Penny Dreadful: City of Angels (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

How It Is with Brothers

[Magda] Previously on
Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.
So then they went back
to the beach house, stayed all night.
We know how this is going to end,
don't we, Randolph?
What do you know about Kurt?
Don't you ever ask
anyone else about Kurt again.
Nice tie.
[Elsa] I couldn't be raped
one more time, Peter.
Your best buddy, Jimmy Reilly,
he was murdered last night.
So let's call it what it is,
a declaration of war.
[door bangs]
I will fucking shoot you both.
Rio! Rio!
Hands up, son.
[Tiago] Mateo!
Did you kill James Reilly?
With these two hands.
somber music ♪
[Lewis sighs]
Long night.
Long night.
Don't beat yourself up.
Guy gave you the slip. It happens.
Seen him around before?
The guy who got away?
Well, we got this one.
Only a matter of time
till we find the rest.
Come on, son.
[lock clicks]
[phone ringing in distance]
[door creaks open]
[door slams]
[background chatter]
[typewriter keys clacking]
[chatter stops]
For Reilly? This little piece of shit?
Take it easy.
This wetback piece of shit
that you put back on the street?
We brought him in, didn't we?
Just him, or did he have help?
We'll determine that
when we question the suspect.
Yeah, we sure will.
[Vanderhoff] All right,
get him back into the cooler.
You remember the cooler, don't you, Paco?
Yeah, I think you do.
- Hey, step back, Murphy.
- The fuck you say?
He's our collar.
We'll handle the questioning.
Your collar? He's probably
your goddamn cousin!
You saw what they did to him last time.
If you hadn't stopped him,
Reilly would still be alive.
What if you hadn't done
that shit in the first place
[both yelling]
That's enough!
Come on, you, let's go. Let's go.
[men murmuring]
What do we got?
Kid was staying at a flop off North Main
with three other suspects.
We went in hard. The rest got away.
- Can we ID them?
- Fly Rico and his girl.
[Lewis] Third one's a blank.
Young guy. Might be new to their crew.
Got a witness who saw the four
of them jump Reilly
the night his body dropped.
Reilly's girl from Sonoratown.
Two-bit junkie. Try that in court.
What's the kid say?
Nothing yet.
Well, that's what you got, then,
nothing, until he talks.
I'll make him talk, Captain.
He's from my neighborhood.
I know how he thinks.
I can get him to open up.
And that's why I put you
on the Hazlett case,
but look where it got me.
[Lewis] We got a dead cop, Captain.
You want to find out
what really happened to him
or just beat a confession
out of the first scared kid
we put the bracelets on?
[Murphy] Kid ready for us?
Michener and Vega get first crack.
[background chatter]
[handcuffs clicking]
[speaking Spanish]
We got a machine.
I know you're scared, Diego.
It's okay.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
I just need to go over what happened,
get your side of the story.
You want, I can find your mom
when we get done here.
You guys live over the baker
in Alhambra, right?
Last time you were in here,
I helped you out, didn't I?
And I'd like to help you again,
but we know what you did.
We know.
So for me to help, you gotta own up to it.
You saw those guys out there.
They're Reilly's boys,
and they don't give a shit
about why you did it,
how you might have been justified.
But if you don't talk to me,
it'll be out of my hands,
and those guys will get their turn,
and I don't have to tell you
how that's gonna go.
Son, this isn't a put-up job.
We can make our case already.
Reilly beat the shit out of you,
right here, in this room.
I saw it, and so did a dozen other guys.
So we know you had a reason
for wanting him dead.
And we got a witness
who puts you at the scene
when he got rolled.
[Tiago] The girl down in Sonoratown,
and she'll testify.
She won't have a choice.
Reilly's mob will make damn sure of it.
[Lewis] Motive and a witness,
that's enough to convict right there.
First that family from Beverly Hills
turns up in the river, then the riot.
And four God-fearing white police officers
end up in the morgue.
Now we got another dead cop.
Half the city's out for blood
just like those bull necks
in the squad room.
And all they want is someone to blame
someone who looks like you and me.
So when they find him, when they find you,
they won't be content
to just put you away.
They're gonna try and send you
to the gas chamber.
