Sexy Beast (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

The Stag

- Pete wants out.
- He does, does he?
- Mm.
- Loyalty is a characteristic
you either have or you don't.
Eaton's house is heavily guarded 24/7.
Hands up! Hands up!
We gotta find a way in that house.
- Rick, Ricky, Ricky.
- Don't hurt her, please.
There are orders to be filled.
I've got an idea.
Why don't you join me
in this little mini tour the band's got?
My plan is for this to
be our executive lounge.
We need to bring the money crowd.
The drug dealers?
Have that councilman come
round to my way of thinking.
You owe me.
Larry Taylor
have you seen him, Anne Marie?
Do you know what happened to Larry?
The truth is, Larry's dead.
Gal, tell me.
It's different because I love ya.
This is never gonna work.

[PANTING] I love you.

I love you. Mm.

This is a man's world ♪

- This is a man's world ♪

But it wouldn't be nothing ♪
Nothing without a woman or a girl ♪

You see ♪
Man made the cars ♪
To take us over the road ♪
Man made the train ♪
I want you to know I'm taking my
responsibilities very seriously.
What responsibility?
My best-man duties.
Oh, there's no need to go crazy, Don.
But there is, Gal,
and crazy we shall go.
I thought we was just doing
a few boys down the Eagle.
Yeah, we are.
Even allowing Petey to be there,
for old time's sake disloyal shit.
Straightening out all
the plans this Tuesday.
Don't worry.
I've got a few surprises planned, too.
Oh, just go easy, Don. We
ain't 19 anymore, all right?
Yeah, speak for yourself,
you fucking dinosaur.
Here it is.

Fuck me. Oh, fuck me.
- Fuck.
- What?
- Don, she's on her way back.
- Oh, fuck.

- She's in the building, Gal.
- We have to get out of here.
- Just relax, Don.
We're never gonna get this open in time.
Getting caught is
worse. We'll come back.
Just no, no, no! Leave it!
I'm gonna leave you. I'm gonna leave ya.
Gal, I'm going. I'm gonna leave ya.
- I'm leaving ya.
- Go. Go, then.
I'm going. Come on.
Chop-chop, Gal.
- Fuck.
Oh, fuck.
If we get caught, Teddy tells Stan,
Stan tells Cecilia, Cecilia fuck!
Oh, you're fucking kidding me!
You know what she'll
do, what she'll say.
"You're a lazy lummox, Don."
Fuck. Fuck, fuck.
I knew you'd never make it this far.

Gal! We have to go!
You cunt.
How the fuck did you do that?
Can't tell ya.

You better fucking tell me, Gal.
You saw the combination somewhere?
You knew her birthday or something?
Yeah, that's it. I got
you. I fucking got it
You better fucking tell me, all right?
Good to hear you're
keeping the momentum up.
Nice to see that I didn't have to wait
for it this time, eh, Stan?
So does this mean the
diamond's on the move?
There's one more piece of
the puzzle to deal with,
and I'm sorting that this weekend.
how ready are we?
Mace was right.
So you've got a way in?
Yeah, I have.
You're standing on it.
The sewers are the answer.

The tunnels lead right up to the houses.
And their iceberged real estate bumps up
right next to them.
It was only brickwork to get through.
Everything was going to plan.
How's it looking?
Just got through.
What is it?

What the fuck is that?
Some kind of service duct.
We was expecting maybe,
like, a storeroom or a cinema.
Yeah, that's what they usually are.
The space is tight, and
that concrete foundation
we can still do it.
It just might take a bit longer is all.
You always had a window.
You knew that.
We know. We know.
What about the safe?
I'll have to do it on the fly
when I'm in the room
when I'm looking at it.

It's gotta be done, Gal.
[CRIES] I am so, so sorry.
Nothing else was taken, no? Only this?
I mean, all my other
jewelry is still here.

- Nothing else.

