Snowdrop (2021) s01e06 Episode Script

Episode 6

Plan B is the only option now.
And in order for it to succeed,
we must kill them all.
As soon as they come out,
-kill them all.
-Mr. Nam,
even if we go with plan B, if we kill
them, the North won't sit back--
What if they won't?
We made a deal--
You think they'll disclose
that we made a deal?
We have no choice but
to exaggerate the engagement.
If the North throws a monkey wrench
into the works, it'll fail!
You think they're that stupid?
You think they'll refuse the chance
to make huge money every election?
But if it fails,
the hostages' lives will be in danger!
God damn it!
What are you waiting for? Kill them!
Everyone, retreat.
This is HQ. Ambush team,
we're going in for the kill.
Once the targets are in the zone,
kill them at all costs.
The targets appeared. All units,
they're approaching the kill zone.
Stand by.
Let's go.
Three targets, armed with AK-47s.
A change of plan. Open fire.
Everyone, calm down.
I think they're trying to escape
through the exit in basement two.
And I'll go after them right now.
So everyone stay here.
Let's go.
Eung-cheol, hold me.
You bastards!
It's a grenade! Get down!
All units, fire!
Get out of here! Hurry up!
Four of our guys are injured.
It looks like the plan failed.
I'll kill them all.
Get it together.
We're going in.
We'll go in and secure the targets.
Hey, halt! Halt!
This is the director of ANSP. Halt!
If the students are killed,
we'll be doomed!
Why do you think
this happened in the first place?
Exaggerating the engagement won't help us!
Let's just go in and eliminate them all!
Are you insane?
What if all the hostages are killed?
I'll deal with the communist jerks,
so you stay out of it, scaredy-cat.
SWAT team, listen--
If you stab them in the back twice,
how will you negotiate with them?
You think you can bury this
without anyone knowing?
You made sure
no one will talk about this, right?
If anyone asks about this
hostage situation, just lock them all up!
We already
took necessary measures just in case.
We told the shop owners
that we were catching deserters.
And we made sure
to keep the press quiet about it.
But your daughter…
Do you think the other hostages are okay?
Put me through to the dorm.
You bastard.
You son of a b!
You murderer.
You bastard!
How dare you kill my husband?
Who gave you the right to kill him?
You murderer!
How dare you!
Bring her here.
You're all right. Calm down.
They deceived us twice!
You wasted our precious bullets.
It's always an emotional prick
like you that ruins a mission.
You need to be coolheaded
in a situation like this.
If you keep this up,
I won't need you anymore.
Everyone go back to the cafeteria.
I'll watch the cafeteria.
You go bring Eung-cheol.
And lock him in another room.
You two.
Follow me.
Yes, sir!
It's the military situation room.
Hey, have you looked into the casualties?
Ask about Han I-seop first.
Yes, sir!
All of the armed spies were killed.
And Professor Han who was with them
was killed by one of the Northern spies.
Is he dead?
How about our casualties?
One killed in action
and four injured, sir.
Yeong-u, stay with me!
You'll be okay. Hang in there.
Don't tell their families just yet.
And ask the press for a news embargo.
Here. We need help here.
Chief An.
Tell the press that Han I-seop died
while defecting to the North.
-Defecting to the North?
But he was the
opposition party's mentor in economics.
Just tell them the North abducted him
and we tried to rescue him.
Inspiring the people's sense
of national security will help us--
You want to stop there
when we can win the game?
If the opposition party raises an issue,
we will be counterattacked.
Making up evidence with a dead guy is
just a piece of cake. What counterattack?
Will the higher-ups be content with
inspiring a sense of national security?
Do it.
I'll tell them right now
he was trying to defect to the North.
Of course, he'd kill them.
You know how people are willing
to kill their own family,
cousins, and even children
if it helps them become king.
So why would he be any different?
Come on. You know how much
Ms. Hong care for his daughter.
Your own child means
more than anything in the world.
I feel like a horrible person.
As soon as I heard
about the hostage situation,
the first thing I thought of
is the fortuneteller.