They just built a brand-new gas chamber
up at San Quentin.
You know that?
Been up there to see it yet, Lewis?
Read in the paper
they painted it sea-foam green.
Supposed to be soothing.
[Tiago] That's where
you're gonna end up, Diego,
unless you play it straight with us,
and I mean right now.
We can talk to the DA if you come clean,
but you can't get cute, you understand me?
You can't try to pass it off.
You were the one.
You killed him.
You gotta admit that you killed him.
[Lewis] Or maybe we got it wrong.
tense music ♪
Maybe it wasn't you did the killing.
Boss never does the dirty work, right?
So I'm guessing it wasn't Rico.
And it wouldn't have been the girl.
This is a waste of time.
But what about the other guy?
He got a name?
Look, we have enough
to convict you right now.
I'm thirsty.
I'll take that Nehi.
Like to have a white man
fetch a drink for me,
just this one time.
[Lewis] Sure thing, kid.
Coming right up.
He doesn't know.
Man, I been sitting here
trying to figure it out.
Are you a cop pretending to be Mexican
or a Mexican pretending to be a cop?
But now I get it.
You don't even know yourself.
- He's my brother.
- Right.
No, can't let your hermanito
go to the gas chamber, just me.
I told you, I'll talk to the DA.
- You're here. He's not.
- Yeah, funny how it happened
It doesn't fucking matter how it happened.
You're here, now,
and burning Mateo, man,
that's not gonna save you.
That's not gonna do shit.
I'm not gonna burn him.
I won't have to,
because you're gonna help me.
Help you?
Get me the key
when they take me down
to the lockup, ese.
What, they don't let
the wetback handle the keys?
That's not my job
Or whatever the fuck.
You got the badge. You got the gun.
You figure out how the fuck we do it.
You're not walking out of here,
no matter what I do.
What if I get the gun?
Maybe you leave it
lying around here someplace,
or we get in a scrap,
I knock you down,
and I take the damn thing.
They'll kill you.
Then at least I get
a goddamn fighting chance.
Even if they light me up, I'm taking a few
of these bastards with me.
That's for damn sure.
They hate you worse than they hate me.
You're still trying to figure out
which side you're on,
but those motherfuckers out there,
man, they decided a long time ago.
That's it, baby.
Them or Mateo.
You gotta fucking choose.
[door creaks open]
[door shuts]
Not interrupting something, am I, boys?
Extra butter and molasses.
Must be important.
Can't a mother just do something nice
for her girl?
[Molly chuckles]
Depends on the mother.
[Adelaide giggles]
We used to make do
with shortening and sorghum syrup
out in the circuit, you remember?
It tasted just as good.
Because we were hungry.
We were always hungry back then.
Did you ever wonder if I got lonely
back in those days?
Because I did.
Of course I did.
So, what did you do?
I remembered my purpose,
that I wasn't living just for myself
and what a privilege it is
not to live just for yourself.
It doesn't feel
like such a privilege to me.
Well, because you take it for granted,
like the butter and molasses.
somber music ♪
And what if I have
feelings for Detective Vega?
Strong feelings?
Stronger than your feelings for God?
God wouldn't ask me to choose.
God asks a great deal
from those that He touches.
Think of Jesus.
I'm not Jesus.
No, you're Sister Molly.
Sister Molly is just the one on the stage.
Is that what you told him?
It's just a line, dear.
It's a silly slogan you like to repeat.
I've known you all of your life,
and there's only ever been one of you.
That's all I ever see, just you.
No, I'm not sure you do see me.
It will be your flock
who makes you choose,
not God.
They need to feel as if you're married
only to the church.
Without that, your power
over them will be lost.
Or yours will.
Yes, both of ours,
and the soup kitchen, and the girls' home,
the medical clinic,
the gift drive at Christmas
to say nothing of the salvation
you offer to all of those
who come to you in need,
all the good work you do in the world.
All of it can go away.
Is that what plain old Molly wants?
[waves crashing]
light music ♪
Where did you learn to do that?
Near Hamburg, the mouth of the Elbe.
First thing they teach you
in Gestapo training.
I'm just kidding.
I grew up in Hermosa Beach,
learned to swim before I could walk.
