Nailed It! (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

In Your Face!

Welcome to Nailed It,
the baking show
that shoots for the stars.
It doesn't always get there.
I'm Nicole Byer,
along with Monsieur Chocolate,
Jacques Torres.
And today's special guest, super trooper
Jay Chandrasekhar.
Today, three home bakers will recreate
epic magical desserts
over two rounds of competition.
One of them will walk away
with ten thousand dollars.
Let's meet our bakers.
My name's Kyle. I'm from Philly,
but now I live in sunny, LA.
Learning how to bake has been
a pretty big dream of mine
because I'm learning
how to impress the ladies.
I actually have never baked for a girl
on a date
because I've been terrified.
But if my baking skills
were at the next level
Boom. Surprise them with a cake, brownies.
You name it.
My name is Anabell Pica
and I grew up in Venezuela.
Don't eat her food.
She has been cooking terribly for years.
I want to become
a better baker for my son.
I want to show him that I can do better
so he will be happy
and he won't cry no more.
My name is KymiT,
and I am currently living in Atlanta.
Here's the monkey bread,
and it smells amazing.
I do do a lot of baking.
My kids are definitely
my harshest critics.
No, seriously, move.
I need my kids to see
mommy can do anything.
And, like, hello, my desserts are good.
Welcome, Kyle, Anabell, and Kymberli.
Ready to get your bake on?
- That's right.
- Oh, yeah.
Okay. Today on Nailed It,
we're getting all up in your face
as art and food collide.
With me, as always,
my little French bulldog,
Jacques Torres.
Merci, Nicole. Oh, je t'aime.
Oh, je t'aime.
And our extra special guest judge,
from Super Troopers 2 and its prequel,
writer, actor, director,
and amateur food critic,
Jay Chandrasekhar.
Did I pronounce that right?
- Jay?
- Oui.
- Oh, oui?
- Oui.
Je parle un petit peu français aussi.
Yes, I am adorable
and I don't know French.
Our first round is Baker's Choice.
One of the toughest things in food art
is to recreate the beauty
of the human mug.
So, you're gonna have your work
cut out for you in round one.
Have you ever stuffed your face with
your own face?
That's right.
It's sugar cookies decorated
with royal icing, made from scratch.
Oh, she has a gap. Oh, my God.
Each portrait
is individually recreated
from a real pic we found of you guys
while we were Facebook stalking you.
Go grab your cookies!
I get my cookie! She's so cute!
She is adorable.
Oh, I love her.
Hi, Kymi.
This is the best cookie
I've ever seen, like
Time to face your fears.
There is one hour on the clock.
Get your bake on!
Go. Get it done.
Let's bake some cookies.
All right, step one.
Oh, my God. It feels heavy.
Four cups of all-purpose flour.
Jacques, how would you go about
making a face cookie?
This process to make a face,
you have to make the cookie dough,
then cut it into the shape you want
and bake it.
You cut around it,
and now you have a pretty exact replica,
and then you can glaze the cake
with the royal icing.
Then, you begin decorating.
Skin tone, lips, have all your color,
you know.
Try to get those big things
those big features right.
And then the rest after
will go a bit easier.
- It's not an easy challenge.
- No.
The flour, here we go.
Gotta get down and dirty sometimes
when you're baking.
All right, that's three and four.
Kyle's already pouring ingredients
into the bowl.
- He's going for it.
- Yeah.
Two cups of sugar. Let's do that.
Let's do two cups of sugar. Boom.
I feel like some kind of drug lord
with all this white powder.
It looks like Kyle is using powdered sugar
instead of granulated sugar.
Is that right?
It look like that's what he's doing.
Powdered sugar has smaller particles,
and that recipe can blend better,
so it will be harder.
So granulated sugar will fall apart
a little bit better for cookies.
Okay, that looks really thick.
- Did I miss milk or something?
- Alreadyalready a mistake.
Let's just take it out with our hands.
I can tell you the cookies are too thick.
It's very thick.
I'm trying to like save some time here.
I'm gonna mix all the ingredients in here.
So, Kymberli is putting her wet and dry
ingredients in the same bowl.
Is that correct?
I think that if you do that,
your cookie is going to be tough.
- Okay.
- You know?
You have to start off
by mixing your butter.
