Paris Police 1900 (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Intriguing music
- The city of blood,
it's a place of work, nothing else.
People don't want to see
how we feed them.
They need us,
but our smell is disturbing.
My plate is full,
why worry about the rest?
Are you nervous?
A glass of wine will do you good.
From Saint-Julien, Médoc.
Tuberculants drink blood,
they believe it heals them.
I am not a vampire.
- You work at night, though.
- Tomorrow will be restless.
It would be a shame to let it rot.
Little laugh
- Cheers !
Clinking glasses
- The 32 arrests will take place
at the homes of the concerned,
this morning at 6 o'clock.
We will take them when we get out of bed.
These people are butchers
and professional agitators.
They are capable of violence.
In case of resistance from them,
you are allowed to use force.
Disturbing music
Soft music
He hits.
- Gabriel Sabran admits to
being Matthias' father.
- Was this document in
Puybaraud's possession ?
- Fiersi stole it from his office.
- Fiersi is suicidal?
- He doesn't want to send an innocent man
to the scaffold.
- If I bring this document to the prefect,
I enter into open war
against Puybaraud. What if I lose
There are the resolved cases,
and the others.
I am not d'Artagnan, me.
I have a career, a family.
- Fiersi also has a family.
Thunder rumbles.
- There were four of them.
Three bullies and a bastard.
He looks
like the anti-Semite on the posters.
- Louis Guérin.
- Marguerite expected it.
She told me
if anything happened to her
if it were to disappear,
you had to warn you.
She trusts you.
- It seems
that you lead a hectic life.
You would have killed poor Félix Faure.
Of pleasure?
- My husband had painted his portrait.
He could do yours.
- People are so inventive
when they look for excuses.
Does your husband know about your activities?
Of course.
Isn't he jealous?
- His plate is full,
why bother about the rest?
He's laughing.
- You are an agent of Puybaraud.
All your gossip for L'Antijuif,
MP Berry,
Rothschild's lawyer…
All these pretty baits come
from M. Puybaraud, isn't it?
- Exact.
- The day before yesterday,
at 31 rue de Nevers,
you were with my son, Gabriel.
Did he seduce you?
Or were you on duty?
Calm music
- I pretend
to be a courtesan,
and not a girl of joy.
I choose my lovers.
Puybaraud is a bad protector.
I was looking for another one.
- Did you like my son,
- A lot.
- Excuse me.
- I'm taking the weapons, sir.
My brother is waiting
with 15 men.
He will stand up to the police.
- And our little gazette?
- L'Antijuif is ready to appear.
Our guys know the trick.
The meat prices are on page 4.
The price of the beef announces the place,
that of the mutton, the hour.
Riots will look spontaneous.
A door closes.
Intriguing music
- You want the money, I suppose?
This is what everyone wants.
Speak, Mrs. Steinheil.
What have you got to sell me?
- Ten deputies.
- They come to me for free.
What else ?
Any news from Mme Lépine perhaps?
It is part of your relationships.
She spent the evening with you
five days ago. The next day,
rumors have spread.
- Mr. Puybaraud wanted
take photographs.
- I see.
- I stopped him.
- Why ?
Do you have a moral?
- I do not know.
Puybaraud is angry with me,
I'm looking for a new protector.
- You have nothing to sell me.
She is hesitating.
- Your son…
Your son
I was on duty.
Puybaraud is after Gabriel.
- Really ?
What does he want from her?
- I do not know. Not yet.
But I could
- Tell me stories?
I don't doubt that.
Did Mr. Puybaraud speak to you about
Joséphine Berger?
- Not.
- Pity…
You were almost convincing.
- Wait, I lied!
I have a photo of Ms. Lépine. Bare ass!
Puybaraud ignores her,
my husband puts her in the bank.
- Fantastic !
Mr. Steinheil will be less tough.
She's screaming.
At 31 rue de Nevers,
there was a policeman
at the scene,
while you spread your legs.
- No. The phone…
Someone called. Gabriel…
- What did Gabriel do?
- He did not answer,
got nervous, and we left.
- Who was this policeman?
- I saw nobody !
- Josephine Berger.
- My God ! I beg you.
I'll do whatever you want.
I will do everything !
I'll do whatever you want.
- Like you did with my son?
- Gabriel…
is your enemy!
He hates you!
As I understand it!
- What did you say ?
Blood speaks, Mrs. Steinheil.
The blood makes us who we are.
My son's is pure.
I want nothing left.
- Look at me !
