Stella Blomkvist (2017) s01e06 Episode Script

Murder at Harpa - Part 2

How's going with the blue bag files?
- Why you ask now?
'Cause they'll make me rich.
I did some research on Guo Dai.
Kidnappings, tortures, executions
Don't underestimate him.
He's involved in the Chinese deal, he can do what he wants.
She was very helpful.
She told us the files were encrypted.
I would like you to open them.
- I can't.
You have until morning to deliver.
Will you introduce me to the PM?
- No. Enjoy the party.
You got the files?
- I can't access them without my friend.
You're in trouble.
I need you to make me a copy
of the blue bag files.
I'm talking to some friends
What can you tell me about Xi Feng?
- Everything was wrong ever since Guo Dai came.
And Xi Feng did all his dirty job.
Xi Feng.
- Thank you.
Are you gonna murder me too?
- No and I didn't murder your boss either.
This is how you're convincing me?
If I'd killed your buddy, I'd be bragging about it.
But I can't 'cause I'm innocent.
But that doesn't mean
I'm not gonna start killing now.
You don't know what you're doing! Untie me now!
- Right
Who killed Guo?
I bet you've built a profile of me.
Based on what you know what am I capable of?
You are looking for a foreigner, not a Chinese.
Chinese wouldn't dare to touch him.
- Ok. Which Icelanders were in contact with him?
In the past few weeks,
Guo Dai had tried to get to the Icelandic Negotiation Committee
to find out who was spying for them.
- What did he found?
Some were easily bought.
Some had secrets to hide.
Did he found the spy?
- I don't know.
Whatever he found out,
was that so serious to have him killed?
I have a document.
It reveals all the dirt of the Icelandic Committee.
Not that it matters now.
They're here to get you!
It's a cruel job being the right hand of a cruel man.
No pension, no vacations, no extra-time salary
and when he dies, you're dead too.
Expecially for those who suffered years of abuse.
I must admit I'm not well versed
in the Chinese justice system.
You will not tell anyone.
Did you guys killed Guo?
- No, we told you before!
Right ok but I need documents.
Documens that Xi Feng has.
That can help you in the fight against these people.
If I can get them, I can make myself disappear
and you can get on with whatever it is that you're doing.
Is this what you're looking for?
Can I go now?
Help me, please!
Stella, please help me!
- Give my best to Guo Dai.
The Negotiation Committee consists in 5 Ministers,
all World Champions in dullness.
Stefan, Head of Cabinet.
Svava, from Foreign Affairs.
Lára, Internal Affairs.
Hrefna, Environment
and Ingveldur, from Finance Ministry.
All went well at first,
but then doubts started to rise.
Iceland was knuckling under too much.
Dagbjört saw that and addressed the problem.
Sverrir didn't take it well and the Committee,
like a wounded animal, distanced itself from the opposers.
The Chinese didn't like this window wide open
on their real intentions.
Guo saw the opportunity to save the day
and earn himself a ticket back home.
In his paranoia, he was convinced Iceland had a spy
and had Xi Feng try to find out who it was.
Everybody has secrets easy enough to expose.
Show dad how it's done.
It's not my fault if I'm better than you.
- Naturally, you're stronger.
I'm only using the wind.
One smooth movement.
Close enough.
Wait here, I got something to take care of.
You go on.
Come on, a little more practice.
Viðar really grew up.
- Give me one good reason not to arrest you right now.
I didn't kill Guo!
- Evidence says so and your behavior didn't help at all.
You think I did it?!
- It doesn't matter what I think!
We're under a lot of pressure to solve the case!
Why did you run?
- I need to be free to find evidence of my innocence!
Raggi come on, you know me.
Have a look at this.
So Guo collected information on the Committee.
- They were also at the party.
I've been put off the case
because of my relation with you. What can I do?
It's a very short list.
Fuck let's get this over with.
You can cross these out, they weren't at the party.
