P.I. Meena (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

The Live Data

You're alright!
Thank God you're fine!
I knew you were okay.
Someone's trying to fuck
with my head, Joy.
But I know for a fact that
you can take care of yourself.
Sorry, Joy.
I didn't want to drag you into this.
But you will agree
that I'm onto something.
That's why I'm being targeted.
But who are these people?
tell your office to look into
Partho's call records.
From the day he arrived in India
till the day he died.
I'll have to raise a requisition to Sen
for the call records.
He'll never agree.
I'll figure something out.
I'm a fraud lawyer after all!
I'll meet Annie's virologist friend.
You get Partho's call records.
You go your way…
I go mine.
Who the hell are you?
Kedar Pokhral!
I thought as much!
I knew you'd be here.
What are you doing in my room?
Where is Imay?
Where is he?
So, he's finally gone!
What would he have done
with animals like you!
You know what?
You have turned us into animals!
I will not have to suffer any longer
if you kill me.
Finish me off!
Well, then stay alive…
and suffer!
Yes, Meenakshi.
Almost done.
Don't worry!
The rabbit is just fine.
-So, you got the slide?
Let's have a look.
What's up? Where's Annie?
She's trying to get in touch
with the Health Secretary.
Oh, lovely!
So, this doctor in Littnong
says that this is influenza?
You know, Meenakshi…
one thing I still don't understand is…
why he shared this slide with you.
You know, if he gets caught,
it'll be the end of his career.
Well, anyway…
let's find out what this is.
So, you're giving me the call records
and treating me to coffee as well!
It's a real task to get
these call recordings, Subho.
Come on!
These hackers will soon
take the bread out of our mouths!
The power outage in Mumbai last week
was caused by hackers, you know?
This has just one call record.
May I go?
Remember one thing.
What you've done today
could grease the skids for my love life.
Finish your coffee before you leave.
Do you want a cigarette?
No, this is…
not influenza.
But I need some time
to be a hundred percent sure.
Whatever it is, it has reached Kolkata.
Look, Meenakshi.
We can ascertain what's on the slide.
But I can't say anything as far as
the Barasat outbreak is concerned.
I need data, you understand?
It's impossible to get any information
from the hospital.
you must dig it out, Meenakshi.
Tell me one thing.
This Partho guy…
is he from the Indian Virology Institute?
Well, everyone knows
IVI is run by the intelligence.
What do you mean?
I mean…
all the students in IVI
actually work for the intelligence,
and they don't even know about it.
Is this a conspiracy theory, Dr. Nair?
It's the nature of the beast, Meenakshi.
When it comes to science,
you never know how your work will be used
and by whom.
I'm sure…
Richard Feynman didn't know that he'd
be called the father of the atomic bomb.
that's the way it is.
I'll go.
Yeah, Annie?
The pig farm in Barasat is on fire.
I'm coming. Bye.
Hey, all okay?
I'm sorry, sir. I need to go.
Thank you though for your help.
-What happened?
-I'll see you.
-Get out of my way! I--
-It's my job! Please move!
-Stop! You need to leave!
Get aside!
Who gave you the orders?
-Please leave!
-Let me do my job!
-Meenakshi Iyer!
-Move aside…
-What the fuck are you doing here?!
-I'm doing my job!
Get the fuck out of here!
I warned you not to interfere
in this matter!
You knew Partho, right?
-Are you in your senses?
-I'm sure you met him at least once.
Perhaps more than once.
Like the night before he died!
Do you really think you're a detective?
Taking pictures of raunchy escapades
doesn't make you a detective!
-You have no idea what's going on!
-I want to know who killed Partho.
And I suspect it was you!
Fuck off!
Out! Or else, I'll throw you in jail!
Stop threatening me
and save your own neck!
I said, out!
Out, I said!
What are you guys looking at? Go!
Don't let her in!
I said, go!
Yeah, Subho?
Partho spoke to Rini for a good 37 minutes
on the morning he died.
But Rini didn't tell you that.
Thanks, Subho.
You're breathless.
I'll call you later.
Fuck! Rini, answer!
It won't.
-Yes, I'll look into it.
-Good morning, sir.
You tell them.
I'll look into it.
I'll talk to you later.
What nonsense is this?
Why was the need to lock down
the hospitals?
The media will create a ruckus now!
As the Health Minister,
I'm answerable to people!
Sir, this is a medical emergency--
Well, then handle the emergency!
Sir, there's only one way
to handle this medical emergency.
Quarantine the affected people.
Listen, get some young people
to work with you on your team. Okay?
Let them come up with new strategies.
And you…
Why don't you get quarantined?
But, sir, Mr. Mitra
is the best I have, and--
Just do your job!
Open the hospitals…
and normalize the situation.
Okay? You may go.
Okay, sir.