I am beautiful, am I not?
(I will do everything.)
Scary music
I will give you everything.
You can do anything to me.
She's screaming.
She's screaming.
She moans.
Screams of pain
Not !
Not !
She's crying.
She screams.
Scared moans
Cries of pain
Jerky breaths
Intriguing music
- This money is for the cause.
Do not forget it.
- You want to swap our seats?
I'm entertaining the police
and you get your hands dirty?
- Louis…
You can't play my part.
You lack presence.
- You would die of jealousy.
- Louis!
- I did my part, Mom.
It was I
who took the most risks.
Tell him!
- Jules,
ask your little brother for forgiveness.
He takes a deep breath.
- Pardon.
- Wait for me downstairs.
- Quickly.
- You are a lion.
Louis is a squirrel.
He keeps nuts for the winter,
there is wisdom
in his meanness.
Tension music
I'm proud of you.
- Here we are, Mom.
The big day.
She is sobbing.
Mummy mummy !
She sighs.
He takes a deep breath.
Dismal music
A door slams.
Footsteps are approaching.
Panting breaths
Violent knocks on the door
Little moan
- I'll tell Hector
that you're awake,
before he kicks in the door.
- What time is it ?
- 5 hours.
M. Lépine sighs.
Knocking on the door
M. le Préfet s'bille, Hector.
It will be yours in 2 minutes.
- Good, madam! It is urgent, madam!
- I think he knows.
He sighs.
- Did I really need
an official portrait?
- I do not know.
Do you plan to stay prefect for a long time?
Soft music
- At dawn, we take over the leagues.
- You round up?
- Puybaraud.
- Ah…
I would have offered
you morphine to calm you down,
but I'm running out.
- Commissioner Cochefert insisted.
- Thanks, Hector.
What do you have for me?
Military music
- Police!
M. Jules Guérin,
I have a warrant against you.
Please come out and…
- I refuse!
I refuse ! I refuse !
I refuse !
- You refuse?
I'll leave you a copy of the warrant.
Mr. Jules Guérin,
I would like to inform you
that you are in a state of rebellion
against the law.
- The Rabbis and Rothschilds make the law.
We will fight for justice!
- The Jews are attacking!
It's a coup!
Raids against the patriots!
- 10 cents!
- They are going to free Dreyfus!
Buy L'Antijuif,
only 10 cents!
You will know all about the plot!
- This document has a dubious provenance.
Until it is cleared up,
it will not be mentioned.
In the safe, personal file.
Mr. Lépine takes a deep breath.
Don't read it, Hector.
He locks the safe.
Puybaraud protects the Sabran.
Who is the murderer?
The father ?
The son ?
Or this chimney sweep?
- We lean for the son.
An interrogation
- Shut up.
- Would allow…
- Shut up.
- He says we don't have
sufficient evidence.
We are not going to summon them,
nor question them.
- For the moment.
- The motive would therefore be the child.
Are you saying
her grandmother is in Paris?
- She's coming to collect
her daughter's remains.
- That's very kind of him.
She intends to do this
before or after passing
to look for his grandson?
- Bring the kid back.
The grandmother will follow.
Calm music
- There is something else.
- Yes sir. It's about
Commissioner Puybaraud.
- It was full of blood.
He jumped on me.
He was with a woman.
- What did he look like?
- Small, stocky, a big beard.
- And the woman?
- A tall blonde.
I didn't know her.
- Did he know her?
- Yes.
- Search notice with alert.
Fiersi is no longer considered an
but as the author
of a triple homicide.
- And the woman with him?
- Unknown to our services.
- Puybaraud hid a piece
essential to my investigation.
You said it, he protects the Sabran.
Why is he organizing a roundup
against the leagues?
- He loves fishing, Puybaraud.
He is patient, slimy.
It's an eel.
He helps the Sabran,
and at the same time, he covers himself.
- The essential element of a roundup
is surprise.
And the whole prefecture knows
since yesterday ?
The police are talkative.
Puybaraud knows it.
Either he is incompetent,
and he is not,
or he wanted the Sabran to know.
- It's too late
to prevent this raid.
I have a question, Commissioner.
Your chimney sweep,
a professional assassin,
moves in with Joséphine
the day after his death.
He's taking a risk.
Why ?
What is he looking for?
- The child.
- I think Inspector Jouin is
going to need some company.
The child is in danger.
Intriguing music
Hector !
- Sir?
- To all police stations
and services,
Inspector Fiersi is summoned
to my office urgently.
