Prime Target (2025) s01e06 Episode Script

The Last Link

[in French] Two thousand.
- What? On the phone you said 'one'.
- [chuckles]
And you were too quick to say 'yes'.
You're still full of shit, Matis.
How about I tell the tax
department about your shop?
[inhales sharply, stammers]
How about I punch you
and your friend in the face?
What would you say?
- Stop it.
- We have a deal?
- [speaking French, chuckles]
- [Taylah speaks French]
[Matis kisses]
[speaks French]
[Matis sighs]
- Here.
- [Taylah] Thank you.
[Matis] Bonus.
[sighs] Hey? Hmm? Hey?
- [chuckles]
- Stop.
[Matis] Here.
[in English] Hey.
[imitates engine accelerating]
You must be joking.
It's gonna take us
Austerlitz station
is swarmed with surveillance.
And Jane said to stay off radar.
Uh, I've never been on
one of these before.
You promise I won't die?
That-That was a joke.
Comedy equals tragedy plus time, Ed.
- What?
- It's math. Just work it out.
What's going on? They landed.
Calm down.
They probably just got held up at customs.
I don't like it.
Grayson, Taylah Sanders. Track her phone.
She's protecting an important asset.
Okay. [clicks tongue] Um
Phone's on.
[Tom] Yes, she's here. She's in Paris.
[Andrew] Okay.
This is a city of 2.2 million people.
Maybe we should narrow
that down a little, huh?
[Tom] Right. Uh
They're moving fast.
Um, heading over the Pont de Neuilly
What is your strategy?
Could be going dark, protecting the asset.
When you go dark,
you don't leave your phone on.
Your dog has broken its leash.
Fix it. Discreetly.
[tires screech]
Stop where you are!
[Matis] Whoa! Hey!
[NSA officer] Don't move!
[in French] What are you doing?
Stop! Stop!
What's the matter? What's happening?
Surprise, surprise
a little surprise
Is it her phone you want? [chuckles]
[Taylah, in English] It's part of
the Mersenne collection.
I'm sorry but our collection
is not on public display.
It's by appointment only and requires
a letter from your academic institution.
[sighs, clears throat]
Are you a historian?
- Um
- [clicks tongue] Mathematician.
[sighs] Please.
We've-We've come a very, very long way.
Okay. Um
Yeah, I'm sorry
but we're closing in a few minutes.
[director] Simone.
[speaks French]
[stammers] Uh, will you excuse me
just for one second? Thank you.
Yeah, she likes you.
- What?
- [chuckles]
So just smile, be nice and just make
her think that you're gonna come back here
- and ask her for her number.
- But
Do you want to complete the math, or not?
[Ed sighs]
Sorry. Oops, sorry. [chuckles]
Um, I'm sure this is very short notice
a-and-and I know you-you
probably want to get home to-to your
Uh, cat. I only have a cat.
This is very important for my doctorate.
Those tablets were inscribed
in the ninth century
and-and the archaeologists
who made the impressions of those tablets
did so in the 17th century.
Look at it this way,
you could be the last link in a chain
that stretches back over a thousand years.
[stammers] Let me see what I can do.
I mean
This way.
Wait here.
[inhales deeply]
Is that it?
Uh, how-how many of these do you have?
Twelve in the catalog.
[Ed] Okay, there's a
there's a very specific piece
of the puzzle that I'm missing.
It's this one.
The spiral as it intersects the box.
Could you open these up?
Please. He hasn't exactly
been house-trained yet.
[chuckles] No problem.
He's just very passionate.
[Ed] Exactly.
[groans] No.
[inhales deeply]
No. No, no, no. It's not any of these.
Uh, co-could you get the other ones out?
[PA announcer speaks French]
[Simone] Oh, we have to close. I'm sorry.
You're kidding.
We-We're not gonna be very long.
Please, I really shouldn't be doing this.
[sighs] Come on.
- But I'll be here again tomorrow.
- [Taylah] Sure.
That's fine.
Thank you.
[inhales deeply]
[clicks tongue]
[clicks tongue, sighs]
- [door opens]
- [inhales sharply]
[Ed sighs]
You really do creep up on people.
Well, that's generally
how surveillance works.
So, you want to eat something?
Have you, uh, had contact with the NSA?
Yeah. Why?
I don't know. It would just be good
to know that they've got our backs.
Oh, relax, Eduardo.
Oh, do me a favor
and never call me that again.