Got my first board not long after that.
I didn't know Hitler
was recruiting in Hermosa.
My favorite thing in the world used to be
paddling out just past the break
in Hermosa Pier or Long Beach,
turning around to look at the strip
of clean white sand under a blue sky.
Then the mongrels came.
The chinks, spics, spades, you name it.
More and more of them every year.
I used to see the way
they were overrunning
this place and wonder,
"Why does nobody say anything?
Why is this allowed?"
And then I heard about the Führer,
and I read Mein Kampf.
Finally, here was someone
speaking the plain truth.
[Kurt] Felt like such a relief.
I knew then that I'd move to Berlin,
that I could be happy.
Were you happy there?
I was
until I earned my Gestapo commission,
and they gave me my first assignment.
To come back here,
to this filthy city I thought
I'd never have to see again.
I love this city.
Do you know who I saw yesterday
just walking down Robertson?
Fred Astaire.
Just like that, there he was.
He looked just like himself.
That's what I wanted to be,
a dancer like that, a song and dance man,
Fred Astaire or Eddy Cantor.
But I'm too big.
That's what I love about LA.
That you saw Fred Astaire?
That I could be Fred Astaire.
LA doesn't care who you are
when you arrive.
It only cares about
who you make yourself into.
[Peter] Let us be frank with each other.
For once, Linda.
You haven't been happy.
We both know it.
But you're the one deciding this
for both of us.
Because the fault is mine.
I haven't been able
to give you what you need,
to make you happy.
But is happiness everything?
Because I can be happier.
If that's what you want,
I can change. I can
What about the boys?
They need a mother.
That Mexican maid, she's not a mother.
They will have a mother.
somber music ♪
If you think you are bringing
that German whore
into my house to take care of my children,
to satisfy your filthy fantasies
in my bed
- Lower your voice.
- I won't let you take my boys.
You can't stop me.
You are a drunk. I am a doctor.
No authority in the state
will side with you.
You will be checking in to a sanitarium
to be treated for intemperance
and hysteria.
You're having me committed.
I can assure you, it is a facility
of the highest medical standards.
And also, that you will go there
without even a hint of unpleasantness
if you ever wish to speak
with the boys again.
You think that little harlot
Her name is Elsa.
I know you, Peter.
You might feel strong right now,
but you're not.
Oh, believe me, you're not.
They're writing songs of love ♪
But not for me ♪
[jazz music plays]
All lucky stars above ♪
But not for me ♪
With love to lead the way ♪
I found more clouds of gray ♪
Than any Russian play ♪
Could guarantee ♪
I was a fool ♪
To fall and get that way ♪
Hi-ho, alas ♪
and also lack-a-day ♪
Although I can't dismiss ♪
The memory of his kiss ♪
I guess he's not for ♪
Me ♪
[background chatter]
Vega have you draw up
that kid's walking papers?
Uh, Detective Murphy, he wanted me to
- Fuck Murphy.
- [slams]
[Tiago] No big shock
when you've seen him before, I know.
Think about it if you hadn't,
if you were just some working stiff
on a jury, let's say.
So, you're looking at these
with Officer Reilly's widow
sitting ten feet away
and his three kids, all scrubbed up,
bright and pink in their church clothes,
and the greasy little spic who did it,
he's sitting there too,
and you gotta decide what to do with him.
This guy, you don't know.
Name's Luther Jones.
Killed some people in Nevada last year.
And this
is after they pulled him out
of the gas chamber in Carson City.
Looks like he had fun
in there, doesn't it?
The gas they use, cyanide,
I guess it turns your skin purple.
They strap you to the chair
in just your underwear,
so none of it gets caught in your clothes.
That's how nasty the shit is.
And they tell you
to take a few deep breaths when it starts
because that will make things
go quicker
[breathes deeply]
But nobody does that.
Just an instinct, I guess.
You know the stuff's gonna kill you,
so you try not to breathe,
but that just makes it take longer,
makes it hurt,
like someone's squeezing
your chest in a vise.
Luther here, took him
a good ten minutes to die.
Diez minutos.
That's how you want to go, Diego?
tense music ♪
Do you fucking hear me, cabrón?
I'm trying to fucking help you.