Then slowly adding your dry ingredients
like your flour and sugar.
And if you want your cookies
to be crunchy and falling apart,
then you don't overmix your flour.
Let's make my face.
Anabell looks like she's making her cookie
actual life-sized.
Does she get bonus points for that
or is that
Oh, boy.
I'm very happy with the face,
but the hair is kind of throwing me
Okay, here we are.
Make a little
face like that.
Oh, looking good. Oh, beautiful.
Oh, fix the hair a little bit first.
Oh, now we're getting flour in my hair.
I like sugar on my cookies, not dandruff.
Let's just put that in there.
I'm about to get this in the oven.
And I'm gonna cut out the faces
because, you know,
time is of the essense.
Why's she going to bake it like that?
Why she don't cut it?
Gotta get this damn thing in the oven.
- Bigger takes longer to bake, you know?
- Mm-hmm.
All right. We gonna get that royal icing.
Okay, and
Ten tablespoons of water.
Oh, that was a lot.
Yeah, this is how you whip it
in the kitchen, baby.
You see that? That's what you do.
That's what you do.
Kymberli's icing she made is so doughy.
Yeah, she should definitely add
some water to that.
That icing needs to be much thinner.
Oh, my gosh.
Oh, no!
Oh, my God. "Make royal icing."
Oh, icing. I have to make icing.
I didn'tI didn't even see that.
- What are ya'll doing?
- Where's the icing?
- Where's the icing?
- Icing? No, it's royal icing.
It's by you.
- I promise you.
- The sugar.
- In the fridge?
- Right. No, not in the fridge.
- Ugh, I can't be doing this.
- Right here. Right here. Right here.
- Right there! There.
- That's what I'm talking about.
I got ya'll. Remember when I need help.
Come back for me, okay?
- Two.
- Now that's icing.
All right, so we got our icing there.
And I want to take my cookies out.
All right.
So, Kyle's cookies
came out of the oven.
And heyep. He touched them immediately
and burned himself.
Oh, my God.
We got to start decorating now.
All right, so the hair, it's flawless.
Can't mess up the hair.
Ready or not, here we go.
We don't have more time.
Anabell's cookies are so big, it almost
looks like she's got a cake in there.
I hope we don't get any raw cookies.
That doesn't look like me at all.
I need to put all the decoration to
so the cookie looks more like me.
Hey, at least I have hair now.
Anabell's making her hair out of fondant.
But, you know, she should
maybe just paint it now.
You know, with what she's doing.
My smile. My smile.
I think these are gonna be my lips.
I think they look
like Angelina Jolie lips,
and I always wanted to have that.
So, I'm embracing myself.
You guys have less than three minutes.
Your faces should basically be
on your cookies.
Oh, no, that's not
I don't know.
So my cookies are still baking.
That's not good.
Maybe I should have
cut the face out first.
I am innovative and I will improvise
the hell out of something
to get it done.
I am a mother. This is what we do.
Okay? Shout out to all the moms out there.
Wait, so she's painting her icing
and then she's gonna set her icing
on top of her cookie?
Maybe a good solution
because during the time
the cookie is baking,
then she can work on her face.
And maybe it's not a bad idea.
Two minutes.
How am I supposed to do a nose?
All right, we're using the cookie dough.
All right.
I'm very excited about this.
- I'm stressed.
- I'm very excited.
Oh, hell no. I gotta get
my damn cookie together.
Okay, I'm going, I'm going,
I'm going, I'm going.
I need a big enough piece.
Oh, that's a good idea.
I don't know if they're going
to finish in time, but
- time's almost up.
- You kidding?
Wow, I thought it would fall apart
when I picked it up.
Ten, nine, eight,
seven, six, five, four,
three, two, one. You're done!
Wheel us your treats.
Okay, Kyle, just a reminder,
this is what you were trying to make.
Let's see your recreation of that face.
Nailed it.
What'd you make the nose out of?
The nose is just cookie dough.
Is it cooked cookie?
It's just cookie dough. So, it's uncooked.
Yeah. It's uncooked.
All right, you guys ready
to taste this thing?
That's probably the tastiest part.
You know, with the powdered sugar,
instead of putting granulated sugar,
you put powdered sugar into the dough.
So it's a little bit doughy.
But usually, if you put granulated sugar,
you have a more crumbly cookie dough.
