Rafuchakkar (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Double Agent

- When is he arriving?
- Who?
Amitabh Bachchan!
Obviously, I mean our
chief guest Bharat Chaudhry.
Bharat Chaudhry, the biggest bull.
Quit dreaming.
We've been chasing him for a year
and he finally met
us only for 5 minutes.
Are 5 minutes enough to strike a deal?
Mr Gupta, his time is worth millions.
Besides, you didn't get him a deal
but loss!
You think he'll listen to your
proposal, is it?
Of course.
I have what he wants.
He won't say no to me.
We'll see.
There he is.
Bharat, you're a real estate giant.
What are your next targets?
Sir, what are your plans
for middle class families
and facilities for them?
I'll call you back.
What a dashing entry!
Mr Chautala,
beware lest he loses
millions because of you.
So can we get an insight about
all the projects that you're doing?
I am coming up with
a super luxury project here
villa project right here in Delhi.
And this is only the
first of 6 such projects.
- Excuse me, sir.
- Yes?
I just need a little time.
- I'm busy.
- I know, sir.
I know the value of your time.
I'll just need minimum possible time.
Just 20 seconds, that's it.
All right, go ahead.
Thank you.
So, in Noida I have a luxurious project
Sorry, sir.
I'm sorry.
I'll help.
Yeah, it's okay.
Sorry sir.
- Sir, may I?
- Sorry, 20 seconds up.
- Anyway, see you around.
- Bye.
- Hello.
- Hello, Mr Arjun Chautala.
- Yes?
- Satish Chaudhry here.
Bharat asked me to call you.
- Who?
- Bharat Chaudhry.
Can you meet us in Moon
Park Auditorium in an hour?
Conference 2.
Sure, of course.
Why not?
- I'll be there. Hurry up.
- See you.
Welcome, Mr Chautala.
Bharat told me about you.
You couldn't pitch the proposal
in 20 seconds
but you pitched your character well.
And that's why we are here today.
But who are you?
Mr Chautala, it takes two to tango.
Bharat is all over the news
and I am the reason
he is a success.
- Bharat's step brother.
- Oh.
I keep away from lime light.
I'm sure you get it.
Bharat wants to discuss something
with you.
He's out of town but
I'll connect you two.
Speak to him, brother.
Hello, Bharatji.
I couldn't make it as I got stuck
- No, sure
- Hello.
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Hello?
- Hello?
I guess there's some problem
with the connection.
Wait a minute.
- Hello?
- This is better.
Speak to him.
Sorry, Mr Chautala.
How are you?
I'm good
and you?
I'm good.
Mr Chautala, I'm sorry I
couldn't listen to your proposal
because I prefer judging
the proposer first.
You have 35 years of real estate
Your daughter's a police officer
and above all you're an
extremely focused businessman.
So here I am,
throw me your 20 second pitch.
Sure. Industrial land, 1500 acres
outskirts of NCR
market price 200 crore
but 150 crore for us.
Selling price 180 crores
trade profit 30 crore.
Guess I should have
said 10 seconds pitch!
Nice pitch.
But here's a cross deal.
A deal worth 200 crore
instead of 30 crore net profit.
Conversion of 2000 acre farm land into
residential land.
Satish, honestly,
government rules are very strict.
Looks extremely difficult.
Mr Chautala, are you judging
the proposal or the proposer?
- No
- I wouldn't waste your time
on an easy deal!
So deal or no deal?
Welcome aboard, Mr Chautala.
We'll do great work together.
A little token of partnership
the good luck money to close the deal.
Yes, brother.
Thank you.
Arjun, let's make
lots of money together.
Satish will be in touch.
- Thank you, see you soon.
- Bye.
Take care.
Thank you.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
See you soon.
I am not Manjit Walia,
the conman they created
but I'm everything
else they want to prove.
Ajay Chauhan
Kirtan Gada.
You're conning me as well!
I trusted my friendly blindly
and agreed to fight his case.
Ritu is my opponent, Prince.
I understand that
she tricked me but you
You'll pay for this.
I'll get you jailed.
Where are you lost?
- No
- Defeating Ritu and stuff
was a bit too much?
what's next?
Nothing to worry.
On the next hearing,
I'll call Harpreet's
Preeti to the witness box.
And then you'll be a free bird.
That calls for another drink.
Actually two!
Madam, I must say he's an expert player.
It took me a week to sort things out.
The guy complicated the whole affair.
The real drama begins now, Brijeshji.
What will a criminal
out on bail do first?
No, madam,
I won't let him destroy evidence.
I'll ask my informers to keep vigil.
Not just vigil,
we'll have to entrap him.
The first circle misdirection.
Let him think he's winning.
Shaurya, the court granted
Pawankumar Bawaria bail for 30 days.
Do you think the Delhi
police has the potential
to prove Pawankumar guilty?
Shaurya, Pawakumar's lawyer claims
you're torturing an innocent instead
of nabbing the real culprit.
Is that true?
Exactly, there's no evidence either!
