Panic (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Dead End

Heather! I'm gonna
- I'm gonna get help.
- [coughing]
[Ray] Heather!
[Natalie] Heather!
Heather. Heather?
Heather, wake up.
Heather, please wake up.
[monitor beeping]
It's okay, it's okay,
it's okay, it's okay.
- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm good.
- You're okay.
You're okay. You scared me.
I wish, I wish
I wish I was there.
- No.
- I I
Hey, hey
I'm glad you weren't.
Heather, the-the doctors say
you could have died.
They always say that.
Oh, easy, easy.
Let me get the pillows for you.
Uh, your-your mom took Lily to
work with her for a little bit.
She told me to call her
if you woke up.
- Oh, my God. Heather.
- Hey.
We were so worried.
God, I I couldn't even think.
I You helped me get out.
I couldn't
- [Heather] Hey, hey, hey
- I couldn't get to you.
[Heather] It's okay,
it's okay.
You saved me.
Hey, hey, it's okay.
Really. Really.
[indistinct chatter]

[indistinct announcement
over P.A.]
[Langley] I don't understand.
Were you all there
to play Panic?
[Dodge] No, I wasn't
playing a game.
Believe me, Sergeant,
I can think of better ways
to get myself killed.
Well, I'm glad you kids
are all right.
- Ma'am, can I see you
outside for a minute?
- Mm-hmm.
This was a bad idea.
Can you sit down?
You're kind of making me dizzy.
You getting hurt too
was not part of the plan.
I think we should call this off.
I already told you, the fire had
nothing to do with the game.
You wouldn't have been there
in the first pla
Of all the stupid places
to throw a party.
I know.
Hey, do you guys think
the judges will give me
extra points for being the
last one to leave the house?
You weren't the last.
Little Bill Kelly was
squatting in the basement.
Tyler found his body
before the fire broke out.
His body?
There was a needle
in his arm, but, uh
But what?
All the evidence was burned,
so the cops can't be sure if
it was the fire that killed him.
- [nurse] Hi, Officer Williams.
- [Williams] Morning.
Where can I find Heather Nill?
Heather, my dad is here,
and he wants to talk to you.
- So say that we were
at a party, okay?
- [knock on door]
There she is.
Rise and shine, sleeping beauty.
You were very lucky.
You know, a few minutes after
Natalie found you,
that whole second floor
just came down.
Well, it wasn't really luck.
Um [clears throat]
I heard everyone
from the party panicking.
I just got out a little
later than everyone else.
Whose idea was it
to have it there?
Uh [coughs softly]
Yeah, it's tradition.
I guess kids have it there
every year.
Come on, Heather.
We're not as dumb
as y'all think.
We know there's another game
being played this year.
[sighs deeply]
Natalie's my daughter,
and I want to believe
that she's telling me
the truth, but [sighs]
this this is
serious business, Heather.
And we're gonna be watching
y'all like a hawk from now on.

[Cortez] I spoke to the D.A.
this morning
after Little Bill's service.
He said Little Bill's dad
really helped him
get into office.
And a lot of people have
a lot of respect for his dad.
That's why he was able
to stay out of jail.
Yeah, you don't serve 26 years
as the county sheriff
without making a few friends.
Looks like he wrapping up
with Williams.
Um, Mrs. Cortez,
can I get you anything?
You want some You want some
coffee or some tea to go
with you?
Do you remember how many people
turned out for Jimmy's service?
Yeah. We had to go
up to the high school,
get some extra chairs.
And even then it was
standing room only.
He was a really good kid.
Everyone loved him.
Not everyone.
[Cortez] The D.A. wants me
- to charge someone
for Little Bill's death.
- Are you serious?
- Those kids swear up and down
that they weren't there to play.
- I know.
Kids have been partying
at the Graybill House
- since we were in high school.
- Maybe so,
but you know,
we have fire, we got a game,
we got a bunch of kids
and a bag of bones, so
So you think the kids are lying
about the O.D.
Lying or not,
makes no difference
if you can't prove it, you know.
The evidence is in the ashes.
What are you thinking?
Little Bill,
he mentioned Abby Clark,
and he made it sound like
there was something that he knew
that we didn't.
- And?
- And
what if he did?
- [goats bleating]
- [chicken clucks]
Okay, so here is
what I owe you, and then,
this is your, uh,
two weeks' advance. Okay?
- Thank you.
- Here you go. Thank you.
I was, uh, you know,
I was a little concerned
about you.
It's great to see that you're
up and on your feet again.
Me, too.
You know, I'm really
proud of you
that you're starting college.
A lot of the young people
around here, they
you know, I don't know,
they seem kind of lost.
I don't know, it's just
a certification program.
- Oh?
- You know.
I mean, Longhorn State has one.
It's only, like, two years,
and it's pretty cheap, so
It's accounting, and
I don't picture you
as an accountant.
You're the creative type.
I see you.
I watch you.
You're always scribbling in that
little notebook of yours
every time you get a break.
I I Yeah, I don't know.
That's just kind of to
get the stories out of my head.
- You know?
- Yeah. So, why accounting?
Okay, I like I like
writing stories,
but I don't know,
they're made up, and
in the real world,
you kind of have to be
Oh realistic.
Yeah, the-the trouble with that
is everybody's got
their own idea about
what realistic means.
And most of those ideas,
they're made up.
Make your own reality, kid.

