Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Squadron/Forest Defenders

-[ship whirring]
-[lightsaber ignites, humming]
[tooka yelps]
[sniffs, grunts]
-[lightsabers hum]
-[blaster fire]
[Force rumbling]
[all cheering]
[Kai] Yeah!
[no audible dialogue]
[Nubs grunts]
[engines roaring]
-[Kai shouts]
-[Lys] Whee! Whoo-hoo!
-[Nubs shouts]
-[Lys] Yeah!
Thanks for showing us
your piloting moves, Nash.
Can't wait to try them during our
flying lessons with Master Zia tomorrow.
You haven't even seen my best move.
I call it the Throttle Buster!
-[Kai] Whoo-hoo! [laughs]
-[Nubs cheers]
-[Lys] Whoa! [laughs]
-[Kai] Whoo!
-[shouts, whoops]
-[RJ beeps]
[laughs, cheers]
[Kai] Whoa!
[engines roaring]
[moans, blows]
That was great! [exclaims]
Nash, you gotta teach us
the Throttle Buster, please?
-[RJ beeps]
-[scoffs] It's really hard.
We should wait until
you've had a little more time to train.
But I guess I could let you fly
the Crimson Firehawk for a bit.
Really? I've never flown it before!
[Nash] Now, be gentle with the Firehawk.
-[Nubs speaks Poobian]
-[Kai] Whoa!
-I said, be gentle!
-[RJ beeps]
Sorry! [chuckles, grunts]
-[Nubs grunts]
-[Kai yelps]
-[Nash] Watch out!
-[Kai yelps] Sorry!
-[Nash whimpers] Slow down! Be careful!
-[Kai yelps] Sorry!
-[whoops, laughs]
-[RJ beeps]
[Nubs shouts]
[engines roaring]
Huh. You're actually
pretty good at flying, Kai.
Thanks! We took some beginner
flying lessons already. Watch this!
[engines roaring]
[chuckles] Pretty fun, huh?
-Kai, look out!
-[controls beeping]
[Lys, Nubs exclaim]
-[Kai grunts]
-[Nubs shouts]
-[RJ beeps]
[engines roaring]
-[RJ beeps]
Sorry for the rough landing, Nash.
Eh, that's okay.
The Firehawk is tougher than it looks.
[RJ beeps]
[sighs] Come on, RJ.
Let's check for any damage.
[RJ chirps]
Hi, Master Zia.
Sorry about the rough landing.
Nash let me fly the Firehawk.
Believe it or not,
I've seen worse landings. [chuckles]
I hope you're all ready
for your flying lesson tomorrow.
Kai could definitely use another lesson.
-First, you three need some ships to fly.
I'm sending you and Nash
to pick them up from my friend Zepher.
His starship repair shop is
on one of the moons of Tenoo.
Hey! Ha! I know Zepher.
He's a friend of my mom's too!
[RJ beeps]
Oh, gasket-thrusters!
[Zia] You'll be flying the ships
back here to the Temple.
Kai, I know you want to fly like Nash,
but you're still learning.
please take it easy until you're ready.
Don't worry, Master Zia.
We'll bring those starships back
-without a scratch.
-[speaks Poobian]
-[engine sputters, hisses]
-[Nash] Could use a little help over here!
-Oh, come on!
We'll leave for the mission
right after we help Nash.
[chuckles, speaks Poobian]
-[Nubs exclaims]
Those are the two moons of Tenoo.
The big one with the rings around it
is where we'll find Zepher.
[engines roaring]
That looks like a fun place
to fly a starship.
[gasps] What is that?
I see you've met our space slug.
-[speaks Poobian]
[engines roaring]
[Zepher] Nash Durango!
-[RJ beeps]
By the light!
Look how you've grown. [chuckles]
And good to see you too, RJ.
How's my favorite droid?
Kai, Lys, Nubs, meet Zepher!
He taught my parents everything
they know about starship engines.
Hello, younglings!
Master Zia told me you'd be coming.
You are most welcome here, my friends.
Come, come! Let me show you to your ships.
-[Kai, Lys] Whoa!
-[Nubs gasps]
[Lys] Jedi Vectors!
[gasps] They're beautiful.
-I can't wait to fly 'em!
Ha-pa-pup-pup, not so fast, young Jedi.
I've made changes
so these ships can be used by younglings.
Uh, they take a little,
uh, getting used to.
Sounds like fun to me. [chuckles]
[chuckles] I like your attitude.
