Sky Rojo (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Foxy and Hare

Gina, turn to the right.
I've had enough of you interfering ♪
I've had enough
Of you telling me to sit tight ♪
To be docile, calm, discreet ♪
Of you getting scared
When we show our boobs ♪
You want me like this
Thin and perfect ♪
I'm only respected like that ♪
On and on, going on diets ♪
To get a sculpted figure and shape ♪
But I'm on another path ♪
Or more like another planet ♪
So zip up your fly ♪
I'm sorry I punched you earlier.
What are you talking about, blondie?
You wouldn't have lasted two rounds.
I write poetry
About the granddaughters ♪
Of all the witches you couldn't burn ♪
How are you paying? Cash or card? ♪
It's burning, it's burning ♪
And they won't be able
To put it out now ♪
I'll go wild ♪
And with all that fire
We'll light it up ♪
Fire, fire ♪
And they won't be able
To silence us anymore ♪
When a guy gets out of prison,
the first thing he wants to do is fuck.
But when a prostitute breaks free,
the last thing she wants to do is fuck.
Because after having been
with about 10,000 guys in two years,
who the fuck would feel like getting laid?
We are wounded, messed-up women,
so sometimes, we do weird things
that normal people probably wouldn't get.
What are you doing here
with no clothes on?
What do you think this is?
The fucking gym?
- Is there a sign saying it's forbidden?
- We put in our euro.
Don't get mad, dude.
We're just washing our undercarriages.
Get out of here, you goddamn whores.
- Hey, come on.
- Ooh.
Don't go, little guy.
Want me to take off my panties?
Better not, there's not enough spit
in your mouth to lubricate me.
There ain't enough oil in this whole
fucking gas station, am I right?
Don't you want
to polish my headlights, babe?
- Don't go!
- Come on, man.
Up till then, we were the ones
who looked at the ground and kept quiet.
The Cuban bitch, come here.
And also, the blonde one.
And we were the ones who had to
endure the most degrading brutality.
I'm going to fuck
whoever's the horniest of you two.
All while wearing a charming smile.
You won, filthy girl.
You must be crazy, out your mind ♪
You won't ever make it ♪
So we thought
this moment was a good opportunity
to finally turn the tables.
And stop wearing
the makeup Romeo forced us to wear
to be more desirable.
In order to hide and erase
the women we once were
behind all that shine and glitter.
And at that moment,
as we looked at our fresh faces,
we thought now we could be free
and become the masters of our own destiny.
But it was only a mirage.
Like a woman scorned ♪
Is it yours, Coral?
No, mine's here.
Oh, shit!
Coral, he must be the guy
whose glasses we found on the street.
They put a bullet in his head
to steal his car? Those motherfuckers.
But it wasn't us.
So let's leave him here. Not our problem.
Well, sort of is.
We've been seen in this car
at the gas station.
He was probably shot with our gun.
Our fingerprints are everywhere.
So basically, it is our business.
This poor man's dying.
We need to do something for him, OK?
To save him.
No, we need to save ourselves here,
not this stranger who we don't even know.
Arcadio Lozano.
Born in La Orotava in 1968.
A Tenerife season-ticket holder.
And look, he's got a daughter.
There, we have to save him.
We know who he is now.
He wants to say something.
Yeah, maybe something like,
"Do you know a brain surgeon?
I've been shot in the head."
It's OK. It's OK.
Let's drive him to a hospital.
we can't drive a guy with a gunshot wound
to the hospital. They'll call the police.
- What will we tell them?
- We won't tell them anything.
We drop him outside of the ER
so a nurse can pick him up,
and we can peace out.
Take the next right turn there.
They're real close.
- I said right. Where are you going?
- To go get Ma.
- Right now?
- Yes, now. Those sluts know where she is.
I'm not waiting
till they blow a fuse and hurt her.
- And what the fuck will we tell Romeo?
- Coral too, right?
What the fuck will you tell her
when we find her?
What are you saying?
What's going on, Moi?
Why did Coral kiss you?
She's a junkie,
probably high on pills. I don't know.
Are you fucking her?
Look at me and tell me
you haven't fucked her.
- Answer me, dude.
- I said no.
You know Romeo gets mad, right?
I know that.
I have a job for you.
- What is it?
- Take a seat.
I want you to give private tutoring
to my daughters.
And what exactly
do you want me to teach them?
I want math lessons, sciences
What it says on your résumé.
And, of course, you'll be telling my wife
you answered an ad
that I put in the newspaper.
You'll dress formally.
Moisés will drive you there, and back.
And, obviously, you'll wash your hands
before you go into my house.
Think you can do it?
But I'm not gonna do that.
I'd pay you well.
Extra hours.
Come on.
What do you say?
That I'm not a good role model
for two impressionable girls.
My wife started going to chemotherapy.
Her hair's falling out.
A fragile bird.
