Passenger (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

I can't remember what I did.
Most of the town can,
if you ever want filling in.
Five year ago,
he stuck a broken bottle in him.
Well, now's the time
for the reckoning!
RIYA: Tell me about Mehmet.
Did something happen
that wasn't meant to happen?
I want out.
There is no out!
Just arrested a man today
for a crime
he may or may not have committed.
What happened in the forest, John?
I saw things.
What are you hiding, Nina Karlsson?
It's in the paperwork.
When you sign, you sign.
'That's what the black rocks are,
'the fear we carry around with us.'
The judges'll be here
in a couple of days.
We haven't won this since 2011.
Enough. I've had enough.
The day of the attack,
did you drink with anyone?
No. I mean, apart from Jakub,
no-one. Jakub was there?
On some of the notes,
there were some stains
like oil.
Can I talk?
At the station.
I came to this country
I don't wanna hear it.
Because I needed you to be good.
All that money, carefully packed.
You didn't even wash your hands.
Guilt-stained. Rotten!
You don't know what it's like, Riya.
I came to this country
because I saved up.
Seven days a week I worked
to have a chance.
And this country WAS my chance.
It was the end of my first week
at work.
Friday afternoon,
Eddie leaves early,
goes for a drink.
I close the garage
a few hours later.
I stop by the pub for a drink.
Eddie was at the bar
not making much sense.
He leaves.
I finish my drink
leave not long after.
I was at my front door
when I heard a man screaming,
and on the other side of the road
howling soaked in blood
I see Jim.
So it was Eddie?
Eddie was there.
He was halfway up the street
collapsed, drunk, totally unaware.
So, if it wasn't Eddie
and it wasn't you
then who was it?
I can't say.
You're wrong there, mate.
Get in the fucking car.
Blame's a funny thing, you know.
When the town said I'd done it,
I believed 'em.
I couldn't even remember doing it,
and I believed 'em. Why?
Cos you are what they say you are.
When they call you a monster,
that's that's it, that's you.
You play the part.
Big's a cell?
A prison cell, how big is it?
Six by eight.
Is that it?
You get used to it.
Five years in a six by eight.
Five years our girls
have lived without their dad
and not a single apology.
How d'you feel about that?
Cos I know how I'd feel.
Cocky bitch walks into this town
and ruins our family.
Jakub, the man that you gave
a job to when he had nothing -
and now he's got your garage.
Puts the blame on you
so he can nab it for himself.
Change the lease,
even change the sign.
Ain't right.
Why didn't you come forward, Jakub?
I had no choice.
An innocent man rotted in prison
because of you.
You lied to me, to his family,
to the whole town.
You sat on silence for five years!
You have any idea
the pain that this has caused?
You had to?!
I was told it would be my word
against the town's.
Told by who?
It's not as simple as that
Just fucking say!
I can't just say!
I am not from this town,
and my word counts for nothing here.
You know what, Jakub,
I've got all day and all night.
We're not going anywhere
until you talk to me.
WOMAN: Nice little Vicky sponge
for the judges.
Bit of buttercream, bit of jam.
Keep up the hard work.
Not long to go now.
MARK: Morning!
Only four this week, Mark.
OK, love.
Stitching weren't right on t'others.
Five there, Mark.
Ta, love.
Well, you know what he wants,
don't you? Jakub.
He wants you
to be the better person,
to forgive and forget.
Well, we're not in the business
for forgetting,
are we Ed?
Five years he took off us!
What are you gonna take off him?
You have got to be kidding me.
You got one of these?
Just reading it now.
What the hell.
Closin' the bread factory, Jo.
What do they mean
"with immediate effect"? Today.
They close the factory,
that's half the town out of work,
simple as.
I was supposed
to be on a late today.
That's 85 quid.
What you gonna do, Mum?
Oh, cry? Shit myself?
I mean even the overall's wage
is not enough to make rent.
We're all poor.
"With immediate effect."
Sausage roll, bit of Battenberg,
can't beat it, can you?
WOMAN: They're here.
They're closin' bread factory,
Linda. Bag of shit, this place.
Ha, Geoff, such a kidder.
