Love Life (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Magnus Lund Part II

I mean, how fucking great
are these details, right?
Like, different wallpaper,
- maybe another finish?
- Mmm-hmm.
- It's gonna be beautiful.
- Totally.
- I am so proud of you.
- [Jim] Thanks.
When your aunt left you this place,
it was disgusting.
It was like an old, gross home
in New Jersey.
New Jersey isn't that bad.
Yeah, I can see it's gonna be amazing,
and you're gonna get a shit ton
of money for it.
What if I don't want to sell it?
I mean, yeah,
I guess you could rent it out.
We could use the extra cash.
No, I wanna live here.
Sara, I think we should live here.
Just hear me out.
So it's a great school district,
it's only 40 minutes from the city,
so we can commute,
and the town, Sara, I'm telling you
there's this strip of Main Street
you'd think is Brooklyn.
Would I?
Or would I think it was
a street in New Jersey
that has a barber shop that serves beer?
You are gonna do a great job
with this place,
but don't be crazy.
I'm not being crazy.
Moving to New Jersey is crazy.
Sara, I'm ready for this.
Like, I'm ready to have a house.
Aren't you over having roommates
and having to step around piles of trash
every time you leave the apartment?
What would we do for fun, Jim?
Like, go to high school football games?
Just picture it. You on the couch
doing a crossword puzzle,
me in the kitchen,
cooking up some pancakes.
I don't know, maybe eventually
a little kid running around?
No. I don't want that.
I mean, maybe.
Maybe one day, but now?
No, come on.
Let's go home.
We'll go out tonight.
Get fucked up,
make some mistakes, you know.
Be young.
I'm gonna live here.
I really want you to live here with me.
But either way, I'm moving here.
This is what I want.
What does that mean?
I don't know, Sara, what does it mean?
[female narrator] Some relationships
are clearly not meant to last.
Others seem obviously
pointed toward forever.
And then there are those
that are less clear-cut,
where one must decide,
without a definitive path,
whether to go all-in
or cut one's losses.
Hey, baby, I need more toilet paper.
[narrator] Though deep in her gut
Darby had suspected the worst,
she had nevertheless, eight months ago,
after a whirlwind engagement,
stood before the justice of the peace
and hoped for the best.
- [Magnus groans softly]
- Hey. Oh.
No, baby, I gotta get up.
I gotta go to work.
[Magnus fusses]
- I'll make you breakfast.
- Oh, that's sweet.
[Darby sighs]
- I'm making French toast.
- That's okay, babe.
It's already 9:00,
and I should really be on time
for the arrival of the priceless relic.
[grunts] I'm sorry.
I'm just so tired.
It's okay.
Hey, did you hear back from
that last round of jobs you applied for?
Oh, yeah, I got the job
at that fusion place.
What? Baby.
That's amazing. Why didn't you tell me?
'Cause I'm not gonna take it.
Why not?
Well, I mean, the pay was a joke.
I've been a sous chef for five years.
They offered 65K.
That's a lot.
I know what I'm worth, and [inhales]
Plus, do I really want to work
in a fusion restaurant?
Isn't there part of you
that just misses going to work?
Honestly, I just want
to focus on the Chip case
- and get that fuckface to pay me back.
- Yeah.
But, babe, you have
been through two lawyers.
And what has it been?
Like, I mean, a year?
Couldn't you have made that much by now?
It's not about the money.
This is about my reputation as a chef.
I have a call today with Freddy's cousin,
who is a big-time lawyer.
Who's Freddy?
- The man bun, worked at the door.
- Mmm-hmm.
Yeah, he, uh, quit
because fuckface wouldn't move him up.
Okay. Well, I gotta go.
All right. [sighs]
Oh. Yeah, um, which card
should I use for the retainer?
It's a retainer.
We get it back when we win.
I don't think that's how it works.
Babe, if you want me
to take the job, I'll take it.
I'll do anything you ask, I swear.
I'll hold off on starting my own place.
I just want to make you proud.
Just, you know, make sure he's legit.
Get references.
I mean, I know Freddy,
but, yeah, of course I will.
- Okay.
- All right.
- Hey, I love you.
- I love you too.
- [indistinct conversation]
- Where are they now?
Uh, 22nd and Lex.
Okay, so that's 20 minutes.
Can you let me know
the second they get here?
Yeah. I got you
a bacon, egg and cheese from that bodega.
- With the one-eyed cat.
