Pact of Silence (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Primera Dama

It's been three months
since that creep attacked you, okay?
You have to forget about it, Martina.
[Sofía] Back off, Fer.
She can't just forget
what happened to her.
[Irene] And we're never going to forget
killing someone either.
But it's impossible to change that now.
This baby is coming,
and we have to do something about it.
And I'm sick of all this bullshit! [sobs]
[Carmen] What's going on?
Why are you crying?
[tense music playing]
[Irene] It's nothing, Carmen. It's fine.
No, it's not fine.
Somebody needs to help us.
It's out of control.
[Carmen] Girls, if you don't tell me
what's going on,
I'm going to get Miss Ramona
to telephone your parents.
[Sofía] She already knows.
But our families don't.
And they can't find out.
Carmen, we're having a baby.
[tense music building]
[woman whispers, echoing] Shh. Silence.
[Irene] Did you think
we weren't going to find out?
- Why did you track us down?
- [Fer] What were you looking for?
You're all crazy. I don't have to listen
to your paranoid theories.
No. You're not going anywhere
until you tell us what's going on.
Well, in case you forgot,
I'm an influencer.
I meet with tons of people every day.
Just like how I met Fernanda and Sofía.
[Irene] Really? So then you just happened
to meet Sofía, who you used to get to me.
You had some sort of excuse
about social programs,
which you'd never worked on in your life.
[Sofía] Irene thinks
that you never admired my work.
Maybe you hired me for some other reason.
What other reason, Sofía?
Can someone explain
why you've brought me here
to throw lies in my face?
Oh, please, Brenda.
We're not the ones lying.
You manipulated Samantha
and planned the fight with Martina.
- That is not true.
- Of course it is.
I was feeling vulnerable,
and you told me they were lovers.
- What? You told her that?
- [Brenda] Of course I didn't.
She's trying to blame me
for this whole mess.
What mess, Brenda?
What are you talking about? Who are you?
[all scream]
[all grunt]
[Brenda panting]
You almost killed me.
The four of you can go to hell.
[dramatic string music playing]
[Martina] We shouldn't have met here.
- It's too dangerous.
- No. No. It was the perfect place.
The four of us couldn't risk
being seen with her.
- She almost died because of us.
- And even then, her story didn't change.
I dunno what bullshit she fed you,
but you believed it.
- You two aren't really gonna fight again?
- [Sofía] Brenda's going to fire me.
I'm gonna lose my job.
My daughter's gonna lose her house.
But don't you understand the stakes here?
Do you really not get it?
If that woman knows what we did,
we're going to lose a lot more
than a house or friendship.
The four of us could end up in prison.
[breathing shakily]
[engine revving]
- [somber music playing]
- [crying]
[somber string music building]
[Carmen] Who told you I'm not your mother?
It was the girls at school.
They told me you're too old to be my mom.
Those brats don't know anything.
The neighbors. They told me too.
They told me you were never pregnant.
[Carmen] You're old enough.
It's time I told you the truth.
You were abandoned.
Those girls left you behind.
[crying] Ramona was with them.
She knew. She knew what they did.
Why can't you understand
that they all wanted you to die?
I loved you.
I was the only one who ever did.
You're my girl!
[Brenda] I know, Mommy!
I know! I just wanna know
[Carmen] Which one gave birth to you?
I have no idea.
I just saw four girls running away
and getting in the boarding school van.
But none of them came back.
[Brenda, crying] Mommy? Mommy!
No, Mommy! No! Mom!
Don't leave me, Mommy, come back!
No. Mom, please don't
I need you!
- [crying]
- [door rattles]
[somber music playing]
[Brenda] Come on, Itzel.
I wanna show you something.
What are you looking for, Brenda?
This is the only thing
I have left from them.
I was wearing it when they abandoned me.
[somber string music playing]
[continues crying]
[Irene] I want you
to look into Brenda Rey.
What was she doing
before she became an influencer?
Her family? Any criminal history?
I wanna know.
Of course, Congresswoman.
I have confidence that,
as my head of security, you'll handle it.
Don't let me down.
And this stays completely
between you and me, you understand?
[somber music playing]
Samantha, open the door.
[knocking on door]
[Fer] Samantha, you realize
I'm the one who should be mad, right?
Turn those off.
[Fer] You ruined your own birthday party,
not me.
It wasn't my fault.
You can't blame me for this.
- [Sam crying]
- [somber music building]
[Fer] Are you leaving?
No. No, the kids still need me.
So what are you?
I'm gonna be sleeping in the guest room.
