One Piece (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The Chef and the Chore Boy

[Nami] Easy. Easy!
Easy. Don't drop him.
I didn't. He's really heavy.
I mean, he's got a really big head.
It's, like, freakishly big.
[Nami] What does that
have to do with anything?
- Zoro? Hey, can you hear me?
- [Usopp] Where's the first aid kit?
- [Nami] Do we have a first aid kit?
- Zoro?
[Usopp] These are all I could find.
Where's he bleeding from?
[Nami] Everywhere.
- [Usopp] We need more towels.
- [Nami] We need a doctor.
[Usopp] Last I checked, we don't have one.
[Nami] Luffy? Luffy!
Someone needs to go back to Baratie.
Um, I'm really not hungry right now, Nami.
[Nami] Not for food.
Maybe one of the customers
is a ship's doctor.
Right. A doctor.
We need a doctor.
- [Zeff] What do you think you're doing?
- Chopping carrots, chef.
Yeah, I can see that.
But why are you doing it in my kitchen?
I demoted you, remember?
That you did. But Patty's
sleeping off a brutal hangover,
so unless you want to do brunch prep
all by yourself
Them carrots are cut too thick.
And those eggs are way too runny.
And I can tell just by looking at that,
that rémoulade needs a lot more oregano.
Oregano is for savages.
[Luffy] Help! Help!
Help! Help! Zoro Zoro needs a doctor.
He got into a fight with this warlord guy,
but he lost.
- And now he's bleeding from everywhere
- Whoa. Whoa. Slow down, Chore Boy.
- I can't understand a word you're saying.
- My friend is dying.
Nearest doctor's on the Conomi Islands.
It's a two-day sail from here.
That's too long.
I can't help you.
Hope your friend makes it.
Where do you think you're going?
- To help Chore Boy's friend.
- Brunch is not gonna prep itself.
You always told me
to feed anyone who's hungry.
I don't see how this is any different.
Bring me my kitchen knives
and a bottle of our best whiskey.
And a fresh yellowtail from the cooler.
Bigger the better.
A yellowtail?
Just do it already.
[theme music plays]
Are you kidding? He needs a doctor.
Do you wanna save
your swordsman friend or not?
- Is that to sterilize the wounds?
- [Zeff] Hell, no.
That'd be a waste of really good liquor.
Fish skin.
This is an old seaman's trick.
The fish skin helps staunch the wounds
and heals the flesh a lot faster.
Is he gonna be okay?
Look, I'm not gonna lie to you.
He's lost a lot of blood.
- It might be too late for him.
- But it might not be.
He's got one foot in each world right now,
caught between life and death.
You have to find a way
to keep him tethered to our world.
Talk to him. Tell him stories.
Sing him sea shanties for all I care.
He may not reply,
but at least he'll know
his crew are still with him.
[military music plays]
Nice of you to announce yourself.
I thought this was a conversation
we might have privately.
Dismissed, cadet.
Aye, sir.
[Garp] So where is he?
Where's Luffy?
- At the moment, I don't know.
- What do you mean, you don't know?
I decided to let him go.
I specifically told you
to bring him to me.
Come now, Vice-Admiral.
I don't take orders.
Not even from the likes of you.
As one of the Seven Warlords,
you serve at the pleasure
of the World Government.
- Without our immunity
- I would still do precisely what I want.
No more and no less.
And what I want
is to see what becomes of that young man
when he enters the Grand Line.
I won't let that happen.
Then you have
your work cut out for you, Vice-Admiral,
because that boy is interesting.
Who knows?
Maybe your grandson will be the one
to find the One Piece after all.
[military music plays]
- [items clattering]
- [Garp laughing maniacally]
I'll take my dinner
in the mess hall tonight.
[Usopp] Mmm. Something smells delicious.
I just thought everyone'd be hungry, man.
Plenty we didn't use.
- Never waste food.
- [Usopp] Cool.
What's the matter? Don't like fish?
I love fish. I just need
to get Zoro's sword ready for him.
You know, for when he wakes up.
He's, uh,
pretty badly hurt, man.
There's an itty-bitty chance
he might not wake up.
Zoro's the strongest fighter that I know.
No way he's gonna let
some warlord guy beat him.
Well, you've gotta eat.
Come on. If you don't want the fish,
I got two-inch T-bones in the kitchen.
Or, uh, maybe you're in the mood
for saffron risotto?
