Ludik (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

What is the difference
between temptation and opportunity?
Opportunity knocks only once.
Temptation keeps ringing the doorbell
and keeps ringing and ringing
Will you open
the door every time?
I can't hear you.
Who's taking it?
I can't hear you, talk slow
Fuck! Fuck!
Hi, this is Swys.
I'm not available at the moment.
Please leave a message.
Please. Call me.
I can help you.
I'm here.
I told you not to come back here.
Arend has one of the
policemen in his pocket.
- Davies?
- No. The young one.
You have two options, Daan.
You can tell me to get fucked
I already did.
Let me help you.
- Let me fix it.
- Where did you get this, Rina?
He's a fucking psycho.
And I'm scared of him.
I can fix this, Daan.
This is half of the shipment.
He's not been paid for the last shipment.
We have not received it yet.
Until payment, you get only half.
Florin, there was problem with delivery.
I'm going there tomorrow to collect it.
I'll be back with both
payments by midweek.
It's not my problem, brother.
It's all right.
It's all right.
I have not even told him
about new shipment.
Have you heard from Rina?
What's going on?
Who else have you been talking to?
About what?
The guns, you imbecile.
Did you say anything to Daan?
And don't lie to me.
Why? What's happened?
Albert found the location.
He killed everyone and took the whole lot.
You still want me to go up there?
How did he know?
Come on, man!
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this guy's problem?
They won't give us more than six crates
without payment for the previous batch.
How did they know?
Calm down.
Get your boss on the phone.
I wanna talk to him.
His orders were half. You get only half.
You, take out another six crates.
I need 12, like it's been
for the past five years.
Listen to me carefully.
The new guy
across the border is a fucking animal.
And he won't accept this. I need 12.
You lost your grip on your buyer.
It's not my problem.
Perhaps, uh,
your generation is on the way out.
Put that gun away!
Let me do you the favor now!
Don't fucking talk to him. Talk to me.
Lower the gun!
You fucked up! You're out!
He's high.
Just fucking ignore him. Florin.
Florin! Back off!
Rob our guns? Now you want more?
What the fuck is this?
I'm leaving.
Yes, old man! Leave!
Get your boss on the phone.
Tell him to come and see me.
Not to send a fucking twat like you.
What the fuck? You want me killed?
- A mouse, am I?
- Hey!
When I got the call,
I thought it was a joke. Or a prank.
Very quickly I realized
they might actually kill him.
Why didn't you call the police, Mr. Ludik?
I thought that they wanted money.
My brother-in-law is known to make debt.
I've handled this sort
of thing for him before.
So you didn't call the police,
because of the size of your bank account?
Like I said,
I've handled this type of threat before.
When did you meet this Arend Brown?
I'm sorry.
That same night I went to his house.
His real name is Percy.
Arend is just a bullshit,
macho name he gave himself.
Remind me what he said again.
Well, he needed transport and a driver
to take his stuff across the border.
I didn't know what we'd be transporting.
Well, you must've known
it would be something illegal.
The thought crossed my mind.
- Who packed the truck?
- They did.
- Where?
- Here.
- Where were you?
- Watching.
And you didn't see them
pack anything illegal?
- No, just couches.
- Couches?
From your catalogue?
- Yes.
- Which they got where?
I don't know.
Did you see what they put in the couches?
Let's get back to this Bells character.
When did your brother-in-law meet him?
Well, you'll have to ask Swys that.
- And where would I find him?
- He's missing.
- Missing?
- Yes.
It's why I'm talking to you.
They wanted me
to make another delivery and I said no.
- And now Swys is missing.
- Yes.
So did Swys, uh
Was he in debt with these guys?
Did he owe them money?
I was the target.
During my enquiry,
I came across this name, Wikus Kruger.
Ever heard the name?
No. Who is he?
We believe he's involved.
No, I don't know a Wikus Kruger.
Officers, that's all I can tell you.
Hopefully, you can solve this.
please ask the secretary outside
to, uh, to warm this up for me.