BRIGHTLY: Welcome to Chadder Vale!
Hope you found us OK.
Well, there's quite a few potholes,
but apart from that
We're all alive and well
Tina! Is this some kind of joke?
This town is full of people
that let you down
and are twisted fucking liars.
full of spirit and optimism.
None of 'em
are gonna get away with it.
None of them!
MAN: I got kids to feed!
MAN: How am I supposed to pay
my rent?
WOMAN: Got bills to pay.
Where's Derek? We want answers.
ALL CHANTING: Where is Derek?
We want answers!
Where is Derek? We want answers!
Where is Derek?
Hello? Why's it say we're closed?
Is anyone here?
Is this a joke?
What the hell's going on?
I fuckin' hate churches.
They do a good window, though, no?
You look like crap, Derek.
Everything going all right?
Everything's Everything's
Everything's fine.
I gave you an opportunity here
an opportunity to spin gold
and you fucking ruined it.
I'll I'll
I'll finish it, all of it.
You have no idea.
You see, there are consequences
to all this, Derek
consequences that reach
far beyond your tiny mind.
If this gets out all of us
we'll be rotting
in a cell somewhere,
drinking our chicken Kiev's
through a fucking straw.
We're closing the factory, Derek,
with immediate effect.
Jakub, the town
has had nightmares about this.
The only person
that can help us figure out
why this happened is you.
You don't understand.
It's not that simple.
Nothing is what it looks like
in this town.
Just tell us what you know.
They said the attack
was part of something bigger.
I don't know why.
To get rid of Jim?
To close down the fracking site?
They said I shouldn't ask questions.
They'd come for me.
Threatened to ruin
everything I'd built.
So someone blackmailed you?
I feared for my life,
kept my mouth shut.
I didn't know what to do.
I still don't.
Tell you what you do.
For the sake of Eddie Wells,
for the sake of his family,
you tell me the truth.
What if you can't protect me?
You have my word.
Tell me who it was.
Bit early for filth.
You here to fight?
Could say that.
it'll have to be me.
How are you with dates, Tony?
What's your memory like?
The night of Jim's attack.
Let's start with that one.
What about it?
Why'd you do it?
Do what?
Oh, you're givin' me lots of tells,
Lack of eye contact
Tell me why you did it.
I don't talk to filth.
No, I'm not here as filth.
Filth have protocol.
I'm here as me. That is far worse.
Who told you to do it?
Spill the beans, did he?
Your little Polish friend.
That was his mistake
falling for filth.
They'll come for him.
I'm still waiting for a reason,
You're forever searching
for reasons, aren't you?
You're fucking hopeless.
Fucking hell!
What about the workers?
What do I tell 'em?
Letters have been dispatched,
floating down onto their
cheap little doormats as we speak.
It's done, Derek. Finished.
I've sweated for this.
My family have worked hard for it.
This isn't fair.
Fuck fair, Derek.
I've lost my brother for this.
You just don't get to end it.
I already have.
All of this has happened
on your watch, Derek.
Failure after failure.
Which I'll sort!
Sort? You let it escape.
I had to send eight of my own
into the forest
to put it back where it belongs,
all because you
and your shithouse brother
were incapable.
Well, we just took our eye off,
that's all, made some mistakes
Are you talking about
the girl missing mistake?
Are you talking about
the boy dying mistake?
You see,
had you followed protocol, Derek,
no-one would've found out
about Mehmet.
He signed the paperwork.
He knew the risks.
They all know the risks
when they pay their six grand.
No-one needed to know,
but for some
idiotic, inexplicable reason,
you laid him out
at the fracking site,
nice little buffet of evidence
for the police to feast on.
We just thought we could frame Jim,
get the fracking site closed down
like you've always wanted.
Yet again,
you didn't think it through,
just like the Jim saga
five years ago,
so I had to get a government ban
to stop the fracking
because you trust idiots like Tony
to do your dirty work.
Not long now, Derek,
until it all comes back to you.
You've let too many people
get too close to the truth.
We had a chance, Derek
to take our anxiety-ridden youth
and give them purpose,
to turn all those hours sitting
at a keyboard into a strength,
entice them with the prize,
then recruit their minds.
