Strong Girl Nam-soon (2023) s01e06 Episode Script

Mystery X

[bird screeches]
[plane whistles]
[theme music playing]
[Nam-soon] In the year 1593,
the 26th year of King Seonjo's reign,
the first person to carry
my strength gene was found.
She was an ancestor named Park Gae-boon
who, during the Battle of Haengju,
crushed her enemies
with boulders over twice their size.
After hearing of her feats,
General Gwon Yul
invited her to the King's palace.
However, enraged by
the King's incompetence,
she boldly dissed Seonjo
and turned down the general's invitation,
proving her dauntless spirit.
The superhuman strength
has been passed down through generations
by an X chromosome-bound matrilineal gene
which starts to become active
in the host's 22nd year of life.
Shortly, after the host reaches age 22,
she will undergo
certain changes in her vigor
which has traditionally resulted
in a strong urge to find a man
as soon as possible.
And it just so happens,
I'm 22 years old right now.
The person who gave you the intel
about Doogo was me.
You investigate Doogo, Inspector.
I will investigate Ryu Si-o.
But can I trust this information?
Most definitely.
There's a limit to police intelligence
and you know that.
[Geum-ju] And my resources are all derived
from a network that is both
deeper and broader.
You'd regret ignoring this.
I trusted it right away.
The information sounded reasonable.
But now, I can't work at Doogo any longer.
The investigation
has been shut down team-wide.
Gang Nam-soon, put your faith in her.
She will find something.
I can't put my faith in her.
She's reckless,
reacts without deliberation,
and she's brazen because of her strength.
[Hee-sik] Let's be honest.
You can't go up against knives and bullets
with just your bare hands.
Have you been falling for Nam-soon?
-You seem quite concerned for her.
I'm, well, being concerned.
I mean, it doesn't equate
to having feelings though.
If so, I'd have feelings
for the entire Korean population.
Well, Nam-soon is 22 years of age.
This is time-sensitive.
That's why I'm so anxious about it now.
Well, now I have
to make sure she conjugates.
-What now?
-Oh, it's nothing.
I know I could've just called.
But I wanted to see you.
I needed to very carefully
examine your face, so.
All your organs are well
and in the right places?
I gotta take off.
See you.
Hang on. Wait.
I will return the money you gave me.
I couldn't think of how
to deliver it, so I was waiting.
It's still in my desk drawer.
Does the money seriously bother you?
Yes, it does. Of course.
I promise you, I'll return it.
Well, how about this?
Use it for this project.
Make sure you're funded.
The little funding
the organization gives you
won't help your investigation.
Internally, you won't get much
official cooperation.
So use that money
to fund your investigation.
You mean you'll sponsor
the investigation for the drug case?
All right.
If that's what the money's for,
I'll make good use of it.
Now, then.
How about your dad? What does he do?
[dark music playing]
I was sure we'd meet again eventually.
We get where you're coming from.
My mom and I.
And we can forgive you once.
But we won't twice.
[tense music playing]
If you take one more video of me,
I'll report you for goofing off at work.
-Go away.
-[Sang-cheol] Hard to believe
this type of superhuman
strength exists, sir.
This is fate.
Thank God.
He's on my side.
Do you know what her name is?
Yes, sir. I went through
the temp staff records.
Her name is Tsetseg.
And Mongolia was her home.
[Sang-cheol] She's 22 years old.
Can she speak Korean?
Yes, but apparently,
she's not fully fluent
and speaks informally
to whoever she's talking to.
I like the sound of that.
Get me this manager.
Yes, sir.
[Yu-gwang] Day off?
How? He's only been
working here a few days.
No work ethic. These young kids.
He's not necessarily the strongest guy.
Is it really surprising
someone could get sick
after carrying hundreds of boxes each day?
Calls himself a man, does he? [scoffs]
Don't generalize men
and women like that, buddy.
Sometimes, a man has less body strength
just like a woman can be super strong.
[Nam-soon] Listen.
Do I look like a TV to you?
-You're just staring at me.
-[clears throat]
-[bones crack]
Uh, no. Jeez.
Were you in your mom's tummy
the full ten months?
Or were you impatient
and you came out early?
-[bones crack]
-[Nam-soon] How about now?
Oh! [chuckles]
In Mongolia, hospitals are far away.
So that's how I fixed everyone.
Well, hey. Wow!