She's not even your own daughter.
I must say,
you're such an angel, Ms. Hong.
Are you
very worried that 13 people will die
in the dorm?
That must be why
you ran over here so late at night.
I ran over here
so late at night?
They say you can never hide
your humble origins.
How could you be so rude?
Don't you know my husband is
your husband's superior?
You know that my husband graduated
from the military academy
four years earlier than him?
Well, yes. That's…
Yes, I'm aware of that.
They say the boughs that bear the most
hang the lowest.
I know the higher-up likes your husband,
but he might end up paying dearly
for disrespecting his senior.
I'm quite worried.
You're worried?
You wench!
How dare a lowly entertainer like you
threaten me?
I'm a daughter of a general.
A four-star general!
My goodness. Ma'am, please calm down.
Hey, your husband rose
from humble origins.
Mine has many high-ranking in-laws.
You think they're on the same level?
Your husband becoming president.
Don't even dream about it.
It's not something
a lowlife like you can covet!
Ms. Hong, I'll get going too.
He definitely ordered us
to cooperate with the South.
Father must've made a deal with
the director of ANSP to save our lives.
Then why did they…
try to kill us?
I laid Comrade Lee down
in the next room. He's severely injured.
I'll go to him with the first aid kit.
Follow me with the first aid kit.
-Why is he taking her?
-I don't know.
Keep your heads down.
I'm sorry, sir.
I said, wait.
I'm okay, sir.
No, you're not, you punk.
you didn't hurt any arteries or veins.
I could even take
an axe blade with my abs.
So this wound is nothing.
I can survive this.
It should be treated.
Let everyone go.
If you feel bad for me just a little bit,
let them go. Please.
Let them go.
Tomorrow morning, I'll demand a doctor
who will treat Eung-cheol's wound.
They'll demand the release of a hostage.
And I'm…
planning to release you.
To repay you for what you've done
for me these past few days.
We'll be even then.
Go back to the cafeteria.
Look at her.
Her hand is bandaged.
-What? Bandage?
-She's right.
He treated her?
But why treat only her?
Lim Soo-ho?
Are you guys okay?
I'll speak to the person in charge.
There are people who don't agree with me,
so it went awry.
But I'm still willing to get you out
safely and--
I'll talk to the person
who ordered to kill us.
I'm the person in charge here.
I'm the director of ANSP.
So you're the one
who ordered to kill us, you bastard?
What? "Bastard"?
How dare this communist call you that?
Give it. I'll teach him a lesson. Give it!
Stop it, you idiot!
Don't deal with him. Why don't you
go home? I'll take care of this.
You'll take care of this?
Why don't you go home?
You're not coolheaded,
desperate to save your child.
You little…
Are you trying to get her killed?
If they find out,
what do you think they'll do?
What're you looking at?
There was an engagement on the West Sea
at around 22:00.
An engagement?
The ship for the North was
stupid enough to be get caught.
The navy found the ship,
so there was nothing I could do.
And my colleagues?
Before that…
I heard gunfire. Are the students okay?
If you wanted them safe,
you shouldn't have deceived us twice.
What happened to my colleagues?
everyone was killed
including Professor Han.
How can I believe you?
Whether or not you believe me,
I want to help you.
Give me a bit more time,
and I'll come up with a plan--
When you tried to kill us,
had the North approved it?
Of course not. We had no time for that.
Remember this.
Once we're convinced we're never
going back alive, we'll blow ourselves up.
And all the hostages will die too.
You must accomplish
this mission at all costs, okay?
Those who have power
all thanks to their family name
are pointing a gun at me.
You're my last weapon
that I can kill them with.
Don't forget that.
Because your son failed the mission,
we lost 300 million dollars.
The party's 300 million dollars.
Have you forgotten our Leader
ordered us to get it done at all costs?
It's too early
to say the mission has failed.
Too early?
You think your son,
who's holding people hostage
in the middle of Seoul,
will come back with 300 million dollars?
The party will make a decision soon.
Prepare yourself.