- Ah, amazing. You're promoted.
- Wait, really?
- No, but you're doing a great job
and I appreciate you.
[keyboard clacking]
[computer chimes]
[narrator] Darby had kept
this shameful chapter from her youth
neatly compartmentalized
in her memory bank.
Recently, though,
she had been thinking a lot
about the past,
trying to thread together
the pieces of her life
in order to find out how
she had ended up where she was.
- It's here.
- Uh, great. I'll be right there.
Okay, uh, all right.
- So we have the two jade dragons
- Mmm-hmm.
Ming dynasty figural jar,
and the 18 silver seals.
- Oh, hand me the gloves.
- Yeah.
There's only ten of these teacups
in the entire world.
Jeez. [chuckles softly]
Think of everything it's been through.
The emperors, the wars, the revolutions.
- Take my picture with it.
- Yeah.
Great. Oh.
It looks like you got a Facebook message
from a Luke Ducharme?
Oh, you're still on Facebook?
- That's all, Tim, thank you.
- Mmm-hmm.
[door closes]
[pan sizzling]
- Here it is.
- Okay, babe.
This looks amazing.
This is kind of a lot.
For my number one babe.
- Try the hot sauce, please.
- Oh, yeah?
'Cause I think that's the one.
I think I got the peppers right.
How was your day?
- Good.
- Yeah?
Yeah. Yours?
It was kind of great, actually.
Um, I got this shipment in for auction.
It's these 40 pieces of Asian antiquities
from all these different eras.
But, like, check this out. [chuckles]
Yeah, they look like butt plugs.
I mean And they're called,
like, "silver seals," right?
But it's a big deal, you know,
and it's my biggest commission,
so I'm excited.
I know, I'm sorry,
I'm just fucking spiraling.
Freddy's fucking lawyer cousin
won't take the case.
Did he say why?
I don't know, some horseshit about
needing documentation for my hours.
Can you get that?
He's not the guy.
This year's been a fucking shitshow.
So lucky that I have you.
[moans softly]
Oh, my God. It feels so good.
Your pussy is so fucking tight.
Yeah, fuck my tight pussy.
Oh, babe, not so hard!
The fajitas! [grunts]
[Magnus snoring]
[cell phone buzzes]
["I've Got Another"
by Otis Brown and The Delights playing]
[snoring continues]
- [song continues over speakers]
- [people speaking indistinctly]
- Darby Carter, holy shit.
- Wow. [laughs]
- You look amazing.
- Oh, Luke Ducharme.
You're not bald.
Low bar.
- Drink?
- Yes.
- Yeah?
- That would be great.
- [upbeat song playing]
- [Darby] I can't believe you're a lawyer.
Actually, I prefer the term "law daddy."
Sure. Yeah, is that what you have
on your business cards?
Yeah, yeah.
So what about you?
Are you the one who talks fast,
like, uh, "100, 200, do I hear 200, 300,
sold to the man in the front!"
Yeah. No, that's exactly what I do.
That's unbelievable.
That's an uncanny impression.
Oh, fuck. It's such a trip to see you.
Oh, please. I'm sure I'm hardly
a significant figure in your past.
I mean, what did we even hang out for,
like, a week, if that?
Well, I guess you made an impression.
Well, right. Yeah.
I mean, I guess, faking cancer,
kind of memorable.
Yeah, about that.
I [sighs]
Darby, I feel awful for what I did.
Oh, my God. No, what?
It's so whatever. It was a long time ago.
It was fucking high school.
Yeah, I guess, but
During my last breakup,
I was going to therapy with my ex,
and this stuff came up
about me leaving a large wake
and I started thinking
about what that meant
and I realized how much damage I've done
to different people over the years
and I know that I was at least a component
- in the whole cancer thing.
- Oh, come on. It wasn't just that.
There was my family stuff
and puberty hormones are just
Darby. Please let me apologize.
I was a total dick to you and I'm sorry.
Thank you.
Really, thank you, that
Jesus, that means a lot.
I should tell you
I do have cancer now, for real.
It's so bad. The prognosis is so bad.
You're the worst.
It might be my last night
and I'm with you. So weird.
Uh-oh. That's not
how you want to spend it.
[narrator] Darby felt relief
that she could finally close the book
on that embarrassing chapter
of her life at the Cornelia Academy.
Perhaps if Luke had forgiven her,
she could forgive herself as well.
