Maamla Legal Hai (2024) s01e06 Episode Script


[horns honking]
[crowd] Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi!
Tyagi! Tyagi!
Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi!
[crowd] Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi!
Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi!
Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi! Tyagi!
Tyagi isn't just my name
Tyagi means selflessness,
and that's my attitude!
-[crowd cheers]
-[exciting music playing]
Why would you want Tyagi?
He's been selling chambers on the side
and has become a millionaire.
The one who will sacrifice
for you is none other than our Phoreyji.
-[Prince] Applause.
-[crowd applauds, cheers]
-[Prince] Are, applause.
-[crowd applauds, cheers]
[crowd continues to cheer]
In the next 60 days, we will bring you
A digital library!
Ahmed Gupta promises you all
that the library in every court
will be fully digital!
[music stops]
Library! Are, who needs a library?
This shows that he doesn't
understand you at all,
but I understand you.
[enthralling music playing]
[politician] Here you go.
Whiskey, rum, and chicken lollipop.
They are going
around distributing lollipops!
But we won't get sucked in!
We are going to demand
a crèche for our children
without which no female lawyer
is going to show up to work.
[Sujata] What is this assignment
Tyagiji has given us?
we still don't have a crèche
in our Nawada Court,
so how do you expect
Patparganj to have one?
If she was running from Patparganj,
we could have done something about it.
But she's running from Nawada.
How are we gonna stop her?
-[campaigner 1] Vote for
-[crowd] Sagarika!
-[campaigner 1] Vote for
-[crowd] Sagarika!
-[campaigner 2] All work and no play!
-[lawyers] Mahinder Phorey!
-[campaigner 2] All work and no play!
-[lawyers] Mahinder Phorey!
-[campaigner 2] All work and no play!
-[lawyers] Mahinder Phorey!
-[upbeat music playing]
-[inaudible dialogue]
-[tense upbeat music playing]
-[inaudible dialogue]
[news reporter] Breaking news!
Breaking news!
We have breaking news from Jhilmil.
There has been a violent incident
at Jhilmil Court today
between the police
and the lawyers present there.
It is believed that a policeman
beat the lawyer with his baton,
after which a mob of angry lawyers
beat up the policeman.
Our correspondent Rakesh is
at the site bringing us the latest news.
Rakesh, can you tell us what happened?
[theme music playing]
Are, in Jhilmil, a lawyer got beat up!
[indistinct news report]
By the police!
Hain? A lawyer got beat up again?
They should only misbehave
in the police station.
The court is our domain.
Police officers!
Remember one thing!
This black coat
has been protecting you all this time.
So be warned.
Those who mess with lawyers
will end up paying a heavy price!
A lawyer's dignity cannot be stripped
from him by a police baton.
Ahmed Gupta demands lawyer security!
All lawyers should be
provided gun licenses! Mm.
[camera shutter clicks]
[crowd] VD Tyagi! VD Tyagi!
[Mintu] Vote for him and you'll get lucky!
[crowd] VD Tyagi! VD Tyagi!
[Mintu] Vote for him and you'll get lucky!
[crowd] VD Tyagi! VD Tyagi!
[constable] Sir, ever since a lawyer
got beaten up,
campaigning has been banned
in Jhilmil Court.
Look at this, Kazmi saab,
what's happening is very unfair.
I know that the lawyers
had a clash with the police,
but, sir, Phorey is taking
undue advantage of the situation.
Now, stopping us from campaigning
in Jhilmil during an election
is a little too much.
Phorey did it from my Hauz Rani
all the way to the back office Daryaganj.
Campaigning, I also want
to do it in Jhilmil.
There are 1,200 lawyers there.
This is clear partisanship.
Jhilmil is not just a bar association.
It's also a court.
And the order given
to stop all campaigning
didn't come from Phorey's association,
it came from the district
judge at the Jhilmil court.
But that district judge is Phorey's uncle.
Obviously, he is in cahoots with him.
Are, the judge who should be
recusing himself is misusing his position.
You've misused your position too.
It was a minor squabble.
And by screaming and shouting,
you turned it into such a big issue!
We did, didn't we?
We did, didn't we?
And Ahmed sir thinks
I'm not very good at politics. [chuckles]
[Ahmed] Maybe a little too good.
He wants to give guns to everybody.
Please cancel his nomination.
Can we please focus on Phorey?
The council does not have the right
to interfere with the court order.
If you want, you can file a motion
to have the election postponed.
Now that's a good idea.
Are, what good idea, yaar?
What good idea?
Just when there's a big wave in my favor,
it will be wasted!
Tyagi, I'm riding a big wave too.
