Magpie Murders (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

- Mummy! Mummy!
- Up here.
We can't find Bella!
- Oh, where have you looked?
- We've been everywhere.
We've been in the
gardens and behind the hall.
- We've been to the lake.
- Have you asked Mr. Brent?
- He won't help us.
- He doesn't like Bella.
Why don't you try dingle Dell?
She often goes there.
- Bella!
- Bella!
- Bella!
- Bella!
Here, girl!
Bella! Here, girl!
There she is.
Oh, no.
How did you find me, Mr. Pünd?
Oh, it was the reverend
Osborne in Saxby-on-Avon.
- He gave me your address.
- Oh.
You're investigating Mary's death?
No, Mr. Blakiston.
I am investigating the murder
of her employer, sir Magnus Pye.
Well, you're wasting your time.
I can't help you.
I'm not even sure that I'd want to.
You are no friend of sir Magnus?
He took everything I ever loved.
When he offered
Mary the job at Pye Hall,
he sucked her into his orbit.
She worshipped him.
He was an aristocrat, local squire.
She trusted him with everything.
And suddenly there
was no more room for me.
- When did you last see her?
- Ten years ago.
Oh, but still,
you went to her funeral.
Of course I did.
I loved her.
Before the accident, before Sam died,
we'd been happy together.
She weren't an easy woman,
I'll Grant you that,
but when we first got married,
setting up our first home
Oh, those were wonderful days.
And then you lost your son.
I was away with the raf at the time.
Mary blamed me for that.
Maybe she was right.
Although I'm not sure
what I could've done.
Who do you blame?
I suppose I could blame sir Magnus.
He was the one who set
up those treasure hunts.
He hid the coin that could have
drawn my boy into the water.
And I suppose that might have
given me a reason to kill him,
if that's what you're thinking.
Although you might wonder
why I waited twelve years.
- And what of Brent?
- The groundsman? Huh!
He was close by.
He could've kept an eye out.
He was the one who found Sam.
Although by then, it was far too late.
I suppose he did what he could.
Robert saw them just
as they was coming out,
and he charged into the water, too.
I'm not sure Robert ever recovered
from what he saw that day.
- In what way?
- His relationship with Mary.
Turning his back on me.
You have my sympathies, Mr. Blakiston,
but still, I have to ask,
is that the reason you chose
not to speak to your own son
- at his mother's funeral?
- What good would it have done?
I've been out of his
life for far too long now.
And anyway, the two of
us was never that close.
He was always a very quiet boy.
Kept himself to himself.
To be honest,
I was closer to Sam.
Did the two of them get on?
Well, they fought like all young boys.
There were jealousies.
But I'd say yes.
And what of Robert and his mother?
Everything changed after the accident.
To lose a child is so terrible.
I suppose she
became over-protective
with the one that was left.
Suddenly she was all over him.
Never let him out of her sight.
Thank you, Mr. Blakiston.
Oh, um,
what can you tell me about Bella?
The dog?
Somebody poisoned her.
It was quite deliberate.
Rat poison.
We always assumed it was Brent.
He hated the dog.
He was always
complaining about it.
Sam was devastated.
Why Sam in particular?
Well, it was his dog.
I bought her for him
for his ninth birthday.
If you ask me,
everything about Pye Hall is cursed.
The dog killed.
The little boy drowned.
Mary Blakiston. Sir Magnus.
If you want the truth,
I don't want to spend
another minute there.
You may have your wish, James.
We need to meet with
Detective Inspector Chubb,
but after that, we will be
returning at once to London.
Don't tell me.
You know who did it!
Matthew Blakiston provided
the last piece of the Jigsaw.
Well then,
do tell me! I want to know.
We have a long drive.
"We have a long drive.
I will explain it all."
It's so infuriating
because he never did.
So you're no closer?
I'm sorry, Charles, it's all gone.
All the notes. Everything.
And Claire Jenkins had a copy,
but she destroyed it.
And that's the closest I got.
Well, full marks for trying.
- Hmm!
- There's, uh
Something I need to tell you, Susan.
I've approached
Peter Kinsale of Harper Collins
for the position of CEO.
Cityworld couldn't wait any longer.
They've asked me to explore the field.
You know how much I
want you to take the job.
I couldn't leave the
company in better hands,
but I can't risk the
investors walking away.