- Eduardo. Eduardo.
- No, seriously. Don't call me that.
What? It could be like a safe word.
- [sighs] God.
- What? It's cool.
Geeks can be cool.
[both laugh]
Kinda. [chuckles]
Yeah, there you go. You can smile.
[Ed sighs]
What happened to you?
I mean
it was an accident, right?
So, that shouldn't
be a life sentence for you.
Hmm. Shouldn't it?
No, I don't think so.
The guy who died [stammers]
if I was his brother or whatever
[stammers] I wouldn't
want your life to be over too.
What if I told you I was drunk
and persuaded him
to get on the back of my bike
and proceeded to blow a red light?
Then what?
He died because I was careless and stupid.
Because I couldn't take care of him.
I should be in prison.
But I didn't even
see the inside of a courtroom.
Thanks to Jane.
Yeah, but that doesn't help
with the guilt.
You know,
I still think about him every night.
And I think about his family.
And the fact
that no one paid for his death.
[stammers] Maybe she left you no choice.
No, I had a choice.
We all have choices.
What I've learned is that
it's the ones we make that define us.
All right. [sighs]
Let's get some rest.
- Night.
- Night.
[door closes]
[NSA officer] That's him. That's him.
We got him.
Signal's up! Uh, Brooks is on his phone.
[Tom] Not sure yet.
- Do you have a lock on him?
- Yep. We did.
Signal's gone.
All right. Well
- [sighs]
- Brief our team.
What is it, Tom?
Yeah, I'm sorry. It's just, um,
people are wondering.
Andrew Carter's wondering.
Taylah Sanders.
Is she still with us?
He's-He's ready to blow.
I'm afraid to tell you that the collection
has been taken on loan.
[Ed] On loan?
La Directrice told us this morning.
[Taylah] Overnight?
A private collector, substantial donation.
I'm sorry I can't help.
Don't you think it's weird?
We come here, ask to see the piece
and then the next day it's on loan?
Yeah, I think it's weird.
Monsieur Vlahovic. It was a pleasure
doing business with you.
[Taylah] Shit.
It's not a private collector, it's him!
[director] Au revoir.
[Ed] You're kidding me.
[Taylah] We need to find out
where he's taking them. Let's go.
[Taylah] God, it's a tank.
Looks like you could
sit out a nuclear war in that thing.
You don't think you should
get your godmother to help?
No need. Hang on.
[clears throat]
What do you mean there's no need? Taylah?
- [Taylah] Number plate?
- [Ed] What? Uh, um
- EC-117-VM.
- [whispering] EC-117-VM.
They're taking them to the UK.
Channel Tunnel.
We're gonna have to be on that train.
- You're kidding.
- We need to steal it.
Steal it? What?
[stammers, sighs] Taylah, he killed a man
with his bare hands.
You need to call it in.
Taylah, we can't do that by ourselves.
We'll have to go through security.
So metal detectors. He won't be armed.
Tay That makes it
in-incredibly simple then.
He'll be vulnerable.
Thirty-five minutes underground.
No moving.
We just have to get him away
from the vehicle.
Taylah, please.
W-Why-Why are we not just calling Jane?
'Cause we don't have time.
If we wait for the NSA,
we're gonna lose our chance.
Come on.
[Jane] What are we doing here, Andrew?
[Andrew] I want you all to myself.
So Bogdan?
Meathead from Novi Sad?
That's our third party?
I assume he's just
some modest rung on the ladder.
So who's he working for, Jane?
Who's riding him?
I don't know yet, Andrew.
You know our friends on the sideline
are getting concerned.
Do you like Paris?
I could take it or leave it.
- "City of Love" thing.
- [sighs]
You know, my parents honeymooned here.
Four Seasons. Avenue George V.
You know that thing
that couples do when they first meet?
The whole dance they do.
All the little rituals of courtship.
They're pretending to be something
they're not.
And yet anyone knows
if you want a relationship to last,
lies, not the best currency.
I think the same goes for colleagues.
Did you rehearse this speech?
All morning. Do you like it?
What's going on with Taylah?
Why'd she run?
You promised me we could trust her
and now we both know that that was a lie.
I gave her one job.
To keep Edward safe.
You may not like it,
but that's what she's doing.
She's protecting him.
- Bullshit.
- [sighs]
[clicks tongue] I'm gonna
be super clear here. Okay?
I don't give a single grain of shit
about this girl
or your personal feelings about her.
