Paradise City (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Sing It To Her Face

-I want to find
the right home for Faith.
I want her to have
amazing parents.
-Why do you have to
give her away to strangers?
-Firing the only woman
in the band right now,
you know you're gonna
catch it up the ass.
-What gives you
the fucking right?
in between the memories ♪
-We want you to say
that you quit.
-Send an offer to my attorney
and my manager.
-You have a manager
and attorney now?
-I will after this
Shirley Temple.
-The Relentless
fan base isn't exactly
the nicest kids in town,
and I just worry about you.
-I'll be fine.
I don't know
which way to go ♪
-You are under arrest for
vandalism and destruction
of property.
-See, you call it
private dances.
I call it grinding on
the crotches of strangers.
You ever wonder how dirty
their denim is
when it's rubbin' all up on
your flesh down there?
-VIC: Levi Svengali?
Johnny's favorite singer
committed suicide after--
-ADAM: After making one of
the most influential albums
in a long time.
-We do the new album
with Svengali.
-Svengali? What the fuck
is wrong with you, Vic?
-Don't turn your back
on me, man.
-LEO: And for
the grand finale, gentlemen,
you're gonna tell me
right fucking now
are there any other secrets
I don't know about?

-So why didn't you arrest me?
-It's time to remove
these toxic energies
from your world.
Easier said than done
in this town.
-Call someone who's
grateful for your efforts
and truly respects
all that you do.
You're not beholden to anyone
except yourself.
-What are you, man?
Fortune teller,
guardian angel?
You believe in angels?
-[cell phone buzzes]
-Oh. Oh, God.
-ROSS: Maya.
-ROSS: Where the fuck are you?
It's 11 a.m. in the goddamn
-I believe in demons.
-ROSS: And you're nowhere
to be found.
We have a huge
fuckin' day comin' up--
Get your ass here right now.
-Okay, okay, Ross, calm down.
I'm on my way.
-ROSS: Right now.
-Miss Maya,
you will never see a U-Haul
following a hearse.
-You can't take any of
this stuff with you?
Egyptians tried it.
Doesn't work.
-GRETCHEN: The author of
"East of Eden"
got his inspiration from
what characters?
-BOY: Um, the two brothers
Cain and Abel.
-Yeah. Good job.
-[school bell rings]
-GRETCHEN: Don't forget,
we have a test on Monday,
so I want you all to
finish the book by then,
hopefully pass with
flying colors.
Have a good weekend.
-Ooh! So many of you.
-Oh! Oh, dear.
-My fault, my fault.
-No, no. Don't worry about it.
-I-- I hope this is
the right classroom.
-Where do I know you from?
-Oh, God, forgive me. Um,
I am the substitute teacher
for World History.
-Patricia Matthew.
-Gretchen Ruth.
-Hot for teacher?
-How long you teached here?
-Uh, two years.
-Wow. If you don't mind
my saying, it must be--
Uh! Exciting to be in
the public eye all the time.
Do you enjoy it?
-Uh, really,
for dinner reservations and
guest lists, it's great,
but that's about it.
-Seems a bit pessimistic,
Miss Ruth.
-I honestly prefer
a private life, yeah.
But I love my fiancé and
it kind of just comes with
the territory.
So, yeah, I'm grateful.
It was nice to meet you,
Miss Matthew.
-Yes. Patricia, please.
-Call me Patricia
-And if you need anything,
like, anything,
I will be here all week, so
-Okay, thanks.
-I'm gonna go that way.
-Oh, yes. Uh, excuse me.
-Bye. Nice to meet you.
[school bell rings]
-MAN: Gretchen!
-[camera shutters clicking]
-Are you upset about
the photo of Johnny and Lily
at The Rainbow?
-I don't know what
you're talking about.
-You think this will
keep happening?
-[car starts]
Get that.
Get a close up, Marco.
Get a close up.
[tires squealing]
-ELIAS: I like this
adoption agency.
All ages. It's-- It's like
going to a rock show.
-ELIAS: That looks good.
-LIZZIE: I don't know.
-Did you find the right place?
-The right place?
Honey-- Ugh! Good Lord.
-Well, you do it.
-I-- I'm--
It's not like
I've got a whole bunch
of experience in this,
I'm sorry.
-This is making me
want to drink.
We'll get there.
We'll figure it out.