If he refuses, let
him be knocked out and brought to me.
- Well sir.
The door closes.
- Marthe is fine.
She is at school.
Intriguing music
- Hello !
- Mrs. Lépine!
What can we do for you?
- Sorry to bother you.
- You don't bother.
- My friends have never been
bertillon. Could it be possible ?
- It's not…
We are very busy today.
If these ladies
- My husband told me to review
I must recommend reforms.
is the emblem of the prefecture?
He hesitates.
- Yes Madam.
Take place.
- I'm going first. Measure me.
- Skull width: 13.8.
Left ear: 6.1.
Right ear: 6.2.
Jaw width: 11.8.
- You don't go
around the chest?
- Here are our microscopes.
This is our
fingerprint reading material .
We use iron filings.
- How are exhibits
We do not mix files.
- No.
- Are there any quaint weapons?
I love guns. I'm shivering.
- You have a family drama here.
The murderer was warned.
Her mother found a dress
in her things.
The homosexual grabbed a hanger,
here it is,
and he strangled his old mom with it.
He whistles.
- Oh my God !
- How awful !
- Ah! This is a sensitive matter.
The victim is an actress.
She cheats on her husband, a director.
The weapon of crime
is a stage prop
with a retractable blade.
The mechanism is blocked.
The actor knocks.
Small whistles
The actress is killed.
The audience applauds.
- It's exquisite!
- Master Weidmann apologizes,
he couldn't come.
I have all the documents.
- The Mother Superior will receive you.
- Everything will be alright.
Matthias birth certificate,
issued by Saint-Lazare,
that of his mother,
Joséphine Berger,
issued by the town hall of Bischoffsheim,
Joséphine Berger's death certificate,
identity card of Adelaide Berger,
mother of Joséphine,
letter from the judge,
assuring that the investigation is closed
and that there is no need
to restrain the child.
- She is German.
- Alsatian.
She was born before 70, so in France.
- Today she's German.
She should have gone through the embassy.
You speak French ?
- That changes nothing.
Mrs. Berger has come a long way
to come here.
It would be human
not to keep her waiting.
- And you are ?
- His av
I work for Me Weidmann,
He could not come,
he is in conference
with a client, Baron de Rothschild,
who is one of your donors.
- The best would be to ask
confirmation to the judge.
If he agrees, I don't care.
- He has already given his consent. In writing.
Someone's knocking at the door.
- Yes ?
- Sorry, my mother, but
- Inspector Jouin,
research brigade.
Ms. Berger is expected at the prefecture.
She has to answer a few questions.
The child also comes.
- She will answer you
when she finds her grandson.
- Found? She has never seen him.
- He's her daughter's son.
It is written.
- Matthias Berger may have
family in France.
- Ah
- I can question him here,
it won't be long.
Of course, it remains confidential.
Calm music
- Do you have a baby
named Berger Matthias?
- Yes.
- I have to take him.
Order of Commissioner Cochefert.
- I love him like my son.
He always had a temper
Often times, I had to restrain him,
protect him from himself.
This time he's in great danger,
Mrs. Fiersi.
He is suspected of a serious crime.
The baby cries.
He may not be able to explain himself.
Don't trust
other police officers.
Your husband has many enemies.
Even within the prefecture.
If he contacts you
He needs me, ma'am!
More than ever.
- She won't have the child
if she doesn't speak.
We hold an acknowledgment
of paternity
signed by Sabran.
- That is true ?
- I had it in my hands.
- Do you want them to have it?
- No.
- That he grow up here?
- I grew up in a place
like this.
I want her to get it back.
The letter may not be useful,
but it must answer me.
Help me !
- Matthias?
This gentleman is a policeman,
you have to go with him.
- Leave it to me, I'm used to it.
I have five.
Menacing music
Hello, Matthias.
Do you want to see mom?
- Josephine wrote to him twice.
She answered him.
The first one, you reject it.
The 2nd, you are ready to welcome it.
You mention
"senseless allegations".
What made you
change your mind?
Jeanne translated into German.
Ms. Berger speaks in German.
- She doesn't remember.
She thought of little Matthias.
- I would like an exact translation.
Why did Josephine leave?
Jeanne asks questions in German.
Mrs Berger answers in German.
- She dreamed of something bigger.
She was not a good girl.
- The name of the village?
- Bischoffsheim.
- Gabriel Sabran was born there.
Do you know that name?
Jeanne rehearses in German.
Ms. Berger responds.
- They are known in Alsace.
