Ratched (2020) s01e06 Episode Script

Got No Strings

[man] Come on, boy!
Come on. Come on.
[dogs barking]
They got a scent!
[dogs continue barking]
[breathing fast]
I heard dogs, Eddie! They got dogs!
[both panting]
Dolly, what are you doing?
What are you looking at?
We gotta strip! Throw 'em off our scent.
Yes, you didn't know that?
I've seen it in, like, a million movies.
Hurry up, take your pants off!
-[Dolly] Hurry.
-[Edmund] Yeah.
[both panting]
Come on.
It's deserted.
Yes! Yes, come on.
[Mildred] Oh, Edmund.
What have you done?
[metallic objects clinking]
[wet cutting sound]
Would you mind giving us a minute?
I have a confession to make.
I haven't been honest with you.
I haven't been able to tell you the truth.
The truth about who I really am.
Deep down, I know I've wanted to
but it's something I've never told anyone.
Something I've never wanted
to tell anyone.
Until now.
But the thought that I might lose you
I can't keep lying to you.
I have to tell you the truth.
[faint moan]
Get the doctor.
She's awake.
No, no, no. Shh, don't speak, don't speak.
You're going to be all right.
You just stay with me.
[theme music playing]
[rats squeak]
[Dolly groans]
Seems like they left in a hurry.
Uh Gross.
Well, they all did in the Depression.
When the banks took over people's farms,
they hired actual thugs and goons
to throw you out.
Then all those trashy Okies
started showing up.
Some people just starved.
Their animals, too.
-I wonder if there are bones around here.
You got a taste for the macabre,
don't you, Dolly?
Give me that.
Don't you understand?
This is killer-diller good luck.
Like Bonnie and Clyde.
Your teeth are chattering.
Are you scared?
Of course not.
I'm cold and hungry, aren't you?
I'll make you warm.
First things first, Dolly.
We gotta find a gun or something.
Those bloodhounds are gonna pick up
our scent sooner or later.
I don't know why you're so worried.
I hate to tell you this, Dolly,
but you can't outrun bloodhounds,
and that's just a fact.
We just slowed them down.
What do you mean?
I saw it in that Jane Russell movie.
Yeah, I know they like that bullshit
in the movies.
This is real life.
You were so sure, it was sweet.
I didn't wanna burst your bubble.
[breathing fast]
Burst my bubble?
You know what I think would be adorable?
Why don't you sweep up this rat shit?
Or are you too busy
having your hissy fit?
Hey, did you find anything to eat
in these cupboards?
[Dolly] You got eyes?
[door opens]
[chuckles] Oh. Oh.
Know how to cook tomatoes?
Come on, Dolly.
Holy Toledo, Dolly, put it down.
That was just sitting up there?
My grandma used to keep her shotgun
on the beam above her bed too.
She wasn't scared of nobody.
That thing loaded?
[gun clicks loudly]
[exhales deeply]
-Could have killed me.
Don't be so serious.
You gotta admit, you pointed a gun
and pulled the trigger at someone
not too many hours ago.
We already discussed that.
You slit Harold's throat.
You see me acting
like you're going to kill me?
I thought you liked being scared, anyways.
Which is it?
Quit making such a big deal
out of everything.
Just drop it.
You kind of scare me, Dolly.
I scare you?
Here's the truth.
I'm probably the least scary man
you ever met.
What's that supposed to mean?
I don't know.
I don't know, you're right, let's drop it.
We're stuck with each other anyways.
[door opens]
[door slams shuts]
Whatcha doing, Dolly?
I'm not sleeping in that rat shit house.
[Dolly exhales deeply]
Can I sleep here too?
Don't act stupid.
[Edmund] Don't call me stupid.
You still love me?
[Dolly sighs]
Why do you think
I'm making this bed for us?
I'm trying to be romantic.
[breathing fast]
I want to kiss you so bad,
it's driving me crazy.
I love you.
[moans ecstatically]
[both moan ecstatically]
[both grunting]
[rooster crows]
[chuckles faintly]
You're a wild woman, Dolly.