- I'm gonna eat the nose. Is that okay?
- Yeah, you can eat the nose.
It's a little nosey.
You have to bake it.
You cannot give raw dough to people,
you know?
It'sit'sthis is kind of wrong.
Next time you can tell me
before I eat the nose, Jacques.
Hey, Kyle? Bye, bye.
Okay, Anabell, just a reminder.
This is what you were trying to make.
Let's see your perfect recreation.
Nailed it!
I don't mean to laugh, but I do.
- Is this a Cheeto?
- Yes.
How come no nose?
- I think there is no space for the nose.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, my lips
- And no eyebrow either.
- No eyebrows, no nose.
- No eyebrows.
It justYou know, it didn't
You know
Yeah, but maybe it tastes good.
Let's try a taste.
All right.
You're gonna go for the Cheeto, huh?
- It actually tastes pretty good.
- Yes, I agree.
It's a little bit more baked. You see some
color here, some caramelization.
- How was that Cheeto?
- It was spicy.
It doesn't go well with the cookie.
- No?
- So, we're gonna move on.
Thank you, Anabell.
- Thank you.
- All right, Kymberli.
Just a reminder, this is
what you were trying to make.
- Let's see your perfect recreation.
- Okay.
Nailed it.
Don't be scared. Come in.
- I'm sorry, why ya'll laughing?
- I don't mean to laugh.
- But, you are.
- I don't. I truly don't.
But I laughed at all three of you
right in your faces.
Okay, Kymberli, what do you
What do you
what do you think went well?
I would say a couple of things went well.
My bow is looking kind of good.
I'm sorry, I'm serious here.
My red lips
You see, she's like
She's like serving face.
Let's taste it.
I feel like you should have
some of that icing part.
- The texture was just a little off for me.
- Okay.
I think the texture is off because
you mixed all your ingredients together.
- Dry ingredients, butter, everything.
- Right.
So when you do that,
you mix the flour way too much.
By doing that,
the cookies become a little bit harder.
- Right.
- Thank you, Kymberli.
Well, all three of you guys,
thank you so much.
Bakers, scooch on down here.
I think we have a winner.
Okay, the winner of this first round
had the cookie
that looked the most like a human.
Jacques, will you please do the honors?
The winner is
- Yeah!
- I won that one. Whoo!
Way to go, Kyle.
Jay, tell him what he won.
A brand new piping set.
Yay, Kyle.
Picture yourself piping the night away
with this sleek and sexy piping arsenal.
- Yeah, Kyle!
- Yes!
Yes, those are the good ones.
And you're the one to watch, so now
you'll be wearing the golden baker's cap.
- Oh, yes.
- It's stylish, sleek, intimidating.
- Wow.
- Right? You look good.
You look very good.
Okay, Anabell and Kymberli.
You have another chance to win
in round two,
which is behind that door number two.
So, come on and follow me.
All of you! We're going!
Let's go!
You're too much. You're too much.
Forget about that last round,
because everybody in this next round
starts from scratch.
The ten thousand grand prize
will be awarded to the winner
of this final challenge,
which we call nail it or fail it.
Jay, tell them what they're gonna be
attempting to nail.
Let me just say this, I know cakes.
And nobody knows cakes like I know cakes.
And this is the most tremendous cake
you've ever seen.
And believe me when I tell you
it's "bigly, "'covefe."
Ladies and gentlemen,
pledge your eternal allegiance to
Oh, my gosh.
The Donald Trump cake.
Oh, my God. No.
This cannot be happening.
For some reason,
he is the President of the United States.
But I'm putting politics aside.
I can't let who or what the cake is really
distract me from this money.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my gosh. I vote for Donald Trump.
I can't even make a cookie
with my face on it.
How am I going to make Mr. President?
Donald Trump, the President
of the United States of America,
in a cake.
Pay attention to the details,
notice the puffy jowls.
The orange skin tone
and then the wispy hair.
Yeah, this is a real challenge.
Jacques, how would you approach
this cake?
This is not an easy task.
What makes the cake is the face.
So, try to go through the cake
as fast as you can.
And work on the face because
that's going need a lot of attention.
- Have you seen the cookies we made?
- laughter]
Don't worry, because we're gonna give you
some help this round.