I'll get a replacement for him,
so can you leave now?
[Yu-gwang] Whoa, whoa.
[men gasping in disbelief]
[dark music playing]
A hundred raw eggs, huh?
-Her strength is really something.
-[phone vibrates]
Hello? Yes?
The CEO's office?
-[knocks on door]
-[door opens]
Take a seat.
Uh, thank you.
Um, so you mean
you want me to observe her?
No, of course not.
Listen. I'll be honest with you.
If she really is such
a capable Doogo employee,
then it's my job
to develop her talent here.
I mean, don't you agree?
Oh, yeah. Of course.
Um, yes, of course, sir. Absolutely.
But honestly, my wish
to cultivate a corporate image
with no glass ceiling
by giving a temp delivery worker
a promotion should stay between us.
And, of course, your position
will be elevated as well.
Just keep an eye on her every move.
And then report it here.
You got it.
Uh, it's just how should I go
about watching her?
The videos, right?
I find those very convenient.
Ah! Yeah.
Yes, sir. I understand.
-Thank you.
-Of course.
[door opens]
[upbeat music playing]
-[glasses clink]
-[phone vibrates]
Excuse me. [clears throat]
-Yes, hello?
-[Nam-soon] It's me.
-It's Nam-soon, huh?
Hey, how are you?
[Nam-soon] Could you help me out today
if you're not too busy?
I'll go wherever you need me.
I'd walk on broken glass for you.
Uh, well, yeah.
Um, when and where should I show up?
So what did Nam-soon say?
She got a part-time delivery job at Doogo.
And she wants my help because
her usual delivery partner isn't there.
Part-time work?
That's so odd.
You know, Doogo must belong
to that snazzy lady as well.
You know how rich people
train their heirs from the ground up?
Yeah, but not with stupid stuff
like delivery work.
Either way, let's go together.
I seriously miss Nam-soon.
First, let's straighten up
and finish eating.
Hey, hurry! Come on!
Come on, let's get him!
-Hurry up!
-Get him out!
[machine hums off]
There we go. There we go.
Are you okay?
[all clapping]
[Yu-gwang] Hey, An Eun-ji.
[Yu-gwang sighs]
You've never worked
in service sector, have you?
I heard you told a customer that you, uh,
would cut him because he was annoying you.
So it's my fault
for threatening the bastard.
And he gets none of the blame
for groping my ass?
Are you the boss?
You own this place?
Do your parents own it, girl?
Know your place, okay?
If your mom was rich and owned property,
would you be working here?
Get yourself some money
before you demand human rights.
You hear me?
Goddamn it.
If anything like this happens again,
you're out of here. Jeez.
You're a worthless little shit.
[magical string music playing]
[gun cocks]
[gun firing]
I assume you all know
what we're doing today?
[panting, coughs]
[upbeat music playing]
-[barbell clonks]
I told my staff to get more
of these 100-kilo weights,
and they still didn't.
[effort grunting]
Hey, you're giving it your all, right?
Ma, this is brutal.
I feel like my legs are falling off.
All right, stop right there.
I don't wanna overdo it.
I don't know what to do with this kid.
[chains rattling]
[chains clatter]
-Up. Up, up!
Work it out. Come on.
[lion roars]
Here you go. I think you should sit.
Do this one instead.
[effort grunting]
[chains clinking]
You know that Nam-in isn't talking
with you because he's upset, right?
I didn't.
What? He's upset?
You're such a bonehead.
Five years, huh?
That's not true. I've seen you
talked to your mother since then.
I'll respond if she talks first.
But I won't talk first.
What happened, huh? Why won't you?
[phone vibrates]
[Geum-ju] I saw you this afternoon
going somewhere
with your friends in a truck.
[Geum-ju cackles]
[Nam-in] I will never forgive her.
Not ever.
Who do you think you're talking to?
So what if you won't?
Do you think I really care?
[Geum-ju] Maybe you should think
about losing some weight?
You're just like your dad,
so touchy and petty.
-[Joong-gan] Does it hurt?
[Joong-gan] It must, you poor thing.
Come on! Have fun, guys. One, two.
Oh, yeah. That's great. That's great.
Okay. And one, two.
[Bong-go] Yes, that's very good.
Jae-min, let's see you have fun. Come on!
Very good.
And one, two.
Okay, let's do that one again.
Here we go. Look at the camera, please.