Come on, Lilybug, talk to me.
Are we poor?
Nick Derrick said that
I don't have a phone
because we can't afford one.
Well, that's not why
you don't have a phone.
He said that's why I only have
one pair of sneakers,
and why we live in a trailer.
He said we were trailer trash.
First off, you love
those sneakers.
And second
this Nick Derrick guy,
he sounds like trash.
Look, money doesn't make you
who you are. Okay?
You either are a garbage person
or you're not.
And Nick Derrick,
he sounds like a trash heap.
Let's go, come on.
Uh, I finally tracked down
Cole Horn.
He's the player that had enough
points to go up against Jimmy.
Ah, that's right.
Cole's been down in Corpus
this whole time, man.
Did you get a name
of his replacement?
Mm-hmm, girl named
Shay O'Reilly.
I tracked her down. She's
a stripper in Trinity Falls.
I'm gonna get over there
to question her.
But guess what else I learned.
Do you remember
how Hunt said that Cole
dropped out of the game,
skipped town,
- met a girl online?
- Right.
Well, Hunt got that wrong, too.
Cole admitted that
he dropped out of the game
because he got a payout.
"A payout"?
From who?
Luke Hall.
Luke Hall, huh?
Hey, Bo, what's up?
- Hey.
- What'd they ring you in for?
This time?
Have a few beers, man, they'll
get you for driving intoxicated.
You know, you have an argument
with your old lady?
Man, they'll haul you in
on domestic.
Even if she's the one throwing
the fucking plates at your head.
- [laughs] Shit.
- How about you?
No, no, this time
I'm just here on pleasure.
Registering for the demo derby.
Yeah, popped in to say hey to
my cousin. He's a clerk here.
- Oh, yeah?
- Yeah.
What are the odds he could lose
my charges down a toilet?
[both laugh]
You know, it's funny
you should mention odds.
By any chance, you a, uh
gambling man?
[Heather] We haven't heard from
the judges in, like, a week.
I know.
Natalie, if they call off
the game, we're fucked.
Well, you want to keep playing?
Well, I don't want
to stay in Carp.
You know, I want to apply
to real college.
And I want to
I want to have a dorm room.
And a roommate
from a different state.
And I-I want,
I want to see people
that I haven't seen every day
of my fucking life.
You don't need Panic
to go to college.
No, you don't need Panic
to go to college.
I'm poor, remember?
Do you remember in eighth grade
when April was,
like, freaking out
because I was wearing
Adam's sweatshirt
and she thought I was,
like, hooking up with him?
He had donated it to Goodwill.
And that's how I had it.
And then I just made him swear
not to tell anyone anything.
Why would you do that?
She gave you shit for weeks.
Because it was better
than people knowing
that I never get
the first pick of anything.
[light classical music playing]
I saw the D.A. the other day.
Walked over to
the sheriff's office with him
after the funeral.
He's gonna need to arrest
someone for Little Bill's death.
Cortez has got it in his head
you might be mixed up
in all this Panic stuff.
Of course I told him
you would never be so stupid.
Told him you would never
embarrass me like that.
After everything
I've worked for,
everything I've done for you.
This might come
as a surprise to you, Dad,
but not everything's about you.
Oh, you're trying to be cute?
Just factual.
[tires screech]
Get it together.
Look out there.
On the hill.
You see all those houses
in the trees?
You see all those windows?
Those are eyes, son.
Watching for us to mess up.
You understand?
- [Natalie] So crazy.
- [Dayna laughs]
- [Natalie] That's insane.
- He was really good.
[quiet chatter]
He gets really close though.
[Natalie] That's insane.
[horses neighing]
- Hey.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- What ya doing here?
Uh, Dot said you hadn't been in
for the past few days,
so I thought
I'd, uh,
see how you were feeling.
- Hmm.
- And, um
I got you something.
I wrapped it myself.
I thought I'd help him
get settled in.
[Natalie laughs]
[Natalie] Wow.
Told you there's
not much to see.
Ah, gray, gray,
gray, black, black.
You do know there are
other colors?
I've heard rumors.
It's like a monastery in here.
Maybe I'm atoning for something.
Are these yours?
Some of them, yeah.
Some of them are my dad's.
Yeah, I was, um
what, 16 when I got that,
after I beat his time.
Never forget
the look on his face
after I came out
of the pit that day.
- Well, he must have been proud.
- Not really.
He was drunk.
That was the last day
I saw him actually alive.
Anyway, he, um I don't know.
He came back
a few months later after that.
And he hung himself.
- I
- We always used to joke that,
you know, he'd, he would die
with a bull rope in his hand.
- I'm sorry, that's a
- No, no.
I shouldn't have said anything.
I shouldn't
No, I'm that was
- I shouldn't have said
- No.
You were fine, you were fine.
That was
That's awful.
- Thanks.
- It's okay.
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Oh ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Oh ♪
Won't you crack a deal ♪
Been so engulfed in space ♪
Forever orbiting ♪
Realities embrace ♪
Please don't laugh at me ♪
When I'm not trying to be ♪
Funny ♪
Oh, and, by the way,
your ego is showing ♪
You better tuck it back in ♪
Before someone sees
the truth ♪
Of what's between your knees ♪
Oh ♪
I am trying to be ♪
What you like ♪
But I still hear the echo ♪
Of your size ♪
In a room that's
filled with emptiness ♪
- Yeah ♪♪
- [moans]

