Star Wars: Skeleton Crew (2024) s01e06 Episode Script

Zero Friends Again

No! That's the emergency hull
demolition sequencer.
Never, ever, ever touch that.
[dramatic music playing]
This ship is the Onyx Cinder.
Tak Rennod's the most infamous pirate
the galaxy's ever known.
Anything he wanted,
he took it.
[Captain Rennod] I have the ship,
clad in armor and ready
[SM-33] But Captain Rennod scanned
At Attin's coordinates.
Kept 'em hid in his lair,
deep beneath Skull Ridge Mountain.
I can't go down there.
[Fern] You worried about corrosion
from the steam?
You'll be fine.
Is that Dash Zentin?
[Pokkit] Here's the coordinates.
Now how about my payment?
[Brutus] You'll have your payment
when I have Silvo.
I invoke my right
to challenge the captain.
Just say you yield.
- [Jod] Just say you yield.
- [Fern] I yield.
Jod is the victor.
I know!
[all screaming]
- [button clicks]
- [lightsaber whooshes]
[gentle music playing]
[music ends]
[all screaming]
[dramatic music playing]
[screaming continues]
[all grunting]
[wind whistling]
[Neel] K KB?
KB! Are you Are you okay?
[KB groans softly]
Help! Over here!
KB! KB, are you okay?
What's wrong with her?
Sometimes her augs go bad
and then she can't move.
[KB] Uh-huh.
[Fern] Okay, KB. I'm gonna reset
your occipital link.
Come on, help me get her on her side.
[Neel grunting]
Is she gonna be okay?
Yeah. It's okay.
Don't worry, KB. You're gonna be fine.
- [suspenseful music playing]
- [Hotelier] Hmm.
Yes. I'm glad you're here.
I'd like to check out, refuel my ship,
prepare for my immediate departure.
- [gun charges up]
- Don't move. You're not going anywhere.
[male pirate] Move, move.
Oh, we've got a very special cabin
in our ship all ready for you, Silvo.
I was coming to find you.
Down there is the biggest pile of loot
you will ever lay your eye on.
[Gunter] Save it, Silvo.
You're going straight to Captain Brutus.
Let's go.
Wait, wait. That's just a taste.
I'm in line for something even bigger.
I'll cut you in.
[shouting] 33, attack!
Aye, Captain!
- [electricity buzzing]
- [groaning in pain]
[powers down]
[scattered laughter]
No hard feelings, Dash.
It really has been wonderful
running into you.
Sir! Sir! X-wings!
[lasers firing]
Back to the ships! Bring the droid!
Load 'em on board!
Power up the engines!
[Beef] Hurry it up, you bilge rats!
[Wim] Those other ships
are fighting them off!
They're like the ones that Kh'ymm called.
[Fern] She said they were called X-wings.
[Neel] But Jod said X-wings were bad.
No, they're the good guys!
- Hey, wait up! Over here! Help!
- We're over here!
- [shouting] Over here!
- [shouting] Down here!
- [shouting] Don't leave!
- [shouting] Help! No, no!
They left us!
It's too bad.
'Cause I have the coordinates
home and everything.
So it's in your brain?
[Fern] Perfect.
So now we just need
to climb back to our ship.
It's still there, see?
That's not "perfect."
It's impossible.
Wim, stay here.
You too, Neel.
You are okay, right?
So, I just know Wim's gonna fight me
on climbing the cliff. [sighs]
How should we play it?
Because, to be honest,
I don't even know if Neel
is gonna be able to--
Maybe we should consider
some other options.
Well, we have to get back
to the ship, right?
- I can't think of any other options.
- [KB] You can't.
So you just assume there aren't any?
Hey, KB, why are you--
Because if you were actually interested,
you'd be listening for once,
and maybe we'd actually
talk about something.
If there's something so important
that you want to tell me, then go ahead.
[Neel] Uh, Fern!
[Neel shivering]
We're not alone down here.
Get away!
They could be dangerous.
- No, they're friendly.
- [Trash Crabs] Friendly, friendly.
[Trash Crabs] Friendly, friendly.
- [Trash Crabs] Friendly.
- See, they can talk.
And that means they're intelligent.
They can help.
Uh-uh. No way. Sorry, Wim. No, no, no, no.
Wim, we need to climb back
to the ship and--
What? Up there?
No, you're gonna fall
and smash all the bones in your body.
- No, I'm not.
- Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not!
- Yes, you are!
- No, I'm not--
- Yes, you are!
I'm not doing
this stupid baby fight with you!
This isn't a game!
I know it's not a game.
- Really?
- [Neel] Stop fighting!
Stop it.
Okay? We all need to work together
to get back to the ship.
I know. That's what I've been saying.
These guys are locals.
We can follow them
to someone who can help.
- Follow.
- Follow.
- Follow.
- Follow.