We failed our mission,
so there's only one option left for us.
To kill them all
and blow ourselves up.
It's too early for that. We must try
our best to go back alive until the end.
I'll buy as much time as--
We shouldn't beg them for negotiation.
Blowing ourselves up…
is the only way
to defend the honor of our Leader.
We'll be dying for nothing.
Dying for nothing?
You son of a b.
You dare to call it dying for nothing?
To shoot all the hostages dead
and blow ourselves up in a determined way
is the most honorable death for us!
I'll decide if we must die or not.
I'm your leader.
You're just a soft guy
from a powerful family. How dare you
disrespect the revolutionary spirit?
It would've gone smoothly
if you hadn't come to the dorm!
Hey, Yeong-ro. Do something.
You and he must be close.
Do something for us!
What could she do?
we were also fooled.
She didn't know he was a spy either.
She didn't?
Look what she got us into.
"I didn't know" won't cut it.
You guys from room 207
are accomplices. So be quiet.
Look, I'm also mad at Yeong-ro.
I told you we shouldn't have hid him!
But it is true that we really thought
he was a college student we met on a date.
And you met him with us.
She's right.
And he was your partner that day.
-Bun-ok's partner?
She joined them?
So you think you did nothing wrong?
Stop arguing!
The ANSP agent was just dragged out.
We must find a way to get out alive.
Why take it out on me?
You think we can find any way
in this situation?
Do something.
You'll be commissioned soon.
Will you just sit back?
Isn't there any manual
for a situation like this?
There's nothing in particular.
With my great leadership
and sense of duty to save your lives,
let me tell you something.
In 1972, there was a hostage situation
during the Munich Olympics.
And the West German police
dealt with it in such an idiotic way,
so all the hostages
were killed.
-Oh, no.
-All of them?
You didn't know?
It's a well-known tragedy.
Anyway, even the West German
police failed like that.
So the Korean police and ANSP…
We should never count on them.
For now,
those bastards…
We should
do as those bastards say
if we want to stay alive.
God, you idiot!
-You stupid…
You idiot.
You little…
Keep quiet!
How will you handle
the consequences of the failed mission?
I'm the leader.
I'll take full responsibility.
You did nothing wrong.
I'll go back alive at all cost
and take responsibility.
You're a coward begging for your life
even after being fooled twice.
How will you do that?
Comrade Joo.
Don't forget the party
ordered you to obey my orders.
You think the party trusts you,
but you're mistaken.
If I sense any change
in your ideology, I can--
Why did you disobey my orders
and follow me into Mount Ogong?
If you disobey my orders again,
I won't shoot here.
I'll shoot here.
Your life depends on me, your leader.
Don't forget that.
Comrade Lim…
The rifle!
Ms. Oh?
Oh, no.
My goodness. My arm hurts so much.
-She's not herself right now.
The rifle is so heavy.
Stop it and come here.
Yes. All right. Just sit down.
Sit now.
Lim Soo-ho?
We have an injured person.
-Send a doctor in.
But how about you release
some of them in return?
You have too many hostages
for the three of you anyway.
Send in a doctor in ten minutes.
We need more time.
We'll find a doctor as soon as possible,
so release some of them first.
You have 20 minutes.
If a doctor doesn't come in here by 9:44,
I'll execute
one hostage every ten minutes.
Hey, find a doctor right away.
We only got 20 minutes.
20 minutes?
Even our agency doctor
can't get here in 20 minutes.
I see.
Those damn bastards, are they trying
to train us like some freaking dog?
Why are you dilly-dallying when you can
just break in and wipe them out?
Kang Cheong-ya speaking.
Hey, where are you?
What do you mean?
You called me at the hospital.
That's good. Come
to the Hosu University dorm right now.
Yes. It'll take
less than ten minutes, right?
Why do you want me there?
The spies' hostage situation?
Come over here right now! To the scene!
We'll escort you.
Open it!
-Hurry up!
-Open it!
I'll disguise
Han-na as a nurse, send her in,
and rescue your daughter first
no matter what.