Hey, so, Dad, can't you
and Mom get back together?
-[Nam-in] It breaks my heart
to see you living here all alone.
Well, I'm not sure why.
It doesn't break mine.
Nam-soon is home.
You guys should try and work it out.
Listen. You don't know adulting.
You don't know marriage
or divorce, or No.
Hwang Geum-ju, her world is
You have no idea.
Well, I don't even wanna know.
Oh, I miss Nam-soon so much.
And the two of us
haven't even had a meal yet.
Let's go see her.
I mean, she's your daughter.
It's just I'm the one who lost her, and
I don't feel like I have the right.
Hang on, how is all of that your fault?
Mom always wants
to blame you for everything.
But I don't think that's right.
You know what, Dad? Mom is a dictator!
[emotional music playing]
I can't speak
on the subject of other things.
But losing Nam-soon was on me.
Oh, speaking of which, I should
give her a call now and chitchat.
[Nam-soon singing]
I'm Gangnam style ♪
-I'm Gangnam style ♪
-I'm Gangnam style ♪
-I'm Gangnam style ♪
-I'm Gangnam style ♪
[phone vibrates]
What's up, Dad?
I'm at my delivery gig.
It's a long story. I'll tell you later.
Oh, really? Okay.
I can come see you right after
I'm done at work tomorrow night.
-[line beeps]
That's my dad.
Okay, guys.
-Yes, you! ♪
-Yes, you! ♪
-Yes, you! ♪
-Yes, you! ♪
Nam-soon is a delivery girl?
How could Geum-ju do that?
The dictator does what she likes.
All your mother
really cares about is money.
The two of us
are so beyond incompatible, son.
You know, she opened you a café
instead of letting you finish school?
I think you should be going
to college, no questions, boy.
What's the point of that?
They'll just make fun of how fat I am.
I don't wanna be a joke.
Eating is the only thing in life
that brings me joy.
Uh, son
Maybe you could lose a little weight.
It's impossible.
I dieted like crazy and lost a little.
But now I'm even fatter.
It always comes back.
And I've tried every pill for weight loss.
I thought your mom
could fix anything with her money.
Just not this, I guess.
[hopeless music playing]
So then, are you saying it takes time
to find the IP addresses
and other kinds of evidence?
[cop] Deepfake technology users
are the most difficult to catch.
They combine voice phishing
with digital technology,
so it can take as long as six months
just to track them down.
Are you serious?
You call yourselves law enforcement?
This update's pathetic, huh?
Listen, Ms. Gil, just relax.
In six months, they'll repeat
the same crime 30 times, huh?
Oh, gosh.
Okay, listen up. I'll catch them, okay?
[Joong-gan] I'll catch them
and bring them to you myself.
You can just make sure they're locked up.
I can manage the dirty work.
I'm so grateful that you'd get so mad
on my behalf like it was your problem.
I'd like to take you out today
for lunch to say thanks.
Should we take a drive together?
[line dials, rings]
So when will you be here?
[Nam-in] You said to take my time
and come after lunch.
Look. You have to go
with the flow, all right?
And right now, I need you
to flow yourself back over here.
[both chuckle]
I'm starving. [whimpers]
Good morning ♪
Happy morning ♪
Gold Blue is the best ♪
We got a letter from
the International Sapphire Association.
"International Sapphire Association"?
[Nam-gil] Yes.
Huh, I had no idea they existed.
-What are they saying?
-Just a bunch of nonsense.
Let's go into your office.
[Nam-gil] "First, we wish
your company every success.
Your company name, Gold Blue,
matches the name of a sapphire company
currently operating in the US.
Confusion and legal conflict
will surely follow.
You have ignored our multiple requests
to change the name of your company.
And thus, we are issuing this letter
as a final warning.
Han Su-cheol, President of
the International Sapphire Association."
Are they just bored or what?
And not just bored,
they're ignorant jerks!
Ignorant jerks.
The American Gold Blue
is referring to the blue color
whereas our use of blue
is an emotional thing.
What if Kim Nam-gil, the actor,
wrote you a demand letter?
Why would Kim Nam-gil,
the actor, send a letter to me?
Just 'cause your names are the same.
What if he said you couldn't walk around
with your face anymore,
because it annoyed him?
Isn't this maybe an overreaction?
That's exactly my point.
That's what this letter is.
You've got absolutely nothing
in common with him at all,
except for your name, right?