What did Peter say?
He had some interesting ideas.
He suggested
Sophie Hannah be brought in
to finish "Magpie Murders".
Oh, you told him about the book.
Oh, I had to.
Without "Magpie Murders" there's no deal.
Yeah. Sophie's a good idea.
She did a great job with "Poirot".
That's what I thought.
Does she know who did it?
She's reading it now.
so this sounds like a done deal.
Nothing's been agreed.
There's still time.
No, uh
I think you've made the right decision.
I think we both have.
We have worked together
How many years?
Too many.
How long will it all take?
We'll need to make
an announcement soon.
She wants to use my title, by the way.
- I'm sorry?
- Sophie.
She likes "The Magpie Murders".
Not "Magpie Murders".
I suppose we'll never
know why Alan got so upset.
Not "The Magpie Murders".
"Magpie Murders".
That's the bloody title.
"Cat up nudist". One word.
It's an anagram of Atticus Pünd.
Alan loved anagrams.
It's an anagram of Ryeland.
It's us!
An anagram.
I'm off, Susan.
Is that OK?
- Yeah.
- I've got my check-up at five.
- Oh, yes. Hope it goes OK.
- Oh, thanks.
Oh, by the way, Jemima said hello.
Have you seen her?
I bumped into her at the
station a couple of nights ago.
- We're gonna meet next week.
- Ah.
Alice, Alice!
Have you got a number for her?
- Hey, Chris.
- Hey.
- Can you do me a favour?
- Sure. What is it?
My friend was sent an email,
but we don't know where it came from.
I forwarded it to myself, but
I need to know the source.
Well, that's easy.
Just look at the metadata.
I don't know what that means.
I'll do it.
OK, so that's your original IP.
Put it into MX toolbox.
Reverse lookup.
And there!
It originated from clover books.
Hmm. Nice shot.
It's good of you to come out, Jemima.
Thank you.
It's nice to see you, Susan.
Oh! You OK?
Yeah. Huh!
I'm starting at channel four.
Oh, that's great.
So, I just wanted to talk to you
about the manuscript
for "Magpie Murders".
I know.
Charles already emailed me.
But I promise you,
it wasn't my fault.
Oh, no.
I'm not blaming you.
I photocopied everything
Charles gave me.
I can't remember how
many pages it was now.
- It was over three hundred.
- Yeah.
I did a page count.
I always did.
And you didn't leave it
in the machine room?
No, I gave both copies to Charles.
You had just left for Frankfurt,
so he said he'd look after it.
- And you didn't read it?
- Only the page numbers.
Oh, no, wait a minute.
You just said that I'd
already left for Frankfurt.
Yeah. Wednesday morning.
No. No, that's not possible
because, well,
Alan only gave Charles the manuscript
on Thursday night
when they had dinner.
No, it came in the
post on Wednesday.
I photocopied it straight away,
and Charles had it before lunch.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- "Magpie Murders"?
- Of course I'm sure.
It was our biggest book.
Charles told me not to tell anyone.
He wanted to surprise you.
Why did you leave so suddenly?
Cos Charles asked me to.
He told me that you were
the one who wanted to leave.
That's not true.
I told him I was looking around,
that I really wanted to work in TV,
but when I came in
on Friday morning,
he just said it would
be better for both of us
if I left at once.
He paid me a month's wages.
That's it.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
What are you doing?
I thought everyone had gone.
I left something, so I
I see you found it.
Yes. The missing chapter.
You had it all along.
I can explain if you'll let me.
I think you should.
Would you like a whisky?
Uh! Just a small one.
Very good.
You must understand everything
I've done is for the company.
I had to protect us.
Oh, god.
It's not easy to explain!
Well then, why don't you let me?
Why don't we start last Wednesday
when I was in Frankfurt?
That was when the
manuscript actually arrived.
It was sent to you in the post.
You read it before your dinner
with Alan on Thursday night.
That's right.
You sent Jemima away.
You told her to leave
because you didn't
want her to tell me
that you'd already read it.
- She was leaving anyway.
- Well
The dinner with Alan was
Was horrible.
He was drunk.
Drunk and threatening.
You have no idea
I'm fed up with it all!
I'm fed up with Atticus fucking Pünd.
You don't know how long
I've been waiting to do him in!
Alan, please.
