Selection Day (2018) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Could we be seeing the emergence of a new Master Blaster on the cricket fields of Mumbai? I definitely think so.
Radhakrishna Kumar of the Weinberg Academy smashed the world fastest century for under 16 today, by bringing up his hundred off just 36 balls.
His explosive knock powered Weinberg into the second round of the Harris Shield and marked them out as early favourites to win the tournament.
If he continues in this superb form Selection Day surely beckons for young Kumar.
Hey, Dhoni, don't forget us.
Well done, Radha! - Congratulations, Radha.
- Congratulations.
Mr Radha! There's an offer for you.
What do you mean? You're everywhere.
Did you see this? One of her pupils scored the fastest centuary.
It's a new world record.
Okay, so what am I supposed to do with this? Thank Siddhi Vinayak? It could be point of entry.
You have to be creative.
You've got to schmooze her.
I mean, I am I just don't think we speak the same language.
Anand, school is her life.
Max's ashes are buried on the field.
You didn't know that.
Wake up, Anand, give Nellie something to dream about.
Uh, sir, the account's department has asked me to inform you that this will be the last chemotherapy session.
The doctor said to continue this treatment until he changes it.
Yes, sir, but they're saying that your medical insurance has finished.
After this, you will have to pay in advance.
Look, Suresh, that crazy woman that dog woman you introduced me to, is a thief! The landlord found a new tenant.
He wants you out tonight.
I'll find the money.
Take this.
It should cover a few months' rent.
- You can't sell that.
It's Mum's.
- Shut up! Keep it.
Find some money by tonight.
I'll handle the landlord.
He's acting like she's never coming back.
Otherwise he wouldn't dare sell her bracelet.
She always comes back.
She always calls too.
Always talks to us.
But not this time.
Dad said that he's spoken to her.
He's lying.
Congratulations Radha.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
She knows we're staying with Uncle Suresh.
She'll find us when she's ready.
Hmm? I need to talk to her.
- How can I help you? - Is this fresh? Yes, I'm cutting it in front of you.
See? Do you like apples? Yes? What's the difference between champion and ordinary player? It's not enough to just practice and exercise.
A champion's diet is critical.
Here's a health tonic for champions.
I made it myself.
If you want to be a champion like my kids, then try this.
What's in the tonic? It's a secret formula.
There are 27 types of herbs in it.
100% pure veg.
Why should we believe you? You don't have to.
Check your phone.
Take it out.
Hey, kid.
Check YouTube for "The Next Master Blaster.
" Search for it.
- Radha Kumar.
- Yes, Radha Kumar.
That's my son.
He broke the Harris Shield record.
If you want to be like Radha Kumar, this is the drink for you.
How much? - 75 rupees only.
- I'll take one.
Here you go.
Drink it.
Drink it, son.
What happened? It tastes weird at first, just keep drinking.
It tastes awful.
- Come on.
It's great.
- Give me my money back.
Let's go, son.
Father and son are too soft.
You'll never make him a champion! Good morning my lovely children.
After the misfortune of the fire, I am so glad I have good news to report.
You all know our school motto Ad astra to the stars.
To the stars.
It implies a journey.
And a journey needs two important things: preparation and belief.
And our cricket team displayed both and handsomely won their first round batch in Harris Shield.
As captain, I thank Tommy Sir for his phenomenal job with the team.
And all our players and students for their support.
And now a special thank you, and an award of our school colours, to our star batsman and man of the match, Radha Kumar.
- Congratulations Radha.
Well done, well done.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Thank you, sir.
- Congratulations.
Thank you.
- Your boys really drink this? - Every day.
Poor souls.
God save them.
Get up.
Run! I must sell this, for my rent.
Get out of here! It's a BMC raid! It's a raid.
Hey, Pakiya.
- Quick.
- Hey.
- What do I do? - Go to the gallery, go! - Go, quickly! - What is happening? Stop right there! Put it down! He's new here.
He hasn't done anything.
You can't sell here without a license.
- He hasn't sold anything yet.
- And you? I suppose you haven't sold anything either? Tell me you haven't sold anything either.
Listen, sir.
My juice is the bestseller here.
Your boss, Mr Shinde, he drinks it every day.
He drinks from nowhere else.
Do you want me to call him? Want to talk to him? Should I call him? No, no.
Don't bother him.
We can sort this out ourselves, huh? Listen, sir.
Don't even think about it.