Never would have figured that.
[Dolly] Mm.
Me neither.
I imagined that I was Jane Russell.
Not exactly imagined. It was still me.
But I was imagining how she'd be,
if she felt like me.
She'd just act like she felt.
I love you so much.
You're my beautiful magic man.
We're magic.
[Edmund chuckles]
[rooster clucks]
Poor little fella.
Now that's a survivor.
-You know how I feel right now?
I'm hungry enough to eat that rooster.
Do you know how to cook a rooster?
Yeah, sure. I'll make a fire.
Clean one of those pots, boil some water.
I'll throw in those stewed tomatoes.
You just have to catch him first,
and wring his neck and pluck him.
You want me to kill him?
I mean, well, yeah.
You've never killed a chicken before?
I mean, it's no big deal.
Poor guy survived this long only to be--
[Dolly] Shit, Eddie.
You can kill four priests
and slit a nice guy's throat,
but you can't kill a chicken to feed us?
It was your idea.
That chicken never had a mean thought.
It never did one bad thing.
Animals are not like people.
[Dolly] Well, I suggest
you watch and learn,
because you're gonna have to do it
next time.
-[Dolly grunts]
-[rooster clucks]
So you grab it by the feet,
so it's upside down like this.
[clucks wildly]
And then you take the first finger
and second finger of your right hand here,
and you put your thumb
under its little beak,
and you tilt
-and snap
-[rooster's neck cracks]
-and Bob's your uncle.
And that's just his nervous system.
He's dead.
He's not in any pain.
[breathes deeply]
You couldn't watch me?
I'm okay. [sniffs]
I'll clean him, just
show me how.
[male on TV] Hey there, boys and girls.
[groaning] Ow.
The doctor tells me
you're out of the woods.
How do you feel?
Like I've been shot.
[exhales deeply] I don't recommend it.
Thank you.
Well, you look good.
[Gwendolyn] No, I don't.
But thank you.
[chuckles and groans]
Every time I laugh,
it feels like I'm being stabbed
in the chest with a hot poker.
At least I'm laughing.
So that's something.
[chatter on TV]
Wanna know my favorite animal?
[male] I sure do.
-[female] My favorite animal goes, "Woof."
Miss Briggs is not a child.
Would you please find her
some age-appropriate programming?
[Gwendolyn] Oh, no, please.
I asked her to put it on.
[chuckles faintly]
Makes me feel like a kid.
I've always loved puppets.
Thank you.
[male] Can you tell me
what animal that was?
[female] Oh, I know.
It was a duck.
[male] That's right.
[Gwendolyn] Would you care to have a seat?
I could use some company.
[female] I know another animal.
[male] What sound does your animal
that you're thinking of make?
[female] This animal goes,
"Cheep, cheep, cheep."
There was a
a little puppet theater in the basement
of the house I grew up in.
[Gwendolyn] You don't say.
Some kids have all the luck.
Are you all right?
[breathes deeply]
I am now.
I don't understand.
Well, I
I told the governor that
I would meet him in Stockton
tomorrow morning for a campaign stop,
but the doctor told me
I'm not allowed to drive myself yet.
So I thought
if you would be so kind
Modesto is right on the way.
We could see a marionette show
and have a nice dinner afterwards.
Make an evening of it.
Maybe even a
an overnight.
You could hold on to my car and
drive it back here by tomorrow's rounds.
What do you think?
I don't want to do that.
Oh. Well
Well, then, forget it.
Just an idea.
I mean the puppet show.
I don't see why we would want to do
something like that.
Because I thought it would be fun,
That's all.
Yes, but we're not children.
Well, you know what?
I wish that we were.
[scoffs and chuckles]
I wish that I could've met Mildred Ratched
before the world got to her.
Before somebody convinced her
that the only way to survive
is to build a wall around herself
and never let anybody in.
I'm sorry, I think you misunderstand.
Actually, I think I understand perfectly.
And I can't do this anymore.
This little
I don't even know what to call it.
This little game of cat and mouse.
It's obvious that what I have to offer
you're not interested in.