Eaton is fuckin' furious
the coin, the statue,
now this necklace getting robbed.
Someone is turning the screw on him.
What did he say?
He said we're closed
until further notice.
Doesn't want you near any of
his businesses or the club.
What the fuck is this all about?
Look, Dad
yeah, I-I-I'm dealing with
this whole thing with Eaton.
You've done fuck all!
It's why we're in this mess.
You useless shit.
Now I'll deal with it
My way.
You deal with the film problem.
We need every penny of that now.
And you report to him from now on,
not the other way around.
Go on, fuck off.
We haven't fucked like that for months.
This trip is gonna be good for us.
A couple of gigs and then just us.
See some places.
Get some time
away from your work.
We'll, uh, share it with your family.
- Oh, fuck.
- What?
I've gotta go to the studio.
So DJ's set, flowers are ordered,
church is booked.
Even though we didn't
finish all the classes,
Dad says he's just
gonna put an extra amount
in the collection plate this week.
Speaking of my dad,
he really wants to talk to you again.
You don't even have
to say yes or anything.
- You've just gotta hear him out.
- Marjorie
- I know.
- Come on.
I put up with a lot for you, too.
Can I ask you something?
Yeah, of course.
Why do you love me?
- Not to mention your sister.
All right, hear me out.
asked her to come to my
hen do, 'cause I'm trying.
What is it about me that you love?
I don't know.
- It's okay.
- What the fuck, Dee?
- Forget it.
- For fuck's sake.
A minute ago we were, like, fucking,
that, and now you're giving me this.
I'm not giving you anything.
I can't believe that
my hen and your stag
are in a few days.
It's all happening.
Do you wanna come on this tour or not?
- I said so, didn't I?
- That's not a yes.
Okay. Yes. Yes.
I-I think we need to talk.

I just I don't think
that, uh, I want
Where is this coming from?
I don't know.

Ignore me.
I don't think that I want

To have a DJ.
I want a band! I want a band!
Go to work.
I've got a dozen suitcases to pack.
- You had me!
- Yeah?
- For a second.
- Yeah.

It's gonna be great, I promise.

I swear, he just looked at the safe
[SNAPS FINGERS] And opened it.
I mean, fuck. It was crazy.
Like like a like a magician?
Yeah, sort of. Like
like one of them
like one of them little
gypsies at the fair, you know?
Never cross them gypsies.
They're a sneaky bunch, the lot of them.
Right, Bloco, what you got?
Don, you know I love
Gal as much as anyone,
but I can't let you
have the whole place.
All the business we bring in here?
Bloc, Bloc, what can we have?
Like I've said all along,
you can have this room.
I'll I'll close the doors.
You can play pool, darts,
put some nibbles on.
I'll make it nice.
Look, this is Gal we're talking about,
not some mug.
- Look at 'em.
They're all pricks.
You can have this room.
Take it or leave it.
It's like running
around for Gal the Great.
What did he do?
Just a dickhead, that's all.
Fuck it.
Let's show up for his stag on Saturday
and get fucking crazy.
I got a better idea.
Gentlemen, someone is fucking with us.
And we cannot stand for it.
And I can assure you, this
is the end of the line.
I want you to turn over every stone.
Shut up!
I want you to mark every card.
Every low-life, thieving shit cunt
that breathes in London.
Put a warning out there.
Whoever these cunts are,
they're taking fucking liberties
in my fucking territory!
- Spread the fucking word!
Get moving!
We're here for Diana Harrison.
I'm Diana Harrison.
You're under arrest violation
of the Indecent Assault
under Sexual Offences Act.
McGraw's going fucking crazy.
They're moving through postcodes,
- turning over everyone.
- Why?
They want who stole the necklace.
Oh, fuck.
Yeah, that's right.
You wanna be worried.
This necklace has opened up
a whole new side to these fucking guys.
Shit, we are balls deep.
It's too late to pull out now.
- You wanted to move up.
- I know.
I know.
But I've I've got two days
to figure this fucking tunnel out.
Currently, I ain't got a fucking clue,
and I'm supposed to go this
fucking stag do tonight.
Thank you, fucking Don.
You gotta find it in yourself.
You gotta finish this
and get the fuck away from these guys.