Cold tea gives me a heartburn.
Yes, sir.
Do you wanna tell me,
why did you pick a fight?
It's not like you so why?
Tell me!
Because a dog like that doesn't listen.
Thank you.
The great and powerful Daan Ludik.
But there's always a man
behind the curtain. Hmm?
You may think you have the power.
But power is only governed
by those who allow you to have it.
I didn't realize you were a poet.
I'm gonna look into the allegations
against these men.
But I'm warning you,
I'm doing this by the book.
Regardless of our children.
I expect nothing less.
Moyo, let's go.
He's hiding something.
Find the brother-in-law.
Bring him in to talk to me.
And Arend Brown?
All roads lead to Rome.
Daan, he bought the couch.
Lord, our God
We thank you for this fellowship.
Bless those
who prepared this food with love.
And we are truly thankful
for everything we receive
through Your grace and love.
- Amen.
- Amen.
How's the food?
Hmm, good.
If you're going to waste the food,
you can leave my table.
- It's just a potato.
- Yes, and who paid for it?
Go to your room.
Boys looking for a hiding.
The food is delicious.
I did everything right.
All my life, people just take from me.
They just take and take.
Even God.
He took her away.
Then you get up and fight another day.
You put the bottle down.
Did you love my mom?
Or did you
just feel guilty when my dad left?
Your mother deserved better.
And me?
I allowed you to marry my daughter.
Even if you were a drunkard.
Still are.
Daan is right.
God has forsaken us a long time ago.
Daan's heart is full of anger.
Me too.
My heart is
also filled with anger!
I am not a dog.
I am a man.
- A human being.
- Listen to me.
What are you looking for?
Why bother knocking on God's door if
you're just going to behave like a savage?
So you were abused.
So what?
Jesus was also abused.
Find forgiveness or die a sinner.
"Find forgiveness or die a sinner."
In this world,
a man without power has no choices.
If you're planning on doing something
stupid, then make yourself scarce.
Do you hear me?
You stay away from here!
Was it fatal?
- A shoulder hit.
- Are you sure?
Dead fucking sure.
All right, calm down.
Don't tell me what to do, driver.
- What did you call me?
- Hey! Enough!
- You gave the address to Zimbabwean.
- Yes.
Yes. Nice. Well, he found the guns.
Left big fucking massacre.
And now there's farmhouse
filled with bodies. And guess what?
Your fucking couches.
- Shit.
- Yes, shit.
That's what you got me into. I don't
want to be in the middle of a war here.
There's not gonna be a war.
We can still make this work.
We just need to think.
Arend won't rest until he finds me.
Listen. So this is what you're gonna do.
You're gonna go to the police station
near where you were held,
and you're gonna make a statement
against Swys for assault.
There's no fucking way I'm doing that.
You make the statement
and you mention Arend's name.
Just mention it.
We want fingers pointing at him.
Let's get the police on his scent.
What about the shipment? It's only half.
And Arend?
He's got people everywhere.
And what about border?
How do we get through
the border without being noticed?
- What are you doing?
- Um, I'm looking for Felix.
Hey, does your cousin
still sell on Atelier Avenue?
Yeah, I'll pick him up.
- Keep the team small.
- Dad.
What's going on? I've been waiting
in your office for 20 minutes.
Oh, sorry. Listen, give me a couple
of minutes. I'll be right there.
Okay. So that's what we're gonna do.
We're gonna take the guns
through tomorrow morning.
Whatever Arend throws at us,
we deal with it then.
I want you to go make that statement,
pack your bag and come back here.
I've got a place for you to hide out.
Hey, Daan.
Giving up Swys
to the police is a risky move.
They will charge him with assault.
He's a menace to himself.
Someone needs to find him.
He might have
the diamonds on him.
- Yes.
- Which puts us at risk.
I know.
We'll deal with it when we get there.
Two Chappies, please.
I'm watching you.
Do you know that guy?
No, sir. We don't know him.
Dammit. Sorry.
- Two Chappies please, uncle.
