Marvel's Rocket and Groot (2017) s01e06 Episode Script


ROCKET: Get back here, you pointy-haired freak! Filthy bounty hunters, leave me alone! Don't let him get away, Groot! That shapeshifter's worth half a million credits.
I am Groot! [GRUNTING.]
Huh! [BEEPS.]
Huh? What are you waiting for?! Get him! Don't fall for that.
He's the bounty! Come on! [MUMBLING.]
What are you doing? - He's the imposter! - This is ridiculous! - Groot! Come on! - It's me! - I am Groot.
- I'm the real Rocket.
Look, I know I don't tell you enough, but we've been through a lot.
And I would never wanna face the galaxy - without you by my side.
- Aw.
You, wood for brains, waste of space! I'm gonna bust your branches if you don't get me outta here right now! [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING.]
- I am Groot! - Yeah, yeah, me too.
So, what are we gonna do with our shapeshifting friend? Hey, stop playing with that! I am Groot.
I don't like this! [LAUGHS.]
Come on, Groot, try it.
It's a blast.
I am Groot.

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