This could be a conspiracy.
Nothing like that.
There's enough evidence.
The people believe you have no solid
On the basis of circumstantial evidence
you turned a common man into a conman.
Exactly and every common man knows that
circumstantial evidence
isn't concrete evidence.
All your questions will be
answered when the time is right.
We're working on it.
Please make way.
- Ma'am.
- Move.
Please leave.
Second circle, oppurtunities.
There's another chapter in Pawankumar
Bawaria's saga.
To the fleeting eye they
seem like random transactions
but the devil is in the detail.
Feels like there was another fraud
worth trillions!
You better get a list
of money launderers.
No, madam, he just got bail.
He won't get involved
in money laundering.
Brijesh, if you were Pawankumar Bawaria
with lots of money, what would you do?
Madam, I'd thank god and invest it
and holiday with my wife
with the interest returns!
He's a thief, he won't rely on god.
He'll dispose off the
money as soon as he can
away from our reach.
He'll definitely launder his money.
In that case, he's either a big fool
or a genius to dispose off the money
knowing we're watching his every move.
No, madam, he won't go for laundering.
I am pretty sure.
- Brijesh, you don't play chess, right?
- No.
I want him to dispose off his money.
Get all the money laundering
rats out of hiding
and you'll see this puppet
dance to our tunes.
- Nab him.
- Take him.
- Where are you taking me?
- Put him in.
Get him.
Take him.
Get in.
Let's go.
We have to change the plan.
Sameer was caught.
The plan is compromised.
Ma'am, I'm a qualified accountant
and an obedient tax payer.
I convert my clients' black money
into white.
Everyone does that.
But why did he choose you?
There are two things.
First, when it comes to my clients,
I convert their money smoothly
and I have knowledge about crypto that
others don't.
And secondly, trust.
I usually get a 2% commission
but he offered me 10
and then there was 30 million cash
which I converted through
inoperative lien account.
Everything was working fine
and then suddenly one day
he asked me to convert
all the money into crypto.
Wait, what is Christopher?
Sir, crypto is gold, land, shares, etc.
Quick money but encrypted.
Ma'am, finally I'd give
him the converted currency
but he disappeared in August.
Arrested not disappeared.
That means you have all his money
in crypto currency.
Makes sense.
No wonder his money
wasn't accounted.
Brijesh, get it seized.
Yes, ma'am.
He'll surely come for his money.
Our ancestors cursed our family,
hence this fate.
Who's that?
Who are they?
No just a moment.
Listen to me.
Who is it?
Get out.
- Leave me.
Listen to me.
Where are you taking me?
Open the door. Hands behind.
Get inside. Stop.
Where are you taking?
Where are you taking?
Was he abducted or he fled?
What do you mean?
He was out on bail, right?
Did you help him flee
My husband is no criminal to run away.
You're a cop
so stay within your limits.
Don't try to be a judge.
-A family is here to lodge a complaint..
Lower you voice.
This is a police station.
We're sorry, sir.
Hello, yes Shauryaji.
Yeah, get me Mr Pathania here.
He's not available.
Then get him available now.
What's the matter, Shauryaji?
The matter's in his hands.
Tell him, if he's involved
in Prince's abduction,
he'd better drop the idea right now.
- Which way is house 24?
- Go straight and turn left.
Thank you.
Where does Preeti live?
The next house.
- Hello.
- Hello.
Does Preeti live here?
Yes, this is Preeti's house.
But her family left
for Canada a while ago.
I'll give you the address if you'd like.
Please do.
He was kidnapped 15 hours ago.
What have you done till now?
Madam, I combed through all CCTV footage
and filed the report.
Madam, the spot of abduction
doesn't fall in our jurisdiction.
That's obvious.
Jurisdiction is always a problem
with officers like you!
You neither have CCTV
footage nor car details!
What have you done?
Sorry, ma'am, we're trying.
I can see how hard you're trying.
Get back to work.
Yes, ma'am.
- Excuse me, ma'am.
- Yes, Arti.
- I got something.
- What?
Ma'am, do you recall
the famous Manisar Farmland scam?
Yes, I guess so.
It was a 2,000-acre farm land
but a group of politicians
converted it into residential land.
A few days later a whistle
blower released proofs of the scam.
What's that got to do with our case?
It is connected.
This case was filed a month
before Pawan Bawaria's arrest
and of all the PNR developers
one partner was Arjun Chautala.
Shaurya Chautala's father.
Absolutely, ma'am.
The whistle blower's
identity was anonymous.
But now we know his name.
He is none other
than Pawankumar Bawaria.
His every argument his entire case,
his every fg action is preplanned.
Pawankumar Bawaria is
up to something really big.
Chautala, thank you so much
for coming at such a short notice.
My pleasure.
Satish, I've been tried to contact you
and Bharat since three months
but no response. Today finally we meet.
But what's going on?
Ever since that whistle
blower filed the RTI,
- CBI is after us.
- Oh!
The party and ED seized
our bank accounts,
and locked our assets.