You are compromised
and she is causing this agency problems.
Drawing attention to our little secret.
Now, I get it.
You got nothing real
in your life outside this job.
- You've gone all in on your goddaughter.
- [scoffs]
- But she is now a ticking time bomb.
- She knows what she's--
This is not just us talking.
Axiorn are breathing down our necks.
When you get into bed with private money,
that's the whole ball game.
You have no choice here.
Edward Brooks is the most important
person on the planet right now.
So clean this mess up, Jane,
or we are both on the bonfire.
[boat announcer speaks French]
[Jane sighs]
[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen.
Next stop, the Eiffel Tower.
[boat announcer speaks Spanish]
[crew member speaks French]
[shuttle announcer]
For your safety and comfort,
we recommend that
you stay in your vehicle.
Do not walk between the vehicles
during the crossing.
[Tom] Uh, so, we tracked Bogdan Vlahovic.
Uh, he's bought tickets on Le Shuttle.
He's obviously headed to the UK.
[Jane] Taylah will be on that train.
I want eyes in there now,
everything we've got.
And I want confirmation
that Brooks is with her.
Hey, Ramos?
Get me access to Le Shuttle.
Calais to Folkestone.
[engine rumbles, stops]
Hey. Um, excuse me.
I'm sorry to bother you.
It's just, it's me and my friend's
first time in the Channel Tunnel.
We're just a little bit nervous.
- [chuckles] Don't be, it's very safe.
- But I-I just get claustrophobic.
It's fine. Claustrophobia is very common.
Yeah. I-I mean, what would happen if,
uh, the train broke down
and we were still in the tunnel
or, you know, if something went wrong?
Let me show you.
There are actually three tunnels.
These two have trains
running back and forth.
But the third is a service tunnel
right in the middle.
We'd evacuate passengers into that,
and they then board the service train
in the other train tunnel.
And how long would it take
for the relief train to get here?
Eleven minutes.
You won't have to wait too long.
[inhales sharply]
- Now, if you'll excuse me?
- Yeah.
That's reassuring, thanks.
Give me a minute.
[shuttle announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
your attention please.
Listen carefully to the following
safety information.
[broadcaster speaking French]
[shuttle announcer] and your vehicle
is in first gear or park.
For your safety and comfort,
we recommend that
[phone buzzes]
[shuttle announcer]
please open sunroofs or vents,
and keep your windows
opened halfway throughout the crossing.
[phone buzzes]
We'd like to remind you
that for safety reasons,
flash photography and smoking
are strictly prohibited
[phone buzzes]
[Jane] Edward Brooks?
[Ed] Yeah?
This is Jane Torres. I'm--
Yeah, I know who you are.
Put Taylah on the phone, will you?
How did you get this number?
I don't think you need me
to answer that question.
You're a pretty smart guy.
She's not here, but we need your help.
- We need backup.
- Ed, who are you talking to?
And why do you have a phone?
It's your Fairy Godmother.
I asked for backup but
[Jane] Don't hang up. Just listen to me.
You need to get off that train.
You will be in an enclosed space
with a very dangerous man.
Oh, my God, Jane.
Don't pretend like you give a shit.
Taylah, this is
this is big-picture stuff, okay?
My God, you should hear yourself.
- It's complicated.
- No.
You know you really should have prepped
this conversation. You know that?
Listen, let's get you home
and we can talk it out, okay?
So who do we have now?
Robert Mallinder, Ricky Olson.
To add to the trail of destruction
you left in Baghdad?
We can [stammers]
- [stammers] "Did you get him? Hmm?
- I need you-- I--
- Did you get him?"
- Just shut up and listen to me!
Somewhere on that train
is a private security operative.
- Bogdan Vlahovic.
- Yeah. Okay, so you know.
We cannot let him get his hands on Edward.
Okay, so, wait, now I'm confused.
You're concerned about his well-being?
[inhales deeply]
- You saying your plans have changed?
- Jesus Christ, Taylah.
At this point,
that young man is everything.
What he knows is everything.
I swear to you, on my mother's grave,
that is all I want.
You and him. Safe.
You look exhausted.
Are you listening to me?
I am the only friendly face
you will ever see at this agency.
I am your lifeline.
You know my secret
but I know yours.
[line beeps]
What's going on?
I told you to lose the shitty phone.
What did she say?
[Ed] So? Is she gonna help?
We don't have a lot of time. Now focus.