But I'm also taking a risk, right?
A wave? For Ahmed Gupta?
In that case, I'm riding a tsunami.
[playful music playing]
Look, Kazmi saab, let me tell you,
this election will not be postponed.
Tyagi saab, in that case,
the council cannot do anything.
Are you trying to say that VD Tyagi
will have to stand for elections
without even campaigning in Jhilmil?
[VD Tyagi] Kazmi saab,
what are you doing?
All the best, Tyagi saab.
To hell with this!
VD Tyagi is going to Jhilmil!
Both of you, start the slogans!
-Vote for VD Tyagi!
-Vote for VD Tyagi!
-[Law] Vote for VD Tyagi!
-[Order] Vote for VD Tyagi!
"Jebar Kedo"
Jabbar Kaedo.
Who is that?
I'm not sure exactly,
but there's some connection
between Sagarika and him.
You know, to be honest,
I found Sagarikaji quite impressive.
I mean, just to be honest.
[man] What are you saying?
A woman from my community is running
for elections without me knowing about it?
And that too, against Tyagi?
-She's got some guts.
I know. How did a woman
from our community become a lawyer?
Even I couldn't believe it, Chabbarji.
But it is the truth.
All the female lawyers
were ready to vote for Tyagiji.
Now, she'll get the votes.
If Tyagiji wins the elections,
you will benefit from that, won't you?
He's handling 13 cases
from your community.
-They are all fake.
-Of course they are all fake.
But Tyagiji likes to treat them
as if they are all true.
Tell me, has he given you
a chance to complain?
No. Never.
Tyagi bhaiya fights our cases
as if we are his family.
Then, isn't it our duty to help
our brother win the election, huh?
Madam, one second.
What did you say your name was?
Your surname.
[playful music playing]
That means she's from a high caste. Mm-hm.
Okay, then you can drink from the cup.
-Go ahead.
-Oh, it's chai, I don't like it.
Sir, according to your requirements,
our farmhouse is the best option.
Jhilmil Court's face
opens at our backside.
Very nice!
Guys, here's what you do,
make sure you are stationed
-outside Jhilmil Court.
-Yes, sir.
Catch every lawyer that comes out of there
and just tell them,
"Free booze, free booze",
and send them straight to the farmhouse.
First, we'll get them drunk,
and then we'll get our work done. Mm.
-[Parimal] Tyagiji.
Do you think this is going to work?
Mr. Jha,
it'll only work if they get jacked
or drink Jack Daniel's, huh?
-[manager] Jack Daniel's?
Sir, these Jhilmil lawyers
will be happy with local whiskey.
And to be fancy,
we can serve it in glass glasses.
But, sir,
starter will be chicken lollipop.
Our chicken lollipop is world-famous, sir!
Mmm. Looks like you have arranged
a lot of big events in Jhilmil.
Sir, the Jhilmil's oath ceremonies.
Judges' farewell parties.
Court shoot-out parties,
and all the association's anniversaries.
Uh-uh, excuse me.
A shoot-out party for what reason?
Hey, noodly motherfucker,
why don't you mind your own business?
Why do you wanna know?
Hey, what? Huh?
No, no, no!
This is the answer I got
when I asked about the shoot-out.
We shouldn't order noodles, huh?
Please go ahead with the arrangements.
[VD Tyagi] Please, go, go, go.
"Noodly motherfucker!"
-Guptaji, you walked right into it.
[Ani] Didi, are you sure
this is the right way?
[Vishwas] Yes, of course!
Hey, two plates of chow mein.
Pressure from your caste and community
even affects the Prime Minister,
who is Sagarikaji?
It'll work. Just wait and watch. Yeah.
[bell ringing]
[Jabbar] Jai Guna ji.
I am the head
of the Kaedo community, Jabbar Kaedo.
My son.
Babbar Kaedo.
[Jabbar] I didn't know
that a woman from our community
was contesting the election.
Yeah, that's because I don't use a surname
because I don't believe
in the caste system.
Is caste some kind of allopathy
that you don't believe in it?
[Babbar] Look,
even UNESCO acknowledged that.
The Kaedo community is considered
the number one caste in the world.
You can Google it if you want to.
We are bigger than Trump and Musk.
Now, if you don't mind,
was there something you wanted?
No, we don't mind at all.
When we came in,
you did not even touch our feet.
Nor did you cover your head. Did we mind?
You didn't even offer us water.
We just came here to say
that we are supporting Tyagi
in the election this time, all right?
So Tyagiji sent you to me?
Look, Madam, just do one thing.
Just take your nomination back.
That's all.
[Babbar] That way,
Tyagiji keeps the female vote
and the matter is settled.
