Pauline (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

[Narrator] Humans have lied
to themselves since time began.
[Tony] This is no coincidence. [Pauline]
- [Tony] He's perfect
- Uh-huh.
[Tony] and so down-to-earth.
[Pauline] The opposite of you.
- And he's a carpenter.
- Ooo, he sounds like Jesus.
[Narrator] Humans love things
like destiny, higher powers or gods.
Because that's a great way
to lean back and avoid responsibility
while keeping a light conscience.
[Lukas in Italian] Is Totti a chef?
[waiter in Italian] What?
He is a footballer.
[Pauline] And this Mickie?
[Tony] Mike.
Mike, he's your boyfriend now?
[Tony] No. But ask me again next week.
[Pauline laughs]
- Let's see, maybe.
- Nice. And
[Tony] Ooh.
[Italian football in the background]
- [In Italian] Hmm. Simple and surprising.
- Bravo!
You should try it. Meeting new people
without having to leave the house.
- No way, Tony.
- You're gonna love it,
- let's create your profile together.
- I'm happy with the way things are.
[Pauline] Why does Dad never answer?
[Carla] Hey!
He's probably at his workbench,
building a dollhouse.
You go ahead, I'll go get him.
- Carla!
[Carla] Hi, you two.
[in Italian] My goodness! I wish I could
stay here and eat this pasta all my life.
[waiter in Italian]
Great. Did you enjoy it?
[waitress in Italian] Sorry, we're closed.
[waiter in Italian] Who is it?
[Narrator] The sad truth is that people
aren't entirely wrong about this.
The universe will do whatever
it wants to you.
[Lilith] Something happened. We need you.
[Narrator] No one can actually choose
their fate.
The only thing we get to choose is
whether we accept our fate or not.
[indistinct police radio chatter]
[intro song playing]
[man over radio]
We're entering the building. Over.
[indistinct background radio chatter]
As soon as the door opens,
we'll fight our way out.
I can get us a plane,
we can go wherever you want.
You've made it this far.
You can't give up now.
[whispers] Could you at least tell me
what happened between you and Eira?
In case she turns up, I gotta know
what to do if it comes down to that.
[camera zoom whirring]
Well, y'know the technicians
were supposed to come on Tuesday
to install a microphone, ehm but
- Uh
[Lilith sighs]
I think I can read lips.
And she is saying uh, well
[Tammo breathing nervously]
- [stammers] It's a little tricky because--
- She's doing this.
Oh, okay.
[Lilith] Are you coming?
Or you want to betray me again?
Are you sure?
- You really think she's dead?
- Yeah.
Why don't you just do the same thing here?
- Because--
- [loud electronic chirp]
[Lilith] I need to know what happened
at Sunnyside, right now.
That doesn't work on me, remember?
I think that if Lilith
really wanted to kill you,
she would've stabbed you in the heart.
I did some research and it seems like
that's the only plausible theory,
so Anyway, you are actually not immune.
I'd be careful if I were you.
She killed Eira back there.
She could do the same to you.
That's impossible.
[Tammo] Lilith and Eira are immortal.
That's one of the fundamental rules
of the universe.
[Lukas] So? You think the universe
still follows any rules?
But that can't be.
[Tammo] Do you- Do you understand
how crazy that sounds? It is absurd!
[Pauline] I've been thinking.
Here's my suggestion.
I'm ready for all of this to be over.
You can have this monster if you want,
as soon as it's out.
But if you agree
you can't bring back Samuel.
[Pauline] And you'll stay away
from the portal,
I don't want my dad's death to be in vain.
You don't care about your son.
All you want is this power.
Do we have a deal?
Wait a minute. You can't do that. Come on.
Fine, under one condition.
For the rest of your pregnancy,
you'll stay with us.
I'd like to keep an eye on you
to be safe.
- I hope you don't mind.
- Okay.
But I want to go home first
so I can pack
and make sure my mom is okay.