I hear you.
Thing is, I didn't kill anybody.
You want me to say I did,
you're gonna have to come
across this table and beat it out of me.
Damn, you look angry enough to do it, too.
Am I making you angry?
[Lewis sighs]
Let's hear it your way, then.
So come on, tell us what happened.
It's Friday night.
You got a face beat to raw pulp
by the cops
and your whole life in front of you.
So, what's a nice kid like you go and do
if you're not down in Sonoratown
making an extra hole in Reilly's windpipe?
I was with my brother.
[Lewis] Your brother? All right.
And he'll tell it the same if we ask him?
Oh, sure, he will. He's my brother, right?
He'd do anything for me.
Just how it is with brothers, you know?
You got a brother, Officer?
What did the two of you do that night?
Went down to the river,
tried to catch ourselves
something to eat, you know?
Help out our ma on account
of money's tight right now.
[Lewis] Sure.
Like to drop a hook in the water myself
from time to time.
I don't fuck with fish.
Can't dig on no animal that don't blink,
you know what I mean?
Nah, we go down there for birds.
These little mud hens,
nervous little fuckers.
That's how you catch 'em.
You just lay back in the reeds,
wait till they get up out the water.
Then you jump out real quick.
You scare 'em bad enough,
and they just faint,
fall down and lie there like a bitch.
Must be the stupidest
fucking birds in the world.
Then you stroll over, nice and easy,
and you snap their damn neck.
[clicks tongue]
Taste pretty good, though,
the way my ma cooks them up.
They're playing dead.
That's what they're doing, not fainting.
Playing dead.
Play dead, get dead.
Just don't seem like a real bright move.
That's all I'm saying.
So, this is like what, a fucking parable?
Hey, man, I'm just talking.
I like talking to you.
Better than Mr. Angry over here.
Hey, Angry, I'm getting
kind of parched again.
How about this time,
you go and get the Nehi,
so me and him can keep up the chitchat?
- We're done with all that shit.
- No, we're just getting started.
I like talking,
and I got a lot more to say, believe me.
Give us the room
for a minute, would you, Lewis?
Tell you what, kid. You just sit tight.
Me and Detective Vega,
we're both gonna go see about that soda.
Come on over here.
We'll get in a scrap.
That's the only way.
I get that gun.
What the fuck's happening in there?
He's full of shit.
You think?
Doesn't seem to like you much.
Yeah, well, he can get in line.
What did he say
when I was out of the room?
What do you think he said?
The same damn thing they all say,
that I'm a fucking traitor
for wearing a badge.
That kid might be an asshole.
He might think you're an asshole.
But he didn't kill anybody.
- You don't know that.
- Sure, I do.
You look into his guts, it's not there.
He's no killer.
He fucking is. I know he did it.
He'll get what he deserves,
you know what I mean?
Hey, how's it going in there?
Did you get your little cousin
to sing yet, Vega?
Me, I like to hear a wetback sing.
La cucaracha, la cucaracha ♪
Where the hell is everybody?
Turning the whole damn city upside down,
looking for those other pachuco bastards.
[Murphy] All except us.
Captain told us we should stick around.
And why the fuck would he do that?
Go ask him yourself.
[Murphy whistling "La Cucaracha"]
[Tiago] We got him talking, Captain.
And what's he saying?
Told us how mud hens play dead
when they get surprised.
My daughter taught
her fucking poodle to do that.
It's a start.
You know how this works.
How it works is,
I give you two straight arrows first shot,
because that's the kind of world
I wish we lived in.
And then, like countless
well-meaning precinct captains
before me, I give in to reality.
Murphy's drunk in reality.
How it works is, you find me a patsy
to take the Hazlett rap
like I told you to do,
and Reilly never gets killed,
and that poor dumb kid never winds up
in the cooler in the first place,
but you didn't do that, did you?
So now we got another problem,
and it just has to get solved
one way or another,
because that's just how it works.
Fine, we'll solve it.
I told Murphy he was on
at the top of the hour.
That gives you nearly 45 minutes.
dramatic music ♪
[birds cawing]
[dog barking in distance]
[indistinct chatter over radio]
[radio host]
Charlie, you're not really afraid
of Mr. Karloff, are you?