I would like you to go and tell Tyagiji
that I'm going to fight this election.
She is going
against the head of our community!
-Let's teach her a lesson
She's a woman.
Tell your Father we want to talk.
[Jabbar] Idiot.
Which adult woman
lets her father do the talking?
[Jabbar] Hm?
Let me talk to your husband.
I'm divorced. Next?
I see! That's why she's full of it, huh?
I thought she was having her period.
[Jabbar] Hey! What the hell?
-[Sagarika] Get out! Out!
-[loud crash]
[Jabbar] I'm going to get you, bitch!
[Babbar] Even if Tyagiji
has to fight our 14th case.
Okay, you fuckers!
If I see your ugly face here again,
I'll split your ass wide open! Get out!
-[Sagarika] Get out!
-We'll throw you out of the community!
-[Sagarika] Get lost!
-She is not part of our community.
[Jabbar] You can tell
from her behavior! Look! Look!
-Hey! You!
-[Sagarika] Get lost!
-[Sagarika] Fucking bastards! Go!
-We'll be back!
-Let's go! We'll be back!
-[Sagarika] Get lost!
I'll slap you so hard,
you'll look like you have makeup on
for the rest of your lives!
[Sagarika] They think they can come here
and lecture me!
I told you it won't work.
[Sujata clicks tongue]
Tyagiji gave us one job to do.
We couldn't even do that.
Didi, why are you so concerned
about this election?
Ani, I have been sitting
in that foyer for 15 years.
PP Sahab, Bagai No one respects me.
[somber music playing]
[Sujata] I don't feel like
I've become an advocate.
When Daddy was trying to get me married,
I felt like life had other plans for me.
I thought, "No,
I'll start the practice first,
get a chamber, then a husband and family."
No husband yet and no family.
And now, if Sagarika doesn't drop out,
I won't even get a chamber.
[Vishwas] It's not like that.
Are, didi, it's not as if Tyagiji
won't give you a chamber
if he doesn't win the election.
Huh? That's not how it is.
If he doesn't win,
then I won't be able to ask him.
[line ringing]
[Ani] Hello! Dadu!
-Eh? Your aunt?
-Your aunt?
[manager] Yes, sir. My aunt.
I'm used to hearing abuses about my mother
but Mr. Phorey
has taken it to the aunt level.
He got so carried away
cursing and abusing me
that he forgot to threaten me
in the first call.
He called me back a second time and said,
[in deep voice]
"Hey, listen, if Tyagi holds an event
in Jhilmil, I'll slap your face
with my slipper."
-[in normal voice] So what do I do now?
-[Mintu] I see.
So you are scared of him,
but not of us, huh?
Sir, you look like a total bastard.
Are, sir, you just look like one.
You won't be able
to slap my face with a slipper.
Oye! You want me to show you?
[Mintu] Oye!
Let it go. Let it go.
I told you.
It's okay, Tyagi.
We'll just organize
our event somewhere else.
Mm-mm. Sir, you won't get
a booking anywhere in Jhilmil.
They warned everyone.
Now, for just one single event,
who would have the guts
to risk a lifetime of business?
What are we going to do, sir?
[thrilling music playing]
This Phorey thinks
he's taught us a lesson!
It's time we teach him one!
You mess with lawyers
you'll pay for it.
[thrilling music continues playing]
Come along with me.
Tyagi, I abhor violence. So I
I also uh Abhor! Abhor!
[crowd] VD Tyagiji! VD Tyagiji!
[thrilling music continues playing]
-[crowd] VD Tyagiji! VD Tyagiji!
-[police officer] Tyagiji.
Satendar? Laxmi Nagar Station, right?
Yes. I'm glad you remember.
Sir, it's a court order.
Please don't go inside.
Hey, Satendar, mind your own business.
Don't get involved in all this nonsense!
This is politics, understand?
We are just going to campaign
for half an hour and get out of here.
Tyagiji, we can't force you.
We can only request you to stop.
The one who had the fight, SI Manish,
and the one who wrote the FIR against him.
That poor man
hasn't even got a lawyer yet.
Now if you go inside,
the association will find out,
and I'll get beaten up.
Then he'll write my FIR.
It makes no difference, sir.
Even I won't get a lawyer.
I see, so you are helping the man
who fought against us, huh?
What else can we do, sir?
We don't have a union, you see?
Make sure you tell Phorey
that I'm not scared of him.
I'm doing this for you.
We are going back, boys!
[Order] Turn back, boys, and walk away!
[crowd] VD Tyagi! VD Tyagi!
[Order] Phorey! Phorey! You'll be sorry!