Each of you, all three of you,
have a panic button right on your counter.
If you get in trouble, you just hit
the button, and one of our expert judges
will come to the rescue
for three full minutes.
And Anabell,
since you failed so hard in round one,
we're gonna give you
an extra helping hand.
Today's helping hand is
"Pardon My French."
At any point
during another baker's Panic Time,
just hit your beret button
and I'll have Jacques come over
and speak only in French.
This could really ruin
someone's Panic Time.
Okay, here we go.
Two hours on the clock,
ten thousand dollars on the line.
Are you ready?
Good, I already started the clock.
Go cook.
All right, here we go, here we go.
Let's make this cake.
Yes. We're doing one container
If I have to do the Trump cake,
the first thing that I will do
is bake the cake,
and then start to make the face.
The head is still firm, and you're
applying modeling chocolate.
Once the cake is done baking,
stack them up to make the shoulder,
the chest, all that, and then buttercream.
And roll a piece of rolling fondant
on top of that.
Then use ramen noodles to create his hair.
Finish up the small and final decoration,
and you have a Trump cake.
I'm gonna go and get my damn cake base.
We not gonna do what we did
the other time.
My main critique that I got on my cookie
was that I didn't mix all my ingredients
correctly and it reflected in the taste.
So, this time I am definitely gonna adhere
to the directions in the recipe.
So proud of myself.
We got to give Donald a nice foundation.
- Beautiful.
- So he's using that cake pan,
so when he turns it over, there's a hole,
so he can stick the mannequin head in it.
Okay, that's a way to do it.
We are baking America great right here.
Baking America great.
I think I'm good.
I'm nailing it.
Look at me.
Let's do this.
Look how liquidy that batter is.
She forgot the cake base.
Anabell might be in trouble. I don't know.
Let's see.
Oh, boy.
I hope it's good.
I'm gonna go see what's happening.
- Then you tell us. We're curious.
- I will. I will report back.
- Hello, Anabell.
- Hi.
Oh, boy. Your cakes look very seepy.
I hope that they grow.
Let me see if I forgot something.
I hope not.
Wait, wait, wait. Oh, boy.
Oh, this is bad.
You're making like a Trump omelette.
What a team we have today.
I'm gonna get out of here and then
- I need that.
- You make a cake, okay?
Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
It's the first step.
It's the first ingredient.
It's everything to the cake.
How I can miss that?
Fudge. What I'm thinking?
What I'm thinking?
Oh, she has to take everything out
and add it.
Is it too late?
It's kind of late, but
Like nothing happened before.
Okay, let's go back to the oven.
There you go.
Okay, since we're shooting the show now,
we should just get a safety of the intro
to the challenge.
All right, everyone, your challenge today
is to make a cake
of the former President Trump.
- Just in case.
- Just in case it happens.
All right, we got four cakes going.
We gotta make his face now.
Molding chocolate?
This chocolate is hard as a rock.
Yeah, this is different right here.
Gotta warm it up, baby.
Warm it up. Warm it up!
Warm it up!
Is it white chocolate?
It's called modeling chocolate.
It's a type of paste
made out of sugar and chocolate.
So, you can roll it like a fondant
and apply that for decoration.
That's what you have to use.
I'm sorry, Trump. I just
Don't be sorry. Don't be sorry.
He ain't sorry. Don't you be sorry.
I'm respectful.
Oh, okay.
I'm not.
I think I can give this man some ears.
Not like he gonna use them
to try to hear anything
that anybody got to say.
But I'll give him some ears.
'Cause I'm a nice person,
and that's what nice people do.
All right, so,
I gotta start stacking my cakes.
All right, there's my first layer.
There's my second layer.
I'm impressed by just that alone.
Oh, now I gotta
This is gonna be difficult,
to find that hole to screw this back in.
I guess nobody would know
if it's not on or not.
Those are the details that
you make a mistake at the beginning,
you pay later.
This show is hard.
I think both of these challenges
were the hardest.
Oh, it smells like cake!
I need to, like, hustle.
Hustle, but that's what I do.
I'm gonna lay this.
And give him some girth.
And make sure that the body shape
is the closest to what we were shown.
You're at 42 minutes, guys.
You should be trying to figure out
how you're gonna do that hair.
God, help me.
Can I get off?
Can I step off for one second?
