deny that.
And I'm truly sorry that I've let you down.
With all of my heart, I regret all the pain that I've caused.
- Mr.
Jackson! - This lady, Lauren Ford, her death is a tragedy.
But I had nothing to do with it.
Jackson Because of the ongoing investigation, Mr.
Jackson won't take questions directly.
Isn't he, right now, the target of a Grand Jury probe? We can't know that because Grand Juries operate in secrecy.
But, if there is a probe, Mr.
Jackson will be happy to testify.
- You'd let him? - I would encourage it.
Sadly, the district attorneys believe that celebrity cases bring votes.
That's the only reason why this woman's tragic death is being exploited in the first place.
Are there any other questions? I loved him saying Jackson will testify.
We can't reveal Grand Jury witnesses, so people won't know he never showed up.
So we've run out of grudge-bearing players.
- What about the reporter? - Shaky.
She's threatening to come down with a case of selective amnesia.
His DNA would sure help.
Well, we're not any closer to probable cause.
Well, maybe we can get his DNA without probable cause.
Thank you, Mr.
- What's your name, man? - Corey.
I'm Elizabeth.
I'd like Tiffany to sign too.
Sure, honey.
Ken, we need you for some product shots.
All right.
Enjoy it, Ken.
Leave a little lip on the bottle.
Wrap it up.
We're due at a mall in Newark.
- Punch it up, Yo! - Punch it up! Okay, kids, Ken has to go, thanks.
Come on.
Yeah, yeah! What a catch! Hey, how much for the hat? - Sorry? - My kid's a fan.
- I'll give you 20 bucks for the hat.
- 20 bucks? Tell you what.
Here's 100 bucks.
Take the boy to Atlantic City.
Better idea.
Leave him.
Go on your own.
My spies saw a lab report.
They got Ken's DNA.
They'll try for a match to the semen found in the victim.
So what? Ken went public that he cheated.
Yes, but still.
A match links Ken to the events of that night.
Maybe there was someone else around that woman.
We should offer a big reward for information.
Half a million dollars.
Tiffany They should be looking to find out what really happened! When they did that in the Simpson case, it only served to heighten suspicion that Don't compare me with him! Look, I'm innocent! Now, you must believe that! Of course, but it's a fool's move in any game to overreact.
This may simply go away.
How would that happen? The prosecutors have a problem unique to a celebrity case.
Grand Jurors like sitting there hearing dish about famous people.
It's their 15 minutes of fame.
Once they vote, it's over.
You're saying they might not vote at all.
First Michael Jackson investigation they sat for months, and then voted no indictment.
We stay calm.
All right? See where this goes.
So in comparing samples of Mr.
Jackson's DNA to semen samples found on Lauren Ford A frequency calculation indicated that one in every 1.
5 million would be expected to have the same profile as the donor.
And this tells us what, Dr.
Spellman? Kenneth Jackson had intercourse with Ms.
Ford shortly before her death.
Thank you.
Any questions? Did he find, uh, Ken Jackson's DNA on the gun? The gun was not offered for DNA evidence.
So why is this a big deal? Ken admitted he had sex with her.
Tiffany says in here the woman was stalking him.
Okay, you've heard forensic evidence that states that the victim was shot from at least five feet away.
You've seen photographs of bruises and vaginal abrasions.
I really think it's time for you to consider taking a vote on whether or not to indict Kenneth Jackson.
That woman in Philadelphia told her roommate that she was raped with a gun.
- Can we use this as evidence? - No.
Hearsay is not allowed.
But I would like to remind you that this Grand Jury will reach an expiration date.
And at that time, it's entirely likely that a whole other group of people will get to decide whether or not to indict Kenneth Jackson.
How'd you move them off the dime? Well, it's hardly cause for celebration.
We were two votes short of a no-bill.
Close calls are as good as any.
With our felony murder charge, Ken Jackson might use the Phil Spector defense.
What, because they were seeing each other, guns are acceptable foreplay? The media can also spin that as an accidental death.
We can't address all the possible media spin.
Get a warrant and haul him in.
A perp walk plays right to charges of overzealous prosecution.
Then no arrest warrant.
Let him surrender.
And no cuffs on our hometown hero when he's arraigned.
Happy now? Look, this is wrong.
I didn't kill her.
