Q: Into the Storm (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

The Storm

Flynn was well-versed
in the art of irregular warfare.
Retired military operatives
were planting intel
with Q-tubers,
and the President himself
would be helping
get Q's word out soon after.
The descendant of an Internet
game, Q now had real power.
Q posted a few hours
after we went live.
It was basically impossible for
users to post on 8kun
during its first few days
back online.
Yet, somehow, Q managed to.
Probably to calm everybody,
or-- whatever he's doing.
I'm not Q.
I don't know who Q is. Uh
I barely even follow it.
And Fred had been trying
to destroy the very monster
that he had created.
I think they are
a blight on society.
He seems hell-bent
on all-out war,
so he's got his war.
I've been
crying for two days straight.
My lawyers tell me
to leave the country.
We have to go!
February 18th.
"To be blunt Game over."
It's not.
We're just playing
a new game now.
Largo Entertainment presents
a film about loyalty.
-Where we go one
-We go all.
The calm
What happened on my ship
was not imagined.
before the storm.
Hold tight!
I am a tenured professor
at the University of Miami
in the political
science department.
I've been here
for almost 12 years
and I study conspiracy theories.
An online conspiracy
theory has found
momentum in the real world.
Here to break this all down,
Joseph Uscinski.
I give most conspiracy
theories a wide berth.
Unlike some of my colleagues,
I start out with the idea
that it could be true,
but we just don't know yet.
One of the drops was about me.
And so then I was
part of the conspiracy.
They said that my poll was part
of some coordinated effort
to take Q down,
at which point what they
were saying about me
was false, so I'm like,
"This is just full of shit."
As we've learned
in our reporting,
this is actually becoming
a political movement.
There's a once-in-
a-lifetime opportunity
to take this global cabal
of Satan-worshiping
pedophiles out.
People conspiracy theorize
about things that they
think are powerful.
We don't know exactly
what this plan is,
and we don't care
exactly what this plan is.
For people who have
really strong
conspiracy thinking,
what happens is
that they start
believing in every
conspiracy theory.
You told us where
we go one, we go all.
Well, we believed you.
We lived by it.
All these people tell me
their families are being
torn apart by QAnon.
I don't really think
that there's a way
to bring her out of it,
since she's so
deeply entrenched.
Where we go one, we go all.
With Q,
it's sort of like, yes,
there's bad things
in this world,
but Donald Trump,
our savior, is here,
and he's in office
and he's gonna fix it all.
And it gives these
people a lot of hope.
Q, one day,
will be in every history book.
If you could say one
thing to the President,
- what would you say?
- Who is Q?
Q is setting expectations
to the point where
if those indictments
don't come down
and those people aren't
taken out in cuffs,
someone's gonna
fight fire with fire.
Q said prepare for the storm.
Is this a dangerous movement?
The resistance against
Q is building.
We're talking probably millions
of people believing in this.
Where we go one,
we go all!
They promote a narrative
that could disrupt
the 2020 election.
Where we go one, we go all.
Prepare for the storm.
-If the stuff doesn't
come true
-Takin' back our country!
someone else is gonna try
and make it come true.
And it's gonna be Biblical.
Where we go one, we go all.
I'm basically
homeless right now,
and I don't have any income,
so I'm pretty much
fucked here in L.A.
It's the truth.
I lived there for six years,
starting in October of 2014.
I left a lot behind
there in Manila.
I left pets behind.
I left my wife.
I'm just tired of
of letting people
down constantly.
But, that's the story
of my life here.
Those Q people just
don't understand law.
"That wasn't very bright of
Fred to come to United States
"'cause Bill Clinton signed
an extradition treaty
with the Philippines
in 1995. Oops!"
Yeah, oops.
I'm just that stupid.
I'm just that stupid.
You're so much smarter
than me. You did it.
You cracked the code.
Fuckin' idiot.
We're gonna pawn
some of my stuff.
We got two
gold coins.
We're also gonna pawn that watch
that's sitting on
the bed right there.
It was Ronald's watch.
He sold it to me
for less than it was worth.
I'm gonna try to get at least
five grand for that.
I hope I can get six.
I feel like I'm way
too old for this shit.
Like, maybe this would've been
fun when I was 19.
Oh! Let's go pawn something,
and then we can go
buy some weed, man!
Okay, so if I sold everything,
it would be 5,500.
Well, I guess Ronald
doesn't know as much
about watches
as he thinks, so
Yeah, whenever I'm feeling
down about the situation,
I think it's better
to be free here in L.A.
than, like, locked up
in the Bicutan
Detention Center in Manila.
In half a mile,
take exit 525A
for Del Paso Road.
You picked an interesting time
to come back to the States.
But we'd already planned to
come back to the States.
I wanna get back to
what I was working on.
- Which was?
- My books.
-Yeah. What were you--
-And a lot of goofing off.
With the lawsuit against
Fred in the Philippines--
I'm not suing Fred in the Phil--
There's no lawsuit.
He has criminal charges
filed against him.
He doesn't worry
about being sued
because he has
nothing that's public
that someone could take.
What are you gonna do?
Take his wheelchair?
He did ultimately have
something to lose, right?
Like, he did have a condo
and like a wife and a life.
Well, he hasn't lost them,
unless he gives up on them.
He only has a misdemeanor
against him, my God.