We had a chance, Derek
and you pissed all over it.
I just got distracted.
This is life and death.
There's no room for distraction.
Just Just Just give me
give me one more chance.
A chance?
All right, Derek,
I'll cut you a deal.
You wanna keep your factory?
Put your big boy pants on,
trundle down there,
and face it yourself.
This is your big moment, Derek.
All eyes on you.
It could kill me.
I dare say it could.
But empty your pockets
of all those black rocks
and you might stand a chance.
No, no, no, no, no, no
SOBBING: ..please.
Are you nothing,
or are you something?
What's it gonna be?
Have a Death Row lager, Derek.
You look parched.
You OK, boss?
Tony's up there.
Thought you could escort him
to the station.
Will do.
You know, guys,
these last five years
I've been walking around
like I'm the Big I Am
and Eddie's been sat in a box.
I spent my life
searching all the wrong places.
What's it all been for, eh?
Just pointless.
At least you search, boss.
At least you try. Yeah.
I'm done with this place
with its quirks and curses.
Time to pack a bag.
You're not due to leave
for another week, boss.
Might as well get down early.
Maybe get some therapy,
find out why I'm such a dick.
What about
all the unanswered questions, boss?
This place
doesn't want them answered.
I've learnt a lot from you, boss.
Unlearn it.
Your instincts
are far better than mine.
Mine are shit.
did you ever really like us?
Superstars, you two. Absolute qual.
I made a list
of all the loose ends cos
curse or no curse,
there's something ain't right
with this town.
She's not wrong about that, is she?
So, we've concluded our inspection,
and I'll cut right to it, Linda.
It's a fail
on several counts.
Condition of verges, playgrounds,
frontages, hedges and surrounds.
Well, it's all pretty horrific,
to be honest with you.
You've barely scored a three.
It's our place, this.
You don't get to say it's horrific.
I didn't invite you here
to say that.
Not everything
works out the way we want it to.
Is that right?
Well, let me tell you something
about Chadder Vale.
It's real, yeah,
and it fucking makes us happy.
You know,
you shouldn't take this personally.
You shouldn't wear yellow.
It makes you look ill.
Right, so, that's a three.
But, then, you know,
we're still smiling, aren't we?
Still got it.
Come on, that's the sprit,
yeah, yeah.
"Condition of verges", Bev.
What's a verge?
No idea.
Is Linda gonna interrogate him
at all? Not today.
Ali, about that list you've got,
the unanswered questions
Yeah? Remember that video game
I told you about?
The Nina one.
I went back on the forums
that her and Mehmet were on.
Everyone's playing it,
everyone's talking about it.
All right.
But it doesn't stop there.
This game that Nina's got,
it's really not all that.
But I read that there's
another version of it.
Like a sicker, more twisted version
of it on the dark web.
I love the dark web.
But you can't get into this version
without codes.
What did I find
in Nina Karlsson's stuff?
What did you find?
Well, I couldn't crack it.
It was way too complicated.
For you, maybe. Not for me.
Codes please, Nisharello.
What are you up to, Nina?
What time's your bus?
Why'd you have to go?
I can't stay here.
I want more from life than Chadder.
Once I'm set up in Manchester,
and I've got a bit of coin
and that
I'm gonna take us all to Spain.
Spain? Yeah, she'd love
a bit of Spain, wouldn't she?
She's got nothing, has she?
Less than nothing.
You know that penny jar thing
in the cupboard? Mm?
You know
that's pennies she's collected
from floors of like cafes and stuff?
Would Dad come?
Now knowing he never did it
think it'd be nice if he did.
VICKY: I know you like to talk
a big man's talk
but you're only little.
Barely know your way in the world.
Katie's leaving today, John.
Your Katie.
JOHN: Katie!
I don't say it much,
but I fucking love you.
But I belong in Chadder Vale.
So, erm
I-I'm gonna let you be.
Why d'you think
I'm goin' Manchester, John? Think.
She don't go for lads like you.
It's not for the job, is it?
Lads with no head and no heart.
Please come.
I don't want to.