She's barely home anymore,
and when she is, she has no strength left
to play with the girls
or help them with their homework.
All I'm asking is that you spend some time
with my daughters.
Romeo was concerned
about his wife's well-being.
But at the same time,
he was also looking for an excuse
to keep watching me outside the club.
- OK.
- Great.
There's more to life than fucking.
Oh, this will be our day ♪
We've been waiting for so long ♪
We both feel the same ♪
So nothing can go wrong ♪
Beefcake, give me your piece.
Start the car! Start the car!
Drive, drive, drive!
- Wendy, be careful!
- Both of you, shut up!
We're leaving, but we'll do the driving.
Hit it, Beefcake.
Fucking son of a
What a dumbass just crossing the street
with a little picnic cooler thing.
- Wendy, that wasn't for picnics.
- It's a transplant.
Well, a little rinse
and they can still use it.
- Tell your friend to stop.
- One second, OK?
- Tell him to stop.
- Hold on. it's OK.
Beefcake, can you hear me?
Yes, boss.
Hit the brake!
It wasn't the first time
Romeo had been after me
all obsessed like this.
It was the end of a long road
we'd paved for ourselves in such a very
peculiar way.
When Romeo saw
Coral's sweetness towards his daughters,
he got utterly confused.
She was everything.
The mother and the girlfriend.
Domesticity and desire.
and fun.
And along the way,
he forgot I was just a hooker.
Tall and tan and young and lovely ♪
The girl from Ipanema goes walking ♪
And when she passes ♪
Each one she passes
Goes laboo-du-di-daa ♪
Oh, how I watch her so sadly ♪
How can I tell her I love her? ♪
Yeah, I would give my heart gladly ♪
But each day
When she walks to the sea ♪
She looks straight ahead, not at me ♪
- Motherfucker!
- Oh man, we can't shake him.
Faster, faster, faster!
- Wendy, drive faster.
- It's the car, not me.
Don't go too far, Beefcake! Pull it back!
- Look out!
- A car!
Son of a bitch ♪
Give me a drink ♪
One more night ♪
This can't be me ♪
Son of a bitch ♪
If I can't get clean ♪
I'm gonna drink my life away ♪
Son of a bitch ♪
Give me a drink ♪
One more night ♪
This can't be me ♪
Son of a bitch ♪
If I can't get clean ♪
Fuck! Motherfucker!
I'm gonna drink my life away ♪
Hey, hey ♪
Come on!
If he gets closer, shoot him, OK?
You hear me, Gina? Shoot the bastard.
Do it. Do it.
I've been running away my whole life
but there's never any escape.
It's a wheel, and we're only going
round and round forever like hamsters.
One day, some guy wanted to piss on me,
and I said no.
He laughed in my face.
He told me that I'd beg him to piss on me,
that soon I'd be saying, "Por favor."
That's not happening.
- Let me go or I'll yell, eh?
- You're not gonna do that.
Eight hundred, nine hundred,
a thousand,
a thousand five hundred.
And when he reached 1,500, he said,
"Should I pick them up
or are you going to
ask me for something?"
And then I begged him to pee on me.
You can't even say no.
It's a hamster wheel, chicas.
You can't run away from the club
because you're in debt.
You can't run away from the debt
because you're threatened.
And you can't run away
from the threats because
you've got a family you love.
Let's break the fucking wheel, then.
Damn right, we'll break it.
Ha! Ha, ha!
Shoot, Gina!
It ain't complicated ♪
What the fuck are you doing?
I'm just talking too fast ♪
I don't hear a word you say ♪
I think it's kinda funny ♪
Fuck, Beefcake! Just kill him already!
What the fuck are you waiting for?
Kill him!
It ends here.
♪the girl that walks away ♪
Who never stays in one place ♪
What do you want? ♪
Gina's right.
We need to stop running.
Right now, we're like rabbits
running away from a fox.
I don't mean it ♪
If we're gonna die,
we shouldn't be running.
What's your plan?
We hunt them.
Sometimes being crushed ♪
I wanna hunt them.
Isn't enough ♪
What are we?
Rabbits or foxes?
We're foxes all the way.
Gina, give me the gun.
Romeo had
two golden rules with his hookers.
First rule:
fuck us as soon as we arrive
so he can sample us and train us.
Second rule:
don't get close to any of us
so he would always see us as a commodity.
Her cancer is spreading.
With Coral, he broke both rules.
They don't give her
more than two months to live.
Where did you come from, Coral?
Where do you come from?
We're on the hunt!
- We're foxes, you assholes!
- Foxes, damn straight!
You've recovered better
than I thought you would.
You're even driving now.
Don't you get cocky.
You've got nowhere to run,
you little bitch.
I'll find you even if you hide
in the last goddamn hole on this island.
That was when I realized
that Romeo was tracking us.
Not because I have a brilliant mind,
but because it was the second time
in my life someone has done it to me.
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