I normally would get both,
but I really gotta get
the Waddy Itchy Monkey ready for him.
- The what?
- His sword.
It's got a name.
- Why?
- [Luffy] I don't know.
He said it was kind of special.
Hey, Sanji, can you cook
Zoro's favorite food?
Sure. What does he like?
- He really likes rice balls.
- Mm-hmm.
[Luffy] And beer.
What about rice balls soaked in beer?
- Can you make that?
- [Sanji laughs]
I can make anything.
Just tell me what you want.
I want him to eat
so that he gets back his strength.
But I also want him to sleep
so that his wounds can heal.
Or maybe
maybe he just needs some water. Right?
After all of that fighting,
he must be awfully thirsty. [chuckles]
But, you know,
he's probably also tired, so
so yeah, we should just let him rest.
Being a captain,
it's the toughest job in the world, okay?
Zeff once told me
that making decisions is what separates
a captain from the rest of his crew.
And he was one of the best pirate captains
that ever sailed the seas.
Zeff was a pirate?
Yeah. Captain of the dreaded Cook Pirates.
They used to call him "Red Leg Zeff,"
'cause his boots were always stained
with the blood of his enemies.
How'd you two meet?
Were you on his crew or something?
Not exactly.
[thunder rumbles]
[dramatic music plays]
Sanji, get a move on.
Those tables ain't gonna bus themselves.
I'm working on my velouté.
Gotta get the texture just right.
Velou what? This is a ship's galley.
You're never gonna serve
fancy stuff like that.
I will when I get to the All Blue.
Hear that, boys?
Sanji's going to the All Blue!
[men laugh]
It's not a real place, kid.
The All Blue doesn't exist.
Yes, it does.
And one day, I'm gonna find it.
It's a tall tale told by cooks
to pass the time. Now get to those tables.
[man] Pirates! We're getting boarded!
Pirates? We've gotta get out of here!
[Sanji gasping]
[dramatic music plays]
[men yelling]
[footsteps approaching]
[suspenseful music plays]
[Zeff] Mmm, velouté.
[ship's crew clamoring]
[Zeff] No, no, no, no.
Needs oregano.
Oregano's for savages!
[Zeff grunts]
Nice try, little eggplant.
Now, how do you wanna die? Quick or slow?
Who cares? I'd rather die
than have you season my food.
You made that?
That's not half bad.
Better than anything you can make,
you old shitbag!
You've got a sharp tongue on you, boy.
How about I cut it out
and fry it up with some pig fat?
Do what you want,
but I'm not gonna die here.
Not until I find the All Blue.
The All Blue?
So you tell me, what does little eggplant
know about the All Blue?
[loud crash]
What happened?
A storm.
Sunk both our ships.
But but the crew
They're all dead,
except for us.
What do we do?
We wait.
And we hope that a passing ship spots us
before that sun
bleaches our bones.
this is all the food we got.
So eat slow. There's no more after this.
Why do you get the bigger one?
'Cause I'm three times your size.
That's why!
You know something?
You should be glad
that I'm giving you anything at all.
Now go over to the other side
and keep a lookout.
And I mean it.
Don't you bother me unless you see a ship.
You got it?
I said, you got it?
Now go!
[mysterious music plays]
[stomach growling]
[dramatic music plays]
[mysterious music plays]
[stomach growls]
[Sanji gasps]
[ominous music plays]
[thunder rumbles]
- [gasps]
- [bell rings]
[bell rings]
Ship! Hey!
Hey, ship, over here!
Come on!
[bell rings]
Come on, ship!
No! No.
[gasps] No.
[somber music plays]
[wind whistling]
[labored breathing]
The old man had twice as much food.
If he won't give me any,
I'll kill him myself.
[suspenseful music plays]
I thought I told you to stay put.
You still have some food.
You gotta give me some!
Where is it?!
Where is it?
There's no food! How are you still alive?!
Your leg.
What happened?
You ate it?
You ate your own leg?
You gave me all the food. Why?
[emotional music plays]
You don't even know me.
Why would you do that for a stranger?
Because, little eggplant
I have been searching for the All Blue
my whole life.
But now my time has come to an end.
You share the same dream as me.
Believe me,
the All Blue
is real.
It's real.
And if I can't find it
well, then maybe you can.
So I'm gonna need you to live on.
And I'm gonna need you
to fulfil that dream
for both of us.
[Sanji] Have any idea what that's like?
Having someone lose a limb
to save your life?