I really don't wanna fight anymore,
but I [sighs]
- I can't forget how you humiliated Sam.
- Hey, Rodrigo.
[Rodrigo] I'm not blaming it
all on you or anything.
[sighs] I failed her too.
Sam really needed us, and I didn't notice.
[gentle piano music playing]
- [gentle music fades]
- [tense music playing]
[Manuel] Honey! We got some deliveries
for the new house.
- Open them.
- Okay, sweetie.
- Let's see.
- [Sofía] No! Don't open them yet!
[Camila] Why?
Well, we should at least see if everything
works properly, shouldn't we?
Hold on. The appliances have
a three-month warranty.
We don't need to rush it.
- [tense music playing]
- You feeling all right?
[Sofía] Yeah, of course. I'm fine.
Just put the boxes away
before the dogs get in
and pee on them or something.
And don't go peeing on the boxes. [laughs]
You should've been there and heard
the way they were threatening me.
Like, yelling that I was hiding something
from them.
Your mother?
Your mother was the worst of all of them.
Please forgive her.
The elections have her
under a lot of stress.
She sees enemies everywhere.
She's hated me
ever since she found out about us.
I'll tell her to respect you
like you're her daughter-in-law.
- I'm just so terrified of losing you.
- [pensive music playing]
- Why are you talking like that?
- Because she wants me gone.
Your mother showed me today
that she won't hesitate to lie about me.
You're not gonna lose me.
Quite the opposite.
I want everyone to know
I've fallen in love with you.
[door closes]
Have you lost your mind?
You had the audacity to meet
with Brenda and threaten her?
Brenda said I threatened her?
She accused me of that?
You lured her to a construction site.
You all started hurling accusations
like you were a bunch of mobsters.
How could you do that to her?
Because Fernanda thinks
that she was responsible for the mess
at Samantha's party, and I believe her.
Fernanda's my friend, and I stand by her.
[scoffs] Well, with friends like that
they'll end up screwing you over.
I calmed Brenda down.
But didn't it occur to you
that she might go to the media?
She could tell them everything
and ruin your career.
[music fades]
How are you doing? Hmm?
Listen, sweetheart, it was
it was surprising.
We weren't expecting
to see you like this.
Is it really that bad?
No, no. Not at all. You look pretty cool.
It's just that
It's just that it's different.
[tender music playing]
I thought that you were embarrassed
by me like Mom was.
The most important person
in all this is you.
Honestly, when I was your age,
I tried out different styles too.
[chuckles] No.
It's more complicated than that.
I don't feel like I'm a boy,
but I don't feel like a girl either.
Sometimes I do.
I just can't explain it, y'know?
[clicks tongue] You wanna know
what I think?
You know, I don't think that this is
a decision you have to make right now.
You can take your time and let it happen.
- You think?
- [Rodrigo] Of course I do.
And I'll always support you.
Whatever decision you make.
I'm here for you.
- Come here
- [Sam laughs]
I love you.
- [Sam] Love you too.
- I know you do. [kisses]
[tender music fades]
- [horn honks]
- [tires screech]
[tense electronic music playing]
[cell phone ringing and vibrating]
[music distorts]
[exhales deeply, echoes]
[gentle music playing]
[cell phone chimes]
[Sam sighs]
Honey. Hold on a minute.
- Let's go back inside.
- But Dad said I could go out.
Honey, what's going on with you?
You can tell me what's been happening,
okay? You can trust me.
Are you on drugs?
Wow, Mom. You're completely clueless,
aren't you?
Well, I know that Brenda
brainwashed you, and
I told you, it wasn't Brenda's fault.
She didn't know I was gonna shave my head.
Look, you can talk to me
about whatever you're going through.
If you're confused, we can make
an appointment with a therapist.
- Today, even.
- Do you never question yourself?
Even when you were young,
you never had any doubts?
No, of course you didn't.
Because you're perfect.
Just let me breathe, Mom.
You're suffocating me.
[upbeat dance music playing]
Hey! Wow!
Lookin' beautiful. [chuckles]
And I know this outfit
is definitely going to have an impact.
Ah. "Impact," you say.
On the number of followers
and sponsors you're gonna get.
And I'm gonna show Irene that
she really doesn't wanna mess with me.
You look beautiful. You're the best,
and you're gonna crush it today!
- [Brenda] Ah, Alex. I love you.
- [crowd clamoring]
Congresswoman! We haven't seen
your husband, Senator Carvajal,
at your campaign events lately.
- Is he well?
- Oh, yes. He's fine, thanks.
He's just in the middle
of some finance review.