-[loud slam]
-That's it!
-Write this down.
-Uh, okay.
I am incensed by your letter tarnishing
the reputation of my company, Gold Blue,
which is entirely unrelated
to the US company in question.
"Company in question."
Asking me to change the name disrespects
the company I've owned for over 20 years
-because it's completely coincidental.
-Change your name, not mine.
-"Change your name, not mine."
You think you're so mighty?
I'll make up my own association.
-Furthermore, you will pay for this.
And lastly, write.
Han Su-cheol.
You have the same name
as my dumbass high school boyfriend,
so you better change yours.
-You really want me to say this?
-Write it all.
-"You better"
Nam-gil, is there anything else?
Uh, yes. A lot of high-society ladies
in Gangnam are borrowing cash
against bonds and stocks lately.
-Why is that?
-The Oh, yes, of course.
The reason is to invest
in private equity funds, REITs, and alike.
Bread Song.
That bastard's name is such a joke.
But his behavior
is like a film noir character.
[phone vibrates]
Hello, who is it?
[Ji-hye] Hello, I'm calling
from HSC Finance Center.
Can we book your next appointment, ma'am?
I'm so glad you called.
I'll come in now.
Right now.
[sensual music playing]
You should base decisions on intuition.
But an expert should be trusted
for doing basic data analysis.
Is your decision made?
-Number one, that's the one.
-That's a great decision.
Trust me.
I got this.
This company right here, the Lona REIT,
well, isn't that a trust company you own?
Actually, to be precise,
Lona REIT is a company that
that I operate.
It's a money trust company,
with worldwide partners.
[Min-gyeong] Bread.
Do you think that tonight
we could have dinner together?
I'm so grateful you got me
onto this project.
No, I don't socialize with clients
outside of work at all.
Ah, is that so? [sighs]
It's just, well, I'm the type of person
who always returns the favor.
But, oh, well
Well, there are exceptions to every rule.
End of the day, I'm still a man, you know.
I'll give you a call.
Could you bring me ginger tea next time?
-I see. Do you like ginger tea?
-I don't.
I just crave it every time I'm here.
I feel like I need to cleanse.
We can do that, ma'am.
So there's no No numbers game today?
38, 54, and 62.
It's your age, your mother's,
and father's.
[buzzer buzzes]
[gasps] Oh, Ms. Hwang!
-Oh, uh, um, hi, Ms. Song.
-I didn't expect to see you here.
[awkward chuckle]
Oh, um, I thought it would be good for me
to keep up with industry trends.
A lot of cash is flowing this way lately,
so I wanted to see what's going on.
I invested here recently,
and I got a massive return
in just three months.
He's an incredibly talented man.
Uh, ma'am, you can follow me
into his office.
I'll see you later.
Yeah, see you.
38, 54, and last but not least, 62.
Can I get a little hint?
You're heartless, you know that.
It's not any fun
if it's too easy to solve.
Oil prices ♪
Your prices are, oh, so mean ♪
I wish oil prices would go down.
Forget oil prices.
Could you please put my mind at ease?
Can't change oil prices now
anyway, can you?
Tell me, Ms. Hwang.
How can I ease your mind for you?
Hey, listen.
That's not your Korean name, is it?
Song Bread. It's not, is it?
"Song Bread"? "Song Bread"?
You're too cute.
[sensual music playing]
Su-hyeon, that's me.
Ah, Song Su-hyeon.
Sir, could you come here?
Bread Song.
I think you are a fraud.
Hey, what did you say to me?
I know every way that someone
can get rich in Korea.
But the more I get
to know you, Mr. Bread, well, I think
Ms. Hwang Geum-ju, I
Now, ma'am.
I simply refuse
to work with you, all right?
Please go now.
-No, you listen.
-Leave now or you will be dragged out.
You know, I'm here to share a proposal.
And now it seems like you got nervous
because I can read you like a book.
You better listen.
You wanna get sued for defamation?
Are you sure?
I'll go now.
That was enough fun for today.
With a temper that runs that hot,
I don't think you're suited
to handle big money.
Or is it possible
that I hit the nail on the head?
[Geum-ju chuckles]
See you around.
[door opens]
May I have your phone number, sir?
Your numbers game.
I think I'd like to keep playing it.
It's amusing.