But if we act rashly,
it'll put the hostages in more danger.
This is the perfect chance.
If this drags on and they find out
she's your daughter, then it will…
I'm sorry to say this,
but something tragic might happen.
But Han-na wasn't very prudent yesterday.
Is she reliable?
Disguise myself as a nurse?
But they must know my face.
None of them knows your face.
They saw you briefly during the shoot-out.
I even spoke with them.
Do you remember
when I lost Han while tailing him?
I'm sure they set us up.
They must know my face.
In any case, go in with the doctor
and rescue Mr. Eun's daughter first
no matter what.
And how will I do that?
It might put the rest in more danger.
Don't you know that?
How am I supposed to pull off
the special op without equipment?
You're known for this kind of thing.
You don't need any equipment.
Use your brain.
you know how much I love you, right?
Cut to the chase. I came because
you said it was urgent. What is it?
Don't tell me
I have to treat those Northern spies.
There are three spies in there,
and two of them are injured.
Forget it.
If I take care of this well,
my party will support me in the future.
And it'll help me become president.
You said you wanted to see me become one.
If you, my beloved sweetie,
kill two of them with injections
pretending treating their wounds,
-then only one will be left.
Are you seriously
telling me to commit murder?
It's not murder. It's execution.
There are 60 innocent college girls
being held in there.
By executing those spies,
you'll be saving the 60 innocent people.
You thought I'd be moved by such nonsense?
If I become president of this country,
I'll be able to abandon
my four-star father-in-law
and leave my dumb wife.
I doubt that.
My life wish is
to keep you by my side 24/7
for the rest of my life.
You know that.
Let's say I've taken care of the two.
What if the last one tries to kill me?
Do you really think I'd put you in danger
without any contingency plan?
Contingency plan?
Soon, the whole building
will be wiretapped.
Once you take care of the two,
just say, "I gave them painkiller,
so they'll be fine."
Once we hear you say that,
our forces will break in secretly
and kill the last one.
But they're just three spies.
Do you have to pull this kind of trick?
What I want is simple.
I just want to break in and kill them all.
it turned out Eun's daughter
is one of the hostages.
Mr. Eun's daughter?
I can't just do as I want
beside the anxious father.
So it came to this.
Even if you're asking, I'm a doctor.
I can't kill a person. No, I won't.
Please. Do this for me, honey.
I'll add sleep-inducing element
to the painkiller
and make them unconscious.
You wicked little fox.
Repeat the code phrase.
"I gave them painkiller,
so they'll be fine."
Area 2-3, 2-4, and 2-5
are ready to be wiretapped.
-Hurry up.
It's nice to meet you.
You too.
Director Eun and Chief An.
As far as we know, two of the spies
and one agent of ours are injured.
Judging by the gunfire, some of
the students might've gotten hurt too.
Will you be okay by yourself?
Dr. Kang's such an excellent doctor.
I noticed that one of the hostages
is a nursing major.
She can have them help her.
I'll be okay by myself.
We'll do our best to get you out safely
once you're done.
And agent Jang Han-na
will assist you well.
This is the list of the captured students.
Does any of them have an illness?
Just tell me if there's anyone
who must get out.
Those with illnesses are hard to handle,
but there are other students
harder to control.
This one sleepwalks every night.
And this one fearlessly protests
while throwing petrol bombs.
And this one's a nut job who always does
what I tell her not to do.
Think about it.
They knew they'd be kicked out
if they broke the rules.
But they still deceived me
as well as ANSP agents…
They hid you inside the bench
in the sauna, didn't they?
Being all naked. Who does that?
They're so daring.
Yes, they're obedient for now,
but as time passes by,
they'll be hard to control.
If you think the girls are easy to handle,
you'll get in trouble.
It doesn't have to be students, does it?
I said, shut your mouths!
I'm sorry.
I will keep my mouth shut.
Keep your heads down.
Everyone raise your heads.
I'll release some of you right now.
As for the rest of you, I'll release
those who are cooperative
next time or the next time after that.