[Charlie] Ah, well, uh no.
But you've got to admit,
he's no Santa Claus.
[laughter on radio]
[radio host] Charlie, did I hear you say
you were going home?
[Charlie stammers]
[laughter on radio]
How's a wooden dummy make it on the radio?
You ever wonder about that?
[radio host]
Ahem, Charlie, won't you say hello
to Mr. Karloff?
[Charlie stammers]
Well, good night.
- [radio host] Oh, no.
- [laughter on radio]
[Karloff] Don't run away.
I want to talk to you.
[Charlie] Well, I really should go home
[Rico] It's the only station
we get out here, baby.
- Hey, it's okay.
- [Mateo] I'm going in there!
- Cálmate, ese.
- It's not right!
- This ain't church.
- I'm the one who
We all did it together.
We all didn't cut that cop's throat.
You gave me the razor. I did the cutting.
And I'm not gonna let Diego swing for it.
- He's swinging already.
- [Rico] She's right.
And there's a reason for it.
He's my friend.
But now we have to say goodbye
to our friend.
You're different than him.
He got caught because that's who he is,
and you got away for the same reason.
[loud knocking]
suspenseful music ♪
[loud knocking]
[speaking Spanish]
You're not welcome here.
I think you better step aside, miss.
Let her in.
How did you find us?
No me importa what kind of trouble
you're in, Mateo.
Come home now.
[Maria] Hmm?
Mama, I
It doesn't matter what you've done.
Do you hear me?
God already knows.
All that matters is what you do now.
somber music ♪
These people are not your family, Mateo.
Por favor.
She's right.
You're not welcome here.
[dog barks]
[water dripping]
[exhales deeply]
ominous music ♪
[distant chatter]
[door opens]
[Murphy] A piñata party!
- [laughter]
- [door closes]
[detective] How many whacks
you think it'll take?
[Murphy laughs]
Depends on what we use
for a stick.
[Murphy] I ain't wearing no blindfold.
I want to see his face.
I'm keeping his teeth for Reilly's kid,
as a present when he gets a little older.
[cop] What do you think we get
when we bust him open?
[Murphy] Ought to ask Vega.
He's gotta know, right?
- [laughter]
- [door opens]
[door closes]
[distant laughter]
[gun clicks]
[Murphy whistling "La Cucaracha"]
[whistling continues]
[Diego] There you are, Angry.
You get me a soda pop?
I was just telling our friend here
how long I've been doing this,
sitting in rooms just like this,
talking to guys like him.
A long time, too long, probably.
But you know one thing
I learned in all that time?
Guy tells you a story,
there's usually something in it.
I mean, even when he's bullshitting you,
when he thinks he's not giving you
a damn thing,
most of the time, he actually is.
Like with your little story
about the mud hens, for example.
You know the funny part with that one?
The part that doesn't fit,
the brother.
You're making up
a bullshit story like that.
Why put the brother in?
Gee, I don't really know.
[Lewis] Probably means something,
would be my guess.
Like maybe your brother's mixed up
in this thing with Reilly somehow.
You mean like what,
like maybe he's the other guy,
the one Mr. Angry chased
out of that apartment?
Yeah, for example.
Nah, not my brother.
Not my brother.
[Lewis] What if we go out
and get him, though,
run him in here
and put him through his paces,
just see what he has to say?
Yeah, what if?
Ruin his day, I promise you that.
Hey, man, how long we gonna do this?
[Lewis] Not much longer.
Captain gave us another
maybe half an hour.
Then those other boys get to have at you.
Murphy and all them.
I told you how this shit was gonna go.
- I told you
- I told you, motherfucker!
You're not the one doing the telling here!
- I told you!
- [slamming on table]
[Lewis] What did you tell us, Diego?
Fuck you, puto.
What do you want to tell us?
tense music ♪
I ain't got no fucking brother.
How's that?
My brother's dead.
I'm sorry to hear that.
[Diego laughing]
Yeah, he's dead, real dead.
I sure do miss him, too.
Hell of a thing, to lose a brother.
[Lewis] Why'd you put him
in the story, then?
[Lewis] What about Reilly?
What's it got to do with Reilly?
