Parallel World Pharmacy (2022) s01e06 Episode Script

Siblings and the Sea

So this is Marseirre.
I am glad to see you look well, Master.
It would appear you are performing your
duties in managing this territory admirably.
Give me your report.
As you wish.
Here, we have the past five years of reports
on trade income and expenditures.
The yearly changes in imports and exports
for our top ten trading partner
nations are listed here.
This territory, the Archduchy of Marseirre,
Yes. Not bad. Both trade volume
and tax revenues are increasing.
is the land Her Majesty bestowed upon
Bruno for his service in treating her.
It is a prominent trading port in the nation,
often called the gateway to the empire.
As a major producer of medicinal herbs on top
of that, its bestowal holds great significance.
One issue is the Nederland East Inida
Company throwing its weight around lately.
There have been cases where
it has used treaty conclusion
and belligerency rights as a company
with a charter from the Nederland royals
as a shield against complying with taxes.
Free conduct of trade is desirable.
Let's hear them out on what we can.
Are you certain, my lord?
Lowering tariffs improves the
flow of both goods and people.
You don't need to hang around here.
Master Farma, the ocean here is lovely.
Th-Thanks, Father!
Hurray! I'm so excited!
I'm going down to the beach!
Don't go into the water without an adult!
Parallel World Pharmacy
Episode 6
Siblings and the Sea
Master Farma! Come look!
Brother! Look what we made!
Wow. You made a castle out of sand.
It's nothing compared to the
de Médicis estate, of course!
Brother, can I go splash
in the water with Lotte?
Father said not to go in the water.
Neither of you can swim, right?
Just a little, please? Pretty please?
Master Farma, I'd like
to go in the water, too.
I'll watch Miss Blanche.
We'll stay at the water's edge
and only dip our feet in!
Please? Please?
Please? Please?
Only your feet. Your clothes
can't touch the water.
Yes, sir!
Good grief.
Those two seem to be having a lot of fun.
I guess I'll go take a dip, too.
Do you have a change of clothes?
It's fine. Nobody's watching.
Wait, what? I'm still here!
Farma, aren't you going to swim?
Do you have a thing about the ocean?
No, actually, I really lik—
Go ahead. I'll stay here.
Come to think of it, I used to
swim in the ocean every year.
Bro-bro, no fair! I wanna
play in the water with you!
You can when you're a little bigger.
I'll get bigger right now!
Beach Shack
If I get bigger tomorrow, can I
play in the ocean with you then?
I think it'll take longer than that.
How about next year?
So, next year I can go in the water?
Yup. When you're five.
Okey-dokey! Next year!
Pinky promise me, bro-bro!
Soon after, my sister's
illness was discovered.
In the end, "next year" never happened.
Miss Blanche!
Th-The waves just
Farma, don't! I'll go after her!
The current is so fast! I can't keep up!
A rip current!
Are you telling me
I'm going to lose my little sister
in this world, too?
The sea currents are keeping me from her!
If only this water were gone!
You can't have my sister!
What in the world just happened?
Is Farma holding the water back?
Even though we're on the sea floor,
the sand is dry
Farma, what
What is this?
Brother, I was so scared!
There, there. Everything's all right now.
Thank goodness. She didn't inhale
or swallow much water.
Farma, what was that power you used?
I'm not sure myself, but probably
a negative-attribute Divine Ar—
Negative-attribute Arts are ultimately a
means to decrease the amount of a substance.
You just annihilated it from an entire area!
No such Divine Art exists!
What kind of mess have
I gotten myself into now?
Farma, you did something amazing.
With my Divine Arts,
there was nothing I could do.
You saved Blanche.
I saved her
Bro-bro, the beach is super fun!
Brother, I'm sorry!
I'm so glad I could at least save you.
At the time, I thought I had eliminated
only the seawater's water molecules
But there was no sign of
salt on the sea floor.
That means I eliminated the seawater itself,
along with everything dissolved in it.
The human body is composed
primarily of water.
One little slip-up, and I could have
even affected Blanche and Elen
In the face of this strange, unknown power,
it's no wonder they'd be scared of me.
Master Farma.
It's nearly time for bed.
Do you need anything?
I'm sure you're also tired from today,
Lotte. Get plenty of rest.
Yes, Master Farma. I will see
you tomorrow morning, then.
Um, Master Farma.
About what happened today
Yeah Don't worry.
I won't do that again.
Well, what I mean to say is
Try not to be too scared of me, I guess.
Scared of you? Why?
You seemed frightened after
you saw my Divine Art.
No! I wasn't frightened!
I was in awe of your Art!
And the way you dove into the ocean
without hesitation was so heroic!
Forgive me, Master Farma.
I should have been the one
to go after your sister.
I am so sorry I didn't.
No, Lotte. You can't swim.
You made the right choice.
I'm so glad you stayed on the shore.
Blanche is my sister,
and she's important to me,
but you're also important to me.
As important as family.
I don't want you to be in danger.