But for those who disobey us
and are uncooperative,
there will be no release.
I, Oh Gwang-tea, will always
be cooperative.
I swear.
If you understood, be wise about it.
If your name is called,
stand up.
Mr. Eun, they're calling names.
Yeo Jeong-min.
Ko Yu-na.
Thank God!
-Shin Gyeong-ja.
Ko Hye-ryeong.
I knew it!
I knew this wouldn't be the end of me.
Seo Eun-gyo.
Thank you!
Kim Ye-won.
-Park Seon-ja.
Kang Tae-ji.
Yoon Seol-hui.
Thank you!
Three from room 207?
It's suspicious.
You're right.
It must be because of Yeong-ro.
What's this? Yeong-ro's roommates
are being treated specially?
This is so unfair.
Tell me about it. It's so obvious.
-That can't be.
-It's possible.
Of course it is.
Excuse me, sir.
Can I tell you about myself a bit?
I, Oh Gwang-tae, grew up
with a single mom,
and like that wasn't enough,
I've gotten hepatitis A.
If I stay here--
-Shut up.
-Yes, sir.
We'll never release you.
But I'm telling the truth.
-I really have it. I swear.
Forget what I said.
You're such a loser.
Eun Yeong-ro.
That's it.
Eun Yeong-ro?
Eun Yeong-ro.
You can't do this.
Be quiet, Bun-ok.
You didn't ever hear us out.
Why are you only releasing students?
What about me, Mr. Kim, and Ms. Oh?
We can't even get a chance?
This is unfair!
On what grounds did you decide on this?
On what grounds!
Shut your mouth!
She's so feisty.
This all happened because of her.
Why does she get to leave?
She can't die and I can?
She's right.
Bun-ok is right.
I'll stay here.
Release someone else.
How can I leave when they can't?
That's not right.
I'll stay too.
I played a big part too.
If Yeong-ro stays,
I can't just leave her here
to save my skin.
Why don't we just draw lots?
That'll be fair.
I totally agree!
-I agree.
-So do I.
Shut up! Quiet!
She's our telephone operator.
She's looking after her sick parents.
She's a poor girl
who's the sole breadwinner.
I really hope you'll release her.
You were the last one.
But not anymore.
You'll never get a chance to be released.
When I said those who disobey us
and are uncooperative
wouldn't be released,
you should've taken it seriously.
Drawing lots?
I decide who gets released.
Hold on. Wait!
In any case, we're being released, right?
Because of that stupid Gizzard…
What a wench!
AREA 2-1
Mr. An.
Gang-mu must be locked up
and sending us a message.
It seems
the hostages are locked in the cafeteria
and Gang-mu is
locked in room 203 separately.
I think he's tied up in a separate room.
According to the blueprint, the distance
between the cafeteria and the room
is about 30 meters and…
I have a favor to ask.
Of course, you don't have to do it
because if we get caught,
you'll be put in danger too.
If that's the case,
let me hear you out first.
I want to give this to Mr. Lee.
How about we hide it in the medical kit?
They know who I am,
so it's impossible for me to bring it.
-Is the doctor ready?
-Before that,
I need to check if the students are safe.
What are you trying to pull again?
To check if they're safe
and to protect the doctor,
one of our agents will accompany her.
And please let the doctor
treat our agent too.
I can't guarantee what will happen
if they try anything else.
I give you my word.
Yes, sir.
They promised to let Gang-mu be treated.
So check if the students are okay first.
Yes, sir.
Stop there.
Put down the bag.
Open it.
Step back.
They're medical tools.
Please be careful not to contaminate them.
Go upstairs.
Go over it.
Just follow me.
Where are the hostages?
Gang-mu is with them, right?
Shut it.
Try anything funny, and I'll kill you.
And Gang-mu is
locked in room 203 separately.
To your left.
Comrade Lim.
Move faster.
Comrade Joo, get the doctor here first.
I need someone to assist me.
I heard there's a nursing major here.
Kim Dong-ji.
Yes, ma'am.