[smoke alarm beeping]
[Sherri] Oh, shit! I forgot
I had a pizza in the oven.
[laughs] Thanks, honey.
Someone's been watching
makeup tutorials again.
You really gonna wear that
to the derby?
Are you really gonna wear
only that anywhere?
Why, I don't look good?
- Did I get too fat?
- No, I was kidding.
I'm gonna meet everybody down
at Carrigan's for a drink.
Hey, Mom, what's this?
[Sherri] What's what?
This, um, piece of paper
in here.
Oh, that's Bo's.
That's his predictions
for the championship series.
He likes to play the spread.
What do you mean "the spread"?
You'll have to ask him.
Goes right over my head.
Put your money on a team
and pray, that's my motto.
You'd think a guy
who spends four hours a day
running odds could figure out
where he spends all his cash.
All right, you be careful
on your bike
coming home
after the derby, okay?
There's people out there
on the road that shouldn't be.
[exhales] All right.
You be good.
[door opens]
[Dodge and Natalie laughing]
- Dodge?
- Hmm?
What are you gonna do
if you win?
If we win, you mean?
I don't know.
I haven't really
thought about it.
What about you?
What are you gonna do
with the money?
When I was little
and I missed my mom,
my dad would sit
aside of my bed,
tell me stories about her.
[Dodge chuckles]
How beautiful she was.
How proud she would've been
to see me grow up.
How she could've been famous.
It's better to have
a mother like that
instead of the one
that walked out and left us.
She’s still alive?
It started off as a game.
Thinking she was
a great actress,
thinking she was a good mother.
Then it started to turn real.
if I could move to California
and become the actress
we pretended she was gonna be
then it wouldn't be
a story anymore.
But I don’t have to tell you
about stories, do I?
What do you mean?
Her accident wasn’t
an accident, was it?
Well, there wasn’t
a reason for it.
[whispers] No.
Ah. [sighs]
I'm gonna be late.
I'll see you later, yeah?