-ROSS: Well,
you are lookin' good.
We need Fritz added to
Hit Parader Festival.
-Ugh. The Relentless
don't like him.
It's not gonna happen.
-Well, that's where
you're gonna help out.
You're the agent.
-[sighs] Look, I'm not gonna
force my band
to do something
they don't want to do
just 'cause you told me to.
-Are you confused?
Oliver signed Fritz,
he's the priority.
This isn't up for
fuckin' debate.
All right, Maya?
It's not.
-You're right.
-It's not up for debate.
I don't care how much hype
this piece of shit kid has,
you can count me out.
And tonight, Ross,
I'm the fuckin' priority.
-MAN: Gretchen!
Are you upset about
the photo of Johnny
and Lily at The Rainbow?
-GRETCHEN: I don't know
what you're talking about.
-You think this will
keep happening?
-MAN: Trouble in paradise.
Is teacher Gretchen gonna put
Johnny in detention?
Or are Johnny and Lily
-Bottoms up.
Getting back together?

-Let's do this.
Come on. Come on.
-I'm goin', I'm goin'.
-Come on, come on, come on,
Jesus Christ.
I don't know about you lot,
but I'm ready to experience
everything Louisiana
has to offer.
-All right. We are gonna
go be degenerates.
You comin'?
-No, I gotta make some calls
and Svengali wants me
one-on-one in the other studio.
See ya.
-All right, man.

[ring tone plays]
-Hey, baby.
How's my angel doin'?
You are not going to believe
what day they're making
the state finals.
-The day of the fest?
-How did you know?
Can you believe that?
-Yeah, actually.
Seems like the universe
likes to do this shit to us
on the regular.
I fuckin' hate TMZ.
-I just can't believe
they went to the school.
That's insane.
I get it's what I signed up for
when we started dating again,
but seriously.
Fuck it.
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, I feel like
this kind of shit
wouldn't happen to us
if we didn't live in L.A.
We should move to
Olympia, Washington.
-Yeah. You're probably right.
But I love my students,
I love the team.
Let's just stick it out
for one more year.
-Yeah. All right.
-SVENGALI: Johnny, it ain't
gonna write itself, buddy.
-Hey, um, Svengali wants me
in the studio.
I gotta go.
I love you.
-I love you, too.
[phone beeps]

-Man, I can't believe Johnny's
forcing her out of the band.
-Power of love.

-It's unreal. I mean,
do the boys not realize
how much Lily is
a part of their DNA?
-They do, but there's
no talkin' to Johnny.

-Let's do this.
-After you.