It's not like it's a
It's six-year minimum, right?
I think that was maximum.
No, it's a six-year minimum.
You see how much
I paid attention to it?
He should've probably
not done what he did.
- Hello.
- Hey.
It's been forever.
I guess we've been
messaging back and forth,
-so it doesn't feel like
quite as long, but
-Long time.
I was wondering when
like, when all that
was going down with Fred,
around that time,
Q posted "game over,"
-Oh, did he?
He did. I'd always wondered
if that was
in reference to Fred.
I don't know.
Were you ever able to figure out
how Q managed to post
when 8kun came back online
and pretty much
no one else could?
Uh, he tried really hard.
I don't know.
Finally, like, we're almost
back to normal now,
but most of
the userbase is gone.
It's like probably
95% is gone.
So, we were like
the top thousand website
in the world at the peak,
and now, we're at
30,000 or something.
Now, it's just mostly
just Q Research.
If Q Research left, we'd
probably just shut it down.
Fred escaped the Philippines
two weeks before the world
went into full-blown lockdown
over the coronavirus.
And the virus now
in all 50 states.
There are now more than
6,400 cases in the US.
That number is gonna skyrocket
as more tests take place.
His plans to bring his wife to
the States would have to wait
as he holed up in a room
in North Hollywood.
Nobody really knows
what's gonna happen
with the coronavirus.
Surely, it would affect me
worse than most people,
you know.
The coronavirus has really
changed everything,
and it's re-energized
the Q movement.
It's re-energized them,
but it's also confused them.
Isolated, broke, and afraid,
people turned to
the internet for answers.
Plugged into a 24-hour
doom scroll,
the algorithms were there,
ready to lead people
to increasingly
extreme content.
Internet usage
has skyrocketed 40%
since the coronavirus
started spreading.
Interested in
spiritual solutions?
How about
the Great Awakening?
Worried about
your kids' safety?
What about child trafficking?
This whole pandemic thing?
Actually a plandemic
by the global elites.
This disease, this virus,
this is being used
as an excuse to tank
global economies.
This is being used as an excuse
to have these
supply chain disruptions.
That's one of
the scariest parts
about the coronavirus
in my opinion.
Q didn't need to do anything.
In fact, Q didn't do
anything for weeks.
What I've heard from
my sources anyway,
Q was bound to end
at some point.
So it's not a forever thing.
When the coronavirus
first hit Asia,
Ron freaked the fuck out.
He had a lot of theories,
one of which involved
a Harvard scientist
who had allegedly developed
COVID as a bioweapon
in a Wuhan lab.
These theories eventually found
their way to his Twitter feed.
Meanwhile, Q remained
silent on the matter.
But on March 23rd,
Q finally took a position.
A position that
perfectly matched what
Ron had been saying.
Not long after, the President
followed right in step.
Have you seen
anything at this point
that gives you
a high degree of confidence
that the Wuhan
Institute of Virology
-was the origin
of this virus?
-Yes, I have.
And that's when Ron
did something curious.
He deleted all of his COVID
theories from Twitter, saying,
"We are now seeing more
scientific transparency."
Really? Bioweapon
is just a Q thing?
I feel like it is really
started by Q people.
I feel like Ron Watkins is
one of the leaders of that.
Ron Watkins has been posting
that the coronavirus is
a bioweapon for months.
He's believed it for months,
he probably still believes it.
And then, we're supposed
to believe that when Q
backs his exact belief
that he suddenly just
has a change of heart?
No, what really happened is
Ronald was posting as Q,
looking for things to post,
he went a little too far,
the mask slipped
a little bit too much,
he got scared, and then
he decided to backtrack
on his public account
to, you know,
look less like Q,
but that made him
look more like Q.
He has the power
to write QDrops.
I know he does
because I know
the software really well.
And to think that
he hasn't written at least one
is very naive.
I still think that Q
is just as dangerous
if not more so
during this pandemic.
And I think he's
gonna get people killed
with his bioweapon theory.
Now, right as
the global economy
entered into a tailspin,
Trump decided, great time
to troll the public.
His head of social media
tweeted out a popular
QAnon meme.
Trump then re-tweeted it.
It was Q's biggest boost yet.
Did you see what Scavino,
Donald Trump's head of
social media, tweeted?
- Violin thing?
- Yeah.
This is coming
from the highest up
in the Trump campaign.
- I mean, Dan Scavino
manages his Twitter account.
-They want to tap
the power of Q.
-Yes, yes.
Yeah, there's no
other interpretation.
Well, President Trump
is confirming Q.
The only thing that
we're missing now
is President Trump
basically getting up
in front of the media
and saying,
"This is all real."
With this strategy,
we are calling for
a great reawakening of America.
And a rebirth of patriotism,
prosperity, and pride.
It is an awakening.
If it is the Great Awakening,
which, whatever that means,
I don't know.
It's a part of the awakening.
I'm sure Ronald
feels like a genius
when he sees
Donald Trump re-tweet him.
The "nothing can stop
what is coming" violin meme.
I'm sure of that.
'Cause one of the main
reasons that Jim
likes 8chan is not financial.
It's power.
They like the power of it.
Soon, Q's theories
became Trump's theories.
It's going to disappear one day.
It's like a miracle.
It will disappear.
Trump's theories
became Q's theories.
We call them the Fraud
and Death Administration.