I'm with Wim.
I guess we're splitting up.
I guess we are.
Let's go, Neel.
Yeah, probably groups of two
makes the most sense.
We'll pick you guys up
once we get to the ship.
Well, okay, but we'll already
be at the ship waiting for you.
[Trash Crabs] Follow.
- [Trash Crabs] Follow. Follow.
- [Trash Crabs] Help. Help.
Come on, KB.
- [Trash Crabs] Follow. Follow.
- [Trash Crabs] Help. Help.
[Trash Crabs continue chattering]
[sinister music playing]
Captain Brutus will now
pronounce the verdict.
I find the so-called
"Mad" Captain Silvo guilty!
[all cheering]
- [Brutus] Shut up!
- [cheering dies down]
For his heinous crimes, I sentence him
to death by airlock.
[all] Yeah! [cheering]
- Wait!
- [cheering stops]
What of equal time?
Right of Last Appeal.
So says the Pirate's Code.
[crowd groaning]
The Right of Last Appeal must be honored.
Equal time.
[crowd murmuring]
Most gracious.
Equal time will now begin.
- [sighs]
- [pirate] Open your gob!
I'm hungry.
I've been hungry since I can remember.
'Cause all I ever had were scraps.
[male pirate] What's he on about?
[female pirate] Just kill him already.
[male pirate 2] He'll say anything
to save his skin.
How long have you been hungry?
How long?
How long have you been left behind?
In the junk heaps of the galaxy
fighting over crumbs.
[scoffs] Enough of this glitter-speech,
The words of a dead man are worthless.
Plasma still runs, sir.
[shouting] We're all hungry!
[crowd murmurs in agreement]
Because credits are scarce,
there's never enough.
[male pirate] He's right.
What if there were?
Just imagine.
What if there were a place
where you didn't
have to divvy up your take
because your take never ran out?
- Imagine that.
- [crowd murmuring]
- [male pirate 1] Yeah.
- [male pirate 2] Yes.
Just just imagine.
Glerb, my friend.
That glow-weed plantation
we all know you're saving up for.
Imagine if you could buy yourself
an entire ocean.
That'd be something.
[crowd murmuring]
I failed you.
I'm sorry, Kona.
You should have a command of your own.
And not just one ship.
An entire fleet.
I'll bite, Silvo. What's the trick?
No trick.
No trick.
Just a virgin gleam
of brand-new Old Republic credits.
[crowd murmuring]
[crowd gasping]
Just like the creds
them brats were flashing.
- I told you they were real.
- They're real.
And I know where they make 'em.
I know where they make 'em
'cause I heard it
- from Tak Rennod himself.
- [crowd chattering]
[Captain Brutus growls]
Tak Rennod is dead.
[Jod singing] Tak Rennod
Soared away, away
[crowd singing along]
Aboard the Onyx Cinder
- And never was he seen again
- And never was he seen again
What's the last line?
"For At Attin, he did plunder."
- For At Attin, he did plunder
- For At Attin, he did plunder
You're saying the stories are true?
I'm saying I'm saying
We all know Brutus makes
a very capable first mate.
[crowd] Aye. Yeah.
[Jod] You stick with him,
you'll get a meager reward.
You come with me,
I'll give you the entire kriffing galaxy.
[crowd shouting]
Time's up.
- [grunts]
- [groans in pain]
We'll go see this At Attin.
If there's no treasure,
you're going for a little ride.
[buzzer sounding]
[Trash Crabs chattering]
So, did you come with me because you
actually believe in the Trash Crabs,
or just 'cause you're mad at Fern?
Tell the truth.
[soft music playing]
Okay [sighs]
- [Trash Crabs] Follow. Follow.
- [Trash Crabs] Follow. Follow.
[Trash Crab shrieks]
Do you think SM-33 is okay?
KB, do you--
KB, what's wrong?
[weakly] I I can't move.
My augs are corroded.
Corroded? What should I do?
Gather some droid servos
and maybe we can fix it.
[KB groans weakly]
[Wim] Okay.
- [Wim grunts]
- [breathing weakly]
[Neel grunting]
Fern, wait!
Slow down.
[Fern] Neel, you can't keep stopping.
Climbing is easy. Step by step.
- It's not that hard.
- It is for me.
I don't have long spider legs
like you, okay?
I can't reach between the rungs.
I'm sorry, but not everyone
can do things the same way you can.
[dramatic music builds, fades]
KB! [pants] Is this enough droid parts?
[KB] Yes.
[weakly] Let me show you what to do.
Open this.
Unwind the lighter wires.
[Wim] I got it, I got it, I got it.
Have you ever done this before?
Sort of.
Not outside.
Is this why you didn't want to climb?
You could've just told Fern.
she's not exactly living
in the real world herself.
Yeah, totally.
What do you mean?
Ever since my accident,
Fern always assumed
I could do anything she could.