Th-Thank you, Master Farma!
I felt trapped, and you set me free!
Y-You don't need to kneel like that
I mean it! I'll remember your words
as long as I live!
Good night, Master Farma.
I set you free?
No, you set me free.
You're saying a kid with no shadow
completely erased seawater without a wand?
Yes. Reports say a boy at an orphanage
in the Diocese of Marseirre witnessed it.
A child's tall tales are of no import.
Sir, several days later,
a religious instructor from the
orphanage went out to the location
and, upon investigation, found
abnormal Divine Power accumulations.
Divine Power accumulations?
Days after the fact
Send instructions to every diocese
in the Saint Fleuve Empire.
They are to find this child with no shadow.
Yes, sir!
If this report proves true,
then we must eliminate this heretic.
Here you go.
Wow. Thanks, little lady.
I know we closed for a week for
the inspection trip to Marseirre,
but is it just me, or are
we busier than before?
It looks like we're three times as
busy as we were before the trip.
It feels like we have new customers as well.
It's because you sell such good medicines.
We won't be able
to close again for some time.
Welcome! May I help you find something?
The people in white robes seem
kinda suspicious, don't they?
That was bothering me, too!
If they needed to see a pharmaceutist,
they could see me.
It's like they were only interested in Farma.
That reminds me. I spoke to them to try
to help them, but they didn't respond.
They might not be here to buy anything.
They didn't seem to be looking
through the shelves.
Plus, their white robes don't match the
uniforms of any guild in the city.
The robes even look like
the garb of Temple priests,
but they're not what I've
seen in the empire.
Um, should this be brought up
with the guards?
Good idea.
I wouldn't want anything to happen to
the other guests, so just in case.
Oh, it's shift change time already?
Yes. Good job on night duty.
Looks like another nice morning today.
A carriage charged into the pharmacy?!
I'm sorry, Master!
It happened so suddenly.
There wasn't any time to stop it!
Someone made a daring move
They erred in committing such
an outrage against this house.
Whoever did this will pay the price!
But why would someone do such a thing?
To obstruct business.
There are many who would resent a
newcomer selling unfamiliar medicines.
I don't expect this incident
will be the last.
Make haste to notify the palace.
I shall make a report
to Her Majesty shortly.
Y-Yes, sir!
I'll go check on the pharmacy.
Good. One moment, Farma.
Y-Yes, Father?
Do you have any suspects in mind?
This is a declaration of war
against the de Médicis house.
It might have been the Pharmaceutist Guild,
but those people in white robes
can't be ruled out either
Overhasty action may lead to false charges.
Please give me time to gather information.
This foe could resort
to anything. Stay vigilant.
Yes, Father.
Sorry I'm late!
Master Farma!
What's the situation? Was anyone injured?
No. But you can see the state of the store.
A carriage loaded with
sediment crashed into it.
The heavily damaged carriage
has been removed,
but the store is still full of muck.
This is awful.
Given the horrid, rotten smell of this muck,
I've purified it of contaminants,
but I am unable to remove the muck itself.
That's plenty already. Thank you.
The silver lining is that the compounding
room was completely unaffected.
I had Lady Eléonore and Charlotte evacuate
to Médique with some of the medicines.
Great. Thanks.
If we send the prescriptions there,
we can deal with the customers
who were scheduled to come in today.
I'm glad. So that just leaves—
Hey there, Mr. Proprietor!
You're back.
Today was a bit of a disaster, eh?
Mr. Jean!
I figured you could use help cleaning up,
so I brought some of my younger men with me.
They all love the Sailor's Candies you make,
and they can handle heavy labor!
That's a great help.
I appreciate your assistance!
Now then, boys. Hop to it!
You got it, boss!
Sir, please don't let this get you down.
I swear. Some people do awful things.
If there is anything we can do
to help, please say the word.
That's right! We're a community.
We help each other out!
We appreciate everything you do for us!
Who knew our store was already so beloved?
All of you, thank you from
the bottom of my heart!
Please help! It's an emergency!
Is Lord Farma the Pharmaceutist here?
Please, I need your assistance!
I am Farma. What is the matter?
It's my father! He passed out in the heat!
It's already been so long,
but he isn't waking up!
I understand.
We've got this. Go on.
Leave the cleanup to us!
That's right!
We'll see you later!
Don't worry about things here!
I can handle things here.
Then I have a patient to see.
Lord Farma, this way. My father is up ahead.
Got it.
Dehydration or heat stroke
Cerebrovascular disease
or a convulsion
Or possibly, physical trauma, too.
I brought some first aid supplies,
just in case.
Oh, Lord Farma, just over that hill.
This way!
This is a fairly remote area.
We're quite a ways from the city.
Miss, where is your father?
Oh, no!
You're the one who erased
the sea in Marseirre.
The boy with no shadow. Correct?
We are inquisitors from the Holy Kingdom.
Episode 7
The Boy with No Shadow
and the Inquisitors
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