[announcer] Welcome,
guys and gals,
to Carp's annual
Metal Stampede demolition derby.
Jesus sits on the floor ♪
With a stereo ♪
Making mixtapes ♪
- [woman] Hey, Ray.
- [woman 2] Hey.
- Hello, ladies.
- [woman] What's up?
[speaking indistinctly]
Talking heads talking shit ♪
And nobody cares ♪
Give or take, delegate
to the company shares ♪
[announcer] Racers,
start your engines.
Get ready, get set, go!
[cheering, applause]
We got some new competitors
this round.
In the yellow car,
number 12, is Dodge Mason.
And in the green car,
number 14
- [laughs]
- Ray Hall.
Remember, friends,
last car still running
is the winner.
People say there’s
a challenge coming tonight.
[laughs softly]
It’s like you said.
The game always goes on.
Well, the game feels different,
though. Doesn't it?
It’s not just the cops. It's
- It's like it’s not a game.
- Yeah.
We can still be
teammates, though, right?
Partners. Win or lose,
it’s together.
[announcer] right through
the center.
Do you remember the, uh, list
that I found at Spurlock’s?
- Mm-hmm.
- I don't think it's a list
of the players,
I think it's a list of odds.
What do you mean?
I think someone
is betting on Panic.
Someone who was there
with us that night.
[announcer] Oh! First casualty!
- Hey! Fuck you!
- [Ray laughs]
- [Ray] Gotcha, Vince.
- Fuck.
[announcer] Number 14
almost got 12 there.
- I think Dodge is 12.
- And Ray is 14.
Well, let’s hope he drives
straight into a wall.
Hmm, I told Dodge
I’d buy him Sonic if he won.
[announcer] Number 31
is on the go.
- What?
- You like him.
Okay. Stop.
Come on. Please tell me.
I’m not mad.
- Come on.
- All right, I swear, I swear
it was a tactic at first.
Okay? And then, I don't know,
I just wanted him to trust me,
but he’s lonely, I think.
It’s like even when
you’re right next to him,
he’s still all alone.
[laughs softly]
Well, maybe not when
you’re right next to him.
Yeah, I don’t know. We’ve
gotten pretty much as close
as, uh, one can get.
[laughs] Ooh. Well, bless
her heart, the lady is a tramp.
[laughs] Oh, God.
[announcer] Oh,
it's brutal out there.
Only a few competitors
left, folks.
[indistinct chatter]
[whoops] Let's do this, come on.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Hey, Bishop's here.
[indistinct chatter]
Can you just go tell him
how you feel, please?
- I swear, I mean, for me.
- [scoffs]
Your sexual frustrations
have the world’s worst taste.
I thought we agreed that
the Ray thing never happened.
Believe me,
I wish I could forget.
[announcer] There's only
four cars left.
Disaster, come faster ♪♪
[cheering, applause]
[announcer] It looks like
the last two cars left running
are 12 and 14,
Dodge Mason and Ray Hall.
[Ray] Prepare to eat
my ass, Dodge.
[announcer] Oh, it looks like
Dodge Mason is hung up.
[announcer] Boom!
Ray Hall just destroyed him.
- Come on.
- [announcer] There you have it,
The four-cylinder champion,
number 14,
is Ray Hall!
I'm so fucking amped, holy shit!
- [audience cheering]
- What? I can't
[Ray whoops]
[audience] [chanting] Ray! Ray!
Ray! Ray! Ray!
Ray! Ray! Ray! Ray! Ray! Ray!
Ray! Ray! Ray!
Ray! Ray! Ray!
You should've seen it.
It was insane.
[clears throat] Good show
out there.
Sorry about my brother.
Slippery little shit, isn’t he?
- I’m Luke.
- I know who you are.
Doubt it.
- Okay, well
- There’s always Joust, right?
You know, Ray, he’s always
talking shit about you,
which must mean he's scared
that you’re gonna win.
No reason to be scared.
I am gonna win.
[announcer] Next round
is coming up.
Drivers, report to your cars.
Looks like I’m in heat.
See you around, cowboy.

