Shanty Town (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Shalewa, I beg you in the name of God,
please pull yourself together.
- Please!
- Shit!
Go. You've spent too much time here.
Just calm down,
calm down.
Just act normal.
Go and meet your client, okay?
We will meet in Shanty, just go.
Please, don't disappoint me.
I beg you in God's name, please!
Please, Shalewa, please!
Just go, it''s okay.
Oh Jesus!
Oh Jesus!
Oh God. Wow, Enewan!
Oh God!
- Is this the reason you brought me here?
- She said she has something to tell you.
I'm sorry.
Make it quick,
not everybody is a thief like you.
don't be upset.
I'm sorry.
there's something
I want to talk to you about.
it's not something
that I should discuss here.
- Why not?
- Because it's a secret between us.
I don't want anyone to hear us.
What is this thing?
Why can't you talk about it here?
Enewan, just
let's go.
What nonsense is this?
What is the meaning of this?
I know that
you knew I stole Scar's money.
The reason I brought you here
is to let you know that
there's a reason.
I have my reasons.
What reasons? What stupid reasons?
Were you going to watch everyone
get killed before you talk?
Were you going to keep quiet
and get us killed before saying something?
Just because you have
some stupid sense of entitlement.
You are a street girl, show yourself.
It's not as easy as you think.
What makes it hard?
I stole Scar's money for you.
I stole it for Shalewa,
I stole it for Mommy T,
I stole that money for our freedom.
You come back here
and you think you're going to be free?
Keep quiet, Enewan!
You think I don't see it?
The sneer
in your eyes when I'm not looking?
Let me tell you something.
Once upon a time
in Shanty Town,
I was a boss,
but that was then.
There's nothing attaching me
to that position,
so don't think you and I
are in a competition.
You used to have it, but you no longer do.
If you don't have motives,
why are you back here?
What is your plan?
And why the fuck
did you steal Scar's money?
Why the fuck did you kill Jackie?!
You just killed one of us like that,
no conscience.
You'll answer my question,
since we're in the business
of asking each other questions.
So you'll tell me why you killed Jackie.
Sis, calm down.
I just want you to know that
there's a way we can help each other.
Shut up! I'll ask the questions.
How do you know?
- Relax!
- Leave me!
I said relax!
I didn't come here to hurt you.
You hear me? Relax!
What happened?
Why did you leave me here all afternoon?
Where did you go?
Thank God I've not ordered yet.
How would I pay?
By sleeping
with what one of the staff maybe?
- What?
- When were you going to tell me?
I can
It was another day at the office,
and I got a call
from an agent
who told me that they had found
a girl who
looked just like me.
She was
terminally ill
and dying
on a hospital bed in the prison.
Funny that I should meet
my sister for the very first time
in almost 20 years on her deathbed.
We had been separated in an attack,
that left my father dead and I, injured.
I was rescued by one of the
fishermen and taken to an orphanage.
Adoption saved my life,
but not my sister's.
It was from
her dying lips I heard about Shantytown.
I mean the DSS
had already had an ongoing operation
to crack down on drugs on the streets,
but what she told me, was
more than we ever thought possible.
She had just one month to live.
That was enough
for me to get enough information
from my sister,
to enter Shanty Town
as an undercover operative.
I'm in.
I had made a promise
to Inemesit to do something for you,
unaware of all of the girls that
you had butchered
with the aid of Scar.
he is heartless.
Scar would have killed me.
He would have killed me if I didn't
if I didn't
show him that I was useful,
that I was good for something.
So when you ask me, what my business is,
being here or what the plan is?
The plan is to bring Scar to the ground,
to burn Shanty Town to the ground.
And by God,
I will save all the girls
and you are going to help me,
whether you like it or not.
Everybody get down!
I'm upset.
I'm upset.
Everybody, down!
Whoever tries me
will bear the consequences.
I'm upset.
I can't do it.
- Take everything from me, I can't do it
- Enewan!
You are going to do it.
It is not a request.
Oh fuck! Fuck! What the fuck!
- This is serious!
- What?
You have to
- Fuck! Fuck!
- What are you doing?
I'm upset.
Inem, I'm at the bar that you just left.
The client I couldn't tell you about
is Femi Fernandez.
We are in trouble, Scar.
Shit. Scar and his boys are here.
Please, come and help us.
I can send them my live location.
and his lover.
Agent Uju.
What the hell are you doing here?!
New development,
Amanda, I want you to look at this.
It was taken at Scar's drug house.
Look carefully
if you can recognize anyone there.
I know this guy.
- I don't know the person.
- Look at it.
He's always with Chief Fernandez.
Good girl.
Clean the mess.
That is it.
It's Chief Fernandez.
He has been
the mastermind of all of these operations.
It's him, we have him!
Hello Inem!
Please, I need your help.
The client I couldn't tell you about,
his name is Femi Fernandez.