Someone from the Q-munity
would sell bleach as a cure.
-Trump would sell it later.
-And then I see
the disinfectant,
where it knocks it out
in a minute.
Trump would push HCQ,
a drug that had
no proven benefits
for coronavirus.
- Hydroxychloroquine?
- I'm taking it.
And Q would follow.
It was like, "After you."
"No, no.
After you. I insist."
All I can tell you is,
so far, I seem to be okay.
And when Trump turned
against masks,
Q agreed,
and Anons followed.
Are you gonna allow
the government to tell you
- you have to wear a mask?
- No!
The Deep State is
behind this pandemic.
Their plan is to use this
as the cover
for the mass arrests.
I got every problem
with the government
saying we can't go out!
This shit's all fucking over!
This shit's fucking over!
Videos of people
taking off their masks,
shouting a parade
of wild theories
I don't wear a mask for the same
reason I don't wear underwear.
Things gotta breathe.
received more likes,
clicks, and subscribes
than the CDC's dry,
evidence-based guidance.
Even the normies out there,
even they're beginning
to question.
Q appeared to offer concrete,
good versus evil answers
in a chaotic world,
giving its adherents
a sense of control
over the uncontrollable.
COVID is the biggest lie
fake news has ever told.
How can you say that when
you look at the numbers?
Well, I don't trust
the numbers--
What evidence do you have
besides online speculation?
There's, there's, uh, months now
-of documented evidence
for this.
-What kind?
-Nemos News Network, if you--
-That's your network!
Absolutely. I've been covering
this since the beginning.
And with an election coming up,
some even felt inspired
by QAnon to run,
tapping the power
that its ever-increasing
community represented.
Honestly, everything
that I've heard of Q,
I hope that--
I hope that this is real.
Twenty-four QAnon candidates
ran for United States Congress.
Two would eventually
make it to Capitol Hill.
I just wanna say
to Nancy Pelosi.
She's a hypocrite,
she's an anti-American,
and we're gonna kick that
bitch out of Congress.
You know, in 2018, 2019,
QAnon was this thing that
was kinda growing in power
in the GOP,
but that you never thought
that any political party
would be sort of afraid
to offend QAnon supporters
or alienate them.
But 2020 was really the year
that QAnon came into its own
as a, as a force for the GOP.
In June, Trump's son
posted an image
of Q on Instagram
before deleting it.
Two weeks later,
on the 4th of July,
General Flynn
lined up his family
to take his rightful place
on the QAnon throne,
delighting QAnons
and shocking anyone
paying attention.
Where we go one,
we go all.
Where we go one, we go all.
-God bless America.
-God bless America!
As QAnon's anti-establishment,
radical rejection of expertise
morphed into a political force,
Twitter decided to take action
against what they called
"coordinated harmful activity."
The social media giant
restricted or banned
150,000 or more accounts.
They prevented links from
connecting to QAnon websites,
and blocked Q-related
hashtags from trending.
In response,
QAnon started writing cue,
spelled out as C-U-E, and 17,
because Q is the 17th
letter of the alphabet.
Then, the Anons got creative.
They hijacked the hashtag
that overlapped with
their own world view.
What was Twitter gonna do?
Ban that, too?
We have all tons of friends
who tell us, oh,
this isn't real.
The pedophiles, this is
all Hollywood bullshit.
Soon, Save The Children rallies
began popping
up around the country,
even internationally.
QAnons, it seemed,
had found a new identity.
I am seeing at
least like 5 to 10
QAnon "where we go one,
we go all"
sort of all mixed in.
Look, we got a Pepe right there.
We got a rare Pepe--
There's "Adrenochrome" here.
"Dismantle Pedowood,"
just within eyesight!
And Hillary Clinton
in a orange jumpsuit.
It seems like
Q's gone mainstream.
It's the new world,
it's the new QAnon.
Yeah. It is the new--
This is the New Anon!
I'm here because
our children are supposed
to be our future.
And our children
are being sex trafficked
across America.
And I don't understand why!
I think they think that
any potential conversation
could be handing out a red pill.
You know, if you frame
the conversation just right,
and ask the right questions,
somebody will walk away,
ready to do their own research.
Twitter's efforts
to suppress QAnon
had arguably backfired.
Q's adherents only
became more convinced
that their mission
was a righteous one.
Then you've got
that evangelical
pedophilia sort of
coalition over here.
Oh, they're having a full
revivalist moment right now!
There's a guy crying
and lifting his hands up!
I think that what's
gonna happen now
is that the Democrats are
gonna become Republicans
as we used to know them,
and the GOP will become QAnon.
We go one!
We go all!
So just last week,
Donald Trump was
asked the question
which every QAnon
has been waiting for.
The anticipation was built up.
President Trump,
will you disavow QAnon?
Well, I don't know much
about the movement
other than I understand
they like me very much
which I appreciate, but I don't
know much about the movement.
Is this belief
that you are secretly
saving the world
from this Satanic cult
of pedophiles and cannibals.
Does that sound like something
you are behind?
Well, I haven't--
I haven't heard that but, uh,
is that supposed to be
a bad thing or a good thing?
He didn't confirm or deny
his involvement, and
he got as close
as he could to doing it
without doing it.
He's staying safe with that,
as he should.
As part of Fred's
retaliation efforts
to destroy Jim Watkins,
he found a new partner
in Aubrey Cottle.