- Thank you.
- Thanks.
[presenter] Ladies and gentlemen,
presenting the next mayor
of Mexico City, Irene Bustamante.
- [audience chanting] Irene! Irene! Irene!
- [cheering]
- [woman] Brenda!
- [applause]
[audience chanting] Brenda!
Brenda! Brenda! Brenda! Brenda!
[suspenseful music playing]
[audience] Brenda! Brenda!
Adriano, where do you think you're going?
You want a scandal
because you wouldn't let her up here?
[audience] Brenda! Brenda!
Brenda! Brenda!
Brenda! [whistling and cheering]
Hello! [laughs]
- [Irene] Brenda!
- It's okay, Irene. I'm not here for you.
I'm here to make
your wish come true, babe.
Let the world know all about us.
- [dramatic music playing]
- [reporter 1] Brenda!
[indistinct chatter]
[reporter 2] Are you a couple?
Brenda, Adriano, please!
[reporter 3] Brenda!
Brenda, how did you two meet?
When I started working with Adriano,
I found his heart was full of compassion.
And that's what I love most about him.
He always puts the needs of others first.
And those values
were taught to me by my mother.
[reporter 4] Is the relationship
part of the campaign?
No, no. Absolutely not.
On the contrary, I know many politicians
who only want to be seen with celebrities,
but I'm not interested.
My focus is on the people
who want me to fight for better housing.
And for the economy!
All the things that we the people,
the citizens, really care about!
- [audience] Irene! Irene!
- [cheering]
Irene! Irene! Irene!
[excited chatter]
We wanna thank you for your support.
We're so happy together. [chuckles]
[reporter 5] Congresswoman,
what are your thoughts on Brenda Rey?
- [Irene] Thank you for the questions.
- [reporter 6] Do you approve?
I think my son
is the one dating her, not me.
[reporter 7] Brenda,
could we have a photo?
[tense music playing]
Consider this a good thing.
We're getting engagement
from young voters.
Remember, Brenda has
millions of followers.
And people love
her relationship with Adriano.
Give me the room.
Close the door.
I need to know what you found.
What do you know about Brenda?
I just forwarded the file
to your tablet, ma'am.
[pensive music playing]
[man] Brenda Rey,
daughter of the entrepreneur couple
who were kidnapped and murdered.
She was raised by relatives.
That's all I found.
That can't be everything.
- Are you certain?
- [man] Absolutely, ma'am.
She's not tied to anybody who can threaten
my campaign or my son? Nothing?
I didn't find out anything else, ma'am.
Brenda Rey is clean.
Ah, boy. [sniffles]
[tense music playing]
[Brenda] Adriano.
Where are you going?
[Adriano] Give me the keys.
Take the other car.
- Sir, we can't
- [Adriano] Take the other car!
You coming?
[Adriano] You have your favorite place.
This is mine.
I used to come here with my dad.
These woods make me feel safe.
[Brenda] Seems like a good place to think.
[Adriano] Yeah. I brought you here
because there's something
I don't understand.
[Brenda] Sure. What is it?
I don't understand how you went
from wanting to hide our relationship
to showing it off for the press.
Well, you said
that you wanted everyone to know.
Come on, you know what I'm talking about.
I never meant for us to put on a show.
I won't jeopardize my mother's campaign.
Jeopardize it?
Did you see the response?
The crowds loved
seeing the two of us together.
- You're a huge hit.
- [sighs]
I'm not the candidate, Brenda.
[Brenda sighs]
Listen. Being so supportive
of your mom is great,
but I don't wanna see you neglecting
your own future.
I bet you could even be president
if you really wanted.
I just hope you didn't do all this
to get back at my mother.
You think that?
I have been nothing but respectful of her.
Even after I was attacked
by her and her friends.
She thinks I'm not good enough for you.
No. That's not true.
Maybe I got caught up in the moment.
I'm sorry for showing off.
I'm the one who's sorry.
It's just that I'm so proud
to be with you.
If it seems like I lost my mind,
it's 'cause I'm out of my mind with love.
- [chuckles softly]
- [upbeat music playing]
- Let's all dance on the floor ♪
- [both panting]
And I love begging for more ♪
- [song fades]
- [birds singing]
[suspenseful music playing]
[Irene] I was mistaken.
She has no ties
to any of us or the gardener's family.
Well, that's a huge relief, isn't it?
Now we can move on
and forget all about Brenda.
- And you're sure?
- [Irene] Yes.
My head of security investigated her.
- And you can trust him?
- Of course.
