Ninjago: Dragons Rising (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Return to Imperium

Don't let it escape!
[soldier groans]
You clown. Watch
[Rapton growls]
Get after it!
I'll cut it off.
Stubborn breeder.
Hold the beast.
[Arin] Coming through!
We interrupting something?
[growls] Deploy the drones!
Let's free that dragon!
[all grunt]
Not bad, kid.
-You really
should probably work on that.
[Lloyd grunts]
[dragon purrs]
Shh. It's going to be okay.
It's just a hologram.
No, it's not!
[Arin grunts]
[both grunt]
[Rapton grunts]
[Arin screams]
Is this thing indestructible?
Not fair, buddy. Not fair!
What even is it?
It's a Photac.
A digitally generated,
weaponized techno-beast,
comprised of hard light.
How do you know that?
Because when I lived in Imperium,
I invented it.
Lost in the unknown
So much to see ♪
Together we will rise! ♪
Yeah ♪
We fight ♪
Be a ninja for what's right ♪
[uplifting music]
I call it the Photac!
This is just the prototype.
-When I'm done
This is already far more advanced
than any of the other
science fair projects.
Is this some kind of a
A hard light?
Uh, how did you do this?
I just kinda threw it together,
sensing what would work.
And I've stayed up til midnight
the last eight weeks
researching and refining my designs
until I got it just right!
Wanna see my plans for V2?
As intriguing as this is,
we mustn't deviate
from the mandated curriculum,
as dictated by the decree
of the Empress Beatrix.
[in unison]
All hail the Good Empress!
[man] keeping your family
secure and productive,
nothing compares
to the Dragon Energy of Imperium.
Clean, safe, powerful, and infinite!
All thanks to the Good Empress.
Do you think Mr. Koenig
would let me stay behind
and keep working
on my Photac Device?
Um, this is our allocated recreation hour.
We have to go recreate.
Of course, of course!
I'm just excited about
getting back to my work is all,
but love allotted recreation hour.
Me, too.
We are so fortunate it's been
allotted by the Empress.
I know everyone loves the Empress,
but without your inventions,
Imperium would be nothing,
Dr. LaRow.
Clean energy?
Carbonless transportation?
Anti-Gravity Hover Vehicles?
And someday, I swear,
I'm gonna come work for you
at the Advanced Systems Lab.
Like I promised,
my Photac Version 2
takes it to the next level.
You thought a light show
was cool?
[students gasping]
[student] So cute!
How about a hard light animal?
And a fish is only the beginning.
Ever wanted your own puppy?
Aw, look at the puppy.
[Sora] The Photac Animal is cuddly,
doesn't require food,
and is hypoallergenic.
And the best part,
the hard light never deteriorates.
In fact, the hard light
is totally indestructible,
so it can't be hurt, or die.
It's the perfect companion
for anyone that might
be lonely.
There's no limit to the beauty
the Photac can create.
Congratulations, Ana!
Your plans are hard to follow,
but the results? Astonishing.
Your indestructible
hard light technology
is more than deserving of this.
-All right!
We can fight it
if we stick together! Come on!
Let's go!
Wow, that Photac is incredible!
Great. What do we do now?
I don't know about "we,"
but I know what I've gotta do.
I created that thing,
I have to be the one to destroy it.
But how
I have to go back to Imperium.
[camera shutter clicks]
We are quite proud of you, Ana.
I know we don't say that much.
Or ever.
But we see now that your passion
for your studies
was all in service of Imperium.
All hail the Good Empress!
Sure, so, I really am hoping
to help the people of Imperium.
-The way Dr. LaRow
-[Dr. LaRow] Pardon me.
My name is Dr. LaRow
of the Advanced Systems Lab.
Oh, we, uh [chuckles]
know who you are, of course.
And you must be Ana.
You know my name.
I have been hearing
about some of your designs.
They appear to be quite
How shall I say?
Perhaps you can forgive her.
She's just a child.
She didn't know
what she was doing.
Oh, but I think she did.
I think you know quite well.
And I must say, I am very impressed.
[all sigh]
I want you to come
to the Advanced Systems Lab.
You want me to tour your lab?
[Dr. LaRow] No.
I want you to work in my lab.
-Sora, I can't let you go
-Excuse me?
We're a team.
Ever since the Merge,
it's been you and me.
-[Riyu squeaks]
-And Riyu.
We stick together.
We're coming to Imperium with you.
I do not feel good about this.
You're both still training.
And who knows who you're gonna
run into in Imperium.
We can do this, Lloyd.
You punched yourself
in the face this morning.
You saw that?
But we've come so far in our training!
And remember what you told us
Master Wu always said?
Uh, "Stop playing video games
and go clean your room"?
"Ninja sharpens Ninja."
We're stronger
when we work together.
Oh, you just got Master Wu'd! Hard.
Point taken, Arin.
You can go, but I'm coming with you.
Nice! Group trip! Packing my bags.
No, we need you to protect
the Monastery and Ninjago.
What if there
are more Mergequakes?
Fine. You go have all the fun.
So we're going?
Against my better judgment,
we're going.
Yeah! Go we to be Ow!
Huh, perhaps try the new
mass-printed circuit boards.
All hail the Good Empress.
[gasps] A dragon!
A real dragon!
I can't believe you have
one here in the lab!
This place is
[chuckles] It's magical.
Oops, sorry.
Let me deactivate
the protective force field.
This dragon has long since
accepted its role in our lab.
It won't be dangerous.
[dragon growls]
You sweet thing.
What's her name?
Subject 152-stroke-9a.
But some of the lab techs
have taken to calling her
The ancient Imperium word
for "orphan"?
