Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Ruby Ring Episode 6 How's work? I'm enjoying it, sir.
It's tough for me though.
Everything's going so smoothly that there's not much for me to do.
You must be vigilant when all's going well.
You have to be more attentive when everything's smooth sailing than when it's not.
President Kim sang praises about how well the marketing department's doing.
Everyone works hard, but it's also thanks to our favorable corporate image.
It makes our work that much easier.
Enough, Changgeun.
All this work talk will give her indigestion.
That's right.
She must be nervous as it is.
You're right.
Eat your fill.
Yes, sir.
Is Chuncheon your hometown? Yes.
We live in Udo-dong.
I see.
I once lived near there.
You did? When? Huh? It was just for a little while.
Please eat.
Thank you.
This is my room.
It's tidier than I expected.
But of course.
Oh, I have something to show you.
This scarf was your last gift to me.
I've always kept it close.
It's amazing I'm seeing this again.
From now on, we are bound together like this forever and ever.
Gyeongmin, come down for some fruit.
Yes, yes.
Coming, mom.
Oh, couldn't you put me back on the show? I'm sorry.
The paperwork has gone through.
What do you mean you'll figure it out? Are you going to raise the baby as a single mother? I'm done here.
Let's call it quits.
Go, Jeong Runa.
Are you just getting in? What's the matter? Did the audition not go well? I don't know.
Leave me alone.
This isn't the first time.
You can do well on a different show.
Did you have dinner? I'm not hungry.
What's wrong? Don't be like this.
Have a little something.
I'll whip something up.
What is it? Mom.
Why doesn't anything work out for me? That's not true.
You've accomplished a lot.
You always say all I do is drain this family's money and you don't know who I take after.
Why am I like this? Why? I sometimes wonder.
Are Ruby and I really twins? Mom, are Ruby and I really twins? What kind of a question is that? We were born on the same day and came from the same womb, but why are we so different? Runa, I'm sure Ruby goes through rough patches.
It's the same for everyone.
Sometimes things go well, and other times, things don't work out.
You must be stressed because things haven't been going well for you.
Get some rest.
How's Runa better than me? Why does everything go well for her? It's upsetting, mom.
It's so unfair.
What am I going to do? Mom, what am I going to do? Mom, I'll do well for myself.
I'll do better than anyone else.
I can do better than Runa.
I will.
I will do well for myself.
She still has no appetite.
The tonic's supposed to restore her appetite.
She's probably just on a diet.
Right, Runa? Please mind your own business, aunt.
You're so snippety.
I try to find a soft spot for you, but you just won't let me.
Ruby, why do come home so late these days? Oh, um I heard you're seeing someone.
Is it true? Yes.
My goodness! You're dating? Good for you.
I've been worried you'd become a spinster like me.
What does he do? He's the director of our company.
What? Director? He must be very old.
No, Aunt Chorim.
We went to college together.
He's the son of the chairman.
The son of the chairman? Goodness me! Gilja, I'm going to pass out! - Help me.
/ - My goodness.
You always go overboard.
Oh, my goodness.
That's amazing.
Good for you.
The chairman's son I knew you'd get yourself a great guy.
You're perfect in every way.
You're not only pretty, slim, and educated, you have a great job and personality.
Whoever snatched you is a very lucky man.
So is he handsome? Why haven't you brought him over? I'll talk his ears off about how great you are.
You're going to hyperventilate.
Calm down, will you? I'm just so happy.
How did you end up snatching the son of the owner of a major business? No.
You didn't snatch him.
He snatched you.
That's what happened.
Pardon? Okay.
I'll zip it.
How long have you known him? We've known each other since college.
But mom, I went to his parents' You've already met his parents? So? Did they want to set the wedding date? Are they really rich? My goodness, Chorim.
It's zipped.
So what did they say? They want to meet you all ASAP.
Gilja, Gilja, this is amazing.
Oh, my goodness.
This is so amazing.
I am so proud of you.
So when do they want the wedding? As soon as possible.
What about you? I'm not sure.
It feels a bit rushed.
And I haven't introduced him to you guys yet.
That's no big deal.
He can come and meet us right away.
Gilja, Gilja, this is so great.
A great thing has happened to our family.
They'll probably get you a house, right? What's the matter with you? What? You make me proud.
Lucky you, Jeong Ruby.
What did you do? How did you seduce him? How'd you make him fall so madly in love with you? What's the secret? Don't put it like that.
I'm just being realistic.
Why would a man like him marry the daughter of a widow who runs a chicken joint? You say you dated since college, but still It's not like you're drop-dead gorgeous.
They went to college together How did she get him to go out with her? In college? In addition to organic crops, the manure from antibiotic-free cattle and swine raised on organic crops Are you taking pictures of me? No.
Why not? Stop it.
Come on.
Now, let's take a self pic.
Closed today Chorim, should we have done this at home? We're meeting him for the first time.
I don't know if this is appropriate.
What did I tell you? We should've redone the restaurant or moved to an apartment before Ruby and Runa got married.