Like I'm not different.
[Wim] Okay. That sounds good.
But I am different.
Can you pull out the resonator housing
and remove the micro-fuse?
What's a micro-fuse?
It's a little metal cylinder.
[Wim] Oh.
[KB] Anyway, pretending I can run around
on a freezing cold moon,
through a bunch of steam, climb a cliff,
after days without maintenance,
that's just not reality, Fern.
So, then, just tell her that.
I can't do that.
Why not?
Because she doesn't
have patience for that.
You know how she is.
And then
I'll have zero friends again.
That's so dumb.
Anyway, you could just be friends
with me and Neel.
Here, is this enough?
[KB] It'll have to be.
Take the torch.
Melt the wires.
[groans weakly]
KB, are you okay?
[breathing weakly]
Now pour into the mold.
[KB continues breathing weakly]
Replace micro-fuse.
- It doesn't fit.
- Push.
[dramatic music crescendoes]
- [music fades out]
- [electronic chiming]
[Wim panting]
- [electronic chiming]
- [KB gasps]
[uplifting music playing]
That was close.
To what?
Total system shutdown.
You probably thought it would be
more exciting to save someone's life.
Anyway, thanks, Jedi.
[Trash Crabs chattering]
KB, wait up!
- And step. And step.
- [Neel grunting]
[Fern] And step.
You still good?
Yeah. Thanks, Fern.
This is working great.
[loud rumbling]
Look! Is that our ship?
[metal clanging]
We're gonna get out of here. Follow me.
- [Trash Crabs] Follow.
- [Trash Crabs] Follow.
[Wim] We must be getting close
to their home.
- [Trash Crabs] Home. Home.
- [Trash Crabs] Home. Home.
[soft rumbling]
- [dramatic music playing]
- [gutteral warbling]
[Wim] Sir?
I think we're in trouble.
[Trash Crabs chattering]
[Trash Crabs] Trouble. Trouble.
I think we're food.
- [Trash Crabs] Food. Food.
- [Trash Crabs] Food. Food.
Get ready to jump for it.
Wait, wait!
How come I'm always wrong
about who's the good guy?
Fern, Neel, come in!
Hey, look!
It's Fern and Neel.
It's Wim and KB! They're over there!
We have to get lower!
I'm trying!
Fern! Neel!
[Neel grunting]
[Wim and KB grunt]
- Please tell me we got 'em!
- We got 'em!
[all screaming]
[all grunting]
[groans weakly]
[Neel] Any broken bones?
Neel, that was amazing!
We're getting good at falling.
But let's make that the last time.
[Fern] KB!
KB, are you okay?
I am. Wim helped fix my augs.
Yeah. We made a new micro-fuse
for her resonator housing,
and then you saved us!
Yeah, but I never should've
left you guys. I'm sorry. I was being so--
No, you were amazing!
And And you even got
the ship and everything.
And me and KB were--
[continues indistinctly]
- KB, I am so, so, so sorry
- [whirring]
for not listening.
No. I'm sorry.
I was afraid to tell you
when there's things I can't do.
It's okay.
- You're my best friend.
- You're my best friend.
- [Neel] Uh, do you guys hear that?
- [distant rumbling]
[rumbling continues]
- [rumbling continues]
- [dramatic music playing]
We gotta save our ship!
[all screaming]
[all panting]
Anybody know how to start this thing?
I watched 33 and Jod do it.
I think it was something like this
[beeping continues]
Yes, we're gonna get out of here!
[switches flipping]
- [rumbling]
- [all screaming]
How much longer until we can take off?
- Too long. I'll go jump-start the engine.
- [beeping]
Wait. KB, who's gonna fly the ship?
- You are.
- [stutters] What? Me?
[KB] You did it before with Jod.
Just do it again!
[all screaming]
We're too late!
No, we're not.
I'll see if I can shoot that thing off!
I'll steer. Neel, you hit the throttle.
Throttle. Got it.
[powering up]
Almost ready. Wait for it.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Wim grunts]
[shouting] It's too invincible!
[KB over radio] Almost ready.
Now, go!
[Neel grunts]
[engines powering up]
[Fern grunting]
[Neel] We're stuck!
[shouting] More power!
- I can give you one last surge!
- [powering up]
[Fern] Yes! Do it, KB!
[powering up]
- [hissing]
- [Neel grunting]
It's not working!
[grunts] It's chomped on too hard!
Engine's overheating!
We have to blow it off the hull.
What? Uh, how do we do that?
- The emergency hull demolition sequencer.
- [gasps]
That 33 said never to touch?
He said never, ever, ever touch it.
[dramatic music playing]
- [gasps]
- [electricity crackling]
- [hissing]
- [Neel gasps]
[triumphant music playing]
Claimsies on the new ship!
[music fades out]
[closing theme music playing]
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