They lived there before the war.
- Did your daughter know them?
Jeanne translates.
Mrs Berger answers in German.
- No. She was born after the war.
The Sabran were no longer
in Alsace.
- In Paris, she was hired
by the Sabran.
She got pregnant with Gabriel.
Josephine wanted to blackmail Gabriel.
How? 'Or' What ?
A bastard isn't enough to kill her.
You know something else,
she wrote it to you.
Jeanne translated into German.
Ms. Berger responds.
- She doesn't know anything.
She is afraid of the Sabran.
- No, I can't believe it!
Josephine accused you. About what ?
- The investigation is closed.
Ms. Berger has answered your questions.
It's over.
- You speak French, you know
what I'm saying. Stop this comedy!
You're lying.
You haven't forgotten anything. You shut up
and the Sabran make it out.
Is this what you want ?
Come see your daughter. Come !
- Enough!
- They're in
the Mother Superior's office.
I will take you there
when you see the child.
Disturbing music
A door opens.
- A moment !
- Matthias?
- Who ordered you
to take this boy away?
Which department are you in?
- What was that ?
A bell rings.
Panic cries
Ringing bell
(- It's okay ?)
- I lost it.
Quick, that bastard
He was in uniform. Bring him back.
- Well sir !
- Alive, please!
A door slams.
His weapon falls to the ground.
I knew it.
Bloody hero.
More than my age
Is there a device
telephone in this establishment?
- Yes. Why ?
- To call the police. Andouille.
- Come !
- I'm the commissioner…
- Cochefert.
I know.
- And you are ?
- Translator.
- If the liver is affected
- What does she know there?
Call me a doctor instead.
Footsteps are approaching.
Intriguing music
Scary music
He fires empty.
- Jeanne! Not !
Panting breathing
- I killed a policeman.
- He wasn't a policeman.
Dramatic music
You didn't kill anyone.
- Ah, Mr. Puybaraud. Welcome.
You come to see Préfet Lépine,
I suppose?
- Do not move.
- Ah! Puybaraud!
I'll be with you in a moment.
- A little more profile. It's perfect.
Don't move, please.
- Is it possible to take a picture
without a hat?
- Of course.
- And not too dark.
I have no news
from the Comtesse de Vaudois.
- You neither ?
She must have found a new lover.
- How are your roundups going?
No problem ?
- I'm afraid it is, sir.
Guérin and his men
are entrenched in the rue Chabrol.
- This photograph will be the last.
M. Puybaraud needs me.
- Will you stay well for tea?
- Gladly.
- Uh… Sorry.
Marguerite sighs.
Let’s not move any more.
(- I resign.)
- Goods.
Throat clearing
Marguerite sighs.
- How are you ?
I heard you had a
discomfort after your departure.
- I'm much better, thank you.
Marguerite acquiesce.
Aren't you offering me an injection
Little laugh
Soft music
- Funeral…
Is that from you?
It's an outrageous nickname.
You don't like women.
You've never been married,
have you?
- I put my duty
before my personal life.
The difficulties of marriage
are incompatible with our functions.
- I see.
The police as a priesthood. It's beautiful.
A little frustrating.
- The profession offers its little pleasures.
He also has his disappointments.
I need to tell you about Fiersi.
Fiersi betrayed my trust
and sold
confidential information
at L'Antijuif.
This morning he killed three men.
At the slaughterhouses.
- You are fascinating, Puybaraud.
You are not charged with anything as
you already have a scapegoat. Well done.
Calm music
He blows.
- Queue. Mom is waiting for you.
- You're not going to come back?
- Yes.
I can't live without you.
It will be different.
Will have to
play a bit of hide and seek.
You understand ?
I need you to be strong.
You are the man of the house.
The door closes.
- And in his cell, in Rennes,
the kid chuckles,
because he has accomplished his mission.
- Free the Guérins!
- France is divided,
the army, humiliated,
the patriots, besieged.
Is this the Republic, sir?
Ah, look! Here they are !
Rothschild's lackeys.
Down with Dreyfus!
Long live the army! Long live Guérin!
- Gatherings throughout the neighborhood.
They are hostile.
- I'm waiting for your orders.
Should we storm?
- Reinforce the dams
on Hauteville and Magenta.
And find me a phone.
Hubbub in the distance
Intriguing music
- Prepare to shoot!
- About the police?
(- You have to do everything yourself.)
Step aside !
I'm not targeting you!
- Get away !
Scared cries
Tension music
- Come get me now.
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