I have a babysitting issue
that I got to deal with.
Oh. Hey, Kip, did you hear that?
Would it be better if I picked him up
and got back in 42 minutes?
- I don't know. You have to talk to Kip.
- Okay.
I have a babysitting issue
that has come up.
Well, I just need to grab my kids
and bring them back. I live close.
Can I get off?
Can I step off for one second?
- Sorry.
- Is he coming back?
Mmm, I don't know.
Maybe he got scared
of having to taste these cakes.
It's breaking everywhere.
I need to make his body bigger,
but I don't have enough cake.
I need some help right now.
Help me!
- It's a panic! We got a panic.
- Amanda, what can I do?
- Well, I'm trying to figure out how to
- Raise it.
Just put more of the Rice Krispies here
and bring it up.
- That's all you can do.
- More. Okay.
I don't see any other solution here.
And then if you put a little bit of white,
then when you put the rolling fondant,
it's going to glue to it.
- It's going to stick. Thank you.
- Thank you so much.
Thanks, Jacques.
Do you think Jay's going to make it back?
I don't know. I'm kind of worried now.
This really is the Nailed It version
of a TV show.
I mean, truly. We had a judge leave
to go pick up his kids.
I gotta get that infamous
little comb over going.
This is exactly what president Trump does
when he's gluing his hair on.
Just like so.
I think he has hair
on the back of his head, right?
Okay. Is that in my mouth?
What is in my mouth?
Those mannequin heads are so creepy.
The back of Kymberli's cake
looks like Bernie Sanders.
We have two for one.
This is
pink around the eyes.
I'm putting the details on my face.
I want to make sure I have perfection
across the board.
Look at the eyes! Red.
I'm working his suit.
So, this is my specialty, right?
I'm a fashion designer.
It should be perfect.
It's like an Italian suit.
I'm making it shiny.
Italian silk needs to be shiny.
Hey, Jay. It's Nicole.
The girl who's hosting the show
that you're doing?
Are you
Are you coming back?
If this was Trump's campaign,
this baking scene
Hillary would be president.
Oh, that is looking nice on the president.
He's covering his cake with fondant.
But he didn't put any buttercream
in between the cakes.
The fondant will not stick well
to the cake.
When we're going to taste it,
it's going to be bland.
- It's just gonna be
- Yes, nothing sticking.
- sugary sponge.
- Exactly.
This one's leaning back now.
I'm just praying
that his head doesn't fall.
- Yes?
- Did you take the stick out?
His head might fall off at any moment.
But why don't you screw the
I just couldn't find the hole
when I was
- Can't find it.
- Couldn't find the hole?
Maybe that's why
you don't have a girlfriend.
I knew it was coming.
I knew it was coming. I knew it.
I knew it. I was waiting for you.
Oh, my God.
- I'm getting roasted.
- It was too easy.
Eighteen minutes left, guys. Eighteen.
Like, seriously, I really need help.
I'll just
Oh, Kyle hit the panic button.
- Panic button.
- I need help.
Pardon my French!
Oh, we got two buttons in play.
Qu'est-ce que je peux faire pour vous?
- Oh, man.
- Qu'est-ce qu'il se passe?
I don't know what you're saying.
Can I not? Can I cancel my panic?
Cancel. Oh, I turned it off.
I turned it off.
Kyle, is he helping you?
He's giving me great pointers.
They're just fantastic.
Kyle, pardon my French. Thank you.
Merci beaucoup.
Oh, I appreciate the help.
Thank you very much.
- Hey, guys, how are you?
- Oh, Jay!
How are you? I had to run home.
My kids
I got them working.
- We grow coffee beans in the backyard.
- You're the best.
So, they sell a little coffee
out of the garage. This is
- Oh, that's so nice.
- Yeah.
I love having my coffee locally sourced
and made by small hands.
You came back just in the nick of time.
Under two minutes!
I'm so focused right now.
I'm usually running my damn mouth.
Going to the finish line.
That's what I have to do.
Beautiful little flags.
Thirty seconds.
Oh, boy. Okay, okay, okay.
He's looking good.
He's looking kind of stitched together
Five, four, three, two, one. You're done!
Bring me the head of Trump.
Kyle, here's the Trump cake
you were trying to make.
And present us with the Trump cake
you made.