The went up north with some Chinese officials.
Lára and Ingveldur were both at the reception.
We questioned them but it was a dead end.
Do what you want with this info.
Raggi thanks.
The ladies go to the Hilton spa every morning
to plan their day.
I believe your husband needs a good lawyer.
What do you know
- Guo Dai was blackmailing you. I wanna know what happened, nothing more.
Ingveldur and her husband live quite a wealthy life.
She works for the Ministry for very little money.
He's the CEO of a financial firm.
He's a chronic gambler
and he lost a lot of the firm's money.
More or less the value of two villas.
If it came out, they'd lose everything.
Question: is that enough to kill for?
The Chinese were lenient at first.
Then they realized we mostly Lára
were asking the right questions.
That put them on their toes.
- What kind of questions?
Lára found out they were planning to quadruple
their personnel in the area and bring in men from the Chinese army.
All under vague definitions.
- And that pissed of Guo.
Not exactly.
He came to me and
he threatened to expose my husband
if I didn't found out how Lára knew about that story.
Then what?
- I didn't say anything.
I asked for a divorce
and I told the police about the blackmail.
You should have seen his face.
This woman's a genius, not a killer.
I know but it's the only bathing suit I could borrow.
Lára Gunnarsdóttir?
Head of the Committee,
revered and respected politician.
She received a strict education.
While others learned about sex, she was hiding in the library.
As a result, she's always been the best student
in the best schools.
But eventually her repressed youth
caught up with her.
Every year she travels to Mali
to help develop that country.
But in fact she enjoys what books had taken from her,
making up for years of caged passions.
Smoking is prohibited in here.
So is sex with Third World minors.
You scratch my back, I scratch yours.
I know Guo was blackmailing you.
He came to me after a couple of weeks.
He knew I was his biggest problem in the Committee.
He mentioned a spy.
He wanted the name.
A spy?
- I knew about it but I didn't know the name.
How did you know about it?
From Dagbjört, the Home Secretary.
She checked every detail.
She's a very smart woman.
What did Guo do?
- He said he was gonna put a stop to it.
Then he told me to stop opposing the project.
- So you killed him?
Of course not!
He would have kept the secret if I'd played along
and I did.
Guo then came back to me
and said everything was alright.
I was supposed to call him
the moment Dagbjört had come up with new information.
I believe he had something on her as well.
I'm glad to see you're ok.
Where did you get the information
you gave to the Committee?
What have you been digging into?
- All the shit Guo had on the Committee.
You didn't answer my question.
- I checked every detail and I came to a conclusion.
I'm good at my job.
- Guo did say he was gonna stop you.
What did he have on you?
You he had you.
He knew about us
and he was gonna use it against me.
It was you into that bathroom?
You think the police would have let a suspect go?
No, Stella I was with the Chinese PM,
surrounded by witnesses.
This case is one dead end after another.
Then I got more bad news for you.
I just spoke to the Foreign Minister.
We received a formal extradition request.
They wanna try you in China.
- They can't do it, the murder was committed on Icelandic soil!
Sverrir is really anxious to close the deal with them.
He'd sell his own son.
- So they're planning to accept?
- Anything new came out about the murder?
Looks like he died from an allergic reaction.
He had a nasty peanut allergy.
They found traces of it on the tip of his penis.
Based on that, police are looking for a woman.
Guo played for both teams.
- What do you know?
You gotta help me.
- I'll do what I can but it's not easy.
What about the blue bag?
Stella all roads lead to a dead end,
our only chance is the blue bag.
Give it to me and we'll use it to convince them.
Are you gonna use it to become the new PM?
- For your own sake.
Those files are still encrypted
and Gunna is the only one who can open them.
I'll do what I can to help her.
I just want you to be safe.
Be careful.
It's hopeless the password is not gonna fall from the sky
into my lap.
The videos are still useless and I'm fucked.