-MAYA: Hi, ladies.
-Hey, how you gals doin'?
-I manage Lily now.
-So this is how
it's gonna go down.
-We need--
-Hey, baby,
let's just worry about
the paperwork stuff later.
A million and a half.
-Uh-huh. To--
To buy you out completely.
-No, I-- I don't get
bought out,
that's just to
tell the fans I quit.
And I still get my equal share
of the name
and the merch.
-Mm-hm. Which merch?
-Every single fucking piece
with The Relentless logo
that I helped make into
an iconic brand.
Adam, that merch.
-For how long?
Or, I mean, you could, uh,
change the logo if you want.
-[scoffs] No.
You can't change the band logo.
That never fuckin' works.
-Okay, well, I'll talk to
the guys about that.
-I'm not done.
So, I'm assuming that people
from all over the world
are gonna be coming to
the Hit Parader Fest,
especially if it's,
you know,
the last time to check out
the original line up, correct?
-It's true.
-And, Adam, you think
it's fair to say
if it's my farewell show,
it's probably gonna be
maybe one of the biggest shows
in the history of the band?
-I do, yeah.
-Cool. Good.
Well, then,
I want double the pay,
and I want ownership in
the fest.
-And where's that
gonna come from?
-Those three lovely boys
who agreed to
kick me out of the band.
Well, I have to ask them.
-I'm sorry, I--
Um, I'm not asking,
I'm just-- I'm telling you
exactly what it is.
-Or what?
-Or I don't play and, um,
I tell the fans the truth
the same day as
I make my next move.
Johnny's not, you know,
the only one in the band
with a pretty face
who knows how to sing.
I'm meeting with Ash,
the owner of Hit Parader,
first thing tomorrow morning.
I need to know this shit is
100 percent
because this guy's
a loose canon.
This is what we're dealing with
'cause we didn't go corporate.
Okay? So if he thinks that
we're moving
the goalposts on him,
this whole thing could
fuckin' go away.
He wants to announce tomorrow.
-Well, have him announce that
it's Lily's farewell show.
Everyone's gonna play.
-And I'll make sure
I have this all written up
for you by 10 a.m.
-Good, good--
good manager.
-Oh, and, um, Maya
has to stay my agent,
and I'm guaranteed that there's
no conflict of interest
with The Relentless.
I'm sorry, I just-- I just
want to make myself clear.
Uh, it's--
it's not about money for me,
it's about principle.
-Well, you got
a lot of principle.
A heck of a lot.

-You know, it's, uh--
it's kind of nice
doing a session without
the other guys.
-Solitude can be good for art.
Less opinions.
Less tension.
You know, my favorite record
was made here.
It's tragic what happened.
I'd love to talk to you
about that.
-Not tonight.
But, uh, I do have regrets.
What's the biggest regret
you have in your life?
-What happened in Vegas,
what I did to that girl,
her family.
I was her hero.
-You feel the presence of
the devil in you that night?
-It's more than a feeling.
Why don't you write
the lyrics that you'd sing
to, uh, tell the story
as it all happened.
-Yeah, right.
-No, I'm serious, give, uh--
give yourself like a--
like a poetic catharsis.
-I-- I don't want to
write about that.
-Well, Johnny,
that's the whole point.
-Let it go, I don't want to
write a song about that night.
-Why'd you come
all the way down here, Johnny?
You wanna just keep
doin' things your way,
you shoulda just stayed
out in Tinsletown.
You got it all figured out
there, right?
Everything just the way
you like it. Hm.

I'm just gonna
leave you to it.
[cheering, applause]

I wanna kill you with love,
I do ♪
And I do
what I say completely ♪
I wanna chase you
'til you can't move ♪
Gonna blind you
until you see me ♪
Looking at me
looking at you ♪
There's so many things
I need to do ♪
-Can I get you boys
some drinks?
-Whiskey ginger, please.
-All right.
-Tequila, rocks.
-And, uh, what's it gonna take
to get you up there?
-Not happening anymore.
I'm just a cocktail waitress.
The next dancer is amazing,
-Oh, is she your friend?
-Yeah, we play music together.
-Oh. No way.
Wait, what do you do?
-I'm the singer?
-What kind of music
do you play?
-Rock and roll, baby.
Imagine that.
-Well, that sounds sexy.
So I think we will take
1,000 bucks in ones.
-Here we go.
-Please and thank you.
She can rock my world, mate.

-You ready to
tell us a story?
-"In town for one night only,
"lust, fame,
and a feeling of the holy.
"New king is crowned
for your delight,
"single file,
it's just that easy.
"A mere man to adore
and believe me,
"soon you'll be
screaming with delight.
"Take it back before I fall,
"I'm no hero.
"Take it back before I fall,
I'm no hero."
-That's brilliant, Johnny.
Let's try one.

-Can I get you
something to drink?
-No, no, no,
some more ones, love.