[stammers] I'm feeling like
I don't believe you anymore, Taylah.
Look, I'm just trying to protect you, Ed.
[stammers] By-By lying to me?
- No, I'm not lying to you.
- Protect me from who?
Look, I-I-I told you.
We just don't have time for this, okay?
[sighs] I need to find a number.
- We're on our own, aren't we?
- [train starts]
Oh, shit.
[train whistle blows]
[Taylah] I'm gonna call in
a security threat.
That way they'll have to stop the train
and evacuate all of the passengers
into a service tunnel.
- Hmm. Jesus. Wha--
- No, no, no,
that'll give me time
to pick the locks on the van.
You just have to go in and identify
the piece that we're looking for.
No. No. How-How-How am I supposed--
If the steward comes to you
to load you into the relief train,
just [stammers] I don't know,
hide, improvise.
Look, I don't have all of the answers.
Yeah, I get that, but-but I c-can't just--
Do you want the missing piece or not?
Tell me what she said to you.
Okay, um.
We've entered the tunnel.
Clock's running. Let's get started.
Security passcode clearance Artemis.
[receptionist] How can I direct your call?
Can I speak to Antoine Gorecki at the BSI?
[receptionist] Connecting you.
[security] State your code.
We received a Code Zero
on a UK-bound shuttle train.
Just entered the tunnel.
Immediate action required.
What's a Code Zero?
[security] Acknowledged.
Bomb alert on northbound shuttle train.
Stand by, Artemis.
[indistinct dialogue]
[shuttle announcer] Attention please.
Attention please.
An incident has occurred which requires
What now?
[Taylah] We've got 11 minutes
till the relief train arrives. Let's go.
[passengers clamoring]
[attendant] Nothing to worry about, folks.
Just leave your vehicles.
You'll be evacuated
into the service tunnel.
[Bogdan speaks indistinctly]
- [attendant 2] You cannot.
- I cannot
- You speak English? You speak English?
- [attendant 2] Everyone has to leave.
I understand, but you cannot stay here.
No, you don't understand.
We tried to explain to you.
You don't understand, my friend.
[attendant 2]
We make no exceptions to the rule.
No, you have to.
- Nothing we can do.
- Lock the van.
[Philippe] Thank you.
[attendant 2] Thank you, monsieur.
[Taylah] Let's go.
It's going to be okay, sir.
Just please go that way.
[attendant] Nothing to worry
about, folks. Just leave your vehicles.
You'll be evacuated
into the service tunnel.
[door clangs]
[shuttle announcer speaks French]
Security team.
This is not happening.
[attendant] Won't be long, folks.
There's another train
on its way to pick you up.
You will be reunited with your vehicles
upon reaching the UK.
[attendant] Now we just need to check
we've got everyone.
Two, four, six, eight.
- [attendant 2] Keep going forward.
- [attendant] Yes. Thank you.
[attendant 2] Thank you.
[shuttle announcer]
illuminated green signs.
Please follow all instructions
- Come on. Come on. Come on. [sighs]
- They're getting closer.
- [guard] Okay, clear here.
- [sighs]
- We've got seven minutes.
- [guard] Okay, good. Clear.
[Ed] Not if we get caught.
[guard] Come and check that one for me.
Um. Shit. Uh, just forget it.
Just get underneath the van.
- What?
- Just get underneath the van.
- Just do it. Go!
- No. [sighs]
[guard] Sweep the rear of that car,
please, mate.
- [sighs] This is insane.
- [guard] Check under the passenger seat.
What can you see?
- [grunts]
- [guard] Okay, good.
[whispering] Okay, okay, okay.
- [sighs] Um
- [guard] Hey, you shouldn't be in here.
sorry, I just have to, um
I just need to get something from my car.
I thought it was just a few--
- I don't care. You need to leave.
- But it'll just take, like, two minutes.
[guard] The relief train's on its way.
We need to move.
- No, it would--
- Now.
[Taylah] Got it.
[shuttle announcer speaks French]
[bell chimes]
It's all right, folks.
It's your relief train.
We'll get you all on board
once we've sealed the doors
of the first train tunnel.
[passengers clamoring]
[guard] Watch your back.
Coming through.
[bell chimes]
[shuttle announcer]
Please remain calm and
Excuse me. We are two people short.
Just one now.
I'll go back to the van.
Distract the guard.
Thank you.
[Philippe] Can you tell me
how long this is going to take?
[Ed mutters] No, no.