And that's fine.
life is just too short.
And nearly dying, um
is very illuminating
in that regard, so
So Mildred, I'm sorry
for having wasted your time.
And I guess I'll have to forgive you
for having wasted mine.
I'll go.
I'll go with you.
I want to.
You're right, it
sounds fun.
You getting hurt
and almost
It was very illuminating for me, too.
[whispering] Yes?
[voice wavering]
I didn't want to lose you.
So I'm happy to do
whatever you want to do.
That would make me so happy.
I just have to go home and pack a bag.
We can leave around noon.
It's charming, isn't it?
[children giggle]
[carnivalesque music]
Mwah, mwah, mwah!
Oh, hello, boys and girls!
Are you ready for my puppet friends
to tell you a story?
-[children] Yes!
-[host] Oh, good, good, good, good, good.
Now, my puppet friends need you
to be good listeners.
So, when you hear something funny,
what do you do?
[children] Laugh.
Yes, you're gonna laugh.
This is so much fun.
Thank you for coming with me.
[host, in mock sad voice] And when you see
something sad, what do you do?
[children] Cry.
[mock crying] Very good.
And now
[loud, echoing click]
the story of a brother and a sister
who lose their mommy and daddy
and go on a great adventure.
Once upon a time,
there was a little girl
who grew up in the Great Depression,
whose mommy drank
until she was blackout drunk.
[host] Mommy woke up one day and said
"I don't want to be a mommy anymore."
So the little girl was sent
to a foster home
where someone else's mommy and daddy
would take care of her.
[man] What's your name?
[man] Mildred.
[man] I don't ever want to hear
your mouth open again, girl.
This mommy and daddy were very mean.
Whatever Mildred did,
they would beat her and yell at her,
as well as the other orphan
they took care of.
[echoing click]
What's your name?
[child Mildred] Hi, Edmund.
[child Edmund] Hi, Mildred.
-[loud, echoing click]
No talking.
-It's okay. No, no, don't!
-[child Mildred screams]
[man cackles]
-[man cackling]
-[audience laughing]
The boy and girl were very unhappy,
until one day,
they met their fairy godmother.
-[door opens]
-[door closes]
-[host] A kind caseworker
who pitied the boy and girl so much,
she fudged their paperwork,
writing that
they were biological siblings
so that they would never be separated,
and they would always have one another.
-She said
-Be a good boy and girl,
and take care of each other.
But each foster home they were sent to
was worse than the next.
[child Mildred] You're my brother.
[child Edmund] And you're my sister now.
It's very nice to meet you.
[man] Nice to meet you, too.
[smacking sound]
[child Mildred] What? Ow!
No matter how well they behaved,
their foster parents hated them,
and beat them whenever they could.
-[child Mildred] What?! Ow!
-[child Edmund] Hey! Stop that, you!
[host] Seems they were often just taken in
for the government stipend they received.
[child Mildred] What? No! Stop! No!
One day, the boy was beaten so badly,
-his sister thought he might die.
-[child Edmund] No!
-Don't! Stop it!
-[child Mildred] Ow!
[host] So they ran away,
back to the caseworker,
and begged her to find them
a mommy and daddy who would love them
and take care of them.
Well, that kind caseworker
took pity on them once again,
and had very good news.
She had found their forever family.
A wealthy mommy and daddy
who lived in a house big as a castle.
Mildred and Edmund were so overjoyed
to meet their new mommy and daddy.
They gave them presents and candy,
and all the ice cream they could eat.
Later, they showed the boy and girl
the best thing of all.
Down in the basement,
there was a puppet theater,
where the boy and girl could play
to their hearts' content.
-After a while, they realized
-[loud, echoing click]
the stage wasn't made for puppets.
They were the ones
who were expected to perform.
Their forever mommy and daddy
took out classified ads in newspapers
using a special code.
I'd like to place an advertisement.
Baby Bloom. Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m.
565 Westerfield Lane.
And perverts from all around
paid lots of money to watch them perform
-unnatural acts on each other.