At first, it was a series
of text message pleasantries
and loose plans
to meet up later that week
which soon became longer,
friendlier exchanges
about where, for example,
the best bagel in Manhattan
could be procured,
which evolved into full-blown,
day-long text conversations,
first about nothing in particular,
complete with links, GIFs and emojis
and eventually deep conversations
about their feelings on everything
from open relationships to religion.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
So that's the guy you got cancer for?
I mean
It's weird to feel connected to somebody
that I haven't seen since high school.
Oh, my God, is he your wittle soul mate?
No, no, I'm just going through
a rough thing with Magnus
and so I know I'm frustrated
and it's whatever.
This dude looks like he's got
a really good credit score.
- That's what I look for.
- Do you want some?
Take it easy, Don Draper.
Are you okay? Is this okay?
Have you heard from Jim?
Uh, he's not picking up my calls,
which is kind of hot.
Are you gonna take this seriously?
It's gonna be fine, Mom.
Is there a world where you could
see yourself making this work?
Darby, there are two Walmarts
within 15 minutes of his house.
Okay. Yeah, no, I hear you.
- [cell phone buzzes]
- Oh, hello.
Shit, it's Luke.
- "What are you up to tonight?"
- [Sara] Hmm.
- Sounds like you're gonna be fucking.
- No.
"See you soon."
- It's so
- "Can't wait to talk to you later."
It's so attractive
when you have a mouthful of bread.
Ooh, hey, sexy lady. Where you going?
Uh, Hamilton.
With my friend from high school.
- I told you about this, remember?
- Yeah.
Yeah, of course.
Yeah, I hope that's okay,
'cause there was just one extra ticket.
Totally. You know how I feel
about cultural phenomenons.
I do, yeah.
So what are you up to tonight?
Well, actually, working on the case
and I got an idea.
What if I call Chip and tell him
I'm gonna call ICE on his ass?
- You mean like extortion?
- No.
More like, "Hey, man.
Do the right thing
or else I'm gonna make a call."
Oh, that's still extortion.
Put a pin in that until I get home,
we can workshop other ideas.
Are you sure?
Feels like it would be effective.
A hundred percent don't do that.
[people speaking indistinctly]
[Darby] Sorry, excuse me. excuse me.
Oh, sorry. Excuse me, sorry.
I'm so sorry I'm late.
It's okay. Here.
It's Chardonnay and probably awful.
- Mmm.
- But it's booze.
- Yes, notes of burning swamp.
- [chuckles]
I'm gonna get ten more.
I definitely need it.
- Everything okay?
- Yeah.
I mean, I couldn't find a cab.
I hate making people wait
and I was stressed.
Well, the wait was worth it.
I feel really dorky, but I'm so excited.
[Luke] Me too, me too.
- [usher] Five minutes.
- This is it.
- [Darby] It's really real.
- Heck yeah.
- We're over here. Yeah.
- Oh.
- Fancy.
- [usher] Take your seats.
[mellow instrumental music playing]
[narrator] Darby had wanted
to see Hamilton for some time,
and yet now, she found it hard to focus.
It was deeply thrilling
to feel Luke's knee next to hers.
They both knew they were touching,
but neither of them moved.
Darby wasn't doing anything wrong
and yet, this private moment
sent an electric charge
through her entire body.
I mean, it's corny, but, like,
it was amazing!
- It was amazing.
- I feel so cliché.
- Um
- Well, this is me.
- Ah. Okay.
- Right here.
Well, um, thank you so much.
It was It was incredible. [chuckles] Um
And I should go.
Yeah. You should probably go.
- Do you want to come up?
- Um, yes.
Um, no, 'cause I'm married.
And, yeah, I didn't even
want to get into this.
It's just that, um, my husband's
in the middle of this wrongful termination
lawsuit, which is stressful,
and I don't want to do
something to hurt him
or fuck this up
'cause I'm mad at him right now,
which is a long way of saying
I want to come up,
and I can't, 'cause I'm married.
I could talk to him.
Oh, God. No, no, no.
That's not I'm just venting.
I I would never ask you to do that.
Seriously, I don't mind.
It's not really my area of expertise,
but I'd be happy to help.
- That wouldn't be weird?
- No, not at all.
Tell you what, why don't you text me
and, uh, we'll figure out a time
to get together?
I'll do that, and, um, thank you again.
- This was great.
- You're very welcome.
Thank you for going with me.
- Okay.