I-I don't really care.
Yes, you do. You do care.
You're interested in life.
Just admit it!
You wanna be someone.
You were born nothing.
You are nothing.
Face what you're afraid of.
Get on the bus with me. Come on.
Fucking dodging feathers, son.
God, you're so scared.
It's my life. My life is here.
What life?
VICKY: Wake up, John.
John? Please, wake up.
Jesus, you're a proper hacker, Ali.
I prefer detective.
How are you figuring this out?
Cos I don't think of codes
as numbers,
I think of 'em as words
What are they trying to say?
What ARE they trying to say?
I hope that they're gonna tell me
where Nina's profile is
and how we get into this version
of the game.
Need a hand?
I'm good.
What happened?
They hit something on a forest road.
Course they did.
I'm sorry, Riya.
Being a coward.
I wanted you to think of me as
so much more than that.
Thanks for lending me the car.
Been a good mate.
And thanks for letting me kip here.
You snore.
Who does?
You do.
You'll shut your face.
I'll miss our chats.
I'll leave you to it.
That it?
Not gonna wait for my cab?
And draw this shit out any longer?
Not really.
Look, Riya, I lied to everyone
because I wanted to protect myself,
and that was a shit move.
It was selfish.
It was.
And I am selfish
and grumpy and stubborn
and irritable and opinionated.
And you're the same.
So maybe
if you're willing to forgive me
we should try being irritable
I don't belong here.
And who the fuck does?
I'm tired of all this "belong" shit.
It's not about what pint you drink
or fucking accent.
It's all the other stuff.
Such as?
You love someone, you belong.
And that's your place.
And that's where you're meant to be.
I'm going to head to The Dog.
I'll have a drink waiting for you
if you change your mind.
I won't.
I know.
Should it take this long?
Not really.
How often do you go on the dark web?
Too often.
Who's that?
You never said.
You never asked.
Is it a problem?
No. God, no.
Does he have a name?
as in Matt.
He's amazing.
Look, Pangaea. That's the company
Mehmet paid money to.
"Start your journey
to a better life."
BOTH: Oh, my God.
What are you looking at?
Just don't make any sense.
Why? Where's it telling us to go?
The bread factory.
Let's go.
What are you doing here?
Have you been at the ring?
When you came into the church,
you did that
little stumble, do you remember?
Wasn't the entrance you wanted,
but I just thought
you were breath-taking.
And in your vows,
you said something about
me being "your bear".
Do you remember that?
Made me feel all, er
more than I was.
That was us at the top.
Bang. Couldn't get any higher.
When after that, parts went missing.
The making you laugh part,
the making you smile part.
Derek, I
I-I know you wanted the factory
to be a success,
and it was failing,
and I think, maybe, er
you were embarrassed.
And-And the more I felt that,
that you were embarrassed,
the more desperate I became.
I-I just wanted you to see me.
So I made a decision.
Took certain steps, difficult steps.
And in time, I got the bigger house
and the bigger car.
You became obsessed
with money and work and success.
And I never saw you, Derek.
You were at work all the time.
You made yourself believe that
that's what I wanted. It wasn't.
I just wanted to
sit down
and watch a film with you.
You said you've done it all for me,
but you didn't.
You did it all for you.
RIYA: Won't be two minutes, Geoff.
No rush.
You moving on?
Was only ever passing through.
That's what I said in 1976.
Three kids later Heh.
Your lad in hiding?
Your lad. Angry mob.
They're looking for him at The Dog.
Xenophobic twats.
ALI: Why's everything shut?
Bank holiday?
It's not a bank holiday, Nish.
I'm in!
You sure we're meant to be
under the bread factory?
I've checked the co-ordinates
three times, Nish.
This is definitely the place.
This is weird.
What did it mean,
"A journey to a better life"?
What exactly are we looking for?
Got no idea.
I mean, did Nina meet someone here
for instructions?
Did she she collect summat?
What, like snacks?
A couple of crumpets
for the journey (?)
Yeah, but what is the journey?
Like, where did they go from here?
That's all I wanna know. I mean
What made Mehmet steal
from his family?
What made him risk his life?