We're kinda keeping it
tight right now.
Just trying to figure out
how to disrupt this Q shit
as quickly as possible.
Mm. So, that's,
that's become the priority?
Yeah, it's starting to infect
levels of government,
and it's getting
really terrifying
As you may recall,
Aubrey Cottle claims to be
the founder of Anonymous.
It's a hacker collective
started around 2006
that took on targets
like Scientology
and the Federal Reserve.
The tactics of Anonymous
were borrowed in GamerGate,
GamerGate fueled
the rise of 8chan,
and eventually lead to QAnon.
I understand how
this entire Q shit
functions implicitly
because they're
using my playbook.
Stuff was work-shopped.
Just talking about how
it was possible in
the first place to even do.
So, if it was possible
to go and get
some fucking racist
stupid buffoon
that has more money
than brains into office,
we can do anything
at that point.
And I think that's what
probably kicked
a lot of this shit off.
What's your relationship
to Fred actually right now?
I first started talking to him
right after Christchurch
because I saw that he had
felt like fuckin' dogshit
for GamerGate
and all the shit
that he kicked off,
and I feel responsibility
and I always
felt bad for that.
I DMed him on Twitter,
and he said,
"Thanks, Aubrey.
"I thought you were
a cuck when I was 18.
Just turns out I didn't
have any experience."
Like, it's okay.
It's okay. We're in
this together, buddy.
It's his monster
that won't die.
And if going
and fucking over Jim Watkins
is how he's gonna find peace,
all the power to him.
I will help in any way I can.
I have a very bad feeling
that if this shit
is not somehow curtailed
before the election,
this is gonna be
very messy, very violent.
Right now, I have,
like, I have the feeling
that they are going
to push for complete
dismantling of
the US democratic systems.
Has anyone from, from
like Trump's team
or the government reached
out to you at this point,
given how much of a role
you guys play with Q?
Nobody's reached out
to us as far as I know.
I mean, maybe someone
reached out to my dad,
but he didn't tell me.
I don't know.
It's gonna get crazy
towards the election.
I told my dad today if you
just wanna shut down 8kun
because the heat's too much,
I won't hold it against you.
But he says,
"winners never quit."
Winners never quit
and quitters never win.
Now, he's just
giggling that
he holds this much sway
over the American populace
and doesn't even care
about the money anymore.
He's going fucking
bankrupt over this shit.
He had to sell his pig farm.
Why did you end up
having to sell it?
Because we needed the money.
Yeah, you seem more
serious these days.
when you live in America,
you have to work.
It's expensive to
live in America.
We're going to
be exposing Jim
in as many ways as possible.
The left needs to learn
how to also play fucking dirty.
And that's where I come in!
You gotta flip this
shit around on them.
Like, if you're just gonna do
"peaceful protests"
and all that crap,
you're only gonna get so far
because really they don't care.
They expect you to do that.
Then they expect you to go home,
go to sleep,
wake up the next day,
and continue going and
sucking Jeff Bezos' dick.
Fred became masterful
at leveraging
the media to wage
his war on Jim
and on Q.
He goes on Twitter
and he lies and lies and lies
about a false narrative
that he wants to push.
And then,
a bunch of lazy journalists
who don't actually fact check,
they just take his word
as, uh, as if it was true
because he's a self-purported
expert on the topic.
And then Fred
goes to Wikipedia,
where he is a top editor
of Wikipedia.
And he edits the articles
to source the journalists
that took his false facts.
He's laundering facts.
The reporters basically
wrote exactly
- what I wanted in
certain instances, you know.
ABC News,
they basically wrote, like,
I don't know that
I could've done it better!
How would you describe how Fred
gets his narrative out there?
Well, he breaks the rules.
But I don't think he's the one
causing me the heartache now.
I think that this
is other people.
Aubrey had already
pushed an article,
claiming that 8chan
was run by, quote,
"hardcore pedophiles."
Digging into
Jim's digital past,
Fred and Aubrey
discovered that Jim
had registered a website
almost 20 years earlier
called 00preteens.com.
Fred claimed it appeared
to contain child porn,
and successfully
got a reporter
from "Mother Jones"
magazine to follow up.
Hi, AJ.
Who? Who? Boba Fett?
I'm sorry,
it's hard to hear you.
I have nothing to do
with him for years now.
Yes, sir.
We deleted that
when we found that
in our,
in our list of websites.
And that was maybe
17 or 18 years ago.
We're not child pornographers,
and we don't host
child pornography,
and we don't condone that, sir.
Now, you're attempting to
get me to say something awful
so that you can print
something extremely awful
and smear my good name some more
tomorrow or the next day
or whatever,
and I'm not gonna
help you do that.
- Bye.
- Have a great day,
and uh, yeah.
Fred and Aubrey's attacks
made an initial splash,
but once mainstream
news sources
investigated the claims,
they found that
the website in question
had no actual child porn.
It was only clickbait
for pedophiles,
which was gross,
but not illegal.
I'm really sick of being
smeared by that guy.
One thing with me,
the nice part,
I went through it.
Now, they say I'm immune.
I can feel--
I feel so powerful.
I'll walk into that audience.
I'll walk in there, I'll kiss
everyone in that audience.
New CBS News polls reveal
a tight Presidential race.