That same evening he wrote you a letter,
effectively apologising
for his behaviour.
The letter was handwritten.
Yes, it was.
But an apology wasn't enough, was it?
On Saturday evening,
you drove up to Abbey Grange.
you gave yourself away about that.
I should have spotted it.
I'm sorry, what do you mean?
Well, when we drove up for
the funeral, you were very helpful.
Don't worry, Charles.
We will get there.
Find the pages.
Save the company.
Turn right here.
You want to avoid the road works.
You knew about the road works
well before we got to them.
But a few days earlier,
I'd asked you a question.
That house of his, Abbey Grange -
when was the last
time you saw it?
Oh, I haven't been in
Suffolk for five or six months.
He changed the name.
Did you know that?
Five or six months.
You were doing everything you could
to distance yourself from
the scene of the crime.
But you were lying
because you knew about the roadworks.
I should've guessed.
Are you accusing
me of Alan's murder?
That's That's ridiculous.
Nobody needed him
alive more than me.
Apart from anything else,
I needed that last chapter.
Well, we'll get to that in a minute
if that's all right with you.
So, once you arrived, you
You parked your car out of sight.
As it happens,
Andreas had got there ahead of you,
and he was with Alan.
And that was when
you took the photo.
You sent it to me
because you didn't
want me to investigate.
You thought I'd give up
if I believed Andreas was involved.
We've known each other
for so many years, Charles.
How could you be so cruel?
I was afraid for you, Susan.
I'll admit that.
Going up there,
blundering in with no
idea what was at stake.
OK. Well then, let's
Let's talk about the stakes, shall we?
The sale to Cityworld Media.
Your beloved publishing company.
All those shares,
the millions of pounds
you were going to be paid.
And he was going to destroy it all.
Because he hated
writing murder mysteries.
He hated Atticus Pünd.
He thought he was better than that.
Alan Conway wanted to be
Salman Rushdie or Hilary Mantel.
It's extraordinary, really,
because the more successful he was,
the more miserable he became.
He was ludicrous.
But then he was diagnosed
with a terminal disease,
and that changed everything.
He didn't need money anymore.
Fame wasn't going to help,
and actually it disgusted him.
But he'd always have
this idea that one day
He'd destroy Atticus Pünd.
Give him his own version
of the reichenbach falls,
and one that the literary
world would never forget.
In fact
It was built into the books.
"Atticus Pünd investigates",
"no rest for the wicked",
"Atticus Pünd takes the case"
The first letters spell out
An anagram.
Of course, it only works
if the last book's called "Magpie Murders",
and not "The Magpie Murders".
Yes. Alan did tell me that.
But an anagram of what?
You know,
I only worked it out on the way here.
Go on.
Do I need to?
You already know it.
It's what he told you when
he got drunk over dinner
in that fancy restaurant.
What Alan wanted was
to destroy the books,
to make them valueless,
because that's what he
always thought they were.
And this was his torpedo.
The actual name of his detective.
- Atticus Pünd.
- Mm.
He knew what he was
doing from the very beginning.
Oh, yeah.
He'd already jumbled up the letters
to make "cat up nudist."
But there was a second
Much worse anagram.
- Wasn't there?
- Do tell.
Three words.
The first is "a".
The second is
And that leaves a four letter word.
And one of the worst
One of the most offensive
in the English language.
If people had found out,
if people had realised
that this was "Atticus Pünd",
well, it wasn't just the
last book that was at stake,
it was the entire series,
and you could forget about
any deal with Cityworld Media,
and you would have lost millions.
And that, Charles
Is why you had to kill him.
You're not going to deny it?
I tried to dissuade him.
We went up to the tower.
You mean,
you persuaded him to take you.
Well, he liked to show off the view.
But Alan, for god's sake,
your books have brought
pleasure to millions of people.
- Not to me.
- Oh, god, I
I can't believe that you've
been planning this all along.
- I mean, it's crazy!
- Actually, it kept me sane.
It reminded me of the
rubbish it actually was.
But you'll destroy my company,
my staff, my other authors.
What makes you think I give a damn?
Oh, you go to hell, Alan.
Go to hell!
- Do you mind if I have another?
- No. Go ahead.
No, I'm all right.
But killing him
wasn't enough, was it?
You needed a cover story.
You'd read the book.