These days, the fad is redoing your face rather than your home.
What are you talking about? Once the wedding date is set, the bride and groom's mothers get plastic surgery done.
They touch up their eyes and get face-lifts.
That's way too much.
It's not the mothers who are getting married.
But isn't it better for the mothers to look young and pretty rather than old and wrinkly? Yeah, Gilja.
Why don't you go and get your face redone? You're quite a beauty! Chorim's the one who really needs it.
But then again, there's only so much the surgeons can do with that.
What? What did you say? Pipe down, you two.
Stop your nonsense and make sure we have everything.
Why isn't Runa here yet? She should be here waiting for her future brother-in-law.
Gilja, about Runa She seems jealous.
But of course.
I'm jealous of Ruby too.
Her husband-to-be is perfect, perfect in every way.
And that perfect man will be marrying my niece.
Come on in.
I should've introduced myself sooner.
Don't worry.
I'm Jeong Chorim, Ruby's aunt.
I've heard a lot about you.
I'm Bae Gyeongmin.
Is she your younger sister? No, no.
I'm an employee.
My name is Ko Soyeong.
I see.
You're really handsome.
You look like a movie star.
Go and heat up the soup.
Where's Runa? She must be running late.
I'm sure she'll be here soon.
Please sit, sir.
You must be hungry.
No need for the formality, ma'am.
This looks good.
Thank you.
I can finish everything, right? Of course.
You can even have some to go, Gyeongmin.
What? He's family now.
We can be on a first-name basis.
Right, Gyeongmin? That's right, Chorim.
Like I said Eat your fill.
I am indeed hungry.
Mom, you should have some too.
Yeah, but still I did my best.
You went overboard.
Runa, why didn't you come? I was busy.
But still.
How can you not even show up to say hello to your future brother-in-law? You should've made the time.
I was busy.
I'll be seeing plenty of him.
Did I really have to be there? You little twit.
What's the matter with you? I don't know if she's inconsiderate or immature.
It's called "araeseunban.
" Have you heard of the name here in Chuncheon? The name comes from No.
Cut, cut, cut, cut.
Jeong, have you gained weight? Pardon? Your face is puffy, and your gut is sticking out.
Go on a diet.
There are young girls vying for your spot.
You can lose everything in one swoop.
Why don't we take a quick break? The baby's healthy and growing well.
See? This is the heart.
You have nothing to worry about.
Just make sure you come in for your regular exams.
Um The truth is, I'm not prepared to have a baby.
Abortion is illegal these days You should just have the baby.
I know all that, but isn't there a way? I don't think it's a decision you need to make right now.
Talk it over with the father or your family, and bring someone with you next time.
Runa Na Insu speaking.
It's me.
I'm sorry.
I know you're busy.
What is it? Runa.
I have a favor to ask you.
Come with me to the hospital.
Someone has to come with me.
Help me.
So you're really getting an abortion? What am I supposed to do? What choice do I have? You're responsible for 50% of this.
I know.
And I told you I'd do my part.
I said I'd take care of the full 100%.
I said I'd marry you.
But you refused.
Then let's get married.
We'll get married.
Do you mean it? But I won't have the baby.
Even if we get married, I want to wait until my career's on track.
Is this a joke? I'm not joking.
You may not have wanted the baby, but the baby is a living thing.
Don't you think you have even an iota of responsibility for its life? Don't you have any conscience? That's murder.
If you get an abortion, I don't want to marry you.
Insu! Sweetheart! What? Do you have something to say? Pardon? No.
Um, Ms.
Jeong I don't like bringing this up, but is the rumor going around like a tsunami actually true? There's been a tsunami of what? The rumor is that you and the director are dating.
They're not dating.
You don't know anything.
Right? I thought it was true.
They're engaged.
Pardon? Really? Ms.
Jeong, really? Is it true? Yeah.
So was history made at our office dinner that Mr.
Bae came to, after he was appointed? History is always prone to distortion.
Get back to work.
We have this plan to get through.
Ruby's fiance is amazing.
She's always been so nice.
Heaven must be rewarding her.
So you should be nice too if you want to marry a good man.
Don't worry about me.
You have yourself to worry about.
That's not true.
I'm not looking, that's all.
If I set my mind to it, guys will line up for me.
You have it all wrong.
Would you like me to set you up with someone? A blind date? Yup.
He's my friend's in-law's family.
He's a teacher.
He's never been married.
That sounds great.
Soyeong, set her up, will you? If all goes well, I'll be eternally grateful.
What do you think? Sounds good, right? I don't know.
He's never been married.
Go for it.
How old is he? He's a dragon, so he's 61.
But he's never been married.
Hi, Dongpal.
Long time no see.
Someone else has been making the deliveries.
I was a bit busy.
No Dongpal speaking.
What? A blind date? Let's see.
Tonight's fine.
What time? Yup, I know the place.
Yahansil Cafe.
Are you going on a date? A close friend is setting me up with this great woman he knows.