Former Vice President Joe Biden
leading President Trump
by nine points.
'Cause the only way
we're gonna lose this election
is if the election is rigged.
Remember that.
It's the only way.
In the weeks leading up
to the 2020 election,
Q was front and center
on the national stage.
Trump openly serenaded
his die-hard QAnon fans.
It was the ultimate
Can you just
once and for all state
that that is
completely not true?
So, I do know they
are very much against
They are very strongly
against pedophilia,
and I agree with that.
With the election looming,
YouTube and Facebook
joined Twitter
by enacting new restrictions
against QAnon-related content.
Seemingly overnight,
the massive footprint
of QAnon videos
and Facebook groups
were largely wiped
from these platforms.
But for many of Q's
promoters and followers,
this only made them
wanna fight harder.
Pandemic be damned,
they gathered in Arizona
for QCon
to plan their next moves.
And Jim, well, was one of
the sponsors of the event.
It's an honor to hang out
and to meet you
and get this kind of like
'Cause how does it feel to be
doing what you do?
You're helping the country,
which I respect.
Well, we would be doing
what we're doing
whether or not
it was, like, the in thing.
Right now, we've been
doing it for 20 years.
I noticed everyone
here seems to think
I know who they are.
What, what,
what do you do, Craig?
-You're from JustInformedTalk?
-I am a Christian Evangelist,
and we're just exposing
what's happening.
And, and with your help.
You're like integral,
you and Ron and everyone else.
But, but, Ron and I are not Q.
No, you're the platform
that's been chosen to host Q,
which is even more
important in a way
because you're fighting
on the front line.
You've put substantial time
and investments
into your site,
and they just turn it off?
They owe you money.
It's violence.
And everything
has been removed.
All of the research,
all the work
that these guys are doing.
You can't find it
in a search engine.
And you can't find it on
YouTube anymore, can you,
as of two days ago, right?
And welcome to my world now,
where everything
that you do is destroyed.
Thank you.
These were normal people.
There were stockbrokers
and business owners
and all sorts of people
at this meeting today.
There's millions of people
that are involved in this now.
You know, they're gonna
have tactics and measures
to try to disrupt the election.
You need to start standing up
for what you believe in
because if we keep on cowering,
we keep on hiding,
we keep on pretending
that it's not happening,
guess what happens to us?
Please, tell your
family and friends
everything you hear here today.
And share it and make sure
that they understand
that our country is
at stake right now.
Right, so I was
de-platformed off of YouTube.
They took down my channel
and everybody else's,
but you gotta understand.
The mainstream media
had a monopoly on
information in this country.
We've broken that.
That's why they deleted
my channel off YouTube.
280,000 subs,
60 million views gone,
You think it's by coincidence
or do you think it's by design
that they're trying
to silence our ability
to go around their
complete command and control
of the narrative?
So, give me a year.
Give me, give me a couple years.
I'm gonna be just as big
as I was, if not more,
and it's gonna be
because you deleted me.
You know what I mean, like?
If Q was Trump and his group,
after the
election results are over,
if Trump loses, Q will go away.
Q will literally go away
if Trump loses.
They will--
they will erase this.
They will erase my company,
we'll probably die.
I mean, that's how serious
they will erase it.
If Trump wins the election
and he's Q,
then Q will just stop,
because he won't have
any interest in it anymore.
Why, why bother wasting any
any brain cells on that? Why?
It's finally Election Day
here in the United States
and Americans are
heading to the polls
to cast their ballots for
the next US President.
This country is nervous
with many people
fearing violence
if celebrations or protests
get out of control.
On the morning
of the election,
Q posted a quote
from Abraham Lincoln,
an image of what was once
the largest free-flying
flag in America,
and a link to the movie
"Last of the Mohicans."
It was a bizarre post.
And that same day,
Ron resigned
as the admin of 8kun,
saying he had brought
the ship to dock.
At the point where I left,
I could guarantee
the defense of
online free speech.
But from there forward,
I can't guarantee that,
so I'm going to leave now
before 230 being repealed
or destroyed in the next term
of whoever's President.
Remember, section 230
is known as the law
that created the internet.
Without it,
a website could be sued
for things their users say.
Now, this was maybe
the one thing
that Trump and Biden
seemed to agree on.
That it should be overturned,
but for opposite reasons.
Trump's philosophy was,
"If I can't say
whatever I want,
well, no one can."
While Biden's
stated intention
was to force tech companies
to remove hate speech,
and alleged falsehoods.
And I am sure they
both are interested in
repealing or removing 230.
And in that situation,
the site
should cease to exist,
in my opinion.
After four long,
tense days,
we've reached
a historic moment.
Former Vice President
Joe Biden will win,
and become
the 46th President
of the United States.
- I'm so excited.
- This is what we needed.
This is what
we've been waiting for.
It's a day of celebration.
It's not over yet,
and the truth will prevail.
What do you think's
gonna happen right now?
I like Trump.
He's going to concede
and he's gonna go back
and make a whole bunch of money
and make the Trump
empire get big again.
Grab the world by its pussy.
As you know,
I've claimed certain states,
and he's claiming states,
and we can both
claim the states,
but ultimately,
I have a feeling
judges are gonna
have to rule.
But there's been
a lot of shenanigans,
and we can't stand
for that in our country.
Thank you very much.
Good on him. Fuck them.