If Mr Shinde finds out, you'll be in trouble.
And you? What's your story? I'm broke.
I invested all my money in this tonic.
If I see you here again, - I'll put you behind bars.
Got it? - Hey! Next time pour the juice in bottles.
And that drum, tie it to your bicycle, makes it easier to run.
Was that all of your stock? You need any help? I've helped all these girls set up shop.
I can help you.
Just ask.
I'll ask if I need anything.
See you soon.
What did you think of my poem? You're a show off.
And tricky.
Have you figured out what it means yet? I don't have time for stupid things.
I can't believe I bowled you out.
Why did you get out? I need a bathroom break.
Focus, Manju.
Don't lose your concentration.
Shit! I have to go.
Dad will kill me if I'm not home by 7:00.
- Same time tomorrow? - We'll see.
What's going on? We're being kicked out.
Because you wouldn't let him sell the bracelet.
- This isn't my fault.
- Just when things were going okay.
What are you doing? I need Auntie's number.
You're kicking your nephews out.
You should be ashamed.
Don't give me that family loyalty bullshit I am not a charity.
If you want to stay, pay the rent.
Who do you think you are? You're not above the law! I'll tell everyone once I get back to home.
- Go ahead.
- I'll destroy your reputation.
No one will speak to you again.
You should have been on my side.
Enough with the drama.
This is not a charity! I need to answer the landlord.
Got it? See his true colors.
He's done this to his cousin.
What will he do to you? This is Mumbai.
Money rules here.
Bloody idiot! Pick those up.
- When my boys become cricket stars, - Yeah? you'll be back, tail between your legs.
Stars like those are a dime a dozen.
Get out! Does Radha Kumar live here? Let me tell you Mr Mehta, A to Z of how I made these champions.
- The first thing is diet, and the second - Mr Kumar, very very kind of you to offer, but as you can imagine as the CEO of a string of successful businesses, my time is precious.
As Radha's sponsor, I can offer a monthly stipend, to take care of his expenses.
I will manage his career when he joins the IPL.
I will handle everything.
Deals with Nike, Adidas, whatever.
I'll also take a certain amount of interest.
My rate is 33.
3%, for perpetuity.
Got it? - How much per month? - Fifty thousand rupees.
He scores the world's fastest century and you offer 50,000 rupees? I have two sons, sir.
Both are champions.
They're destined to be the Federer and Nadal of international cricket.
Radha is film star material.
Soft drink companies will line up to sign him.
You just wait and see.
He'll be surrounded by celebrities, have a famous girlfriend.
And maybe one day, he'll be a film star, too.
And that one? Come here, huh? Manju gives you access to a whole new market; Women, young and old.
They want to wrap him up and protect him.
Think about it, sir.
Two brothers from the village making it big.
People love such stories.
That's a story! I knew you were a smart man.
- But Dad, I - Son, we are talking about business here.
One more thing.
These champs can't live in this dump.
I need a better place.
Final offer, sir.
A two-bedroom flat and 60,000 rupees, for both boys.
Then, one third of their earnings will be yours, forever.
You won't get a better deal.
I like you, Mr Kumar.
But 50,000 rupees for both and the flat.
- Fifty-five? - Fifty thousand.
Take it or leave it.
That's more like it.
The legendary RT.
4kgs, Sarawak cane handle.
Shift-tech grip, pure English willow, sir.
The best bat in the world.
How about this? What about you? No, I don't need anything.
Oh, come on.
Everybody wants something, right? No, I'm fine.
Thank you.
See the size of this room? Twice as big as your apartment.
The watchman and secretary here call me "sir.
" He salutes me.
You know what? I'd like to invite all my relatives here, hm? Line them up, show them everything, and then throw them out.
What's wrong, Manju? Why don't you get something? It's free.
Nothing is free.
He has bought our lives.
Mum would have never allowed it.
Do you want to remain poor? Look, Manju.
We have a sponsor now.
Pretty soon, we'll have money.
Then we can do whatever we want.
Can you show me the putter? I'm your elder brother.
I know what you want.
This is aunt's number.
You wanted this, right? Call Mum, and you'll see that she's fine.
Keep it in mind so that Dad doesn't know.
W-E-I-N-G Weinberg Academy.
- Wolverines.
- I'm a coach, Nellie.
If you want me to dance, pay me extra.
Oh, come on, Kulkarni? You've forgotten that birthday party in London.