He worked with my husband for years,
then with me. He's never disappointed us.
[Sofía] So everything Brenda told me
for her book was true.
[Irene] Yes, it was.
- I told you, but your fears cost me work.
- [Irene] Well, I'm sorry.
Why don't I find you something
on my team to make it up to you?
It's not just about the money I lost.
This was my first possibility
of success after 15 years of failures.
- Sof, what if you talk to Brenda?
- What? No, don't do that.
Don't let yourself be fooled.
I still don't trust her.
- [Sofía] No. I think I will.
- But, Sofi
[Sofía] I'm going to talk to Brenda.
It's worth trying, anyway.
- You're going now?
- [Irene] Oh my God.
I'm going with her. Wait here.
[Fer] You know what I think?
Brenda tried to turn my child against me,
and now she's doing the same to yours.
Just shut up. Stop talking.
- You see the kiss?
- [Fer] Well
She did it on purpose.
She's trying to
she's trying to mess with me.
Sure, and she wants more followers.
Without her social media, she's nothing.
Right. She's nothing
without her followers. Hmm?
[suspenseful music playing]
That's her whole life.
[Irene] Before working with me,
you were involved
in some pretty big campaigns, weren't you?
I would bet you've amassed contacts,
companies, corporate sponsors?
That's right, ma'am.
[Irene] Mm.
Brenda Rey.
I wanna know where her funding comes from
and who her most important sponsors are.
And then politely find out
how they could be persuaded
to drop their support.
To do that, I'd probably need
some evidence that Brenda's a risk.
That supporting her would jeopardize
their company.
Then it sounds like
you'll need to ruin her image.
I don't know. Hire a another influencer.
A reporter, maybe?
Just find somebody to take her down.
All that said,
I don't want my son involved.
This stays between me and you.
Am I understood?
Absolutely. I understand.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [can pops open, echoes]
Into the camera. Nice.
[camera shutter clicking]
Perfect. We got it. That's a wrap!
Oh, sweet. Thanks, guys.
- Brenda! Can I get a selfie?
- Brenda!
- [Brenda] Hey!
- Brenda!
[Brenda] Yeah, we can take some pics.
Just give me a sec.
Hi, Brenda. Could we talk for a sec?
[indistinct chatter]
Yeah. Come on.
So, is this another ambush,
or are you here alone?
I'm here to apologize for what happened.
What we did was awful.
I should never have agreed to go.
You know me, though, don't you?
- I told you about my whole life.
- [sighs] I know you did.
I'm sorry for letting you down, Brenda.
I mean, look. What's the problem?
What on earth is so bad
about getting to know all four of you?
The way you're acting, it's
- Like you've got something to hide.
- [tense music playing]
You don't think
I at least deserve an explanation?
Well, I can tell you
that we made mistakes.
There are things
that we did when we were younger
that we never told anyone about.
Not even our families.
But I swear that I have
absolutely no doubts about you.
I'm loving our work together.
Not just the book. All of it.
Well, look.
It's okay. Let's put it behind us.
- I just need a favor.
- Course. Anything.
Is your publisher
from 15 years ago still around?
- Yeah.
- Okay. I need you to speak with them.
Because the one I was talking to,
their deal it wasn't very good.
Oh, Brenda.
You have no idea how happy they'll be.
With all the followers you have,
They've got a built-in audience already.
[chuckles] Okay. Uh, would you mind
taking care of that? I'm super swamped.
[Sofía] Yeah. I'll call them today.
And you can trust me. 100%.
Javier. Of course you should sign with me.
Learning to Love was a bestseller.
And that was years ago, Sofía.
Sure, but we've got another bestseller
coming with Brenda Rey's biography.
Her millions of followers are
all going to wanna know about her life.
Well, it's very tempting,
but why isn't Brenda here with you now?
She asked me to take care of it.
She's incredibly busy.
- I hope that's not a problem.
- [Javier] No. Of course it isn't.
I know you.
I've done my research.
I've interviewed Brenda.
And this biography
was personally authorized.
[sighs] I have complete faith in you.
Send me what you have so far.
If it's good, we'll publish the book.
[Omar] Going pretty hard there.
[panting] Uh, rough day.
But after this, it all disappears.
[treadmill beeps]
I don't get you.
- [laughs]
- But I love you.
[Martina] Mm.
- I'm never going to get used to it.
- What?
Just the fact that nothing bothers you.
It's like you're the perfect man.
Well nah.
The almost perfect man.
If you're feeling good, then so am I.
It's just that easy.
[sighs] Either you're just naive,
or I've finally met a man
who's sure of himself.