[phone vibrates]
[Jeong-suk] Ms. Hwang Geum-ju,
please let me know if you'll be attending
the standing event at the Heritage Club.
Hi, it's Hwang Geum-ju.
Of course, I'll be attending.
But first, could you get Ryu Si-o
on my schedule for a meeting quickly?
Mahjong for three.
[Jeong-sik] It's activated by water.
And it's not detected in the body.
This guy's bold, for sure.
[uneasy music playing]
We'll get you updates
with the info from the statements.
All right.
I started in the Drug Unit,
so I'm watching this one closely.
If you need support,
just let headquarters know.
Come on, let's go.
Sir! Oh, my! Sir?
[Dong-seok] Water, water.
[keyboard clacking]
[tense music playing]
[indistinct chatter]
Thank you for Doogo's sponsorship
of the multi-child family support program.
You've allowed me to keep
my election promise
and I don't expect any problems
being re-elected. [chuckles]
I should be thanking you.
We've improved our image.
And we've been able
to increase our sales as well.
If we can assist you
with any other projects in the future,
please let me know.
There's a saying that says, "Good things
are doubled when they're shared."
If you need advice about anything
regarding your company's listing,
reach out to me anytime.
[Si-o] Speaking of which,
Doogo is thinking that it's time
to be expanding abroad.
I'm sure you're aware.
I need people like you
behind the scenes to be my power brokers.
How do young men like yourself
raise such a large amount of funds?
I really wanna hear it.
[clears throat]
You're a talented man, I get it.
[laughter, clapping]
This is just the beginning.
I hope you're on our team.
[daunting music playing]
[phone vibrates]
Hey, Hee-sik.
Yeah, it's bad.
The team leader has collapsed.
So where are you going?
The hospital. I know a doctor over there.
[Dong-seok] Turn around.
Turn the car around!
[Dong-seok breathing shakily]
I'll call you back, Young-tak.
[tires screech]
[engine clicks off]
I'd hate to admit it, sir,
but it's true, you have a drug addiction.
[Dong-seok] That's why
I can't go anywhere.
You'll die without treatment, let's go.
I put it in my mouth myself.
No one could forgive a
a detective
who took
You know what I've been through?
To reach this point in my career, huh?
One time, I ran ten kilometers
to catch a guy.
[shaky breathing]
I'm a detective in charge
of catching dopeheads.
And you want me to be branded as one, huh?
Hee-sik. Hee-sik.
Please save me.
Please save me.
Hee-sik, save me, please.
Save me.
So the team leader has collapsed.
Hee-sik, on the team leader's orders,
took him home.
[dark music playing]
[rock music playing]
[tires screeching]
[knocks on door]
[serious music playing]
[case clicks]
[Dong-seok] Water.
Water, water.
-Right now, you can't have any, sir.
[Dong-seok] Water! Water!
-[shaky breathing]
-[doorbell chimes]
[Dong-seok grunting]
[Hee-sik] In his desk drawer, I found
one of the dead nurse's masks
we had collected as evidence.
It had already started then.
Did you take the mask out of the drawer?
And he went the whole day looking for it.
The mask looked like
a part of it had been torn off already.
This is not good. What now?
We have to save the team leader.
Otherwise, he's, um He's going to die.
But can we do that?
[Jeong-suk] Mr. Ryu.
You know Hwang Geum-ju, right?
I introduced you earlier.
As two nouveau riches,
we should keep in touch.
[Si-o] Yes, I know her.
The pawnshop owner
who was absurdly brazen.
[Jeong-suk] She asked me
to arrange a mahjong room,
so she can play with you sometime.
I think you should get to know her.
Should I set it up?
I prefer poker instead.
Mahjong requires three.
Could you set up a meeting?
I'll meet her alone.
You got it.
[serious music playing]
-[Nam-soon] We're here!
-[Hyun-soo] All right.
-See you, Nam-soon.
-See you.
-Hi. What is it?
-[Nam-soon] Gan I-sik.
Are you busy right now?
Yeah, I'm sorry.
I was gonna come after work today,
but I don't think I can.
Don't worry. I'll do it alone, man.
Nothing scares you.
You really sound subdued.
Is it work stress?
Oh, no.
I'm happy I got you.
So, thanks, Gang Nam-soon.
What? This is a walk in the park.
And you can always give me
tougher things. I'm totally up for it.
Gang Nam-soon.
You can't be so cocky
because of your strength.