Come on, come on.
Given the defendant's obvious resources, we assert he's a flight risk and request remand.
- Mr.
Da Silva? - Where could this man possibly hide? Mr.
Jackson is here today volontarily, out of respect for Lauren Ford's family and the law.
The state's case is so weak, they dare not issue an arrest warrant.
Jackson voluntarily surrendered? We extended that as a courtesy.
Then, Your Honor, shouldn't he be extended further courtesy of reasonable bail? So it would seem.
Bail is set at $500,000 cash.
Excuse me, Ken.
Can I get an autograph? Thank you.
Go through all court filings complaints, civil settlements, school records.
- How far back? - High school.
Flag anything that shows a propensity toward violence.
He's an athlete.
His career choice betrays a propensity towards violence.
- Guess Cilla wasn't into jocks.
- Not true.
Hey, we just got our asses handed to us in an arraignment.
I need some work out of you.
Not quips.
I looked into Ken Jackson's college records.
He was suspended from playing his senior year.
Meaning? Means he had to sit out games.
- How many? - Four.
And the record says it was for curfew violations.
Okay, I'm not that big of a sports fan.
What exactly does that mean? No college takes a star player out of games for coming in late.
He did something else.
There's a single name on the witness list.
Hope Elizabeth Newhall.
She's currently a graduate student at Hudson University.
I'm close to my post-grad degree.
I don't wanna screw things up by getting involved.
Your college records say that Ken Jackson was briefly suspended.
And you were a witness? What's the big deal? - That's all it says? - Yeah.
I was a witness? Did they cut Ken some slack? Well, that's what they do for star athletes, right? But then again, you're cutting him some slack right now, aren't you? Look, if you wanna give Kenny another chance to skate, that's fine.
But I'll bet you any amount of money, whatever happened, you weren't treated fairly, were you? No.
So you weren't actually dating Ken? No.
He and Tiffany were a campus couple.
How did you meet him? A big party.
Somebody's house.
I went with some girlfriends.
Ken was there without Tiffany.
He started coming on to me.
We ended up in a room on our own.
We kissed a little bit.
But I was nervous.
I told him I wanted to get something to drink just to get out of there.
He said, "Look at this.
" He was holding a knife, sort of playing with it.
He could see I was really scared.
And I could tell he liked that.
He asked me very calmly to perform oral sex on him.
I'd never done that before.
I was frightened.
And he - He - He got rough? He said he'd make me mind him like a dog.
And afterwards, he was like He offered me a ride home.
He actually thought I would see him again.
We checked and there's no police report.
You never told them? I called the campus police.
They took me to the Dean's house.
Coach was already there.
He and Dean Erhardt grilled me for hours.
When I told them that I'd had a vodka and orange juice at the party, they said underage drinking was a crime.
Meaning what had happened was your fault.
They said I'd be expelled if I told anyone.
These witnesses, Dianne Harris and Hope Newhall, must be allowed to testify.
Their statements support the defendant's pattern of conduct pursuant to Molineaux.
Judge, please see this for what it is.
Two women grabbing their 15 minutes of fame on perjured testimony.
Yes, I've read your memos.
One woman describes rape with a gun.
The other one talks about some knife.
Therefore, I will only allow the testimony of Ms.
Harris, the reporter.
Next? I filed a request to access psychiatric records on all alleged rape victims.
Yes, I've obtained those records.
And I read them in camera.
I find that some of them are relevant.
Especially those of Lauren Ford.
The psychiatric records of a dead victim? Why are those relevant? Because Lauren Ford received counseling for previous suicide attempts.
Four years ago, my sister locked herself in the garage and started the car.
She had just broken up with this guy.
And your parents took her to an E.
They treated her and then she got some counseling.
They told my parents she had a marginal bipolar disorder.
After that, she took a bunch of Seconol when she was living out of state? Over a guy.
I never met him.
Look she did not shoot herself.
I've thought about it a lot, and I'm certain.
She didn't do that.
There is no passport grant for a motion in Limine to keep the suicide out? What do I argue? That she had a depressive disorder? I've never filed a null pross in my career, but Forget it.
You're not filing one now.
We don't indict a star athlete without a good reason.
I just got a call from the police in Philly.
They're bringing Diane Harris in for an interview.