- Keep the money. Take the chappies.
- Thanks, uncle.
- Thank you, sir.
Fuck. Sorry. Oh
Sorry for fucking swear
Sorry for the swearing.
Who's next? What do you want?
- One chewing gum, please.
- One?
No, come on. Be smart
and buy two. Keep one for later.
I'll tell you what,
I'll give you three for five cents.
Thank you!
Is there anybody here?
Can I help you?
I'm looking for Swys de Villiers.
Swys. Uh, uh, haven't seen him.
- Ouch! Fuck!
- Hey!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Hey, I will shoot you!
I will shoot you.
Uh, for fuck sakes man, you can't
just fucking do that. Ow! My bloody arm.
Assaulting a police officer, man.
Huh? My arm, man.
You didn't say you were police, huh?
Then why did you run?
Because you were chasing me.
Go ahead. Markus Ludik.
Any relation to Daan Ludik?
- He's my uncle. Ow, fuck, man.
- Ooh, one dirty nest.
Where is Swys de Villiers?
I don't know.
Listen, there's nothing there.
There's nothing
What is this?
Huh? Oh
Exactly what we're looking for.
Where did you get this, huh?
Listen, man, you're hurting my arm.
Did your uncle give it to you?
- Hey.
- No. I found them.
A guy named Bells, okay?
He kidnapped Swys.
- Bells?
- Yeah.
He works for some guy named Arend
Botha or Bothma. I don't fucking know.
- They don't belong to me, eh.
- Okay, come.
My man, Mr. Brown, we need to talk.
Who is this?
It's Officer Moyo.
Have I got the scoop for you!
Not over the fucking phone.
Fuck this.
I was busy.
I've been working here for four years,
Dad. So find a better excuse.
Hello? Yes?
What do you mean you're at the
police station? What? Yes, I'm coming.
Where's the nephew now?
In holding.
He said he got it from your man.
Not Daan.
My guy?
Leave this with me.
Oh, no! Those are my promotion.
Promotions bring more responsibilities.
Is that what you want? Or just a raise?
How about 100,000?
Our investigation is shifting.
What about you make that
a permanent arrangement?
In what way?
We know Daan is involved.
But where he fits in is not clear yet.
There's new evidence suggesting
that he's taking orders from someone else.
These stones from, uh,
your man, does not look good for you.
Let's make it 500,000. I'll bring
this investigation to a dead-end.
I am more than capable
of doing that myself.
Hurry up.
I said, "Come on."
I can't anymore.
- Can't what anymore?
- Take a look at your face.
Take look at his face.
He punched someone at school.
Yes, kid was a bully. Fucking great.
He gets it from you.
Go show Rina your shiner.
Anet, he's a kid.
They fight.
I know he doesn't talk much.
But he listens
and he sees and he worships you.
And I can't believe you can just sit back
and not see this as a problem.
The last few years
you've drifted further away from me.
And I understand you're expanding.
The last few days, I
I don't recognize you.
I'm your wife.
I'm on your side. Include me.
I will speak to him.
- Hey.
- Hey.
This was my chance, hey.
Are you sure it wasn't the bank's mistake?
It was my dad, Louise.
Maybe he'll come back.
I'll kill him if he comes back.
Hey, Markus.
I just wanna compete.
Hmm? I just want to compete.
That's all I wanna do.
I'm sorry, Markus.
Let's keep going.
The number
you have reached is not in service.
Your attention, please.
Please do not smoke
in the terminal building.
Smoking is only permitted
The number
you have reached is not in service.
Thank you.
You're looking well.
- take the delivery out for five.
- It's too early, Ma.
They called and they want it now.
He's all grown up.
I take it his mother didn't make it.
What do you want?
Who's the buyer?
I'm not involved with that stuff anymore.
I want you to leave.
Who does Daan sell to?
Get out!
Just tell me his name,
and I'll leave you alone.
What's happened?
We used to be so close.
Give me his name.
Or I'll force it from your
lips with my grubby fingertips.
- Daan doesn't deserve this.