-[crowd] VD Tyagi! VD Tyagi!
-Looks like nothing happened here.
We should've just gone inside.
Unnecessarily, we showed them
that we are chickens.
[crowd] VD Tyagi! VD Tyagi!
Tyagiji, if you hadn't
backed down like that,
I would've shoved it up his
Look, Jhilmil has
slipped out of our hands.
Can we focus on some other options?
Do we have an update from Sujata?
Uh, not so far, sir.
That means we have lost
the female vote too.
Great. Why don't I just call Phorey
and congratulate him
-and put an end to this first?
-[phone chimes]
[Order] You may as well do it, sir.
Phorey just got the sympathy vote too.
Prince is going to defend that lawyer,
Rahul Chaudhary, against the police.
Who's Prince?
-You know, Phorey's bitch.
-[Parimal] Mintu
Boy, how come you get all the bad news
from Phorey on your phone?
-Put it down!
-[Law] Munshiji,
but isn't this wrong?
Both sides fought, right?
The lawyers will easily
present the argument,
but there'll be no one
to represent the police.
Why don't I defend them?
[Mintu] Have you gone out of your mind?
You will become Shah Rukh Khan
from the movie Chak De.
They'll put a sign outside
your chamber saying, "Traitor!"
At least it's a chance
to defeat that asshole Phorey!
[Munshi] Visheshwar,
when it's police versus lawyers,
if you side with the police,
you will not only lose a lot of votes,
every single lawyer
in Delhi will boycott you.
Every single one?
You mean
Look, Prince, don't try to bullshit me.
I'm not bullshitting you.
Tyagi's defending the police officer.
[Phorey chuckles]
The man should have just accepted defeat.
Instead, he wants to announce
to the whole world that he is a loser.
Mahinder, Tyagi is not a fool.
He's playing some kind of game.
Are, Tyagi's not smart enough for that.
He's just pissed off with me, that's all.
He doesn't have the balls to take me on.
Don't worry about it.
[Sagarika] Amitabh sir wasn't just my
teacher and boss,
he was my role model as well.
The request came from him,
so I had to meet you.
[Sagarika] By the way,
how do you know Shroff sir?
He is my grandfather.
So you are Anindya's daughter?
You are Anindya Shroff's daughter?
Are. The "S" in TSJ Legal.
The one from Greater Kailash?
You are his daughter
Guys, focus.
Ma'am, I, um
I know that you're running
for the right reasons.
But, uh
If you consider withdrawing
your nomination,
then Tyagiji will make you
his cabinet nominee.
Listen, Sagarikaji,
there's no chance of you winning,
and yet, you will be
taking votes away from us.
And cabinet nominee
is a very instrumental position.
In fact, female lawyers like ourselves
will have a voice through you, Ma'am.
-[all] Yes.
-[Sagarika] No.
I know that I'm going to lose.
But at least I'll get a chance
to make a statement.
[Sagarika] However small it might be.
Tyagi and Phorey are only interested
in climbing the ladder of success.
They don't stop to do anything
constructive for people.
They are too busy planning
how to climb the next ladder.
Ma'am, you know, I used to feel
the same way about Tyagiji.
But you know what? He's not like that.
-[Sagarika] Really?
-[Ani] Yeah!
All right. So then please
show me one, just one,
non-populist but righteous
decision Tyagi took.
Are, there are so many decisions!
[chuckles softly]
Look, Ani.
Tyagi and Phorey do things just for show.
I'm Amitabh sir's student after all.
If the right candidate had come forward,
not only would I have not
filed my nomination,
I would've supported them!
Anindya's daughter may not get it,
but I hope at least Amitabh sir's
granddaughter understands
where I'm coming from.
[crowd] VD Tyagi, shame on you!
VD Tyagi, shame on you!
[crowd] VD Tyagi, shame on you!
-[man] Tyagi is a lawyer hater!
-[crowd] He's a traitor, he's a traitor!
[man] Tyagi is a lawyer hater!
-[car honks]
-[muffled protest]
[tense music playing]
-[car honks]
-[man] VD Tyagi!
-[man] VD Tyagi!
-[crowd] Shame on you!
-[man] VD Tyagi!
-[crowd] Shame on you!
-[man] VD Tyagi!
-[crowd] Shame on you!
-[man] VD Tyagi!
-[crowd] Shame on you!
-[man] VD Tyagi!
-[crowd] Shame on you!
-[man] VD Tyagi!
-[crowd] Shame on you!
Tyagi, think about it once again.
[crowd] He's a traitor! He's a traitor!
[lawyer] Asshole! You are here
to defend the police!
Turn around, bloody traitor!