I don't want another demon
showing up on her doorstep
with their bullshit.
I hope you don't mind
Oh, and Lilith
Here. I brought you a keepsake.
You and Eira weren't all that different
in the end.
You can't do this to me.
You know how much I hate this job.
Can't someone else do it?
Plenty of demons must want power.
It's not that simple.
Even if I tried to run away,
they'd find me eventually.
As long as Samuel is gone,
this is my destiny.
this wasn't an easy decision.
But I have to think about myself now.
- What about us?
- Lukas, I like you.
A lot.
And if things were different,
like, under different circumstances
But circumstances change, right?
Well, some of them do.
Will you do me a favor?
Erase me when this is all over.
Erase my memories of this.
Like those people at the hospital.
I just wanna have my old life back.
Even for just a few years.
Hey, Mom?
Could you wait outside, maybe? Thanks.
Hi, can I borrow your phone?
Or should I tell Lilith
you treated me poorly?
Hey, Tony. It's me.
I wanted to text you sooner,
but I didn't have a phone.
I'm sorry about what happened yesterday.
I lost my temper, and [sighs]
Why didn't you ever tell me
about what happened at the lake?
I would've [sighs] I don't know.
But I would have listened to you.
I know sometimes I act
like I don't need anybody, but
I need you.
Oh, and things didn't go as planned
with Eira.
[Pauline screams in the video]
She didn't actually want to help me.
Well. I guess people aren't always
who you think they are.
[Caius] That's what we have to do.
[woman] Everything is falling apart.
[Caius] Yeah I know Come on!
You don't make the rules here!
No, you don't!
Everything is falling apart
and no one will answer to you, so
[Pauline] I have so much to tell you
the next time I see you.
You'll definitely like some of it.
I did some negotiating and
they'll close the thing in my basement.
But maybe not exactly, uh,
how you imagined it.
I'm not a superhero.
Too much responsibility.
I just want to forget about all of this
and live my life.
At least for a while.
I mean, don't I have the same right
as everyone else to be helpless?
Just call me, okay? I'm thinking of you.
Lukas, are you coming?
We need you.
What's the book for?
Well, personally,
I'm not planning anything, but Lilith--
If this girl keeps her end of the deal,
none of us knows what will happen
once this creature is born.
It could take years
before it plunges humanity into chaos.
I need someone who can help me lead.
Hey, cheer up.
There's a chance you'll get the restaurant
back. Isn't that what you want? Hm?
Yeah, but not like that.
Yes, I know that you have feelings
for this Pauline.
But once she gives birth,
do you think she'll still be interested?
She wants this to be over.
She said that herself.
I think it's time for you
to start putting yourself first.
You'll end up all alone if you don't. Hm?
Once more unto the breach.
And as soon as your brother is back,
you can do whatever you like.
And don't worry.
In a couple of years,
you'll have forgotten about that girl.
[Eira screaming]
[doors open]
[Carla] Rocket? Oh, you're home?
Did you also see the guy outside?
Super weird.
I'm glad we're getting out of here.
- Hey. What's wrong? Are you sick?
- No.
- Listen, did you paint this?
- Listen, did you paint this?
But it looks like one of mine. [sighs]
It even has my signature. Weird.
Well, I did paint it.
But I have absolutely no memory of it.
Well, I used to smoke
a lot more weed back then.
You forget a lot of things.
So, this might sound a bit weird,
but do you believe in this stuff?
Like, in angels and demons?
I mean, do you believe there are angels
who maintain order
and demons who sow chaos,
and together they're making sure
that there is some sort of equilibrium?
- Are you sure you're okay?
- Yeah.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You remind me so much of your Dad. I had
to pull teeth to get anything out of him.
No c'mon, I'm nothing like Dad.
I mean, he always wanted
to save the world. And I
Hello? You're going to study in England.
And not because you have rich parents,
but because you never give up.
Jason would be so proud of you.
He'd be the president
of your fucking fan club.