You'd seen something
in the final chapter
that you could use.
But you had to make sure
no one else ever read it.
So, you cleared out Alan's office,
taking all his notes
and earlier drafts,
but also, the real prize -
a handwritten draft
of the final chapter.
The book finishes
with a suicide letter.
Not from Alan Conway.
From Atticus Pünd.
That's how the book ends.
He has a degenerative disease,
so he decides to take his own life.
"By the time you read this,
it will all be finished.
"I have achieved great success
"in a life that has
gone on long enough.
"I have left you some
notes with regard
"to my condition and the
decision I have made."
- Does that even sound like him?
- Alan clearly wasn't himself.
I'm an editor,
I really should have trusted my instincts.
"With regard to my condition."
It's a little
That wasn't Alan's voice.
It was Pünd's.
It's Atticus Pünd
writing about the fact that
he has very little time left.
He's dying.
And that's what you needed.
I found this.
It's from Alan.
It's his suicide note.
The first half of the
letter was the apology,
the second half was
taken from the book.
Together, they told exactly
the story you wanted.
And then resignation.
There's just one small detail
you hoped nobody would notice.
- But you of course did.
- Yes.
The letter was handwritten,
but you had to find an old envelope.
And the envelope was typed.
Meaning the whole
thing had been faked.
You seem to have put
it all together, Susan,
and I must congratulate you.
But it does beg one question, doesn't it?
What happens now?
- What do you mean?
- Are you going to turn me in?
No! I don't need to be involved.
I think it would be
much better all round
if you called the police yourself.
You realise they'll send me to prison.
I'll get life.
I won't come out.
Yes, Charles, that's what
happens when you commit murder.
I thought you might
make some allowances.
As you yourself said,
we've known each
other for a long time.
It seems I didn't know you at all.
Would you allow me at least
to spend the evening
at home with my family?
Before I make the call?
If you don't call them tomorrow, then I will.
But yes, you need to
explain everything to Elaine.
Ah, I'm going to miss all this.
I'm sorry.
Are you?
You seem more self-righteous to me.
You can think what you like.
I'm leaving.
Good night, Susan.
Why did you have to
be so bloody obstinate?
I didn't want you looking
for the missing pages.
I don't care about the missing book.
Jesus Christ.
All I was doing was
protecting myself,
- and my family and my future.
- Charles!
That's what I'm doing now.
You made me!
Charles, no!
Charles, what are you doing?
Please, Charles Uh!
Oh, Charles
I'm sorry, Susan.
I really am.
I gave you a chance.
You should have taken it!
- Susan!
- Andreas.
It it was Charles.
It was Charles.
That's all right.
Come on.
You're awake.
Thank god.
Andreas called and
told me what happened.
I came down at once.
Where is Andreas?
He won't be long.
Are you all right, Sue?
Do you want me to call the doctor?
Where's Charles?
He was arrested.
Andreas saw him
coming out of the building.
He killed Alan.
It's unbelievable.
- Am I oh!
- No, you're all right.
The doctors have looked at you.
You're gonna be fine.
How are you, Katie?
How's dad?
Let's not talk about that now.
No, no. I want to know.
Dad's gone.
I didn't want to tell you.
No, it's
Better that you did.
You don't have to say that.
I should never have
got involved in all of this.
You told me not to.
Mm It's the smoke. It
It's done something to my lungs.
- The doctor said
- I know. I know. They told me.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Thank you.
Why were you there
Andreas, at the office?
I was looking for you, of course.
Why else?
I found out that the
photograph you were sent
came from clover books,
and I was worried.
What I said to you
Will you ever forgive me?
I already have.
How could I have possibly believed
- even for a minute?
- It doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter.
- It's all behind us now.
- Hmm.
I want to talk about Crete.
I just wish it wasn't Alan's
money in the hotel, but
I'm not going.
Oh, yes, you are.
And I'm going with you.
- You're not feeling well.
- Ah
- You're hallucinating.
- I am not.
OK. We'll talk about it
when you're better, hmm?
I was wondering when
you were going to show up.
- How are you feeling?
- Awful.
I mucked everything up.
I accused Andreas,
and I nearly got myself killed.
You're being too hard on yourself.
You solved the crime.
The killer has been apprehended.
I would say you have
done remarkably well.
I'll take that as a compliment,
coming from you.
