Skull Island (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Terms of Endearment

Listen to me.
- Ahh!
- Listen to me.
No matter what you hear,
you don't come out
until I come get you, okay?
Do you understand?
You're only safe here.
You stay until I come get you.
Got it?
I'll be back.
Daddy, don't leave.
I love you, Annie-girl.
- You're awake!
- And you're smart.
Ugh, did
Did she shoot me?
With a tranquilizer.
Oof. I don't like it.
Or her.
You can tell her yourself.
She's on her way.
I'd rather you shoot me again.
Did you say something?
I said
you're gonna die.
You're awake.
So I've heard.
She says I'm gonna die.
Ugh, who isn't?
- Can we talk?
- No! You shot me!
Yeah, yes, but with a tranquilizer.
- I still don't know what that is.
- It just knocks you out.
- Thank you, Sam.
- You got it.
And then you chained me up.
- Again!
- Because you keep trying to kill me.
Well, you're not wrong.
Michael's sick.
Did something bite him?
I don't know. Where he was zapped?
- Hey! You're awake.
- I know.
She says the sea monster, uh
electrocuted him?
Uh, it It's possible.
It was so dark
and I don't really remember.
What kind of creature can electrocute
and poison at the same time?
A monster.
A monster can.
- You missed the whale.
- What?
- We think it throws whales now.
- Why?
My working theory is that it's a dick.
If he doesn't get off this island,
he's gonna die.
Do you know how to help him?
Sure, you can shoot him
with the tranq things.
Ugh, Annie.
Where's Charlie?
I left him in the field
so he could rescue us.
Oh, so he's dead.
This would be way faster
if I could be on your back.
Stop making noise!
Why do you think that's a good idea?
You know how much running I do on a boat?
None! None running!
No, this is your fault.
You wouldn't let me on your back.
Don't you growl at me. I'll
I'll fight you. I'll fight you right now.
We'd probably even be there by now
if you had half a brain.
Ugh! Why do you think pushing me
is gonna make me go faster?
Okay, you've got one choice
if you wanna go faster,
and that's to let me up there.
Got it?
No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait! I'm sorry!
I'm gonna kill you if that bird kills me!
Bird? What bird?
It's It's complicated.
Is it complicated?
Did you try to feed my dog to a bird?
When you put like it that,
it sounds worse than it was.
What's the better way to put it?
That I was just trying
to get through to you
without the giant man-eating monster
that you have as a best friend
killing everyone, and me, and you.
You dummy.
He's the only one
that's ever kept me safe.
What happened to your father, Annie?
What are you?
Hey, wait! I need those too!
Give 'em.
Good doggy.
You are a very bad dog!
You're gonna get us all killed.
She's probably still asleep because that
mean lady knocked her out. We need a plan.
And your plan right now
is the worst plan of all time!
Shut I don't I don't wanna hear it!
All right? I am tired! I need a bath!
My dad, and Mike, and
need our help,
but you're too busy not listening to me,
even though I already got us down
from the skyscraper-sized monkey bars!
No, no, no. What's
What's your problem, dude?
We need to leave this place!
I need to get home, all right?
And then
I'm gonna go to the movies!
It's just gonna be me and some girl.
We're gonna go to the movies!
I'll probably say something weird
and mess it up, and you know what?
I won't care! Because I won't be here
on Monster Island with you!
I'm sorry, I'm just
I am extremely stressed out.
Come on.
Do you think I can figure out
how to start a fire?
Yeah, I can figure it out.
- Um
- We did not kill the aloe turtle thing.
- We found this on the ground.
- I'll kill it.
What? You don't even
know what we're talking about!
I don't care. I'll kill it.
No, I'm happy they didn't kill it.
I'm annoyed all of the time
with all of you.
He gets it.
He's delusional.
Now you're putting
the insides of a turtle on him?
- It is not the insides of a turtle, Annie!
- Just fight.
I kept avoiding it with my son. It'll
It'll help.
If we fight, you're gonna lose.
Already lost a lot, though.
- Come on.
- Great!
Hey. I'm here if you need me.
But if she stabs you or something,
we're completely out of first aid kits.
You know what?
You don't even need to take these off.
- I can
- I buried you!
I picked out your tombstone.
I had a funeral.
It was awful.
I wanted to die for so long
because I've missed you so much.
And then some fishing vessel sees
your island, sees your ship on its shore,
calls it in,
and goes missing moments later.
And I find out about it because, well
because I'm extremely rich,
but it took so long to find you again.
- I didn't want you to find me.
- Oh, I'm aware of that now.
So leave us alone!
- I can't!
- Why?
Because I'm your mom!
You really don't remember me?
I have a couple memories of a mom,
but I don't remember what she looks like.
She looks like me! I am that mom!
But you're a bad person.
I'm sorry about the beach.
But you have to understand,
the last thing we were expecting was that.
- What is that thing?
- Get it!
- Where'd it go? Come on!
- Where is it?
But I look at you now and
Oh, you're so beautiful and big.
And I just look at you,
and I see all the years I missed
in between now and then.
- You're just
- I'm just what?
You're a cave girl!
I've never lived in a cave.
That's not I'd
Oh, I don't know how to do this.
Do you know how much therapy
I'm gonna need after that?
Of course I do.
If I knew what therapy was.
Uh, you pay someone a lot of money
to listen to your problems
and help figure things out.
- That sounds bad.
- It's not.
It's incredibly healthy.
You tried to hurt him over and over again.
He's all I have.
I know. I know.
And if you hurt him again,
I will hurt you worse.
He's nearby, isn't he?
I did it! I did it!
All right, here's the plan.
We set this tree on fire,
then we run to the other side of the camp.
As those dweebs try to put it out,
we rescue my dad, Mike, and Annie.
Then we steal a helicopter.
Haven't worked out that last part yet,
but I made fire.
All right? We're doing great. Ready?
No, no, no. Bad idea, bad idea.
Hey, hey, this is the good idea.
Come on, shh, shh. Ready?
What's going on?
Her animal's back.
And it's fighting a bunch of
gremlins that used to be a tree.
Hey, hey, whoa! Stop!
Shoot those goblins!
Light 'em up!
I'm right here.
I'll keep you safe.
Are you Charlie?
Where's my dad?
He's okay.
It's nice to meet you too.
Oh! My boy.
Don't, don't, don't! Don't shoot.
Are you sure?
Don't do it.
Screw this.
Sam, don't.
Annie, call him off!
- He's not my pet.
- Let's just leave.
- We can take Mike, and my Dad, and
- Mike's dying.
You need to say you're sorry
for shooting at him.
I'm sorry.
And for shooting me
and sending a bird after him.
That too. I'm sorry.
And for not finding me for ten years.
Trust me, I am most sorry for that.
Come on.
Wait, are they staying with us now?
That's progress, right?
Where's Mike?
He's doing better now.
The aloe helped him.
Was the aloe alive or something?
You saw it too?
Nah, this place is just weird.
Wait till you hear
what I found.
Make way!
On my flank.
Hold your fire!
- Why'd you tell us to stop firing?
- Because we're almost out of bullets!
- We need to move.
- To where?
We need to kill that squid.
I'm all ears.
The ape.
We use the ape to kill it.
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