- Really?
- Of course.
I'm sure he'd even wear
a Pauline scarf and stuff.
Pauline is going to college! [laughs]
Do you wanna move your stuff
to the new place?
Oh, um
Actually, I have to go to England tonight.
I know this is super sudden, but I
Well.. apparently there's a pre-session
prep course this week, and
they totally forgot to tell me about it,
even Ms. Fischer forgot, so.
I know, it's super annoying
But it's only this stressful for now.
Everything will be better soon.
I'll be back in a couple of weeks.
Yeah, okay. But that's really
short notice, isn't it? [sighs]
I should be happy for you, shouldn't I?
All right. I knew that this day would come
I guess I'll let you sort out your stuff.
I hope I get to see you soon.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
Call me as soon as you get there.
Maybe it's a good thing
you're leaving today.
There's some Schmidt Inc. people
It's like they can't wait
to tear this place down.
[voice mail] Hey, this is Lukas.
I'm doing something important.
Please call me back later. Thanks.
Okay, so we have
a really narrow time window.
Hi. Pauline!
Pauline, I need to talk to you.
He started it. Could I come in?
I saw what Eira did to you
and I have to show you something.
Hey, uhm I've been thinking and
When all of this is over,
maybe I could come with you to Rome.
I mean, if you want.
Lilith offered me a new job there, so
- Cardinal?
- What? Cardinal?
Pope! [chuckles]
Well, okay, I'm kidding.
Just cardinal. But who knows?
I'm just [chuckles] having a bit of fun
before humanity goes to the dogs.
Well, I've always wondered
what those marks might be.
But I was never able to remember,
for some reason.
[sighs] And you really don't know
who your parents were?
I'm not even sure
if they're actually dead.
- But you don't have any superpowers?
- Not that I know of.
- I think you’d notice, I mean
- Yeah, probably.
Um I'm sorry for thinking
that you were a witch.
Though, let's be honest,
I wasn't completely wrong.
I just-- I thought
they were the good guys.
I'm starting to think
none of them are good guys.
They all stuck in their own unique ways.
I don't think you'll have to worry
about Sunnyside.
They're busy with their own problems
for now.
I thought maybe you'd want to have this.
I mean, maybe there are still
a few good guys out there after all.
[Tony in her memory]
No one has to accept their fate.
You just have to face your demons.
[Lukas] You've made it this far.
You can't give up now.
[Jason] To be honest, I believe
there's only one true Spider-Man.
- Come.
- Where?
Pauline, what are you doing?
Going to the basement
to stop the end of the world.
[tense music playing]
But you don't have to come
if you don't want to.
I know.
[Tammo] So these are the bodies.
You wanted to um-- 'Scuse us!
inspect them.
I thought we agreed that we'd find
five men for Samuel to choose from?
Yes, a few of them were damaged.
But these guys are truly
top-quality material.
- A very attractive man.
- Hm No yeah
I'd say he looks a bit too friendly,
especially around the eyes.
- Yeah.
- Do you really think so?
But in the end,
it's Samuel's decision, right?
[breathing shakily]
Picture this one
with a different haircut.
Nah. It's It's not the right fit.
- Right, Tammo?
- Yeah, no. He's
No. He's not a good fit.
Let's get rid of him.
- No, he's far too uhm young.
- Young and strong.
"Strong"? He's not strong at all,
just look at him.
He looks sick, right? All thin and weak.
Here, I mean just look at his posture.
What do you call when the spine's all
- Scoliosis.
- Right, scoliosis.
And he's also--
He probably has a funnel chest.
- Mm-hmm. No, we can't use him.
- Nah.
We can't do this to Samuel.
I'll find one more.
[Malorie] Now?
[Lukas] Yeah.
[Malorie] Don't you wanna see the third?
[Likas] No, we'll be quick. Right, Tammo?
[Tammo] Yeah.
So you know him?
He's Pauline's best friend.
Oh, really? Wow! You don't say!