- Daan. Daan. Daan!
didn't anticipate this.
Look at me.
- Look what I've brought you two.
- Thank you.
You know what? You each get two napkins.
- We don't usually provide napkins.
- Thank you.
- Enjoy.
- Thank you, ma'am.
You can't hit other kids.
If you have something to say,
then you say it. Okay?
You hit other people.
I want you to be better than that.
When you're done eating come inside. Okay?
Auntie, keep an eye out for me.
Of course.
There we go. Oh,
what happened to your face?
You should see the other kid.
I'm sure.
That's the way to do it.
Put him in his place, boy.
Oh, kids! Oh!
- Errol.
- Oh,
A statement was entered into the
system today that mentions Daan Ludik.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you very much.
Is it something I did?
What? No. No, I
I've just had a lot on my mind.
Let me help you.
He says that he and Daan
have been in business for many years.
Why should he
now listen to what you have to say?
I'm not here to start a war.
Speak with honesty.
Think with sincerity. Act with integrity.
Isn't that what your Qur'an preaches?
Are you a man
who is honest and trustworthy?
I'm just giving you the facts.
You decide if you can
still trust him or not.
Where are his diamonds now?
My guess is they're
already with the police.
They'll be coming to knock on your door
soon, unless you can get him back in line.
Just a
friendly reminder.
What is your wish?
- Brothers.
- Yes, boss!
You betrayed me.
But I understand why.
You wanted more from me
than I was able to give you.
But you're still part of the team.
That hasn't changed.
Are you hearing me?
Yes, I'm fucking hearing you.
What can you give me?
What do you want?
I want to run the gun trade.
I want to make the deals.
Is that so?
You owe me your livelihood.
If it wasn't for me,
you wouldn't be in this country.
That's what I want. No compromise.
I want you to gather a few of your men.
I want to send a message.
You got it, boss.
I need my phone.
What now?
Fucking dickhead.
Look out back.
He's not here.
Destroy it.
Fuck it up!
Ah-ha! Yeah.
Go, go.
Furniture man.
Your killing spree poses
a serious problem for me.
Those pieces of furniture from my store,
they can't be found
with dead bodies around them.
I burned it.
I've burned it all down.
The police are not going to
investigate some burned-down farmhouse.
It's not in their jurisdiction. Trust me.
Are you bringing my load?
I am.
- When?
- Tomorrow.
- It's only half.
- Why?
You haven't paid for the last load.
Because he stole from me.
Look, Arend is out. He's done.
I'm taking over his trade.
But you need to pay up or this
partnership will fail before it begins.
We have to do this right.
I'll have it ready when you come.
I'm not coming. I'm sending my man.
Power comes at a very great personal cost.
What are you willing to sacrifice, Daan?
Then God will decide for you.
You took your time.
I made a police report. What happens now?
Have you heard from Arend?
- No.
- We leave now.
I still don't trust his intentions.
Shoot him, if you have to,
but you get out alive.
- Swys.
- Daan.
Are you all right?
Where are you? I'll come get you.
I'm going to fix everything, Daan.
Gone are the days
of people walking all over me.
I'm going to fix
everything they've done to you.
Hey, whatever you think is
happening with me, it's not your fault.
- I have everything under control.
- Hey, Daan.
We can be a team again, eh?
Just like the old days, huh?
I your right-hand man,
and Linda the distraction.
She can wear her blue dress, Daan.
Swys, tell me where you are
and I'll come get you.
Don't worry about me, brother.
- Gone are the days.
- Swys.
Who the hell are you?
My name is Swys de Villiers.
I'll need a little more context than that.
My whole life I've been pushed
around by bullies like you.
I've had enough.
Get the fuck out of my house!
- No.
- No?
I said, "No."
Who are you?
Daan Ludik is my brother-in-law.
You used me to get to him.
Are you fucking joking?
Don't! Don't laugh at me.
I need a drink.
Do you want one?
Bowmore. Fifty-two year old.
Single malt scotch.
Go on.