But I am cocky.
I was born to be cocky, so, meh.
This girl doesn't ever listen.
[whistle blows]
[steam hisses]
The estimated purchase dates of the drug
are a couple of days before death always.
The team leader might have just taken
enough to control the symptoms.
[dark music playing]
[eerie music playing]
What are you looking at?
I asked for water.
Hand over the water.
[eerie music playing]
Sir, please snap out of it, sir.
[action music playing]
[thuds, groans]
Gan I-sik, are you okay?
The effects of the drug
got the team leader off,
mentally and physically.
[Dong-seok grunts]
Don't hurt him! Wait!
The dumplings! No!
Oh, no.
That drug is bad.
It must give a strength boost.
I've gotta search the warehouse
and go find it right away.
But there's just too much stuff
stored in there, you know.
Look for white.
Anything that's white. Start there.
Sounds good.
Can someone else go with you?
I never knew how needed
we were until right now.
I know, right? It's the second time
she's called us.
[horse neighing]
[upbeat music playing]
[Hyun-soo] Hmm?
Hey, get in.
Here we go, guys.
Let's go!
-Whoa, hey, Nam-soon! Hey, Nam-soon!
-This is awesome!
[Hyun-soo] That's too fast!
-[Ji-hyun] Run, Nam-soon! Woo!
-[Hyun-soo] What's wrong with you?
-Let me off! Let me off!
-[Ji-hyun] Are you scared?
So relaxing.
-Ms. Jung, please, can I see you in here?
-[door opens]
A message to Opulentia.
Very soon, I'll have
a meeting with Ryu Si-o.
I plan to get close to him first.
So please get some more intel on him
and whoever his handler is.
You can go home, you know.
[Geum-ju] Why stay here every night
with no brakes?
There's really no point.
I really get lonely.
[Na-young breathes deeply]
And Ms. Gil said
she won't be getting back tonight.
What do you mean?
She didn't tell me about that.
Uh, yeah. She called earlier
and she told me that,
and wanted me to give Mr. Hwang
his herbal medicine.
Are you serious?
What? Why would she
I think she's in a relationship.
[Na-young] I'm pretty certain.
[singing in Korean]
Are you on your way home? ♪
You carry the world on your shoulders ♪
Do you find me too daring? ♪
Could you buy me a drink? ♪
Tell me ♪
Tell me you want me to be yours ♪
For a long time now ♪
I have wanted to be yours ♪
[in English]
She's out having fun, huh?
Having a great date?
[playful music playing]
[dark music playing]
So listen. We're just gonna take
everything that's white with us.
I don't get it.
Why are you doing
Please, no questions. Just do it.
[radio beeps]
Make sure you keep an eye out.
Someone could come in.
Who would come in right now?
Doogo doesn't deliver overnight
and there's no one here.
[tense music playing]
-[flashlight clicks]
-[Ji-hyun] Oh, my god!
[Yu-gwang] Who are you?
They caught her.
We have to hide.
Hello there.
I just needed to stop by
to use the restroom.
What team are you on?
Sir, my stomach. Please.
My stomach, it's
It's seriously killing me.
Ugh, I'm dying.
Oh, my god.
[Ji-hyun groans]
[door rattling open]
[switch clicks]
[playful music playing]
[door closes]
Hey, is he gone?
[all screaming]
[Hyun-soo] What are you seeing?
[Yu-gwang screams]
-Whoa! I threw him off.
Threw him off of what?
[sweet music playing]
I'm a little a little picky, you know.
[seatbelt clicks]
This hotel
has the cleanest restrooms out of all
of the hotels in downtown Seoul.
I had such a hard time
holding it in during karaoke.
You need to go too,
at least it seemed like it.
[exhales in disbelief]
So you came to this hotel
to use the bathroom?
Uh, I'm generally easygoing
about a lot of things,
but when I need to go,
a bar restaurant just won't work.
Come on. Let's go, Joong-gan.
Is this a joke or a bit you're doing?
Are you trying to make a fool of me here?
What? What? What do you
[stomach rumbles]
You're desperate? Well, so am I.
Uh, Joong-gan! Joong-gan! [groans]
Joong-gan, no.
No. Oh, it's coming out.
It's coming out.
-[keyboard clacking]
[knocks on door]
What's the title of that web novel
you're been working on?
It's called I Want to Eat Your Eyeballs.