Don't answer any
of their questions.
Once Trump decided
not to concede,
the entire Q movement
had a new cause.
The vote count was false
in several states,
and we're not going to
let them steal this election.
So, all Trump needed to prove
was that he had
actually won,
which QAnons were already
primed to believe.
Who had a plan that could,
at a minimum,
cast doubt on the election?
Surely, someone had a plan.
Skeptics are looking at
irregular patterns in vote data.
In particular,
software irregularities
that would switch votes
from President Trump
to Joe Biden.
Trump had previously
resisted calls
to improve election security.
And whether or not
there were valid concerns,
his legal team must
have been low on options
because their last hope
at proving the election
was fraudulent
was none other than
Ron Watkins, a large systems
technical analyst.
Ron had apparently read
the instruction manual
for the voting machines
by a company
called Dominion.
Ron began asking
leading questions,
casting doubt on Dominion's
voting machines.
Leading questions
that sounded
a hell of a lot like Q.
So, I was looking at this manual
with the mindset of
a penetration tester,
of which I am.
I'm reading the manual
with a discerning eye.
Yeah, Ron is definitely
a penetration tester
if nothing else.
I looked at it with
a pen tester type mentality,
and I found where,
if I was trying to
throw the election
and I had that manual
and I was in charge
of that machine,
what I would do
to throw the election.
I found a lot of issues
with the software,
and I started
tweeting about them and
it seemed to
have gone viral.
You know,
if I could've predicted
which QAnon promoter do
you think is gonna become
a mainstream
right wing figure,
I would not have
said CodeMonkey.
That guy used to just tweet
like "site's down," you know?
"Deep state's after us.
Back in an hour." You know?
And suddenly,
he's blossomed into this guy
Trump's just re-tweeting
You now have the ear
of the President.
Yeah, that's quite
I've been told that he's
paying very close attention
to what I'm saying.
You said 20 journalists
reached out to you
at the same time?
Yeah, they said,
"Are you Q?"
That was their question.
And I was like, nope.
And then, I believe
he didn't post
for a week or
a week and a half,
and then he did end up posting.
And conveniently,
he posted while I was
doing my interview
with Chanel Rion,
so that proves I'm not Q.
Okay, you know how you
can schedule a tweet?
You can also
schedule an 8chan post.
Like, to me,
that doesn't mean anything.
Ron Watkins is now gonna be
the voter fraud guy.
Yeah, um
I can't say--
I can't say I completely
saw that pivot coming.
Why pick Ron in this moment?
I guess just because
he didn't have
any other options, like?
Or maybe they know him already.
Just saying.
Goodbye, Villa Park.
Can't say I'll miss this place.
Can't say that at all.
With an indictment
hanging over his head,
it would've been unwise
for Fred to return
to the Philippines.
So he broke up with his wife,
had his dog mailed to him,
and permanently
decorated his arm
with a tribute to his feud
with Jim and with Q.
Yeah, see their wings
in the bottom part?
- Oh yeah! They're-- Okay.
- Yeah!
Fred was moving on.
Specifically to the East Coast
to live with his mom.
He also wanted to be within
earshot of Washington, DC.
Thank you for helping me
escape to L.A.,
but I'm very sick of it.
Do you, do you think
that it's possible then
that Ron and those guys actually
had a connection with Flynn
or any of those guys
-once upon a time?
-Possible. Yeah.
And how much did
Trump and his team
know about Ron?
Like, there's all these
kinds of questions
that we can raise.
The council that Biden
is setting up specifically
around radicalization.
People like me can contact
the people on that council.
Yeah, I mean, you have
a lot of power now.
I mean, almost every tweet that
you're publishing now gets
10,000 or more
re-tweets, so
Yeah, uh, you know,
you know that Sullivan guy,
Jason Sullivan?
He finally gave me access
to that tool that he
was showing last year.
If Q is trying to utilize
or, uh, optimize
abilities on Twitter,
we can make them better.
I thought Twitter had,
had, like caught it and--
No, no. He-- yeah, he got
banned from Twitter,
so he had to rebuild it.
And his rebuild is only
being used by me now.
And it's a super tool.
Like, this tool is amazing.
My account is the second most
powerful Twitter account
next to Trump.
You have the second most
powerful Twitter account
next to Trump right now?
-When I'm tweeting, yes.
-When you're tweeting.
So, really curious to see if
you figure out who Q is.
Well, I don't know if,
uh, I don't--
I don't know if there'll
be anything definitive.
Do you feel it's a failure that
you weren't able to figure
it out after so many years?
Um well, I mean,
I'm just kind of, uh
-chronicling all this, um.
But you'd want to have
the smoking gun evidence.
You know,
but I think that unless
Q decides or comes out
and says, like,
"Yes, I am Q,"
you know
That's never gonna happen,
I think.
Right, so when you're trying
to figure out who's behind Q,
you have to really
look at motive.
I mean, you have motive.
What's my motive?
Oh, I mean, you could've
had motive to take down
the mainstream media,
to red pill the masses,
to, you know, to get
information out to people
that wasn't getting
out any other way.
If you look at
my Twitter feed,
that's what I'm
doing publicly now.
It is what you're doing
publicly now. Yeah.
I've spent the past,
what like, almost 10 years
every day doing this kind of
research anonymously.
Now I'm doing it publicly.
That's the only difference.