Do you hear me?
Because I don't know what,
but Teddy is stirring up some real shit.

Infamous university housemate.
And you're the more
infamous Sir Stephen.
She's exactly as you described.
This is Sir Stephen Eaton.
Thanks for the invite. Beautiful place.

We have a few connections,
as you can plainly see by your new home.
I thought this was a bit more private.
I figured you guys
would be more creative
than having me arrested.
- You must be getting desperate.
Oh, you have no idea how desperate I am.
What's wrong with you?
What's wrong with me?
What's wrong with you?
If Ricky could see you now.
That is, if his eyes
worked or he could fly.
- What?
- Ricky.
You don't have to do this.
Please just let me talk to DeeDee.
I think he tried to fly.
Aah! [CRASH]
What have you done?
Have I hit a nerve?
- You piece of shit.
- Oh, don't worry.
We'll find some other smut
peddler to fill his place.
You see, Veronica, we've taken
the money in advance
for the orders of your new films.
And if we don't have the films
Then we have to give the money back.
That would be a real shame.
[CHUCKLES] A shame?
That is a great way of describing it.
Do you think this is
gonna get me back to work?

It's one way.
I tell you what
let's me and you fuck
right here, right now.
And I'll agree to all your terms
Anything you want.
- Just like that?
- Just like that.
You're the star.
[CHUCKLES] I wanna keep you happy.
I'm fixing all my
business endeavors today.

But I want something in return.
I'm listening.
I want you to provide a big strap-on
so I can fuck you in the ass
the way you and your cunt
family are trying to fuck me.
You don't want something
shoved up your ass?
I heard you love it.
- What?
- Have I hit a nerve?
I would rather stay
here for a thousand years
than touch you, you
fucking third-rate pimp.


Pheasant shoot.
Let's move it. Hunting time.
Before I start bagging the servants.
[LAUGHS] Trust me, I will.
- Excuse me.
- Please excuse my friend
He's just merged the two largest
pharmaceutical companies in Europe,
and he's feeling all his glory.
Don't apologize for me, Stephen.
I never apologize for you being a twat
or for fucking up that
South American embargo.
Don't try and impress her.
She's on the wrong side of 20 for you.
This is Teddy, a friend of Arabella's.
Ah, Arabella.
Maybe you should come
out hunting with us,
turn the gun on yourself.
- And why is that?
- You'll find out.
- Hmm.
- I'm just kidding.
- No hard feelings.
We're all old friends here.
I understand.
Ah, fuck!
You should apologize to us all.
What? [WINCES]
Wh I'm I'm
I'm I'm sorry, Teddy.
Is it Teddy? [GROANS]
Not to me.
To the ladies.
Sorry. [GRUNTS]
A real apology.
A-Arabella, I'm sorry. Aah!
And, Chloe, Chloe, I'm
I'm really sorry, too.
I mean, they're they're beautiful.
- They're great.
Oh, fuck.
No hard feelings.
We're all friends here, right?
Fuck. Aah!

Now, listen, I can put
on any show for a stag do
- that you want
- I'll bet.
As long as the money's right.
[WHISPERING] Who's your girlfriend?
Yeah, she's, uh, she's
for Gal's stag, you know?
Of course, you ponce.
I'm playing with ya.
I'd kill you before I let
you run with trash like that.
Big opportunity for you, this stag.
It's really a chance for you
to show Gal how much you
you know, care for him and all.
I've heard stories
where the best man fucked up the stag do
and then lost his role as best man,
right there and then on the spot,
but I'm sure you'll do just fine.
- Oh, yeah, one thing
- Yeah?
Why didn't you have it here?
uh, well, it's it's
a stag. I thought that
Yeah, gambling, drinking,
boys don't like that.
[SCOFFS] Terrible idea.
Maybe you can have something
here when we renovate.
[LAUGHS] Renovate?
Oh, yeah, the councilman
changed his mind.
- How about that?
- Oh.
Ain't we lucky?
Don't fuss yourself too much on this.
Gal ain't gonna marry that tart.