On the house.
Daan is a diamond smuggler.
Did you know that?
He's been smuggling for years.
And now he's got a whiff of
my business and he wants more.
You don't believe me.
Look over here on the piano.
I was dry.
I was doing well.
And you used me to get to
Daan's business like I was nothing.
Daan doesn't need you.
He's a born criminal.
Don't fuck with me.
Or what?
You'll hit me with your stick?
You're weak, coming in here like this.
It's pathetic.
You actually think
that I'll negotiate with a loser like you.
Don't you fucking
laugh at me, you asshole!
Oh, I suspect
people have been laughing
at you your whole life.
Including Daan.
So go on.
Step forward.
Show me what you're made of.
Fuck. You're pathetic.
Who's pathetic now?
- Dad?
- Sleep.
He wants to see you.
I have to take my son home.
He wants an explanation.
I'm going to take my son home,
and then I'll come over.
Of course.
He stole from us.
Stealing is wrong!
Your father is a bad man.
Bad men need to be punished.
Are you all right?
Are you okay? Let me see.
Listen to me carefully.
I want you to go hide over there. Okay?
I'll come get you, okay? Go.
Son, are you all right? Are you all right?
Everything is okay.
Everything is okay. Okay?
You're alright.
I'm okay.
Where were you?
Where were you? Hi, Danie.
Are you all right? What happened?
- He's okay.
- What the hell happened?
Fuck. Hey.
- I'm fine.
- Hey. Come sit so I can look.
Daan, where were you?
We're okay.
I was worried.
Are you all right?
What the hell happened?
That's enough.
- It's me.
- It's Danso.
Where's Lil?
She's been killed, Daan. She's dead.
I fixed things.
No one will bother you again.
What have you done?
He's dead.
He's dead.
Why did you do something so stupid, man?
I would've handled it.
Did someone see you?
- Will they recognize you?
- Daan!
Before she died, I also promised Linda
that I'd look after you.
I didn't.
Until now.
From now on, I'll take care of you.
We're all right.
I have also fucked up.
But now you're here.
Now you're here.
And you will help me.
Come. Come, let's go.
Dr. Swanepoel.
It's Anet.
Anet Ludik.
Why are you stopping?
That's death.
I know this ploy from before.
You and Arend arranged this, right?
What the fuck do you mean?
He tried to kill me.
- Put it down, man!
- Don't fucking try to kill me. Fuck you.
- I'm warning you!
- Listen, they won't just shoot us.
I don't trust you.
Well, you'd better
fucking start trusting me.
How do I know I can trust you?
You can trust me!
You can trust me.
You can trust me.
When God completed His creation
He declared it good.
It was good indeed.
You bloody bastard.
On that day there was no crime,
no sickness, no death.
But then Satan came
and brought original temptation to Eve.
Let me tell you, family and friends,
that the basic principle of temptation
has stayed the same,
provocation. He tempted her.
He disrupted her good sense.
Here is something delicious,
something juicy.
Something he knows she will like.
Something she doesn't necessarily need.
I think uncle Daan is smuggling diamonds.
- And I think the police knows.
- Did you tell them anything?
No, sir. Never.
she's not allowed to take.
But without it, she might not be perfect.
Or that is what
he will lead her to believe.
That will make you feel better.
It will make you appear more intelligent.
You will appear stronger.
Be more beautiful. The best.
You will have ultimate power over others.
Take the apple.
Brothers and sisters,
a man has free will.
With free will
you choose the path your life will take.
Will you remain true to God or not?
I'm on my way.
That is the only question that matters.
Eve was unfaithful.
The temptation became real
and she chose to let it consume her.
Her willingness to indulge temptation.
But on the other hand,
what is the difference
between temptation and opportunity?
Opportunity only knocks once.
Temptation keeps ringing the doorbell
and keeps ringing and ringing
Will you open the door every time?
And I ask you,
what does this temptation look like?
And lastly,
what are the consequences of temptation?
Let us pray.
Subtitle translation by: Regina Njoku
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