But before I let you fly
all the way back to the Temple,
you'll need to prove
you can handle them safely.
Like a test flight?
Nash, you're the best pilot I know.
Can you lead these three on a test flight?
-Does a wipplebog snort when it's sleepy?
-[RJ chirps]
[speaks Poobian]
Y-Yes. The answer is yes.
-This is gonna be a blast.
-[RJ beeps]
[all chuckling]
[engines powering up]
[engines roaring]
[Nash] Okay.
So, we're gonna do some fancy flyin'.
-[RJ beeps]
-Follow me.
Do try to keep up.
[Lys] Whoo-hoo!
[Kai] Whoo-hoo!
-[controls beeping]
[growls, speaks Poobian]
[laughs, speaks Poobian]
[engines roaring]
[birds chittering]
Ooh! A flock of Karnis birds.
I've never seen them in person--
-[Nash] Lys!
Pay attention.
Oh! [chuckles] Oops! Thanks, Nash.
[engines roaring]
Nice, Kai! You really are good at flying.
Thanks, Nash.
[Nash] All right, everyone's looking good.
-For the next part of the test flight…
-[gasps] Whoa.
…we're gonna do something a little harder.
A little harder, huh?
-[Nash] To get the best angle on this…
-[gasps] Ooh!
Those asteroids look
like the perfect place to practice.
This is gonna be fun.
[laughing] Whoa! Whoa! Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
Ha! Ha! [chuckles]
This is harder, but this is a blast.
[Lys] Kai, there you are!
We didn't realize you had left. You okay?
Sorry 'bout that!
I just got so excited
about flying around these asteroids.
You gotta try it. It's amazing!
It does look like a fun place
to test your skills.
-[RJ beeps]
-All right. [chuckles]
If we stay together, we should be fine.
Let's go.
[engines roaring]
Now, this is a test flight.
[Nash] Wow! You three are getting
really good with those Vectors.
Time to take things up a notch.
That asteroid looks like a good place
for a Throttle Buster.
[Nash] I'm not so sure you should--
Oh, there he goes.
I'm doing it!
Whoa! [shouts]
[Kai] Whoa!
[yelps] Whoa!
I didn't do it.
I pulled the throttle too soon,
and I damaged my ship, didn't I?
[speaks Poobian]
[Nash] So close. Uh, that's okay, Kai.
It's just a couple scratches.
Zepher can fix--
[gasps] Uh-oh!
[space slug roars]
[speaks Poobian]
What? [gasps] It's--
The space slug!
-Hurry! Fly away!
-[RJ beeps]
[Kai yelping]
-[Lys yelping] Let's go, let's go!
-[Nash] Hurry! Hurry, hurry!
Lys, Nubs, Nash, RJ-83, you okay?
[Lys] Kai! We're inside the slug!
It's-- It's--
It's incredible!
[spits, raspberry]
-[RJ beeps]
-We're fine.
And the ships are safe.
There must be a way
to get you out of there!
I'm so sorry.
I-- I guess I wasn't ready
to do the Throttle Buster.
Throttle… [gasps]
I have an idea, but you're going to have
to listen to me and follow my directions.
Okay, Nash, I'm listening.
What's the plan?
Okay, Kai. Nash's plan's gonna be great.
Just gotta do the Throttle Buster
to make sure the giant slug chases you
and open its mouth
so your friends can escape,
but also make sure
you don't get swallowed. Easy.
[Nash] Kai, I believe in you.
We've practiced flying all day.
You're ready to do this.
-[RJ chirps]
-[inhales deeply] I hope.
We're gonna blast out as soon as
you make the slug open its mouth.
[speaks Poobian]
[inhales deeply] The Force is with me.
Okay, here we go!
Hey, Sluggie! Over here!
[engines roaring]
It's open! Get out of there!
[Nash] Now! Now! Now!
[Kai] Come on, Kai!
He's following my directions!
He's doing the Throttle Buster
the right way!
Wait for it!
All right, let's do this!
-[engines roaring]
Its mouth is closing! Hurry!
We can make it! We can make it!
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
[all] Whoa!
We did it!
-[Lys] That was amazing!
[Nash] I knew you were ready!
Now, let's get your ship fixed up
before we head for the Temple.
[engines roaring]
Sorry about the ship, Zepher.
I should have listened to Nash
and followed her directions.
Psh! These are training ships.
[chuckles] Of course they're gonna
get banged up from time to time.