-[cigar hisses]
[phonograph clicks]
[old timey music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
The boy and girl decided
they had to escape,
but the little boy didn't want
to just run away.
[child Edmund]
They have to pay for what they've done.
His sister begged him not to,
that they should run off
while they had the chance.
-[child Mildred] No, come with me.
-[host] But the little boy said
[host] And so,
while the couple slept
he took a pair of razor-sharp scissors
[door opens]
and gouged out their eyes.
[woman screams]
[woman sobs]
Edmund, we have to get out of here!
[woman gasps]
Edmund, please.
We have to get out of here.
I don't want to leave you!
Get out of here!
[man screams]
[agonized gasps]
I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!
Sorry. So sorry. I'm so sorry.
The little girl ran and ran
until she couldn't run anymore.
[child Mildred] I'm sorry, Edmund.
I'm sorry.
[host] Finally, she sat down
beneath a tree and cried.
[child Mildred, sobbing]
I told you I'd never leave you, but I did.
I did leave you.
Please forgive me, Edmund.
I promise I will come
and find you someday.
I promise!
[laughter continues]
How dare you!
How dare you force these children
to watch this show?
What kind of place is this?
[Gwendolyn] Mildred.
[Mildred] How dare you!
How dare you!
-[child cries]
-What's that?
So sorry.
I'm so, so sorry.
[crying continues]
Do you want to talk about
what happened back there?
I suppose I should apologize.
Pull over, please.
Stop the car, Mildred.
You need to tell me
what is going on with you,
and I know you want to talk to me
about it.
I heard you, you know.
In the hospital
after I came out of surgery.
You were holding my hand,
and you said there was something
you had to tell me.
So tell me.
Who are you?
[Mildred] As a child, I was
well, I suppose you'd say I was an orphan.
And I was placed into the foster system.
I had a brother.
Well, he wasn't really my brother.
He was also an orphan.
But a caseworker
took a liking to us and
forged our paperwork
to say that we were
biological siblings,
so we would be kept together.
One of the families
the last one
They abused us.
Most of the families abused us.
But this one
This man and
and his wife
They forced my brother and I
to perform sexual acts on one another.
After a time
I'm not exactly sure how long
Maybe months.
My brother and I
We decided we had to escape.
But first
he decided he had to kill them.
And he did.
And he told me to run.
[voice wavering] And so I did.
I left him there.
I left him behind.
So I made a promise to myself
that one day, I would find him.
And now I finally have.
He's a patient at Lucia State Hospital.
My brother
is Edmund Tolleson.
[rustling sound]
Dolly, get up.
We overslept.
[Edmund grunts]
What do you mean?
We don't got anywhere to be.
[grunts] On the move is where we gotta be.
You think they're just gonna
You think they're just gonna
give up looking for us?
I heard something.
I don't hear anything.
[clears throat]
What about some eggs first?
We don't got any eggs.
Yeah, but there was that rooster
wandering around. I mean
he's not gonna stick around
an old farmhouse
without a hen to keep him company.
There's no hen, no eggs.
Well, how's about a little loving
before we hit
the First National Bank of Sacramento?
[mock gunfire]
Later. All right?
[man] Drop your weapon!
We have you surrounded!
Turn around! Turn around!
Out the back!
Go, go!
Shit! Dolly. In here!
In here. In here.
Where's the gun? Where's the shotgun?
Ah They have us surrounded.
We're not gonna be able
to shoot our way out of this, Dolly.
Eddie, what do we do?
We go out there.
I gotta turn myself in, baby.
No. No, I won't let you.
-I'll tell them I kidnapped you.
-No! No!
You won't go to jail or nothing.
But I I shot a woman. [sobs]
You have to let me go.
It's the only way we don't end up dead.
I don't want to live without you.
Dolly, listen to me.
You've given me more life
than I ever deserved.
I love you so much, Edmund.
I love you, too.
I wanted it all with you, you know?
A house
babies, and everything.
Don't say it.
Don't say it.
But maybe it was just never in the cards.
I'm unarmed.
[officer] Walk real slow, son.
The girl didn't do anything.