She's the one.
Can you help me?
He's been running a fever since dawn.
If he's over 38°C, he can't have surgery.
I must give him
a fever reducer and antibiotics
to reduce the fever first.
I heard two of you are injured.
Where's the other one?
Comrade Joo.
Get treated.
Hello, sir. This is
Hong Ae-ra. You remember me, right?
I called to ask you something.
You told me the other day
that for my husband to become president,
13 young virgins must
be offered as sacrifices, right?
But does it have to be exactly 13 people?
Oh, I see.
Thank you. I'll come visit you soon.
Ma'am, it's all ready.
I can see all of the 64 hostages are safe.
How many of them will you release?
Rescue Mr. Eun's daughter first
no matter what.
The doctor needs to treat them anyway,
so why don't you just release them too?
I think that'll be better for both of us.
-Are you okay?
-Are you okay?
What's going on?
Hey, Ms. Oh. Are you okay? What's wrong?
-Oh, no.
-Are you okay?
Hold on.
Drink water.
What's wrong?
Do you have trouble breathing?
I'll select people who will be released.
If you disobey me this time again,
you won't get out of here alive.
"You"? Damn it.
Why isn't this bastard
calling their names?
Who is he picking?
Don't you think we need to find it out?
Damn it. My blood pressure.
The six of you will get out too.
God damn bastard.
Everyone I selected, come out.
What's wrong, Yu-na?
-He's having trouble breathing.
-What's wrong?
-Are you okay?
-Go get a plastic bag. Now!
-I'll go.
Yu-na, you're okay.
You won't die. Everything will be okay.
Have her breathe into it. Hurry.
Breathe. Breathe deeply.
Deeply and slowly.
I'm so scared.
I think the stress is too much for her.
Can't you release her too?
Me too!
-I can't stand it any longer!
-Me too!
-Me too!
-Me too!
-Me too!
-Me too!
-Me too!
-It should be us!
-This is a women's dorm!
-Me too!
-Why do I have to keep quiet?
-Me too!
-Listen to what we have to say too!
-Me too!
-Let us men go too!
-Me too!
-God damn it!
-Me too!
-Why do we have to be here?
-Me too!
Who wants to die first?
Who are you to decide who gets to live?
Only I will be enough.
I'll stay, so release all of them.
Let them all go!
Keep your heads down!
I told you I decide who gets to leave.
You leave.
This is our dorm.
This is our dorm, you stupid communist!
Oh, my goodness.
-You're not done.
-Let go.
I'll kill this damn wench.
Please let them go. They're innocent.
You don't know who I am, do you?
I'll tell you.
the daughter of the director of ANSP.
Eun Chang-su,
the director of
the Agency for National Security Planning…
is my father.
She hid him? Hid the communist spy?
Your daughter really did it?
Does hiding a spy count as espionage?
You've fooled us twice today,
and what? Promise?
You son of a b!
I bet all you're thinking about
is killing us.
What kind of deal did you make?
We have bait
that's worth 300 million dollars.
Will Lim Ji-rok
give up the 300 million dollars?
I'm sure our spies consider
dying for our party honorable.
Kill them.
Director Eun Chang-su won't
even find his daughter's body.
Kill me.
Ripped and synced by
-One, two.
We must take them down
before they blow themselves up!
What if we break in rashly
and get the hostages killed, you bastard?
What? "Bastard"?
How dare you call me that?
Just get lost. This is my jurisdiction!
You always dilly-dally and are indecisive,
and that's why all this has happened.
You're a liability to us!
You always blame others,
and that's why this is happening!
Whose fault is this?
A soft boy like you can
never serve the country well.
You killed your former superior
on the pretext of serving the country.
Do you call that serving the country?
What do you know about revolution?
Just discipline your son better.
You piece of s, how dare you talk
about my son with your dirty mouth?
What did you say? Do you want to die?
I must've gone too easy on you!
What? "Gone easy on me"?
-You God damn bastard!
-Let go, you s!
I'll just--
-Get lost already!
-God damn it!
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