And I'm always happy to help fix 'em up.
From what Nash told me,
it sounds like you three
are ready to take these to the Temple.
You really think so, Nash?
Flying isn't easy, but you've learned
a valuable lesson today.
after escaping a giant space slug,
-flying home should be a piece of cake.
Now, fly safe.
And if you ever need someone
to fix up your ships,
you know where to find me.
Thanks, Zepher.
[engines roaring]
Wow! Zepher did a great job on the ships!
He always does.
And you've definitely got
three great pilots here, Master Zia.
They're ready
for their next lesson tomorrow.
We learned from the best.
I'm glad to hear it, Nash.
Now, who wants to go on one more
practice flight before tomorrow's lesson?
-[all] Yes!
-[speaks Poobian]
[Nash singsongy]
Now, who wants to try the Throttle Buster?
-[Kai] Not me! [laughs]
-[Nubs speaks Poobian]
[all laughing]
[Kai] You're gonna pay
for that one, Nubs. [chuckles]
-[speaks Poobian, coos]
-Come on, almost there!
-And that's how you do it.
-Good race, Nubs.
-[speaks Poobian, groans]
[Lys] Great timing!
Nash says we're going to be
at planet Federian soon.
I can't wait to see
the beautiful Federian trees there.
[speaks Poobian, growls]
Nubs is right!
These special trees have wood that's
some of the strongest in the galaxy.
I can't wait to see them in person
and the forest wildlife.
-It's a pretty special forest.
Master Zia sent us here to learn about it,
but you and Nubs already know so much.
What more could we possibly learn?
You always learn new things
when you visit new places.
[Nash] Nash here!
We're about to arrive at the forest,
but there's a bit of a problem.
[RJ beeps]
Wait, where are the trees?
I thought we were supposed to land
in the forest.
[speaks Poobian]
According to my directions,
this should be the forest.
[Nubs whimpers]
That must mean these trees were cut down.
Who would do that
to this beautiful forest?
[creature squeaks, peeps]
Oh, hello there. I know what you are.
-You're a skriffle!
-[skriffle peeps]
They're friendly
and smart little critters!
-[Lys giggles]
What's wrong, little one?
Something bad happened here, didn't it?
[growls, peeps]
-I think he wants us to follow him!
-RJ, can you keep an eye
on the Firehawk
while we find out what happened?
-Thanks, buddy.
-[RJ chirps]
-He's fast for a little guy. [chuckles]
[skriffle squeals]
Aw, he's gone.
-Oh, and he's back!
He must want to show us something
on the other side. Come on!
[groans] Ow!
[Nibs grunting]
-[skriffle squeaks]
-[all] Whoa!
-[Nubs speaks Poobian]
[skriffle squeaking]
-[all] Whoa.
-[speaks Poobian]
[Kai] That must be
the tallest tree in the forest.
-[Nash] Whoa!
-[Lys] Wow!
[speaks Poobian]
Look at all the skriffles!
They're so cute!
They are, but they look so sad.
[skriffles squeak, whimper]
Skriffles normally live in trees
all over the Federian forest.
[chuckles] You must have all been scared
when the other trees were cut down
and came here
to the tallest one for protection!
So these trees are the skriffles' homes!
I promise we're gonna find out
who cut down those trees
and make sure
they don't cut down any more.
We're going to protect your homes.
Let's get going.
We need to figure out who or what
cut down these trees.
-[skriffle chitters]
-[giggles] Coming along, huh?
Okay, what do we see?
-[speaks Poobian]
-Vehicle tracks!
Huh, good eye, Nubs.
These might've come from
whatever machine cut down those trees.
-And look, they lead this way.
[sighs] We've been following
these tracks forever.
[speaks Poobian, pants]
[all panting]
-What is that thing?
-It's okay, little buddy.
Sawdust. This is what cut down the trees!
Let's talk to whoever's driving it
and tell them to stop.
[speaks Poobian]
[skriffle chitters]
Hello, is anyone in there?
Ahem, state your business.
Oh! Um. My-my-my business?
We need to talk to whoever's in charge
of this vehicle.
Yeah! They shouldn't be
cutting down these trees!
[speaks Poobian]
Raxlo has no time for you.
Uh, who's Raxlo?
Raxlo is in charge of this vehicle.
So, it's not you?
I am RC-99.
Raxlo is very busy.
He cannot see visitors.
Thank you for contacting
the Raxlo Corporation. Ta-ta.