We're in trouble, Scar.
Shit, Scar and his boys are here,
please help us.
Why did Scar,
Come and help us.
What does Scar want with Femi Fernandez?
And why is Shalewa there?
This was what I was telling you.
I told you you're the only one
who can help them.
You can stop this, you can help her!
We need to track that her number.
It gets better,
she just sent a life location.
Go rally the boys.
This is DKE1077.
We have a code red.
this is real and there is visual proof.
We've sent a picture
and location to your phone.
If you want your ring
and your son in one piece, Mr man,
come to the location alone.
I repeat, come to the location alone.
I'm upset.
I need you to listen to me.
You are going to go back to Shanty town
and look for Mummy
and you will do exactly as I ask you to.
I beg you in the name of God,
you will do exactly as I ask you,
in case anything goes sideways.
Do you understand?
Turn this car around.
- Felix.
- Yes boss.
Call the accountant
- and the boys.
- Yes, boss.
These children, they never learn.
I will fuck these bastards up.
You'll have to take it easy,
calm down.
What we want to do now,
if we do it right,
for the first time in our lives,
that means we'll be free.
Do you understand?
- I've heard you, Mommy.
- Mummy T.
Mama E.
What's going on?
Where's Colorado and the other boys?
There's trouble in the hood.
what's going on?
I told you he'd come.
That you did.
This was unexpected.
you are a traitor.
So, what's going on here?
I'm sure you've seen those movies
where the villain
explains her plans to the protagonist.
Well, the thing is,
you're not the protagonist
and this isn't a movie.
So, I guess this
is the point where I tell you,
"Oh, I'm stepping down
from the gubernatorial race"?
Give up the gubernatorial race.
Daddy's imagination is quite wild.
But I'm not one for long speeches.
Goodbye Oluyomi.
We have to go.
What are you doing here?
Are you okay? Are you hurt?
I'm good, just get me to safety.
Agent Kay, the two of you.
The rest of you, let's go!
You've been showing off, right?
Isn't that right?
I will kill you.
You motherfucker.
You were showing off, right?
Who are you?
are you okay?
We got you.
We got you.
We got you.
Who is there?
Fuck you all.
What are you doing?
Help me.
Help me
Call mama.
Call mama.
What is this?
Are you watching a movie?
Get out!
Is this what you're looking for?
Mama, don't let them kill me.
Mama, your son is dying.
For freedom.
For freedom.
For freedom.
For freedom.
my dad is many things but this?
Your father runs a drug cartel,
a prostitution ring,
human parts black markets,
amongst many other things.
He's been doing this for decades.
How do I know this?
She is an accomplice
and that's why she is in handcuffs.
I'm just a victim.
It's enough Enewan.
Your father Fernandez,
builds his wealth by
burning down
communities of innocent slum dwellers.
These are the pictures of the communities
that your father's accomplices burnt down.
He does keep a strict record.
And then, he turns around,
provides for these
unsuspecting slum dwellers
and in the public eye,
he is the philanthropist.
Whereas in the real sense,
he's getting major kickbacks from
the government
as a contractor,
to reconstruct those places,
which he turns into
small estates for his own personal gain.
The DSS has a strong case
against you and your father.
I've told them
you have nothing to do with it.
Femi, I believe Shalewa,
but you,
you have to give me something.
But I don't know
anything about his businesses.
What do you want from me?
Give us an invitation
to your father's party,
the election party he's having soon.
I don't understand,
that's it?
Also the access to his computers,
all of it.
Without any further ado,
let's make welcome the man of the moment.
A philanthropist,
a businessman,
a man with a golden heart,
a model citizen of Lagos State,
my governor
and the future governor of Lagos State,
Chief Dacosta Oluyomi Fernandez!
Like the comedians will say,
if you are not ready for me,
should I go back and come and
Thank you very much.
Very distinguished,
ladies and gentlemen,
let me put it on record,
that the only reason that I'm here today,
is because of your inestimable support.
My father used to say,
- "Every cloud"
- "has a silver lining."
Enemies of progress
They tried,
they tried to prevent me,
from seeing today.
In fact, let me rephrase that,
they tried to prevent us,
from seeing today.
Yet, here we are,
bigger and better.
In fact,
for emphasis, let's say that again.
Here we are, bigger and
Bigger and
And and so, very distinguished,
ladies and gentlemen,
without wasting more of your time,
I present to you,
my vision of Lagos State.
Chief DeCosta Fernandez.
You are under arrest for multiple charges
of money laundering,
drug trafficking, amongst many others.
You have the right to remain silent
for whatever you say,
can and will be used
against you in the court of law.
Calm down.
There's nothing that has happened
here today that will change anything.
get punished.
Whoever betrays us
will face the consequences.
Whoever betrays us
will face the consequences.
Whoever betrays us
will face the consequences. Yes or no?
- Yes or no?
- Yes!
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