We'll keep you informed.
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
The number you are calling
is out of network coverage area.
Fuck, Rini!
Are you there?
He's there.
What are you doing in the evening?
-Well, I'm free--
-Adi, do you have a minute?
Spoiler without an alert.
-Go on.
I'm free.
Sen has a settlement meeting today.
Take a good look.
Nah! Seriously.
I'm not one for blessed setups, man.
Shut up, Adi.
That's Rini, the dead boy
Partho's girlfriend.
Her phone is switched off.
Track her down.
You know what my blessed mom says?
I need to learn to say no to you.
Some other day.
Fine. Send me the details.
Already done.
How the fuck did the girl know
about the Barasat farm?
If you can't keep an eye on her,
let me know. I'll do it.
No. Sorry, sir. I will do it.
The fuck you will!
-Annie, come to my cabin immediately.
Sir, all okay?
I have something for you.
Just come.
Your man in charge of health
is a bumbling idiot.
I know.
So far, three people have died
and twenty are infected.
And obviously,
I cannot toe the official line.
Of course, you can't.
Sir, we need to
run with the story urgently.
Ma'am, I need access to the hospital.
I'll come with you.
We have to shake up
the entire infrastructure.
The only thing we need
right now is panic.
Sir, don't go in there.
Please come out.
Sir, 21 patients.
High fever.
And the swelling around their necks
is very ugly.
We shouldn't wait here for too long.
We are done. Come on.
This way, ma'am.
Annie, I'm going to look around.
Let's meet at the entrance
after you finish your meeting.
-See you.
Don't come close.
You look like shit.
You don't say something like that
to a dying man.
Let's get you out of here.
I won't go out.
It will be too risky
for the people outside.
Listen to me.
I'll take you to a senior virologist.
We'll identify the virus.
We'll take care of you.
You'll be fine.
I've got a fever, but you're in delirium!
I know what I'm saying.
If you get out of here…
you will survive.
And you know what?
The world will survive.
We are in shit right now.
But it's the one last chance.
We have to save a lot of people.
We need to quickly identify this virus.
We need to find out
if it falls under any
management protocol or any strain.
And until then, we will
have to quarantine the patients…
so that the virus doesn't spread.
Mr. Mitra…
opening up the hospital
was a very bad call.
I know.
Any case found outside the hospital?
None yet.
sensationalize this.
Use your report…
as a propaganda.
Hello, Meenakshi.
Where are you?
I left. Something urgent came up.
So, don't wait for me.
Okay. See you then.
I'll see you. Bye.
Did you see Dr. Biswas leave the hospital?
No, sir.
Where the hell did he go?
Nurse, have you seen Dr. Biswas?
He was right here, sir.
He didn't step out, right?
No, sir.
Alright. I'll check.
This is the only way out.
I told you…
we can't get out of here.
Hello? Have you seen Dr. Biswas?
There must be another way out.
Where does this open?
What are you doing?
I just hope Dr. Biswas
hasn't gone out of the hospital.
I don't think he would do
something so stupid.
Well, I'm sorry to say, madam…
but he's nowhere inside the hospital.
-Dr. Nair!
I'm bringing you your data.
But you also have to save him.
Okay. Get him. Let me see.
Yeah, Omar?
Dr. Arsian has gone missing. And…
His bungalow blew up.
Okay. Let me know if you hear
anything about Dr. Arsian.
Meenakshi, what's going on?
I don't know, Omar.
I need to go now. I'll call you later.
Okay, bye.
Yeah, bye.
Sir, you should mask up.
He's a patient.
Well, it doesn't matter.
Hey, Meenakshi.
This way.
Help me. Get him up.
This one's out of focus.
Don't we need a doctor?
I am a doctor.
The only problem is…
my license has been canceled.
Why was your license canceled?
That's a long, long story.
I've got all the time in the world.
What happened was I did a drug test
on a group.
And as it would happen,
everyone died.
But that wasn't my idea.
And I didn't do it on purpose.
Actually, my seniors,
at the Institute of Communicable Diseases
made me do it.
Then how were you at fault?
It wasn't my mistake.
But someone had to take the blame for it.
So, it was me.
It's the same virus.
But what is it exactly?
No idea.
Will Dr. Biswas be okay?
You told me that…
some people out of those who
were infected in Littnong were cured.
I hope he gets better too.
You know what you need?
You need a good night's sleep.
Go on.
Go home and go to sleep.
Increase the type size.
Double it.
Let's place the photos and check…
Annie, ours is not a tabloid.
This looks like a cheap tabloid page.
This newsbreak needs this!
Come on, Annie!
We never do this.
Sorry, sir.
Let's do a page like we normally do.
And then reach a decision.
But, sir, this news needs this treatment,
and we need this treatment.
We'll break, but then the TV will
gobble us up. This is our only chance!