Mate, I ain't wastin' money
on overpriced fuckin' drinks.
Business to attend to.
In town for one night only
Lust, fame and
feeling of the holy ♪
New king is crowned
for your delight ♪
Yeah, right
Single file,
it's just that easy ♪
A mere man to adore
and believe me ♪
Soon you'll be
screaming with delight ♪
Yeah, right,
all night ♪
Take it back before I fall

'Cause I am no hero
Take it back before I fall
'Cause I'm no hero
On the climb,
there stands a statue ♪
Dishonor sells, man,
he doesn't want to ♪
A consequence
not worth your time ♪
We're divine
The flesh shadow for
the suffering this time ♪
A clean nail for your
flattering elation ♪
Another victim of our need
To be weak
So take it back,
take it back ♪
Before I fall
I am no,
I am no hero ♪
Hell no
So take it back,
take it back ♪
Before I fall
I am no,
I am no hero ♪
Hell no

[cheering, applause]

I got the maestro Johnny Faust
in my studio.

-So, what's your name?
-I'm Alyx.
-Thanks for all the tips,
it was really sweet of you.
-You know,
I'm in a band, too.
I know who you are, silly.
-So you have good taste.
-Well, I never said
I listen to The Relentless.
-All right.
Well, that's good.
'Cause I don't dance
with fans.
-Wanna go upstairs?
-Well, I don't know if
you can afford me.
-Well, then,
we gotta find out.
Leave this. Have someone
pick it up for you.
-Mm. The Mavens.
I like that.
That's a good name.
-Thank you.
-I mean, y'all must be
pretty serious
if Svengali agreed to
work with you.
-Yeah, he really
believes in us,
he's just
a fuckin' psychopath.
That whole fine line between
genius and insanity thing.
-Yeah, well--
Thank you.
That psycho is the reason why
we're down here.
I mean, we're hoping he works
some wonders for Johnny,
-you know?
-Yeah, yeah.
-Do you guys have a full set?
-Yeah, we have about
seven songs.
Would you guys like to play
our festival?
-Uh, are you--
are you serious?
-Ye-- Yes. Yes. Yes.
-Cheers to that.
-All right.
-Let's do it.
-So, who else in your band
works here?
-I'll be calling,
believe me.
-Hey, dude. So,
I got an idea for the fest.
-Oh, you do?
-Me, too.
Can't have 'em playing
main stage, though, can we?
-Hey, you guys go ahead.
Got, uh, business
to attend to.
One and two.

-Don't you get lonely
up here in the hills
in this great big house,
just you and your dog?
-Well, not lonely,
there's always people around,
I mean, I'm not claustrophobic,
if that's what you mean.
Well, I gotta say, though,
it-- it's been great
having you and Vivian up here.
I really appreciate
your company.
-What about Faith?
You appreciate her company?
-She's been the best part.
-That's sweet.
So you're just gonna
let her get given away
to strangers today, huh?
-I try not to
think about it like that.
-Well, you're gonna have to
try a little harder.
-Thanks for the advice.
-You want my advice?
My advice is
you need to fix
that big gaping hole
in your life,
that being
a single older guy
with no woman or
kids of your own.
I mean, you ought to
adopt Faith yourself,
and then ask me out
for drinks
and we'll go and
we'll celebrate.
-How do you really feel
about it?
I'm sorry, I'm one of
those people, man--
-Hey, guys, we're ready.
-Hello, beautiful girl.
I'm sorry, babe,
but I'm not gonna be able
to partake in today's
planned event,
so y'all are going to
have to excuse me.
Hey, Elias. I have
a great band for ya.
It's called
Losing Faith.
Wanna sign 'em?
Make some money off this
broken heart ♪
He's a funny guy.
Burn, Hollywood, burn
'Cause you don't give
a fuck about me ♪
-JADE: Glad it all
worked out, Adam.
-ADAM: Great,
then we'll see you there.
-We got every demand.
They just want you in
the studio.
All my life I've been waiting
on something real ♪
Gotta go now,
'cause everything here ♪
-You mind if I ask you
why you waited so long?
-At first, I thought I could
do it on my own.
Or in a perfect world,
Johnny would end up single,
and I'd have a shot with him
if he fell in love with me.
-But that was all
wishful thinking
out of a movie.
But here we are in reality.
-I guess that makes sense.
-Why didn't you
ever have kids?
-Uh I always wanted 'em.
I-- I guess I just kept
putting it off.
Kind of like doing laundry,
you wear all the clothes
that you've got
until you don't have any more.
Keep puttin' it off
and off and off.
When I looked in
the laundry basket,
there was no one in there.
Yeah, I'm-- I'm happy
with life, I guess.
I mean, I'm--
I'm lucky to be alive
with all the stuff I did.
Not feelin' so lucky right now.
Oh, Jesus.
-This is gonna be
a lot harder than I thought.
-Yep, it is.
I got it.
Hey, baby, hey, hey.
-[baby fussing]
-You love her, don't you?
-Put yourself first, captain.
-Excuse me?
-It's you.
-So your boy Faust
gets mad.
But you have him
under contract.
He can't leave you.
Can you leave this baby?
-What happens if
we keep Faith?
-I have no idea.
-Sounds like you're
building a mystery.
Why don't y'all find out?
-I think we start with
the song about Lily,
but, uh, missin'
a little somethin'.
-Uh, we can track bass later,
let's just focus on drums,
guitar and vocals.
-No, we-- we good on
the bass and then some.
Go ahead, ladies.
They've already been
workin' on the demos.
You don't like 'em
you don't gotta use 'em,
but this is why you hired me.