The second one.
- [scoffs]
- Trust me.
[both laugh]
You know what's crazy?
All those men are just staring at you.
I feel like the most envied man here.
[sultry music playing]
Why, though?
They probably all think
you and I are just friends.
- Oh, yeah?
- Sure.
Come here.
[sultry Spanish pop music swells]
Now they know
we're more than just friends.
How much? No. No, no, no. I'm paying.
I'll pay. You just grab a seat.
Okay? All right?
- Well, thanks.
- Okay? No, my pleasure.
[sultry Spanish pop continues on radio]
[Omar] Thanks so much.
- Here you go, honey.
- Thank you.
- No worries.
- And the cookies?
- Ah! Sorry. I totally forgot.
- No. I'll go. It's my turn.
- No. [clicks tongue]
- Just sit down. I got it.
- Sit.
- [Omar] You sure?
- [Martina] Yeah.
- [suspenseful music playing]
[Martina] Hi. You have any cookies?
Yeah. Four, please. Great.
- Here we go.
- That's great.
- Enjoy.
- [laughs]
[sighs, chuckles]
I mean, we're definitely trending.
Apparently, people do like love.
- Brenda was right, after all. [chuckles]
- [Irene] Mm-hmm.
I guess you must like dishonesty.
Because when I asked
if you were dating her, you said,
"Of course not. No."
It was It was just too soon.
We didn't know it was happening so fast.
- [Irene] Hmm. And she feels the same way?
- Yeah.
- Bring her to the event tomorrow.
- [tense music playing]
Are you sure?
If you like her this much,
then my only real option
is to play nice and get along with her.
But you'll get tired of her,
and you'll find someone else.
Or so I imagine.
[man on PA] Welcome one and all
to our 70th annual golf tournament.
The following is a notice for all players.
[upbeat music playing]
Your girlfriend's late,
and you know that bothers me.
- Could you not start with that?
- [Irene] Ugh.
- We're here to have some fun.
- [Irene] Mm.
- Not work.
- Right.
Ah. There she is.
Maybe you need
to tell that to your girlfriend.
- [camera shutter clicks]
- Thanks.
- My pleasure, guys.
- Thanks so much.
She loves the attention, doesn't she?
- [chuckles]
- Ugh.
- Hi, you.
- [Brenda] Hi.
- Irene.
- Brenda.
Thanks a lot.
Well, I'd love
to be able to stay and chat,
but you were late.
So instead, I'm gonna meet
with some other friends.
- Enjoy.
- [Brenda chuckles]
[suspenseful music playing]
[both chuckle softly]
- Excuse me. Can I get a photo?
- [Adriano] Yes.
Of course.
[camera shutter clicking]
- Thanks.
- [cell phone chimes]
- I'm so sorry. I'll put it on silent.
- Oh no.
Don't worry about it.
I've gotta get down there.
- Sure thing.
- I'll see you later?
- Yeah. Of course.
- Thanks. [chuckles]
[suspenseful music continues]
[woman] "True love," huh?
Fam, there is nothing true
about this one! [laughs]
Damn! Talk about
a marriage of convenience.
You all know about Brenda Rey, don't you?
Well, now, Brenda is climbing
that political ladder.
Poor baby Adriano Bustamante.
He got hooked by a woman
fishing for promo opportunities.
Damn. But let's talk the smooch.
That kiss?
That was more staged
than Lady Gaga's backup dancers, no lie.
Adriano's a hottie, no one's denying it,
but he doesn't have his mama's brains.
Now, she is a badass.
We women need
to raise our voices to be heard.
We need women to fight for us.
Come on, Brenda.
Empty smile, empty head.
Pulling a stunt like that at an event
that could actually make a difference
for women, just for views?
No ma'am! Nope. She doesn't represent us.
Alex, I just watched it.
[Alex] And I got a call
from the cosmetics company
and the energy drink.
- They're dropping you from their accounts.
- What? Because of one video?
No. No, that's impossible.
She doesn't have that kind of reach.
It was Irene. It had to be.
She's the one with the power
and the contacts to scare off my sponsors.
Plus, don't you think it's weird
how she sucked up to Irene?
[Alex] You have to respond
on your socials.
Yeah. Let's do it.
I won't let her ruin
everything we've worked for.
[suspenseful music continues]
[music distorts]
[music fades]
[man] Where are we going?
What are you gonna do?
You guys aren't gonna kill her, are you?
[tense music playing]
[tense music fades]
[somber closing theme music playing]
Subtitle translation by: Mariela Rascioni
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