I mean, where on Earth did you find him?
We met at this art opening.
He walked right up to me, this close,
and he said, "Everyone in this room,
"man and woman, wants to fuck me,
but I only want you."
- Holy shit.
- He said that?
- Mm, yeah.
What do you think of it?
It's a bit old-fashioned for my taste.
I'm more of a modernist, I think.
It was quite entertaining what
you did earlier with Ashton.
In lieu of a bottle of wine,
I thought I'd bring the entertainment.
- Oh, that you did, yes, yes.
Uh, you seem to make
Arabella quite happy.
I've been hearing about her forever.
- She's special.
- Mm.
What's going on?
I fucked up, Bell.
I really fucked up.
Chloe seems a bit unhappy.
- She okay?
- No.
And with good reason.
Well, it's
none of my business.

She misplaced something I own
which is quite valuable.
That is a shame.
I have been known to
find one or two things,
if you need my help.
Or maybe Stan Higgins can do it for you.

Well, I like to know
exactly who's staying
in my guest bedroom.
You mean your wife's
parents' guest bedroom?
I like to know exactly
where I'm staying, too.

Thank you for your offer.
I would never impose on my guest.
Well, you truly are a sublime host.


First up, darts, then a pool tournament,
then some drinking games, music, food,
then the main event.
All right, gents. How
ya doing? Good to see ya.
All right, Don, great spread, lovely.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Where's Aitch? Where's Mace?
Where's Pete?
I don't know.

Hey, little sister,
who's your Superman? ♪
Hey, little sister,
who's the one you want? ♪
Hey, little sister, shotgun ♪
It's a nice day to start again ♪
All right, mate?
It's Pete, innit?
I know you?
It's a nice day to start again ♪
Hey, little sister,
what have you done? ♪
Hey, little sister,
who's the only one? ♪
- Where shall I set up?
- Just hold your horses, love.
This way.
I do have two more functions
to get to later, so
He'll be here any minute.
All right? Take a seat.
Alan, it's me. I've been arrested.
Been here quite a while.
Are you there?
It's a nice day for a white wedding ♪

It's a nice day to start again ♪
Come on ♪
Come on. Come on.
- Where's Gal?
- I ain't seen him.
He's missing everything.
Will you just relax,
mate? Ya doing my head in.
- It's gotta be done, Gal.
- Behave. Do as you're told.
This is never gonna work!
- It's gotta be done, Gal.
- Behave.
- It's gotta be done, Gal.
This is never gonna work!
Fucking fucking prick! Fucking Teddy!
Fucking fucking
McGraws! Fucking Cecilia!
Fuckin' [SIGHS]
- Fuck!
Oh, fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
[SIGHS] Ah, fuck.
I'll be there in a minute, Don.
Oh no, no, sorry, I-I
thought you were someone else.

You okay?