Anyway, everything is under control now.
Why I called you
is because I need
a small favour from you.
Please tell.
See, there's a big Chinese
corporate giant that has come to India.
And they want to open
a big plastic industry.
You'd showed me some land.
- They're interested in that land.
- Oh.
And they're ready to offer big money.
Oh wow, okay.
The problem is the deal
has to go through within 7 days
they will go back to their country.
Oh no, it'll be done.
When do we meet them?
This is 10 million in advance
and you'll get a 100 million
commission when the deal goes through.
Hope your papers are sorted.
They are. Awesome.
Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Jaidev, this is Prince.
Where are you?
All well?
No, I'm worried.
There's a problem.
I need your help.
Listen, don't tell anyone.
What mustn't I tell?
What's going on?
I'll tell you everything.
Do me a favour.
Jaidev, this is a list of inoperative
accounts of our branch.
Since when are these dormant?
Three years.
So they're absolutely inoperative?
Correct hence they're
called ghost account.
We can use them anytime we like.
These accounts are at our disposal.
With the right interest rate,
everything's possible.
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
What the fk!
Hello, madam prosecutor.
I must applaud your courage.
Staging your abduction was excellent.
I'm impressed.
Well, you impressed me too
considering the way you fooled Jaidev!
You know I didn't con Harpreet.
Prove it.
I'm here with proof
for you'll do anything to prove
that I was in Udaipur at Harpreet's
and that I am Manjeet Walia.
I made things easy for you.
I suggest you use these
tactics to save your skin
or you'll get jailed for a long time.
Just check the pen drive.
Do check Sarvesh Pathania's folder.
I must say though
you're great at masking
your fear with confidence.
I don't know what's on this pen drive
but I'm still going to
come after you in the court room.
It's your call.
You decide your next move.
You're joining hands with
Sarvesh Pathania for a reason
and I have the solution to that problem.
Think about it.
Excuse me, I have a call.
He is a very nice man.
- Yes.
- Hello.
- Hello, dad.
- Yes, dear.
- Very nice.
- You called at the right time.
I'm in a meeting signing a huge deal.
- Mr Chautala?
- Yes.
The deal is sealed.
Let's finalise the token.
Sure. I'm coming.
- Dear
- Dad, who's that with you?
20 million!
Bharat wanted a favour from you.
Tell me.
The ED is still on our tail.
Let's encash the cheque.
We'll share the cut.
No problem.
Thank you.
There's one more problem.
The operational and legal
formalities to start the deal
imply we'll need cash initially.
It'll take 6 days for
the cheque to get encashed.
- Right.
- And if we arrange for cash,
we'll draw their attention.
how much do you need?
10 million.
Let's do this.
Come home with me.
I'll ask my partners to get cash.
No, some other time.
Why trouble your family?
It's no trouble at all.
It's Diwali, calls for a celebration.
Well, actually I
Satish, are you doubting
the proposal or the proposer?
No way!
All right, if you insist.
Give me one.
Just a minute. Hold this.
Come here.
Take this.
- Bye.
- Oh, Shaurya's here.
Wow, what a surprise!
Surprise or shock?
Yes, meet Mr Chaudhry,
my new business partner.
Hello, Mr Chaudhry.
- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm fine.
Thank you very much.
- Thank you.
- It's okay.
You're lucky to remain unharmed.
Well, you are lucky too
to have met Shaurya today.
That conman gets to meet
her more these days than us!
C'mon, dad, don't bore him.
Who does he con?
Hope our business is safe.
Dad is more of a
threat to your business.
He's famous for emptying
people's pockets.
Let's go upstairs.
Please come.
The lift isn't working.
They're servicing it.
Oh no.
Guess we'll have to sit elsewhere.
Let's take the stairs.
- You and I can manage, can you?
- Yes.
Indeed, I'm fit.
- Let's go.
- Let's go.
Please this way.
Hope you're not too
engrossed in the conman
to take everyone to be cheats.
I find all of dad's
business partners cheats.
They cheat you in the name of property.
You're here to cheat too.
We earned a profit of 100 million.
May we get cheated thus everyday!
Are you okay?
What's wrong?
What happened?
Are you okay?
What happened? Are you okay?
Do you want to sit?
Are you okay? Mr. Satish?
- I'm fine.
- Sure?
Yes, I am fine.
Careful, mind your steps.
What happened to him?
I'll tell you.
Let him sit down.
- Please sit.
- Please come.
- Anchal!
Get water quickly.
Yes, madam.
Are you okay?
- Come quick.
- Sure?
Yes, madam.
Brijesh, how soon can you
send a team to my place?
Madam, it'll take half hour.
Janpath is blocked so we'll
take longer.
Crap! I'll manage.
- Where did he go?
- He left.
Don't touch it.
See you.
Dad, where is he?
- He left.
- Crap!
- What's wrong?
- Tell you later.
Madam, you hung up.
Brijesh, black SUV,DL2CAK5224.
- Track it down.
- I'll try.
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