Our last remaining hope ducked calls, ducked a subpoena, and now has to be delivered in a police cruiser.
At least you got her.
Make it count.
I didn't want to say anything in front of the boss.
But, uh, about a year ago, Tiffany Jackson gave Diane Harris a million dollars to shut up about the rape.
Hey, I was abused, humiliated, I was owed.
- A million bucks? - I'm on camera.
My living is my image.
That station pays zip.
And I needed clothes, a car, a condo.
Really? Well, invite Lauren's family over to see your closet.
Tell them, "I won't put away Lauren's killer, but check out my Menolos.
" This nightmare is costing me my job.
I'm ruined.
Do you understand that? I don't give a damn.
Can I go? You're served.
Show up in court, or sit in jail.
Fine, I won't remember a thing.
- There is a way to help yourself here.
- Yeah, right.
I mean, rebuild your image.
Amber Frey? The other woman for whom Scott Peterson killed his wife? On the stand, she became the courageous witness who helped put him away.
Ken's lawyers will destroy me.
Not if I have you tell your version first.
It's starts with the prosecution.
We won the spin.
Like I'd get some favor from you? Personal feelings aside, it's in my best interest to make you look good.
Either that, or I treat you as a hostile witness and tear you a new one.
Your choice, Diane.
This would be my first time on a jury, and I would willingly give up the time.
This is a big case.
You mean it seems important.
Violence against a woman E.
nurse, volunteers at a rape crisis center, outspoken, an advocate.
Claros, have you yourself ever been a victim of a violent crime? Fortunately not, but I've seen plenty of victims.
Your Honor, we respectfully challenge juror number 157.
Juror number 157 is excused.
Prokolsky, do you believe a man can rape his wife or his girlfriend? Sure, if he wanted it and she didn't.
I mean, I'm sure it happens.
- She's indecisive.
- How do you know? Well, then I mean, there's, like, accusations.
Snoop Dogg.
And, like, I mean, I think she could have lied.
- I guess.
- It's a ditz.
That's good for us.
We want her.
Leon, I see you're employed by a bank.
Do you believe celebrities CPA, he'll want absolutes.
Hold the prosecution to an impossible standard.
Happens all the time.
People make false accusations against anyone with money.
Lawyers are ruining this country.
I wasn't referring to you, of course.
No problem.
Your Honor, the people are satisfied.
Your Honor, my client is satisfied with this panel.
Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen, you are now seated in the case of The People v.
Kenneth Jackson.
Can you match that demographic? Three days, I'll have them cloned.
The prosecution is going to show you a gun.
A .
25 caliber Lady Derringer with a single partial print.
Lauren Ford's print.
In her own blood.
Lauren Ford fired the gun and took her own life.
Real evidence has been made banal by TV crime dramas.
- It is a suicide.
- Look at this peak on suicide.
Hm, hot word.
Uh, Rex, we're getting a bump on suicide.
Why don't you go there? Make them feel it.
So, let us now view Lauren's desperate yearning for a man she could not have.
The feel of a hard-bodied athlete.
The caress of his strong hands.
Oh, they're loving it.
That's pay dirt, Rex.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, when Ken told Lauren that they were through, that he was breaking it off, Ken didn't know that Lauren Ford had a history of depression.
That there were prior suicide attempts.
When Ken told Lauren that he was devoting himself to his wife and his family, he never, ever thought Lauren Ford would take her own life.
Ladies and Gentlemen, you are confronted with tragedy, not a murder.
Thank you.
Understand, these Ken Jackson high school records are mostly handwritten notes.
There's no computer database.
I hope you're not prepping me for bad news.
Not at all.
We have something.
There was a mediation before a guidance counselor.
- What kind of mediation? - We don't know.
But we found handwritten drafts for a counselor's summons.
One is for Deborah Jackson, Ken's mother, another for Erlene Henderson.
These two people were definitely involved in the mediation.
Was Erlene Henderson a student? There was no one in the student body or the faculty with that name.
Well, maybe if Ken's mother was summoned, Erlene Henderson is someone else's mother.
Find out who she is.
Are you currently employed, Ms.
Harris? Until recently, I was a local newscaster on Philly 5 at 10:00.
But I've been fired.
For what reason were you fired? I've been the subject of a scandal that involved Ken Jackson.