- Okay. [chuckles]
[Darby] Good night.
- Hey, babe.
- Hey.
How was it?
Um, it was pretty good.
Lived up to the hype, I guess.
- [Magnus] Good.
- Mmm.
I'm I'm sorry. I'm just kind of sleepy.
Got it.
[cell phone buzzing]
And remember,
he's doing us a favor, so be nice.
- Isn't it your friend from high school?
- Yeah, it is.
- Oh, he's gay.
- What? No, no.
- Hi.
- Hey.
[Darby] Hi.
- Thank you so much for meeting us.
- [Luke] Of course.
- This is my husband.
- Hey, man.
- Luke.
- [Magnus] Yeah, hey.
- Magnus.
- Great to meet you.
You too.
Uh, and what else?
I designed 80% of the menu.
And I put us on the map,
He didn't even have Twitter.
Well, Magnus was trying to unionize.
The place was doing well and then he felt
they could give employees
health insurance, that kind of thing.
- Right?
- Mmm.
Well, that's an angle.
Do you think your firing was retaliatory
for your attempts to organize?
Yeah, 100%.
If you talked to any other employees
about unionizing,
and we could get them to go on record
I'm not gonna do that.
I'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus.
That's not what he means.
If we could get someone to corroborate
Yeah, and what I'm saying
is that I'm loyal
and I won't fucking do that,
- so that's not an angle.
- Okay.
Magnus, I'm just
gonna be straight with you here.
Even with a contract,
he could claim he fired you for cause.
Without documentation or corroboration,
one could easily say you came in late
or didn't fulfill your duties.
Why would one say that
if one works for me?
I'm a corporate lawyer
and I don't work for you.
I'm doing this as a favor to your wife.
But a part of every attorney's job
is to argue the other side's case
to know what is or isn't worth pursuing,
and as much as it sucks,
- I would let this one go, man.
- Yeah?
Great, man.
Thanks for your professional opinion.
Yeah, I'm done. Let's go.
- [Darby] Um
- [Luke clears throat]
Uh, I can give you some cash.
No, no, no. It's all good, really.
Um, I'm so sorry.
What was that? What was that, man?
They're all the fucking same!
Anything that's gonna take extra work.
No. Come on, that's not it, you know that.
And he was making some good points.
He's just trying to help, and I
He took an hour out of his day,
as a favor to me,
the least you could do
is pretend to be appreciative
or not be so much of a dick.
Maybe I'm fucking frustrated. I'm sorry.
I know.
So let's just go do something else.
Do you want to walk around?
We could go to Joe's Shanghai.
No, I want to go to the gym.
I want to punch something.
- I'll text you, whatever.
- Yep.
[cell phone chimes]
- [cell phone chimes]
- [sighs]
- Hey.
- Hey.
Um, there's booze inside?
- Yes. You can have some.
- Great. Great.
Our hearts are free ♪
Has he always been like that?
Um, no. Not always.
But for a while now, yeah.
It's been so bad lately,
I don't really remember when it was good.
Which isn't [scoffs]
I'm not trying to be a downer.
And I do love him.
Don't beat yourself up.
You're a good person
and he's taking advantage of that.
I don't know. I think
I might've known he was like this
from the second I met him.
In my bones, you know?
[sighing] And I don't know
what that says about me.
Relationships are fucking hard.
So this might sound presumptuous, but
you do know
that you don't have to stay with him?
People get divorced.
[clears throat] Well, I mean,
what about your last relationship?
When did you know it was time to call it
with your girlfriend, wife?
Yeah, no, just girlfriend.
Uh [inhales deeply]
I would say I knew for about a year
before I did anything about it.
- Oof.
- [laughs]
You look good, Ducharme.
Well, so do you.
Come here.
- [Luke] Mmm.
- Mmm.
- This is a really nice room.
- Thanks.
They don't give rooms
like this to associates,
but because I'm a law daddy
Right, you got an upgrade, obviously.
Yeah, precisely.
Just if for a minute and gone ♪
I want real love, baby ♪
Ooh, don't leave me waiting ♪
I got real love, maybe ♪
Wait until you taste me ♪
I want real love, baby ♪
There's a world inside me ♪
Got the key, just use it ♪
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
I want real love, baby ♪
Ooh, don't leave me waiting ♪
I want real love, baby ♪
[water running]
- What?
- Nothing.
Just if you had told 16-year-old me
I'd end up here,
I wouldn't have believed you.