Ron had just given me one of
the biggest Q proofs to date.
Or should I say
proof that he's Q.
Now, I'd kept a running tally
of all the forensic evidence,
suspicious moments,
and contradictions
he'd made along the way.
Let's review
some of what we know.
He'd know nothing
about Q on one day.
I barely even
follow it, honestly.
Far too much on the next.
Why would Q wipe a board?
Because he wanted to go
into like a different act.
Like in a play.
I assume that's why he did it.
One day, he knows
all the vital players.
He wrote a long rant about
Tracy Beanz being a patriot.
Weeks later, he has no clue.
He's brought up, um
Tracy Beanz as somebody
that was communicating
with him prior--
just prior to--
Why lie?
When 8kun comes online,
hardly anyone was able
to post except for Q.
I couldn't even see the website,
and he's already posting.
Oh, wow!
Then there's the love of pens,
which he only let slip
on one occasion.
I found the fountain one.
It was $3,000.
- I couldn't afford it.
- Wow.
And the watches,
which he never talked about,
and literally hid from me.
When I saw the pen
and the watch, I was like,
"Oh my god!
They're speaking right to me!"
In order to write
the earliest QDrops,
you didn't need special
insider knowledge
or connections to Trump.
You just needed to be
familiar with what the Anons
already researched
and believed.
And you needed to understand
the Socratic method
and basic military strategy.
Q began reflecting research,
gathered in the digs,
back at Anons in
the form of questions.
It became a feedback loop.
And in order to give Q a pulse,
well, you'd want a network
of like-minded individuals
capable of building excitement
and seeding the message.
The engine revved up,
and those who started talking
about Q as if it were legit,
were showered with attention.
My channel's just grown so much.
It's just exponential growth.
Good afternoon,
Now, it's no secret
that law enforcement
and ex-military networks
monitor the chans.
And once Q started
getting traction,
it attracted bigger fish
with an appetite
for information warfare.
But it needed a DC insider
to lend QAnon believability.
Enter Jerome Corsi
who gets involved
about six weeks into Q.
Now, Corsi has
a history of serving
as an ex-military proxy.
About three years ago,
a group of generals
came to me.
We know that in the past,
he's pushed Vallely's agenda.
And when explaining why
he got involved with Q,
Corsi tells Tracy Beanz
Well, a number of people who
I consider to be very
important to me, um,
said, "You better start
looking at this."
So I started looking at Q
Make of that what you will.
Corsi then got Alex Jones
A lot of what
I saw QAnon say
was really good intel.
And they took Q to
a wider audience.
Honestly, if Alex hadn't
covered Q through Corsi,
I would've never covered it.
Ron would've been foolish
not to have had his eyes on Q
from the very beginning.
And once Q was on 8chan,
wouldn't Ron have done
whatever was necessary
to keep Q on the platform
as part of a bigger
strategy for gaining power?
Q to him was like a prize pig.
He wanted that pig so bad.
As the administrator of 8chan,
taking over Q's
tripcode would've been
as easy as rifling
through a filing cabinet.
We know there was
a writing style change,
which might explain why
Ron went out of his way
to reaffirm the Q style
never changed.
Well, I like how Q's very
consistent with what he does.
And in order to throw off
anyone who came
sniffing around,
wouldn't it be smart to create
a fake digital forensics trail,
one that leads to someone
from Trump's inner circle?
The IP pointed
in the neighborhood
of like five houses,
and one of those houses
is Steve Bannon's house.
Maybe this is why
Paul Furber becomes convinced
on January 5th of 2018
that Q was hijacked.
Was he seeing this
new forensics trail
that pointed to Steve Bannon?
I sent a private message
to CodeMonkey.
And I said, "Dude,
that is not Q,
and you know it."
Of course, this theory
lacked definitive proof.
Someone saying,
"Yeah, I did it."
Which brings us back
to what Ron told me.
It is what you're
doing publicly now, yeah.
Yeah, I've noticed--
Ron had always been adamant
that he wasn't really
a user of 8chan.
I don't post much there myself.
Every once in a while,
I'll post as admin.
He always claimed
he wasn't involved
in the research or the digs.
Even as a user,
I don't partake much
in their discussion.
And I don't know the intricacies
in exactly what they're doing.
But then, in our
final conversation,
perhaps wanting the credit,
he admitted something shocking.
Ron hadn't just been
participating in Q Research.
It sounded like
he was leading it.
See that smile?
Ron had slipped up.
He knew it, and I knew it.
And after three
tireless years
of cat and mouse, well
No, never as Q, I promise.
Never as Q, okay
'Cause I am not Q.
-I never was.
-Oh man.
Oh man.
Jim, hey.
Hey, okay.
Did you see what, uh,
Ron posted on Twitter?
That I should meet up with you.
342, Hamilton Hotel? Okay.
-Hi. I'm Jim. Nice to meet you.
-I know!
-So come here, Jim.
Hold on.
One, two.
I'll take a couple.
Three, four, five! There you go.
-You're CodeMonkey's dad?
Oh yes!
Yay, CodeMonkey! Yay!
Okay, should we go to
a quieter area than this?
Okay, I'm gonna go over here
if you can hear me over here.
Oh my god.
Six people arrested so far
on a range of charges.
We're talking about carrying
a rifle without a license.
We're expecting more data,
more reports
during the overnight hours.