Actually, I kind of do.
[Sanji] Look, all I'm saying is,
we were out there for 85 days.
He could've let me die on that rock.
Instead, he acted like a captain.
He made the tough call.
I'd eat both arms and legs
to save Zoro's life.
[Nami] "In a certain country,
in the northern seas,
there was an explorer
named Mont Blanc Noland."
"His stories were always grand adventures
that sounded like lies."
"Noland told his king
he found a city of gold,
but when the king
went to claim the treasure,
the city was gone,
and most of the king's soldiers
perished on the journey."
"Noland was sentenced to death,
but he continued to lie to his king,
insisting the city of gold
sank into the sea."
even though nobody believed him,
he never stopped lying until he was dead."
[Luffy] Poor guy.
Can you imagine that?
Losing a whole city of gold?
I don't think
that was the point of the story.
Stories can have different points.
I mean
why did the king have to kill him?
Sometimes, when you are in charge,
you have to make the tough decisions.
Why does everybody keep saying that?
Because you could've saved Zoro.
He didn't have to fight Mihawk,
but you let it happen.
Why didn't you stop him?
I didn't think he was going to lose.
- You could've tried to change his mind.
- I would never do that.
So you'd rather see him like this?
He might die, Luffy.
And I'd do anything to save him.
Except stand in the way of his dream.
- We all have dreams, but we outgrow them.
- [Luffy] Is that really what you think?
Don't you have a dream?
Yeah. Right now,
it's for Zoro to not die in my bed.
But isn't there something that you want?
Something more.
More than anything else in this world.
Not everyone gets to follow their dreams.
[somber music plays]
[Garp] Cadet.
- I'm sorry about all this.
- I'm sure you had your reason.
And you already know the reason,
don't you?
- I didn't hear
- You know Luffy is my grandson.
I spent years trying to train him.
Trying to build him into a proper Marine.
He resisted me every step of the way.
Wouldn't listen.
Wouldn't learn. Wouldn't cooperate.
You're an exemplary cadet.
The two of you couldn't be more different.
I spent time with Luffy.
- I know how his mind works.
- So do I. What's your point?
Luffy is different.
He doesn't follow the rules.
He thinks for himself,
no matter what anyone else says.
That's my fault. I was too easy on him.
Sir, it wouldn't have mattered,
because Luffy knows exactly what he is.
And what's that?
A pirate.
Luffy's always been a pirate.
And he always will be a pirate.
No matter how many assassins
you send after him, he'll never change.
He'd rather die first.
Then what do you suggest?
- That I let him be a damn fool pirate?
- Would that be the worst thing, sir?
Maybe you're right.
Maybe I've been going about this
the wrong way all along.
Muster the Marines on deck.
I'll address them at afternoon watch.
Yes, sir.
[sinister music plays]
- [laughs]
- [all gasp]
Who's hungry? [snarls]
[host] Welcome to Baratie.
How can I serve you?
Interesting choice of words.
You have food here, don't you?
We wanna eat.
[host] I'm afraid
there are no more tables
I see a bunch of tables.
Sit down!
No one leaves.
Except you.
- Ah!
- [customers gasp]
Let's all enjoy our last meal,
Who are you, old man?
My name is Zeff.
And I own this place.
Well, I'm Arlong.
And I own the East Blue.
No one owns the sea.
Not even a fishman.
Well, that's about to change,
once you give me what I want.
[Arlong] Listen up. I'm looking
for a pirate in a straw hat.
Goes by the name of Luffy.
He has something that belongs to me.
Straw hat, you say, hmm?
That's not familiar.
But why don't I fix you a meal?
Absolutely anything you want
off of that menu, no charge.
Well, I already have a meal.
But if you don't bring me
the straw-hat boy before I finish,
maybe I might just start adding
some of these nice folks to the menu.
[customers whimpering]
[Arlong laughing]
How's he doing?
He hasn't said a word.
Didn't Zeff say we're supposed
to talk to him? Tell him stories?
What would I say?
[Usopp] Whatever pops in your head.
Just speak from the gut.
My gut hasn't been so great lately.
at least he'll know it's you.
What do you got to lose?
Hey, Zoro.
What's up?
I just wanted to tell you that
Let me start over.
I'm just gonna
Hi, Zoro. Hi.
- You know, it's
- [Nami] Luffy!
[suspenseful music plays]
The Arlong Pirates are at Baratie.
We have to leave now.