Gunna is as useful as a German
in a jazz improvisation band.
What are you thinking?
About how screwed I am.
- What are you thinking?
I told you one second ago,
don't you remember?
How long you think it's gonna take?
It takes time
- I don't have time! You're the nerd here!
Listen, Stella fuck you!
Seriously fuck you!
How dare you stress me when I'm in this shape?!
I lost a finger for you!
I used this to type "O", comma, semicolon
because of you my emoticons have no eyes now!
If I say it takes time,
that means it takes fucking time!
I'm nauseous, I'm dizzy
and I wanna watch Star Trek!
I'm sorry.
I know I'm difficult sometimes.
Sometimes you're borderline psycho
which might come useful.
Listen and please stay calm
You said the password is between 50 and 60 characters.
How does one remember that?
- It's usually hidden somewhere. A folder, an email anything.
The problem is
there was nothing like that in Halla's computer.
Not in her personal computer
but what about her work computer?
Most likely. Where is it?
- Are we that dumb?!
I'm calling Raggi.
Where's the computer?
- Stella that would have cost me my job.
You're on top of my piece-of-shit list now!
Don't be a crybaby now.
Unit 110 to base.
- Copy.
The prisoner is on the run.
We're in pursuit.
What the hell does it mean?
I would love to let you loose.
You're like one of those psycho girlfriends who keep coming back.
Please no girl would go out with someone
who uses such a shitty aftershave.
Is it gonna take long?
I'll end up killing this bitch!
Stay calm.
They're paying us to keep her alive.
They're not gonna be nice as me.
- You can't hand me over to them!
I heard they wanna send you to China
chopped up in many pieces.
Stella, get out!
What happened?
- A small problem.
Am I still on your shit-list now?
What will you do?
- I got something to fix.
It's Raggi.
I'm calling about a car crash.
How long will it take?
- We don't even know if it's here.
What happened to you?
- A brief discussion about my future place of residence.
Wait there's something here.
A Word document in the "Receipts" folder.
Can you believe that?
What is it?
- I think I found it!
Hello, Halla
Here comes the cavalry!
In pig masks
Home alone?
- Yes.
Alexander and Perla are at the basketball tournament.
- Aren't you letting me in?
A murderer wanted by the PM himself?
- Alleged murderer and I'm here to turn myself in.
Also I have a present for you.
Is this the only copy?
- Yes.
Nice job, Stella.
- And Halla.
This will make Sverrir much more reasonable.
I'll make sure the deal is off.
You lay low for some time.
This changes everything.
She was your source.
The ambassador's wife, your childhood friend.
- She's the murderer!
Am I right, Dagbjört?
Of course she is.
What have you done?
- What was necessary, Stella.
You got everything?
Let me see.
Let dad take your bag.
What's going on?
Are you going somewhere?
I'm calling the police.
- Go ahead, I was gonna turn myself in anyway.
But I have a question first.
Who'd you rather call?
The police or the Chinese?
They're gonna intercept the call anyway.
What are you gonna tell them
about your involvement in Guo Dai's murder?
What do you think you know?
- Guo found out you were passing info from the embassy to Dagbjört.
Shall we continue the conversation
in front of them?
Stop me if I'm wrong.
Guo didn't like his job at the embassy.
He wanted to be sent back home.
He saw his opportunity when the negotiations got stuck
and he found out who the spy was.
He confronted you and showed you the evidence.
He threatened you, your husband and perhaps even your daughter.
You were gonna face a death sentence
for international espionage.
Am I right or what?
Guo Dai's plan was to report me and go back home.
He was hated for his cruelty against women.
He said he'd leave us alone
if I did what he asked.
He wanted my daughter,
I had to do something.
I begged for his mercy
and he asked me to take her to the bathroom during the party.
I couldn't do it.
Then you showed up and followed him into the bathroom.
I saw my opportunity.
I knew I had to act fast.