He'll be my bargaining chip.
Just to be safe,
so nobody gets any ideas.
It has happened before. Hm?
Take the other men away.
[Tony whimpers]
[gate opens]
Are you coming?
Pauline? Is something that matter?
This is the place where my dad died.
[noise and faint chatter]
[door bangs]
[demon huffs]
- Have they gone down yet?
- Ah, yes.
[Pauline] "Facing my demons"
was quite literal.
You have superpowers, right?
Can't you just knock them off their feet?
[Pauline] They have superpowers too.
And unlike me,
they know exactly how they work.
Have you noticed
how annoyed they all are?
[man demon] Being bossed around by Lilith?
I'll you tell one thing.
- That guy, Lukas, he's German.
- I have an idea.
Don't leave me alone down here, hey!
[Tammo] In a few moments,
the portal will be open. Hopefully.
So far, this has all just been theory.
Okay. How exactly does this work?
Um, well. So, our spores
are similar to human DNA, in the sense
that they're distinctive, individual
fingerprints that are found in--
- Do you think you can be less exact?
- Oh. Okay.
If a demon is killed
and its spores separated,
the unique individual elements
will always attract each other.
Our spores, like most things in this
universe, and I find that beautiful,
always strive for a state
of natural, harmonious conjunction.
That means this thing works
like a magnet.
For what is left of Samuel?
Mm Magnet, sure, um
You could say that, "magnet" does work.
Maybe not how I'd put it, but it works.
It's not entirely wrong.
So, we have Samuel's spores.
Now we need a couple of your spores
so we can amplify this magnet's power
Because you and your brother
have almost identical DNA.
The theory behind it
is what's interesting.
- Because you have a tiny share--
- Enough.
- Let's start.
- Showtime.
'Kay, let's get it over with!
Why couldn't a Frenchman do it?
We're evil too!
One of the worst serial killers in history
was French.
Gilles de Rais. The Monster of Machecoul.
- An incredibly impressive man, right?
- Yes.
But no. Always the Germans.
Bloody hell!
This is scary.
What are you doing?
Shouldn't you be outside with the others?
[Britta] Hello, friends. I mean, demons.
- Lilith has a question.
- No.
Here. It's wonderful.
[Britta] Come on.
[demon huffs]
[Britta] Hurry. Hurry.
[man demon] Where is it?
[woman demon] What?
[door opens]
[Pauline] Really uh impressive.
[Britta] You were impressive.
[Pauline] I feel like I get better
as this thing gets bigger.
The joys of pregnancy, I guess.
[Pauline] Fucking hell.
[Britta] Literally.
- I should probably go alone.
- Are you sure?
- And what if more of them come?
- Just pretend you're a demon.
You'll be fine.
You can do it.
[deep growling]
[Pauline sighs]
[Britta] Hey, don't worry.
Witches are virtually indestructible.
[wind blowing]
It's working! Ha!
And now
Hey, so If the spores can go
into a new body,
and you can control that,
couldn't we swap bodies?
Lukas, man, this is a bad time
to talk about it!
Right. Sorry.
Now Now it's the time.
Now, we need you.
[Pauline] I thought we had a deal.
[Lukas gasaps]
Should've known
I couldn't trust the devil.
I'm sorry. I want my old life back too.
Put an end to this. Now.
[Lukas] Oh, right. I couldn't do anything
about that.
[Tony breathes shakily]
[menacing growling]
If you want to stay, please do.
I'm sure Samuel would be delighted
to meet you.
He had such a special relationship
with your father.
[Tammo] Uhm The time window is closing.
[Lilith] Your hand.
[Tammo] He's really coming back.
[Tammo] The bodies. The bodies!
Bring the bodies!
[Tammo] Get rid of the other one.
[captive] Hey! Hey, hey! What's going on?
[whimpering] What are you doing?
What's going on? Let me go!
[captive screams]
Wow. [scoffs]
You idiots actually pulled this off
without me.