Can you believe
the outcome? ♪
Now I'm asking you,
God, how come? ♪
Can you believe
the outcome? ♪
And now I'm asking you,
God, how come? ♪
The things we
wish to receive ♪
Are always what
we want to believe ♪
And now I must confess
These are the thoughts
that I possess ♪
All these chains
Wrapped behind my back
When we're face to face
I'm always the one
who cracks ♪
If misery loves company
Oh, get the hell
out of my house ♪
Won't you please
just look at me ♪
Why'd you let me
under your blouse? ♪
If misery loves company
Oh, get the hell
out of my house ♪
Won't you please
just look at me ♪
Why'd you let me
under your blouse? ♪

Some things just cannot--
-SVENGALI: Some things just
can't be undone
is the next part, yes, sir.
Lily Mayflower, thank you
for joining us this evening.
You know she's the best part
of your band, Johnny,
but we'll talk about that
another day.
But, uh, tonight,
she ain't gonna play bass,
she gonna play face,
so why don't you have a seat
for us, darlin'?
So, you got Johnny
drugged up,
then you fucked him and
made his girlfriend watch
on his phone and
he didn't even know.
Look, you like doin'
psychotic shit,
then you came to
the right place.
From the bridge, Johnny,
the bridge we gonna burn.
Sing it to her face.
And, Lily, now is not
the time to be shy.

You can crucify me
with blame ♪
But only you share
in the pain ♪
Admit it was all
a cruel game ♪
And leave my heart
on the open flame ♪
Well, you can crucify me
with blame ♪
But only if you
share in the pain ♪
Admit it was all
a cruel game ♪
And leave my heart
on the open flame ♪
You can crucify me
with blame ♪
But only if you share
in the pain ♪
Admit it was all
a cruel game ♪
Leave my heart on
the open flame ♪

Oh, get the hell
out of my house ♪
Won't you just look at me
Oh, why'd you let me
under your blouse? ♪
If misery loves company
Oh, get the hell
out of my house ♪
Won't you please
just look at me ♪
Oh, why'd you let me
under your blouse ? ♪
Can you believe
the outcome? ♪
Now I'm asking you,
God, how come? ♪

You set me up as a villain
But you never mentioned
the rule of the father ♪
Took what you wanted
and flipped it ♪
But you won't be draggin'
my name to the bottom ♪
So much unsaid
Left me for dead
I won't forget
And now you're next
Well, everyone's wasted
And they know
the difference ♪
When I'm failing,
I sense it ♪
If you're throwin' me
to the lions ♪
You should know I'm
lost and I'm dyin' ♪
I wouldn't take back
one thing ♪
Or take one word I said
One word
If you're throwin' me
to the lions ♪
You should know I'm
lost and I'm dyin' ♪
I wouldn't take back
one thing ♪
Or take one word I said
I'm gonna make you
wish you did ♪
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