We need an option.
We'll decide later.
Change the headline.
And change this "government sleeps" bit.
Hello, Mr. Adhikari?
Did he just vanish into thin air?
Sir, we checked all the footage.
Sir, we scoured the hospital.
We looked everywhere.
Mr. Mitra has been harassing me!
How could Biswas do this?
Hey, wait a minute.
Hit rewind.
Is that…
is that Biswas?
We can't be sure, sir.
Can we blow this up?
No, sir. We'll have to
send it to the office.
Well, then hurry up and send it!
-Sure, sir. Right away.
Okay, sir.
The virus in Littnong and in Kolkata
are connected, but how?
he definitely got to know something
and was killed.
Partho's professor.
Is he missing? Has he been killed?
Suspect number one,
He's with the RAW.
He knew Partho.
Could he be the killer?
Was he the man with the red bag?
Rini, suspect number two.
What is she hiding?
And then Rakhaw.
Why did he give me the slide?
Dr. Biswas… he's okay.
I mean as okay as he can be.
Did you find out
anything about the virus?
Well, not yet.
Could this be the virus
that Partho was studying?
Oh, you mean The Giant Antarctic Virus?
Doesn't seem like it.
Let's see.
Please let me know
if you get any information on it.
Yeah, of course.
I'll do that.
Thank you.
This is ridiculous!
-Dr. Biswas wasn't alone.
-I know.
But it's not clear
who the person with him was.
Looks like a woman to me.
What's the plan?
There's a patient at TRS Hospital
who's showing the same symptoms.
Oh, my God!
There we go.
Now this looks like our work.
Sir, this is not about us.
I know exactly what's going on,
and as a journalist, this is my version.
Annie, I need to balance a few things out.
I can't let this go.
This is sensation porn.
Sensation porn?
Ma'am, if the first page
isn't published right now,
the printing schedule will go haywire.
They're waiting.
We'll go with…
this one.
I can tell you
which of the drivers were here
last evening at seven o'clock.
We'll have to do whatever it takes
to find that driver.
Rest assured, sir.
I'll try my best.
Please give me your phone number.
Why are you here at this ungodly hour?
Sorry, sir.
-The virus is just--
-What is this nonsense?
Couldn't it wait until tomorrow morning?
No, sir.
Sir, now there's a patient
at TRS Hospital as well.
It's spreading, sir.
A doctor, who's an active case,
has fled Southern Hospital, sir.
And I'm afraid that he's going to
spread the virus to virgin areas.
But what do you guys want from me?
just for once…
could you please wake the CM up?
Play some heavy metal.
Next-level reckless!
No, Joy. This is not reckless.
This is my need to find the truth.
Perhaps it will also pave the way for me
to be a better investigator.
One day, Joy.
One day.
This way, sir.
Please come.
This is the house.
Call your husband.
That's the guy, sir.
We're looking for two people.
One woman and one man.
They boarded a taxi from the hospital
last evening at five o'clock.
Do you know anything?
Sir, I did drive a man
and a woman in my taxi
last evening from that spot.
The man was in a terrible condition.
Where did you drop them off?
At Narendrapur, sir.
At the end of it.
Can you show me the spot?
Sure, sir.
Let's go.
Do you have a plan?
I think we should set up
a team of doctors, virologists,
health officials, and law enforcement.
Just give me 12 hours
so that everyone will be prepared.
And in the meantime…
Press the panic button, sir.
Talk to the hospitals,
talk to the practicing GPs.
And I think--
Sorry, sir. I really
have to take this. Excuse me.
Yes, Mr. Mitra?
Where the hell is the Chief Secretary?
This is real bad news.
-Is Dr. Rakhaw around?
-Sorry, Dr. Rakhaw is not available.
Has he not come in today?
Actually, he hasn't been here
for the last two days.
We've called a doctor from Guwahati.
You can meet him if you want.
But you will have to wait.
There are many patients in line.
-Alright. I'll come back tomorrow.
We need to talk to you.
Tell me.
Have you heard about
the deaths at Southern Hospital?
Yes, I read about it in the newspapers.
And it's on TV as well.
There's a man who is virus-infected,
-who also happens to be a doctor himself.
He has fled the hospital.
May we come in?
Sure. Please…
come in.
-Come in.
-Thank you.
We need to track him down,
no matter what.
He's carrying the virus, and we don't
want him to transmit it to others.
I understand, but…
why would he come here?
I don't know.
there's a nursing home around the corner.
Did you check there?
What did you say you do?
You didn't ask me.
So, tell me now.
I'm a history professor.
-Good night, Professor.
-Good night.
What the fuck, man!
-It's been 21 years!
You're looking great!
Oh my God!
-It's nice to see you, man.
So lovely to see you.
Come on in.
-Yeah, thanks.
-Come in.
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