I knew about his allergy
so I went to the kitchen and found a peanut butter jar.
I went to the bathroom but you were still there.
I knocked hoping he would send you out.
As he opened the door,
I still had no idea on how to poison him.
I offered to take my daughter's place.
He accepted right away.
It only took a few seconds
before the allergic reaction started.
And you left me to take the blame.
It was either you or us.
One life against 4.
When did you tell Dagbjört?
- Right after.
She helped me hide the adrenaline shot.
What did she know?
- Everything. She's the one who told us to leave.
You know it was Dagbjört who
They're gonna kill them.
- I'm sorry it has to end like this.
Passing information was their choice,
they knew about the risks.
What about her daughter?
And the baby she's carrying?
Is this a joke?
- No, it's not.
What then?
- I did the right thing.
For who?
What's right about having your friend
and her family executed?!
How did you know we were here?
You're working for the Chinese now?
I know you helped Guo.
That's how he knew about the blue bag.
Don't get stuck in the past
- When he threatened you, did you mention Sara's name right away?
No of course not.
You offered him a deal
the name of the spy in exchange for the blue bag.
It was you who sent him to my house.
You must have been scared
when you heard he cut off Gunna's finger.
You also knew the files were encrypted.
But this is nothing compared
to what you just did to your childhood friend.
When Sara killed Guo, you had to improvise
and hope I could open those files.
It was worth it in the end.
Now you have the keys to the kingdom.
I don't have time for your conspiracy
- Treason what you did is actually called treason.
The real treason, Stella, is letting Sverrir run the country
with all his greed and incompetence.
But since people choose their leaders based on charm
rather than capabilities, someone has to do something.
We can't afford to be ruled
by a bunch of incompetent clowns!
Someone has to take action!
- At any cost?
There's bigger things at stake.
Bigger than you or me.
Stella I chose you.
Yes but I didn't choose you.
We're still waiting for the first press conference after Sverrir
Kristjánsson's resignation and Dagbjört Konráðsdóttir's takeover as new PM.
In the meantime, we're gonna hear from Hulda Þórisdóttir,
political analyst.
What are we to expect?
New Ministers as well?
It's early to say, although we know
Dagbjört opposed Sverrir in several occasions,
the most recent of which is the Chinese deal.
Is our country facing a huge political change?
It's possible,
this came right out of the blue.
No one was expecting Sverrir to step down
due to health reasons.
We don't know wether it was a preexisting condition
or a sudden illness.
I have to stop you right there
because we have footage from the incoming press conference.
Here's the keys to the Ministry.
They're as old as this office.
Yours is the pleasure to find out what doors they open.
I wish you the best of luck.
- Thank you.
Good morning.
I'm gonna start by thanking my predecessor.
He's always been an example
of this new political era.
I won't dwell on old grudges
but I wish for a change of perspective,
which is rare in Iceland.
I sat in an informal meeting with the Chinese government.
We met halfway and we talked very honestly
about the past events.
They have proved to be very forthcoming
in changing the terms of the deal.
I explained all my concerns
and we worked them out without a problem.
It's my pleasure to announce that China and Iceland
are gonna meet again next week.
I hope to complete the negotiations
in a quick and effective manner.
The deal revisited is a big step in the relation between our countries
and it will be beneficial for both.
I really hope these changes
will relieve the opposition from their fears
so that the entire nation will agree
on this matter of crucial importance.
Thank you.
"New political era" sure piece of shit!
Raggi's still in the force but he'll have to take new exams
we'll see how it pans out.
Gunna is recovering minus one finger, of course.
She'll be her old self soon.
Not even Guo could kill the nerd inside her.
- Stella, it's Haukur.
The man you put behind bars.
- Hi! How you're doing?
Are the other boys treating you good?
I just finished watching Dagbjört on TV.
And why did you call me?
- I need a lawyer.
Do they let you get drunk in prison?
I know things about Dagbjört I'm ready to talk.
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