You and Geeta were the talk of the town.
I know, ages back.
The rumor is true, boys.
Kumar brothers have been signed.
You will meet our manager soon.
But first I want to introduce you to a special new friend.
The legendary RT.
The best bat in the world.
And I got this through talent, not because someone drew a cock on my old bat.
You got it because a rich man needed to do charity.
How many runs have you scored with your new bat? When you have someone by your side to protect you it's easy to break records.
- Isn't Geeta here? - No.
I would have liked to have seen her.
Can I come over? She's not missing anything, Nellie.
Zoya records and sends everything home.
Anything I can do? Not unless you advance me two months salary.
We need money for the chemo.
- I've been down that path with Max.
- I know, Nellie.
You either lend me the money or I start selling things on eBay.
Hi, boys.
All set? So, you're batting first again.
Last week, we had a wonderful start, but this opposition here, is a different class.
Javed will open with Radha.
- You come in third.
- But, sir I want to see a new opening pair, Radha.
Come on.
Show me what you can do.
Let's go! - All the best.
- Thank you, sir.
Why do you break a record-breaking pair? Mr Kumar Radha must learn to play without Manju.
Or else he'll never get to the top.
- I don't suppose you want the strike.
- Of course, I do.
I don't have a problem.
- - Play.
Ugh! - Catch it! - Catch it! Ooh! Yes! Yes! Ugh! Hi.
What are you doing with the Kumars? I'm helping them, just like I want to help you.
Have a seat.
Let's join forces and make Max's dream come alive again, and make Weinberg the premier cricketing academy, where the best talent gets the best education regardless of background.
We'll start in India, and we'll conquer the world together.
I thought you wanted to buy my pitch and build a lot of ugly flats.
I mean, I did that's before I realized how much this land meant to you.
Now, I wanna build something Max would be proud of.
Fine words.
But I have a feeling that Max doesn't trust you.
Did you know Radha and Manju were kicked out in the street last week? The father had no money for rent.
This city had stripped them bare, they almost quit cricket and went back home.
But I averted the crisis.
I saved them.
Please let me save you and this school too.
- Come on, Javed! - Come on, Javed! Looks like Javed wants to break Radha's record.
Run! One more! No! What are you doing? That was an easy run.
It was too risky.
You're hogging the strike on purpose.
Seven off three to break your record.
Suck it up, loser.
Yes, yes, Javed, come on, come on, come on.
- Yes! - - Calm down.
- He's going to break Radha's record in the next ball.
Three off two! What are you gonna do now? Come on, Javed.
You can do it! Come on, Javed! Run, run, run! One more, one more, one more, one more! Come on! Come on! No! Mnn! Ah, yes! Yes! Yes! Well played, Javed.
Well played.
- Huh! - Javed, Javed, come here.
Sir, Radha was afraid that I'd break his record, so he run me out.
- Javed - Radha would never do that.
Your job is to protect your brother on the pitch, - not outside of it! - Javed! Cool down, cool down.
Javed, come.
Cool down, cool.
Cool down, cool down, cool down.
Wait, wait, Manju.
Aatish, you go, you are number four.
- Sir, it is my turn.
- Sit, sit, sit.
- Cool down.
You are upset right not.
- Fuck! Fuck! - Fuck! - Javed, language.
You're misbehaving right now.
Congratulations, you won.
Sorry I was unable to help you these past few days.
I've had a lot going on.
So, did your brother run Javed out? - Let's just focus on the project.
- There's nothing left to do.
What do you mean? Let's show him.
Would you like to go for a test drive? Let's go home.
You've got cricket.
This is my thing.
Why are you so stubborn? Why do you ruin everything? Bye, Manju.
- Bye, Manju.
- Bye, Radha.
He was about to break my record! But we got through the next round anyway.
We must get into the Mumbai team.
We're here to help each other.
Only 3 players are chosen.
We have to be two of them, got it? Nothing else matters.
Not even Mum? I gave you the number.
Did you call? - I'm scared.
- Scared of what? It's all in your head.
You're driving us crazy over nothing.
Let's call her now.
Max we're back in the game.
What's happened? Ma'am, can I use your phone? Auntie? It's Manju.
Can I speak to Mum, please? Hey, arsehole! You think you are too smart? Arsehole, you want to act tough? She's not here, Manju.
I thought she was with you.
Bastard! What has Mohan done to her this time? Manju?
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