Good for you.
You should get married soon too.
Chorim, should I hook you up? I have a friend who runs a small supermarket.
He's a really great guy.
How old is he? I think he's 43.
That's perfect.
His wife passed away 2 years ago, and his son's a college freshman.
Are you kidding me? Goodness me.
You startled me.
What makes you think I'd go for a widower with a son? Huh? Jeez! What's the big deal, Chorim? Such things don't matter these days.
You may never have been married, but you're in no place to be picky.
You messed up, Dongpal.
Chorim says she'll only marry a man who's never been married before.
She won't settle for anything less.
She's going to die alone.
Who does he think he is? Is he playing games? He asked me out on a date, and now he wants to set me up with someone? Wait a minute.
He'll get it from me.
You may not have wanted the baby, but the baby is a living thing.
Don't you think you have even an iota of responsibility for its life? Don't you have any conscience? That's murder.
What am I going to do? What am I supposed to do? I look forward to working with you.
That guy earlier is hilarious.
It's been a while.
Trust all is well? Like usual.
Aram, this is Mr.
Na Insu, a producer.
I'm Lee Aram.
She's a new reporter.
Oh, really? Hello.
Could I have a word with you in private? Right now? Sure.
We don't have anything urgent.
I'll catch up with you.
What is it? Um It's about Jeong Runa.
I heard.
She came to see me.
Do you think you could find her something? Sure, eventually, but we're not starting anything new right now.
What's wrong? What's going on? You say you two are getting married, but Ms.
Jeong says you aren't.
Never mind.
I'm sure you're busy.
See you around.
No matter which way you think about it, it makes no sense.
It's crazy.
Isn't it hilarious? Wow.
Isn't it absurd? No one believes me.
But I swear it happened.
Would you like to order? Shhh.
Go, go.
I don't want anything.
Everyone keels over when they hear it.
Man, just thinking about it You know what? You're really chic.
You're the beautiful one.
Oh, stop it.
What? "Oh, stop it?" Give me a break.
If I had known you were this handsome, I would've said no, but I have a prior engagement.
Oh, really? That hippo of a woman's playing hard to get.
That's too bad.
Really? What a shame.
Should we meet up again? When are you free? Call me anytime.
Time is all I have.
I don't know if I should call you first.
I'm a girlie girl.
I can't stand it.
Then I'll call you.
Girlie girl? With that face and body? I'll take you to a very nice place, sweetheart.
Sweetheart? What a womanizer.
This is my business card.
That loser has business cards? He must give them out left and right.
Shall we? Blind date? With that old hag? Wait.
Is he a gigolo? What are you doing, Chorim? Dongpal, what are you doing here? I'm here to meet a friend.
Why's she so late? Let's go.
Where to? Shouldn't we eat at least? Welcome.
Two sausage soups.
Coming up.
I'm not hungry.
I don't have to eat.
Eating well is the key to a happy life.
Have the soup, Chorim.
Does Mrs.
Yu know? About what? That you like me.
Hey! Hey! Look, No Dongpal, you must be very confused.
Let me say this again.
I would never ever be interested in you, okay? Then why did you come to that cafe? To meet a friend.
But you were alone.
She stood me up.
She called and said something came up.
You like me, don't you? I said I didn't.
Come on.
I swear.
Have your lovers' spat after you eat.
How much is it? Coming.
Pardon? I got this.
Chorim hasn't called yet? No.
She had to go out at the busiest time, and we can't even get in touch with her.
Here you go.
Here's the receipt.
Thank you.
Have you tried calling? Yes, many times, but she's not answering.
This is so upsetting.
She said she was going to the pharmacy, but it's been hours.
Put your seatbelt on.
Don't expect me to put it on for you like they do in the movies.
They make physical contact, smell each other.
It's all just too dainty for me.
And it's not like you'd smell sweet and womanly anyway.
It's not like you wear perfume.
All I'd smell is raw chicken.
Same goes for you too.
You and I are no different.
This is why it won't ever work out for us.
Oh, my goodness.
What are you doing? Jeez.
Stop being so dramatic.
You had kimchi on your hand.
Oh, my goodness.
I saw everything.
Mum is the word, okay? Why? Are you really seeing Dongpal? Are you nuts? Are you high? We just happened to run into each other.
You just happened to, eh? Something smells fishy.
Fishy? All I smell of is raw chicken, okay? Keep your mouth shut.
What are you doing? It's a new project, but I couldn't make much headway at the office.
Of course not.
A boyfriend can be a major distraction.
Good for you, Jeong Ruby.
You'll marry into a rich family, and you'll never have to worry about money.
I'll pamper you like Cinderella, so don't forget me.
What is it about Ruby you like so much? She's the one I have to spend my life with.
She's my destiny.
Is Runa okay physically? Physically? She's healthy, right? All's well, right? Snap out of it, Jeong Chorim.
He's a womanizer.
Will you marry me? Jeong Ruby, I'm going to live like you no matter what.
See you next time
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