[gun cocks]
I kidnapped her.
You have no right to punish her
for something I did.
It was all my idea.
-Dolly, no!
[officer 1] Hold! Hold! Hold your fire!
Everybody, move in!
[officer 2] All right, she's down!
[indistinct shouting]
[officer 2] Patrolmen down!
[officer 3] You're gonna rot in hell,
you son of a bitch.
[handcuffs click]
[sirens wailing]
[sirens approaching]
You Nurse Ratched?
Mildred Ratched, Sheriff.
Head nurse. We spoke on the phone.
Sign here, please.
[Edmund] Nurse Ratched.
We'll be taking him down to M ward.
We got armed deputies guarding his cell
until the governor gets here
in the morning.
-Nurse Ratched!
-Don't you dare address me, Mr. Tolleson.
You should thank your lucky stars
these men didn't blow your head off.
It's far more mercy
than I would have shown you.
Get him out of here.
[Edmund] Nurse Ratched!
[loud echoing thud]
[indistinct chatter]
[Bucket] The governor's here to see you,
Dr. Hanover.
[Dr. Hanover] Thank you.
You're looking well today, Nurse Bucket.
[man] Go ahead.
[Dr. Hanover] And after just a handful
of sessions of hypnotherapy,
Miss Wells's alternate personalities
all but disappeared.
Here's her chart.
Nurse Ratched, will you please
And, Governor, you will see
that she is a fascinating case,
and a charismatic one to boot.
Much more the face of this facility
than Edmund Tolleson ever was.
And why are you telling me this?
[Dr. Hanover] Well
as you can see in the in the chart--
Dr. Hanover is aware that you believe
your campaign to be flagging.
Miss Cratchet--
It's Ratched.
It's Mildred Ratched.
He also knows that Edmund Tolleson is
insane and therefore unfit to stand trial,
but he still believes that
this facility can remain a central part
of your reelection campaign.
-Was I speaking to you?
-You were not, but as head nurse--
Then shut the fuck up!
Worst mass murderer
in the history of the state of California,
and he's allowed to attend a dance
in the same hospital
that I lent my credibility to as governor.
Murders a guard,
shoots my press secretary,
and he escapes with the help
of an accomplice
who's a nurse from the very same hospital!
A statewide manhunt ensues,
and ends in a gunfight
with two patrolmen
and the accomplice dead.
Now, I think I got all my facts straight.
Unless I'm mistaken.
Well, it was the accomplice who shot me,
not Edmund.
Does this seem like a good week
for my reelection campaign?
Dr. Hanover, our relationship is over.
I can only hope that
the voters of this state
thought making my campaign
about the war on mental illness
as stupid an idea as I did,
and they forget it ever happened.
So if you want your hospital to stay open,
if you want one more penny
of state funding
to provide treatment
for your patients here
Miss Briggs.
you will sign this release
saying that Tolleson is sane.
Fit to stand trial.
Dr. Hanover.
[Wilburn] Yes.
Now. See, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Now, I sincerely hope
I never meet you again.
Miss Briggs.
You know, I gotta say, when we first met,
everybody said that you were brilliant.
But that's not what I thought.
I said to myself,
"This motherfucker, he's the crazy one."
[laughing] That just goes to show you,
first impressions, they're never wrong.
[door opens]
Governor, I'm impressed.
How so?
At your being brave enough to keep
this facility open after what happened.
-You're dumber than you look.
-I'm sorry?
I pulled the funding.
This hospital will be bankrupt in a month.
I lied to him so he'd sign the release.
Edmund Tolleson will be
frying in the electric chair
by Monday of next week.
-[door bangs loudly]
-I see. You know, it occurs to me, um,
now that he's in custody
and we know he's going to be put to death,
maybe his execution is something
we could tease to the voters.
We could put it off
until after the election
and let the public's interest in the case
motivate them to turn out to the polls.
You have a nice ass
but you know that, right?
It's the mouth.
I am so tired of hearing
bullshit advice spewing from it.
Miss Briggs, you're fired.
Sorry you got shot.
[door shuts loudly]
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