Showing you what has been previously marked as People's 19.
Do you recognize this item? Yes.
That's the check that Tiffany Jackson wrote me.
- May I publish it, Your Honor? - You may.
Why did Tiffany Jackson pay you one million dollars? Objection.
Calls for speculation.
If you know.
Because her husband, superstar Ken Jackson, raped me.
It was hush money and you took it.
I said nothing about being raped at gunpoint.
Why talk now? Because Lauren Ford was raped, like I was.
And murdered.
Objection! Move for mistrial.
Denied, but the jury will disregard that last statement.
No more questions, Your Honor.
How's your career, Ms.
Harris? You heard me.
I was fired.
I'm not talking about local TV.
This case has made you sort of a national celebrity, hasn't it? - Unfortunately.
- Unfortunately? How unfortunate is all this? You weren't paid for these recent interviews and articles? Some.
A few.
How much for this one? I don't remember.
Fifty-thousand, wasn't it? If I bring in the publisher, what's he gonna say? Yes.
Ken Jackson is like a cottage industry for you.
You make one false accusation, and you're set for life.
Profiting from a woman's tragic death and Ken Jackson's misfortune.
Badgering the witness.
One simple question, Mr.
I don't need another question.
She's already given us the answer.
Impact on the jury's hard to say.
I mean, look at Father Shanley's trial in Boston.
The only witness took a payoff.
But the jury still convicted.
Well, they figure someone got paid, something must've happened.
We might get lucky.
We got Tiffany's birth certificate.
She was born Tiffany Ingram, and her mother's name is Erlene Henderson.
All right.
Well, check out her school records.
- Maybe they haven't been cleaned.
- I did that.
An incident report.
Victim Tiffany Ingram alleges that 12th grader Ken Jackson attempted a sexual assault on her.
At gunpoint.
I'll draft a motion.
Evidence of a similar crime on Mr.
Jackson's wife? We've also found Byron Holmes, the school security guard, who was a witness.
The incident was never proven.
And Mrs.
Jackson retracted the allegation.
Which is why we call it a prior bad act and not a prior conviction.
We should have been given notice of this during discovery.
We would've prepared.
You're seriously arguing unfair surprise? If you don't like that, Judge, how about marital privilege? - They weren't married when this occurred.
- They're married now.
At this point, no way am I forcing Mrs.
Jackson to testify against her husband.
Yeah, Tiff and I will talk about it.
All right.
What? DaSilva says the prosecutors are bringing that security guard from our high school.
Oh, damn.
Tiff, the man is going to testify.
Now what is he going to say? I was mad at you.
I I don't remember what I said.
So I guess we're gonna have to wait and see what he remembers.
Ken, do you think that they know things we don't know? Like what? Like, there was some witness.
Like, somebody saw something.
Even if it were true, there are people out there who would lie just because we are who we are.
Hey, listen.
Ever since I've been accused, you and I have both known they were wrong.
Baby, all we gotta do is be strong and stick to the plan.
But I'm so scared for you.
I'm gonna bring us through this.
Okay? Officer Holmes, do you remember the defendant? Who doesn't? And his then-girlfriend, Tiffany? Yes, ma'am.
Did Tiffany Ingram report that she had been assaulted by the defendant? - Objection.
- Approach.
I'm assuming that you have found an exception? It's admissible as an excited utterance.
Excited utterance, please.
If she can lay the proper foundation, I'll allow it.
But be careful, Ms.
Please describe Tiffany's demeanor when she reported the incident.
She was very upset.
- What did she say? - Objection.
She said that Kenny had sexually assaulted her.
Did she say a weapon was involved? She said he threatened her with a gun.
Thank you.
Did Tiffany have any visible injuries? Her hair was mussed.
She was crying.
- Did you take her to the hospital? - No.
- Did you find a weapon? - No.
In fact, two days later, didn't she come to you and recant? Yes, she said that she made the story up.
She said that they were fooling around and he pulled out a gun.
She was scared.
It was a misunderstanding.
Thank you.
- Your Honor, redirect? - Proceed.
Officer Holmes, when Tiffany came and recanted the story of the rape, did you notice anything different about her? How was she dressed? Her clothes looked nice.
- Any jewelry? - She showed me a ring.