The missing chapter?
You have read it?
Not yet.
I've read the last
pages with the letter,
but not the solution.
I'm not sure I'm quite up to it.
"Magpie Murders".
You solved them?
The detective will
always solve the crime
as sure as day
will follow the night.
In the world in which I exist,
this is an immutable fact.
Ah, yes.
The certainty.
That's why people love you.
You wish to know the answer?
Are you kidding?
That's all I want to know.
Then come with me.
You are too busy?
Where are we going?
To the Queen's Arms public house.
And who are we meeting?
It was joy sanderling who
first came to me for help,
and it is she who must
hear what I have to say.
My friends are waiting.
Detective Inspector. James.
Are we ready?
We are indeed.
You asked me to come to Saxby-on-Avon
on account of one death, miss Sanderling.
That was the death of Mary Blakiston
just one day after her son, Robert,
had been overheard threatening her.
- I didn't threaten her.
- Huh.
But that is how it was construed.
- I never touched her.
- I know that.
I know exactly how your mother died.
It was an accident.
That's not what you told me, Pünd.
You said Lady Frances killed her.
Oh, she did.
You will recall
that she told us that she
telephoned Mrs. Blakiston
on the very day of her death.
It was, I believe,
the telephone call that was responsible,
uh, for she also told
us something else.
This is Atticus Pünd.
He's a well-known investigator.
Would you take that, darling?
The telephones don't work upstairs.
Nothing works in this house.
It's just one thing after another.
We know that
Mary Blakiston was vacuuming
at the top of the stairs.
Let us imagine that
the telephone rings.
I rang her the morning she died,
and when she didn't answer,
I thought there must
be something wrong.
She cannot answer it in the bedroom.
She has to hurry downstairs,
and in her haste,
her foot becomes entangled in the wire.
Ooh! Oh! Oh!
So, Robert had nothing to do with it.
I knew it.
What about the death of sir Magnus?
That is indeed the question.
The answer is that the two
deaths were inextricably linked.
One led directly to the other.
But there is a third death
also that we must consider,
a death that took
place twelve years ago.
That is where this story begins.
A lodge house.
A room with a view.
The collar of a dog that has been killed.
Two brothers.
He was always a very quiet boy.
Kept himself to himself.
To be honest, I was closer to Sam.
Did the two of them get on?
Well, they fought like all young boys.
There were jealousies.
But I'd say yes.
- I spoke to your father.
- When?
This morning.
He gave me an
image of two brothers
who were jealous of one another
and sometimes came to blows.
The young one was
given a dog, Bella.
Bella! Here, girl!
Last one to the
lake is a rotten egg.
Keep up, Bella!
A terrible thing
happened to this dog.
She was poisoned,
it seems deliberately.
That was Brent.
Why, then,
did your mother keep the collar
in a drawer in the room in
which she worked all those years?
What was it that she
wished to be reminded of?
I don't understand
why you're asking this.
I'm trying only to understand
the character of your mother,
for there was something else
that was told me by your father.
Everything changed after the accident.
Suddenly she was all over him.
Never let him out of her sight.
What was it that changed?
Before, it would seem
that your mother was
not close to you, Robert.
But afterwards,
you became almost her prisoner.
- I was!
- Your father assumed
that it was because she
was afraid to lose you.
But could it be
That she knew what you had done,
and she was afraid that
you might do it again?
What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the
fact that as a child,
Robert Blakiston was
disturbed to the extent
that he killed a dog that
had been given to his brother
and later,
in a fit of jealousy or anger,
he drowned that brother
in the lake at Pye Hall,
an act seen by his mother
from the window in the
room in which she worked,
the one room in the house
that had a view of the water.
No. That's wrong.
- That's ridiculous.
- You believe so?
Then I will ask you two questions.
Why was there a need for Robert
to throw himself into the water
when Brent,
carrying his brother,
had almost reached dry land?
Well, I was fourteen years old.
I didn't know what I was doing.
I think you knew exactly
what you were doing.
You were disguising the fact
that you were already soaking wet.
And my second question.
Why was Mr. Blakiston
so opposed to the idea
- of you marrying her son?
- I told you.
You told me, miss Sanderling,
what you believed to be the case,
but perhaps you were mistaken.
- No.
- I'm sorry?
You are not gonna marry my son.