- What? Why? Why should we leave?
- Because they're looking for you.
- Me?
- [Nami] And the map.
Those fishmen will tear this place apart
if Zeff doesn't turn him over.
Where are you going?
If Baratie's in danger,
I need to be there.
- I'm coming with you.
- [Nami] Did you not hear what I just said?
They are hunting you. We need to run.
I'm with Nami on this one. I'm really not
trying to ruffle any feathers or scales
I'm not running.
We're going to protect this place.
This isn't your fight.
Why would you do that?
You fed us.
Look, I know this crew.
Their captain, Arlong,
has the highest bounty
in all of the East Blue.
- You do not want to mess with him.
- It sounds like he messed with us first.
Luffy, please.
I can't let innocent people get hurt
because of me.
If those fishmen guys want a fight,
we're gonna give them one.
You stay with the ship
and protect the map.
It's gonna be safe with you.
[breathing loudly]
[sinister music plays]
What's the matter?
You never seen a fishman enjoy a meal?
That's because you don't know any fishmen,
except for the ones
who repair your ship or clean your house.
I have nothing against your kind.
That's a shame,
'cause I have everything against yours.
- Puny, petulant humans!
- [guests clamor]
You see,
most fishmen would be happy
to sit at the same table as a human.
They want to be treated as equals.
But you dare stoop so low.
We all know
there's nothing equal about us.
Fishmen are superior to humans
in every single way.
Stronger, faster,
Wouldn't you agree?
Which one of you is Arlong?
Who is asking?
I'm Monkey D. Luffy.
- I hear you're looking for me.
- Why, yes, I am.
So this is the pirate
I've heard so much about?
You know, I was expecting someone bigger.
So was I.
Do you know who I am, boy?
I'm Arlong the Saw.
Even the Marines flee before my flag.
Not ringing a bell.
How'd you find me anyway?
An old friend helped me track you down.
[clicks tongue]
Heya, Straw Hat. Did you miss me?
What are you doing here?
Believe me,
it wasn't my first choice either.
But these fine fishy folk persuaded me
to point them in the right direction,
which ain't easy
when you don't have any hands. [chuckles]
- How'd you even know how to find me?
- I told you.
I've got eyes and ears everywhere.
You were listening all along?
- You heard everything?
- Everything.
And that got old quick,
'cause you shidiots have no idea
what you're doing.
Hey, Lips,
how about a scratch
behind the old ear, huh?
Sorry, honey.
Oh, come on! Give a clown a break. I
Oh, wait! No! Not back in the bag.
It's so dark and wet and sandy. [wails]
[Arlong] Listen here.
I want my map,
along with half
of whatever you plunder as tribute.
And if you bow down to me,
I might even let you serve in my kingdom.
I don't bow down to any man.
I'm no man.
- Or fish.
- [growls]
And you're no king.
I will be when I get my Grand Line map.
you're gonna have to fight me for it.
Then let the fighting begin.
- [grunts]
- [guests clamor]
[action music plays]
[customer gasps]
Really great fighter.
- [grunts]
- [guests clamor]
Oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh.
Gum Gum
[Arlong grunts]
Get up!
Not bad for a human.
[Luffy] Ay.
- Uh?
- Oh, big mistake.
Now I'm gonna
have to make an example out of you.
[sinister music plays]
I told you in the bar
I didn't have any friends, but
the truth is,
I couldn't let myself have them
because I always end up
hurting the people closest to me.
[mysterious music plays]
- [sinister music plays]
- [Luffy grunts]
I don't know
what's so special about you, boy.
Why don't you come find out?
[action music plays]
[Luffy] Ah!
[Luffy grunts]
- [growls]
- [Luffy grunts]
[sinister music plays]
Come on, fish guy.
Is that all you got?
How about a drink?
[Nami] Arlong, wait!
I have it.
I have the map.
I got it for you,
just like I said I would.
- What are you doing?
- I tried to tell you, Luffy.
I was never on your crew.
I only joined up with you
so I could steal the map.
I don't believe that.
That's because you only believe what
you want to believe. Doesn't make it true.
Sister Nami's a loyal member
of the Arlong Pirates.
She has been for years.
We have the map, Arlong.
Let's go.
Not until I finish my meal.
Why waste your time
killing a Devil Fruit eater?
Let the sea do it for you.
[mysterious music plays]
[uplifting music plays]
Where's Nami?
[Usopp] She's gone.