What put Nina on that plane?
Pangaea. No way.
How do we get in?
This is properly exciting.
Yeah, it's a rush, in't it?
It's like Doc Martin.
It's a bit fucking better
than Doc Martin, Nish.
God, do they ever shut up?
Mike, where is he?
They wanted to teach him a lesson.
Top of Chadder.
MAN: Go on. Go on, Ed.
Fucking whack him, mate!
EDDIE: Get out my way. Come here!
JAKUB: Eddie
MAN: Fucking 'ave it.
Take his fucking head off!
Fucking hit him!
Eddie, stop! Stop!
They blackmailed him!
It wasn't his fault. Eddie, please!
Please, stop!
Or what, eh? Or what?
I need an ambulance.
I need an ambulance here now!
Top of Chadder at the viewpoint.
Eddie, put the bottle down.
Or what?
Please, stop!
Put the bottle down, Eddie.
This isn't you.
This is me!
This is who I am now.
It's what this town has made me.
This is me!
No, Eddie. It was me!
Eddie, I got it wrong.
I got it wrong.
And it's my fault. Mine!
Jakub's a victim.
Like Jim, like you.
I'm sorry, I
For what it's worth, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry
for how this town has treated you.
I'm sorry for how I've treated you.
I'm sorry.
I should have done a better job.
I shouldn't have taken
five years from you.
If you wanna stick a bottle
in someone,
stick it in me.
It's not Jakub's fault.
ALI: Shit.
You OK?
I can't do it.
I won't do it.
I'm not going down there!
I won't do it!
You can't make me go down there!
ALI: This is it.
NISH: What the hell?
MELISSA: Welcome, Player.
This time, the game is real.
If you win,
a life-changing prize awaits.
If you fail
Well, better to dare greatly, no?
Your journey begins through
that little door on your right.
Only those who are prepared
to face their darkest fears
will make it out the other side.
"Welcome to"
It's the game.
We won't say "good luck"
cos luck
will have nothing to do with it.
I'm the one that runs the house.
MAN: You're forever droning on.
Yeah, well, it's bleeding hard work.
Yeah, well, it's hard
doing what I do. Oh, is it?
I'm on my feet seven days a week,
up at five
in the piss-cold weather
Yeah, then you spend it all
on booze, at the dogs and shite!
And rent, so you've got a nice house
to put all your crap in
and all your shite!
Without my wage,
you'd be on your arse.
Oh, is that right?
'It's not a game, this.'
'Oh, you what?'
'I said, it's not a game'
MELISSA: I devised an experiment,
that would help tease young people
out of their caves
and put them back on the main stage,
all those unique gaming skills
and putting them to use.
If we can bring
all your fears to the fore,
maybe, just maybe,
you'll emerge stronger.
We need Riya.
PARAMEDIC: Are you coming?
ALI: 'We found it, boss.'
Found what?
Look, you were right.
You were right all along, boss.
Erm We-We know where-where
Mehmet and where Nina went.
It's all connected, boss.
Just like you said.
These, erm weapons are real, Ali.
It-It's a game, boss.
'What-What do you mean?
Where are you?'
I've got to close up. We're going!
'They're playing a game,
but it's real.
'It's like full-on. Fucked up!'
'What's happening, Ali?
I don't understand.'
What were that?
Ali, I don't like this!
Time is ticking.
What were that?
We need your help, boss.
'Boss, can you hear me?'
We're at the bread factory,
under the bread factory.
'There's trying to get in.'
'We're at the bread factory,
the bread factory.'
Ali, can you hear me?
No. No, no, no, no.
We-We need to get out of here, Ali.
No, we've gotta get out of here,
Oh, fuck!
'Ali? Ali?'
It's locked.
It's locked. Fuck, fuck.
Shit. Fuck.
I smell smoke.
Fuck. What do we do?
Choose wisely.
You have 60 seconds
to take what you need
and make your way to the start.
'Ali? Ali?'
Hey. Hey.
Hey, stop. Look at me. Look at me.
How would you rate yourself, eh?
As a gamer?
Six at best. You?
We got this.
Have we?
Damn fucking right we have.
Come on!
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