What genre calls for that title?
I'm a romance novelist.
What do you expect?
So, um, that title's for a romance novel?
Yeah. Isn't it obvious?
The protagonist is a man named Myeong-tae.
And the female protagonist uses that line
to get Myeong-tae to fall for her.
How come?
Because the eyes
are the true window to the soul.
You know, a good author
doesn't usually write themselves
into their work.
You wouldn't suppose
he seems a little similar to you?
Myeong-tae is another word for pollock.
Pollock is versatile.
It could be frozen, fresh,
dried, or young.
You overrate me, Ms. Jung.
And no matter how it's made,
pollock's still just pollock, isn't it?
It's not
Ms. Jung. Miss
[door closes]
I'm so offended, but I
I have no energy to put up a fight.
[active music playing]
[glass clinks]
I'll give you everything
you've ever wanted, my daughter.
[funky music playing]
What the
What the hell is that?
[Yu-gwang] Help!
Please help me!
Oh, for god's sake.
Of all the places. Goddamn it!
Tsetseg, really, for goodness sake.
Help! Damn it!
[Yu-gwang whimpers]
Oh, darn it.
How long has it been
since you last had water, sir?
I haven't had any
since yesterday morning when you took it.
So a day?
Do you remember trying to kill me?
You looked like a real monster.
And then I felt some kind
of physical reaction to it.
[deep inhale]
I can't explain it.
[Dong-seok] I don't remember.
You became incredibly strong
and really aggressive.
It felt like
like my muscles have gotten enormous.
Each person
has a different reaction to it.
What could this be?
[Gi-tae] This drug is extremely potent.
It acts directly on the pituitary gland.
And using it without an antidote is
basically a recipe for self-destruction.
Still, you get what you want,
even if it's just temporary.
Isn't that
worth dying for?
To become what I truly want,
a stronger self.
A more beautiful self.
This drug produces the hormones
to make that real.
You're right.
And after the first dose,
the hormone control tower
is completely damaged.
And your body will begin to break down
unless you ingest the blood of a sea slug.
[Gi-tae] What I gave you today
is all that's available.
I think we're going to have
to import from abroad.
And there are no substitutes?
[Gi-tae] The blood of these slugs
is the one and only antidote.
[door beeps open]
-[buckets clatter]
The police know your face now.
I don't think you should have
that face of yours anymore.
[man screaming]
So it's true
that it only reacts to the drug.
It does nothing to the face.
[phone vibrates]
[flask shatters]
Hello, this is Ryu Si-o.
[Hee-sik] The one thing we know
for sure about this drug
is that water activates it.
Try to get 24 hours without it.
You absolutely cannot drink water.
There's no other way.
Go to work.
I'll manage on my own.
Is being alone a good idea right now?
I think you can just go, Hee-sik.
Nothing can help right now.
Then I'll cut the water supply
and clear out the rest of the house.
You have to win this, sir.
There's a lot more to be done.
[Hyun-soo] I mean, she must have a fetish
for the color white or something,
since all the things we took were white.
Oh, that's terrible.
What's the point of a rich mom
if she's still stealing?
There's gotta be something else
going on, right?
I trust Nam-soon.
I'd get it if she turned out
to be a good-for-nothing thief.
But, anyway, baby,
where are you gonna invest the money
our Gracious Virgin Mary has given you?
Well, uh, it's going to crypto.
Crypto's what made you a tramp.
Don't go back there.
A man should have perseverance.
Also, "Gracious Virgin Mary,"
did you mean Nam-soon's mom?
I think the reincarnation of Virgin Mary,
that's how she would look.
The Gracious Virgin Mary, huh?
Should we call her "Gravy" for short?
[Hyun-soo] I think we should stop
taking advantage of Gravy's generosity
and check out of this hotel.
Yeah. Let's not overstay, huh?
We need our own place now.
Yeah, you do.
If we pool our cash, we're gonna be able
to get a decent rental place
in the Gangbuk area.
Wait, "pool our money"?
We should live together.
[awkward chuckle]
Look, Ji-hyun.
When we were on the street,
that's one thing.
But that isn't the case now.
So we have to live right, okay?
[phone vibrates]
Hello? Hello, Mr. Cho.
[Hyun-soo] Yes, yes, yes.
For a long time already ♪
I have wanted to be yours ♪
[uneasy music playing]
-[clears throat]
-Are you dating someone?