Nailed it.
As you can see,
it's a spitting image of Trump.
He's right there looking very presidential
may I say.
- I really like that.
- I think it's great.
The lips are pretty puckered.
You got the nose going.
You got the eyebrows and the hair.
I wanna eat that nose.
Do you have a fantasy with nose?
- I mean, what's going on here?
- I wanna eat that nose.
"I want to eat that nose."
I like it. It's fun to look at.
It's kind of leaning to the left.
Shouldn't it be leaning to the right?
Oh. Yes, it should.
- Wow, that was a good joke.
- Thank you.
Okay, Kyle. Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- Okay, Anabell.
Let's see your perfect recreation.
- Wow.
- Nailed it!
- You like it?
- I do.
The color of his face
is a little bit yellow.
- How you call that?
- Jaundice.
- Jaundice.
- Which is, you know, different.
Why is there a pacifier?
I mean, this is like a young version
of Mr. President.
Baby Trump.
I do love the fashion sense here.
So, I was designing this suit
like Italian fancy suit.
- Like silky.
- Mm-hmm.
So, I wanted it to be shiny.
Okay, Anabell. Thank you so much.
- Kymberli!
- Kymberli.
Let's see your perfect recreation.
Nailed it.
- Wow.
- Oh, you're dancing.
- Okay.
- 'Cause I nailed it.
- Wow.
- You would dance too if you nailed it.
You're right. I would.
That is so.
That is so good, but
It's good. There we go, I got there.
It's good.
The hair's great.
- It's about to fly away like real life.
- Mm-hmm.
What is going on
with the red around his eyes?
One eye actually is looking at me.
One eye is looking at Jay. And
Your Trump looks like the stress
has really gotten to him.
I gave you guys the real deal.
I put him in a pretty good suit, though,
if I say so.
- The suit does look really great.
- Thank you.
His tie looks great.
The shirt underneath looks great.
The three of you did
a very, very interesting but good job.
So, I would like you to cut me
the perfect slice of your Trump cake.
Then you'll bring it to me and I'm gonna
eat it. Let's do it. Come on.
Can I get a piece of that nose?
Here you go.
All right, we'll start with Kyle.
Yeah, it's dry.
Kyle, no filling makes it
a little bit drier, unfortunately.
Maybe if you had the buttercream,
it would be not so dry.
I should've glazed it.
Yeah. I think it is
a very tough, chewy texture.
I took a little bit of the fondant
and that helped it a little bit,
but it was justit was a little dry.
It was dry, but I like things
that are dry, Kyle, so
- Perfect.
- Good job. It's your lucky day.
- Thank you.
- Good job, Kyle. Thank you.
All right, Anabell.
It's a little rubbery.
I don't know if it's because you
bring the liquid back,
and then add the powder and mix again.
But the buttercream,
that makes it a little bit less dry,
so it's pretty good.
I thought it tasted good. Really good.
I enjoyed it.
I justthe texture of the cake,
I didn't love, but, um
I don't hate it.
So, good job Anabell.
Let's do Kymberli.
Okay, Kymberli.
- Hey, Jacques, save me some nose.
- Oh, yes, definitely.
No, no.
That's the hair. That's not my hair.
That's his hair.
I promise you.
Yes it's the pasta.
- We got weave in the cake?
- No!
- What is a weave?
- Hair that I bought.
It's weaved into the real hair.
I'm learning so much.
All right, Jay,
let's hope we don't get any hair.
I like the buttercream.
I like the texture of your cake.
I liked it too.
I thought it tasted quite good.
Thank you.
Although I was scared.
Your cake will haunt my dreams.
I'll think about it just almost everyday.
From top to bottom, your cake is literally
the wildest thing I've ever seen.
Only one of you can win
the ten thousand dollars,
and the soon to be collectible
Nailed It trophy.
The winner is
Anabell, you won!
Congratulations, Anabell.
Hit her with that money!
Congratulations, Anabell.
You get this trophy.
- Oh, why are you crying? Are you happy?
- I am.
Oh, my gosh! I did it!
This is a dream come true.
I hope my son now is gonna eat
everything that I bake for him.
Everybody smiling.
Here we go.
Thank you for watching Nailed It.
Keep watching this on Netflix.
Binge watch it. Come on.
Get it done.
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