She's a member of Arlong's crew.
She can't be.
[ship bell ringing]
At ease.
you've done an outstanding job
pursuing these pirates we've been chasing.
I'm proud of your efforts
to apprehend these miscreants.
But I've underestimated their resolve,
their determination
to flaunt their illegal activities.
They are becoming more than a nuisance
and must be treated as such.
So our mission has changed.
No more half measures.
No more soft targets.
The Straw Hats and their captain
will never surrender.
So the gloves are coming off!
We will capture them.
And they will be brought to justice!
I don't need you to do that.
We've got a full house tomorrow.
Two dinner seatings, plus brunch.
Enough! I don't wanna hear this.
- What is your problem?
- [Zeff] Me?
I'm fine. You're the one with the problem.
I'm just helping you clean up.
Yeah, but no one asked you to, did they?
So get out of my restaurant now.
I told you I'm not gonna be a waiter.
You're not gonna be anything,
not if you stay here.
I did not save your life
so you could waste it at Baratie.
It's not like I can just leave.
Why the hell not?
Because you couldn't run this place
without me.
Oh, please, little eggplant,
your cooking is for shit.
At least I don't drown everything
in oregano.
Yeah, at least I'm not the one
who goes on moaning about the All Blue.
You've been yammering on about that
since you was a snotty-nosed little brat.
Well, I'll tell you now.
If it means that much to you, go find it.
Look, do you want me to quit?
Is that what you want?
Quitting is staying here!
Don't you get it?
It's one thing to have a dream.
It's another to go after it.
Chore Boy offered me a spot on his crew.
Maybe I'll take him up on that offer.
You want my permission? You got it.
- Fine!
- Fine!
[door opens]
[door slams]
Hey, Zoro.
You sure missed a big fight.
Those fishmen guys were tough.
You would've loved it.
And we had a pretty great dinner.
All of us sitting around together,
listening to Usopp's stories.
Only I kind of messed it up.
[emotional music plays]
And now I lost Nami.
I lost the Grand Line map.
And maybe I will lose you too.
I didn't know what to say before,
but I know what to say now,
and it's so simple.
I need you, Zoro.
I need you
to wake up.
[Zoro] You gonna keep talking,
or let me get some sleep?
[adventurous music plays]
Zoro! [laughs]
Zoro, you're not dead!
- Oh!
- [groans]
[straining] Right now, I'm wishing I was.
- Oh.
- [Zoro grunts]
I had the strangest dream
that Nami left.
[Luffy] She did.
It's my fault.
No, you didn't do anything wrong.
You acted like a captain.
But our crew is falling apart.
No, it's not.
[inspirational music plays]
I, Roronoa Zoro
vow to stand by your side
from now
until the end.
Until we find the One Piece
or die trying.
So bring on the Marines
or pirates or sea beasts.
You're my captain, Luffy,
and I'm your first mate.
[Usopp] Zoro!
Zoro! [gasps]
I wasn't worried for a second.
He's alive!
- [grunts]
- Oh.
And I told 'em. I said, "You'd better not
mess with the Straw Hats!"
- [Luffy] Yeah!
- Ba! Ba!
[making fighting noises]
Sent 'em swimming for their lives.
- You scared 'em off, huh?
- [Usopp] Mm-hmm.
- The Great Captain Usopp.
- [Usopp] Yeah.
So what do we do now?
Plot a course for the Grand Line?
But I thought
we were going after the One Piece?
We are.
But we can't do it without our whole crew.
we're going after Nami.
[indistinct chatter]
Lot of dried meat in these barrels.
- You think we brought too much?
- You know who you're sailing with?
- Yeah.
- Mmm.
[Sanji] Heard you guys need a cook.
Yeah! Yes, we do! [chuckles]
[upbeat music plays]
Welcome aboard.
- Why are we bringing the waiter?
- Because we can't boil water.
Dropping the sail!
[man] Casting off.
[sentimental music plays]
[Zeff] Hey, Sanji!
You keep your feet dry.
Goodbye, Zeff.
You know, all these years,
living under your shitty roof,
cooking at your shitty restaurant
I owe you my life!
Thank you for putting up with my shit
all these years, old man.
I'll never forget you, Zeff!
[upbeat music plays]
So we're we're going after Nami,
but how are we gonna find her?
Yeah, we don't even know where she is.
I know someone who does.
Hello, boys!
[circus music plays]
[dramatic music plays]
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