Well, I think I am.
Don't worry, Mom. I agree with it.
[Geum-ju] But you have to divorce Dad
before you move on.
Make it a clean break.
Do it the right way.
-This is out of line.
-Oh, yeah?
Did I go and dump your father, huh?
No, he walked right out all on his own.
And you're telling me
that I should just give up
what might be my last real shot
at love for that clown, huh?
You know that's not what I said.
Why in the world are you
being so grouchy today?
Are you so desperate for romance
at your age that nothing else matters?
I'm glad you asked that.
[Joong-gan] Yes, for once in my life,
I'm going to dive
into a passionate romance
and not care what other people think.
I don't watch any
of those TV dramas anymore.
Do you know why?
'Cause they're always
about the love lives of young people.
Singing contests,
that's what we're supposed to watch.
How is that fair?
Your heart still beats when you're old.
Yeah, your breasts might sag,
but not the heart, you know that?
This isn't like you.
I raised you to be
the world's bravest woman.
But your obsession with making money
has weakened your heart, hmm.
I pity you.
[Joong-gan] You poor thing.
I pity you.
I have the afternoon shift today.
What a relief.
[sharp exhale]
[phone vibrates]
[Hee-sik] Thanks so much for yesterday.
You're the best.
Still, don't get cocky.
Gan I-sik is so cute.
[Hee-sik] I know.
Who's the cocky one now?
[Nam-in] Noona, breakfast is ready!
Okay, Nam-in. Thanks!
[Joong-gan] Let's eat.
Mom, I'm going
to have dinner with Dad tonight.
It's okay if I see him, right?
It is.
[Nam-soon moans]
As members of this family,
there's something you should all know.
I'm of the opinion
Nam-soon is doing great
and wonderful things right now.
What's she doing that's so important?
I believe that Nam-soon's life
should be dedicated
to doing meaningful things
with the strength she was given.
-Do you all agree with that?
-That's a great idea.
-And with that, I'd like to say
-I'm moving out.
I'm going to live with Dad.
Dad actually needs me around
and you only seem to need Nam-soon.
Nam-in, you can't do that.
That's not a decision you make on the fly.
I don't think our family is capable
of living under one roof together.
Nam-soon just got back
and we're already a mess.
Mom, I'm going with Dad. It's my choice!
And I'm choosing that
the same way that you chose her.
[somber music playing]
-[knocks on door]
-[door opens, closes]
How can I help you, Ms. Hwang?
I think I should hold a party
in the banquet hall of my hotel.
There's something I need your help with.
Of course. Whatever I can do.
[plastic pops]
[plastic crinkles]
[romantic music playing]
[Nam-soon] Gan I-sik.
You didn't tell me
you were coming here today.
I can't relax when you're here alone.
I knew that you'd get all cocky like this.
How can you steal with all the cameras
they've got hidden around here?
I really missed you.
-[bell chimes]
What? We saw each other yesterday.
Well, still, I really want
to see you around every day.
[dark music playing]
[phone vibrates]
[Joong-gan] Yes.
All right, then.
Okay. See you later.
Did you ever manage
to get your insurance sorted out?
Ugh, what a disrespectful jerk.
[dark music playing]
What shall I have today?
-Barbecue, perfect.
-[door opens]
[seductive music playing]
Hello. Welcome.
[door opens, closes]
Have you ordered?
That guy's staring at me.
[tense music playing]
You are like a diamond in the rough.
You'd look amazing
if you just lost weight.
[tense music playing]
[sharp inhale]
[frantic music playing]
[cabinets close]
[dramatic music playing]
[dark music playing]
[Yu-gwang sighs]
[foreboding music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[dark music playing]
[tense music playing]
Gang Nam-soon!
[dramatic music playing]
What would you like from me?
[Geum-ju] I would like to invest in Doogo.
I want to know the real reason.
What's your relationship with Nam-soon?
[Hee-sik] I'd say we need each other.
[Bong-go] Having a daughter is imperative.
Any man who marries
into this family takes on that fate.
The bloodline must continue.
[Hee-sik] If we can track down
those customers,
it will be
the most definitive proof we can get.
She'll be detained and investigated.
I'll get close to the CEO
and get information out of them.
It's not going to be that easy.
[Nam-soon] Hello, I'm Tsetseg.
[Si-o] Join my inner circle.
I'll change your life.
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