Quality Assurance in Another World (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Mad King

We succeeded in making our
way inside Bayle Castle,
where the boss and debuggers of Play-Ing live.
Our goal is to take their debugger stones
and stop them from causing more harm.
Amano-san is also here
to get vengeance for Lu-san.
We triggered the main quest,
so we're working through it
as we head for the heart of the castle.
But then we encountered
I look forward to the moment when your
voice dies and your pleas turn to despair!
Body blow.
It's a simple attack pattern.
Write down what I'm about to say!
Keep calm! You won't be attacked!
The torture chamber
in the main quest "The Mad King"
contains multiple objects
resembling adult toys.
Please confirm whether or not
this is intentional.
In the same quest, the head guard's
voiced lines are still in English.
Also, the English lines include
a multitude of inappropriate words.
I am reporting this as well, just in case!
The Mad King
I beat it without taking damage.
Good work!
Please review these.
Thanks a ton.
"Torturer"? Didn't it say
"head guard" a moment ago?
Main Quest "The Mad King"
Escape Castle Bayle
-Escape Your Cell
-Defeat Torturer
So it's inconsistent, huh?
I'll report that, too.
The bugs you report get fixed, right?
The simple ones, yeah.
If we can reach the devs,
they should be able to help us log out.
It's weird, isn't it?
I report every day that
I can't log out, but
Haga-san, what's it mean to log out?
Um, well, it's a way of saying we'd
Show me your journal! Now!
Huh? O-Oh, sure.
She's not gonna understand!
You don't have to explain!
What? But
What if giving her meta information
causes some weird bug?
Yeah, you're right.
The journal updated.
Main Quest "The Mad King"
Escape Castle Bayle
-Escape Your Cell
-Defeat Torturer
-Defeat Kitra and Escape
I-Is this
Was this the monster that
attacked the guards below?
If we have to defeat it to escape,
then this is the boss.
Beating it will finish the main quest, right?
Most likely.
Nikola-san, it can't get to us here.
Now, I'll go over the plan.
Amano-san says that they're basically a
top-down organization under the boss.
So let's take him out first.
In other words, our top priority
is stealing his debugger stone.
To do that, we need to get close
to him without being discovered.
So we'll take advantage of the way the game
segregates the main quest from the open world.
I see.
I'm starting to catch your drift.
Gimme the pen.
You mean this, right?
First, we go back up into the castle
without defeating the quest boss
Haga's Party
Main Quest Instance
so that the main quest doesn't end.
Yeah. We'll get inside
debuggers' boss's quarters,
then use time bombs to blow up
and defeat the quest boss.
Use Haga's Special Time Bombs
And then, having completed
the main quest
Open World
We complete the main quest from the
boss's room, where we'll come back
to the open world
We'll come back to the open
world right in the boss's room!
But will that actually work?
We won't just get warped back
here when the quest completes?
Even if it doesn't work,
there's no risk to us, right?
So let's find a way to escape from this
underground dungeon without beating the boss!
You look so alive right now.
Isn't it exciting to find loopholes
that shouldn't exist?
No, it's not!
That's just your job as a debugger!
That's all you want to do, isn't it?
Nikola! Amano-san!
It's sweeping us toward an exit!
Oh, no! At this rate
I-I'm sorry.
Just how much training have you
been doing all by yourself?
What's that?
So, I went and asked the boss to come
But he didn't show!
Yeah, that happens a lot.
Y'know, he's been acting weird lately.
Totally. He's either spacing out
or suddenly blowing up.
Right. His mood changes every minute.
Honestly, it's exhausting
just being around him.
And he has no idea because
no one's willing to say it.
The smart people all left.
Not long ago, he gave me
this big lecture, all like,
"Do you really think things
are okay like this?"
Damn it!
Just thinking about it pisses me off!
Whose fault does he think this is?!
Hey! Focus! Focus!
Oh, crap.
The blood's not bringing him back to life.
Ah, crap.
Finding these guys is a real pain, too.
Well, we can just say
this was the boss's fault!
And next
It's asleep now.
We should be safe.
You can concoct anything, huh?
I'll climb up and check out
that hole in the ceiling.
Amano-san, um
Are you not going to write any more manga?
I mean, I was just wondering what
was going to happen next
You're gonna fall in the water again!
Thank you.
I will write more manga.
Someday, I think.
There's a way through up here!
How long until this goes off?
About two hours, I think.
Why do you have all those
explosives, anyway?
I just wanted to be prepared.
Nikola-san, can you hold this for me?
If it looks like it's about
to burn out, tell me.