Did something happen
to your family, Sora?
[Dr. LaRow clears throat]
Please step back.
Ana, I must say that I see
a great deal of potential
in your digital pet device.
And in you.
You remind me a bit of myself at your age.
-I do?
-With my guidance,
I think we could take your simple Photac
and make it much more powerful.
Why would you need
to make it more powerful?
Child, the Photac
could be so much more
than a mere pet.
May I?
What are you doing?
Demonstrating the possibilities.
[dragon roars]
What? No!
[Sora] No, stop!
You're hurting her!
[Sora grunts]
Really now, Ana.
Surely a girl as smart as you
understands where Imperium's
energy comes from.
Our dragons power our homes.
Our schools.
Sure, everyone knows that.
But our whole lives,
we were always told our energy is safe!
It is safe.
For us.
Now, imagine what we could do
with an army of these.
For Imperium to remain
the glorious kingdom it is,
we need power.
The power only dragons can provide.
What are you saying?
An indestructible Photac army
could hunt down every dragon
in existence.
It would provide Imperium
with a never-ending
source of energy.
Our glory would be unparalleled.
But that's not what I
This is why
I've brought you here, Ana.
This is exactly
what the good Empress Beatrix
created the Advanced
Science Lab for!
I don't want any part of this!
You're as much
of a monster as that
That thing!
Mom, Dad, I need your help!
I can't go back
to Dr. LaRow's lab.
Dr. LaRow just called.
We are very disappointed
in you, Ana.
You have a chance
to help the Empress Beatrix.
To help Imperium!
They're torturing dragons!
Dragons are just
mindless beasts, Ana.
A resource.
If you had seen
the dragon suffering,
you'd know how wrong this is!
Are you really going
to put some creature
above your own family?
[Sora's dad] We are ashamed
to call you our daughter.
[gasps] My workbench!
If you won't use
your scientific studies
to support Imperium
And all that we stand for
Then you'll just have
to find a new interest.
I believed in you!
I thought you were making
Imperium a better place!
For every living thing!
So, we can't just walk
into Imperium.
Why not?
It's how we go to most places.
I'm guessing
we're wanted criminals there.
I once knew someone who was arrested
for singing off-key,
so, I think actively fighting
the Claw Hunters
puts us
on their "Do Not Enter" list.
It's a highly secure kingdom.
There are guards
at every checkpoint,
making sure only
the right people are allowed in.
But who's checking
what comes out of Imperium?
-Waste. Garbage.
There's gotta be a sewage system
that they aren't checking.
That's brilliant, Arin!
I guarantee the sewers
won't have any security.
-[alarm wailing]
-I was wrong!
Shh. Like I was hoping,
this tunnel led right
into the Security Station.
I'll hack into the system,
make us ID cards,
gain access
to the Advanced Systems Lab,
and boom! Destroy the Photac.
Come on!
Someone's coming. Hurry.
I need your fake names for the IDs.
Fake names? Um
Doctor Uh
Lampshade Floortile!
Your undercover name
is Dr. Lampshade Floortile?
Call me Doyll Donmagar.
That's with two "L"s?
"Sora"? You used your real name?
Uh, we gotta go!
Hurry up and put these on.
We need to look like
real Imperian citizens.
You are a real Imperian.
We need to fit in.
That's all people in Imperium
care about.
Absolutely. Stealth is key.
It was in the locker,
so I imagine
the Empress approved it?
Ugh! She never had good taste.
Riyu, maybe we should just
keep you hidden in here.
Okay, Lampshade.
That looks totally normal.
[sighs] Guess we're ready. Come on.
What seems to be the problem, officer?
Gonna need to see your ID badges.
Oh, yeah. Yep. You're free
to go, Mr. Floortile.
[clears throat]
That's Doctor Floortile.
Uh, you too, Mr. Donmigar.
And Sora?
Weird name.
But okay. All hail the Good Empress!
Yeah, all hail!
[all grunt]
You really thought you could
get away with it, didn't you?
I didn't
Not wearing shoulder pads
on a Tuesday?
[sighs] The Empress has declared
shoulder pads
are a must-have accessory
for all citizens on weekdays!
And this is not the weekend.
Um, that's new.
And weird.
Well, I have no choice
but to take you to
the Public Shaming Platform.
Ugh, what are you
carrying in here, gold bricks?
It weighs a ton.
a Public Shaming Platform?
Only the worst form
of punishment in Imperium.
Anyone who commits
any Anti-Empress sentiment
is publicly shamed
in a livestream video feed.
Huh. Doesn't sound so bad.
I've put up with Kai's mocking for years.
You don't understand.
The livestream is broadcast
to everyone in Imperium.
Our faces are gonna be on gigantic screens
throughout the city!
The Claw Hunters, that weird tiger guy,
my parents.
Everyone will see us. We're toast!
What are we gonna do?
I don't know. You're the doctor.
We need some kind of distraction.
A dragon? I need backup!
[soldier] Get him!
We'll keep him safe.
Now's your chance. Go get the Photac!
[action music]
[Sora grunts]
Oh, okay, so it's not just me.
Arin? Riyu?
Watch out!
The new prisoner is dangerous!
Kai, you were supposed to stay
at the Monastery.
You never listen!
[gasps] You're not Kai.
I wish I was anywhere but here.
What is that place?
I know you wish I was
a dutiful Imperian, Mom and Dad.
But I'll never be the daughter
you want me to be.
That Empress Beatrix
wants me to be.
Got you!
Now to shut you down permanently.
[Dr. LaRow] Ana.
Welcome home.
We've been expecting you.
[closing theme music playing]
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