[emcee] Welcome to the stage
[Langley] I know this is hard,
but can you tell me
what happened with Jimmy
at the Russian roulette game?
It wasn’t supposed
to be real, you know.
What wasn’t?
The gun.
The players just had
to think it was real.
But it was supposed to be
one of those training pistols.
- They don’t shoot
nothing but air.
- Who told you that?
[sighs] Jimmy.
He was one of the judges
last year.
Judges are allowed to play?
So long as they don't go
all the way.
It helps them
get closer to the action,
and for us to get closer
to the players.
You and Jimmy?
You were the second judge?
It was supposed to stop.
Jimmy and I decided,
after Abby died,
that we weren't gonna
pick our replacements
and we weren't gonna
set up for another game.
I should pay for all of this.
It was supposed to be me.
I was supposed to go first.
But Jimmy said that he wanted
to get it over with.
He wanted to be sure
to go before Hunt.
Hunt Kenny was playing?
He was there?
I mean, that's what so fucked up
about this whole thing.
We could have skipped
the challenge completely.
Jimmy and I were
only there to lose.
Then just, in a split second,
no warning
Jimmy just
I just want Valentino ♪
I just want the neck,
I poke her face like a casino ♪
Deep throat, know I get it in
like a free throw ♪
Shawty want some mo' ♪
Hey. Want to bet I can
beat you at cornhole?
- Oh, nice try.
- Mm-hmm.
She’s like a creepy
cornhole prodigy.
- Will you shut up?
- She once beat
12 U.T. frat guys at once.
Come on, please?
Come on, it's just one game.
One little game.
- I have to go find Bishop.
- All right.
Looks like it’s me and you,
- Let's go.
- You're leaving me.
- Good luck.
Ain't no Minute Maid,
my diamonds lemonade ♪
Flexin' hard, call me Popeye ♪
Wallet filled
with spinach, hey ♪
Cut you off on the interstate,
I'm first to finish, hey ♪
I'm a young, rich nigga ♪
Bitch, it's always
been that way ♪
[Sarah] I was working at the
sheriff's station yesterday.
- What?
- And I heard Cortez say
he was snooping around
your room the night of the fire.
Your dad let him in.
I heard him say that he gave him
your phone records, too.
Are are
- Are you fucking with me?
- No.
They’re trying to place you
at the granary
and the Graybill House
so they can get a search warrant
and do the whole thing proper.
They’ll open up the walls
if they have to.
If I were you, I’d make sure
there’s nothing to hide.
Good luck.
I don't want a valentine,
I just want Valentino ♪
I just want the neck,
I poke her face like a casino ♪
- Deep throat ♪
- Thanks.
- Thank you.
- You got it.
Hey, I didn't know you worked
at the derby.
Just filling in for
So, pay attention
to the seven-digit number. Okay?
The final four are
what matter tonight, but
for now they're
beside the points.
And tell Heather
if you see her, okay?
She needs her ticket.
I can give Heather her ticket.
- Thanks.
- Yeah.
Final four are
what matter tonight,
but they're beside the point?
Beside the points.
It's code.
Tonight's challenge will decide
the final four.
The first three numbers are the
points we have after Graybill's.
Hey, I'm up to 225, man.
275? You got a hundred points?
I solved the riddle, remember?
My God.
Dodge, Heather's at 270.
You're in the lead.
Exit 12, I-45, 1:00 a.m.
This is the next challenge.
[Bishop] So
what'd you want to talk about?
Are you ever afraid
of what you want?
Like, afraid of admitting it?
Because you'll be disappointed
if you can't have it.
Every day.
Do you remember that day
I came over to your house
and Leela was there?
And I, like
- malfunctioned?
- Listen, Heather,
I, um, I've been meaning
to talk to you about that.
It's because I was jealous.
Yeah, of, like
you and her and
you guys together.
Well, I was jealous, too.
Of you and Ray.
- Me and
- I saw you
in the parking lot
the night of the Players' Ball.
I-I couldn't sleep.
I came by to find you,
and I w
I wanted to tell you
about Leela that night,
- but I just
- What do you mean?
Well, Leela and Hunt Kenny
have been together for a year.
They keep it a secret, because
her parents are so strict.
My dad owns
their apartment building,
and he used
to send me around for rent.
And when they
started falling behind,
I started helping her out.
But I-I swore
I wouldn't tell anyone about it.
I-I promised her, and I
Okay, hey,
you don't have to tell me.
I wanted you to know
it wasn't what it looked like.
But then you said
you didn't care
and that you never thought
of me like that.
I think of you like that
all the time.