- Yeah.
- [chuckles]
Pretty wild.
- So you leave tomorrow?
- Yeah.
- If you're in Boston, let me know.
- For sure.
- I should get going.
- Yeah, okay.
[narrator] As Darby left his
impossibly nice Gramercy Park Hotel suite,
she realized that this was
never about Luke at all.
He merely represented the possibility
of something better than Magnus.
Darby could've told Magnus everything.
She could've blown it all up
and freed herself,
but something stopped her.
Maybe it was self-doubt,
maybe it was fear of the unknown.
[knock at door]
[Magnus] Babe?
Um, just a second.
Hey, I'm just, um
I'm gonna take a bath.
I'm sorry I was a dick
to your friend today.
Um, thank you.
[male auctioneer]
Our next lot today is 114,
an exceptionally important
and fine chicken cup.
[narrator] After that,
Darby lost her appetite
and more or less stopped sleeping.
She was in a purgatory of her own making
and the longer she sat in it,
the harder it was to find her way out.
[auctioneer] Back to my bidder here,
it's at the desk at 27
Not yours, 28 million.
Gentleman here, 28 million.
29 million, new bidder.
Thank you, I'm out.
It's 29 million with you.
No more bids on the book. It's 29 million.
30 million now, aisle bidder. Thank you.
It's 30 million, 31 million,
back to the lady at 31 million.
32 million, well done, sir.
What shall we do, ma'am? Go to 34?
34 million, thank you at 34.
35 now, on the right, now.
Can I get you to go to 36 million?
36 million is yours.
At 36 million,
gentleman seated on the aisle.
Fair warning, last chance.
At 36 million, it's yours, sir.
- [gavel bangs]
- Sold at $36 million, title 23.
- [people applauding]
- Oh! Oh! Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
[cell phone buzzes]
[knock at door]
- Hey. Hey.
- Hi.
Uh, I got something for you. It's stupid.
No, Tim. That's so sweet.
Uh, it's nothing, just something
to commemorate your first big sale.
- It's a big deal. So cool.
- That's so nice.
Oh, my God, you hate it. I'm so sorry.
- I can
- No, Tim Um
- You sure?
- This is really great.
Thank you so much.
This is so sweet. [sniffles]
I love it, I love it.
Okay, cool. Uh, well, anyway,
we're all gonna go grab a drink
and celebrate.
Any interest in coming?
Um, I'm gonna catch up on paperwork.
- Aw, boo. Come on.
- I know, I know, next time.
Um, shut the door on the way out?
- Yeah.
- Thank you.
I would've made you something.
The teacup sold today for 36 million.
Wow. Do we get a cut of that?
No, that's not how it works.
We should.
Well, we don't.
What's wrong? What's going on with you?
Magnus, I don't think
I can do this anymore.
Do what?
Us. This.
What are you talking about?
Um, I just think
I need some space.
We could both use some space.
I don't need space.
Well, I do.
Oh, my God.
Hey, I know the last couple months
have been rough.
Times are gonna get rough, you know?
I want to grow old with you.
We're gonna go through shit together.
Ups and downs.
I want to be with you when I'm 90.
I know I've been a shitshow lately.
I know.
I'll get a job.
We can start saving for the farm.
I want to take you to Spain.
We can have a beautiful life.
Just us against the world.
You can't do this.
You can't just quit when it gets hard.
It didn't get hard. You made it hard.
[Magnus scoffs]
[sniffles] We're fucking married.
We took vows.
I would die for you.
My dreams are your dreams.
No, your dreams are not my dreams.
That's what I'm fucking telling you.
- Good luck.
- Hmm.
Honestly, good luck finding this.
I'm the best you're ever gonna have.
Okay, Magnus.
Whatever you say.
- I will fucking kill myself.
- Don't say that.
Walk out the door
and I'm gonna kill myself!
My body's gonna be in the kitchen,
you're gonna come back,
you're gonna have to make phone calls
and explain why Magnus committed suicide.
Jesus! Are you fucking crazy?
You're a fucking crazy bitch!
I'm gonna call the cops on you!
["If I'm Unworthy" by Blake Mills playing]
I've found a new meaning ♪
The oldest words in use ♪
Now I no longer ask myself ♪
What have I got to lose ♪
If I'm unworthy of the power I hold ♪
Over you ♪
Over you ♪
If I'm unworthy of the power I hold ♪
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