[scoffs] Crazy.
I didn't think you could do it.
This body is okay.
A bit small maybe.
I hand-picked it for you.
What, you want applause for that?
It's not exactly Ryan Gosling.
Okay, so, where's the ring?
Of course. Lukas?
[Samuel] Oh, man!
I had completely forgotten
how ugly you were.
That body looks like a supermarket clerk
or something.
[Pauline] You're even more of an asshole
than Lukas said you'd be.
And you are?
Something about you seems familiar.
[Lilith] She's Jason's daughter.
[Samuel] Really?
And the child in her womb?
No way.
How did you pull that off?
And you with him?
Well, sure your father wasn't
exactly known for his good taste.
He was a janitor.
[sinister whispers]
[Pauling chokes]
[Samuel] With this thing, we'll win.
Once and for all.
Why on earth haven't you cut
this weird girl open yet, anyway?
[Pauline] The weird girl doesn't make it
that easy!
My father sends his regards.
[Samuel groans]
[ceiling emits low rumble]
[in a distorted voice] What did you do,
Get back here!
What the hell are you doing?
You're mine.
- [Lukas] It's over. You lost.
- So is this the side you're choosing?
[Lukas gasps]
[tense music playing]
[Pauline groans]
Oh, dear.
[Pauline and Lilith groan]
[struggle noises]
[muffled] Help!
[Lilith] You're weak.
[Tony in a muffled voice] Pauline!
[Lilith] Just like your father.
[Lilith groans]
You wanted to know how I killed Eira,
I'll show you.
[Lilith screams]
[Tony] Okay I- I got it.
[Lukas] Careful.
[Tony in a faded voice]
Pauline. Are you all right?
We made it out.
[Pauline and Tony laugh]
[Tony sobbing and laughing] You did it.
[Mika] Tony!
I've been looking everywhere for you!
Your location disappeared.
What the hell is going on here?
Could you tell me what happened?
I called the police three times.
What's going on?
Everything's all right, babe.
I can explain.
Shit, Pauli, what happened to you?
- It's okay.
- Yo, yo, yo. Babe, what is all of this?
Hey. It's all right.
It's not what it looks like.
[Lukas] Don't worry. Pauline's fine.
We were just you know
- Is that so? And who might you be?
- Lukas. Hi.
- Oh, you're that Lukas guy.
- I'm Lukas.
- Yeah, hi.
[Lukas] Can I just explain?
[melancholic music playing]
[Mike] I can't even remember
what I was doing here. Weird.
[Tony] It'll come back to you. Let's--
let's just go get some ice cream.
I know a good artisan place.
They only use local ingredients.
I think Tony will hate you
for the rest of his life.
Why? He asked me to do it.
I don't think he did.
Of course. He gave me a signal.
Y'know, like this.
- How?
- You know.
[Tammo clears his throat]
Uh Am I interrupting?
- [Lukas] Uh, actually, yeah.
- It won't take long.
Uh now, that Lilith's, y'know, gone,
- Uhm, someone has to take charge.
- How about you?
Uh Nah, thank you.
Looks like you didn't manage
to get out of your job, huh?
Well, I'm here for you
if you need anything.
I can help take care of the baby
once it's born, y'now? If you want me to.
Not like in a "model father" kind of way.
We'll just lock it away or something.
And then you can go to England
and live a normal life.
I mean If you still want me
to erase your memories of all this
when all over.
You could keep some of the nice memories,
if you--
All the good girls go to hell ♪
'Cause even God herself has enemies ♪
And once the water starts to rise ♪
And heaven's out of sight ♪
She'll want the devil on her team ♪
I think my water just broke.
Standing there, killing time
Can't commit to anything but a crime ♪
Peter's on vacation
An open invitation ♪
Hills burn in California
My turn to ignore ya ♪
Don't say I didn't warn ya ♪
All the good girls go to hell ♪
'Cause even God herself has enemies ♪
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