That means the bombs below
are about to blow.
Okay, got it!
It's a low ceiling. Be careful.
Is this some kind of storeroom?
There's so much stuff here.
Let's just keep going.
This place is awful narrow.
This is bad!
A race of beastfolk who can see in the dark.
They live mainly on the small islands in the northeast of Clayborne,
where they trade with the continent using their excellent navigation skills.
The most basic spirit magic. Uses the power of wind spirits
to summon a blast of air. Does no direct damage, but can be
surprisingly useful depending on the situation and terrain.
Both of you, turn around quietly
And run!
There's one ahead of us!
That one was probably there from the start!
So if I hadn't screwed up,
we would only have needed to defeat one?
Damn it!
Even if we start fighting now, more and more
will come, and we'll be screwed!
That's it!
What the hell are you doing?!
Stop! No more!
What is this?
I'm moving so slow
The frame rate tanked?
All of these monsters spawning in
is lagging the game and slowing things down!
Now we can dodge
And flee!
I get it!
As long as we know their moves,
we can evade them!
They're still coming!
W-We're saved! Amazing, Haga-san!
That was a pretty bold move
from a coward like you.
Well, I've tried it once before.
If you'd screwed up the timing even a little,
that would've been the end of us, though.
Too true.
Anyway, let's hurry.
An emergency meeting?
That's what we were told.
It's in fifteen minutes.
Another one of the boss's stupid whims.
I'm getting tired of all this.
Say, before we go, why don't we all
have a meeting of our own? Just us.
Just us?
The rest of us. The debuggers of Play-Ing.
Everybody except the boss.
We've made it to the heart of the castle!
We can get to the tower
where the boss is from here.
The main quest is still active.
Looks like the plan's working.
All right.
I'll show you the way.
Haga! Use your thief skills
to open this door.
Sure, sure.
Our party balance is all wrong, isn't it?
A thief, a shaman, and a plain old villager.
No attacker, no tank, no healer.
"An plain old villager"?
How much spirit magic
can you use, Amano-san?
Actually, I haven't leveled it at all.
Now, why in the world are you a thief?!
With that build, you should be a tank!
Well, thieves have a lot of
helpful skills, like lockpicking.
Can I
Can I get stronger, too?
We've stepped in it now.
I want to be more useful to you, Haga-san.
C-Come on, Haga!
Once we're done here, let's go to a guild
in town and find you a new job class.
There's bound to be something perfect for you.
For now, let's just hurry.
There aren't even any rando NPCs around.
You're not supposed to be able to
come here during the main quest.
I'll need to report that we managed it.
Beyond this hall,
it's a straight shot up the stairs
to reach the boss's room.
A monster, maybe?
Amano-san, do you know what that is?
Nope. Never seen it before.
Being able to get to the castle
from the underground is a bug.
And there's also a monster
that shouldn't be here.
We don't have time to waste dwelling on it.
It sees us.
Can you buff me?
We might be in for a fight!
I can cast Wind Shield on you.
It should block a single attack.
Here's a magic potion.
If the buff wears off, renew it immediately.
Damn it! We're running out of time!
That was a massive attack!
Amano-san, if I die
do you think I'll respawn?
This might be the kind of foe that takes
more than one life to get the hang of.
The game does have respawns
But nobody's tried it as far as I know.
This game's so realistic, you'd have
to have nerves of steel to do that.
Wind Shield!
We're getting out of here.
I'm bored of this.
Boss, are you talking about trying
to find a way to log out?
Yeah. We'll make that our new goal.
We've figured out plenty
about how the game works.
We even have the console command that
lets us spawn any items that we want.
I'm thinking it's time we started
looking for a way to log out.
We've all had enough fun.
We've got tons of weapons and items.
We've got invincibility mode too,
so no enemy can touch us.
That's what makes it boring.
There's no point in staying here forever.
Well, you see
We were actually having a
little chat ourselves.
Somebody had a great idea.
Wind Shield!
This is bad. I've used up the potion
and I'm running low on magic!
Haga-san! The candle's about to go out!
Damn it! Haga, use your debugger stone!
Use invincibility mode!
Absolutely not!
We'll fall back and come up with a new plan.
We don't have a choice.
It disappeared?!
You can think about it later!
For now, we need to run!
The boss's room is above us.
One floor up.
But the candle
Let's hide in that chest!
This should move us from the
main quest back to the open world.
The fact that you can enter the
castle during the main quest
That strange knight in black
I'll have to report all this later!
Sounds like it worked.
I hear voices.
What's going on?
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