I will be with you tomorrow,
shoulder to shoulder.
We will win this fight
or America will step off into
a thousand years of darkness.
We did not have a free,
fair, and transparent vote.
And they're gonna be standing
on this soil tomorrow.
This is soil that
we have fought over,
fought for, and we will
fight for in the future.
January 6th,
the day that Congress
was supposed
to certify the electoral votes.
The day that Trump would hold
his Stop the Steal rally.
Joining us now, the mayor of
Washington, DC, Muriel Bowser.
Are you prepared for what
may be coming today?
Our Metropolitan
Police Department is on it
and we're very prepared
to have a peaceful protest.
We are going to
the Washington Monument.
Okay. That's where
the party's at?
That's where the party's at.
On Twitter, Ron said
he was about to drop
the mother of all bombs,
and in the run-up to his drop,
Ron was gaining thousands
of followers per hour.
Ron had messaged me
that the White House
had back channeled him
a scoop.
He claimed he had audio
and other documents
that purportedly showed
Vice President Mike Pence
had attempted to steal
the presidency from Trump.
to stoke anger towards Pence
on the day that he was
scheduled to confirm Biden
as the next President.
Yeah, the mother of all bombs.
It's Mike Pence's treason.
We've got like a thousand
pages of documentation
and four hours of audio
and video proving it.
So we have the source.
Seth Rich, I guess.
I don't know.
It's gonna be a storm, alright?
That's what we got.
The storm clouds
are around the Biden camp.
A gathering storm.
-How're you doing?
-This is Brian from
the Red Pill Roadshow.
Hey! How're you doing!
-This is Cullen.
-Hey, what's up, Cullen?
Yeah, you guys met?
Oh, I remember him.
I met him in Arizona.
I can't wait to go home
and show my neighbor.
My neighbor's got like
the Black Lives Matter
stuff all over.
Look what the rest of
America's doing, big guy."
Do you feel
proud of Ron?
-Do you feel proud of Ron?
I'm proud of him, yeah
You know, I'm, I'm
concerned about him,
but I'm also proud
of what he's doing.
We're going to
walk down Pennsylvania Avenue.
I love Pennsylvania Avenue.
And we're going to the Capitol--
We're going to try and give them
the kind of pride and boldness
that they need to take
back our country.
- So now,
we all march up the road?
- I guess so.
He said he's gonna lead us.
This march
wouldn't be happening
right now if it hadn't--
if Q hadn't been there.
Started as a LARP and
It became real.
It's real, you know.
It's American history now.
It belongs in there.
-Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you, too!
This is like August 28th, 1963,
at the dawn of a new era.
Like when Martin Luther King
had his march on Washington,
and they didn't have as many
people here as we have.
We the people! We the people!
Do Congressmen need to get in
their tunnels and go away?
Yeah, yeah, they do.
We go inside
and we elect new ones.
Yeah, exactly.
Freedom! Freedom!
They're out the windows!
Check it out!
Yeah! Yeah!
- You guys did that!
- You shot her!
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!
Little could we have imagined
the assault that was
made on our democracy.
Overnight, a fifth death
announced from the siege
of the US Capitol.
The Feds say they think
the threat will last for weeks.
This is rebellion,
it is treason,
it is lawlessness,
it is unacceptable.
There has to be
an investigation.
What happened today
will be used to justify
stripping you of the rights
you were born with
as an American.
The words of
a President matter.
This is gonna be one
of those days that you
will always remember
where you were.
It will live forever in infamy.
Q had trained its followers
to find patterns
in the noise of the internet.
Coauthoring a story
full of absurdities
in hopes they might
result in atrocities.
Fred claimed he didn't
want any media attention,
but his Twitter account
spoke loudly.
Writing, "All that was
done in darkness
"must come into the light,
"all of those who enabled
Q must be investigated.
"You will all write
a bunch of think pieces
and nothing will change."
Q's believers prayed that Trump
would keep fighting
the election results.
But their hopes
were soon dashed.
You will never again see
a tweet from President Trump.
A virtual purge of accounts
tied to the QAnon
conspiracy theory.
They include Michael Flynn
and a shadowy figure,
Ron Watkins.
President Trump,
if you see this, please save us.
I never believed that
God was gonna allow
the evil to take over again.
Dominion Voting Systems
announced today
it's suing Rudy Giuliani.
Donald Trump should
not hold office
one day longer!
Anderson, I apologize
for thinking that
you ate babies.
You actually believed
that I was drinking
-the blood of children.
-Yes, I did.
Q appeared to be done
posting for now.
some Anons abandoned
the ideology for good.
For the QTubers, censorship
and the idea of being canceled
became their new rallying cry.
What more could
they take from me?
They've taken everything.
They took my channel,
tried to like put me
out of business,
yet I'm still here.
Maybe Q would take
on a new form,
or splinter into factions
like offshoots of a religion.
Others might get absorbed into
some of the more extreme groups
that stormed
the Capitol that day.
Or strategies might
simply be re-purposed
to incite radical
ways of thinking
in those of any
political persuasion.
But Q derives its power
from anonymity.
From myth.
And now that
we've seen the forces
behind the operation,
will its believers choose
to devote their lives
to a cause
propagated by a cynic
who treats the whole world
like it's a game?
A guy in a green hat
looking to embrace infamy.
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