Said she and Kenny had made up and they was engaged.
Um, well Was it the same ring that Ms.
Jackson is wearing now? No, he gave her that for cheating with the dead woman.
Everyone know that.
Objection! Jury will disregard.
Uh, no more questions.
I was called a liar.
I want to respond.
Look, they wanna hear me.
Not her.
I'm the celebrity.
I've been accused.
Every time they ask a question, you'll look at me for the answer.
- Watch what you're saying! - It's true, baby.
Without a ball in your hand, you can't think.
Damn it! Now that's enough! Now, I'm sick of being bitch-slapped by you.
I don't want you being questioned by them.
You understand? I'm sorry, honey.
Let's just settle down and listen to our lawyer.
All that matters is we win.
I understand Ken's feelings.
But I think it should be you.
You can be like Hilary Clinton.
The wronged woman telling us to forgive what she's forgiven.
Asking that we believe in Ken as she believes in him.
In my opinion, you're the voice that everyone's waiting to hear.
So you knew about Lauren Ford? I was aware of Lauren.
People tell me things.
People enjoy telling me hurtful things.
Did you ever meet Lauren? No, but I once talked to her.
The night she died, she called.
Goes to state of mind.
What did she say? Ken had just left her.
I could tell she was crying.
But why call you? She said she couldn't live without him.
I actually felt sorry for her.
She was so She was so miserable.
She begged me to leave him.
She said she hated me.
That she would kill herself and ruin our lives.
Thank you.
So, after hearing a woman threaten to commit suicide, you called 911? No.
No? What did you do? This wasn't the first woman who was obsessed with my husband.
Well, did you ever tell the police this, uh, story? Those police who were looking to get famous off arresting my husband? You say this isn't the first woman who was obsessed with your husband.
Did any others call? Others have called.
Sent little love notes.
Left voice mails.
But none had ever looked me in the eye and said I'm taking him away from you.
Looked you in the eye? I meant called me on the phone.
Freudian slip? Phone records show a call from Lauren.
Ken comes home, tells Tiffany Lauren's become a problem.
Then Lauren calls and threatens.
Says she'll go public.
Reveal Ken's gunplay.
They'd lose millions from their endorsements.
Or it was jealousy.
And she loves him.
- Please.
- It happens.
In any case, none of this matters.
It does to me.
Who are you calling? Please.
I hope I didn't drag you from too far away.
Not at all.
I live over on 110th.
- Chablis? - Thank you.
Park view? No, an old family brownstone.
My father was a surgeon over at Westside Presbyterian.
Too bad we can't toast to victory.
No, that wouldn't work.
I'm one of those people who needs to be certain about things.
An honest prosecutor needs certainty.
Just as an honest defense attorney needs doubt.
There was a moment in court A moment that supports Ken Jackson's innocence.
So you know what I mean.
It's nothing I can act on.
Nor can I.
Except to say that, - if there were an admission - Is this the offer of a plea? If the truth could emerge, I would lobby for a plea.
There's a personal quotient involved.
A marriage.
Something I'm not part of.
Something they may not be willing to share.
Well, clearly The offer of a plea would have to come before I could even suggest it.
A plea? After all we did to indict this guy? Forget it.
You sold that jury a pattern of conduct.
I think you'll get a conviction.
I can't stop thinking that it was Tiffany.
Off what? A slip of the tongue? Female intuition? You haven't talked to anybody? I just want a judgment based on the truth.
Stop dreaming.
You're not in the certainty business.
The winning argument is the truth.
What actually happened, who did what to whom, are things that we never know.
I hate that.
Learn to live with it, 'cause it's all we got.
Jurors, please be seated.
- It's still not too late.
- Forget it.
We have, Your Honor.
Kibre's reasonable.
We ask the verdict be withheld, We ask the verdict be withheld, and try to work something out.
Tiff is not gonna plead.
I got her into this mess.
Will the jury foreperson and the defendant please rise? In the matter of The People v.
Kenneth Jackson, charging murder in the first degree, is he guilty or not guilty? We, the jury, find the defendant Kenneth Jackson guilty as charged.
No! No, I can't let them do this.
It's all right, baby.
It's okay.
It's all right.
Look, I love you.
And I got your back.
There's no way I'd ever let them punish you, ever.

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