[Ruby Anne] Heather.
Jesus Cricket, I've been
looking everywhere for you.
It's my sister.
It's about Lily.

Something happened with Bo,
but she won't say what.
[baby fussing]
- Hey.
- Heather!
You're here.
Hey, what's wrong?
What's wrong? Are you okay?
I didn't mean to.
Didn't mean to what, little Bug?
Bo's cigarettes.
I didn't know.
I thought they were Mom's,
so I threw them away
and Bo screamed at me.
[softly] Hey, it's okay.
It's okay, it's okay.
[rock music playing]
[Sherri laughing]

Oh. [coughs]
God. [sniffs]
Oh, hey. [chuckles]
Where'd you come from?
Hey, hey, hey, hey.
[Sherri] Hey, honey.
Did you have fun?
has anybody seen my beer?
Do you know where Lily is?
Yeah, she's sleeping, honey.
It's okay.
- [Bo] Hey, hey, hey,
stay out of there.
- No, just close that.
Come on and ♪
Come on and take my hand ♪
- [Bo] Heather, take it easy.
- [opens drawer]
[Sherri] Just put that back.
- [Bo] Sherri
- No, no, no, it's-it's
all right.
- Just close that.
- You leave that alone.
Hey, hey, hey,
put that back, now.
[Sherri] Put it back,
put it back.
Baby, just-just put it back,
okay? And Mommy
Mommy's gonna talk to you about
this in the morning, all right?
We're gonna
just-just put it back.
[Bo] That ain't nothing
to play with.
[Sherri] Just put it back
in the drawer,
and we'll talk about this later.
All right?
It's all right.
It's okay. It's okay.
- [Bo] Sherri?
- Everything's all right, Bo.
You want your stuff?
Put it back.
I'm sorry.
Do you want your fucking stuff?
Okay. Here.
- [Bo] Heather.
- Fucking take it.
- You fucking bitch!
- No, no, no
- [Heather] No
- Leave her alone!
You owe me a hundred dollars!
[Heather grunting, gasping]
Get your fucking hands
off of her!
- [bottle shatters]
- Aah, fuck!
Take my, take my, take my ♪
[Heather coughing]
[Sherri] You leave her alone.
Seriously, Sherri?
The fuck is wrong with you?
[whispers] Get out.
[sniffles] Mom
Get out!
Come on and ♪
[Bo] No, no, no, no.
Wait. Goddamn it, get back here!
Get back here!
[Ray] Are you fucking serious?
[Dodge] Doesn't look good.
I know a guy
who can fix that for you cheap.
- Is that right?
- Yeah.
Well, I'm always looking
for a deal.
I survived Panic, and all I got
is a stupid fucking bandanna.
What is this?
Lucky green.
Not bandannas. No.
Hey, Lily?
- What?
- Hey, we got to go. Come on.
Lily, can you
come down here, please?
Okay, coming.
[Natalie] Heather,
come on, pick up.
[Diggins] Natalie? It's time.
Can't wait for her any longer.

[dog barking in distance]

See me?
[starts engine]
I'm scared.
It's gonna be okay, okay?

[Diggins] All right,
players, start walking.
Little further.
Little further.
[engine starts]
- [groaning]
- [tires squeal]
Ticktock, ticktock ♪
Running out of time ♪
Hiding in the shadows ♪
Coming for your life ♪
Ticktock, ticktock ♪
Running out of time ♪
Someone's gonna die ♪
Someone's gonna ♪

You're just a dead man
walking ♪

Mark my words, you've seen
your last days ♪
For what you're worth,
I'm digging your grave ♪
Mark my words, you've seen
your last days ♪
I'm digging your grave ♪
Your grave ♪
You're just a dead man
walking ♪

You're just a dead man
walking ♪

Ah ♪

Ticktock, ticktock ♪
Running out of time ♪
Hiding in the shadows ♪
- Coming for your life ♪
- You're just a dead man ♪
- Walking ♪
- Ticktock, ticktock ♪
Running out of time ♪
Someone's gonna die ♪
Someone's gonna ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪
Oh, oh, oh ♪
Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪
- Oh, oh, oh ♪
- You're just a dead man ♪
- Walking ♪
- Mm, mm, mm, mm ♪♪
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