I'm thinking about future generations.
Can't be tainted.
I won't have it.
You're not being serious.
- You can't think that.
- I won't even discuss it.
Now, I'm warning you, Robert.
This marriage will not go ahead.
"So future generations cannot be tainted."
You believed that
Mrs. Blakiston was referring to you
in a way that was truly reprehensible.
But suppose her words were in fact
addressed to her son, Robert?
Suppose that she was afraid
that he might poison
you and your future family
with the same madness that
had led him to kill his own brother?
No, this is all just words.
You're just making stuff up!
You can't prove a word of it!
When there is only one
explanation that makes sense,
then that is all the proof that you require.
- No, I've had enough of this.
- Oh! No, no, you're staying.
- Go on, Mr. Pünd.
- Yes, go on.
Let us now enter
the mind of Mary Blakiston.
She has a son whom she
knows to be dangerous.
She watches him,
never lets him out of her sight,
she also fears for her own safety.
What will she do should
he ever turn on her?
What can she do to protect herself?
She writes a letter.
She writes a letter,
explaining how Sam was killed.
Also, what happened to Bella.
She reveals that her older
son is dangerously disturbed,
and she gives it to
the one man she trusts,
indeed, whom she reveres.
Sir Magnus Pye.
It is a letter to be kept secure
only to be opened should
anything untoward happen to her.
She tells her son what she has done,
and now she has no need to fear him.
Sir Magnus places it in the safe,
and there it remains
Until her death.
Until the accident occurs.
Mary Blakiston dies
just one day after her
son has threatened her.
And it is at her funeral,
Robert realises he's in danger.
You remember, James, what
the reverend Osborne told us.
He said that Robert became very upset.
No, no, no, no.
It was more than that.
So, although we are here
today to mourn her departure,
we must also remember
what she left behind
No no!
"We must also remember
what she left behind."
What she had left
behind was a letter
which identified Robert
as the killer of his brother
all those years before.
It would have destroyed
his life in the village.
It would have ended, miss Sanderling,
his relationship with you.
- So, he tried to steal it.
- Exactly.
He broke into Pye Hall the same night
in an attempt to find the letter
before sir Magnus
returned from his holiday.
But he couldn't open the safe.
That's why he faked the burglary!
He stole the silver,
he got rid of it in the lake,
dropping the two pieces
that Brent later found.
Then, sir Magnus came home.
Robert arranged to meet him,
and we can imagine what occurred.
But she was wrong, sir.
You've got to believe me.
But you threatened her.
Half the village heard it.
And the very next day
That wasn't me!
You wanted her dead.
You said so.
And everyone heard you.
I have to say, Robert, I am sickened.
I think you ought to leave.
I believed in you,
tried to help you.
After that,
there was but one thing to do.
He returned to the study,
burned the incriminating letter,
at the same time transferring
some of sir Magnus's blood onto the page.
But in his haste, he made an error.
On the desk, I saw it at once.
A typed letter
in a handwritten envelope.
He burned the letter that
his mother had handwritten,
but he also burned the typed envelope
containing the threatening letter
that Clarissa Pye had delivered,
leaving behind the envelope
with the handwriting I later
recognised as Mary blakiston's.
Does this not tell you a great deal
about the murder of sir Magnus?
It's not what is written.
It is how it is written.
That is where the
solution can be found.
The same handwriting.
It told me almost
everything I needed to know.
Is this true, Robert?
It is, isn't it?
Oh, my god.
I did it for you.
For us.
What else could I do?
I love you.
I just wanted to be with you.
Better come with me.
I have to say,
you were on top form back there.
Ah, you're too kind.
No. Seriously.
It'll make for a bestseller.
I'm sure of it.
Is that what matters to you?
Not so much anymore.
I'm leaving publishing.
- I'm going to crete.
- Oh.
I think you'll be happy there.
I hope so.
Do you know what happens
to you at the end of the book?
I knew it from the start.
I'm sorry.
Oh, there's no need to be.
There are eight books.
Nine now.
I'll not be forgotten.
At least for a time.
No, I mean, I'm sorry because
Well, I suppose it means
I won't see you again.
We have separate paths to follow,
miss Ryeland.
I've asked you not to call me that.
It's been a pleasure.
For me, too.
Goodbye, Atticus.
Goodbye, Susan.
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