Nothing. You want to know
about the other guy?
I'll tell you
who the other fucking guy is.
[Tiago] We're not doing this!
- [whimpering]
- [cocks gun]
You killed him.
Say you killed him!
[Diego screams]
It's your brother.
The fourth guy.
Your brother.
His name is Mateo.
Your fucking brother.
And you didn't tell me!
How many times have I stuck
my neck out for you?
You think anyone else
in this goddamn precinct
would've taken you on,
would've trusted you?
You should've told me.
He slit a cop's throat.
What the fuck could I tell you?
The truth!
So, you could do what?
What were you gonna do?
somber music ♪
What are you gonna do?
He was there when I shot Raul.
He saw it.
He just got so
and I can't even blame him.
What he did to Reilly,
that didn't have shit to do with Reilly.
It was about me.
He was a good kid, before all of this.
What about that kid in there?
He's not my brother.
That's too easy.
You think it's easy?
You think any of this shit is easy?
tense music ♪
This is my family.
For you, it's easy.
You got nobody.
Fuck you!
You say nothing.
Sit up straight and look at me, kid.
We've talked a lot of shit
in this room today, haven't we?
But you and me are gonna get
on the level right now.
I grew up back East, myself, Jersey City.
But it wasn't so different
from Belvedere Heights, to be honest.
Just crowded and poor.
My old man delivered ice
across the river in New York.
Ice was a big deal in those days.
Only rich people could afford it,
so that's who he delivered to.
And sometimes,
I'd go with him in the wagon
to these big-money neighborhoods uptown,
mansions and swank apartment houses,
and everything was just so clean.
That's what I remember most,
whole damn world was knee-deep
in horse shit back then,
but not Fifth Avenue, not Uptown.
It's like the horses up there
didn't shit at all.
It's different now, no more horses.
Except that it's not really any different.
You know what I mean?
Poor folks will always be left
with the shit,
whatever the shit is,
and there ain't a damn thing God
or Franklin Roosevelt
will ever do to change it.
Take a man like James Hazlett.
Big construction outfit,
big house in Beverly Hills.
Guy like that turns up dead
on the wrong side of town
with his dead wife and kids
right next to him?
Well, that's a big old
steaming pile of shit,
the kind that only ever leads
to more and more shit.
The riot, four dead cops,
eight dead Mexicans,
Reilly cuffing you to that chair.
Shit begets shit
begets shit.
dramatic music ♪
And now
just look where we are.
But if you go back to the beginning,
Hazlett was the beginning.
You killed him.
Him, the wife, the kids.
Reilly, too, of course.
I know you want to talk
about Tiago's brother,
but I don't give a fuck
about Tiago's brother,
and neither should you.
All day, you been playing this
like a gambler
sitting on a full house,
but let me tell you what cards
you're really holding.
You're going to San Quentin,
and you're not coming out.
That's gospel already.
All you still get to decide
is whether you go as a rat
or as a goddamn legend.
Now, that seems like
a pretty simple choice to me,
but let me spell it out for you.
Rats don't do so well up in Quentin.
They tend to hang themselves
with the bedsheets
after the rest of the cons
have fucked them bloody for a while.
But guys who take the weight,
they have it pretty good up there.
And the more weight they take,
the better they have it.
Scrawny little half-pint like yourself
who dumped a whole family
of swells in the river,
then went out and slit a bad cop's throat,
who signed his name to all of that
just to take the heat off his neighborhood
and make sure his pals got away scot-free?
Guy like that might just be
the king of San Quentin,
might just get his picture up
in every bodega in town.
A hero to his people
assuming word got around
about what he did,
and I can see to that, believe me.
We'll see to it.
[fingers snap]
Or just like that,
I'll make sure everyone knows
what kind of rat you are,
if that's the way you want to go.
Up to you.
[Lewis sighs]
You got about five minutes
to make up your mind
before those other guys come in here
and start putting cigars out
on your tongue.
You kill them all?
All by yourself?
[Diego crying]
That's the smart play, kid.
You're doing the right thing.
[Diego sobbing]
[indistinct chatter]
somber music ♪
[Murphy] Michener and Vega!
[policemen cheer]
dramatic music ♪
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