[guard] Stand by to seal the doors.
- [banging]
- [Bogdan grunting]
[Bogdan grunts]
- [groans]
- [car alarm blares]
[horn honks]
[bell chimes]
[shuttle announcer]
The doors will be sealed in 30 seconds.
- The doors will be sealed in 20 seconds.
- [panting]
The doors will be sealed in ten seconds.
- [guard] Stand by to seal the doors.
- Come on, Ed.
- six, five, four, three
- [panting]
- [exclaims]
- [Ed grunts]
- [passengers exclaiming, clamoring]
- Sorry!
[shuttle announcer] Doors closing.
Oh, shit.
[passengers clamoring]
[Ed] Taylah!
Let's go.
[passengers clamoring]
[Ed panting]
[Bogdan grunts]
Security clearance code Artemis.
We have a situation.
Alert Security to meet us
on the platform at Folkestone.
Carriage Eight.
[Taylah] Violent passenger out of control.
I've just sent his stats.
[Taylah] Did you get it?
[train honks]
Got it.
- [Taylah] Hmm.
- [Ed sniffs]
[sniffs] How long?
[Ed] How long have you known
that Jane couldn't be trusted?
[sighs] Baghdad.
- [exhales] Baghdad, right?
- Yeah.
Yeah. [inhales sharply]
That's when you realized.
[exhales sharply] Fuck.
That guy who tried
to kill me in the market
- Ed.
- That was arranged by your boss.
And the NSA.
[exhales deeply]
Look, I [sighs] I don't know, okay?
Why didn't you tell me?
I-I needed I needed time
to work it all out, Ed.
- Oh, yeah, how's that going for you?
- No, I-I was just trying to protect you.
Protect me?
- You let me carry on just--
- No, I-- [stammers]
I tried to make sure that we were ahead.
Just in case, if we found anything
to use against them. Ed!
I have crossed continents
to keep you safe.
- Me or you?
- For you.
Everything for you. So, I-I don't know,
you can live out your dreams,
your-your-your-your destiny, whatever.
- I don't do destiny.
- Okay. Doesn't do destiny. Got it.
So-So, what do you do again exactly?
You create math so toxic, it-it poisons
every single thing in its path?
[groans] We're gonna do this again,
are we?
- Yes, Ed. Morality.
- [breathes deeply]
Cause and effect.
Look around you.
There is a trail of destruction behind us.
And I hate to be the one to tell you,
but there's no neutral ground.
Not for you. Not for me.
The-The last speck of innocence died
with Safiya, Robert Mallinder,
- Ricky Olson.
- Wasn't my fault. That wasn't my fault.
[stammers] That's what I'm talking about.
It's that easy for you. You don't care.
[shuttle announcer] We are now
approaching Folkestone Terminal.
Please gather your belongings
and proceed to the exits.
[sighs] It's just the work.
[sniffles] It's just pure mathematics.
No. Pure?
Ed, it's a forest fire.
It's-It's a plague. It's a weapon.
Everything in the wrong hands is a weapon.
Oh, my God.
Every commercial flight,
every power station.
It's not what I create,
it's what the world does to it.
Oh, my God!
- You are just so willfully blind
- [groans]
and you don't even see it.
This could break
every lock in the world, Ed.
A world without privacy. N-No secrets.
Secrets, yeah. [sucks teeth]
Coming from the woman
who killed her boyfriend
then ran away to the NSA
so they could cover it all up.
It's not like running away
to the circus, Taylah.
YouYou are the moral coward here, not me.
I mean, no wonder you're scared.
Look at you, you're shitting yourself.
Okay? I-I'm scared.
I'm scared and I killed someone I loved,
but I have to live with that
for the rest of my life.
But you, you-you-you-you
create this stuff in your head
and the rest of the world
has to live with it.
Don't follow me.
Ed, you're not safe!
God, Ed! Nothing in this world is pure.
[Taylah sighs]
[breathing heavily]
Keep coming, ladies and gentlemen.
This way please.
The coach to the right.
[Jane] Track him. He's got work to finish.
[coach crew member]
The first coach is now full.
Please take the coach to your left.
[coach announcer] For your safety,
CCTV recording is in operation
- during this journey.
- [sighs]
Emergency exits are located
at the front and rear of this vehicle
and are clearly marked.
Now please sit back,
relax and enjoy your journey.
[Jane] I guess I'm left
to clean up your mess again.
Let's talk.
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