[crowd whispering]
Your Honor.
It's the third time this year that
a lawyer has been physically assaulted.
I hereby plead with the court
that SI Manish be made an example of
by taking strict action against him.
Mr. Tyagi, opening remarks.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Your Honor, what happened
at the Jhilmil Court premises that day
was highly condemnable.
And I'm sure it was instigated
by Rahul Chaudhary.
-[woman] What rubbish!
-[lawyer] He's a bloody sellout!
[indistinct angry chatter]
Tyagi sir, yaar, he's letting his ego
destroy his whole election campaign.
[indistinct chatter]
Order! Order!
Your Honor,
the reason I'm confident he's guilty
is because he's a lawyer
from today's generation.
And why would the lawyers
of today not feel angry?
Just think about it, Your Honor.
You get a degree
after five years of struggle.
But you don't even get
two cases in a month.
Crimes are being committed,
but there are no cases.
Hearings are being held,
but the rates aren't going up.
Yes, chambers are being built for them
but they are not being allotted.
And still, they keep doing
their jobs without question.
Imagine, their present is so hopeless that
they don't even think about their future.
Just imagine, Your Honor!
Not a single president
of the bar association
has ever told them that
they understand and feel their pain.
[VD Tyagi] But
I feel it.
Your Honor.
I would like to present
Exhibit Number 1 to the court.
-Hey, object.
-O-O-Objection, Your Honor!
On what grounds?
-[judge] Sit down. Sit down.
-[VD Tyagi] Thank you, Your Honor.
[VD Tyagi] It is clearly written
in this exhibit
that lawyers don't have a health plan
which would give them medical benefits.
They don't even get a minimum stipend
that would help
to kick-start their careers.
There's no pension after retirement
which could help
and protect them later in life.
And Your Honor,
a library, gym, etc. on the court
[Prince] Objection, Your Honor.
How can he read his pamphlet like this?
-And why is he reading it, why?
Your Honor, it's hard evidence.
These are the promises we made
just three months before the incident.
And they show you very clearly
that lawyers still lack basic amenities
even now in the 21st century.
Imagine in this day and age,
our lawyers don't have any kind of future,
no basic amenities,
no facilities, nothing!
[VD Tyagi] Just consider, Your Honor,
in this kind of environment,
even a calm lawyer has a BP of 150.
Your Honor, in these times
what else could Rahul Chaudhary do
if not lose his temper? Tell me.
No, no, Your Honor!
What's happening here is wrong.
Uh, no. Is he here to present the case
or give an election speech?
He's turned everything upside down.
[Prince] And, Your Honor,
why is he defending the lawyer?
He should be defending the police.
[Phorey] Correct.
Tyagiji, you need to argue
for your own side.
Am I clear?
Yes, do whatever you have to do
for your side.
[Prince scoffs]
[sobbing] Your Honor.
I am arguing the case for my side.
[upbeat music playing]
I'm arguing for my side.
-[Mintu] VD Tyagi!
-[spectators] He is a hero!
-[Mintu] VD Tyagi!
-[spectators] He is a hero!
-[Mintu] VD Tyagi!
-[spectators] He is a hero!
-Uncle, what's going on here?
-[Mintu] VD Tyagi!
[Phorey] Will someone tell me
what the hell is going on here?
[upbeat music continues]
[inaudible cheering]
[VD Tyagi's team] Cheers!
Sly move, Tyagi!
Well played, guru.
Yeah, Phorey forgot that Jhilmil
is not just a bar association
-but a court as well.
-[phone vibrating]
Are, you should've seen Phorey's face.
Not funny.
Mintu, tell him something funny.
[Sagarika] You were right, Sujata.
Tyagi isn't at all what I thought he was.
To represent a police officer
in the middle of an election.
Really! That's a tough call to make.
[Sujata] Yes, ma'am.
Although he couldn't get bail
for SI Manish,
Tyagiji put up a real fight.
You should've seen it.
I may not have seen it, but
I can imagine.
I'm sure it wasn't easy.
[Sujata] Yes, Ma'am.
No one understands better than you
how hard it is to go
against one's community?
Is it possible to arrange
a meeting with Tyagiji?
[Sagarika] I'm willing
to withdraw my nomination.
[line beeps]
Bloody bitch! Slutty piece of shit!
[Sujata] She agreed.
Who? Sagarika?
-[VD Tyagi] Sagarika agreed?
That's amazing, Sujata!
That means Jhilmil is ours now,
and so is the female vote! Yes!
[Mintu] Now all we need is
Phorey's concession speech!
[VD Tyagi's team] Cheers!
[closing theme music playing]
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