You're all dressed up.
Yeah, well
it's my stag do tonight. [CHUCKLES]
Fuck. I'm sorry.
Ah, guest of honor
I can show up whenever
I like, however I like.
I don't think the charges will stick.
They just wanna intimidate me,
get me back to work.
- You're not going back?
- Not to them.
Should we just get in the car
and just drive a million
miles away from here
right now, just
What, like Bonnie and Clyde?
Yeah, like Bonnie and Clyde.
You'd make quite a good Bonnie.
You're serious, aren't you?
Yeah, I am. I'm serious.
You know, my whole
life's just fucking chaos.
My sister hates me.
This job I'm doing is just
causing me nothing but trouble.
It's just I don't
I don't think that I know
what I'm doing anymore,
to be honest with you.
[LAUGHING] I'm supposed
to get married next month.
That is the furthest thing from my mind.
I'm not sure that I-I want
all that, you know?
I just
Maybe it's me.
I told you to live a quiet life.
Yeah, well
it's too late for that now, innit?
May maybe just stop.
Stop doing what you're doing.
Look after yourself for a change,
not everyone else.
- Yeah.
All right.
Get in the car, Bonnie.
I'd be very disappointed if you didn't.
Sorry I'm late to my own party.
I told you this would be fun.
Yes, and, uh
and the real fun
hasn't even started yet.
- Cheers, everybody.
- ALL: Cheers.
To dirty scavengers.
- Cheers.
Baby, I have another job to get to,
and the meter's running.
Ain't done this one yet, love.
Yeah, well, you want to do something
before everyone starts to leave,
because they all look bored.
They're having a great time.
- No, they're not.
- They are.

Fine, fine. Get started.
If I ♪
I get to know your name ♪

If I could trace your
private number, baby ♪
I can't believe you made it, Annie.
My God, you are so pissed. I love it.
- You look beautiful.
Come come and dance with me, sister.
Sister, really?
- I never had one.
- Neither have I.
- You're beautiful.
- I'm getting married, Annie.
- Oh, my God.
I'm getting married!
- There you go.
So did you want to talk
about the other night?
What about it?
What you said.
What, when I told you I loved you?
- So you remember?
- Yeah, I remember.
I remember everything.
Did you forget you
were engaged that night?
No, I didn't.
And I didn't forget that
you had a boyfriend either.
Why do you love me?
Why? Why do you love me?
Because when I'm with you
I'm not afraid.

Why haven't we done this before?
'Cause I love you.
'Cause I'm such a cow.
- You have. You have been.
- I have.
You deserve better.
What do you mean?
What about him?
He's a liar.
You love him.
Not anymore.
He can go fuck himself for all I care.
Why? What did he do? [CHUCKLES]
And if it expires ♪
Pray help from above ♪
Because ♪
In the midnight hour ♪
She cried more, more, more ♪
With a rebel yell ♪
She cried more, more, more ♪
In the midnight hour, babe ♪
More, more, more ♪
More, more, more ♪

She don't like slavery ♪
She won't sit and beg ♪
But when I'm tired and lonely ♪
She sees me to bed ♪
What set you free and
brought you to me, babe? ♪
I'm here to pick up Diana Harrison.
What set you free? I
need you here by me ♪
She cried more, more, more ♪
With a rebel yell ♪
Are you looking for that cunt?


- Hello.
- Fuck you, you cunts!
Yeah, fuck off, cunts.


Oh, no, no, no!
- Dirty bird!
- Come on, man!
Where is he?
Twinkle, what's wrong?
Where is he?
- Don, you tell me the truth.
- About what?
- What's the matter, girl?
- No, you stay out of it, Dad.
The girl from the porn movies.
The nudie girl?
Is Gal in love with her?
Tell me!
I don't know.
I'm sorry, Marje.
In the midnight hour, she
cried more, more, more ♪
With a rebel yell ♪
She cried more, more, more ♪
Alan, no! No, Alan, no, please, no!
No, no, no, no, no. Alan, stop!
Alan, leave him alone!
Stop it! Alan, stop it!
You stay the fuck out of it!
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
[THUD] Alan, please stop it!
- Fuck you!
- Fuck you!
- Calm down, love.

- What's going on?
- What's that about?

Oh, fuck.
It's Pete.

It'd be nice if we could stay
in contact past this weekend.
Come on, I miss you.

Till we meet again.

- In the fucking street?
What the fuck have I done to you?
For heaven's sake, stop
it! Leave him alone!
Get the fuck off me! Get off me!
Get her the fuck in there!
Fuck you!
Stop! Alan, stop it!
Alan, stop!
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