[scoffs, speaks Poobian]
We have to get inside
to talk to this Raxlo person.
Oh, we will, and I know who can help us.
[sighs] State your business.
-Oh, state your business.
[beeping, chirping]
And what happened next? I must know!
[RJ beeping, chirping]
He tells the best stories.
Now's our chance!
-You don't say.
-[Nash grunts]
-[RJ beeping]
-And then what happened?
[Nubs yelps]
[grunts] Uh-oh.
[beeps] How did you get inside?
-Uh. [chuckles]
[Nash] There!
You need to leave now!
[all grunting]
[Kai] Ha! [grunts]
[grunts, pants]
Raxlo doesn't care
for unscheduled visitors! [grunts]
-[Nubs sighs]
-[all] Phew!
[chuckles] Well, that was fun,
but we still need to find Raxlo.
Ah, so you're looking for me.
[skriffle squeaks]
Sorry for barging in, but we need to talk.
I don't have time for visitors.
Too many things to do.
It's a busy, busy day.
Then we'll make it quick.
-Did your machine--
-My harvester.
Did your harvester
cut down the Federian trees?
[chuckles] Well, yes. I would hope so.
That is after all what I built it to do.
[speaks Poobian]
I have no idea what he's saying.
There's some kind of furry rodent on you.
This is a skriffle,
and the Federian trees are their homes.
If you keep cutting them down,
they'll have no place to live.
Aw, how terribly unfortunate.
So you need to stop
cutting down those trees!
I see.
There's another thing you may not know
about these very special trees.
Come with me.
[speaks Poobian]
Ah, Raxlo, apologies.
Everything's fine, RC-99.
I'm handling this.
You may know that Federian trees
have amazingly strong wood
that makes amazingly strong buildings.
But what you may not know
is that the trees are very valuable.
It's why I'm gonna cut 'em all down
and sell 'em for lots and lots of money.
-[Nubs growls]
But my harvester overheated
before I cut down the largest,
most valuable Federian tree.
And now that you know
these trees are homes to creatures,
you'll stop, right?
Oh. No.
The thing is, my harvester is now
cooled down and ready to cut, cut, cut.
And since I'd prefer not having
any Jedi trying to stop me…
-[machine whirring]
-[all yelp]
I'm afraid I'll have to drop you off here
until I'm done.
[all yelp]
[all yelping]
Raxlo's gonna cut down the trees,
the rest of the skriffles' homes!
-[all straining]
-[skriffle squealing]
But what can we do?
We're kinda tied up if you hadn't noticed.
-[gasps] You called your friends!
Thank you.
Lys, we can stop Raxlo,
but we need to get ahead of him!
To the Firehawk!
[engine roaring]
Okay, everyone,
we have a little time before Raxlo
and his harvester get here.
If we're gonna stop him, we need a plan.
I'm gonna need you to find a boulder.
[Nubs panting]
-[RJ beeps]
-You okay, Nubs?
Okay. [pants]
[controls beeping]
[groans] Them again.
-Wait, wait, wait!
-Please slow down.
You little--
Thought I'd gotten rid of you kids!
-Turn around and leave this forest alone.
-[RJ beeps]
This is your last chance, Raxlo!
Hmm. Let me think.
Uh… No.
[chuckles] I thought he might say that.
Nubs, now!
[Nubs chuckles]
They think that'll stop my harvester?
[both gasp]
All right! [laughs]
-What the--
-[panting] Pull!
-[all straining]
-[RJ beeping]
I don't think so!
[whirring continues]
[all yelp]
-[Force rumbling]
-[Force rumbling]
Almost there!
-[whirring, clicking]
-[all straining]
-[Kai] Yay!
-[Nash] Whoo-hoo!
No! No!
My harvester!
You've broken my beautiful harvester!
It's time you leave, Raxlo.
Oh, I won't ever come back!
Your little rodent friends
can keep their trees! [groans]
Come on, RC-99! We're outta here.
[engines powering up, roaring]
-[all cheering]
-We did it!
Oh, yeah, we did!
[Kai] And I learned
so much more than I thought I would.
I learned that a forest is
more than just trees.
To creatures and animals that live in it,
the forest is home.
I am so proud of you for protecting
the forest and the skriffles' homes,
and we'll make sure we help
replant the trees that were cut down.
Thank you, Master Zia.
Did you hear that?
We're gonna help fix your home,
and from now on,
you'll live in peace and happiness.
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